This is ../info/, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from lispref/lispref.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION XEmacs Editor START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Lispref: (lispref). XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Edition History: GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual Second Edition (v2.01), May 1993 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual Further Revised (v2.02), August 1993 Lucid Emacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.10) First Edition, March 1994 XEmacs Lisp Programmer's Manual (for 19.12) Second Edition, April 1995 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual v2.4, June 1995 XEmacs Lisp Programmer's Manual (for 19.13) Third Edition, July 1995 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.14 and 20.0) v3.1, March 1996 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.15 and 20.1, 20.2, 20.3) v3.2, April, May, November 1997 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 21.0) v3.3, April 1998 Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Ben Wing. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: Pop-Up Menus, Next: Menu Filters, Prev: Modifying Menus, Up: Menus Pop-Up Menus ============ - Function: popup-menu menu-desc This function pops up a menu specified by MENU-DESC, which is a menu description (*note Menu Format::). The menu is displayed at the current mouse position. - Function: popup-menu-up-p This function returns `t' if a pop-up menu is up, `nil' otherwise. - Variable: popup-menu-titles If true (the default), pop-up menus will have title bars at the top. Some machinery is provided that attempts to provide a higher-level mechanism onto pop-up menus. This only works if you do not redefine the binding for button3. - Command: popup-mode-menu This function pops up a menu of global and mode-specific commands. The menu is computed by combining `global-popup-menu' and `mode-popup-menu'. This is the default binding for button3. You should generally not change this binding. - Variable: global-popup-menu This holds the global popup menu. This is present in all modes. (This is `nil' by default.) - Variable: mode-popup-menu The mode-specific popup menu. Automatically buffer local. This is appended to the default items in `global-popup-menu'. - Constant: default-popup-menu This holds the default value of `mode-popup-menu'. - Variable: activate-popup-menu-hook Function or functions run before a mode-specific popup menu is made visible. These functions are called with no arguments, and should interrogate and modify the value of `global-popup-menu' or `mode-popup-menu' as desired. Note: this hook is only run if you use `popup-mode-menu' for activating the global and mode-specific commands; if you have your own binding for button3, this hook won't be run. The following convenience functions are provided for displaying pop-up menus. - Function: popup-buffer-menu event This function pops up a copy of the `Buffers' menu (from the menubar) where the mouse is clicked. - Function: popup-menubar-menu event This function pops up a copy of menu that also appears in the menubar.  File:, Node: Menu Accelerators, Next: Buffers Menu, Prev: Menu Filters, Up: Menus Menu Accelerators ================= Menu accelerators are keyboard shortcuts for accessing the menubar. Accelerator keys can be specified for menus as well as for menu items. An accelerator key for a menu is used to activate that menu when it appears as a submenu of another menu. An accelerator key for a menu item is used to activate that item. * Menu: * Creating Menu Accelerators:: How to add accelerator keys to a menu. * Keyboard Menu Traversal:: How to use and modify the keys which are used to traverse the menu structure. * Menu Accelerator Functions:: Functions for working with menu accelerators.  File:, Node: Creating Menu Accelerators, Next: Keyboard Menu Traversal, Up: Menu Accelerators Creating Menu Accelerators -------------------------- Menu accelerators are specified as part of the menubar format using the :accelerator tag to specify a key or by placing "%_" in the menu or menu item name prior to the letter which is to be used as the accelerator key. The advantage of the second method is that the menu rendering code then knows to draw an underline under that character, which is the canonical way of indicating an accelerator key to a user. For example, the command (add-submenu nil '("%_Test" ["One" (insert "1") :accelerator ?1 :active t] ["%_Two" (insert "2")] ["%_3" (insert "3")])) will add a new menu to the top level menubar. The new menu can be reached by pressing "t" while the top level menubar is active. When the menu is active, pressing "1" will activate the first item and insert the character "1" into the buffer. Pressing "2" will activate the second item and insert the character "2" into the buffer. Pressing "3" will activate the third item and insert the character "3" into the buffer. It is possible to activate the top level menubar itself using accelerator keys. *Note Menu Accelerator Functions::.  File:, Node: Keyboard Menu Traversal, Next: Menu Accelerator Functions, Prev: Creating Menu Accelerators, Up: Menu Accelerators Keyboard Menu Traversal ----------------------- In addition to immediately activating a menu or menu item, the keyboard can be used to traverse the menus without activating items. The keyboard arrow keys, the return key and the escape key are defined to traverse the menus in a way that should be familiar to users of any of a certain family of popular PC operating systems. This behavior can be changed by modifying the bindings in menu-accelerator-map. At this point, the online help is your best bet for more information about how to modify the menu traversal keys.  