This is ../info/, produced by makeinfo version 4.0b from internals/internals.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION XEmacs Editor START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Internals: (internals). XEmacs Internals Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Copyright (C) 1992 - 1996 Ben Wing. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems. Copyright (C) 1994 - 1998 Free Software Foundation. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: Window Hierarchy, Next: The Window Object, Prev: Point, Up: Consoles; Devices; Frames; Windows Window Hierarchy ================ If a frame contains multiple windows (panes), they are always created by splitting an existing window along the horizontal or vertical axis. Terminology is a bit confusing here: to "split a window horizontally" means to create two side-by-side windows, i.e. to make a _vertical_ cut in a window. Likewise, to "split a window vertically" means to create two windows, one above the other, by making a _horizontal_ cut. If you split a window and then split again along the same axis, you will end up with a number of panes all arranged along the same axis. The precise way in which the splits were made should not be important, and this is reflected internally. Internally, all windows are arranged in a tree, consisting of two types of windows, "combination" windows (which have children, and are covered completely by those children) and "leaf" windows, which have no children and are visible. Every combination window has two or more children, all arranged along the same axis. There are (logically) two subtypes of windows, depending on whether their children are horizontally or vertically arrayed. There is always one root window, which is either a leaf window (if the frame contains only one window) or a combination window (if the frame contains more than one window). In the latter case, the root window will have two or more children, either horizontally or vertically arrayed, and each of those children will be either a leaf window or another combination window. Here are some rules: 1. Horizontal combination windows can never have children that are horizontal combination windows; same for vertical. 2. Only leaf windows can be split (obviously) and this splitting does one of two things: (a) turns the leaf window into a combination window and creates two new leaf children, or (b) turns the leaf window into one of the two new leaves and creates the other leaf. Rule (1) dictates which of these two outcomes happens. 3. Every combination window must have at least two children. 4. Leaf windows can never become combination windows. They can be deleted, however. If this results in a violation of (3), the parent combination window also gets deleted. 5. All functions that accept windows must be prepared to accept combination windows, and do something sane (e.g. signal an error if so). Combination windows _do_ escape to the Lisp level. 6. All windows have three fields governing their contents: these are "hchild" (a list of horizontally-arrayed children), "vchild" (a list of vertically-arrayed children), and "buffer" (the buffer contained in a leaf window). Exactly one of these will be non-`nil'. Remember that "horizontally-arrayed" means "side-by-side" and "vertically-arrayed" means "one above the other". 7. Leaf windows also have markers in their `start' (the first buffer position displayed in the window) and `pointm' (the window's stashed value of `point'--see above) fields, while combination windows have `nil' in these fields. 8. The list of children for a window is threaded through the `next' and `prev' fields of each child window. 9. *Deleted windows can be undeleted*. This happens as a result of restoring a window configuration, and is unlike frames, displays, and consoles, which, once deleted, can never be restored. Deleting a window does nothing except set a special `dead' bit to 1 and clear out the `next', `prev', `hchild', and `vchild' fields, for GC purposes. 10. Most frames actually have two top-level windows--one for the minibuffer and one (the "root") for everything else. The modeline (if present) separates these two. The `next' field of the root points to the minibuffer, and the `prev' field of the minibuffer points to the root. The other `next' and `prev' fields are `nil', and the frame points to both of these windows. Minibuffer-less frames have no minibuffer window, and the `next' and `prev' of the root window are `nil'. Minibuffer-only frames have no root window, and the `next' of the minibuffer window is `nil' but the `prev' points to itself. (#### This is an artifact that should be fixed.)  