This is ../info/, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from internals/internals.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION XEmacs Editor START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Internals: (internals). XEmacs Internals Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Copyright (C) 1992 - 1996 Ben Wing. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems. Copyright (C) 1994 - 1998 Free Software Foundation. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: The XEmacs Object System (Abstractly Speaking), Next: How Lisp Objects Are Represented in C, Prev: XEmacs From the Inside, Up: Top The XEmacs Object System (Abstractly Speaking) ********************************************** At the heart of the Lisp interpreter is its management of objects. XEmacs Lisp contains many built-in objects, some of which are simple and others of which can be very complex; and some of which are very common, and others of which are rarely used or are only used internally. (Since the Lisp allocation system, with its automatic reclamation of unused storage, is so much more convenient than `malloc()' and `free()', the C code makes extensive use of it in its internal operations.) The basic Lisp objects are `integer' 28 or 31 bits of precision, or 60 or 63 bits on 64-bit machines; the reason for this is described below when the internal Lisp object representation is described. `float' Same precision as a double in C. `cons' A simple container for two Lisp objects, used to implement lists and most other data structures in Lisp. `char' An object representing a single character of text; chars behave like integers in many ways but are logically considered text rather than numbers and have a different read syntax. (the read syntax for a char contains the char itself or some textual encoding of it--for example, a Japanese Kanji character might be encoded as `^[$(B#&^[(B' using the ISO-2022 encoding standard--rather than the numerical representation of the char; this way, if the mapping between chars and integers changes, which is quite possible for Kanji characters and other extended characters, the same character will still be created. Note that some primitives confuse chars and integers. The worst culprit is `eq', which makes a special exception and considers a char to be `eq' to its integer equivalent, even though in no other case are objects of two different types `eq'. The reason for this monstrosity is compatibility with existing code; the separation of char from integer came fairly recently.) `symbol' An object that contains Lisp objects and is referred to by name; symbols are used to implement variables and named functions and to provide the equivalent of preprocessor constants in C. `vector' A one-dimensional array of Lisp objects providing constant-time access to any of the objects; access to an arbitrary object in a vector is faster than for lists, but the operations that can be done on a vector are more limited. `string' Self-explanatory; behaves much like a vector of chars but has a different read syntax and is stored and manipulated more compactly. `bit-vector' A vector of bits; similar to a string in spirit. `compiled-function' An object containing compiled Lisp code, known as "byte code". `subr' A Lisp primitive, i.e. a Lisp-callable function implemented in C. Note that there is no basic "function" type, as in more powerful versions of Lisp (where it's called a "closure"). XEmacs Lisp does not provide the closure semantics implemented by Common Lisp and Scheme. The guts of a function in XEmacs Lisp are represented in one of four ways: a symbol specifying another function (when one function is an alias for another), a list (whose first element must be the symbol `lambda') containing the function's source code, a compiled-function object, or a subr object. (In other words, given a symbol specifying the name of a function, calling `symbol-function' to retrieve the contents of the symbol's function cell will return one of these types of objects.) XEmacs Lisp also contains numerous specialized objects used to implement the editor: `buffer' Stores text like a string, but is optimized for insertion and deletion and has certain other properties that can be set. `frame' An object with various properties whose displayable representation is a "window" in window-system parlance. `window' A section of a frame that displays the contents of a buffer; often called a "pane" in window-system parlance. `window-configuration' An object that represents a saved configuration of windows in a frame. `device' An object representing a screen on which frames can be displayed; equivalent to a "display" in the X Window System and a "TTY" in character mode. `face' An object specifying the appearance of text or graphics; it has properties such as font, foreground color, and background color. `marker' An object that refers to a particular position in a buffer and moves around as text is inserted and deleted to stay in the same relative position to the text around it. `extent' Similar to a marker but covers a range of text in a buffer; can also specify properties of the text, such as a face in which the text is to be displayed, whether the text is invisible or unmodifiable, etc. `event' Generated by calling `next-event' and contains information describing a particular event happening in the system, such as the user pressing a key or a process terminating. `keymap' An object that maps from events (described using lists, vectors, and symbols rather than with an event object because the mapping is for classes of events, rather than individual events) to functions to execute or other events to