# SCRIPT.awk -- awk script to generate SCRIPT.tab # Copyright (C) 2007 # National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) # Registration Number H15PRO112 # This file is part of the m17n database; a sub-part of the m17n # library. # The m17n library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # The m17n library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with the m17n library; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. BEGIN { tohex["0"] = 1; tohex["1"] = 2; tohex["2"] = 3; tohex["3"] = 4; tohex["4"] = 5; tohex["5"] = 6; tohex["6"] = 7; tohex["7"] = 8; tohex["8"] = 9; tohex["9"] = 10; tohex["A"] = 11; tohex["B"] = 12; tohex["C"] = 13; tohex["D"] = 14; tohex["E"] = 15; tohex["F"] = 16; tohex["a"] = 11; tohex["b"] = 12; tohex["c"] = 13; tohex["d"] = 14; tohex["e"] = 15; tohex["f"] = 16; FS = "[ \t]*[;#][ \t]*"; initialized = 0; charcount = 0; range_index = 0; } function decode_hex(str, idx) { n = 0; len = length(str); for (i = idx; i <= len; i++) { c = tohex[substr(str, i, 1)]; if (c == 0) break; n = n * 16 + c - 1; } return n; } function initialize() { first = -1; while (getline line < "UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt" > 0) { if (line ~ /^[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]*/) { last = decode_hex(line, 1); if (first >= 0) { range[range_index++] = first; range[range_index++] = last; first = -1; } else if (line ~ /First>/) { first = last; } else { exists[last] = 1; } } } } function char_exist_p(c) { if (exists[c] == 1) return 1; for (i = 0; i < range_index; i += 2) if (range[i] >= c && range[i + 1] <= c) return 1; return 0; } function maybe_emit(ch1, ch2, this_script) { if (initialized == 0) { initialize(); initialized = 1; print "# Ranges may contain non-existing character codes."; print "0x0-0x3FFFFF common"; first = ch1; last = ch2; script = this_script; } else { if (script == this_script) { for (j = last + 1; j < ch1; j++) if (char_exist_p(j)) break; if (j == ch1) { last = ch2; return; } } if (script != "Common") { if (first == last) printf "0x%04X %s\n", first, tolower(script); else printf "0x%04X-0x%04X %s\n", first, last, tolower(script); } first = ch1; last = ch2; script = this_script; } } /^[0-9A-F]+\.\./ { maybe_emit(decode_hex($0, 1), decode_hex($0, match($0, "\.\.") + 2), $2); next; } /^[0-9A-F]/ { ch = decode_hex($0, 1); maybe_emit(ch, ch, $2); next; } END { if (script != "Common") { if (first == last) printf "0x%04X %s\n", first, tolower (script); else printf "0x%04X-0x%04X %s\n", first, last, tolower (script); } while (getline < "SCRIPT.ext" > 0) { if ($0 ~ /^[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]*/) { print; } } }