File:, Node: Menu Accelerator Functions, Prev: Keyboard Menu Traversal, Up: Menu Accelerators Menu Accelerator Functions -------------------------- - Function: accelerate-menu Make the menubar immediately active and place the cursor on the left most entry in the top level menu. Menu items can be selected as usual. - Variable: menu-accelerator-enabled Whether menu accelerator keys can cause the menubar to become active. If `menu-force' or `menu-fallback', then menu accelerator keys can be used to activate the top level menu. Once the menubar becomes active, the accelerator keys can be used regardless of the value of this variable. `menu-force' is used to indicate that the menu accelerator key takes precedence over bindings in the current keymap(s). `menu-fallback' means that bindings in the current keymap take precedence over menu accelerator keys. Thus a top level menu with an accelerator of "T" would be activated on a keypress of Meta-t if MENU-ACCELERATOR-ENABLED is `menu-force'. However, if MENU-ACCELERATOR-ENABLED is `menu-fallback', then Meta-t will not activate the menubar and will instead run the function transpose-words, to which it is normally bound. The default value is `nil'. See also MENU-ACCELERATOR-MODIFIERS and MENU-ACCELERATOR-PREFIX. - Variable: menu-accelerator-map Keymap consulted to determine the commands to run in response to keypresses occurring while the menubar is active. *Note Keyboard Menu Traversal::. - Variable: menu-accelerator-modifiers A list of modifier keys which must be pressed in addition to a valid menu accelerator in order for the top level menu to be activated in response to a keystroke. The default value of `(meta)' mirrors the usage of the alt key as a menu accelerator in popular PC operating systems. The modifier keys in MENU-ACCELERATOR-MODIFIERS must match exactly the modifiers present in the keypress. The only exception is that the shift modifier is accepted in conjunction with alphabetic keys even if it is not a menu accelerator modifier. See also MENU-ACCELERATOR-ENABLED and MENU-ACCELERATOR-PREFIX. - Variable: menu-accelerator-prefix Prefix key(s) that must be typed before menu accelerators will be activated. Must be a valid key descriptor. The default value is `nil'. (setq menu-accelerator-prefix ?\C-x) (setq menu-accelerator-modifiers '(meta control)) (setq menu-accelerator-enabled 'menu-force) (add-submenu nil '("%_Test" ["One" (insert "1") :accelerator ?1 :active t] ["%_Two" (insert "2")] ["%_3" (insert "3")])) will add the menu "Test" to the top level menubar. Pressing C-x followed by C-M-T will activate the menubar and display the "Test" menu. Pressing C-M-T by itself will not activate the menubar. Neither will pressing C-x followed by anything else.  File:, Node: Buffers Menu, Prev: Menu Accelerators, Up: Menus Buffers Menu ============ The following options control how the `Buffers' menu is displayed. This is a list of all (or a subset of) the buffers currently in existence, and is updated dynamically. - User Option: buffers-menu-max-size This user option holds the maximum number of entries which may appear on the `Buffers' menu. If this is 10, then only the ten most-recently-selected buffers will be shown. If this is `nil', then all buffers will be shown. Setting this to a large number or `nil' will slow down menu responsiveness. - Function: format-buffers-menu-line buffer This function returns a string to represent BUFFER in the `Buffers' menu. `nil' means the buffer shouldn't be listed. You can redefine this. - User Option: complex-buffers-menu-p If true, the `Buffers' menu will contain several commands, as submenus of each buffer line. If this is false, then there will be only one command: select that buffer. - User Option: buffers-menu-switch-to-buffer-function This user option holds the function to call to select a buffer from the `Buffers' menu. `switch-to-buffer' is a good choice, as is `pop-to-buffer'.  File:, Node: Dialog Boxes, Next: Toolbar, Prev: Menus, Up: Top Dialog Boxes ************ * Menu: * Dialog Box Format:: * Dialog Box Functions::  File:, Node: Dialog Box Format, Next: Dialog Box Functions, Up: Dialog Boxes Dialog Box Format ================= A dialog box description is a list. * The first element of the list is a string to display in the dialog box. * The rest of the elements are descriptions of the dialog box's buttons. Each one is a vector of three elements: - The first element is the text of the button. - The second element is the "callback". - The third element is `t' or `nil', whether this button is selectable. If the callback of a button is a symbol, then it must name a command. It will be invoked with `call-interactively'. If it is a list, then it is evaluated with `eval'. One (and only one) of the buttons may be `nil'. This marker means that all following buttons should be flushright instead of flushleft. The syntax, more precisely: form := command := callback := command | form active-p := name := partition := 'nil' button := '[' name callback active-p ']' dialog := '(' name [ button ]+ [ partition [ button ]+ ] ')'  File:, Node: Dialog Box Functions, Prev: Dialog Box Format, Up: Dialog Boxes Dialog Box Functions ==================== - Function: popup-dialog-box dbox-desc This function pops up a dialog box. DBOX-DESC describes how the dialog box will appear (*note Dialog Box Format::). *Note Yes-or-No Queries::, for functions to ask a yes/no question using a dialog box.  File:, Node: Toolbar, Next: Gutter, Prev: Dialog Boxes, Up: Top Toolbar ******* * Menu: * Toolbar Intro:: An introduction. * Creating Toolbar:: How to create a toolbar. * Toolbar Descriptor Format:: Accessing and modifying a toolbar's properties. * Specifying the Toolbar:: Setting a toolbar's contents. * Other Toolbar Variables:: Controlling the size of toolbars.  