This is ../info/, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from lispref/lispref.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION XEmacs Editor START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Lispref: (lispref). XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Edition History: GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual Second Edition (v2.01), May 1993 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual Further Revised (v2.02), August 1993 Lucid Emacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.10) First Edition, March 1994 XEmacs Lisp Programmer's Manual (for 19.12) Second Edition, April 1995 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual v2.4, June 1995 XEmacs Lisp Programmer's Manual (for 19.13) Third Edition, July 1995 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.14 and 20.0) v3.1, March 1996 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.15 and 20.1, 20.2, 20.3) v3.2, April, May, November 1997 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 21.0) v3.3, April 1998 Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Ben Wing. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: Input Modes, Next: Translating Input, Up: Terminal Input Input Modes ----------- - Function: set-input-mode interrupt flow meta quit-char This function sets the mode for reading keyboard input. If INTERRUPT is non-null, then XEmacs uses input interrupts. If it is `nil', then it uses CBREAK mode. When XEmacs communicates directly with X, it ignores this argument and uses interrupts if that is the way it knows how to communicate. If FLOW is non-`nil', then XEmacs uses XON/XOFF (`C-q', `C-s') flow control for output to the terminal. This has no effect except in CBREAK mode. *Note Flow Control::. The default setting is system dependent. Some systems always use CBREAK mode regardless of what is specified. The argument META controls support for input character codes above 127. If META is `t', XEmacs converts characters with the 8th bit set into Meta characters. If META is `nil', XEmacs disregards the 8th bit; this is necessary when the terminal uses it as a parity bit. If META is neither `t' nor `nil', XEmacs uses all 8 bits of input unchanged. This is good for terminals using European 8-bit character sets. If QUIT-CHAR is non-`nil', it specifies the character to use for quitting. Normally this character is `C-g'. *Note Quitting::. The `current-input-mode' function returns the input mode settings XEmacs is currently using. - Function: current-input-mode This function returns current mode for reading keyboard input. It returns a list, corresponding to the arguments of `set-input-mode', of the form `(INTERRUPT FLOW META QUIT)' in which: INTERRUPT is non-`nil' when XEmacs is using interrupt-driven input. If `nil', Emacs is using CBREAK mode. FLOW is non-`nil' if XEmacs uses XON/XOFF (`C-q', `C-s') flow control for output to the terminal. This value has no effect unless INTERRUPT is non-`nil'. META is `t' if XEmacs treats the eighth bit of input characters as the meta bit; `nil' means XEmacs clears the eighth bit of every input character; any other value means XEmacs uses all eight bits as the basic character code. QUIT is the character XEmacs currently uses for quitting, usually `C-g'.  File:, Node: Translating Input, Next: Recording Input, Prev: Input Modes, Up: Terminal Input Translating Input Events ------------------------ This section describes features for translating input events into other input events before they become part of key sequences. - Variable: function-key-map This variable holds a keymap that describes the character sequences sent by function keys on an ordinary character terminal. This keymap uses the same data structure as other keymaps, but is used differently: it specifies translations to make while reading events. If `function-key-map' "binds" a key sequence K to a vector V, then when K appears as a subsequence _anywhere_ in a key sequence, it is replaced with the events in V. For example, VT100 terminals send ` O P' when the keypad PF1 key is pressed. Therefore, we want XEmacs to translate that sequence of events into the single event `pf1'. We accomplish this by "binding" ` O P' to `[pf1]' in `function-key-map', when using a VT100. Thus, typing `C-c ' sends the character sequence `C-c O P'; later the function `read-key-sequence' translates this back into `C-c ', which it returns as the vector `[?\C-c pf1]'. Entries in `function-key-map' are ignored if they conflict with bindings made in the minor mode, local, or global keymaps. The intent is that the character sequences that function keys send should not have command bindings in their own right. The value of `function-key-map' is usually set up automatically according to the terminal's Terminfo or Termcap entry, but sometimes those need help from terminal-specific Lisp files. XEmacs comes with terminal-specific files for many common terminals; their main purpose is to make entries in `function-key-map' beyond those that can be deduced from Termcap and Terminfo. *Note Terminal-Specific::. Emacs versions 18 and earlier used totally different means of detecting the character sequences that represent function keys. - Variable: key-translation-map This variable is another keymap used just like `function-key-map' to translate input events into other events. It differs from `function-key-map' in two ways: * `key-translation-map' goes to work after `function-key-map' is finished; it receives the results of