@c @documentlanguage ja
@c %**end of header
@c Wanderlust \e$B$N\e(B texinfo
-@set Time-stamp: <2000-06-16 02:01:17 kaoru>
+@set Time-stamp: <2000-06-16 02:43:37 kaoru>
@set version 2.3.0
@synindex pg cp
\e$B=q<0\e(B: '%' '\e$B%a!<%k%\%C%/%9L>\e(B'[':' '\e$B%f!<%6L>\e(B' ['/' '\e$BG'>ZK!\e(B']]['@@' '\e$B%[%9%HL>\e(B'][':' '\e$B%]!<%HHV9f\e(B']['!']
+@end example
\e$BG'>ZK!$K$O\e(B "auth" (\e$B%(%s%3!<%I$7$F%Q%9%o!<%I$rAw?.\e(B)\e$B$+\e(B
"cram-md5" (cram-md5\e$B$K$h$kG'>Z\e(B)\e$B$+\e(B
"login" (\e$B@8%Q%9%o!<%I$rAw?.\e(B) \e$B$N$$$:$l$+$r;XDj!#\e(B
+@end example
(cram-md5 \e$B$K$h$kG'>Z$r9T$J$&$K$O\e(B \e$BK\%Q%C%1!<%8$N\e(B utils/sasl/ \e$B$r%$%s%9%H!<%k$9$k\e(B
default \e$BCM\e(B:
\e$B%f!<%6L>\e(B -> \e$BJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-default-imap4-user} \e$B$NCM!#\e(B
\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B \e$B4D6-JQ?t\e(B USER \e$B$+!"\e(BLOGNAME \e$B$+!"\e(B(user-login-name) \e$B$NJV$jCM!#\e(B
\e$BG'>ZK!\e(B -> \e$BJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-default-imap4-authenticate-type} \e$B$NCM!#\e(B
\e$B%[%9%HL>\e(B -> \e$BJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-default-imap4-server} \e$B$NCM!#\e(B
\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B "localhost"\e$B!#\e(B
\e$B%]!<%HHV9f\e(B-> \e$BJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-default-imap4-port} \e$B$NCM!#\e(B
- \e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B "143"\e$B!#\e(B
+ \e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B 143\e$B!#\e(B
+@end example
\e$B%a%$%s$G;HMQ$9$k\e(B IMAP \e$B%5!<%P$rJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-default-imap4-server}
\e$B$K@ZBX$($^$9!#JQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-imap4-force-login} \e$B$,\e(B non-nil \e$B$J$i$P!"\e(B
\e$B3NG'L5$7$K\e(B "login" \e$B$K@ZBX$($^$9\e(B(\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B nil)\e$B!#\e(B
\e$BNc\e(B: %inbox -> IMAP \e$B$N%a!<%k%\%C%/%9!"\e(B"inbox"
%#mh/inbox -> IMAP \e$B$N%a!<%k%\%C%/%9!"\e(B"#mh/inbox"
\e$B=q<0\e(B: '-' '\e$B%K%e!<%9%0%k!<%WL>\e(B'[[':' '\e$B%f!<%6L>\e(B']['@@' '\e$B%[%9%HL>\e(B'][':' '\e$B%]!<%HHV9f\e(B']]['!']