recursively look up; the functions are described by name, using a symbol, or using lists to specify the function's code. `glyph' An object that describes the appearance of an image (e.g. pixmap) on the screen; glyphs can be attached to the beginning or end of extents and in some future version of XEmacs will be able to be inserted directly into a buffer. `process' An object that describes a connection to an externally-running process. There are some other, less-commonly-encountered general objects: `hash-table' An object that maps from an arbitrary Lisp object to another arbitrary Lisp object, using hashing for fast lookup. `obarray' A limited form of hash-table that maps from strings to symbols; obarrays are used to look up a symbol given its name and are not actually their own object type but are kludgily represented using vectors with hidden fields (this representation derives from GNU Emacs). `specifier' A complex object used to specify the value of a display property; a default value is given and different values can be specified for particular frames, buffers, windows, devices, or classes of device. `char-table' An object that maps from chars or classes of chars to arbitrary Lisp objects; internally char tables use a complex nested-vector representation that is optimized to the way characters are represented as integers. `range-table' An object that maps from ranges of integers to arbitrary Lisp objects. And some strange special-purpose objects: `charset' `coding-system' Objects used when MULE, or multi-lingual/Asian-language, support is enabled. `color-instance' `font-instance' `image-instance' An object that encapsulates a window-system resource; instances are mostly used internally but are exposed on the Lisp level for cleanness of the specifier model and because it's occasionally useful for Lisp program to create or query the properties of instances. `subwindow' An object that encapsulate a "subwindow" resource, i.e. a window-system child window that is drawn into by an external process; this object should be integrated into the glyph system but isn't yet, and may change form when this is done. `tooltalk-message' `tooltalk-pattern' Objects that represent resources used in the ToolTalk interprocess communication protocol. `toolbar-button' An object used in conjunction with the toolbar. And objects that are only used internally: `opaque' A generic object for encapsulating arbitrary memory; this allows you the generality of `malloc()' and the convenience of the Lisp object system. `lstream' A buffering I/O stream, used to provide a unified interface to anything that can accept output or provide input, such as a file descriptor, a stdio stream, a chunk of memory, a Lisp buffer, a Lisp string, etc.; it's a Lisp object to make its memory management more convenient. `char-table-entry' Subsidiary objects in the internal char-table representation. `extent-auxiliary' `menubar-data' `toolbar-data' Various special-purpose objects that are basically just used to encapsulate memory for particular subsystems, similar to the more general "opaque" object. `symbol-value-forward' `symbol-value-buffer-local' `symbol-value-varalias' `symbol-value-lisp-magic' Special internal-only objects that are placed in the value cell of a symbol to indicate that there is something special with this variable - e.g. it has no value, it mirrors another variable, or it mirrors some C variable; there is really only one kind of object, called a "symbol-value-magic", but it is sort-of halfway kludged into semi-different object types. Some types of objects are "permanent", meaning that once created, they do not disappear until explicitly destroyed, using a function such as `delete-buffer', `delete-window', `delete-frame', etc. Others will disappear once they are not longer used, through the garbage collection mechanism. Buffers, frames, windows, devices, and processes are among the objects that are permanent. Note that some objects can go both ways: Faces can be created either way; extents are normally permanent, but detached extents (extents not referring to any text, as happens to some extents when the text they are referring to is deleted) are temporary. Note that some permanent objects, such as faces and coding systems, cannot be deleted. Note also that windows are unique in that they can be _undeleted_ after having previously been deleted. (This happens as a result of restoring a window configuration.) Note that many types of objects have a "read syntax", i.e. a way of specifying an object of that type in Lisp code. When you load a Lisp file, or type in code to be evaluated, what really happens is that the function `read' is called, which reads some text and creates an object based on the syntax of that text; then `eval' is called, which possibly does something special; then this loop repeats until there's no more text to read. (`eval' only actually does something special with symbols, which causes the symbol's value to be returned, similar to referencing a variable; and with conses [i.e. lists], which cause a function invocation. All other values are returned unchanged.) The read syntax 17297 converts to an integer whose value is 17297. 1.983e-4 converts to a float whose value is 1.983e-4, or .0001983. ?b converts to a char that represents the lowercase letter b. ?