This is ../info/, produced by makeinfo version 4.0b from internals/internals.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION XEmacs Editor START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Internals: (internals). XEmacs Internals Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Copyright (C) 1992 - 1996 Ben Wing. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems. Copyright (C) 1994 - 1998 Free Software Foundation. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: gc_sweep, Next: sweep_lcrecords_1, Prev: mark_object, Up: Garbage Collection - Step by Step `gc_sweep' ---------- The job of this function is to free all unmarked records from memory. As we know, there are different types of objects implemented and managed, and consequently different ways to free them from memory. *Note Introduction to Allocation::. We start with all objects stored through `lcrecords'. All bulkier objects are allocated and handled using that scheme of `lcrecords'. Each object is `malloc'ed separately instead of placing it in one of the contiguous frob blocks. All types that are currently stored using `lcrecords''s `alloc_lcrecord' and `make_lcrecord_list' are the types: vectors, buffers, char-table, char-table-entry, console, weak-list, database, device, ldap, hash-table, command-builder, extent-auxiliary, extent-info, face, coding-system, frame, image-instance, glyph, popup-data, gui-item, keymap, charset, color_instance, font_instance, opaque, opaque-list, process, range-table, specifier, symbol-value-buffer-local, symbol-value-lisp-magic, symbol-value-varalias, toolbar-button, tooltalk-message, tooltalk-pattern, window, and window-configuration. We take care of them in the fist place in order to be able to handle and to finalize items stored in them more easily. The function `sweep_lcrecords_1' as described below is doing the whole job for us. For a description about the internals: *Note lrecords::. Our next candidates are the other objects that behave quite differently than everything else: the strings. They consists of two parts, a fixed-size portion (`struct Lisp_String') holding the string's length, its property list and a pointer to the second part, and the actual string data, which is stored in string-chars blocks comparable to frob blocks. In this block, the data is not only freed, but also a compression of holes is made, i.e. all strings are relocated together. *Note String::. This compacting phase is performed by the function `compact_string_chars', the actual sweeping by the function `sweep_strings' is described below. After that, the other types are swept step by step using functions `sweep_conses', `sweep_bit_vectors_1', `sweep_compiled_functions', `sweep_floats', `sweep_symbols', `sweep_extents', `sweep_markers' and `sweep_extents'. They are the fixed-size types cons, floats, compiled-functions, symbol, marker, extent, and event stored in so-called "frob blocks", and therefore we can basically do the same on every type objects, using the same macros, especially defined only to handle everything with respect to fixed-size blocks. The only fixed-size type that is not handled here are the fixed-size portion of strings, because we took special care of them earlier. The only big exceptions are bit vectors stored differently and therefore treated differently by the function `sweep_bit_vectors_1' described later. At first, we need some brief information about how these fixed-size types are managed in general, in order to understand how the sweeping is done. They have all a fixed size, and are therefore stored in big blocks of memory - allocated at once - that can hold a certain amount of objects of one type. The macro `DECLARE_FIXED_TYPE_ALLOC' creates the suitable structures for every type. More precisely, we have the block struct (holding a pointer to the previous block `prev' and the objects in `block[]'), a pointer to current block (`current_..._block)') and its last index (`current_..._block_index'), and a pointer to the free list that will be created. Also a macro `FIXED_TYPE_FROM_BLOCK' plus some related macros exists that are used to obtain a new object, either from the free list `ALLOCATE_FIXED_TYPE_1' if there is an unused object of that type stored or by allocating a completely new block using `ALLOCATE_FIXED_TYPE_FROM_BLOCK'. The rest works as follows: all of them define a macro `UNMARK_...' that is used to unmark the object. They define a macro `ADDITIONAL_FREE_...' that defines additional work that has to be done when converting an object from in use to not in use (so far, only markers use it in order to unchain them). Then, they all call the macro `SWEEP_FIXED_TYPE_BLOCK' instantiated with their type name and their struct name. This call in particular does the following: we go over all blocks starting with the current moving towards the oldest. For each block, we look at every object in it. If the object already freed (checked with `FREE_STRUCT_P' using the first pointer of the object), or if it is set to read only (`C_READONLY_RECORD_HEADER_P', nothing must be done. If it is unmarked (checked with `MARKED_RECORD_HEADER_P'), it is put in the free list and set free (using the macro `FREE_FIXED_TYPE', otherwise it stays in the block, but is unmarked (by `UNMARK_...'). While going through one block, we note if the whole block is empty. If so, the whole block is freed (using `xfree') and the free list state is set to the state it had before handling this block.  