File:, Node: Toolbar Intro, Next: Creating Toolbar, Up: Toolbar Toolbar Intro ============= A "toolbar" is a bar of icons displayed along one edge of a frame. You can view a toolbar as a series of menu shortcuts--the most common menu options can be accessed with a single click rather than a series of clicks and/or drags to select the option from a menu. Consistent with this, a help string (called the "help-echo") describing what an icon in the toolbar (called a "toolbar button") does, is displayed in the minibuffer when the mouse is over the button. In XEmacs, a toolbar can be displayed along any of the four edges of the frame, and two or more different edges can be displaying toolbars simultaneously. The contents, thickness, and visibility of the toolbars can be controlled separately, and the values can be per-buffer, per-frame, etc., using specifiers (*note Specifiers::). Normally, there is one toolbar displayed in a frame. Usually, this is the standard toolbar, but certain modes will override this and substitute their own toolbar. In some cases (e.g. the VM package), a package will supply its own toolbar along a different edge from the standard toolbar, so that both can be visible at once. This standard toolbar is usually positioned along the top of the frame, but this can be changed using `set-default-toolbar-position'. Note that, for each of the toolbar properties (contents, thickness, and visibility), there is a separate specifier for each of the four toolbar positions (top, bottom, left, and right), and an additional specifier for the "default" toolbar, i.e. the toolbar whose position is controlled by `set-default-toolbar-position'. The way this works is that `set-default-toolbar-position' arranges things so that the appropriate position-specific specifiers for the default position inherit from the corresponding default specifiers. That way, if the position-specific specifier does not give a value (which it usually doesn't), then the value from the default specifier applies. If you want to control the default toolbar, you just change the default specifiers, and everything works. A package such as VM that wants to put its own toolbar in a different location from the default just sets the position-specific specifiers, and if the user sets the default toolbar to the same position, it will just not be visible.  File:, Node: Creating Toolbar, Next: Toolbar Descriptor Format, Prev: Toolbar Intro, Up: Toolbar Creating Toolbar ================ - Function: make-toolbar-specifier spec-list Return a new `toolbar' specifier object with the given specification list. SPEC-LIST can be a list of specifications (each of which is a cons of a locale and a list of instantiators), a single instantiator, or a list of instantiators. *Note Specifiers::, for more information about specifiers. Toolbar specifiers are used to specify the format of a toolbar. The values of the variables `default-toolbar', `top-toolbar', `left-toolbar', `right-toolbar', and `bottom-toolbar' are always toolbar specifiers. Valid toolbar instantiators are called "toolbar descriptors" and are lists of vectors. See `default-toolbar' for a description of the exact format.  File:, Node: Toolbar Descriptor Format, Next: Specifying the Toolbar, Prev: Creating Toolbar, Up: Toolbar Toolbar Descriptor Format ========================= The contents of a toolbar are specified using a "toolbar descriptor". The format of a toolbar descriptor is a list of "toolbar button descriptors". Each toolbar button descriptor is a vector in one of the following formats: * `[GLYPH-LIST FUNCTION ENABLED-P HELP]' * `[:style 2D-OR-3D]' * `[:style 2D-OR-3D :size WIDTH-OR-HEIGHT]' * `[:size WIDTH-OR-HEIGHT :style 2D-OR-3D]' Optionally, one of the toolbar button descriptors may be `nil' instead of a vector; this signifies the division between the toolbar buttons that are to be displayed flush-left, and the buttons to be displayed flush-right. The first vector format above specifies a normal toolbar button; the others specify blank areas in the toolbar. For the first vector format: * GLYPH-LIST should be a list of one to six glyphs (as created by `make-glyph') or a symbol whose value is such a list. The first glyph, which must be provided, is the glyph used to display the toolbar button when it is in the "up" (not pressed) state. The optional second glyph is for displaying the button when it is in the "down" (pressed) state. The optional third glyph is for when the button is disabled. The last three glyphs are for displaying the button in the "up", "down", and "disabled" states, respectively, but are used when the user has called for captioned toolbar buttons (using `toolbar-buttons-captioned-p'). The function `toolbar-make-button-list' is useful in creating these glyph lists. * Even if you do not provide separate down-state and disabled-state glyphs, the user will still get visual feedback to indicate which state the button is in. Buttons in the up-state are displayed with a shadowed border that gives a raised appearance to the button. Buttons in the down-state are displayed with shadows that give a recessed appearance. Buttons in the disabled state are displayed with no shadows, giving a 2-d effect. * If some of the toolbar glyphs are not provided, they inherit as follows: UP: up DOWN: down -> up DISABLED: disabled -> up CAP-UP: cap-up -> up CAP-DOWN: cap-down -> cap-up -> down -> up CAP-DISABLED: cap-disabled -> cap-up -> disabled -> up * The second element FUNCTION is a function to be called when the toolbar button is activated (i.e. when the mouse is released over the toolbar button, if the press occurred in the toolbar). It can be any form accepted by `call-interactively', since this is how it is invoked. * The third element ENABLED-P specifies whether the toolbar button is enabled (disabled buttons do nothing when they are activated, and