* What's this? EasyPG is yet another GnuPG interface for Emacs. It consists of two parts: - "The EasyPG Assistant" which provides basic GUI of GnuPG - "The EasyPG Library" which enables use of various features of GnuPG NOTE: EasyPG is neither a fork nor a re-implementation of Gnus/PGG. * Requirements ** GNU Emacs 21.4 or XEmacs 21.4 ** GnuPG 1.4.3 * Quick start ** Installation $ ./configure $ sudo make install Add the following line to your ~/.emacs (require 'epa-setup) Then you can do some cryptographic operations on dired. M-x dired (mark some files) : e (or M-x epg-dired-do-encrypt) (select recipients and click [OK]) * Security consideration ** `call-process-region' writes data in region to a temporary file `call-process-region' writes data in region to a temporary file. EasyPG does *not* use `call-process-region' to communicate with a gpg subprocess. ** `(fillarray string 0)' is not enough to clear passphrases If Emacs crashes and dumps core, passphrase strings in memory are also dumped within the core file. `read-passwd' function clears passphrase strings by `(fillarray string 0)'. However, Emacs performs compaction in gc_sweep phase. If GC happens before `fillarray', passphrase strings may be moved elsewhere in memory. Fortunately, there is gpg-agent to cache passphrases in more secure way, so the EasyPG Library dares *not* to cache passphrase by itself. Elisp programs can set `epg-context-passphrase-callback' to cache user's passphrases.