^[$(B#&^[(B (where `^[' actually is an `ESC' character) converts to a particular Kanji character when using an ISO2022-based coding system for input. (To decode this goo: `ESC' begins an escape sequence; `ESC $ (' is a class of escape sequences meaning "switch to a 94x94 character set"; `ESC $ ( B' means "switch to Japanese Kanji"; `#' and `&' collectively index into a 94-by-94 array of characters [subtract 33 from the ASCII value of each character to get the corresponding index]; `ESC (' is a class of escape sequences meaning "switch to a 94 character set"; `ESC (B' means "switch to US ASCII". It is a coincidence that the letter `B' is used to denote both Japanese Kanji and US ASCII. If the first `B' were replaced with an `A', you'd be requesting a Chinese Hanzi character from the GB2312 character set.) "foobar" converts to a string. foobar converts to a symbol whose name is `"foobar"'. This is done by looking up the string equivalent in the global variable `obarray', whose contents should be an obarray. If no symbol is found, a new symbol with the name `"foobar"' is automatically created and added to `obarray'; this process is called "interning" the symbol. (foo . bar) converts to a cons cell containing the symbols `foo' and `bar'. (1 a 2.5) converts to a three-element list containing the specified objects (note that a list is actually a set of nested conses; see the XEmacs Lisp Reference). [1 a 2.5] converts to a three-element vector containing the specified objects. #[... ... ... ...] converts to a compiled-function object (the actual contents are not shown since they are not relevant here; look at a file that ends with `.elc' for examples). #*01110110 converts to a bit-vector. #s(hash-table ... ...) converts to a hash table (the actual contents are not shown). #s(range-table ... ...) converts to a range table (the actual contents are not shown). #s(char-table ... ...) converts to a char table (the actual contents are not shown). Note that the `#s()' syntax is the general syntax for structures, which are not really implemented in XEmacs Lisp but should be. When an object is printed out (using `print' or a related function), the read syntax is used, so that the same object can be read in again. The other objects do not have read syntaxes, usually because it does not really make sense to create them in this fashion (i.e. processes, where it doesn't make sense to have a subprocess created as a side effect of reading some Lisp code), or because they can't be created at all (e.g. subrs). Permanent objects, as a rule, do not have a read syntax; nor do most complex objects, which contain too much state to be easily initialized through a read syntax.  File:, Node: How Lisp Objects Are Represented in C, Next: Rules When Writing New C Code, Prev: The XEmacs Object System (Abstractly Speaking), Up: Top How Lisp Objects Are Represented in C ************************************* Lisp objects are represented in C using a 32-bit or 64-bit machine word (depending on the processor; i.e. DEC Alphas use 64-bit Lisp objects and most other processors use 32-bit Lisp objects). The representation stuffs a pointer together with a tag, as follows: [ 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ] <---> ^ <------------------------------------------------------> tag | a pointer to a structure, or an integer | mark bit The tag describes the type of the Lisp object. For integers and chars, the lower 28 bits contain the value of the integer or char; for all others, the lower 28 bits contain a pointer. The mark bit is used during garbage-collection, and is always 0 when garbage collection is not happening. (The way that garbage collection works, basically, is that it loops over all places where Lisp objects could exist--this includes all global variables in C that contain Lisp objects [including `Vobarray', the C equivalent of `obarray'; through this, all Lisp variables will get marked], plus various other places--and recursively scans through the Lisp objects, marking each object it finds by setting the mark bit. Then it goes through the lists of all objects allocated, freeing the ones that are not marked and turning off the mark bit of the ones that are marked.) Lisp objects use the typedef `Lisp_Object', but the actual C type used for the Lisp object can vary. It can be either a simple type (`long' on the DEC Alpha, `int' on other machines) or a structure whose fields are bit fields that line up properly (actually, a union of structures is used). Generally the simple integral type is preferable because it ensures that the compiler will actually use a machine word to represent the object (some compilers will use more general and less efficient code for unions and structs even if they can fit in a machine word). The union type, however, has the advantage of stricter type checking (if you accidentally pass an integer where a Lisp object is desired, you get a compile error), and it makes it easier to decode Lisp objects when debugging. The choice of which type to use is determined by the preprocessor constant `USE_UNION_TYPE' which is defined via the `--use-union-type' option to `configure'. Note that there are only eight types that the tag can represent, but many more actual types than this. This is handled by having one of the tag types specify a meta-type called a "record"; for all such objects, the first four bytes of the pointed-to structure indicate what the actual type is. Note also that having 28 bits for pointers and integers restricts a lot of things to 256 megabytes of memory. (Basically, enough pointers and indices and whatnot get stuffed into Lisp objects that the total amount of memory used by XEmacs can't grow above 256 megabytes. In older versions of XEmacs and GNU Emacs, the tag was 5 bits wide, allowing for 32 types, which was more than the actual number of types that existed at the time, and no "record" type was necessary. However, this limited the editor to 64 megabytes total, which some users who edited large files might conceivably exceed.) Also, note