File:, Node: The Window Object, Prev: Window Hierarchy, Up: Consoles; Devices; Frames; Windows The Window Object ================= Windows have the following accessible fields: `frame' The frame that this window is on. `mini_p' Non-`nil' if this window is a minibuffer window. `buffer' The buffer that the window is displaying. This may change often during the life of the window. `dedicated' Non-`nil' if this window is dedicated to its buffer. `pointm' This is the value of point in the current buffer when this window is selected; when it is not selected, it retains its previous value. `start' The position in the buffer that is the first character to be displayed in the window. `force_start' If this flag is non-`nil', it says that the window has been scrolled explicitly by the Lisp program. This affects what the next redisplay does if point is off the screen: instead of scrolling the window to show the text around point, it moves point to a location that is on the screen. `last_modified' The `modified' field of the window's buffer, as of the last time a redisplay completed in this window. `last_point' The buffer's value of point, as of the last time a redisplay completed in this window. `left' This is the left-hand edge of the window, measured in columns. (The leftmost column on the screen is column 0.) `top' This is the top edge of the window, measured in lines. (The top line on the screen is line 0.) `height' The height of the window, measured in lines. `width' The width of the window, measured in columns. `next' This is the window that is the next in the chain of siblings. It is `nil' in a window that is the rightmost or bottommost of a group of siblings. `prev' This is the window that is the previous in the chain of siblings. It is `nil' in a window that is the leftmost or topmost of a group of siblings. `parent' Internally, XEmacs arranges windows in a tree; each group of siblings has a parent window whose area includes all the siblings. This field points to a window's parent. Parent windows do not display buffers, and play little role in display except to shape their child windows. Emacs Lisp programs usually have no access to the parent windows; they operate on the windows at the leaves of the tree, which actually display buffers. `hscroll' This is the number of columns that the display in the window is scrolled horizontally to the left. Normally, this is 0. `use_time' This is the last time that the window was selected. The function `get-lru-window' uses this field. `display_table' The window's display table, or `nil' if none is specified for it. `update_mode_line' Non-`nil' means this window's mode line needs to be updated. `base_line_number' The line number of a certain position in the buffer, or `nil'. This is used for displaying the line number of point in the mode line. `base_line_pos' The position in the buffer for which the line number is known, or `nil' meaning none is known. `region_showing' If the region (or part of it) is highlighted in this window, this field holds the mark position that made one end of that region. Otherwise, this field is `nil'.  File:, Node: The Redisplay Mechanism, Next: Extents, Prev: Consoles; Devices; Frames; Windows, Up: Top The Redisplay Mechanism *********************** The redisplay mechanism is one of the most complicated sections of XEmacs, especially from a conceptual standpoint. This is doubly so because, unlike for the basic aspects of the Lisp interpreter, the computer science theories of how to efficiently handle redisplay are not well-developed. When working with the redisplay mechanism, remember the Golden Rules of Redisplay: 1. It Is Better To Be Correct Than Fast. 2. Thou Shalt Not Run Elisp From Within Redisplay. 3. It Is Better To Be Fast Than Not To Be. * Menu: * Critical Redisplay Sections:: * Line Start Cache:: * Redisplay Piece by Piece::  File:, Node: Critical Redisplay Sections, Next: Line Start Cache, Prev: The Redisplay Mechanism, Up: The Redisplay Mechanism Critical Redisplay Sections =========================== Within this section, we are defenseless and assume that the following cannot happen: 1. garbage collection 2. Lisp code evaluation 3. frame size changes We ensure (3) by calling `hold_frame_size_changes()', which will cause any pending frame size changes to get put on hold till after the end of the critical section. (1) follows automatically if (2) is met. #### Unfortunately, there are some places where Lisp code can be called within this section. We need to remove them. If `Fsignal()' is called during this critical section, we will `abort()'. If garbage collection is called during this critical section, we simply return. #### We should abort instead. #### If a frame-size change does occur we should probably actually be preempting redisplay.  File:, Node: Line Start Cache, Next: Redisplay Piece by Piece, Prev: Critical Redisplay Sections, Up: The Redisplay Mechanism Line Start Cache ================ The traditional scrolling code in Emacs breaks in a variable height world. It depends on the key assumption that the number of lines that can be displayed at any given time is fixed. This led to a complete separation of the scrolling code from the redisplay code. In order to fully support variable height lines, the scrolling code must actually be tightly integrated with redisplay. Only redisplay can determine how many lines will be displayed on a screen for any given starting point. What is ideally wanted is a complete list of the starting buffer position for every possible display line of a buffer along with the height of that display line. Maintaining such a full list would be very expensive. We settle for having it include