;; sd-inscript.mim -- Sindhi input method for inscript layout ;; This file is derived from the Hindi inscript table of scim-tables, ;; which was derived from iiimf unitLE's Hindi inscript layout. ;; Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ;; This file is part of the m17n contrib; a sub-part of the m17n ;; library. ;; The m17n library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; The m17n library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with the m17n library; if not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. (input-method sd inscript) (description "Sindhi input method for inscript layout. Reference URL : http://indlinux.org/wiki/index.php/InscriptLayouts#Devanagari Key Summary: ॻ : This characters can be typed using [ग + '_'(underscore)] or ['i' + '_'] or ['ग'+ ः] ॼ : This characters can be typed using ज + '_'(underscore)] or ['p' + '_'] or ['ज'+ ः] ॾ : This characters can be typed using ड + '_'(underscore)] or ['[' + '_'] or ['ड'+ ः] ॿ : This characters can be typed using ब + '_'(underscore)] or ['y' + '_'] or ['ड'+ ः] Author: Pravin Satpute ") (title "क") (map (trans ((KP_1) "१") ((KP_2) "२") ((KP_3) "३") ((KP_4) "४") ((KP_5) "५") ((KP_6) "६") ((KP_7) "७") ((KP_8) "८") ((KP_9) "९") ((KP_0) "०") ((KP_Decimal) ".") ((KP_Divide) "/") ((KP_Multiply) "*") ((KP_Add) "+") ((KP_Subtract) "-") ("!" ?ऍ) ("1" ?१) ("@" ?ॅ) ("2" ?२) ("#" ?#) ("3" ?३) ("$" ?$) ("4" ?४) ("5" ?५) ("6" ?६) ("7" ?७) ("8" ?८) ("(" ?() ("9" ?९) (")" ?)) ("0" ?०) ("_" ?ः) ("-" ?-) ("+" ?ऋ) ("=" ?ृ) ("Q" ?औ) ("q" ?ौ) ("W" ?ऐ) ("w" ?ै) ("E" ?आ) ("e" ?ा) ("R" ?ई) ("r" ?ी) ("T" ?ऊ) ("t" ?ू) ("Y" ?भ) ("y" ?ब) ("U" ?ङ) ("u" ?ह) ("I" ?घ) ("i" ?ग) ("O" ?ध) ("o" ?द) ("P" ?झ) ("p" ?ज) ("{" ?ढ) ("[" ?ड) ("}" ?ञ) ("]" ?़) ("A" ?ओ) ("a" ?ो) ("S" ?ए) ("s" ?े) ("D" ?अ) ("d" ?्) ("F" ?इ) ("f" ?ि) ("G" ?उ) ("g" ?ु) ("H" ?फ) ("h" ?प) ("J" ?ऱ) ("j" ?र) ("K" ?ख) ("k" ?क) ("L" ?थ) ("l" ?त) (":" ?छ) (";" ?च) ("\"" ?ठ) ("'" ?ट) ("|" ?ऑ) ("\\" ?ॉ) ("~" ?ऒ) ("`" ?ॊ) ("Z" ?ऎ) ("z" ?ॆ) ("X" ?ँ) ("x" ?ं) ("C" ?ण) ("c" ?म) ("V" ?ऩ) ("v" ?न) ("B" ?ऴ) ("b" ?व) ("N" ?ळ) ("n" ?ल) ("M" ?श) ("m" ?स) ("<" ?ष) ("," ?,) (">" ?।) ("." ?.) ("?" ?य़) ("/" ?य) ("%" "ज्ञ") ("^" "त्र") ("&" "क्ष") ("*" "श्र") ("dd" "्‌") ("i_" ?ॻ) ("p_" ?ॼ) ("[_" ?ॾ) ("y_" ?ॿ) )) (state (init (trans)))