;;; -*-Emacs-Lisp-*- ;;; ;;; $Id: TM-CFG,v 6.0 1996/05/11 10:33:20 morioka Exp morioka $ ;;; (setq load-path (append (mapcar (function (lambda (path) (expand-file-name path (getenv "PWD")) )) '("." "../tl" "../mel" "mh-e") ) load-path)) (require 'tl-misc) ;;; @ Please specify optional package directory if you use them. ;;; ;; Please specify VM path. (add-path "vm-5.95beta" 'all-paths) ;; Please specify Mailcrypt path. (add-path "mailcrypt-3.4" 'all-paths) ;; Please specify BBDB path. (add-path "bbdb-1.50" 'all-paths) ;;; @ shell ;;; ;; Please specify shell command path. (setq SHELL "/bin/sh") ;; Please specify shell command option. (setq SHELLOPTION "-c") ;;; @ Please specify prefix of install directory. ;;; ;; Please specify install path prefix. ;;(setq PREFIX "~/") ; install to you home directory (setq PREFIX "/usr/local/") ; install to shared directory ;;(setq PREFIX "/lab/local/") ;; Please specify tm package prefix [optional] (setq TM_PACKAGE_PREFIX "") ;; Please specify tl prefix [optional] ;;(setq TL_PREFIX "tl") (setq TL_PREFIX (if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version) "tl" "")) ;; Please specify MEL prefix [optional] (setq MEL_PREFIX "mel") ;; Please specify tm prefix [optional] (setq TM_PREFIX "tm") ;; lisp files of tm are installed into following directory tree: ;; ;; LISPDIR = PREFIX/DATA_PREFIX/LISP_PREFIX/ ;; LISPDIR/mime-setup.{el|elc} ;; LISPDIR/TM_PACKAGE_PREFIX/TL_PREFIX/ --- tl lisp files ;; LISPDIR/TM_PACKAGE_PREFIX/MEL_PREFIX/ --- MEL lisp files ;; LISPDIR/TM_PACKAGE_PREFIX/TM_PREFIX/ --- tm lisp files ;; ;; For example, if PREFIX = "/usr/local/" and you use Emacs 19.30, ;; ;; LISPDIR = /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/ ;; /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mime-setup.{el|elc} ;; /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/ --- tl lisp files ;; /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/mel/ --- MEL lisp files ;; /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/tm/ --- tm lisp files ;; ;; For example, if PREFIX = "~/" and you use XEmacs, ;; ;; LISPDIR = ~/share/xemacs/site-lisp/ ;; ~/share/xemacs/site-lisp/mime-setup.{el|elc} ;; ~/share/xemacs/site-lisp/tl/ --- tl lisp files ;; ~/share/xemacs/site-lisp/mel/ --- MEL lisp files ;; ~/share/xemacs/site-lisp/tm/ --- tm lisp files ;;; @ executables ;;; ;; Please specify binary path. (defvar BIN_DIR (expand-file-name "bin" PREFIX)) ;; Please specify binary path. (for external method scripts) (setq METHOD_DIR (expand-file-name "share/tm" PREFIX)) ;;; @ optional settings ;;; (setq EMACS_PREFIX (cond ((boundp 'NEMACS) "nemacs") ((boundp 'MULE) "mule") ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version) "xemacs") (t "emacs") )) (setq DATA_PREFIX (if (or (< emacs-major-version 19) (< emacs-minor-version 29) ) "lib" "share")) (setq DATADIR (expand-file-name DATA_PREFIX PREFIX)) (setq LISP_PREFIX (if (>= emacs-major-version 19) "site-lisp" "local.lisp")) (setq EMACS_DATADIR (expand-file-name EMACS_PREFIX DATADIR)) (defvar LISPDIR (expand-file-name LISP_PREFIX EMACS_DATADIR)) ;; Please specify mime-setup.{el|elc} install path. (setq SETUP_FILE_DIR LISPDIR) (setq TM_LISPDIR (expand-file-name TM_PACKAGE_PREFIX LISPDIR)) (setq TL_DIR (expand-file-name TL_PREFIX TM_LISPDIR)) (setq MEL_DIR (expand-file-name MEL_PREFIX TM_LISPDIR)) (setq TM_KERNEL_DIR (expand-file-name TM_PREFIX TM_LISPDIR)) (setq TM_MHE_DIR TM_KERNEL_DIR) (setq TM_GNUS_DIR TM_KERNEL_DIR) (setq TM_GNUS_INSTALL_FORMAT "cd gnus; PWD=`pwd` make install-19 EMACS=%s TMDIR19=%s") (setq TM_GNUS_COMPILE ".gnus-compile") (setq MAKE "make") (setq el-file-mode (+ (* 64 6)(* 8 4) 4)) (setq BIN_SRC_DIR "src") (setq BINS '("src/ol2" "src/decode-b")) (setq METHOD_SRC_DIR "methods") (setq METHODS '("tm-au" "tm-file" "tm-html" "tm-image" "tm-mpeg" "tm-plain" "tmdecode"))