[README for APEL (English Version)]
by MORIOKA Tomohiko <morioka@jaist.ac.jp>
-$Id: README.en,v 1.8 1998-02-12 11:59:06 morioka Exp $
+$Id: README.en,v 1.9 1998-03-08 22:42:42 shuhei-k Exp $
What's APEL?
Via the tm ML, you can report APEL bugs, obtain the latest release
of APEL, and discuss future enhancements to APEL. To join the tm
- ML, send e-mail to
+ ML, send an empty e-mail to
- tm-ja-admin@chamonix.jaist.ac.jp (Japanese)
- tm-en-admin@chamonix.jaist.ac.jp (English)
- Since the user registration is done manually, please write the mail
- body in human-recognizable language (^_^).
+ tm-en-help@chamonix.jaist.ac.jp (English)
+ tm-ja-help@chamonix.jaist.ac.jp (Japanese)