translation by `function-key-map'. * `key-translation-map' overrides actual key bindings. The intent of `key-translation-map' is for users to map one character set to another, including ordinary characters normally bound to `self-insert-command'. You can use `function-key-map' or `key-translation-map' for more than simple aliases, by using a function, instead of a key sequence, as the "translation" of a key. Then this function is called to compute the translation of that key. The key translation function receives one argument, which is the prompt that was specified in `read-key-sequence'--or `nil' if the key sequence is being read by the editor command loop. In most cases you can ignore the prompt value. If the function reads input itself, it can have the effect of altering the event that follows. For example, here's how to define `C-c h' to turn the character that follows into a Hyper character: (defun hyperify (prompt) (let ((e (read-event))) (vector (if (numberp e) (logior (lsh 1 20) e) (if (memq 'hyper (event-modifiers e)) e (add-event-modifier "H-" e)))))) (defun add-event-modifier (string e) (let ((symbol (if (symbolp e) e (car e)))) (setq symbol (intern (concat string (symbol-name symbol)))) (if (symbolp e) symbol (cons symbol (cdr e))))) (define-key function-key-map "\C-ch" 'hyperify) The `iso-transl' library uses this feature to provide a way of inputting non-ASCII Latin-1 characters.  File:, Node: Recording Input, Prev: Translating Input, Up: Terminal Input Recording Input --------------- - Function: recent-keys &optional number This function returns a vector containing recent input events from the keyboard or mouse. By default, 100 events are recorded, which is how many `recent-keys' returns. All input events are included, whether or not they were used as parts of key sequences. Thus, you always get the last 100 inputs, not counting keyboard macros. (Events from keyboard macros are excluded because they are less interesting for debugging; it should be enough to see the events that invoked the macros.) If NUMBER is specified, not more than NUMBER events will be returned. You may change the number of stored events using `set-recent-keys-ring-size'. - Function: recent-keys-ring-size This function returns the number of recent events stored internally. This is also the maximum number of events `recent-keys' can return. By default, 100 events are stored. - Function: set-recent-keys-ring-size size This function changes the number of events stored by XEmacs and returned by `recent-keys'. For example, `(set-recent-keys-ring-size 250)' will make XEmacs remember last 250 events and will make `recent-keys' return last 250 events by default. - Command: open-dribble-file filename This function opens a "dribble file" named FILENAME. When a dribble file is open, each input event from the keyboard or mouse (but not those from keyboard macros) is written in that file. A non-character event is expressed using its printed representation surrounded by `<...>'. You close the dribble file by calling this function with an argument of `nil'. This function is normally used to record the input necessary to trigger an XEmacs bug, for the sake of a bug report. (open-dribble-file "~/dribble") => nil See also the `open-termscript' function (*note Terminal Output::).  File:, Node: Terminal Output, Next: Flow Control, Prev: Terminal Input, Up: System Interface Terminal Output =============== The terminal output functions send output to the terminal or keep track of output sent to the terminal. The function `device-baud-rate' tells you what XEmacs thinks is the output speed of the terminal. - Function: device-baud-rate &optional device This function's value is the output speed of the terminal associated with DEVICE, as far as XEmacs knows. DEVICE defaults to the selected device (usually the only device) if omitted. Changing this value does not change the speed of actual data transmission, but the value is used for calculations such as padding. This value has no effect for window-system devices. (This is different in FSF Emacs, where the baud rate also affects decisions about whether to scroll part of the screen or repaint, even when using a window system.) The value is measured in bits per second. XEmacs attempts to automatically initialize the baud rate by querying the terminal. If you are running across a network, however, and different parts of the network work are at different baud rates, the value returned by XEmacs may be different from the value used by your local terminal. Some network protocols communicate the local terminal speed to the remote machine, so that XEmacs and other programs can get the proper value, but others do not. If XEmacs has the wrong value, it makes decisions that are less than optimal. To fix the problem, use `set-device-baud-rate'. - Function: set-device-baud-rate &optional device This function sets the output speed of DEVICE. See `device-baud-rate'. DEVICE defaults to the selected device (usually the only device) if omitted. - Function: send-string-to-terminal char-or-string &optional stdout-p device This function sends CHAR-OR-STRING to the terminal without alteration. Control characters in CHAR-OR-STRING have terminal-dependent effects. If DEVICE is `nil', this function writes to XEmacs's stderr, or to stdout if STDOUT-P is non-`nil'. Otherwise, DEVICE should be a tty or stream device, and the function writes to the device's normal or error output, according to STDOUT-P. One use of this function is to define function keys