;;; Input method for Greek simulating Greek keyboard.
;;; @image html el-kbd.png "Keyboard Layout"
+;;; @image latex el-kbd.eps "Keyboard Layout" width=\narrowwidth
;; 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ =+ `~
;; ;: ςΣ εΕ ρΡ τΤ υΥ θΘ ιΙ οΟ πΠ [{ ]}
;;; Input method for Hebrew simulating Hebrew keyboard.
;;; @image html he-kbd.png "Keyboard Layout"
+;;; @image latex he-kbd.eps "Keyboard Layout" width=\narrowwidth
;; 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ =+ ;~
;; /Q 'W קE רR אT טY וU ןI םO פP [{ ]}
;;; Input method for Croatian.
;;; Simulating Croatian Latin keyboard on American keyboard.
;;; @image html hr-kbd.png "Keyboard Layout"
+;;; @image latex hr-kbd.eps "Keyboard Layout" width=\narrowwidth
;; 1! 2" 3# 4$ 5% 6& 7/ 8( 9) 0= '? +* ¸¨
;; qQ wW rR eE tT zZ uU iI oO pP šŠ đĐ
;;; Simulating Kazakh keyboard.
;;; @image html kk-kbd.png "Keyboard Layout"
+;;; @image latex kk-kbd.eps "Keyboard Layout" width=\narrowwidth
;; "! әӘ іІ ӊӉ ғҒ ,; .: үҮ ұҰ қҚ өӨ һҺ ()
;; йЙ цЦ уУ кК еЕ нН гГ шШ щЩ зЗ хХ ъЪ
;;; Input method for Latin script with postfix modifiers.
;;; @image html latin-post.png
+;;; @image latex latin-post.eps width=\narrowwidth
;; | mark | postfix | examples
;; |------------+---------+----------
;;; When preceded by a '/', the second and the third rows (number key
;;; row) change as follows.
;;; @image html ru-yawerty2.png
+;;; @image latex ru-yawerty2.eps width=\narrowwidth
;; keytop | Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D
;; -------+---------------------------------------
;; input | Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ Ў Џ
;;; Input method for Slovak simulating the standard Slovak keyboard.
;;; @image html sk-kbd.png "Keyboard Layout"
+;;; @image latex sk-kbd.eps "Keyboard Layout" width=\narrowwidth
;; +1 ľ2 š3 č4 ť5 ž6 ý7 á8 í9 é0 =% '+ ;^
;; qQ wW eE rR tT zZ uU iI oO pP ú/ ä(
;; aA sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL ô" §! ň)
;;; You can also input more characters by the following key sequences:
;;; @image html sk-kbd2.png
+;;; @image latex sk-kbd2.eps width=\narrowwidth
;; key char key char key char key char key char key char
;; --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ----
;;; Input method for Serbian.
;;; Simulating Serbian Cyrillic keyboard on American keyboard.
;;; @image html sr-kbd.png "Keyboard Layout"
+;;; @image latex sr-kbd.eps "Keyboard Layout" width=\narrowwidth
;; 1! 2" 3# 4$ 5% 6& 7' 8( 9) 0= /? +* <>
;; љЉ њЊ еЕ рР тТ зЗ уУ иИ оО пП шШ ђЂ