+@end example
default \e$BCM\e(B:
\e$B%[%9%HL>\e(B -> \e$BJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-default-nntp-server} \e$B$NCM!#=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B "localhost"\e$B!#\e(B
\e$B%f!<%6L>\e(B -> \e$BJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-default-nntp-user} \e$B$NCM!#=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B nil\e$B!#\e(B
\e$B%]!<%HHV9f\e(B-> \e$BJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-default-nntp-port} \e$B$NCM!#\e(B
\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B 119\e$B!#\e(B
+@end example
\e$B%f!<%6L>$,\e(B non-nil \e$B$N>l9g$O\e(BAUTHINFO\e$B$K$h$kG'>Z$r9T$J$$$^$9!#\e(B
\e$B%U%)%k%@L>$N:G8e$K\e(B @samp{!} \e$B$,IU$$$F$$$k$H!"\e(BSSL \e$B$rMxMQ$7$F%3%M%/%7%g%s$rD%$j$^$9!#\e(B
STARTTLS \e$B$rMxMQ$9$k$K$O!"$5$i$K!"\e(Bstarttls\e$B%Q%C%1!<%8$r%$%s%9%H!<%k\e(B
\e$BNc\e(B: -fj.rec.tv -> \e$B%K%e!<%9%0%k!<%W!"\e(Bfj.rec.tv\e$B!#\e(B
-fj.rec.tv@@newsserver -> newsserver \e$B>e$N%K%e!<%9%0%k!<%W!"\e(Bfj.rec.tv\e$B!#\e(B
@end example
\e$B=q<0\e(B: '+' '\e$B%G%#%l%/%H%jL>\e(B'
+@end example
\e$B%G%#%l%/%H%jL>$O!"DL>o!"JQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-localdir-folder-path}
(\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B @file{~/Mail}) \e$B$+$i$NAjBP%Q%9$G$9$,!"\e(B
\e$BNc\e(B: +inbox -> "~/Mail/inbox"
+from/teranisi -> "~/Mail/from/teranisi"
+~/test -> "~/test"
\e$B=q<0\e(B: '.' '\e$B%G%#%l%/%H%jL>\e(B'
+@end example
\e$B%G%#%l%/%H%jL>$O!"DL>o!"JQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-maildir-folder-path} (\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B
@file{~/Maildir}) \e$B$+$i$NAjBP%Q%9$G$9$,!"\e(B@samp{/} \e$B$d\e(B @samp{~} \e$B$G;O$^$C$F\e(B
-Maildir \e$B$O!"\e(Bcur\e$B!"\e(Bnew\e$B!"\e(Btmp \e$B$N%G%#%l%/%H%j$r4^$s$G$$$^$9!#<B:]$K%a%C%;!<%8\e(B
-\e$B$,4^$^$l$k$N$O!";XDj%G%#%l%/%H%jD>2<$N\e(B cur \e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$G$9!#;XDj%G%#%l\e(B
-\e$B%/%H%jD>2<$N\e(B new \e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$K4^$^$l$k%a%C%;!<%8%U%!%$%k$O!"%"%/%;%9;~\e(B
-\e$B$K\e(B cur \e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$X0\F0$5$l$^$9!#$^$?!"\e(Btmp \e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$K4^$^$l!"\e(B36 \e$B;~\e(B
+Maildir \e$B$O!"\e(B@file{cur}, @file{new}, @file{tmp} \e$B$N%G%#%l%/%H%j$r4^$s$G$$$^$9!#\e(B
+\e$B<B:]$K%a%C%;!<%8$,4^$^$l$k$N$O!";XDj%G%#%l%/%H%jD>2<$N\e(B @file{cur} \e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$G$9!#\e(B
