(title "ắ")
+ (handle-mark
+ (cond (V-PREV
+ (delete @-)
+ (move M)
+ (cond ((| LAST-SPECIAL
+ (& (= V-PREV ?i) (= C ?g))
+ (& (= V-PREV ?u) (= C ?q)))
+ (select SELECT))
+ (1 (move @-) (select SELECT)))
+ (move @>))
+ (delete @-)
+ (move M)
+ (select SELECT)
+ (move @>)))))
;; sfrxj
("a" ("aáàảãạ"))
- ("aa" ("âấầẩẫậ"))
- ("aw" ("ăắằẳẵặ"))
+ ("aa" ("âấầẩẫậ") (set SPECIAL 1))
+ ("aw" ("ăắằẳẵặ") (set SPECIAL 1))
("e" ("eéèẻẽẹ"))
- ("ee" ("êếềểễệ"))
+ ("ee" ("êếềểễệ") (set SPECIAL 1))
("i" ("iíìỉĩị"))
("o" ("oóòỏõọ"))
- ("oo" ("ôốồổỗộ"))
- ("ow" ("ơớờởỡợ"))
+ ("oo" ("ôốồổỗộ") (set SPECIAL 1))
+ ("ow" ("ơớờởỡợ") (set SPECIAL 1))
("u" ("uúùủũụ"))
- ("uw" ("ưứừửữự"))
+ ("uw" ("ưứừửữự") (set SPECIAL 1))
("y" ("yýỳỷỹỵ"))
("A" ("AÁÀẢÃẠ"))
("AA" ("ÂẤẦẨẪẬ")) ("Aa" ("ÂẤẦẨẪẬ"))
("Y" ("YÝỲỶỸỴ")))
- ("s" (cond (MARKED (move 1) (select 1) (move @>)) (1 ?s)))
- ("f" (cond (MARKED (move 1) (select 2) (move @>)) (1 ?f)))
- ("r" (cond (MARKED (move 1) (select 3) (move @>)) (1 ?r)))
- ("x" (cond (MARKED (move 1) (select 4) (move @>)) (1 ?x)))
- ("j" (cond (MARKED (move 1) (select 5) (move @>)) (1 ?j))))
+ ("s" (set SELECT 1) ?s (handle-mark))
+ ("f" (set SELECT 2) ?f (handle-mark))
+ ("r" (set SELECT 3) ?r (handle-mark))
+ ("x" (set SELECT 4) ?x (handle-mark))
+ ("j" (set SELECT 5) ?j (handle-mark)))
- ("ss" (cond (MARKED (move 1) (select 0) (move @>))) ?s)
- ("ff" (cond (MARKED (move 1) (select 0) (move @>))) ?f)
- ("rr" (cond (MARKED (move 1) (select 0) (move @>))) ?r)
- ("xx" (cond (MARKED (move 1) (select 0) (move @>))) ?x)
- ("jj" (cond (MARKED (move 1) (select 0) (move @>))) ?j))
+ ("ss" (move M) (select 0) (move @>) ?s)
+ ("ff" (move M) (select 0) (move @>) ?f)
+ ("rr" (move M) (select 0) (move @>) ?r)
+ ("xx" (move M) (select 0) (move @>) ?x)
+ ("jj" (move M) (select 0) (move @>) ?j))
("b" ?b) ("c" ?c) ("d" ?d) ("g" ?g) ("h" ?h) ("k" ?k) ("l" ?l) ("m" ?m)
- ("n" ?n) ("p" ?p) ("q" ?q) ("t" ?t) ("v" ?v) ("z" ?z))
- (d-bar
+ ("n" ?n) ("p" ?p) ("q" ?q) ("t" ?t) ("v" ?v) ("z" ?z)
("dd" ?đ)
("DD" ?Đ) ("Dd" ?Đ))
- ;; The variable MARKED indicates whether a vowel is typed or not.
- (t (set MARKED 0))
- (vowel (set MARKED 1) (shift after-vowel))
- (d-bar)
+ ;; The variable V1 and V2 indicate whether a vowel is typed or not.
+ (t (set C 0) (set V-LAST 0) (set V-PREV 0) (set SPECIAL 0))
+ (consonant (set C @-))
+ (vowel (mark M) (set V-LAST @-) (set SPECIAL-LAST SPECIAL)
+ (shift after-vowel))
(escape (shift escape))
;; The state shifted to when a vowel is typed. The vowel is the
;; first character of the preedit buffer.
+ (t (set SPECIAL 0))
(consonant (shift after-vc))
- (d-bar (shift after-vc))
(double (shift after-vc))
- (vowel)
+ (vowel (mark M) (set V-PREV V-LAST) (set V-LAST @-)
(diacritical (shift init))
;; The state shifted to when a vowel and consonant are typed. The
;; vowel is the first character of the preedit buffer.
- (diacritical (shift init))
+ (t (set V-PREV 0))
+ (double)
- (d-bar)
- (double))
+ (diacritical (shift init)))