information for all areas which we happen to generate anyhow (i.e. the region currently being displayed) and for those areas we need to work with. In order to ensure that the cache accurately represents what redisplay would actually show, it is necessary to invalidate it in many situations. If the buffer changes, the starting positions may no longer be correct. If a face or an extent has changed then the line heights may have altered. These events happen frequently enough that the cache can end up being constantly disabled. With this potentially constant invalidation when is the cache ever useful? Even if the cache is invalidated before every single usage, it is necessary. Scrolling often requires knowledge about display lines which are actually above or below the visible region. The cache provides a convenient light-weight method of storing this information for multiple display regions. This knowledge is necessary for the scrolling code to always obey the First Golden Rule of Redisplay. If the cache already contains all of the information that the scrolling routines happen to need so that it doesn't have to go generate it, then we are able to obey the Third Golden Rule of Redisplay. The first thing we do to help out the cache is to always add the displayed region. This region had to be generated anyway, so the cache ends up getting the information basically for free. In those cases where a user is simply scrolling around viewing a buffer there is a high probability that this is sufficient to always provide the needed information. The second thing we can do is be smart about invalidating the cache. TODO--Be smart about invalidating the cache. Potential places: * Insertions at end-of-line which don't cause line-wraps do not alter the starting positions of any display lines. These types of buffer modifications should not invalidate the cache. This is actually a large optimization for redisplay speed as well. * Buffer modifications frequently only affect the display of lines at and below where they occur. In these situations we should only invalidate the part of the cache starting at where the modification occurs. In case you're wondering, the Second Golden Rule of Redisplay is not applicable.  File:, Node: Redisplay Piece by Piece, Prev: Line Start Cache, Up: The Redisplay Mechanism Redisplay Piece by Piece ======================== As you can begin to see redisplay is complex and also not well documented. Chuck no longer works on XEmacs so this section is my take on the workings of redisplay. Redisplay happens in three phases: 1. Determine desired display in area that needs redisplay. Implemented by `redisplay.c' 2. Compare desired display with current display Implemented by `redisplay-output.c' 3. Output changes Implemented by `redisplay-output.c', `redisplay-x.c', `redisplay-msw.c' and `redisplay-tty.c' Steps 1 and 2 are device-independent and relatively complex. Step 3 is mostly device-dependent. Determining the desired display Display attributes are stored in `display_line' structures. Each `display_line' consists of a set of `display_block''s and each `display_block' contains a number of `rune''s. Generally dynarr's of `display_line''s are held by each window representing the current display and the desired display. The `display_line' structures are tightly tied to buffers which presents a problem for redisplay as this connection is bogus for the modeline. Hence the `display_line' generation routines are duplicated for generating the modeline. This means that the modeline display code has many bugs that the standard redisplay code does not. The guts of `display_line' generation are in `create_text_block', which creates a single display line for the desired locale. This incrementally parses the characters on the current line and generates redisplay structures for each. Gutter redisplay is different. Because the data to display is stored in a string we cannot use `create_text_block'. Instead we use `create_text_string_block' which performs the same function as `create_text_block' but for strings. Many of the complexities of `create_text_block' to do with cursor handling and selective display have been removed.  File:, Node: Extents, Next: Faces, Prev: The Redisplay Mechanism, Up: Top Extents ******* * Menu: * Introduction to Extents:: Extents are ranges over text, with properties. * Extent Ordering:: How extents are ordered internally. * Format of the Extent Info:: The extent information in a buffer or string. * Zero-Length Extents:: A weird special case. * Mathematics of Extent Ordering:: A rigorous foundation. * Extent Fragments:: Cached information useful for redisplay.  