+\e$B;XDj%G%#%l%/%H%jD>2<$N\e(B @file{new} \e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$K4^$^$l$k%a%C%;!<%8%U%!%$%k$O!"\e(B
+\e$B%"%/%;%9;~$K\e(B @file{cur} \e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$X0\F0$5$l$^$9!#\e(B
+\e$B$^$?!"\e(B@file{tmp} \e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$K4^$^$l!"\e(B36 \e$B;~4V0J>e%"%/%;%9$,L5$$%a%C%;!<%8%U%!%$%k$O:o=|$5$l$^$9!#\e(B
\e$B$3$NF0:n$O\e(B @samp{http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html}
(\e$BF|K\8lLu$O\e(B @samp{http://www.jp.qmail.org/q103/jman5/maildir.html})
\e$BNc\e(B: . -> "~/Maildir"
.inbox -> "~/Maildir/inbox"
.from/teranisi -> "~/Maildir/from/teranisi"
\e$B=q<0\e(B: '=' '\e$B%G%#%l%/%H%jL>\e(B'
+@end example
\e$B%G%#%l%/%H%jL>$O!"JQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-localnews-folder-path}
(\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B @file{~/News})
\e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$N6h@Z$j$O\e(B @samp{.} \e$B$G$b2D$G$9!#\e(B
\e$BNc\e(B: =fj/os/os2 -> "~/News/fj/os/os2"
=fj.os.bsd.freebsd -> "~/News/fj/os/bsd/freebsd"
@end example
\e$B=q<0\e(B: '$' '\e$B%G%#%l%/%H%jL>\e(B' [';' \e$B%"!<%+%$%P%?%$%W\e(B ';' \e$B%W%l%U%#%/%9\e(B]
+@end example
\e$B!X%G%#%l%/%H%jL>!Y$O!"DL>o!"JQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-archive-folder-path}
(\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B @file{~/Mail}) \e$B$+$i$NAjBP%Q%9$G$9$,!"\e(B
\e$BNc$($P\e(B ML \e$B%5!<%P$,\e(B fml \e$B$N>l9g!"\e(B@file{msend.tar.gz} \e$B$O\e(B @file{spool/1} \e$B$N\e(B
\e$B$h$&$J9=B$$J$N$G!"\e(B"spool" \e$B$r;XDj$7$^$9!#\e(B
\e$BNc\e(B: $teranisi -> "~/Mail/teranisi/elmo-archive.zip"
$bsd/freebsd;lha -> "~/Mail/bsd/freebsd/elmo-archive.lzh"
$/foo@@server:~/bar;zoo -> server \e$B>e$N\e(B "~/bar/elmo-archive.zoo"
GNU tar 1.11.8 + 1.5(WIN32)
GZIP 1.2.4
RAR 2.06
+@end example
\e$B"(\e(B LHA \e$B$K4X$9$kCm0U\e(B
--delete -f \e$B$r=<J,%F%9%H$7$F$*$$$F$/$@$5$$!#$J$*!">e5-$N$b$N$G$O\e(B
-@end example
@node Archive Tips, Archive Vars, Archiver, Archive Folder
\e$B=q<0\e(B: '&' ['\e$B%f!<%6L>\e(B'][['/' '\e$BG'>ZK!\e(B']['@@' '\e$B%[%9%HL>\e(B'][':' '\e$B%]!<%HHV9f\e(B']]['!']
+@end example
-\e$BG'>ZK!$K$O!"0J2<$N\e(B 2 \e$B<oN`$,$"$j$^$9!#\e(B
- "user" (\e$B@8%Q%9%o!<%I$rAw?.$7$FG'>Z\e(B)
- "apop" (APOP \e$B$GG'>Z\e(B)
+\e$BG'>ZK!$K$O!"\e(B@samp{user} (\e$B@8%Q%9%o!<%I$rAw?.$7$FG'>Z\e(B) \e$B$H\e(B
+@samp{apop} (APOP \e$B$GG'>Z\e(B) \e$B$N\e(B 2 \e$B<oN`$,$"$j$^$9!#\e(B
default \e$BCM\e(B:
\e$B%f!<%6L>\e(B -> \e$BJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-default-pop3-user} \e$B$NCM!#\e(B
\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B \e$B4D6-JQ?t\e(B @code{USER} \e$B$+!"\e(B@code{LOGNAME} \e$B$+!"\e(B(user-login-name) \e$B$NJV$jCM!#\e(B
\e$BG'>ZK!\e(B -> \e$BJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-default-pop3-authenticate-type} \e$B$NCM!#\e(B
\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B "localhost"\e$B!#\e(B
\e$B%]!<%HHV9f\e(B -> \e$BJQ?t\e(B @code{elmo-pop3-default-port} \e$B$NCM!#\e(B
\e$B=i4|@_Dj$O\e(B 110\e$B!#\e(B
+@end example
\e$BNc\e(B: &hoge@@localhost -> localhost \e$B$X%f!<%6\e(B "hoge" \e$B$G%"%/%;%9!#\e(B
&hoge@@popserver:109 -> \e$B%[%9%H\e(B "popserver" \e$B$N%]!<%H\e(B 109 \e$BHV$X\e(B
\e$B%f!<%6\e(B "hoge" \e$B$G%"%/%;%9!#\e(B
\e$B=q<0\e(B: '*' '\e$B%U%)%k%@\e(B' [',' '\e$B%U%)%k%@\e(B'] ... [',' '\e$B%U%)%k%@\e(B']
+@end example
@samp{*} \e$B$N8e$K\e(B \e$B%U%)%k%@\e(B,\e$B%U%)%k%@\e(B,@dots{},\e$B%U%)%k%@\e(B \e$B$N$h$&$K\e(B ',' (\e$B%3%s%^\e(B)\e$B$G6h@Z$C$F\e(B
-> -fj.editor.xemacs, -fj.editor.mule, -fj.editor.emacs \e$B$,0l$D$N\e(B
\e$B=q<0\e(B: '/' '\e$B>r7o\e(B' '/' '\e$B%U%)%k%@\e(B'
+@end example
last: \e$BA4%a%C%;!<%8$NKvHx$+$i\e(B'\e$B?t;z\e(B'\e$B$N?t$@$1%a%C%;!<%8$r@Z$j=P$7$^$9!#\e(B
/last:10/-fj.os.linux -> -fj.os.linux \e$B$N:G6a$N\e(B 10 \e$B8D$N%a%C%;!<%8\e(B
/first:20/%inbox -> %inbox \e$B$N:G=i$N\e(B 20 \e$B8D$rI=<($9$k%U%)%k%@\e(B
+@end example
2. \e$BF|IU$1%U%#%k%?!'\e(B "since:\e$BF|IU\e(B" "before:\e$BF|IU\e(B"
'\e$BF|IU\e(B' \e$B$K$O0J2<$,=q$1$^$9!#\e(B
yesterday -> \e$B:rF|\e(B
lastweek -> \e$B@h=5$N:#F|\e(B
lastmonth -> \e$B@h7n$N:#F|\e(B
lastyear -> \e$B5nG/$N:#F|\e(B
'\e$B?t;z\e(B'daysago -> '\e$B?t;z\e(B' \e$BF|A0\e(B (e.x. 3daysago)
'\e$BF|\e(B'-'\e$B7n$NN,L>\e(B'-'\e$BG/\e(B' -> \e$BF|IU$1$=$N$b$N$N;XDj\e(B (ex. 1-Nov-1998)
+@end example
/since:3daysago/+inbox \e$B"*\e(B \e$B:G6a#3F|4V$N\e(B +inbox \e$BCf$N%a%C%;!<%8!#\e(B
/before:yesterday/+inbox \e$B"*\e(B \e$B$-$N$&$h$j0JA0$N\e(B +inbox \e$BCf$N%a%C%;!<%8!#\e(B
+@end example
3. \e$B%U%#!<%k%I%U%#%k%?!'\e(B "\e$B%U%#!<%k%IL>\e(B=\e$BJ8;zNs\e(B"
/from=teranisi/+inbox -> +inbox \e$B$G!"\e(BFrom: \e$B%U%#!<%k%I$K\e(B "teranisi"
/body=\e$B$J$s$H$+\e(B/%inbox -> %inbox \e$B$G!"K\J8$K\e(B "\e$B$J$s$H$+\e(B"
+@end example
"|" \e$B$G6h@Z$C$F\e(B OR \e$B>r7o$r;XDj$G$-$^$9!#\e(B
\e$B$^$?!"\e(B/tocc=xxxx/ \e$B$O!"\e(B/to=xxxx|cc=xxxx/ \e$B$HF1$8$K$J$j$^$9!#\e(B