on terminals that have downloadable function key definitions. For example, this is how on certain terminals to define function key 4 to move forward four characters (by transmitting the characters `C-u C-f' to the computer): (send-string-to-terminal "\eF4\^U\^F") => nil - Command: open-termscript filename This function is used to open a "termscript file" that will record all the characters sent by XEmacs to the terminal. (If there are multiple tty or stream devices, all characters sent to all such devices are recorded.) The function returns `nil'. Termscript files are useful for investigating problems where XEmacs garbles the screen, problems that are due to incorrect Termcap entries or to undesirable settings of terminal options more often than to actual XEmacs bugs. Once you are certain which characters were actually output, you can determine reliably whether they correspond to the Termcap specifications in use. A `nil' value for FILENAME stops recording terminal output. See also `open-dribble-file' in *Note Terminal Input::. (open-termscript "../junk/termscript") => nil  File:, Node: Flow Control, Next: Batch Mode, Prev: Terminal Output, Up: System Interface Flow Control ============ This section attempts to answer the question "Why does XEmacs choose to use flow-control characters in its command character set?" For a second view on this issue, read the comments on flow control in the `emacs/INSTALL' file from the distribution; for help with Termcap entries and DEC terminal concentrators, see `emacs/etc/TERMS'. At one time, most terminals did not need flow control, and none used `C-s' and `C-q' for flow control. Therefore, the choice of `C-s' and `C-q' as command characters was uncontroversial. XEmacs, for economy of keystrokes and portability, used nearly all the ASCII control characters, with mnemonic meanings when possible; thus, `C-s' for search and `C-q' for quote. Later, some terminals were introduced which required these characters for flow control. They were not very good terminals for full-screen editing, so XEmacs maintainers did not pay attention. In later years, flow control with `C-s' and `C-q' became widespread among terminals, but by this time it was usually an option. And the majority of users, who can turn flow control off, were unwilling to switch to less mnemonic key bindings for the sake of flow control. So which usage is "right", XEmacs's or that of some terminal and concentrator manufacturers? This question has no simple answer. One reason why we are reluctant to cater to the problems caused by `C-s' and `C-q' is that they are gratuitous. There are other techniques (albeit less common in practice) for flow control that preserve transparency of the character stream. Note also that their use for flow control is not an official standard. Interestingly, on the model 33 teletype with a paper tape punch (which is very old), `C-s' and `C-q' were sent by the computer to turn the punch on and off! As X servers and other window systems replace character-only terminals, this problem is gradually being cured. For the mean time, XEmacs provides a convenient way of enabling flow control if you want it: call the function `enable-flow-control'. - Function: enable-flow-control This function enables use of `C-s' and `C-q' for output flow control, and provides the characters `C-\' and `C-^' as aliases for them using `keyboard-translate-table' (*note Translating Input::). You can use the function `enable-flow-control-on' in your `.emacs' file to enable flow control automatically on certain terminal types. - Function: enable-flow-control-on &rest termtypes This function enables flow control, and the aliases `C-\' and `C-^', if the terminal type is one of TERMTYPES. For example: (enable-flow-control-on "vt200" "vt300" "vt101" "vt131") Here is how `enable-flow-control' does its job: 1. It sets CBREAK mode for terminal input, and tells the operating system to handle flow control, with `(set-input-mode nil t)'. 2. It sets up `keyboard-translate-table' to translate `C-\' and `C-^' into `C-s' and `C-q'. Except at its very lowest level, XEmacs never knows that the characters typed were anything but `C-s' and `C-q', so you can in effect type them as `C-\' and `C-^' even when they are input for other commands. *Note Translating Input::. If the terminal is the source of the flow control characters, then once you enable kernel flow control handling, you probably can make do with less padding than normal for that terminal. You can reduce the amount of padding by customizing the Termcap entry. You can also reduce it by setting `baud-rate' to a smaller value so that XEmacs uses a smaller speed when calculating the padding needed. *Note Terminal Output::.  File:, Node: Batch Mode, Prev: Flow Control, Up: System Interface Batch Mode ========== The command line option `-batch' causes XEmacs to run noninteractively. In this mode, XEmacs does not read commands from the terminal, it does not alter the terminal modes, and it does not expect to be outputting to an erasable screen. The idea is that you specify Lisp programs to run; when they are finished, XEmacs should exit. The way to specify the programs to run is with `-l FILE', which loads the library named FILE, and `-f FUNCTION', which calls FUNCTION with no arguments. Any Lisp program output that would normally go to the echo area, either using `message' or using `prin1', etc., with `t' as the stream, goes instead to XEmacs's standard error descriptor when in batch mode. Thus, XEmacs behaves much like a noninteractive application program. (The echo area output that XEmacs itself normally generates, such as command echoing, is suppressed entirely.) - Function: noninteractive This function returns non-`nil' when XEmacs is running in batch mode. - Variable: noninteractive This variable is non-`nil' when XEmacs is running in batch mode. Setting this variable to `nil', however, will not change whether XEmacs is running in batch mode, and will not change the return value of the `noninteractive' function.  