File:, Node: Introduction to Extents, Next: Extent Ordering, Prev: Extents, Up: Extents Introduction to Extents ======================= Extents are regions over a buffer, with a start and an end position denoting the region of the buffer included in the extent. In addition, either end can be closed or open, meaning that the endpoint is or is not logically included in the extent. Insertion of a character at a closed endpoint causes the character to go inside the extent; insertion at an open endpoint causes the character to go outside. Extent endpoints are stored using memory indices (see `insdel.c'), to minimize the amount of adjusting that needs to be done when characters are inserted or deleted. (Formerly, extent endpoints at the gap could be either before or after the gap, depending on the open/closedness of the endpoint. The intent of this was to make it so that insertions would automatically go inside or out of extents as necessary with no further work needing to be done. It didn't work out that way, however, and just ended up complexifying and buggifying all the rest of the code.)  File:, Node: Extent Ordering, Next: Format of the Extent Info, Prev: Introduction to Extents, Up: Extents Extent Ordering =============== Extents are compared using memory indices. There are two orderings for extents and both orders are kept current at all times. The normal or "display" order is as follows: Extent A is ``less than'' extent B, that is, earlier in the display order, if: A-start < B-start, or if: A-start = B-start, and A-end > B-end So if two extents begin at the same position, the larger of them is the earlier one in the display order (`EXTENT_LESS' is true). For the e-order, the same thing holds: Extent A is ``less than'' extent B in e-order, that is, later in the buffer, if: A-end < B-end, or if: A-end = B-end, and A-start > B-start So if two extents end at the same position, the smaller of them is the earlier one in the e-order (`EXTENT_E_LESS' is true). The display order and the e-order are complementary orders: any theorem about the display order also applies to the e-order if you swap all occurrences of "display order" and "e-order", "less than" and "greater than", and "extent start" and "extent end".  File:, Node: Format of the Extent Info, Next: Zero-Length Extents, Prev: Extent Ordering, Up: Extents Format of the Extent Info ========================= An extent-info structure consists of a list of the buffer or string's extents and a "stack of extents" that lists all of the extents over a particular position. The stack-of-extents info is used for optimization purposes--it basically caches some info that might be expensive to compute. Certain otherwise hard computations are easy given the stack of extents over a particular position, and if the stack of extents over a nearby position is known (because it was calculated at some prior point in time), it's easy to move the stack of extents to the proper position. Given that the stack of extents is an optimization, and given that it requires memory, a string's stack of extents is wiped out each time a garbage collection occurs. Therefore, any time you retrieve the stack of extents, it might not be there. If you need it to be there, use the `_force' version. Similarly, a string may or may not have an extent_info structure. (Generally it won't if there haven't been any extents added to the string.) So use the `_force' version if you need the extent_info structure to be there. A list of extents is maintained as a double gap array: one gap array is ordered by start index (the "display order") and the other is ordered by end index (the "e-order"). Note that positions in an extent list should logically be conceived of as referring _to_ a particular extent (as is the norm in programs) rather than sitting between two extents. Note also that callers of these functions should not be aware of the fact that the extent list is implemented as an array, except for the fact that positions are integers (this should be generalized to handle integers and linked list equally well).  File:, Node: Zero-Length Extents, Next: Mathematics of Extent Ordering, Prev: Format of the Extent Info, Up: Extents Zero-Length Extents =================== Extents can be zero-length, and will end up that way if their endpoints are explicitly set that way or if their detachable property is `nil' and all the text in the extent is deleted. (The exception is open-open zero-length extents, which are barred from existing because there is no sensible way to define their properties. Deletion of the text in an open-open extent causes it to be converted into a closed-open extent.) Zero-length extents are primarily used to represent annotations, and behave as follows: 1. Insertion at the position of a zero-length extent expands the extent if both endpoints are closed; goes after the extent if it is closed-open; and goes before the extent if it is open-closed. 2. Deletion of a character on a side of a zero-length extent whose corresponding endpoint is closed causes the extent to be detached if it is detachable; if the extent is not detachable or the corresponding endpoint is open, the extent remains in the buffer, moving as necessary. Note that closed-open, non-detachable zero-length extents behave exactly like markers and that open-closed, non-detachable zero-length extents behave like the "point-type" marker in Mule.  