-> +inbox \e$B$G\e(BTo: \e$B%U%#!<%k%I$+\e(B From: \e$B%U%#!<%k%I$K\e(B
"teranisi" \e$B$r4^$`%a%C%;!<%8$N%U%)%k%@\e(B
/tocc=teranisi/+inbox -> +inbox \e$B$G!"\e(BTo: \e$B%U%#!<%k%I$+\e(B Cc: \e$B%U%#!<%k%I$K\e(B
"teranisi" \e$B$r4^$`%a%C%;!<%8$N%U%)%k%@\e(B
+@end example
-> %inbox\e$B!"$*$h$S!"\e(B
%inbox@@server \e$B$NCf$G\e(B From \e$B%U%#!<%k%I$,\e(B "teranisi" \e$B$N%a%C%;!<%872!"\e(B
-> %#mh/inbox@@localhost \e$B$NCf$G!"\e(BTo \e$B$+\e(B Cc \e$B$K\e(B "teranisi" \e$B$,4^$^$l$k\e(B
\e$B%a%C%;!<%8$N:G6a$N\e(B 20 \e$B8D$N$&$A!"\e(BFrom \e$B$,\e(B "hogehoge" \e$B$N$b$N$r\e(B
-;;; --- \e$B<BAu>e$N@)Ls\e(B ---
-;;; \e$B8=:_$N$H$3$m!"\e(Bnntp \e$B%U%)%k%@$OF|IU%U%#%k%?!"%U%#!<%k%I%U%#%k%?\e(B
-;;; \e$B$r=q$1$^$;$s!#\e(B
-;;; \e$B$^$?!"\e(Bimap4 \e$B%U%)%k%@\e(B \e$B$G$O\e(B rfc2060 \e$B$N\e(B search \e$B%3%^%s%I$K$=$N$^$^\e(B
-;;; \e$BM?$($i$l$k$b$N$7$+>r7o$N%U%#!<%k%IL>$K=q$1$^$;$s!#\e(B
-;;; (-> to,cc,from,subject,body \e$B$N$_\e(B)
-;;; localdir \e$B$N%U%)%k%@$K$OG$0U$N%U%#!<%k%IL>$r=q$1$^$9!#\e(B
@end example
+--- \e$B<BAu>e$N@)Ls\e(B ---
+\e$B8=:_$N$H$3$m!"\e(Bnntp \e$B%U%)%k%@$OF|IU%U%#%k%?!"%U%#!<%k%I%U%#%k%?\e(B
+\e$B$^$?!"\e(Bimap4 \e$B%U%)%k%@\e(B \e$B$G$O\e(B rfc2060 \e$B$N\e(B search \e$B%3%^%s%I$K$=$N$^$^\e(B
+(-> to,cc,from,subject,body \e$B$N$_\e(B)
+localdir \e$B$N%U%)%k%@$K$OG$0U$N%U%#!<%k%IL>$r=q$1$^$9!#\e(B
@node Pipe Folder, Internal Folder, Filter Folder, Folders
@section \e$B%Q%$%W%U%)%k%@\e(B
\e$B=q<0\e(B: '|'\e$B<h$j9~$_85\e(B'|'\e$B<h$j9~$_@h\e(B
+@end example
\e$B0\F0$7$^$9!#\e(BPOP \e$B$rMxMQ$7$F%a%C%;!<%8$r%m!<%+%k$K%@%&%s%m!<%I$7$F1\Mw$7$?$$\e(B
+@end example
-&username@@popserver \e$B$+$i!"\e(B+inbox \e$B$X%a%C%;!<%8$,<+F0E*$K<h$j9~$^$l$^$9!#\e(B
+@samp{&username@@popserver} \e$B$+$i\e(B @samp{+inbox} \e$B$X!"%a%C%;!<%8$,<+F0E*$K<h$j9~$^$l$^$9!#\e(B
\e$BNc\e(B: %inbox|%myinbox -> %inbox \e$B$+$i\e(B %myinbox \e$B$X%a%C%;!<%8$r<h$j9~$s$G\e(B
\e$B=q<0\e(B: 'mark
+@end example
'mark \e$B$H$$$&%U%)%k%@$O!"8e=R$N!X=EMW%^!<%/\e(B @samp{$}\e$B!Y$,$D$$$?%a%C%;!<%8$r\e(B
'cache/00 \e$B!A\e(B 1F \e$B$O%M%C%H%o!<%/7PM3$GFI$s$@%a%C%;!<%8$N%-%c%C%7%e$K%"%/%;\e(B
\e$B%9$9$k$?$a$N%U%)%k%@$G$9!#\e(B00 \e$B!A\e(B 1F \e$B$K$O!"%-%c%C%7%e%G%#%l%/%H%j\e(B
-@end example
@c Folder
@c @documentlanguage en
@c %**end of header
@c texinfo of Wanderlust
-@set Time-stamp: <2000-06-16 02:01:17 kaoru>
+@set Time-stamp: <2000-06-16 02:43:37 kaoru>
@set version 2.3.0
@synindex pg cp
Format: '%' 'IMAP mailbox'[':' 'username' ['/' 'authenticate-type']]['@@' 'hostname'][':' 'port']['!']