are displayed differently; see above). It should be either a boolean or a form that evaluates to a boolean. * The fourth element HELP, if non-`nil', should be a string. This string is displayed in the echo area when the mouse passes over the toolbar button. For the other vector formats (specifying blank areas of the toolbar): * 2D-OR-3D should be one of the symbols `2d' or `3d', indicating whether the area is displayed with shadows (giving it a raised, 3-d appearance) or without shadows (giving it a flat appearance). * WIDTH-OR-HEIGHT specifies the length, in pixels, of the blank area. If omitted, it defaults to a device-specific value (8 pixels for X devices). - Function: toolbar-make-button-list up &optional down disabled cap-up cap-down cap-disabled This function calls `make-glyph' on each arg and returns a list of the results. This is useful for setting the first argument of a toolbar button descriptor (typically, the result of this function is assigned to a symbol, which is specified as the first argument of the toolbar button descriptor). - Function: check-toolbar-button-syntax button &optional noerror Verify the syntax of entry BUTTON in a toolbar description list. If you want to verify the syntax of a toolbar description list as a whole, use `check-valid-instantiator' with a specifier type of `toolbar'.  File:, Node: Specifying the Toolbar, Next: Other Toolbar Variables, Prev: Toolbar Descriptor Format, Up: Toolbar Specifying the Toolbar ====================== In order to specify the contents of a toolbar, set one of the specifier variables `default-toolbar', `top-toolbar', `bottom-toolbar', `left-toolbar', or `right-toolbar'. These are specifiers, which means you set them with `set-specifier' and query them with `specifier-specs' or `specifier-instance'. You will get an error if you try to set them using `setq'. The valid instantiators for these specifiers are toolbar descriptors, as described above. *Note Specifiers::, for more information. Most of the time, you will set `default-toolbar', which allows the user to choose where the toolbar should go. - Specifier: default-toolbar The position of this toolbar is specified in the function `default-toolbar-position'. If the corresponding position-specific toolbar (e.g. `top-toolbar' if `default-toolbar-position' is `top') does not specify a toolbar in a particular domain, then the value of `default-toolbar' in that domain, of any, will be used instead. Note that the toolbar at any particular position will not be displayed unless its thickness (width or height, depending on orientation) is non-zero and its visibility status is true. The thickness is controlled by the specifiers `top-toolbar-height', `bottom-toolbar-height', `left-toolbar-width', and `right-toolbar-width', and the visibility status is controlled by the specifiers `top-toolbar-visible-p', `bottom-toolbar-visible-p', `left-toolbar-visible-p', and `right-toolbar-visible-p' (*note Other Toolbar Variables::). - Function: set-default-toolbar-position position This function sets the position that the `default-toolbar' will be displayed at. Valid positions are the symbols `top', `bottom', `left' and `right'. What this actually does is set the fallback specifier for the position-specific specifier corresponding to the given position to `default-toolbar', and set the fallbacks for the other position-specific specifiers to `nil'. It also does the same thing for the position-specific thickness and visibility specifiers, which inherit from one of `default-toolbar-height' or `default-toolbar-width', and from `default-toolbar-visible-p', respectively (*note Other Toolbar Variables::). - Function: default-toolbar-position This function returns the position that the `default-toolbar' will be displayed at. You can also explicitly set a toolbar at a particular position. When redisplay determines what to display at a particular position in a particular domain (i.e. window), it first consults the position-specific toolbar. If that does not yield a toolbar descriptor, the `default-toolbar' is consulted if `default-toolbar-position' indicates this position. - Specifier: top-toolbar Specifier for the toolbar at the top of the frame. - Specifier: bottom-toolbar Specifier for the toolbar at the bottom of the frame. - Specifier: left-toolbar Specifier for the toolbar at the left edge of the frame. - Specifier: right-toolbar Specifier for the toolbar at the right edge of the frame. - Function: toolbar-specifier-p object This function returns non-nil if OBJECT is a toolbar specifier. Toolbar specifiers are the actual objects contained in the toolbar variables described above, and their valid instantiators are toolbar descriptors (*note Toolbar Descriptor Format::).  File:, Node: Other Toolbar Variables, Prev: Specifying the Toolbar, Up: Toolbar Other Toolbar Variables ======================= The variables to control the toolbar thickness, visibility status, and captioned status are all specifiers. *Note Specifiers::. - Specifier: default-toolbar-height This specifies the height of the default toolbar, if it's oriented horizontally. The position of the default toolbar is specified by the function `set-default-toolbar-position'. If the corresponding position-specific toolbar thickness specifier (e.g. `top-toolbar-height' if `default-toolbar-position' is `top') does not specify a thickness in a particular domain (a window or a frame), then the value of `default-toolbar-height' or `default-toolbar-width' (depending on the toolbar orientation) in that domain, if any, will be used instead. - Specifier: default-toolbar-width This specifies the width of the default toolbar, if it's oriented vertically. This behaves like `default-toolbar-height'. Note that `default-toolbar-height' is only used when `default-toolbar-position' is `top' or `bottom', and `default-toolbar-width' is only used when `default-toolbar-position' is `left' or `right'. - Specifier: top-toolbar-height This specifies the height of the top toolbar. - Specifier: bottom-toolbar-height This specifies the height of the bottom toolbar. - Specifier: left-toolbar-width This specifies the width of the left toolbar. - Specifier: right-toolbar-width This specifies the width of the right toolbar. Note that all of the position-specific toolbar thickness specifiers have a fallback value of zero when they do not correspond to the default toolbar. Therefore, you will have to set a non-zero thickness value if you want a position-specific toolbar to be displayed. - Specifier: default-toolbar-visible-p This specifies whether the default toolbar is visible. The position of the default toolbar is specified by the function `set-default-toolbar-position'. If the corresponding position-specific toolbar visibility specifier (e.g. `top-toolbar-visible-p' if `default-toolbar-position' is `top') does not specify a visible-p value in a particular domain (a window or a frame), then the value of `default-toolbar-visible-p' in that domain, if any, will be used instead. - Specifier: top-toolbar-visible-p This specifies whether the top toolbar is visible. - Specifier: bottom-toolbar-visible-p This specifies whether the bottom toolbar is visible. - Specifier: left-toolbar-visible-p This specifies whether the left toolbar is visible. - Specifier: right-toolbar-visible-p This specifies whether the right toolbar is visible. `default-toolbar-visible-p' and all of the position-specific toolbar visibility specifiers have a fallback value of true. Internally, toolbar thickness and visibility specifiers are instantiated in both window and frame domains, for different purposes. The value in the domain of a frame's selected window specifies the actual toolbar thickness or visibility that you will see in that frame. The value in the domain of a frame itself specifies the toolbar thickness or visibility that is used in frame geometry calculations. Thus, for example, if you set the frame width to 80 characters and the left toolbar width for that frame to 68 pixels, then the frame will be sized to fit 80 characters plus a 68-pixel left toolbar. If you then set the left toolbar width to 0 for a particular buffer (or if that buffer does not specify a left toolbar or has a nil value specified for `left-toolbar-visible-p'), you will find that, when that buffer is displayed in the selected window, the window will have a width of 86 or 87 characters--the frame is sized for a 68-pixel left toolbar but the selected window specifies that the left toolbar is not visible, so it is expanded to take up the slack. - Specifier: toolbar-buttons-captioned-p Whether toolbar buttons are captioned. This affects which glyphs from a toolbar button descriptor are chosen. *Note Toolbar Descriptor Format::. You can also reset the toolbar to what it was when XEmacs started up. - Constant: initial-toolbar-spec The toolbar descriptor used to initialize `default-toolbar' at startup.  File:, Node: Gutter, Next: Scrollbars, Prev: Toolbar, Up: Top Gutter ****** A gutter is a rectangle displayed along one edge of a frame. It can contain arbitrary text or graphics. * Menu: * Gutter Intro:: An introduction. * Creating Gutter:: How to create a gutter. * Gutter Descriptor Format:: Accessing and modifying a gutter's properties. * Specifying a Gutter:: Setting a gutter's contents. * Other Gutter Variables:: Controlling the size of gutters. * Common Gutter Widgets:: Things to put in gutters.  File:, Node: Gutter Intro, Next: Creating Gutter, Prev: Gutter, Up: Gutter Gutter Intro ============ A "gutter" is a rectangle displayed along one edge of a frame. It can contain arbitrary text or graphics. It could be considered a generalization of a toolbar, although toolbars are not currently implemented using gutters. In XEmacs, a gutter can be displayed along any of the four edges of the frame, and two or more different edges can be displaying gutters simultaneously. The contents, thickness, and visibility of the gutters can be controlled separately, and the values can be per-buffer, per-frame, etc., using specifiers (*note Specifiers::). Normally, there is one gutter displayed in a frame. Usually, this is the default gutter, containing buffer tabs, but modes cab override this and substitute their own gutter. This default gutter is usually positioned along the top of the frame, but this can be changed using `set-default-gutter-position'. Note that, for each of the gutter properties (contents, thickness, and visibility), there is a separate specifier for each of the four gutter positions (top, bottom, left, and right), and an additional specifier for the "default" gutter, i.e. the gutter whose position is controlled by `set-default-gutter-position'. The way this works is that `set-default-gutter-position' arranges things so that the appropriate position-specific specifiers for the default position inherit from the corresponding default specifiers. That way, if the position-specific specifier does not give a value (which it usually doesn't), then the value from the default specifier applies. If you want to control the default gutter, you just change the default specifiers, and everything works. A package such as VM that wants to put its own gutter in a different location from the default just sets the position-specific specifiers, and if the user sets the default gutter to the same position, it will just not be visible.  