File:, Node: Mathematics of Extent Ordering, Next: Extent Fragments, Prev: Zero-Length Extents, Up: Extents Mathematics of Extent Ordering ============================== The extents in a buffer are ordered by "display order" because that is that order that the redisplay mechanism needs to process them in. The e-order is an auxiliary ordering used to facilitate operations over extents. The operations that can be performed on the ordered list of extents in a buffer are 1. Locate where an extent would go if inserted into the list. 2. Insert an extent into the list. 3. Remove an extent from the list. 4. Map over all the extents that overlap a range. (4) requires being able to determine the first and last extents that overlap a range. NOTE: "overlap" is used as follows: * two ranges overlap if they have at least one point in common. Whether the endpoints are open or closed makes a difference here. * a point overlaps a range if the point is contained within the range; this is equivalent to treating a point P as the range [P, P]. * In the case of an _extent_ overlapping a point or range, the extent is normally treated as having closed endpoints. This applies consistently in the discussion of stacks of extents and such below. Note that this definition of overlap is not necessarily consistent with the extents that `map-extents' maps over, since `map-extents' sometimes pays attention to whether the endpoints of an extents are open or closed. But for our purposes, it greatly simplifies things to treat all extents as having closed endpoints. First, define >, <, <=, etc. as applied to extents to mean comparison according to the display order. Comparison between an extent E and an index I means comparison between E and the range [I, I]. Also define e>, e<, e<=, etc. to mean comparison according to the e-order. For any range R, define R(0) to be the starting index of the range and R(1) to be the ending index of the range. For any extent E, define E(next) to be the extent directly following E, and E(prev) to be the extent directly preceding E. Assume E(next) and E(prev) can be determined from E in constant time. (This is because we store the extent list as a doubly linked list.) Similarly, define E(e-next) and E(e-prev) to be the extents directly following and preceding E in the e-order. Now: Let R be a range. Let F be the first extent overlapping R. Let L be the last extent overlapping R. Theorem 1: R(1) lies between L and L(next), i.e. L <= R(1) < L(next). This follows easily from the definition of display order. The basic reason that this theorem applies is that the display order sorts by increasing starting index. Therefore, we can determine L just by looking at where we would insert R(1) into the list, and if we know F and are moving forward over extents, we can easily determine when we've hit L by comparing the extent we're at to R(1). Theorem 2: F(e-prev) e< [1, R(0)] e<= F. This is the analog of Theorem 1, and applies because the e-order sorts by increasing ending index. Therefore, F can be found in the same amount of time as operation (1), i.e. the time that it takes to locate where an extent would go if inserted into the e-order list. If the lists were stored as balanced binary trees, then operation (1) would take logarithmic time, which is usually quite fast. However, currently they're stored as simple doubly-linked lists, and instead we do some caching to try to speed things up. Define a "stack of extents" (or "SOE") as the set of extents (ordered in the display order) that overlap an index I, together with the SOE's "previous" extent, which is an extent that precedes I in the e-order. (Hopefully there will not be very many extents between I and the previous extent.) Now: Let I be an index, let S be the stack of extents on I, let F be the first extent in S, and let P be S's previous extent. Theorem 3: The first extent in S is the first extent that overlaps any range [I, J]. Proof: Any extent that overlaps [I, J] but does not include I must have a start index > I, and thus be greater than any extent in S. Therefore, finding the first extent that overlaps a range R is the same as finding the first extent that overlaps R(0). Theorem 4: Let I2 be an index such that I2 > I, and let F2 be the first extent that overlaps I2. Then, either F2 is in S or F2 is greater than any extent in S. Proof: If F2 does not include I then its start index is greater than I and thus it is greater than any extent in S, including F. Otherwise, F2 includes I and thus is in S, and thus F2 >= F.  File:, Node: Extent Fragments, Prev: Mathematics of Extent Ordering, Up: Extents Extent Fragments ================ Imagine that the buffer is divided up into contiguous, non-overlapping "runs" of text such that no extent starts or ends within a run (extents that abut the run don't count). An extent fragment is a structure that holds data about the run that contains a particular buffer position (if the buffer position is at the junction of two runs, the run after the position is used)--the beginning and end of the run, a list of all of the extents in that run, the "merged face" that results from merging all of the faces corresponding to those extents, the begin and end glyphs at the beginning of the run, etc. This is the information that redisplay needs in order to display this run. Extent fragments have to be very quick to update to a new buffer position when moving linearly through the buffer. They rely on the stack-of-extents code, which does the heavy-duty algorithmic work of determining which extents overly a particular position.  