File:, Node: sweep_lcrecords_1, Next: compact_string_chars, Prev: gc_sweep, Up: Garbage Collection - Step by Step `sweep_lcrecords_1' ------------------- After nullifying the complete lcrecord statistics, we go over all lcrecords two separate times. They are all chained together in a list with a head called `all_lcrecords'. The first loop calls for each object its `finalizer' method, but only in the case that it is not read only (`C_READONLY_RECORD_HEADER_P)', it is not already marked (`MARKED_RECORD_HEADER_P'), it is not already in a free list (list of freed objects, field `free') and finally it owns a finalizer method. The second loop actually frees the appropriate objects again by iterating through the whole list. In case an object is read only or marked, it has to persist, otherwise it is manually freed by calling `xfree'. During this loop, the lcrecord statistics are kept up to date by calling `tick_lcrecord_stats' with the right arguments,  File:, Node: compact_string_chars, Next: sweep_strings, Prev: sweep_lcrecords_1, Up: Garbage Collection - Step by Step `compact_string_chars' ---------------------- The purpose of this function is to compact all the data parts of the strings that are held in so-called `string_chars_block', i.e. the strings that do not exceed a certain maximal length. The procedure with which this is done is as follows. We are keeping two positions in the `string_chars_block's using two pointer/integer pairs, namely `from_sb'/`from_pos' and `to_sb'/`to_pos'. They stand for the actual positions, from where to where, to copy the actually handled string. While going over all chained `string_char_block's and their held strings, staring at `first_string_chars_block', both pointers are advanced and eventually a string is copied from `from_sb' to `to_sb', depending on the status of the pointed at strings. More precisely, we can distinguish between the following actions. * The string at `from_sb''s position could be marked as free, which is indicated by an invalid pointer to the pointer that should point back to the fixed size string object, and which is checked by `FREE_STRUCT_P'. In this case, the `from_sb'/`from_pos' is advanced to the next string, and nothing has to be copied. * Also, if a string object itself is unmarked, nothing has to be copied. We likewise advance the `from_sb'/`from_pos' pair as described above. * In all other cases, we have a marked string at hand. The string data must be moved from the from-position to the to-position. In case there is not enough space in the actual `to_sb'-block, we advance this pointer to the beginning of the next block before copying. In case the from and to positions are different, we perform the actual copying using the library function `memmove'. After compacting, the pointer to the current `string_chars_block', sitting in `current_string_chars_block', is reset on the last block to which we moved a string, i.e. `to_block', and all remaining blocks (we know that they just carry garbage) are explicitly `xfree'd.  File:, Node: sweep_strings, Next: sweep_bit_vectors_1, Prev: compact_string_chars, Up: Garbage Collection - Step by Step `sweep_strings' --------------- The sweeping for the fixed sized string objects is essentially exactly the same as it is for all other fixed size types. As before, the freeing into the suitable free list is done by using the macro `SWEEP_FIXED_SIZE_BLOCK' after defining the right macros `UNMARK_string' and `ADDITIONAL_FREE_string'. These two definitions are a little bit special compared to the ones used for the other fixed size types. `UNMARK_string' is defined the same way except some additional code used for updating the bookkeeping information. For strings, `ADDITIONAL_FREE_string' has to do something in addition: in case, the string was not allocated in a `string_chars_block' because it exceeded the maximal length, and therefore it was `malloc'ed separately, we know also `xfree' it explicitly.  File:, Node: sweep_bit_vectors_1, Prev: sweep_strings, Up: Garbage Collection - Step by Step `sweep_bit_vectors_1' --------------------- Bit vectors are also one of the rare types that are `malloc'ed individually. Consequently, while sweeping, all further needless bit vectors must be freed by hand. This is done, as one might imagine, the expected way: since they are all registered in a list called `all_bit_vectors', all elements of that list are traversed, all unmarked bit vectors are unlinked by calling `xfree' and all of them become unmarked. In addition, the bookkeeping information used for garbage collector's output purposes is updated.  File:, Node: Integers and Characters, Next: Allocation from Frob Blocks, Prev: Garbage Collection - Step by Step, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp Integers and Characters ======================= Integer and character Lisp objects are created from integers using the macros `XSETINT()' and `XSETCHAR()' or the equivalent functions `make_int()' and `make_char()'. (These are actually macros on most systems.) These functions basically just do some moving of bits around, since the integral value of the object is stored directly in the `Lisp_Object'. `XSETINT()' and the like will truncate values given to them that are too big; i.e. you won't get the value you expected but the tag bits will at least be correct.  File:, Node: Allocation from Frob Blocks, Next: lrecords, Prev: Integers and Characters, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp Allocation from Frob Blocks =========================== The uninitialized memory required by a `Lisp_Object' of a particular type is allocated using `ALLOCATE_FIXED_TYPE()'. This only occurs inside of the lowest-level object-creating functions in `alloc.c': `Fcons()', `make_float()', `Fmake_byte_code()', `Fmake_symbol()', `allocate_extent()', `allocate_event()', `Fmake_marker()', and `make_uninit_string()'. The idea is that, for each type, there are a number of frob blocks (each 2K in size); each frob block is divided up into object-sized chunks. Each frob block will have some of these chunks that are currently assigned to objects, and perhaps some that are free. (If a frob block has nothing but free chunks, it is freed at the end of the garbage collection cycle.) The free chunks are stored in a free list, which is chained by storing a pointer in the first four bytes of the chunk. (Except for the free chunks at the end of the last frob block, which are handled using an index which points past the end of the last-allocated chunk in the last frob block.) `ALLOCATE_FIXED_TYPE()' first tries to retrieve a chunk from the free list; if that fails, it calls `ALLOCATE_FIXED_TYPE_FROM_BLOCK()', which looks at the end of the last frob block for space, and creates a new frob block if there is none. (There are actually two versions of these macros, one of which is more defensive but less efficient and is used for error-checking.)  