[README for tm (English Version)] by MORIOKA Tomohiko and KOBAYASHI Shuhei $Id: README.en,v 7.19 1996/05/08 15:25:04 morioka Exp $ 1 What's tm? tm is a MIME package for GNU Emacs. tm has following functions: - MIME style multilingual header - MIME message viewer (mime/viewer-mode) - MIME message composer (mime/editor-mode) - MIME extenders for mh-e, GNUS, RMAIL and VM 2 Documents This package includes following documents. (1) English edition - tm/doc/tm_en.texi : tm Reference Manual (TeXinfo) - tm/doc/tm-gnus_en.texi: tm-gnus Reference Manual (TeXinfo) - tm/doc/tm-mh-e_en.texi: tm-mh-e Reference Manual (TeXinfo) (2) Japanese edition - tm/doc/tm_ja.tex : tm Reference Manual (TeXinfo) - tm/doc/tm-gnus_ja.texi : tm-gnus Reference Manual (TeXinfo) - tm/doc/tm-mh-e_ja.texi : tm-mh-e Reference Manual (TeXinfo) - tm/doc/signature-jp.ol : signature.el Reference Manual (Emacs Outline) - tm/doc/signature-jp.tex: signature.el Reference Manual (LaTeX) 3 Modules tm has following modules: - tm-view : MIME viewer - tm-parse.el : MIME message parser - tm-play.el : MIME content player - tm-ew-d.el : MIME encoded-word decoder - preview filter for tm-view - tm-text : for text/* - tm-image : for image/* and X-Face - internal methods for tm-view - tm-partial : automatic assembler for message/partial - tm-ftp : for anonymous ftp - tm-file : for file extraction - tm-tar : for tar content - tm-latex : for LaTeX - tm-html : for text/html - tm-pgp : for PGP - tm-edit : MIME composer (mime.el and tm-comp.el were merged) - tm-ew-e.el : MIME encoded-word encoder - tm-def : definition module for tm - tm-MUAs : MIME extender for MUAs - tm-mh-e : tm-MUA for mh-e - tm-gnus : tm-MUA for GNUS - tm-rmail : tm-MUA for RMAIL - tm-vm : tm-MUA for vm - tm-mail : tm-MUA library module for mail-mode - mime-setup: set up module for MIME - tm-setup: set up only reading 4 Install 4.1 edit tm/TM-CFG (optional) You can edit tm/TM-CFG file. In default, tm is installed into /usr/local/. If you want to change, please modify the variable `PREFIX'. 4.2 tm-gnus (optional) If you use optional GNUS or Gnus, which is not included in Emacs distribution, you must edit following files before make. If you use Emacs 18.* and GNUS 3.*, please edit tm/gnus/g3-path. If you use Emacs 18.* and GNUS 4.*, please edit tm/gnus/g4-path. If you use Gnus 5.0.*, please edit tm/gnus/g5-path. If you use September Gnus, please edit tm/gnus/s-path. 4.3 edit external methods (optional) You can edit external methods in `tm/methods/' directory for your environment. tm/methods/tm-au for audio tm/methods/tm-file for file extraction tm/methods/tm-image for image tm/methods/tm-mpeg for MPEG tm/methods/tm-plain for plain text tm/methods/tm-html for HTML tm/methods/tmdecode decoder In default, tmdecode uses `mmencode' command. If you don't have metamail package, please modify tmdecode to use decode-b instead of mmencode. 4.4 make Run `make all'. You can specify Emacs command name, for example if you want to use `mule' as Emacs command: % make all EMACS=mule 4.5 install Run `make install'. You can specify Emacs command name, for example if you want to use `xemacs' as Emacs command: % make install EMACS=xemacs 6 .emacs Please insert `(load "mime-setup")' in ~/.emacs. 6.1 automatic MIME preview support tm-gnus provides automatic MIME preview feature for GNUS 3.15 or later, Gnus 5.0.*, Gnus 5.1, and September Gnus. If you don't want to use automatic MIME preview feature, please insert following to ~/.emacs. (setq tm-gnus/automatic-mime-preview nil) In addition, September Gnus has automatic MIME preview supporting feature. Of course, tm-gnus provides this feature for other GNUS and Gnus, but it is unnatural. When automatic MIME preview mode, GNUS and Gnus do MIME processing if a message has a Mime-Version field. If it does not have, GNUS and Gnus does not do MIME processing, in default. Gnus 5.0.*, 5.1 and September Gnus have a variable `gnus-strict-mime'. If you insert (setq gnus-strict-mime nil) Gnus do MIME processing even if a message does not have Mime-Version field. In September Gnus, if `gnus-strict-mime' is not nil, variable `gnus-decode-encoded-word-method' is called. tm-gnus uses it to decode RFC 1522 encoded-word. So it is not necessary to reset `gnus-strict-mime'. 6.2 VM If you use vm, please insert `(require 'tm-vm)' in ~/.vm. tm works well with BBDB: If you use VM, please insert (require 'tm-vm) *after* (bbdb-insinuate-vm). 