File:, Node: Creating Gutter, Next: Gutter Descriptor Format, Prev: Gutter Intro, Up: Gutter Creating Gutter =============== - Function: make-gutter-specifier spec-list Return a new `gutter' specifier object with the given specification list. SPEC-LIST can be a list of specifications (each of which is a cons of a locale and a list of instantiators), a single instantiator, or a list of instantiators. *Note Specifiers::, for more information about specifiers. Gutter specifiers are used to specify the format of a gutter. The values of the variables `default-gutter', `top-gutter', `left-gutter', `right-gutter', and `bottom-gutter' are always gutter specifiers. Valid gutter instantiators are called "gutter descriptors" and are either strings or property-lists of strings. See `default-gutter' for a description of the exact format. - Function: make-gutter-size-specifier spec-list Return a new `gutter-size' specifier object with the given spec list. SPEC-LIST can be a list of specifications (each of which is a cons of a locale and a list of instantiators), a single instantiator, or a list of instantiators. *Note Specifiers::, for more information about specifiers. Gutter-size specifiers are used to specify the size of a gutter. The values of the variables `default-gutter-size', `top-gutter-size', `left-gutter-size', `right-gutter-size', and `bottom-gutter-size' are always gutter-size specifiers. Valid gutter-size instantiators are either integers or the special symbol `autodetect'. If a gutter-size is set to `autodetect' them the size of the gutter will be adjusted to just accommodate the gutters contents. `autodetect' only works for top and bottom gutters. - Function: make-gutter-visible-specifier spec-list Return a new `gutter-visible' specifier object with the given spec list. SPEC-LIST can be a list of specifications (each of which is a cons of a locale and a list of instantiators), a single instantiator, or a list of instantiators. *Note Specifiers::, for more information about specifiers. Gutter-visible specifiers are used to specify the visibility of a gutter. The values of the variables `default-gutter-visible-p', `top-gutter-visible-p', `left-gutter-visible-p', `right-gutter-visible-p', and `bottom-gutter-visible-p' are always gutter-visible specifiers. Valid gutter-visible instantiators are t, nil or a list of symbols. If a gutter-visible instantiator is set to a list of symbols, and the corresponding gutter specification is a property-list strings, then elements of the gutter specification will only be visible if the corresponding symbol occurs in the gutter-visible instantiator.  File:, Node: Gutter Descriptor Format, Next: Specifying a Gutter, Prev: Creating Gutter, Up: Gutter Gutter Descriptor Format ======================== The contents of a gutter are specified using a "gutter descriptor". The format of a gutter descriptor is a list of "gutter button descriptors". Each gutter button descriptor is a vector in one of the following formats: * `[GLYPH-LIST FUNCTION ENABLED-P HELP]' * `[:style 2D-OR-3D]' * `[:style 2D-OR-3D :size WIDTH-OR-HEIGHT]' * `[:size WIDTH-OR-HEIGHT :style 2D-OR-3D]' Optionally, one of the gutter button descriptors may be `nil' instead of a vector; this signifies the division between the gutter buttons that are to be displayed flush-left, and the buttons to be displayed flush-right. The first vector format above specifies a normal gutter button; the others specify blank areas in the gutter. For the first vector format: * GLYPH-LIST should be a list of one to six glyphs (as created by `make-glyph') or a symbol whose value is such a list. The first glyph, which must be provided, is the glyph used to display the gutter button when it is in the "up" (not pressed) state. The optional second glyph is for displaying the button when it is in the "down" (pressed) state. The optional third glyph is for when the button is disabled. The last three glyphs are for displaying the button in the "up", "down", and "disabled" states, respectively, but are used when the user has called for captioned gutter buttons (using `gutter-buttons-captioned-p'). The function `gutter-make-button-list' is useful in creating these glyph lists. * Even if you do not provide separate down-state and disabled-state glyphs, the user will still get visual feedback to indicate which state the button is in. Buttons in the up-state are displayed with a shadowed border that gives a raised appearance to the button. Buttons in the down-state are displayed with shadows that give a recessed appearance. Buttons in the disabled state are displayed with no shadows, giving a 2-d effect. * If some of the gutter glyphs are not provided, they inherit as follows: UP: up DOWN: down -> up DISABLED: disabled -> up CAP-UP: cap-up -> up CAP-DOWN: cap-down -> cap-up -> down -> up CAP-DISABLED: cap-disabled -> cap-up -> disabled -> up * The second element FUNCTION is a function to be called when the gutter button is activated (i.e. when the mouse is released over the gutter button, if the press occurred in the gutter). It can be any form accepted by `call-interactively', since this is how it is invoked. * The third element ENABLED-P specifies whether the gutter button is enabled (disabled buttons do nothing when they are activated, and are displayed differently; see above). It should be either a boolean or a form that evaluates to a boolean. * The fourth element HELP, if non-`nil', should be a string. This string is displayed in the echo area when the mouse passes over the gutter button. For the other vector formats (specifying blank areas of the gutter): * 2D-OR-3D should be one of the symbols `2d' or `3d', indicating whether the area is displayed with shadows (giving it a raised, 3-d appearance) or without shadows (giving it a flat appearance). * WIDTH-OR-HEIGHT specifies the length, in pixels, of the blank area. If omitted, it defaults to a device-specific value (8 pixels for X devices). - Function: gutter-make-button-list up &optional down disabled cap-up cap-down cap-disabled This function calls `make-glyph' on each arg and returns a list of the results. This is useful for setting the first argument of a gutter button descriptor (typically, the result of this function is assigned to a symbol, which is specified as the first argument of the gutter button descriptor). - Function: check-gutter-button-syntax button &optional noerror Verify the syntax of entry BUTTON in a gutter description list. If you want to verify the syntax of a gutter description list as a whole, use `check-valid-instantiator' with a specifier type of `gutter'.  