File:, Node: lrecords, Next: Low-level allocation, Prev: Allocation from Frob Blocks, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp lrecords ======== [see `lrecord.h'] All lrecords have at the beginning of their structure a `struct lrecord_header'. This just contains a type number and some flags, including the mark bit. All builtin type numbers are defined as constants in `enum lrecord_type', to allow the compiler to generate more efficient code for `TYPEP'. The type number, thru the `lrecord_implementation_table', gives access to a `struct lrecord_implementation', which is a structure containing method pointers and such. There is one of these for each type, and it is a global, constant, statically-declared structure that is declared in the `DEFINE_LRECORD_IMPLEMENTATION()' macro. Simple lrecords (of type (b) above) just have a `struct lrecord_header' at their beginning. lcrecords, however, actually have a `struct lcrecord_header'. This, in turn, has a `struct lrecord_header' at its beginning, so sanity is preserved; but it also has a pointer used to chain all lcrecords together, and a special ID field used to distinguish one lcrecord from another. (This field is used only for debugging and could be removed, but the space gain is not significant.) Simple lrecords are created using `ALLOCATE_FIXED_TYPE()', just like for other frob blocks. The only change is that the implementation pointer must be initialized correctly. (The implementation structure for an lrecord, or rather the pointer to it, is named `lrecord_float', `lrecord_extent', `lrecord_buffer', etc.) lcrecords are created using `alloc_lcrecord()'. This takes a size to allocate and an implementation pointer. (The size needs to be passed because some lcrecords, such as window configurations, are of variable size.) This basically just `malloc()'s the storage, initializes the `struct lcrecord_header', and chains the lcrecord onto the head of the list of all lcrecords, which is stored in the variable `all_lcrecords'. The calls to `alloc_lcrecord()' generally occur in the lowest-level allocation function for each lrecord type. Whenever you create an lrecord, you need to call either `DEFINE_LRECORD_IMPLEMENTATION()' or `DEFINE_LRECORD_SEQUENCE_IMPLEMENTATION()'. This needs to be specified in a `.c' file, at the top level. What this actually does is define and initialize the implementation structure for the lrecord. (And possibly declares a function `error_check_foo()' that implements the `XFOO()' macro when error-checking is enabled.) The arguments to the macros are the actual type name (this is used to construct the C variable name of the lrecord implementation structure and related structures using the `##' macro concatenation operator), a string that names the type on the Lisp level (this may not be the same as the C type name; typically, the C type name has underscores, while the Lisp string has dashes), various method pointers, and the name of the C structure that contains the object. The methods are used to encapsulate type-specific information about the object, such as how to print it or mark it for garbage collection, so that it's easy to add new object types without having to add a specific case for each new type in a bunch of different places. The difference between `DEFINE_LRECORD_IMPLEMENTATION()' and `DEFINE_LRECORD_SEQUENCE_IMPLEMENTATION()' is that the former is used for fixed-size object types and the latter is for variable-size object types. Most object types are fixed-size; some complex types, however (e.g. window configurations), are variable-size. Variable-size object types have an extra method, which is called to determine the actual size of a particular object of that type. (Currently this is only used for keeping allocation statistics.) For the purpose of keeping allocation statistics, the allocation engine keeps a list of all the different types that exist. Note that, since `DEFINE_LRECORD_IMPLEMENTATION()' is a macro that is specified at top-level, there is no way for it to initialize the global data structures containing type information, like `lrecord_implementations_table'. For this reason a call to `INIT_LRECORD_IMPLEMENTATION' must be added to the same source file containing `DEFINE_LRECORD_IMPLEMENTATION', but instead of to the top level, to one of the init functions, typically `syms_of_FOO.c'. `INIT_LRECORD_IMPLEMENTATION' must be called before an object of this type is used. The type number is also used to index into an array holding the number of objects of each type and the total memory allocated for objects of that type. The statistics in this array are computed during the sweep stage. These statistics are returned by the call to `garbage-collect'. Note that for every type defined with a `DEFINE_LRECORD_*()' macro, there needs to be a `DECLARE_LRECORD_IMPLEMENTATION()' somewhere in a `.h' file, and this `.h' file needs to be included by `inline.c'. Furthermore, there should generally be a set of `XFOOBAR()', `FOOBARP()', etc. macros in a `.h' (or occasionally `.c') file. To create one of these, copy an existing model and modify as necessary. *Please note:* If you define an lrecord in an external dynamically-loaded module, you must use `DECLARE_EXTERNAL_LRECORD', `DEFINE_EXTERNAL_LRECORD_IMPLEMENTATION', and `DEFINE_EXTERNAL_LRECORD_SEQUENCE_IMPLEMENTATION' instead of the non-EXTERNAL forms. These macros will dynamically add new type numbers to the global enum that records them, whereas the non-EXTERNAL forms assume that the programmer has already inserted the correct type numbers into the enum's code at compile-time. The various methods in the lrecord implementation structure are: 1. A "mark" method. This is called during the marking stage and passed a function pointer (usually the `mark_object()' function), which is used to mark an object. All Lisp objects that are contained within the object need to be marked by applying this function to them. The mark method should also return a Lisp object, which should be either `nil' or an object to mark. (This can be used in lieu of calling `mark_object()' on the object, to reduce the recursion depth, and consequently should be the most heavily nested sub-object, such as a long list.) *Please note:* When the mark method is called, garbage collection is in progress, and special precautions need to be taken when accessing objects; see section (B) above. If your mark method does not need to do anything, it can be `NULL'. 