File:, Node: Faces, Next: Glyphs, Prev: Extents, Up: Top Faces ***** Not yet documented.  File:, Node: Glyphs, Next: Specifiers, Prev: Faces, Up: Top Glyphs ****** Glyphs are graphical elements that can be displayed in XEmacs buffers or gutters. We use the term graphical element here in the broadest possible sense since glyphs can be as mundane as text or as arcane as a native tab widget. In XEmacs, glyphs represent the uninstantiated state of graphical elements, i.e. they hold all the information necessary to produce an image on-screen but the image need not exist at this stage, and multiple screen images can be instantiated from a single glyph. Glyphs are lazily instantiated by calling one of the glyph functions. This usually occurs within redisplay when `Fglyph_height' is called. Instantiation causes an image-instance to be created and cached. This cache is on a per-device basis for all glyphs except widget-glyphs, and on a per-window basis for widgets-glyphs. The caching is done by `image_instantiate' and is necessary because it is generally possible to display an image-instance in multiple domains. For instance if we create a Pixmap, we can actually display this on multiple windows - even though we only need a single Pixmap instance to do this. If caching wasn't done then it would be necessary to create image-instances for every displayable occurrence of a glyph - and every usage - and this would be extremely memory and cpu intensive. Widget-glyphs (a.k.a native widgets) are not cached in this way. This is because widget-glyph image-instances on screen are toolkit windows, and thus cannot be reused in multiple XEmacs domains. Thus widget-glyphs are cached on an XEmacs window basis. Any action on a glyph first consults the cache before actually instantiating a widget. Glyph Instantiation =================== Glyph instantiation is a hairy topic and requires some explanation. The guts of glyph instantiation is contained within `image_instantiate'. A glyph contains an image which is a specifier. When a glyph function - for instance `Fglyph_height' - asks for a property of the glyph that can only be determined from its instantiated state, then the glyph image is instantiated and an image instance created. The instantiation process is governed by the specifier code and goes through a series of steps: * Validation. Instantiation of image instances happens dynamically - often within the guts of redisplay. Thus it is often not feasible to catch instantiator errors at instantiation time. Instead the instantiator is validated at the time it is added to the image specifier. This function is defined by `image_validate' and at a simple level validates keyword value pairs. * Duplication. The specifier code by default takes a copy of the instantiator. This is reasonable for most specifiers but in the case of widget-glyphs can be problematic, since some of the properties in the instantiator - for instance callbacks - could cause infinite recursion in the copying process. Thus the image code defines a function - `image_copy_instantiator' - which will selectively copy values. This is controlled by the way that a keyword is defined either using `IIFORMAT_VALID_KEYWORD' or `IIFORMAT_VALID_NONCOPY_KEYWORD'. Note that the image caching and redisplay code relies on instantiator copying to ensure that current and new instantiators are actually different rather than referring to the same thing. * Normalization. Once the instantiator has been copied it must be converted into a form that is viable at instantiation time. This can involve no changes at all, but typically involves things like converting file names to the actual data. This function is defined by `image_going_to_add' and `normalize_image_instantiator'. * Instantiation. When an image instance is actually required for display it is instantiated using `image_instantiate'. This involves calling instantiate methods that are specific to the type of image being instantiated. The final instantiation phase also involves a number of steps. In order to understand these we need to describe a number of concepts. An image is instantiated in a "domain", where a domain can be any one of a device, frame, window or image-instance. The domain gives the image-instance context and identity and properties that affect the appearance of the image-instance may be different for the same glyph instantiated in different domains. An example is the face used to display the image-instance. Although an image is instantiated in a particular domain the instantiation domain is not necessarily the domain in which the image-instance is cached. For example a pixmap can be instantiated in a window be actually be cached on a per-device basis. The domain in which the image-instance is actually cached is called the "governing-domain". A governing-domain is currently either a device or a window. Widget-glyphs and text-glyphs have a window as a governing-domain, all other image-instances have a device as the governing-domain. The governing domain for an image-instance is determined using the governing_domain