that there is an implicit assumption here that all pointers are low enough that the top bits are all zero and can just be chopped off. On standard machines that allocate memory from the bottom up (and give each process its own address space), this works fine. Some machines, however, put the data space somewhere else in memory (e.g. beginning at 0x80000000). Those machines cope by defining `DATA_SEG_BITS' in the corresponding `m/' or `s/' file to the proper mask. Then, pointers retrieved from Lisp objects are automatically OR'ed with this value prior to being used. A corollary of the previous paragraph is that *(pointers to) stack-allocated structures cannot be put into Lisp objects*. The stack is generally located near the top of memory; if you put such a pointer into a Lisp object, it will get its top bits chopped off, and you will lose. Actually, there's an alternative representation of a `Lisp_Object', invented by Kyle Jones, that is used when the `--use-minimal-tagbits' option to `configure' is used. In this case the 2 lower bits are used for the tag bits. This representation assumes that pointers to structs are always aligned to multiples of 4, so the lower 2 bits are always zero. [ 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ] <---------------------------------------------------------> <-> a pointer to a structure, or an integer tag A tag of 00 is used for all pointer object types, a tag of 10 is used for characters, and the other two tags 01 and 11 are joined together to form the integer object type. The markbit is moved to part of the structure being pointed at (integers and chars do not need to be marked, since no memory is allocated). This representation has these advantages: 1. 31 bits can be used for Lisp Integers. 2. _Any_ pointer can be represented directly, and no bit masking operations are necessary. The disadvantages are: 1. An extra level of indirection is needed when accessing the object types that were not record types. So checking whether a Lisp object is a cons cell becomes a slower operation. 2. Mark bits can no longer be stored directly in Lisp objects, so another place for them must be found. This means that a cons cell requires more memory than merely room for 2 lisp objects, leading to extra memory use. Various macros are used to construct Lisp objects and extract the components. Macros of the form `XINT()', `XCHAR()', `XSTRING()', `XSYMBOL()', etc. mask out the pointer/integer field and cast it to the appropriate type. All of the macros that construct pointers will `OR' with `DATA_SEG_BITS' if necessary. `XINT()' needs to be a bit tricky so that negative numbers are properly sign-extended: Usually it does this by shifting the number four bits to the left and then four bits to the right. This assumes that the right-shift operator does an arithmetic shift (i.e. it leaves the most-significant bit as-is rather than shifting in a zero, so that it mimics a divide-by-two even for negative numbers). Not all machines/compilers do this, and on the ones that don't, a more complicated definition is selected by defining `EXPLICIT_SIGN_EXTEND'. Note that when `ERROR_CHECK_TYPECHECK' is defined, the extractor macros become more complicated--they check the tag bits and/or the type field in the first four bytes of a record type to ensure that the object is really of the correct type. This is great for catching places where an incorrect type is being dereferenced--this typically results in a pointer being dereferenced as the wrong type of structure, with unpredictable (and sometimes not easily traceable) results. There are similar `XSETTYPE()' macros that construct a Lisp object. These macros are of the form `XSETTYPE (LVALUE, RESULT)', i.e. they have to be a statement rather than just used in an expression. The reason for this is that standard C doesn't let you "construct" a structure (but GCC does). Granted, this sometimes isn't too convenient; for the case of integers, at least, you can use the function `make_int()', which constructs and _returns_ an integer Lisp object. Note that the `XSETTYPE()' macros are also affected by `ERROR_CHECK_TYPECHECK' and make sure that the structure is of the right type in the case of record types, where the type is contained in the structure. The C programmer is responsible for *guaranteeing* that a Lisp_Object is is the correct type before using the `XTYPE' macros. This is especially important in the case of lists. Use `XCAR' and `XCDR' if a Lisp_Object is certainly a cons cell, else use `Fcar()' and `Fcdr()'. Trust other C code, but not Lisp code. On the other hand, if XEmacs has an internal logic error, it's better to crash immediately, so sprinkle "unreachable" `abort()'s liberally about the source code.  File:, Node: Rules When Writing New C Code, Next: A Summary of the Various XEmacs Modules, Prev: How Lisp Objects Are Represented in C, Up: Top Rules When Writing New C Code ***************************** The XEmacs C Code is extremely complex and intricate, and there are many rules that are more or less consistently followed throughout the code. Many of these rules are not obvious, so they are explained here. It is of the utmost importance that you follow them. If you don't, you may get something that appears to work, but which will crash in odd situations, often in code far away from where the actual breakage is. * Menu: * General Coding Rules:: * Writing Lisp Primitives:: * Adding Global Lisp Variables:: * Coding for Mule:: * Techniques for XEmacs Developers::  File:, Node: General Coding Rules, Next: Writing Lisp Primitives, Up: Rules When Writing New C Code General Coding Rules ==================== The C code is actually written