2. A "print" method. This is called to create a printed representation of the object, whenever `princ', `prin1', or the like is called. It is passed the object, a stream to which the output is to be directed, and an `escapeflag' which indicates whether the object's printed representation should be "escaped" so that it is readable. (This corresponds to the difference between `princ' and `prin1'.) Basically, "escaped" means that strings will have quotes around them and confusing characters in the strings such as quotes, backslashes, and newlines will be backslashed; and that special care will be taken to make symbols print in a readable fashion (e.g. symbols that look like numbers will be backslashed). Other readable objects should perhaps pass `escapeflag' on when sub-objects are printed, so that readability is preserved when necessary (or if not, always pass in a 1 for `escapeflag'). Non-readable objects should in general ignore `escapeflag', except that some use it as an indication that more verbose output should be given. Sub-objects are printed using `print_internal()', which takes exactly the same arguments as are passed to the print method. Literal C strings should be printed using `write_c_string()', or `write_string_1()' for non-null-terminated strings. Functions that do not have a readable representation should check the `print_readably' flag and signal an error if it is set. If you specify NULL for the print method, the `default_object_printer()' will be used. 3. A "finalize" method. This is called at the beginning of the sweep stage on lcrecords that are about to be freed, and should be used to perform any extra object cleanup. This typically involves freeing any extra `malloc()'ed memory associated with the object, releasing any operating-system and window-system resources associated with the object (e.g. pixmaps, fonts), etc. The finalize method can be NULL if nothing needs to be done. WARNING #1: The finalize method is also called at the end of the dump phase; this time with the for_disksave parameter set to non-zero. The object is _not_ about to disappear, so you have to make sure to _not_ free any extra `malloc()'ed memory if you're going to need it later. (Also, signal an error if there are any operating-system and window-system resources here, because they can't be dumped.) Finalize methods should, as a rule, set to zero any pointers after they've been freed, and check to make sure pointers are not zero before freeing. Although I'm pretty sure that finalize methods are not called twice on the same object (except for the `for_disksave' proviso), we've gotten nastily burned in some cases by not doing this. WARNING #2: The finalize method is _only_ called for lcrecords, _not_ for simply lrecords. If you need a finalize method for simple lrecords, you have to stick it in the `ADDITIONAL_FREE_foo()' macro in `alloc.c'. WARNING #3: Things are in an _extremely_ bizarre state when `ADDITIONAL_FREE_foo()' is called, so you have to be incredibly careful when writing one of these functions. See the comment in `gc_sweep()'. If you ever have to add one of these, consider using an lcrecord or dealing with the problem in a different fashion. 4. An "equal" method. This compares the two objects for similarity, when `equal' is called. It should compare the contents of the objects in some reasonable fashion. It is passed the two objects and a "depth" value, which is used to catch circular objects. To compare sub-Lisp-objects, call `internal_equal()' and bump the depth value by one. If this value gets too high, a `circular-object' error will be signaled. If this is NULL, objects are `equal' only when they are `eq', i.e. identical. 5. A "hash" method. This is used to hash objects when they are to be compared with `equal'. The rule here is that if two objects are `equal', they _must_ hash to the same value; i.e. your hash function should use some subset of the sub-fields of the object that are compared in the "equal" method. If you specify this method as `NULL', the object's pointer will be used as the hash, which will _fail_ if the object has an `equal' method, so don't do this. To hash a sub-Lisp-object, call `internal_hash()'. Bump the depth by one, just like in the "equal" method. To convert a Lisp object directly into a hash value (using its pointer), use `LISP_HASH()'. This is what happens when the hash method is NULL. To hash two or more values together into a single value, use `HASH2()', `HASH3()', `HASH4()', etc. 6. "getprop", "putprop", "remprop", and "plist" methods. These are used for object types that have properties. I don't feel like documenting them here. If you create one of these objects, you have to use different macros to define them, i.e. `DEFINE_LRECORD_IMPLEMENTATION_WITH_PROPS()' or `DEFINE_LRECORD_SEQUENCE_IMPLEMENTATION_WITH_PROPS()'. 7. A "size_in_bytes" method, when the object is of variable-size. (i.e. declared with a `_SEQUENCE_IMPLEMENTATION' macro.) This should simply return the object's size in bytes, exactly as you might expect. For an example, see the methods for window configurations and opaques.  