6.3 PGP If you have PGP and Mailcrypt package, you can use PGP on MIME. Currently, 2 drafts (draft-elkins-pem-pgp-02.txt and draft-kazu-pgp-mime-00.txt) are proposed, so tm provides both way. For decoding, please insert following into ~/.emacs: ====================================================================== (call-after-loaded 'tm-view (function (lambda () (require 'tm-pgp) ))) ====================================================================== tm-pgp.el is a internal method modules to support PGP. For encoding, tm-edit provides 2 mechanism. One is for signing or encrypting for message as application/pgp. There are two command `mime-editor/set-sign' and `mime-editor/set-encrypt'. They set a message is signed, encrypted or not. Another one is for content. There are 2 kinds of enclosure for PGP: ``signed'' and ``encrypted''. Their enclosure are bound to key and menu. If you use this mechanism, please specify 2 variables: `mime-editor/signing-type' and `mime-editor/encrypting-type'. They requires following values: pgp-elkins processed as draft-elkins-pem-pgp-02.txt pgp-kazu processed as draft-kazu-pgp-mime-00.txt nil not processed If you use ``signed'' and ``encrypted'' as draft-elkins-pem-pgp-02.txt, please insert following into ~/.emacs: ====================================================================== (setq mime-editor/signing-type 'pgp-elkins) (setq mime-editor/encrypting-type 'pgp-elkins) ====================================================================== If you use ``signed'' and ``encrypted'' as draft-kazu-pgp-mime-00.txt, please insert following into ~/.emacs: ====================================================================== (setq mime-editor/signing-type 'pgp-kazu) (setq mime-editor/encrypting-type 'pgp-kazu) ====================================================================== 6.4 setting sample for hilit19 ====================================================================== (cond (window-system (require 'hilit19) (let* ((csubject-patterns '(("^\\[.+\\]$" nil msg-subject))) (header-patterns '(("^Subject:.*$" nil msg-subject) ("^From:.*$" nil msg-from) ("^--text follows this line--$" nil msg-separator) ("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]+:" nil msg-header) )) (body-patterns '(("^\\(In article\\|[ \t]*\\w*[]<>}|]\\).*$" nil msg-quote))) (message-patterns (append ;;csubject-patterns header-patterns body-patterns)) ) (hilit-set-mode-patterns 'msg-header header-patterns) (hilit-set-mode-patterns 'msg-body body-patterns) (hilit-set-mode-patterns 'mime/viewer-mode message-patterns 'hilit-rehighlight-message) ) (add-hook 'mime-viewer/content-header-filter-hook (lambda () (if (not (eq mime::preview/original-major-mode 'gnus-original-article-mode)) (hilit-rehighlight-buffer-quietly) ))) (add-hook 'mime-viewer/plain-text-preview-hook (lambda () (if (not (eq mime::preview/original-major-mode 'gnus-original-article-mode)) (hilit-rehighlight-buffer-quietly) ))) )) ====================================================================== 6.5 setting sample for browse-url If you have browse-url.el (included in Gnus 5.*, September Gnus and Emacs 19.30 or later), you can use URL button in mime/viewer-mode. Following is setting sample: ====================================================================== (setq browse-url-browser-function (if (eq window-system 'x) 'browse-url-netscape 'browse-url-w3)) (autoload browse-url-browser-function "browse-url" "Ask a WWW browser to show a URL." t) ====================================================================== 7 How to use mime/viewer-mode In tm-MUAs, you can use mime/viewer-mode if you press `v' key (in VM, `Z' key) in Summary mode. Or automatic MIME previewed buffer's major-mode is mime/viewer-mode. mime/viewer-mode has following functions: q quit from mime/viewer-mode u move to upper content p move to previous content n move to next content SPC scroll up or move to next content M-SPC scroll down or move to previous content DEL scroll down or move to previous content RET move to next line M-RET move to previous line < move to beginning of message > move to end of message v play current content e extract as file current content C-c C-p print current content f display X-Face in current message button-2 move to point under the mouse cursor and play current content or browse URL 8 Bug report If you write bug-reports and/or propositions for improvement, please post them to following news groups: fj.editor.emacs (Japanese or English) fj.editor.mule (Japanese or English; if you use Mule) gnu.emacs.help (English) fj.news.reader.gnus (Japanese or English; about GNUS and Gnus) gnu.emacs.gnus (English; about GNUS and Gnus) gnu.emacs.vm.info (English; about tm-vm) or send to tm ML: bug-tm-en@chamonix.jaist.ac.jp (English) bug-tm-ja@chamonix.jaist.ac.jp (Japanese) Via tm ML, You can report bugs of tm, obtain the latest release of tm package, and discuss the future enhancements to tm. To join tm ML, send a mail to tm-admin@chamonix.jaist.ac.jp (Japanese or English) tm-eng-admin@chamonix.jaist.ac.jp (English) Since the user registration is manually done, please write the mail body in human-recognizable language (^_^). 9 How to get new version tm is available from following anonymous ftp site: ftp://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/GNU/elisp/mime/ (Japan) and its mirrors: ftp://ftp.nis.co.jp/pub/gnu/emacs-lisp/tm/ (Japan) ftp://ftp.nisiq.net/pub/gnu/emacs-lisp/tm/ (US) 10 TODO - MUA specific key bind system for mime/viewer-mode - better identification calculus system as successor of atype system - development of internal method for message/external-body based on tm-ftp - better automatic MIME preview support - etc.