in a dialect of C called "Clean C", meaning that it can be compiled, mostly warning-free, with either a C or C++ compiler. Coding in Clean C has several advantages over plain C. C++ compilers are more nit-picking, and a number of coding errors have been found by compiling with C++. The ability to use both C and C++ tools means that a greater variety of development tools are available to the developer. Almost every module contains a `syms_of_*()' function and a `vars_of_*()' function. The former declares any Lisp primitives you have defined and defines any symbols you will be using. The latter declares any global Lisp variables you have added and initializes global C variables in the module. For each such function, declare it in `symsinit.h' and make sure it's called in the appropriate place in `emacs.c'. *Important*: There are stringent requirements on exactly what can go into these functions. See the comment in `emacs.c'. The reason for this is to avoid obscure unwanted interactions during initialization. If you don't follow these rules, you'll be sorry! If you want to do anything that isn't allowed, create a `complex_vars_of_*()' function for it. Doing this is tricky, though: You have to make sure your function is called at the right time so that all the initialization dependencies work out. Every module includes `' (angle brackets so that `--srcdir' works correctly; `config.h' may or may not be in the same directory as the C sources) and `lisp.h'. `config.h' must always be included before any other header files (including system header files) to ensure that certain tricks played by various `s/' and `m/' files work out correctly. When including header files, always use angle brackets, not double quotes, except when the file to be included is in the same directory as the including file. If either file is a generated file, then that is not likely to be the case. In order to understand why we have this rule, imagine what happens when you do a build in the source directory using `./configure' and another build in another directory using `../work/configure'. There will be two different `config.h' files. Which one will be used if you `#include "config.h"'? *All global and static variables that are to be modifiable must be declared uninitialized.* This means that you may not use the "declare with initializer" form for these variables, such as `int some_variable = 0;'. The reason for this has to do with some kludges done during the dumping process: If possible, the initialized data segment is re-mapped so that it becomes part of the (unmodifiable) code segment in the dumped executable. This allows this memory to be shared among multiple running XEmacs processes. XEmacs is careful to place as much constant data as possible into initialized variables (in particular, into what's called the "pure space"--see below) during the `temacs' phase. *Please note:* This kludge only works on a few systems nowadays, and is rapidly becoming irrelevant because most modern operating systems provide "copy-on-write" semantics. All data is initially shared between processes, and a private copy is automatically made (on a page-by-page basis) when a process first attempts to write to a page of memory. Formerly, there was a requirement that static variables not be declared inside of functions. This had to do with another hack along the same vein as what was just described: old USG systems put statically-declared variables in the initialized data space, so those header files had a `#define static' declaration. (That way, the data-segment remapping described above could still work.) This fails badly on static variables inside of functions, which suddenly become automatic variables; therefore, you weren't supposed to have any of them. This awful kludge has been removed in XEmacs because 1. almost all of the systems that used this kludge ended up having to disable the data-segment remapping anyway; 2. the only systems that didn't were extremely outdated ones; 3. this hack completely messed up inline functions. The C source code makes heavy use of C preprocessor macros. One popular macro style is: #define FOO(var, value) do { \ Lisp_Object FOO_value = (value); \ ... /* compute using FOO_value */ \ (var) = bar; \ } while (0) The `do {...} while (0)' is a standard trick to allow FOO to have statement semantics, so that it can safely be used within an `if' statement in C, for example. Multiple evaluation is prevented by copying a supplied argument into a local variable, so that `FOO(var,fun(1))' only calls `fun' once. Lisp lists are popular data structures in the C code as well as in Elisp. There are two sets of macros that iterate over lists. `EXTERNAL_LIST_LOOP_N' should be used when the list has been supplied by the user, and cannot be trusted to be acyclic and nil-terminated. A `malformed-list' or `circular-list' error will be generated if the list being iterated over is not entirely kosher. `LIST_LOOP_N', on the other hand, is faster and less safe, and can be used only on trusted lists. Related macros are `GET_EXTERNAL_LIST_LENGTH' and `GET_LIST_LENGTH', which calculate the length of a list, and in the case of `GET_EXTERNAL_LIST_LENGTH', validating the properness of the list. The macros `EXTERNAL_LIST_LOOP_DELETE_IF' and `LIST_LOOP_DELETE_IF' delete elements from a lisp list satisfying some predicate.  