File:, Node: Low-level allocation, Next: Cons, Prev: lrecords, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp Low-level allocation ==================== Memory that you want to allocate directly should be allocated using `xmalloc()' rather than `malloc()'. This implements error-checking on the return value, and once upon a time did some more vital stuff (i.e. `BLOCK_INPUT', which is no longer necessary). Free using `xfree()', and realloc using `xrealloc()'. Note that `xmalloc()' will do a non-local exit if the memory can't be allocated. (Many functions, however, do not expect this, and thus XEmacs will likely crash if this happens. *This is a bug.* If you can, you should strive to make your function handle this OK. However, it's difficult in the general circumstance, perhaps requiring extra unwind-protects and such.) Note that XEmacs provides two separate replacements for the standard `malloc()' library function. These are called "old GNU malloc" (`malloc.c') and "new GNU malloc" (`gmalloc.c'), respectively. New GNU malloc is better in pretty much every way than old GNU malloc, and should be used if possible. (It used to be that on some systems, the old one worked but the new one didn't. I think this was due specifically to a bug in SunOS, which the new one now works around; so I don't think the old one ever has to be used any more.) The primary difference between both of these mallocs and the standard system malloc is that they are much faster, at the expense of increased space. The basic idea is that memory is allocated in fixed chunks of powers of two. This allows for basically constant malloc time, since the various chunks can just be kept on a number of free lists. (The standard system malloc typically allocates arbitrary-sized chunks and has to spend some time, sometimes a significant amount of time, walking the heap looking for a free block to use and cleaning things up.) The new GNU malloc improves on things by allocating large objects in chunks of 4096 bytes rather than in ever larger powers of two, which results in ever larger wastage. There is a slight speed loss here, but it's of doubtful significance. NOTE: Apparently there is a third-generation GNU malloc that is significantly better than the new GNU malloc, and should probably be included in XEmacs. There is also the relocating allocator, `ralloc.c'. This actually moves blocks of memory around so that the `sbrk()' pointer shrunk and virtual memory released back to the system. On some systems, this is a big win. On all systems, it causes a noticeable (and sometimes huge) speed penalty, so I turn it off by default. `ralloc.c' only works with the new GNU malloc in `gmalloc.c'. There are also two versions of `ralloc.c', one that uses `mmap()' rather than block copies to move data around. This purports to be faster, although that depends on the amount of data that would have had to be block copied and the system-call overhead for `mmap()'. I don't know exactly how this works, except that the relocating-allocation routines are pretty much used only for the memory allocated for a buffer, which is the biggest consumer of space, esp. of space that may get freed later. Note that the GNU mallocs have some "memory warning" facilities. XEmacs taps into them and issues a warning through the standard warning system, when memory gets to 75%, 85%, and 95% full. (On some systems, the memory warnings are not functional.) Allocated memory that is going to be used to make a Lisp object is created using `allocate_lisp_storage()'. This just calls `xmalloc()'. It used to verify that the pointer to the memory can fit into a Lisp word, before the current Lisp object representation was introduced. `allocate_lisp_storage()' is called by `alloc_lcrecord()', `ALLOCATE_FIXED_TYPE()', and the vector and bit-vector creation routines. These routines also call `INCREMENT_CONS_COUNTER()' at the appropriate times; this keeps statistics on how much memory is allocated, so that garbage-collection can be invoked when the threshold is reached.  File:, Node: Cons, Next: Vector, Prev: Low-level allocation, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp Cons ==== Conses are allocated in standard frob blocks. The only thing to note is that conses can be explicitly freed using `free_cons()' and associated functions `free_list()' and `free_alist()'. This immediately puts the conses onto the cons free list, and decrements the statistics on memory allocation appropriately. This is used to good effect by some extremely commonly-used code, to avoid generating extra objects and thereby triggering GC sooner. However, you have to be _extremely_ careful when doing this. If you mess this up, you will get BADLY BURNED, and it has happened before.  File:, Node: Vector, Next: Bit Vector, Prev: Cons, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp Vector ====== As mentioned above, each vector is `malloc()'ed individually, and all are threaded through the variable `all_vectors'. Vectors are marked strangely during garbage collection, by kludging the size field. Note that the `struct Lisp_Vector' is declared with its `contents' field being a _stretchy_ array of one element. It is actually `malloc()'ed with the right size, however, and access to any element through the `contents' array works fine.  File:, Node: Bit Vector, Next: Symbol, Prev: Vector, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp Bit Vector ========== Bit vectors work exactly like vectors, except for more complicated code to access an individual bit, and except for the fact that bit vectors are lrecords while vectors are not. (The only difference here is that there's an lrecord implementation pointer at the beginning and the tag field in bit vector Lisp words is "lrecord" rather than "vector".)  File:, Node: Symbol, Next: Marker, Prev: Bit Vector, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp Symbol ====== Symbols are also allocated in frob blocks. Symbols in the awful horrible obarray structure are chained through their `next' field. Remember that `intern' looks up a symbol in an obarray, creating one if necessary.  