File:, Node: X-Windows, Next: ToolTalk Support, Prev: System Interface, Up: Top Functions Specific to the X Window System ***************************************** XEmacs provides the concept of "devices", which generalizes connections to an X server, a TTY device, etc. Most information about an X server that XEmacs is connected to can be determined through general console and device functions. *Note Consoles and Devices::. However, there are some features of the X Window System that do not generalize well, and they are covered specially here. * Menu: * X Selections:: Transferring text to and from other X clients. * X Server:: Information about the X server connected to a particular device. * X Miscellaneous:: Other X-specific functions and variables.  File:, Node: X Selections, Next: X Server, Up: X-Windows X Selections ============ The X server records a set of "selections" which permit transfer of data between application programs. The various selections are distinguished by "selection types", represented in XEmacs by symbols. X clients including XEmacs can read or set the selection for any given type. - Function: x-own-selection data &optional type This function sets a "selection" in the X server. It takes two arguments: a value, DATA, and the selection type TYPE to assign it to. DATA may be a string, a cons of two markers, or an extent. In the latter cases, the selection is considered to be the text between the markers, or between the extent's endpoints. Each possible TYPE has its own selection value, which changes independently. The usual values of TYPE are `PRIMARY' and `SECONDARY'; these are symbols with upper-case names, in accord with X Windows conventions. The default is `PRIMARY'. (In FSF Emacs, this function is called `x-set-selection' and takes different arguments.) - Function: x-get-selection This function accesses selections set up by XEmacs or by other X clients. It returns the value of the current primary selection. - Function: x-disown-selection &optional secondary-p Assuming we own the selection, this function disowns it. If SECONDARY-P is non-`nil', the secondary selection instead of the primary selection is discarded. The X server also has a set of numbered "cut buffers" which can store text or other data being moved between applications. Cut buffers are considered obsolete, but XEmacs supports them for the sake of X clients that still use them. - Function: x-get-cutbuffer &optional n This function returns the contents of cut buffer number N. (This function is called `x-get-cut-buffer' in FSF Emacs.) - Function: x-store-cutbuffer string This function stores STRING into the first cut buffer (cut buffer 0), moving the other values down through the series of cut buffers, kill-ring-style. (This function is called `x-set-cut-buffer' in FSF Emacs.)  File:, Node: X Server, Next: X Miscellaneous, Prev: X Selections, Up: X-Windows X Server ======== This section describes how to access and change the overall status of the X server XEmacs is using. * Menu: * Resources:: Getting resource values from the server. * Server Data:: Getting info about the X server. * Grabs:: Restricting access to the server by other apps.  File:, Node: Resources, Next: Server Data, Up: X Server Resources --------- - Function: default-x-device This function return the default X device for resourcing. This is the first-created X device that still exists. - Function: x-get-resource name class type &optional locale device noerror This function retrieves a resource value from the X resource manager. * The first arg is the name of the resource to retrieve, such as `"font"'. * The second arg is the class of the resource to retrieve, like `"Font"'. * The third arg should be one of the symbols `string', `integer', `natnum', or `boolean', specifying the type of object that the database is searched for. * The fourth arg is the locale to search for the resources on, and can currently be a a buffer, a frame, a device, or the symbol `global'. If omitted, it defaults to `global'. * The fifth arg is the device to search for the resources on. (The resource database for a particular device is constructed by combining non-device- specific resources such any command-line resources specified and any app-defaults files found [or the fallback resources supplied by XEmacs, if no app-defaults file is found] with device-specific resources such as those supplied using `xrdb'.) If omitted, it defaults to the device of LOCALE, if a device can be derived (i.e. if LOCALE is a frame or device), and otherwise defaults to the value of `default-x-device'. * The sixth arg NOERROR, if non-`nil', means do not signal an error if a bogus resource specification was retrieved (e.g. if a non-integer was given when an integer was requested). In this case, a warning is issued instead. The resource names passed to this function are looked up relative to the locale. If you want to search for a subresource, you just need to specify the resource levels in NAME and CLASS. For example, NAME could