File:, Node: Writing Lisp Primitives, Next: Adding Global Lisp Variables, Prev: General Coding Rules, Up: Rules When Writing New C Code Writing Lisp Primitives ======================= Lisp primitives are Lisp functions implemented in C. The details of interfacing the C function so that Lisp can call it are handled by a few C macros. The only way to really understand how to write new C code is to read the source, but we can explain some things here. An example of a special form is the definition of `prog1', from `eval.c'. (An ordinary function would have the same general appearance.) DEFUN ("prog1", Fprog1, 1, UNEVALLED, 0, /* Similar to `progn', but the value of the first form is returned. \(prog1 FIRST BODY...): All the arguments are evaluated sequentially. The value of FIRST is saved during evaluation of the remaining args, whose values are discarded. */ (args)) { /* This function can GC */ REGISTER Lisp_Object val, form, tail; struct gcpro gcpro1; val = Feval (XCAR (args)); GCPRO1 (val); LIST_LOOP_3 (form, XCDR (args), tail) Feval (form); UNGCPRO; return val; } Let's start with a precise explanation of the arguments to the `DEFUN' macro. Here is a template for them: DEFUN (LNAME, FNAME, MIN_ARGS, MAX_ARGS, INTERACTIVE, /* DOCSTRING */ (ARGLIST)) LNAME This string is the name of the Lisp symbol to define as the function name; in the example above, it is `"prog1"'. FNAME This is the C function name for this function. This is the name that is used in C code for calling the function. The name is, by convention, `F' prepended to the Lisp name, with all dashes (`-') in the Lisp name changed to underscores. Thus, to call this function from C code, call `Fprog1'. Remember that the arguments are of type `Lisp_Object'; various macros and functions for creating values of type `Lisp_Object' are declared in the file `lisp.h'. Primitives whose names are special characters (e.g. `+' or `<') are named by spelling out, in some fashion, the special character: e.g. `Fplus()' or `Flss()'. Primitives whose names begin with normal alphanumeric characters but also contain special characters are spelled out in some creative way, e.g. `let*' becomes `FletX()'. Each function also has an associated structure that holds the data for the subr object that represents the function in Lisp. This structure conveys the Lisp symbol name to the initialization routine that will create the symbol and store the subr object as its definition. The C variable name of this structure is always `S' prepended to the FNAME. You hardly ever need to be aware of the existence of this structure, since `DEFUN' plus `DEFSUBR' takes care of all the details. MIN_ARGS This is the minimum number of arguments that the function requires. The function `prog1' allows a minimum of one argument. MAX_ARGS This is the maximum number of arguments that the function accepts, if there is a fixed maximum. Alternatively, it can be `UNEVALLED', indicating a special form that receives unevaluated arguments, or `MANY', indicating an unlimited number of evaluated arguments (the C equivalent of `&rest'). Both `UNEVALLED' and `MANY' are macros. If MAX_ARGS is a number, it may not be less than MIN_ARGS and it may not be greater than 8. (If you need to add a function with more than 8 arguments, use the `MANY' form. Resist the urge to edit the definition of `DEFUN' in `lisp.h'. If you do it anyways, make sure to also add another clause to the switch statement in `primitive_funcall().') INTERACTIVE This is an interactive specification, a string such as might be used as the argument of `interactive' in a Lisp function. In the case of `prog1', it is 0 (a null pointer), indicating that `prog1' cannot be called interactively. A value of `""' indicates a function that should receive no arguments when called interactively. DOCSTRING This is the documentation string. It is written just like a documentation string for a function defined in Lisp; in particular, the first line should be a single sentence. Note how the documentation string is enclosed in a comment, none of the documentation is placed on the same lines as the comment-start and comment-end characters, and the comment-start characters are on the same line as the interactive specification. `make-docfile', which scans the C files for documentation strings, is very particular about what it looks for, and will not properly extract the doc string if it's not in this exact format. In order to make both `etags' and `make-docfile' happy, make sure that the `DEFUN' line contains the LNAME and FNAME, and that the comment-start characters for the doc string are on the same line as the interactive specification, and put a newline directly after them (and before the comment-end characters). ARGLIST This is the comma-separated list of arguments to the C function. For a function with a fixed maximum number of arguments, provide a C argument for each Lisp argument. In this case, unlike regular C functions, the types of the arguments are not declared; they are simply always of type `Lisp_Object'. The names of the C arguments will be used as the names of the arguments to the Lisp primitive as displayed in its documentation, modulo the same concerns described above for `F...' names (in particular, underscores in the C arguments become dashes in the Lisp arguments). There is one additional kludge: A trailing `_' on the C argument is discarded when forming the Lisp argument. This allows C language reserved words (like `default') or global symbols (like `dirname') to be used as argument names without compiler warnings or errors. A Lisp function with MAX_ARGS = `UNEVALLED' is a "special form"; its arguments are not evaluated. Instead it receives one argument of type `Lisp_Object', a (Lisp) list of the unevaluated arguments, conventionally named `(args)'. When a Lisp function has no upper limit on the number of arguments, specify MAX_ARGS = `MANY'. In this case its implementation in C actually receives exactly two arguments: the number of Lisp arguments (an `int') and the address of a block containing their values (a `Lisp_Object *'). In this case only are the C types specified in the ARGLIST: `(int nargs, Lisp_Object *args)'. Within the function `Fprog1' itself, note the use of the macros `GCPRO1' and `UNGCPRO'. `GCPRO1' is used to "protect" a variable from garbage collection--to inform the garbage collector that it must look in that variable and regard the object pointed at by its contents as an accessible object. This is necessary whenever you call `Feval' or anything that can directly or indirectly call `Feval' (this includes the `QUIT' macro!). At such a time, any Lisp object that you intend to refer to again must be protected somehow. `UNGCPRO' cancels the protection of the variables that are protected in the current function. It is necessary to do this explicitly. The macro `GCPRO1' protects just one local variable. If you want to protect two, use `GCPRO2' instead; repeating `GCPRO1' will not work. Macros `GCPRO3' and `GCPRO4' also exist. These macros implicitly use local variables such as `gcpro1'; you must declare these explicitly, with type `struct gcpro'. Thus, if you use `GCPRO2', you must declare `gcpro1' and `gcpro2'. Note also that the general rule is "caller-protects"; i.e. you are only responsible for protecting those Lisp objects that you create. Any objects passed to you as arguments should have been protected by whoever created them, so you don't in general have to protect them. In particular, the arguments to any Lisp primitive are always automatically `GCPRO'ed, when called "normally" from Lisp code or bytecode. So only a few Lisp primitives that are called frequently from C code, such as `Fprogn' protect their arguments as a service to their caller. You don't need to protect your arguments when writing a new `DEFUN'. `GCPRO'ing is perhaps the trickiest and most error-prone part of XEmacs coding. It is *extremely* important that you get this right and use a great deal of discipline when writing this code. *Note `GCPRO'ing: GCPROing, for full details on how to do this. What `DEFUN' actually does is declare a global structure of type `Lisp_Subr' whose name begins with capital `SF' and which contains information about the primitive (e.g. a pointer to the function, its minimum and maximum allowed arguments, a string describing its Lisp name); `DEFUN' then begins a normal C function declaration using the `F...' name. The Lisp subr object that is the function definition of a primitive (i.e. the object in the function slot of the symbol that names the primitive) actually points to this `SF' structure; when `Feval' encounters a subr, it looks in the structure to find out how to call the C function. Defining the C function is not enough to make a Lisp primitive available; you must also create the Lisp symbol for the primitive (the symbol is "interned"; *note Obarrays::) and store a suitable subr object in its function cell. (If you don't do this, the primitive won't be seen by Lisp code.) The code looks like this: DEFSUBR (FNAME); Here FNAME is the same name you used as the second argument to `DEFUN'. This call to `DEFSUBR' should go in the `syms_of_*()' function at the end of the module. If no such function exists, create it and make sure to also declare it in `symsinit.h' and call it from the appropriate spot in `main()'. *Note General Coding Rules::. Note that C code cannot call functions by name unless they are defined in C. The way to call a function written in Lisp from C is to use `Ffuncall', which embodies the Lisp function `funcall'. Since the Lisp function `funcall' accepts an unlimited number of arguments, in C it takes two: the number of Lisp-level arguments, and a one-dimensional array containing their values. The first Lisp-level argument is the Lisp function to call, and the rest are the arguments to pass to it. Since `Ffuncall' can call the evaluator, you must protect pointers from garbage collection around the call to `Ffuncall'. (However, `Ffuncall' explicitly protects all of its parameters, so you don't have to protect any pointers passed as parameters to it.) The C functions `call0', `call1', `call2', and so on, provide handy ways to call a Lisp function conveniently with a fixed number of arguments. They work by calling `Ffuncall'. `eval.c' is a very good file to look through for examples; `lisp.h' contains the definitions for important macros and functions.  File:, Node: Adding Global Lisp Variables, Next: Coding for Mule, Prev: Writing Lisp Primitives, Up: Rules When Writing New C Code Adding Global Lisp Variables ============================ Global variables whose names begin with `Q' are constants whose value is a symbol of a particular name. The name of the variable should be derived from the name of the symbol using the same rules as for Lisp primitives. These variables are initialized using a call to `defsymbol()' in the `syms_of_*()' function. (This call interns a symbol, sets the C variable to the resulting Lisp object, and calls `staticpro()' on the C variable to tell the garbage-collection mechanism about this variable. What `staticpro()' does is add a pointer to the variable to a large global array; when garbage-collection happens, all pointers listed in the array are used as starting points for marking Lisp objects. This is important because it's quite possible that the only current reference to the object is the C variable. In the case of symbols, the `staticpro()' doesn't matter all that much because the symbol is contained in `obarray', which is itself `staticpro()'ed. However, it's possible that a naughty user could do something like uninterning the symbol out of `obarray' or even setting `obarray' to