File:, Node: Marker, Next: String, Prev: Symbol, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp Marker ====== Markers are allocated in frob blocks, as usual. They are kept in a buffer unordered, but in a doubly-linked list so that they can easily be removed. (Formerly this was a singly-linked list, but in some cases garbage collection took an extraordinarily long time due to the O(N^2) time required to remove lots of markers from a buffer.) Markers are removed from a buffer in the finalize stage, in `ADDITIONAL_FREE_marker()'.  File:, Node: String, Next: Compiled Function, Prev: Marker, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp String ====== As mentioned above, strings are a special case. A string is logically two parts, a fixed-size object (containing the length, property list, and a pointer to the actual data), and the actual data in the string. The fixed-size object is a `struct Lisp_String' and is allocated in frob blocks, as usual. The actual data is stored in special "string-chars blocks", which are 8K blocks of memory. Currently-allocated strings are simply laid end to end in these string-chars blocks, with a pointer back to the `struct Lisp_String' stored before each string in the string-chars block. When a new string needs to be allocated, the remaining space at the end of the last string-chars block is used if there's enough, and a new string-chars block is created otherwise. There are never any holes in the string-chars blocks due to the string compaction and relocation that happens at the end of garbage collection. During the sweep stage of garbage collection, when objects are reclaimed, the garbage collector goes through all string-chars blocks, looking for unused strings. Each chunk of string data is preceded by a pointer to the corresponding `struct Lisp_String', which indicates both whether the string is used and how big the string is, i.e. how to get to the next chunk of string data. Holes are compressed by block-copying the next string into the empty space and relocating the pointer stored in the corresponding `struct Lisp_String'. *This means you have to be careful with strings in your code.* See the section above on `GCPRO'ing. Note that there is one situation not handled: a string that is too big to fit into a string-chars block. Such strings, called "big strings", are all `malloc()'ed as their own block. (#### Although it would make more sense for the threshold for big strings to be somewhat lower, e.g. 1/2 or 1/4 the size of a string-chars block. It seems that this was indeed the case formerly--indeed, the threshold was set at 1/8--but Mly forgot about this when rewriting things for 19.8.) Note also that the string data in string-chars blocks is padded as necessary so that proper alignment constraints on the `struct Lisp_String' back pointers are maintained. Finally, strings can be resized. This happens in Mule when a character is substituted with a different-length character, or during modeline frobbing. (You could also export this to Lisp, but it's not done so currently.) Resizing a string is a potentially tricky process. If the change is small enough that the padding can absorb it, nothing other than a simple memory move needs to be done. Keep in mind, however, that the string can't shrink too much because the offset to the next string in the string-chars block is computed by looking at the length and rounding to the nearest multiple of four or eight. If the string would shrink or expand beyond the correct padding, new string data needs to be allocated at the end of the last string-chars block and the data moved appropriately. This leaves some dead string data, which is marked by putting a special marker of 0xFFFFFFFF in the `struct Lisp_String' pointer before the data (there's no real `struct Lisp_String' to point to and relocate), and storing the size of the dead string data (which would normally be obtained from the now-non-existent `struct Lisp_String') at the beginning of the dead string data gap. The string compactor recognizes this special 0xFFFFFFFF marker and handles it correctly.  File:, Node: Compiled Function, Prev: String, Up: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp Compiled Function ================= Not yet documented.  File:, Node: Dumping, Next: Events and the Event Loop, Prev: Allocation of Objects in XEmacs Lisp, Up: Top Dumping ******* What is dumping and its justification ===================================== The C code of XEmacs is just a Lisp engine with a lot of built-in primitives useful for writing an editor. The editor itself is written mostly in Lisp, and represents around 100K lines of code. Loading and executing the initialization of all this code takes a bit a time (five to ten times the usual startup time of current xemacs) and requires having all the lisp source files around. Having to reload them each time the editor is started would not be acceptable. The traditional solution to this problem is called dumping: the build process first creates the lisp engine under the name `temacs', then runs it until it has finished loading and initializing all the lisp code, and eventually creates a new executable called `xemacs' including both the object code in `temacs' and all the contents of the memory after the initialization. This solution, while working, has a huge problem: the creation of the new executable from the actual contents of memory is an extremely system-specific process, quite error-prone, and which interferes with a lot of system libraries (like malloc). It is even getting worse nowadays with libraries using constructors which are automatically called when the program is started (even before main()) which tend to crash when they are called multiple times, once before dumping and once after (IRIX 6.x pulls in some C++ image libraries thru dependencies which have this problem). Writing the dumper is also one of the most difficult parts of porting XEmacs to a new operating system. Basically, `dumping' is an operation that is just not officially supported on many operating systems. The aim of the portable dumper is to solve the same problem as the system-specific dumper, that is to be able to reload quickly, using only a small number of files, the fully initialized lisp part of the editor, without any system-specific hacks. * Menu: * Overview:: * Data descriptions:: * Dumping phase:: * Reloading phase:: * Remaining issues::  File:, Node: Overview, Next: Data descriptions, Prev: Dumping, Up: Dumping Overview ======== The portable dumping system has to: 1. At dump time, write all initialized, non-quickly-rebuildable data to a file [Note: currently named `xemacs.dmp', but the name will change], along with all informations needed for the reloading. 