+@end example
You can specify
"auth" (encoded password transmission), "cram-md5" (cram-md5 authentication)
username -> The value of @code{elmo-default-imap4-user}.
Initial setting is `USER' environment variable or
`LOGNAME' environment variable or return value of
Initial setting is "localhost".
port -> The value of @code{elmo-default-imap4-port}.
Initial setting is 143.
+@end example
You can omit the hostname from folder names if you set
@code{elmo-default-imap4-server} as your main IMAP server.
is non-nil, authentication will fall back to "login" without confirmation
(default value is nil).
Example: %inbox -> IMAP mailbox "inbox"
%#mh/inbox -> IMAP mailbox "#mh/inbox"
Format: '-' 'newsgroup'[[':' 'username']['@@' 'hostname'][':' 'port']]['!']
+@end example
hostname -> The value of @code{elmo-default-nntp-server}.
Initial setting is "localhost".
username -> The value of @code{elmo-default-nntp-user}.
Initial setting is nil.
port -> The value of @code{elmo-default-nntp-port}.
Initial setting is 119.
+@end example
AUTHINFO is used as authentication method if the username is non-nil.
SSL will be default method if @code{elmo-default-nntp-ssl} is non-nil even
if the value of @code{elmo-default-nntp-ssl} is 'starttls,
STARTTLS will be the default connection.
Example: -fj.rec.tv -> Newsgroup `fj.rec.tv'.
-fj.rec.tv@@newsserver -> Newsgroup `fj.rec.tv' on newsserver.
@end example
Format: '+' 'directory-name'
+@end example
Normally, directory paths are relative to variable
@code{elmo-localdir-folder-path} (default is @file{~/Mail}), but if it
Message number is used for the name of the message file.
Example: +inbox -> "~/Mail/inbox"
+from/teranisi -> "~/Mail/from/teranisi"
+~/test -> "~/test"
Format: '.' 'directory-name'
+@end example
Normally, directory paths are relative to variable
@code{elmo-maildir-folder-path} (default is @file{~/Maildir}), but if it
These behaviors are defined the @samp{http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html}.
Example: . -> "~/Maildir"
.inbox -> "~/Maildir/inbox"
.from/teranisi -> "~/Maildir/from/teranisi"
Format: '=' 'directory-name'
+@end example
directory-name is sub-directory to the directory defined by variable
-@code{elmo-localnews-folder-path} (default is "~/News")
+@code{elmo-localnews-folder-path} (default is @file{~/News})
You can use @samp{.} as directory delimiter as well as @samp{/}.
Example: =fj/os/os2 -> "~/News/fj/os/os2"
=fj.os.bsd.freebsd -> "~/News/fj/os/bsd/freebsd"
@end example
Format: '$' 'path-name' [';' archiver-type ';' prefix]
+@end example
`path-name' is the relative path from @code{elmo-archive-folder-path}
(initial setting is @file{~/Mail}).
For example, if the ML server is fml, @file{msend.tar.gz} has a structure like
@file{spool/1}, so you have to specify "spool" as `prefix'.
Example: $teranisi -> "~/Mail/teranisi/elmo-archive.zip"
$bsd/freebsd;lha -> "~/Mail/bsd/freebsd/elmo-archive.lzh"
$/foo@@server:~/bar;zoo -> "~/bar/elmo-archive.zoo" on ftp server
GNU tar 1.11.8 + 1.5(WIN32)
GZIP 1.2.4
RAR 2.06
+@end example
* Caution about LHA
Please test --delete -f options work. Otherwise, your archive will be
destroyed. No problem is reported on above versions of GNU tar.
-@end example
@node Archive Tips, Archive Vars, Archiver, Archive Folder
Format: '&' ['username'][['/' 'authenticate-type']['@@' 'hostname'][':' 'port']]['!']
+@end example
You can specify
"user" (plain password transmission) or "apop" (APOP authentication)
as authenticate-type.
username -> The value of @code{elmo-default-pop3-user}.