image-instance method. Widget-Glyphs ============= Widget-Glyphs in the MS-Windows Environment =========================================== To Do Widget-Glyphs in the X Environment ================================== Widget-glyphs under X make heavy use of lwlib (*note Lucid Widget Library::) for manipulating the native toolkit objects. This is primarily so that different toolkits can be supported for widget-glyphs, just as they are supported for features such as menubars etc. Lwlib is extremely poorly documented and quite hairy so here is my understanding of what goes on. Lwlib maintains a set of widget_instances which mirror the hierarchical state of Xt widgets. I think this is so that widgets can be updated and manipulated generically by the lwlib library. For instance update_one_widget_instance can cope with multiple types of widget and multiple types of toolkit. Each element in the widget hierarchy is updated from its corresponding widget_instance by walking the widget_instance tree recursively. This has desirable properties such as lw_modify_all_widgets which is called from `glyphs-x.c' and updates all the properties of a widget without having to know what the widget is or what toolkit it is from. Unfortunately this also has hairy properties such as making the lwlib code quite complex. And of course lwlib has to know at some level what the widget is and how to set its properties.  File:, Node: Specifiers, Next: Menus, Prev: Glyphs, Up: Top Specifiers ********** Not yet documented.  File:, Node: Menus, Next: Subprocesses, Prev: Specifiers, Up: Top Menus ***** A menu is set by setting the value of the variable `current-menubar' (which may be buffer-local) and then calling `set-menubar-dirty-flag' to signal a change. This will cause the menu to be redrawn at the next redisplay. The format of the data in `current-menubar' is described in `menubar.c'. Internally the data in current-menubar is parsed into a tree of `widget_value's' (defined in `lwlib.h'); this is accomplished by the recursive function `menu_item_descriptor_to_widget_value()', called by `compute_menubar_data()'. Such a tree is deallocated using `free_widget_value()'. `update_screen_menubars()' is one of the external entry points. This checks to see, for each screen, if that screen's menubar needs to be updated. This is the case if 1. `set-menubar-dirty-flag' was called since the last redisplay. (This function sets the C variable menubar_has_changed.) 2. The buffer displayed in the screen has changed. 3. The screen has no menubar currently displayed. `set_screen_menubar()' is called for each such screen. This function calls `compute_menubar_data()' to create the tree of widget_value's, then calls `lw_create_widget()', `lw_modify_all_widgets()', and/or `lw_destroy_all_widgets()' to create the X-Toolkit widget associated with the menu. `update_psheets()', the other external entry point, actually changes the menus being displayed. It uses the widgets fixed by `update_screen_menubars()' and calls various X functions to ensure that the menus are displayed properly. The menubar widget is set up so that `pre_activate_callback()' is called when the menu is first selected (i.e. mouse button goes down), and `menubar_selection_callback()' is called when an item is selected. `pre_activate_callback()' calls the function in activate-menubar-hook, which can change the menubar (this is described in `menubar.c'). If the menubar is changed, `set_screen_menubars()' is called. `menubar_selection_callback()' enqueues a menu event, putting in it a function to call (either `eval' or `call-interactively') and its argument, which is the callback function or form given in the menu's description.  File:, Node: Subprocesses, Next: Interface to the X Window System, Prev: Menus, Up: Top Subprocesses ************ The fields of a process are: `name' A string, the name of the process. `command' A list containing the command arguments that were used to start this process. `filter' A function used to accept output from the process instead of a buffer, or `nil'. `sentinel' A function called whenever the process receives a signal, or `nil'. `buffer' The associated buffer of the process. `pid' An integer, the Unix process ID. `childp' A flag, non-`nil' if this is really a child process. It is `nil' for a network connection. `mark' A marker indicating the position of the end of the last output from this process inserted into the buffer. This is often but not always the end of the buffer. `kill_without_query' If this is non-`nil', killing XEmacs while this process is still running does not ask for confirmation about killing the process. `raw_status_low' `raw_status_high' These two fields record 16 bits each of the process status returned by the `wait' system call. `status' The process status, as `process-status' should return it. `tick' `update_tick' If these two fields are not equal, a change in the status of the process needs to be reported, either by running the sentinel or by inserting a message in the process buffer. `pty_flag' Non-`nil' if communication with the subprocess uses a PTY; `nil' if it uses a pipe. `infd' The file descriptor for input from the process. `outfd' The file descriptor for output to the process. `subtty' The file descriptor for the terminal that the subprocess is using. (On some systems, there is no need to record this, so the value is `-1'.) `tty_name' The name of the terminal that the subprocess is using, or `nil' if it is using pipes.  