2. When starting xemacs, reload the dump file, relocate it to its new starting address if needed, and reinitialize all pointers to this data. Also, rebuild all the quickly rebuildable data.  File:, Node: Data descriptions, Next: Dumping phase, Prev: Overview, Up: Dumping Data descriptions ================= The more complex task of the dumper is to be able to write lisp objects (lrecords) and C structs to disk and reload them at a different address, updating all the pointers they include in the process. This is done by using external data descriptions that give information about the layout of the structures in memory. The specification of these descriptions is in lrecord.h. A description of an lrecord is an array of struct lrecord_description. Each of these structs include a type, an offset in the structure and some optional parameters depending on the type. For instance, here is the string description: static const struct lrecord_description string_description[] = { { XD_BYTECOUNT, offsetof (Lisp_String, size) }, { XD_OPAQUE_DATA_PTR, offsetof (Lisp_String, data), XD_INDIRECT(0, 1) }, { XD_LISP_OBJECT, offsetof (Lisp_String, plist) }, { XD_END } }; The first line indicates a member of type Bytecount, which is used by the next, indirect directive. The second means "there is a pointer to some opaque data in the field `data'". The length of said data is given by the expression `XD_INDIRECT(0, 1)', which means "the value in the 0th line of the description (welcome to C) plus one". The third line means "there is a Lisp_Object member `plist' in the Lisp_String structure". `XD_END' then ends the description. This gives us all the information we need to move around what is pointed to by a structure (C or lrecord) and, by transitivity, everything that it points to. The only missing information for dumping is the size of the structure. For lrecords, this is part of the lrecord_implementation, so we don't need to duplicate it. For C structures we use a struct struct_description, which includes a size field and a pointer to an associated array of lrecord_description.  File:, Node: Dumping phase, Next: Reloading phase, Prev: Data descriptions, Up: Dumping Dumping phase ============= Dumping is done by calling the function pdump() (in dumper.c) which is invoked from Fdump_emacs (in emacs.c). This function performs a number of tasks. * Menu: * Object inventory:: * Address allocation:: * The header:: * Data dumping:: * Pointers dumping::  File:, Node: Object inventory, Next: Address allocation, Prev: Dumping phase, Up: Dumping phase Object inventory ---------------- The first task is to build the list of the objects to dump. This includes: * lisp objects * C structures We end up with one `pdump_entry_list_elmt' per object group (arrays of C structs are kept together) which includes a pointer to the first object of the group, the per-object size and the count of objects in the group, along with some other information which is initialized later. These entries are linked together in `pdump_entry_list' structures and can be enumerated thru either: 1. the `pdump_object_table', an array of `pdump_entry_list', one per lrecord type, indexed by type number. 2. the `pdump_opaque_data_list', used for the opaque data which does not include pointers, and hence does not need descriptions. 3. the `pdump_struct_table', which is a vector of `struct_description'/`pdump_entry_list' pairs, used for non-opaque C structures. This uses a marking strategy similar to the garbage collector. Some differences though: 1. We do not use the mark bit (which does not exist for C structures anyway); we use a big hash table instead. 2. We do not use the mark function of lrecords but instead rely on the external descriptions. This happens essentially because we need to follow pointers to C structures and opaque data in addition to Lisp_Object members. This is done by `pdump_register_object()', which handles Lisp_Object variables, and `pdump_register_struct()' which handles C structures, which both delegate the description management to `pdump_register_sub()'. The hash table doubles as a map object to pdump_entry_list_elmt (i.e. allows us to look up a pdump_entry_list_elmt with the object it points to). Entries are added with `pdump_add_entry()' and looked up with `pdump_get_entry()'. There is no need for entry removal. The hash value is computed quite simply from the object pointer by `pdump_make_hash()'. The roots for the marking are: 1. the `staticpro''ed variables (there is a special `staticpro_nodump()' call for protected variables we do not want to dump). 2. the variables registered via `dump_add_root_object' (`staticpro()' is equivalent to `staticpro_nodump()' + `dump_add_root_object()'). 3. the variables registered via `dump_add_root_struct_ptr', each of which points to a C structure. This does not include the GCPRO'ed variables, the specbinds, the catchtags, the backlist, the redisplay or the profiling info, since we do not want to rebuild the actual chain of lisp calls which end up to the dump-emacs call, only the global variables. Weak lists and weak hash tables are dumped as if they were their non-weak equivalent (without changing their type, of course). This has not yet been a problem.  