This is ../info/, produced by makeinfo version 3.12s from lispref/lispref.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION XEmacs Editor START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Lispref: (lispref). XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Edition History: GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual Second Edition (v2.01), May 1993 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual Further Revised (v2.02), August 1993 Lucid Emacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.10) First Edition, March 1994 XEmacs Lisp Programmer's Manual (for 19.12) Second Edition, April 1995 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual v2.4, June 1995 XEmacs Lisp Programmer's Manual (for 19.13) Third Edition, July 1995 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.14 and 20.0) v3.1, March 1996 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.15 and 20.1, 20.2, 20.3) v3.2, April, May, November 1997 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 21.0) v3.3, April 1998 Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Ben Wing. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: Building XEmacs, Next: Pure Storage, Up: Building XEmacs and Object Allocation Building XEmacs =============== This section explains the steps involved in building the XEmacs executable. You don't have to know this material to build and install XEmacs, since the makefiles do all these things automatically. This information is pertinent to XEmacs maintenance. The `XEmacs Internals Manual' contains more information about this. Compilation of the C source files in the `src' directory produces an executable file called `temacs', also called a "bare impure XEmacs". It contains the XEmacs Lisp interpreter and I/O routines, but not the editing commands. Before XEmacs is actually usable, a number of Lisp files need to be loaded. These define all the editing commands, plus most of the startup code and many very basic Lisp primitives. This is accomplished by loading the file `loadup.el', which in turn loads all of the other standardly-loaded Lisp files. It takes a substantial time to load the standard Lisp files. Luckily, you don't have to do this each time you run XEmacs; `temacs' can dump out an executable program called `xemacs' that has these files preloaded. `xemacs' starts more quickly because it does not need to load the files. This is the XEmacs executable that is normally installed. To create `xemacs', use the command `temacs -batch -l loadup dump'. The purpose of `-batch' here is to tell `temacs' to run in non-interactive, command-line mode. (`temacs' can _only_ run in this fashion. Part of the code required to initialize frames and faces is in Lisp, and must be loaded before XEmacs is able to create any frames.) The argument `dump' tells `loadup.el' to dump a new executable named `xemacs'. The dumping process is highly system-specific, and some operating systems don't support dumping. On those systems, you must start XEmacs with the `temacs -batch -l loadup run-temacs' command each time you use it. This takes a substantial time, but since you need to start Emacs once a day at most--or once a week if you never log out--the extra time is not too severe a problem. (In older versions of Emacs, you started Emacs from `temacs' using `temacs -l loadup'.) You are free to start XEmacs directly from `temacs' if you want, even if there is already a dumped `xemacs'. Normally you wouldn't want to do that; but the Makefiles do this when you rebuild XEmacs using `make all-elc', which builds XEmacs and simultaneously compiles any out-of-date Lisp files. (You need `xemacs' in order to compile Lisp files. However, you also need the compiled Lisp files in order to dump out `xemacs'. If both of these are missing or corrupted, you are out of luck unless you're able to bootstrap `xemacs' from `temacs'. Note that `make all-elc' actually loads the alternative loadup file `loadup-el.el', which works like `loadup.el' but disables the pure-copying process and forces XEmacs to ignore any compiled Lisp files even if they exist.) You can specify additional files to preload by writing a library named `site-load.el' that loads them. You may need to increase the value of `PURESIZE', in `src/puresize.h', to make room for the additional files. You should _not_ modify this file directly, however; instead, use the `--puresize' configuration option. (If you run out of pure space while dumping `xemacs', you will be told how much pure space you actually will need.) However, the advantage of preloading additional files decreases as machines get faster. On modern machines, it is often not advisable, especially if the Lisp code is on a file system local to the machine running XEmacs. You can specify other Lisp expressions to execute just before dumping by putting them in a library named `site-init.el'. However, if they might alter the behavior that users expect from an ordinary unmodified XEmacs, it is better to put them in `default.el', so that users can override them if they wish. *Note Start-up Summary::. Before `loadup.el' dumps the new executable, it finds the documentation strings for primitive and preloaded functions (and variables) in the file where they are stored, by calling `Snarf-documentation' (*note Accessing Documentation::). These strings were moved out of the `xemacs' executable to make it smaller. *Note Documentation Basics::. - Function: dump-emacs to-file from-file This function dumps the current state of XEmacs into an executable file TO-FILE. It takes symbols from FROM-FILE (this is normally the executable file `temacs'). If you use