(* DCC module. This file is part of Liece. Author: Daiki Ueno Created: 1998-09-28 Revised: 1999-01-28 Keywords: IRC, liece, DCC This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *) open Unix let usage prefix progname = String.concat "\n" (List.map (fun x -> (Printf.sprintf "%s: %s %s" prefix progname x)) [ "send "; "receive "; "chat listen "; "chat connect " ]) let buff = String.create 1024 let print_exc exc = match exc with Unix_error (err, fun_name, arg) -> prerr_string "\""; prerr_string fun_name; prerr_string "\" failed"; if String.length arg > 0 then begin prerr_string " on \""; prerr_string arg; prerr_string "\""; () end; prerr_string ": "; prerr_endline (error_message err); flush Pervasives.stderr; () | _ -> try Printexc.print raise exc with _ -> () let accept_connection f s = let (t, addr) = accept s in f t; close t; () let write_file filename size t = let fd = try openfile filename [ O_RDONLY ] 0 with _ -> Printf.eprintf "Open failed.\n"; flush Pervasives.stderr; exit 1 in let (len, rlen) = ref 0, ref 0 in while len := read fd buff 0 (String.length buff); !len <> 0 do let rec loop i = let j = i + write t buff i (!len - i) in if j == !len then () else loop j in loop 0; flush (out_channel_of_descr t); rlen := !rlen + !len; Printf.printf "DCC %s %d%% (%d/%d bytes) sent.\n" filename (100 * !rlen / size) !rlen size; flush Pervasives.stdout done; close fd; close t; () let send_file port filename = try let host = gethostbyname (gethostname ()) in let haddr = string_of_inet_addr host.h_addr_list.(0) in let s = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in setsockopt s SO_REUSEADDR true; bind s (ADDR_INET (inet_addr_any, port)); let port = match (getsockname s) with ADDR_INET (addr, port) -> port | _ -> port in listen s 1; let fd = try openfile filename [ O_RDONLY ] 0 with _ -> Printf.eprintf "Open failed.\n"; flush Pervasives.stderr; exit 1 in let size = (fstat fd).st_size in close fd; Printf.printf "DCC send %s %d %s %d\n" (Filename.basename filename) port (Naddr.encode haddr) size; flush Pervasives.stdout; accept_connection (fun t -> write_file filename size t) s; with exc -> print_exc exc let read_file filename size t = let fd = try openfile filename [ O_WRONLY; O_CREAT ] 0o600 with _ -> Printf.eprintf "Open failed.\n"; flush Pervasives.stderr; exit 1 in let (len, rlen) = ref 0, ref 0 in while len := read t buff 0 (String.length buff); !len <> 0 do let _ = write fd buff 0 !len in flush (out_channel_of_descr fd); rlen := !rlen + !len; Printf.printf "DCC %s %d%% (%d/%d bytes) received.\n" filename (100 * !rlen / size) !rlen size; flush Pervasives.stdout done; close fd; close t let receive_file host port size filename = let s = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in connect s (ADDR_INET (inet_addr_of_string (Naddr.decode host), port)); read_file filename size s; () let chat_loop s = let sel = ref [s; stdin] in while !sel <> [] do let (l, _, _) = try select !sel [] [] (-1.0) with _ -> exit 0 in List.iter (fun x -> let (rfd, wfd) = if x == s then (s, stdout) else if x == stdin then (stdin, s) else (stdin, stdout) in let len = ref 0 in len := read rfd buff 0 (String.length buff); if !len == 0 then begin try shutdown wfd SHUTDOWN_SEND; () with _ -> exit 0 end else begin let rec loop i = let j = i + write wfd buff i (!len - i) in if j == !len then () else loop j in loop 0; flush (out_channel_of_descr wfd) end; ()) l done let chat_listen port = let host = gethostbyname (gethostname ()) in let haddr = string_of_inet_addr host.h_addr_list.(0) in let s = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in setsockopt s SO_REUSEADDR true; bind s (ADDR_INET (inet_addr_any, port)); let port = match (getsockname s) with ADDR_INET (addr, port) -> port | _ -> port in listen s 1; Printf.printf "DCC chat %s %d\n" (Naddr.encode haddr) port; flush Pervasives.stdout; accept_connection (fun t -> Printf.printf "DCC chat established\n"; flush Pervasives.stdout; chat_loop t) s; () let chat_connect host port = let s = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in connect s (ADDR_INET (inet_addr_of_string (Naddr.decode host), port)); Printf.printf "DCC chat established\n"; flush Pervasives.stdout; chat_loop s; () let getaddr_ext server = let addr = try (gethostbyname server).h_addr_list.(0) with _ -> inet_addr_of_string "" and port = 7 in let s = socket PF_INET SOCK_DGRAM 0 in connect s (ADDR_INET (addr, port)); match (getsockname s) with ADDR_INET (addr, port) -> addr | _ -> raise Not_found let main () = let a = ref [] in let usage = usage "Usage" (Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0)) in let speclist = [] in Arg.parse speclist (fun x -> a := !a @ [x]) usage; begin match !a with "send" :: [ port; filename ] -> let port = try int_of_string port with _ -> Arg.usage speclist usage; exit 1 in send_file port filename; exit 0; () | "receive" :: [ host; port; size; filename ] -> let (port, size) = try int_of_string port, int_of_string size with _ -> Arg.usage speclist usage; exit 1 in receive_file host port size filename; exit 0; () | "chat" :: [ "listen"; port ] -> let port = try int_of_string port with _ -> Arg.usage speclist usage; exit 1 in chat_listen port; exit 0; () | "chat" :: [ "connect"; host; port ] -> let port = try int_of_string port with _ -> Arg.usage speclist usage; exit 1 in chat_connect host port; exit 0; () | _ -> Arg.usage speclist usage; exit 1 end let _ = Printexc.catch main ()