be `"modeline.attributeFont"', and CLASS `"Face.AttributeFont"'. Specifically, 1. If LOCALE is a buffer, a call `(x-get-resource "foreground" "Foreground" 'string SOME-BUFFER)' is an interface to a C call something like `XrmGetResource (db, "xemacs.buffer.BUFFER-NAME.foreground", "Emacs.EmacsLocaleType.EmacsBuffer.Foreground", "String");' 2. If LOCALE is a frame, a call `(x-get-resource "foreground" "Foreground" 'string SOME-FRAME)' is an interface to a C call something like `XrmGetResource (db, "xemacs.frame.FRAME-NAME.foreground", "Emacs.EmacsLocaleType.EmacsFrame.Foreground", "String");' 3. If LOCALE is a device, a call `(x-get-resource "foreground" "Foreground" 'string SOME-DEVICE)' is an interface to a C call something like `XrmGetResource (db, "xemacs.device.DEVICE-NAME.foreground", "Emacs.EmacsLocaleType.EmacsDevice.Foreground", "String");' 4. If LOCALE is the symbol `global', a call `(x-get-resource "foreground" "Foreground" 'string 'global)' is an interface to a C call something like `XrmGetResource (db, "xemacs.foreground", "Emacs.Foreground", "String");' Note that for `global', no prefix is added other than that of the application itself; thus, you can use this locale to retrieve arbitrary application resources, if you really want to. The returned value of this function is `nil' if the queried resource is not found. If TYPE is `string', a string is returned, and if it is `integer', an integer is returned. If TYPE is `boolean', then the returned value is the list `(t)' for true, `(nil)' for false, and is `nil' to mean "unspecified". - Function: x-put-resource resource-line &optional device This function adds a resource to the resource database for DEVICE. RESOURCE-LINE specifies the resource to add and should be a standard resource specification. - Variable: x-emacs-application-class This variable holds The X application class of the XEmacs process. This controls, among other things, the name of the "app-defaults" file that XEmacs will use. For changes to this variable to take effect, they must be made before the connection to the X server is initialized, that is, this variable may only be changed before XEmacs is dumped, or by setting it in the file `lisp/term/x-win.el'. By default, this variable is nil at startup. When the connection to the X server is first initialized, the X resource database will be consulted and the value will be set according to whether any resources are found for the application class "XEmacs".  File:, Node: Server Data, Next: Grabs, Prev: Resources, Up: X Server Data about the X Server ----------------------- This section describes functions and a variable that you can use to get information about the capabilities and origin of the X server corresponding to a particular device. The device argument is generally optional and defaults to the selected device. - Function: x-server-version &optional device This function returns the list of version numbers of the X server DEVICE is on. The returned value is a list of three integers: the major and minor version numbers of the X protocol in use, and the vendor-specific release number. - Function: x-server-vendor &optional device This function returns the vendor supporting the X server DEVICE is on. - Function: x-display-visual-class &optional device This function returns the visual class of the display DEVICE is on. The value is one of the symbols `static-gray', `gray-scale', `static-color', `pseudo-color', `true-color', and `direct-color'. (Note that this is different from previous versions of XEmacs, which returned `StaticGray', `GrayScale', etc.)  File:, Node: Grabs, Prev: Server Data, Up: X Server Restricting Access to the Server by Other Apps ---------------------------------------------- - Function: x-grab-keyboard &optional device This function grabs the keyboard on the given device (defaulting to the selected one). So long as the keyboard is grabbed, all keyboard events will be delivered to XEmacs--it is not possible for other X clients to eavesdrop on them. Ungrab the keyboard with `x-ungrab-keyboard' (use an `unwind-protect'). Returns `t' if the grab was successful; `nil' otherwise. - Function: x-ungrab-keyboard &optional device This function releases a keyboard grab made with `x-grab-keyboard'. - Function: x-grab-pointer &optional device cursor ignore-keyboard This function grabs the pointer and restricts it to its current window. If optional DEVICE argument is `nil', the selected device will be used. If optional CURSOR argument is non-`nil', change the pointer shape to that until `x-ungrab-pointer' is called (it should be an object returned by the `make-cursor' function). If the second optional argument IGNORE-KEYBOARD is non-`nil', ignore all keyboard events during the grab. Returns `t' if the grab is successful, `nil' otherwise. - Function: x-ungrab-pointer &optional device This function releases a pointer grab made with `x-grab-pointer'. If optional first arg DEVICE is `nil' the selected device is used. If it is `t' the pointer will be released on all X devices.  