this function in an XEmacs that was already dumped, you must set `command-line-processed' to `nil' first for good results. *Note Command Line Arguments::. - Function: run-emacs-from-temacs &rest args This is the function that implements the `run-temacs' command-line argument. It is called from `loadup.el' as appropriate. You should most emphatically _not_ call this yourself; it will reinitialize your XEmacs process and you'll be sorry. - Command: emacs-version This function returns a string describing the version of XEmacs that is running. It is useful to include this string in bug reports. (emacs-version) => "XEmacs 20.1 [Lucid] (i586-unknown-linux2.0.29) of Mon Apr 7 1997 on" Called interactively, the function prints the same information in the echo area. - Variable: emacs-build-time The value of this variable is the time at which XEmacs was built at the local site. emacs-build-time "Mon Apr 7 20:28:52 1997" => - Variable: emacs-version The value of this variable is the version of Emacs being run. It is a string, e.g. `"20.1 XEmacs Lucid"'. The following two variables did not exist before FSF GNU Emacs version 19.23 and XEmacs version 19.10, which reduces their usefulness at present, but we hope they will be convenient in the future. - Variable: emacs-major-version The major version number of Emacs, as an integer. For XEmacs version 20.1, the value is 20. - Variable: emacs-minor-version The minor version number of Emacs, as an integer. For XEmacs version 20.1, the value is 1.  File:, Node: Pure Storage, Next: Garbage Collection, Prev: Building XEmacs, Up: Building XEmacs and Object Allocation Pure Storage ============ XEmacs Lisp uses two kinds of storage for user-created Lisp objects: "normal storage" and "pure storage". Normal storage is where all the new data created during an XEmacs session is kept; see the following section for information on normal storage. Pure storage is used for certain data in the preloaded standard Lisp files--data that should never change during actual use of XEmacs. Pure storage is allocated only while `temacs' is loading the standard preloaded Lisp libraries. In the file `xemacs', it is marked as read-only (on operating systems that permit this), so that the memory space can be shared by all the XEmacs jobs running on the machine at once. Pure storage is not expandable; a fixed amount is allocated when XEmacs is compiled, and if that is not sufficient for the preloaded libraries, `temacs' aborts with an error message. If that happens, you must increase the compilation parameter `PURESIZE' using the `--puresize' option to `configure'. This normally won't happen unless you try to preload additional libraries or add features to the standard ones. - Function: purecopy object This function makes a copy of OBJECT in pure storage and returns it. It copies strings by simply making a new string with the same characters in pure storage. It recursively copies the contents of vectors and cons cells. It does not make copies of other objects such as symbols, but just returns them unchanged. It signals an error if asked to copy markers. This function is a no-op except while XEmacs is being built and dumped; it is usually called only in the file `xemacs/lisp/prim/loaddefs.el', but a few packages call it just in case you decide to preload them. - Variable: pure-bytes-used The value of this variable is the number of bytes of pure storage allocated so far. Typically, in a dumped XEmacs, this number is very close to the total amount of pure storage available--if it were not, we would preallocate less. - Variable: purify-flag This variable determines whether `defun' should make a copy of the function definition in pure storage. If it is non-`nil', then the function definition is copied into pure storage. This flag is `t' while loading all of the basic functions for building XEmacs initially (allowing those functions to be sharable and non-collectible). Dumping XEmacs as an executable always writes `nil' in this variable, regardless of the value it actually has before and after dumping. You should not change this flag in a running XEmacs.  File:, Node: Garbage Collection, Prev: Pure Storage, Up: Building XEmacs and Object Allocation Garbage Collection ================== When a program creates a list or the user defines a new function (such as by loading a library), that data is placed in normal storage. If normal storage runs low, then XEmacs asks the operating system to allocate more memory in blocks of 2k bytes. Each block is used for one type of Lisp object, so symbols, cons cells, markers, etc., are segregated in distinct blocks in memory. (Vectors, long strings, buffers and certain other editing types, which are fairly large, are allocated in individual blocks, one per object, while small strings are packed into blocks of 8k bytes. [More correctly, a string is allocated in two sections: a fixed size chunk containing the length, list of extents, etc.; and a chunk containing the actual characters in the string. It is this latter chunk that is either allocated individually or packed into 8k blocks. The fixed size chunk is packed into 2k blocks, as for conses, markers, etc.]) It is quite common to use some storage for a while, then release it by (for example) killing a buffer or deleting the last pointer to an object. XEmacs provides a "garbage collector" to reclaim this abandoned storage. (This name is traditional, but "garbage recycler" might be a more intuitive metaphor for this facility.) The garbage collector operates by finding and marking all Lisp objects that are still accessible to Lisp programs. To begin with, it assumes all the symbols, their