File:, Node: Interface to the X Window System, Next: Index, Prev: Subprocesses, Up: Top Interface to the X Window System ******************************** Mostly undocumented. * Menu: * Lucid Widget Library:: An interface to various widget sets.  File:, Node: Lucid Widget Library, Up: Interface to the X Window System Lucid Widget Library ==================== Lwlib is extremely poorly documented and quite hairy. The author(s) blame that on X, Xt, and Motif, with some justice, but also sufficient hypocrisy to avoid drawing the obvious conclusion about their own work. The Lucid Widget Library is composed of two more or less independent pieces. The first, as the name suggests, is a set of widgets. These widgets are intended to resemble and improve on widgets provided in the Motif toolkit but not in the Athena widgets, including menubars and scrollbars. Recent additions by Andy Piper integrate some "modern" widgets by Edward Falk, including checkboxes, radio buttons, progress gauges, and index tab controls (aka notebooks). The second piece of the Lucid widget library is a generic interface to several toolkits for X (including Xt, the Athena widget set, and Motif, as well as the Lucid widgets themselves) so that core XEmacs code need not know which widget set has been used to build the graphical user interface. * Menu: * Generic Widget Interface:: The lwlib generic widget interface. * Scrollbars:: * Menubars:: * Checkboxes and Radio Buttons:: * Progress Bars:: * Tab Controls::  File:, Node: Generic Widget Interface, Next: Scrollbars, Up: Lucid Widget Library Generic Widget Interface ------------------------ In general in any toolkit a widget may be a composite object. In Xt, all widgets have an X window that they manage, but typically a complex widget will have widget children, each of which manages a subwindow of the parent widget's X window. These children may themselves be composite widgets. Thus a widget is actually a tree or hierarchy of widgets. For each toolkit widget, lwlib maintains a tree of `widget_values' which mirror the hierarchical state of Xt widgets (including Motif, Athena, 3D Athena, and Falk's widget sets). Each `widget_value' has `contents' member, which points to the head of a linked list of its children. The linked list of siblings is chained through the `next' member of `widget_value'. +-----------+ | composite | +-----------+ | | contents V +-------+ next +-------+ next +-------+ | child |----->| child |----->| child | +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | | contents V +-------------+ next +-------------+ | grand child |----->| grand child | +-------------+ +-------------+ The `widget_value' hierarchy of a composite widget with two simple children and one composite child. The `widget_instance' structure maintains the inverse view of the tree. As for the `widget_value', siblings are chained through the `next' member. However, rather than naming children, the `widget_instance' tree links to parents. +-----------+ | composite | +-----------+ A | parent | +-------+ next +-------+ next +-------+ | child |----->| child |----->| child | +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ A | parent | +-------------+ next +-------------+ | grand child |----->| grand child | +-------------+ +-------------+ The `widget_value' hierarchy of a composite widget with two simple children and one composite child. This permits widgets derived from different toolkits to be updated and manipulated generically by the lwlib library. For instance `update_one_widget_instance' can cope with multiple types of widget and multiple types of toolkit. Each element in the widget hierarchy is updated from its corresponding `widget_value' by walking the `widget_value' tree. This has desirable properties. For example, `lw_modify_all_widgets' is called from `glyphs-x.c' and updates all the properties of a widget without having to know what the widget is or what toolkit it is from. Unfortunately this also has its hairy properties; the lwlib code quite complex. And of course lwlib has to know at some level what the widget is and how to set its properties. The `widget_instance' structure also contains a pointer to the root of its tree. Widget instances are further confi  File:, Node: Scrollbars, Next: Menubars, Prev: Generic Widget Interface, Up: Lucid Widget Library Scrollbars ----------  File:, Node: Menubars, Next: Checkboxes and Radio Buttons, Prev: Scrollbars, Up: Lucid Widget Library Menubars --------  File:, Node: Checkboxes and Radio Buttons, Next: Progress Bars, Prev: Menubars, Up: Lucid Widget Library Checkboxes and Radio Buttons ----------------------------  File:, Node: Progress Bars, Next: Tab Controls, Prev: Checkboxes and Radio Buttons, Up: Lucid Widget Library Progress Bars -------------  File:, Node: Tab Controls, Prev: Progress Bars, Up: Lucid Widget Library Tab Controls ------------