File:, Node: X Miscellaneous, Prev: X Server, Up: X-Windows Miscellaneous X Functions and Variables ======================================= - Variable: x-bitmap-file-path This variable holds a list of the directories in which X bitmap files may be found. If `nil', this is initialized from the `"*bitmapFilePath"' resource. This is used by the `make-image-instance' function (however, note that if the environment variable `XBMLANGPATH' is set, it is consulted first). - Variable: x-library-search-path This variable holds the search path used by `read-color' to find `rgb.txt'. - Function: x-valid-keysym-name-p keysym This function returns true if KEYSYM names a keysym that the X library knows about. Valid keysyms are listed in the files `/usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h' and in `/usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB', or whatever the equivalents are on your system. - Function: x-window-id &optional frame This function returns the ID of the X11 window. This gives us a chance to manipulate the Emacs window from within a different program. Since the ID is an unsigned long, we return it as a string. - Variable: x-allow-sendevents If non-`nil', synthetic events are allowed. `nil' means they are ignored. Beware: allowing XEmacs to process SendEvents opens a big security hole. - Function: x-debug-mode arg &optional device With a true arg, make the connection to the X server synchronous. With false, make it asynchronous. Synchronous connections are much slower, but are useful for debugging. (If you get X errors, make the connection synchronous, and use a debugger to set a breakpoint on `x_error_handler'. Your backtrace of the C stack will now be useful. In asynchronous mode, the stack above `x_error_handler' isn't helpful because of buffering.) If DEVICE is not specified, the selected device is assumed. Calling this function is the same as calling the C function `XSynchronize', or starting the program with the `-sync' command line argument. - Variable: x-debug-events If non-zero, debug information about events that XEmacs sees is displayed. Information is displayed on stderr. Currently defined values are: * 1 == non-verbose output * 2 == verbose output  File:, Node: ToolTalk Support, Next: LDAP Support, Prev: X-Windows, Up: Top ToolTalk Support **************** * Menu: * XEmacs ToolTalk API Summary:: * Sending Messages:: * Receiving Messages::  File:, Node: XEmacs ToolTalk API Summary, Next: Sending Messages, Up: ToolTalk Support XEmacs ToolTalk API Summary =========================== The XEmacs Lisp interface to ToolTalk is similar, at least in spirit, to the standard C ToolTalk API. Only the message and pattern parts of the API are supported at present; more of the API could be added if needed. The Lisp interface departs from the C API in a few ways: * ToolTalk is initialized automatically at XEmacs startup-time. Messages can only be sent other ToolTalk applications connected to the same X11 server that XEmacs is running on. * There are fewer entry points; polymorphic functions with keyword arguments are used instead. * The callback interface is simpler and marginally less functional. A single callback may be associated with a message or a pattern; the callback is specified with a Lisp symbol (the symbol should have a function binding). * The session attribute for messages and patterns is always initialized to the default session. * Anywhere a ToolTalk enum constant, e.g. `TT_SESSION', is valid, one can substitute the corresponding symbol, e.g. `'TT_SESSION'. This simplifies building lists that represent messages and patterns.  File:, Node: Sending Messages, Next: Receiving Messages, Prev: XEmacs ToolTalk API Summary, Up: ToolTalk Support Sending Messages ================ * Menu: * Example of Sending Messages:: * Elisp Interface for Sending Messages::  File:, Node: Example of Sending Messages, Next: Elisp Interface for Sending Messages, Up: Sending Messages Example of Sending Messages --------------------------- Here's a simple example that sends a query to another application and then displays its reply. Both the query and the reply are stored in the first argument of the message. (defun tooltalk-random-query-handler (msg) (let ((state (get-tooltalk-message-attribute msg 'state))) (cond ((eq state 'TT_HANDLED) (message (get-tooltalk-message-attribute msg arg_val 0))) ((memq state '(TT_FAILED TT_REJECTED)) (message "Random query turns up nothing"))))) (defvar random-query-message '( class TT_REQUEST scope TT_SESSION address TT_PROCEDURE op "random-query" args '((TT_INOUT "?" "string")) callback tooltalk-random-query-handler)) (let ((m (make-tooltalk-message random-query-message))) (send-tooltalk-message m))  File:, Node: Elisp Interface for Sending Messages, Prev: Example of Sending Messages, Up: Sending Messages Elisp Interface for Sending Messages ------------------------------------ - Function: make-tooltalk-message attributes Create a ToolTalk message and initialize its attributes. The value of ATTRIBUTES must be a list of alternating keyword/values, where keywords are symbols that name valid message attributes. For example: (make-tooltalk-message '(class TT_NOTICE scope TT_SESSION address TT_PROCEDURE op "do-something" args ("arg1" 12345 (TT_INOUT "arg3" "string")))) Values must always be strings, integers, or symbols that represent ToolTalk constants. Attribute names are the same as those supported by `set-tooltalk-message-attribute', plus `args'. The value of `args' should be a list of message arguments where each message argument has the following form: `(mode [value [type]])' or just `value' Where MODE is one of `TT_IN', `TT_OUT', or `TT_INOUT' and TYPE is a string. If TYPE isn't specified then `int' is used if VALUE is a number; otherwise `string' is used. If TYPE is `string' then VALUE is converted to a string (if it isn't a string already) with `prin1-to-string'. If only a value is specified then MODE defaults to `TT_IN'. If MODE is `TT_OUT' then VALUE and TYPE don't