File:, Node: Address allocation, Next: The header, Prev: Object inventory, Up: Dumping phase Address allocation ------------------ The next step is to allocate the offsets of each of the objects in the final dump file. This is done by `pdump_allocate_offset()' which is called indirectly by `pdump_scan_by_alignment()'. The strategy to deal with alignment problems uses these facts: 1. real world alignment requirements are powers of two. 2. the C compiler is required to adjust the size of a struct so that you can have an array of them next to each other. This means you can have an upper bound of the alignment requirements of a given structure by looking at which power of two its size is a multiple. 3. the non-variant part of variable size lrecords has an alignment requirement of 4. Hence, for each lrecord type, C struct type or opaque data block the alignment requirement is computed as a power of two, with a minimum of 2^2 for lrecords. `pdump_scan_by_alignment()' then scans all the `pdump_entry_list_elmt''s, the ones with the highest requirements first. This ensures the best packing. The maximum alignment requirement we take into account is 2^8. `pdump_allocate_offset()' only has to do a linear allocation, starting at offset 256 (this leaves room for the header and keeps the alignments happy).  File:, Node: The header, Next: Data dumping, Prev: Address allocation, Up: Dumping phase The header ---------- The next step creates the file and writes a header with a signature and some random information in it. The `reloc_address' field, which indicates at which address the file should be loaded if we want to avoid post-reload relocation, is set to 0. It then seeks to offset 256 (base offset for the objects).  File:, Node: Data dumping, Next: Pointers dumping, Prev: The header, Up: Dumping phase Data dumping ------------ The data is dumped in the same order as the addresses were allocated by `pdump_dump_data()', called from `pdump_scan_by_alignment()'. This function copies the data to a temporary buffer, relocates all pointers in the object to the addresses allocated in step Address Allocation, and writes it to the file. Using the same order means that, if we are careful with lrecords whose size is not a multiple of 4, we are ensured that the object is always written at the offset in the file allocated in step Address Allocation.  File:, Node: Pointers dumping, Prev: Data dumping, Up: Dumping phase Pointers dumping ---------------- A bunch of tables needed to reassign properly the global pointers are then written. They are: 1. the pdump_root_struct_ptrs dynarr 2. the pdump_opaques dynarr 3. a vector of all the offsets to the objects in the file that include a description (for faster relocation at reload time) 4. the pdump_root_objects and pdump_weak_object_chains dynarrs. For each of the dynarrs we write both the pointer to the variables and the relocated offset of the object they point to. Since these variables are global, the pointers are still valid when restarting the program and are used to regenerate the global pointers. The `pdump_weak_object_chains' dynarr is a special case. The variables it points to are the head of weak linked lists of lisp objects of the same type. Not all objects of this list are dumped so the relocated pointer we associate with them points to the first dumped object of the list, or Qnil if none is available. This is also the reason why they are not used as roots for the purpose of object enumeration. Some very important information like the `staticpros' and `lrecord_implementations_table' are handled indirectly using `dump_add_opaque' or `dump_add_root_struct_ptr'. This is the end of the dumping part.  File:, Node: Reloading phase, Next: Remaining issues, Prev: Dumping phase, Up: Dumping Reloading phase =============== File loading ------------ The file is mmap'ed in memory (which ensures a PAGESIZE alignment, at least 4096), or if mmap is unavailable or fails, a 256-bytes aligned malloc is done and the file is loaded. Some variables are reinitialized from the values found in the header. The difference between the actual loading address and the reloc_address is computed and will be used for all the relocations. Putting back the pdump_opaques ------------------------------ The memory contents are restored in the obvious and trivial way. Putting back the pdump_root_struct_ptrs --------------------------------------- The variables pointed to by pdump_root_struct_ptrs in the dump phase are reset to the right relocated object addresses. Object relocation ----------------- All the objects are relocated using their description and their offset by `pdump_reloc_one'. This step is unnecessary if the reloc_address is equal to the file loading address. Putting back the pdump_root_objects and pdump_weak_object_chains ---------------------------------------------------------------- Same as Putting back the pdump_root_struct_ptrs. Reorganize the hash tables -------------------------- Since some of the hash values in the lisp hash tables are address-dependent, their layout is now wrong. So we go through each of them and have them resorted by calling `pdump_reorganize_hash_table'.  File:, Node: Remaining issues, Prev: Reloading phase, Up: Dumping Remaining issues ================ The build process will have to start a post-dump xemacs, ask it the loading address (which will, hopefully, be always the same between different xemacs invocations) and relocate the file to the new address. This way the object relocation phase will not have to be done, which means no writes in the objects and that, because of the use of mmap, the dumped data will be shared between all the xemacs running on the computer. Some executable signature will be necessary to ensure that a given dump file is really associated with a given executable, or random crashes will occur. Maybe a random number set at compile or configure time thru a define. This will also allow for having differently-compiled xemacsen on the same system (mule and no-mule comes to mind). The DOC file contents should probably end up in the dump file.