File:, Node: Specifying a Gutter, Next: Other Gutter Variables, Prev: Gutter Descriptor Format, Up: Gutter Specifying a Gutter =================== In order to specify the contents of a gutter, set one of the specifier variables `default-gutter', `top-gutter', `bottom-gutter', `left-gutter', or `right-gutter'. These are specifiers, which means you set them with `set-specifier' and query them with `specifier-specs' or `specifier-instance'. You will get an error if you try to set them using `setq'. The valid instantiators for these specifiers are gutter descriptors, as described above. *Note Specifiers::, for more information. Most of the time, you will set `default-gutter', which allows the user to choose where the gutter should go. - Specifier: default-gutter The position of this gutter is specified in the function `default-gutter-position'. If the corresponding position-specific gutter (e.g. `top-gutter' if `default-gutter-position' is `top') does not specify a gutter in a particular domain, then the value of `default-gutter' in that domain, of any, will be used instead. Note that the gutter at any particular position will not be displayed unless its thickness (width or height, depending on orientation) is non-zero and its visibility status is true. The thickness is controlled by the specifiers `top-gutter-height', `bottom-gutter-height', `left-gutter-width', and `right-gutter-width', and the visibility status is controlled by the specifiers `top-gutter-visible-p', `bottom-gutter-visible-p', `left-gutter-visible-p', and `right-gutter-visible-p' (*note Other Gutter Variables::). - Function: set-default-gutter-position position This function sets the position that the `default-gutter' will be displayed at. Valid positions are the symbols `top', `bottom', `left' and `right'. What this actually does is set the fallback specifier for the position-specific specifier corresponding to the given position to `default-gutter', and set the fallbacks for the other position-specific specifiers to `nil'. It also does the same thing for the position-specific thickness and visibility specifiers, which inherit from one of `default-gutter-height' or `default-gutter-width', and from `default-gutter-visible-p', respectively (*note Other Gutter Variables::). - Function: default-gutter-position This function returns the position that the `default-gutter' will be displayed at. You can also explicitly set a gutter at a particular position. When redisplay determines what to display at a particular position in a particular domain (i.e. window), it first consults the position-specific gutter. If that does not yield a gutter descriptor, the `default-gutter' is consulted if `default-gutter-position' indicates this position. - Specifier: top-gutter Specifier for the gutter at the top of the frame. - Specifier: bottom-gutter Specifier for the gutter at the bottom of the frame. - Specifier: left-gutter Specifier for the gutter at the left edge of the frame. - Specifier: right-gutter Specifier for the gutter at the right edge of the frame. - Function: gutter-specifier-p object This function returns non-nil if OBJECT is a gutter specifier. Gutter specifiers are the actual objects contained in the gutter variables described above, and their valid instantiators are gutter descriptors (*note Gutter Descriptor Format::).  File:, Node: Other Gutter Variables, Next: Common Gutter Widgets, Prev: Specifying a Gutter, Up: Gutter Other Gutter Variables ====================== The variables to control the gutter thickness, visibility status, and captioned status are all specifiers. *Note Specifiers::. - Specifier: default-gutter-height This specifies the height of the default gutter, if it's oriented horizontally. The position of the default gutter is specified by the function `set-default-gutter-position'. If the corresponding position-specific gutter thickness specifier (e.g. `top-gutter-height' if `default-gutter-position' is `top') does not specify a thickness in a particular domain (a window or a frame), then the value of `default-gutter-height' or `default-gutter-width' (depending on the gutter orientation) in that domain, if any, will be used instead. - Specifier: default-gutter-width This specifies the width of the default gutter, if it's oriented vertically. This behaves like `default-gutter-height'. Note that `default-gutter-height' is only used when `default-gutter-position' is `top' or `bottom', and `default-gutter-width' is only used when `default-gutter-position' is `left' or `right'. - Specifier: top-gutter-height This specifies the height of the top gutter. - Specifier: bottom-gutter-height This specifies the height of the bottom gutter. - Specifier: left-gutter-width This specifies the width of the left gutter. - Specifier: right-gutter-width This specifies the width of the right gutter. Note that all of the position-specific gutter thickness specifiers have a fallback value of zero when they do not correspond to the default gutter. Therefore, you will have to set a non-zero thickness value if you want a position-specific gutter to be displayed. - Specifier: default-gutter-visible-p This specifies whether the default gutter is visible. The position of the default gutter is specified by the function `set-default-gutter-position'. If the corresponding position-specific gutter