need to be specified. You can find out more about the semantics and uses of ToolTalk message arguments in chapter 4 of the `ToolTalk Programmer's Guide'. - Function: send-tooltalk-message msg Send the message on its way. Once the message has been sent it's almost always a good idea to get rid of it with `destroy-tooltalk-message'. - Function: return-tooltalk-message msg &optional mode Send a reply to this message. The second argument can be `reply', `reject' or `fail'; the default is `reply'. Before sending a reply, all message arguments whose mode is `TT_INOUT' or `TT_OUT' should have been filled in--see `set-tooltalk-message-attribute'. - Function: get-tooltalk-message-attribute msg attribute &optional argn Returns the indicated ToolTalk message attribute. Attributes are identified by symbols with the same name (underscores and all) as the suffix of the ToolTalk `tt_message_' function that extracts the value. String attribute values are copied and enumerated type values (except disposition) are converted to symbols; e.g. `TT_HANDLER' is `'TT_HANDLER', `uid' and `gid' are represented by fixnums (small integers), `opnum' is converted to a string, and `disposition' is converted to a fixnum. We convert `opnum' (a C int) to a string (e.g. `123' => `"123"') because there's no guarantee that opnums will fit within the range of XEmacs Lisp integers. [TBD] Use the `plist' attribute instead of C API `user' attribute for user-defined message data. To retrieve the value of a message property, specify the indicator for ARGN. For example, to get the value of a property called `rflag', use (get-tooltalk-message-attribute msg 'plist 'rflag) To get the value of a message argument use one of the `arg_val' (strings), `arg_ival' (integers), or `arg_bval' (strings with embedded nulls), attributes. For example, to get the integer value of the third argument: (get-tooltalk-message-attribute msg 'arg_ival 2) As you can see, argument numbers are zero-based. The type of each arguments can be retrieved with the `arg_type' attribute; however ToolTalk doesn't define any semantics for the string value of `arg_type'. Conventionally `string' is used for strings and `int' for 32 bit integers. Note that XEmacs Lisp stores the lengths of strings explicitly (unlike C) so treating the value returned by `arg_bval' like a string is fine. - Function: set-tooltalk-message-attribute value msg attribute &optional argn Initialize one ToolTalk message attribute. Attribute names and values are the same as for `get-tooltalk-message-attribute'. A property list is provided for user data (instead of the `user' message attribute); see `get-tooltalk-message-attribute'. Callbacks are handled slightly differently than in the C ToolTalk API. The value of CALLBACK should be the name of a function of one argument. It will be called each time the state of the message changes. This is usually used to notice when the message's state has changed to `TT_HANDLED' (or `TT_FAILED'), so that reply argument values can be used. If one of the argument attributes is specified as `arg_val', `arg_ival', or `arg_bval', then ARGN must be the number of an already created argument. Arguments can be added to a message with `add-tooltalk-message-arg'. - Function: add-tooltalk-message-arg msg mode type &optional value Append one new argument to the message. MODE must be one of `TT_IN', `TT_INOUT', or `TT_OUT', TYPE must be a string, and VALUE can be a string or an integer. ToolTalk doesn't define any semantics for TYPE, so only the participants in the protocol you're using need to agree what types mean (if anything). Conventionally `string' is used for strings and `int' for 32 bit integers. Arguments can initialized by providing a value or with `set-tooltalk-message-attribute'; the latter is necessary if you want to initialize the argument with a string that can contain embedded nulls (use `arg_bval'). - Function: create-tooltalk-message Create a new ToolTalk message. The message's session attribute is initialized to the default session. Other attributes can be initialized with `set-tooltalk-message-attribute'. `make-tooltalk-message' is the preferred way to create and initialize a message. - Function: destroy-tooltalk-message msg Apply `tt_message_destroy' to the message. It's not necessary to destroy messages after they've been processed by a message or pattern callback, the Lisp/ToolTalk callback machinery does this for you.  File:, Node: Receiving Messages, Prev: Sending Messages, Up: ToolTalk Support Receiving Messages ================== * Menu: * Example of Receiving Messages:: * Elisp Interface for Receiving Messages::  File:, Node: Example of Receiving Messages, Next: Elisp Interface for Receiving Messages, Up: Receiving Messages Example of Receiving Messages ----------------------------- Here's a simple example of a handler for a message that tells XEmacs to display a string in the mini-buffer area. The message operation is called `emacs-display-string'. Its first (0th) argument is the string to display. (defun tooltalk-display-string-handler (msg) (message (get-tooltalk-message-attribute msg 'arg_val 0))) (defvar display-string-pattern '(category TT_HANDLE scope TT_SESSION op "emacs-display-string" callback tooltalk-display-string-handler)) (let ((p (make-tooltalk-pattern display-string-pattern))) (register-tooltalk-pattern p))  File:, Node: Elisp Interface for Receiving Messages, Prev: Example of Receiving Messages, Up: Receiving Messages Elisp Interface for Receiving Messages -------------------------------------- - Function: make-tooltalk-pattern attributes Create a ToolTalk pattern and initialize its attributes. The value of attributes must be a list of alternating keyword/values, where keywords are symbols that name valid pattern attributes or lists of valid attributes. For example: (make-tooltalk-pattern '(category TT_OBSERVE scope TT_SESSION op ("operation1" "operation2") args ("arg1" 12345 (TT_INOUT "arg3" "string")))) Attribute names are the same as those supported by `add-tooltalk-pattern-attribute', plus `'args'. Values must always be strings, integers, or symbols that represent ToolTalk constants or lists of same. When a list of values is provided all of the list elements are added to the attribute. In the example above, messages whose `op' attribute is `"operation1"' or `"operation2"' would match the pattern. The value of ARGS should be a list of pattern arguments where each pattern argument has the following form: `(mode [value [type]])' or just `value' Where MODE is one of `TT_IN', `TT_OUT', or `TT_INOUT' and TYPE is a string. If TYPE isn't specified then `int' is used if VALUE is a number; otherwise `string' is used. If TYPE is `string' then VALUE is converted to a string (if it isn't a string already) with `prin1-to-string'. If only a value is specified then MODE defaults to `TT_IN'. If MODE is `TT_OUT' then VALUE and TYPE don't need to be specified. You can find out more about the semantics and uses of ToolTalk pattern arguments in chapter 3 of the `ToolTalk Programmer's Guide'. - Function: register-tooltalk-pattern pat XEmacs will begin receiving messages that match this pattern. - Function: unregister-tooltalk-pattern pat XEmacs will stop receiving messages that match this pattern. - Function: add-tooltalk-pattern-attribute value pat indicator Add one value to the indicated pattern attribute. The names of attributes are the same as the ToolTalk accessors used to set them less the `tooltalk_pattern_' prefix and the `_add' suffix. For example, the name of the attribute for the `tt_pattern_disposition_add' attribute is `disposition'. The `category' attribute is handled specially, since a pattern can only be a member of one category (`TT_OBSERVE' or `TT_HANDLE'). Callbacks are handled slightly differently than in the C ToolTalk API. The value of CALLBACK should be the name of a function of one argument. It will be called each time the pattern matches an incoming message. - Function: add-tooltalk-pattern-arg pat mode type value Add one fully-specified argument to a ToolTalk pattern. MODE must be one of `TT_IN', `TT_INOUT', or `TT_OUT'. TYPE must be a string. VALUE can be an integer, string or `nil'. If VALUE is an integer then an integer argument (`tt_pattern_iarg_add') is added; otherwise a string argument is added. At present there's no way to add a binary data argument. - Function: create-tooltalk-pattern Create a new ToolTalk pattern and initialize its session attribute to be the default session. - Function: destroy-tooltalk-pattern pat Apply `tt_pattern_destroy' to the pattern. This effectively unregisters the pattern. - Function: describe-tooltalk-message msg &optional stream Print the message's attributes and arguments to STREAM. This is often useful for debugging.  File:, Node: LDAP Support, Next: PostgreSQL Support, Prev: ToolTalk Support, Up: Top LDAP Support ************ XEmacs can be linked with a LDAP client library to provide Elisp primitives to access directory servers using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. * Menu: * Building XEmacs with LDAP support:: How to add LDAP support to XEmacs * XEmacs LDAP API:: Lisp access to LDAP functions * Syntax of Search Filters:: A brief summary of RFC 1558  File:, Node: Building XEmacs with LDAP support, Next: XEmacs LDAP API, Prev: LDAP Support, Up: LDAP Support Building XEmacs with LDAP support ================================= LDAP support must be added to XEmacs at build time since it requires linking to an external LDAP client library. As of 21.2, XEmacs has been successfully built and tested with * OpenLDAP 1.2 () * University of Michigan's LDAP 3.3 () * LDAP SDK 1.0 from Netscape Corp. () Other libraries conforming to RFC 1823 will probably work also but may require some minor tweaking at C level. The standard XEmacs configure script auto-detects an installed LDAP library provided the library itself and the corresponding header files can be found in the library and include paths. A successful detection will be signalled in the final output of the configure script.  File:, Node: XEmacs LDAP API, Next: Syntax of Search Filters, Prev: Building XEmacs with LDAP support, Up: LDAP Support XEmacs LDAP API =============== XEmacs LDAP API consists of two layers: a low-level layer which tries to stay as close as possible to the C API (where practical) and a higher-level layer which provides more convenient primitives to effectively use LDAP. The low-level API should be used directly for very specific purposes (such as multiple operations on a connection) only. The higher-level functions provide a more convenient way to access LDAP directories hiding the subtleties of handling the connection, translating arguments and ensuring compliance with LDAP internationalization rules and formats (currently partly implemented only). * Menu: * LDAP Variables:: Lisp variables related to LDAP * The High-Level LDAP API:: High-level LDAP lisp functions * The Low-Level LDAP API:: Low-level LDAP lisp primitives * LDAP Internationalization:: I18n variables and functions