Initial setting is @code{USER} environment variable or
@code{LOGNAME} environment variable or return value of
Initial setting is "localhost".
port -> The value of @code{elmo-pop3-default-port}.
Initial setting is 110.
+@end example
Example: &hoge@@localhost -> access to localhost as user "hoge".
&hoge@@popserver:109 -> access to the server "popserver" on port 109
as user "hoge".
Format: '*' 'folder' [',' 'folder'] ... [',' 'folder']
+@end example
After @samp{*} character, specify multiple folders you want to collect
separated by ',' like folder1,folder2,@dots{},folderN.
-> -fj.editor.xemacs, -fj.editor.mule and -fj.editor.emacs are
treated as one folder.
Format: '/' 'condition' '/' 'target-folder'
+@end example
In the 'condition' part, you can specify following.
last: 'NUMBER' messages are picked from bottom of folder.
/last:10/-fj.os.linux -> Latest 10 messages from -fj.os.linux are picked.
/first:20/%inbox -> First 20 messages from %inbox are picked.
+@end example
2. Date filter: "since:DATE" "before:DATE"
You can specify following as 'DATE'.
yesterday -> a day before today.
lastweek -> same day of last week.
lastmonth -> same day of last month.
lastyear -> same day of last year.
'NUMBER'daysago -> 'NUMBER' days ago. (e.x. '3daysago')
'DAY'-'MONTH'-'YEAR' -> specify date directly (ex. 1-Nov-1998)
+@end example
/since:3daysago/+inbox -> messages arrived since 3 days ago in +inbox
are picked.
/before:yesterday/+inbox -> messages arrived before yesterday in +inbox
are picked.
+@end example
3. Field filter: "FIELD=VALUE"
'FIELD' and 'VALUE' are case insensitive.
/from=teranisi/+inbox -> In +inbox, messages which have From: field
and its value includes "teranisi" string are picked.
/body=foo/%inbox -> In %inbox, messages which have "foo" text
are picked.
+@end example
If you can split conditions by character "|", it is considered as OR condition.
/tocc=xxxx/ is an abbreviation of /to=xxxx|cc=xxxx/.
-> In +inbox, messages are picked if
the message's To: field includes
/tocc=teranisi/+inbox -> In +inbox, messages are picked if
the message's To: field or Cc: field includes
+@end example
Advanced example:
-> Messages in %inbox or
message is in the %inbox@@server folder and it's From field
-> Pick messages which have From: field and it includes "hogehoge"
from latest 20 messages in the %#mh/inbox@@localhost
and To: or Cc: field includes "teranisi".
-;;; --- Limit of implementation ---
-;;; In the current implementation, NNTP folder does not treat date filter and
-;;; field filter.
-;;; In IMAP4 folder, field filter only supports fields which can be
-;;; passed directly to rfc2060's search command.
-;;; (i.e. to,cc,from,subject and body)
-;;; Localdir folder treats arbitrary field name.
@end example
+ --- Limit of implementation ---
+In the current implementation, NNTP folder does not treat date filter and
+field filter.
+In IMAP4 folder, field filter only supports fields which can be
+passed directly to rfc2060's search command.
+(i.e. to,cc,from,subject and body)
+Localdir folder treats arbitrary field name.
@node Pipe Folder, Internal Folder, Filter Folder, Folders
@section Pipe Folder
@cindex Pipe Folder
Format: '|' source-folder '|' destination-folder
+@end example
When you access to the pipe folder, messages are automatically transferred
from source-folder to destination-folder.
It is convenient if you want to download messages to local disk via POP.
For example, if you specify following
+@end example
and access to it, messages are downloaded automatically from
-&username@@popserver to +inbox.
+&username@@popserver to @samp{+inbox}.
Example: %inbox|%myinbox -> Download %inbox to %myinbox.
-> Download from &user@@popserver1 and &user@@popserver2 to +inbox.
Format: 'mark
'cache/00 - 1F
+@end example
A folder named 'mark is a special virtual folder which collects messages
which have important mark @samp{$}.
You can access to the cached messages fetched via network by accessing
to the folders named 'cache/00 - 1F. 00 - 1F are the name of the
subdirectories of the cache directory (@file{~/.elmo/cache}).
-@end example
@c Folder