visibility specifier (e.g. `top-gutter-visible-p' if `default-gutter-position' is `top') does not specify a visible-p value in a particular domain (a window or a frame), then the value of `default-gutter-visible-p' in that domain, if any, will be used instead. - Specifier: top-gutter-visible-p This specifies whether the top gutter is visible. - Specifier: bottom-gutter-visible-p This specifies whether the bottom gutter is visible. - Specifier: left-gutter-visible-p This specifies whether the left gutter is visible. - Specifier: right-gutter-visible-p This specifies whether the right gutter is visible. `default-gutter-visible-p' and all of the position-specific gutter visibility specifiers have a fallback value of true. Internally, gutter thickness and visibility specifiers are instantiated in both window and frame domains, for different purposes. The value in the domain of a frame's selected window specifies the actual gutter thickness or visibility that you will see in that frame. The value in the domain of a frame itself specifies the gutter thickness or visibility that is used in frame geometry calculations. Thus, for example, if you set the frame width to 80 characters and the left gutter width for that frame to 68 pixels, then the frame will be sized to fit 80 characters plus a 68-pixel left gutter. If you then set the left gutter width to 0 for a particular buffer (or if that buffer does not specify a left gutter or has a nil value specified for `left-gutter-visible-p'), you will find that, when that buffer is displayed in the selected window, the window will have a width of 86 or 87 characters - the frame is sized for a 68-pixel left gutter but the selected window specifies that the left gutter is not visible, so it is expanded to take up the slack. - Specifier: gutter-buttons-captioned-p Whether gutter buttons are captioned. This affects which glyphs from a gutter button descriptor are chosen. *Note Gutter Descriptor Format::. You can also reset the gutter to what it was when XEmacs started up. - Constant: initial-gutter-spec The gutter descriptor used to initialize `default-gutter' at startup.  File:, Node: Common Gutter Widgets, Prev: Other Gutter Variables, Up: Gutter Common Gutter Widgets ===================== A gutter can contain arbitrary text. So, for example, in an Info buffer you could put the title of the current node in the top gutter, and it would not scroll out of view in a long node. (This is an artificial example, since usually the node name is sufficiently descriptive, and Info puts that in the mode line.) A more common use for the gutter is to hold some kind of active widget. The buffer-tab facility, available in all XEmacs frames, creates an array of file-folder-like tabs, which the user can click with the mouse to switch buffers. W3 uses a progress-bar widget in the bottom gutter to give a visual indication of the progress of time-consuming operations like downloading. * Menu: * Buffer Tabs:: Tabbed divider index metaphor for switching buffers. * Progress Bars:: Visual indication of operation progress.  File:, Node: Buffer Tabs, Next: Progress Bars, Up: Common Gutter Widgets Buffer Tabs ----------- Not documented yet.  File:, Node: Progress Bars, Prev: Buffer Tabs, Up: Common Gutter Widgets Progress Bars ------------- Not documented yet.  File:, Node: Scrollbars, Next: Drag and Drop, Prev: Gutter, Up: Top Scrollbars ********** Not yet documented.  File:, Node: Drag and Drop, Next: Modes, Prev: Scrollbars, Up: Top Drag and Drop ************* _WARNING_: the Drag'n'Drop API is still under development and the interface may change! The current implementation is considered experimental. Drag'n'drop is a way to transfer information between multiple applications. To do this several GUIs define their own protocols. Examples are OffiX, CDE, Motif, KDE, MSWindows, GNOME, and many more. To catch all these protocols, XEmacs provides a generic API. One prime idea behind the API is to use a data interface that is transparent for all systems. The author thinks that this is best archived by using URL and MIME data, cause any internet enabled system must support these for email already. XEmacs also already provides powerful interfaces to support these types of data (tm and w3). * Menu: * Supported Protocols:: Which low-level protocols are supported. * Drop Interface:: How XEmacs handles a drop from another application. * Drag Interface:: Calls to initiate a drag from XEmacs.  File:, Node: Supported Protocols, Next: Drop Interface, Up: Drag and Drop Supported Protocols =================== The current release of XEmacs only support a small set of Drag'n'drop protocols. Some of these only support limited options available in the API. * Menu: * OffiX DND:: A generic X based protocol. * CDE dt:: Common Desktop Environment used on suns. * MSWindows OLE:: Mr. Gates way of live. * Loose ends:: The other protocols.  File:, Node: OffiX DND, Next: CDE dt, Up: Supported Protocols OffiX DND --------- _WARNING_: If you compile in OffiX, you may not be able to use multiple X displays successfully. If the two servers are from different vendors, the results may be unpredictable. The OffiX Drag'n'Drop protocol is part of a X API/Widget library created by Cesar Crusius. It is based on X-Atoms and ClientMessage events, and works with any X platform supporting them. OffiX is supported if 'offix is member of the variable dragdrop-protocols, or the feature 'offix is defined. Unfortunately it uses it's own data types. Examples are: File, Files, Exe, Link, URL, MIME. The API tries to choose the right type for the data that is dragged from XEmacs (well, not yet...). XEmacs supports both MIME and URL drags and drops using this API. No application interaction is possible while dragging is in progress. For information about the OffiX project have a look at