a different value [although this is likely to make XEmacs crash!].) *Please note:* It is potentially deadly if you declare a `Q...' variable in two different modules. The two calls to `defsymbol()' are no problem, but some linkers will complain about multiply-defined symbols. The most insidious aspect of this is that often the link will succeed anyway, but then the resulting executable will sometimes crash in obscure ways during certain operations! To avoid this problem, declare any symbols with common names (such as `text') that are not obviously associated with this particular module in the module `general.c'. Global variables whose names begin with `V' are variables that contain Lisp objects. The convention here is that all global variables of type `Lisp_Object' begin with `V', and all others don't (including integer and boolean variables that have Lisp equivalents). Most of the time, these variables have equivalents in Lisp, but some don't. Those that do are declared this way by a call to `DEFVAR_LISP()' in the `vars_of_*()' initializer for the module. What this does is create a special "symbol-value-forward" Lisp object that contains a pointer to the C variable, intern a symbol whose name is as specified in the call to `DEFVAR_LISP()', and set its value to the symbol-value-forward Lisp object; it also calls `staticpro()' on the C variable to tell the garbage-collection mechanism about the variable. When `eval' (or actually `symbol-value') encounters this special object in the process of retrieving a variable's value, it follows the indirection to the C variable and gets its value. `setq' does similar things so that the C variable gets changed. Whether or not you `DEFVAR_LISP()' a variable, you need to initialize it in the `vars_of_*()' function; otherwise it will end up as all zeroes, which is the integer 0 (_not_ `nil'), and this is probably not what you want. Also, if the variable is not `DEFVAR_LISP()'ed, *you must call* `staticpro()' on the C variable in the `vars_of_*()' function. Otherwise, the garbage-collection mechanism won't know that the object in this variable is in use, and will happily collect it and reuse its storage for another Lisp object, and you will be the one who's unhappy when you can't figure out how your variable got overwritten.  File:, Node: Coding for Mule, Next: Techniques for XEmacs Developers, Prev: Adding Global Lisp Variables, Up: Rules When Writing New C Code Coding for Mule =============== Although Mule support is not compiled by default in XEmacs, many people are using it, and we consider it crucial that new code works correctly with multibyte characters. This is not hard; it is only a matter of following several simple user-interface guidelines. Even if you never compile with Mule, with a little practice you will find it quite easy to code Mule-correctly. Note that these guidelines are not necessarily tied to the current Mule implementation; they are also a good idea to follow on the grounds of code generalization for future I18N work. * Menu: * Character-Related Data Types:: * Working With Character and Byte Positions:: * Conversion to and from External Data:: * General Guidelines for Writing Mule-Aware Code:: * An Example of Mule-Aware Code::  File:, Node: Character-Related Data Types, Next: Working With Character and Byte Positions, Up: Coding for Mule Character-Related Data Types ---------------------------- First, let's review the basic character-related datatypes used by XEmacs. Note that the separate `typedef's are not mandatory in the current implementation (all of them boil down to `unsigned char' or `int'), but they improve clarity of code a great deal, because one glance at the declaration can tell the intended use of the variable. `Emchar' An `Emchar' holds a single Emacs character. Obviously, the equality between characters and bytes is lost in the Mule world. Characters can be represented by one or more bytes in the buffer, and `Emchar' is the C type large enough to hold any character. Without Mule support, an `Emchar' is equivalent to an `unsigned char'. `Bufbyte' The data representing the text in a buffer or string is logically a set of `Bufbyte's. XEmacs does not work with character formats all the time; when reading characters from the outside, it decodes them to an internal format, and likewise encodes them when writing. `Bufbyte' (in fact `unsigned char') is the basic unit of XEmacs internal buffers and strings format. One character can correspond to one or more `Bufbyte's. In the current implementation, an ASCII character is represented by the same `Bufbyte', and extended characters are represented by a sequence of `Bufbyte's. Without Mule support, a `Bufbyte' is equivalent to an `Emchar'. `Bufpos' `Charcount' A `Bufpos' represents a character position in a buffer or string. A `Charcount' represents a number (count) of characters. Logically, subtracting two `Bufpos' values yields a `Charcount' value. Although all of these are `typedef'ed to `int', we use them in preference to `int' to make it clear what sort of position is being used. `Bufpos' and `Charcount' values are the only ones that are ever visible to Lisp. `Bytind' `Bytecount' A `Bytind' represents a byte position in a buffer or string. A `Bytecount' represents the distance between two positions in bytes. The relationship between `Bytind' and `Bytecount' is the same as the relationship between `Bufpos' and `Charcount'. `Extbyte' `Extcount' When dealing with the outside world, XEmacs works with `Extbyte's, which are equivalent to `unsigned char'. Obviously, an `Extcount' is the distance between two `Extbyte's. Extbytes and Extcounts are not all that frequent in XEmacs code.