values and associated function definitions, and any data presently on the stack, are accessible. Any objects that can be reached indirectly through other accessible objects are also accessible. When marking is finished, all objects still unmarked are garbage. No matter what the Lisp program or the user does, it is impossible to refer to them, since there is no longer a way to reach them. Their space might as well be reused, since no one will miss them. The second ("sweep") phase of the garbage collector arranges to reuse them. The sweep phase puts unused cons cells onto a "free list" for future allocation; likewise for symbols, markers, extents, events, floats, compiled-function objects, and the fixed-size portion of strings. It compacts the accessible small string-chars chunks so they occupy fewer 8k blocks; then it frees the other 8k blocks. Vectors, buffers, windows, and other large objects are individually allocated and freed using `malloc' and `free'. Common Lisp note: unlike other Lisps, XEmacs Lisp does not call the garbage collector when the free list is empty. Instead, it simply requests the operating system to allocate more storage, and processing continues until `gc-cons-threshold' bytes have been used. This means that you can make sure that the garbage collector will not run during a certain portion of a Lisp program by calling the garbage collector explicitly just before it (provided that portion of the program does not use so much space as to force a second garbage collection). - Command: garbage-collect This command runs a garbage collection, and returns information on the amount of space in use. (Garbage collection can also occur spontaneously if you use more than `gc-cons-threshold' bytes of Lisp data since the previous garbage collection.) `garbage-collect' returns a list containing the following information: ((USED-CONSES . FREE-CONSES) (USED-SYMS . FREE-SYMS) (USED-MARKERS . FREE-MARKERS) USED-STRING-CHARS USED-VECTOR-SLOTS (PLIST)) => ((73362 . 8325) (13718 . 164) (5089 . 5098) 949121 118677 (conses-used 73362 conses-free 8329 cons-storage 658168 symbols-used 13718 symbols-free 164 symbol-storage 335216 bit-vectors-used 0 bit-vectors-total-length 0 bit-vector-storage 0 vectors-used 7882 vectors-total-length 118677 vector-storage 537764 compiled-functions-used 1336 compiled-functions-free 37 compiled-function-storage 44440 short-strings-used 28829 long-strings-used 2 strings-free 7722 short-strings-total-length 916657 short-string-storage 1179648 long-strings-total-length 32464 string-header-storage 441504 floats-used 3 floats-free 43 float-storage 2044 markers-used 5089 markers-free 5098 marker-storage 245280 events-used 103 events-free 835 event-storage 110656 extents-used 10519 extents-free 2718 extent-storage 372736 extent-auxiliarys-used 111 extent-auxiliarys-freed 3 extent-auxiliary-storage 4440 window-configurations-used 39 window-configurations-on-free-list 5 window-configurations-freed 10 window-configuration-storage 9492 popup-datas-used 3 popup-data-storage 72 toolbar-buttons-used 62 toolbar-button-storage 4960 toolbar-datas-used 12 toolbar-data-storage 240 symbol-value-buffer-locals-used 182 symbol-value-buffer-local-storage 5824 symbol-value-lisp-magics-used 22 symbol-value-lisp-magic-storage 1496 symbol-value-varaliases-used 43 symbol-value-varalias-storage 1032 opaque-lists-used 2 opaque-list-storage 48 color-instances-used 12 color-instance-storage 288 font-instances-used 5 font-instance-storage 180 opaques-used 11 opaque-storage 312 range-tables-used 1 range-table-storage 16 faces-used 34 face-storage 2584 glyphs-used 124 glyph-storage 4464 specifiers-used 775 specifier-storage 43869 weak-lists-used 786 weak-list-storage 18864 char-tables-used 40 char-table-storage 41920 buffers-used 25 buffer-storage 7000 extent-infos-used 457 extent-infos-freed 73 extent-info-storage 9140 keymaps-used 275 keymap-storage 12100 consoles-used 4 console-storage 384 command-builders-used 2 command-builder-storage 120 devices-used 2 device-storage 344 frames-used 3 frame-storage 624 image-instances-used 47 image-instance-storage 3008 windows-used 27 windows-freed 2 window-storage 9180 lcrecord-lists-used 15 lcrecord-list-storage 360 hash-tables-used 631 hash-table-storage 25240 streams-used 1 streams-on-free-list 3 streams-freed 12 stream-storage 91)) Here is a table explaining each element: USED-CONSES The number of cons cells in use. FREE-CONSES The number of cons cells for which space has been obtained from the operating system, but that are not currently being used. USED-SYMS The number of symbols in use. FREE-SYMS The number of symbols for which space has been obtained from the operating system, but that are not currently being used. USED-MARKERS The number of markers in use. FREE-MARKERS The number of markers for which space has been obtained from the operating system, but that are not currently being used. USED-STRING-CHARS The total size of all strings, in characters. USED-VECTOR-SLOTS The total number of elements of existing vectors. PLIST A list of alternating keyword/value pairs providing more detailed information. (As you can see above, quite a lot of information is provided.) - User Option: gc-cons-threshold The value of this variable is the number of bytes of storage that must be allocated for Lisp objects after one garbage collection in order to trigger another garbage collection. A cons cell counts as eight bytes, a string as one byte per character plus a few bytes of overhead, and so on; space allocated to the contents of buffers does not count. Note that the subsequent garbage collection does not happen immediately when the threshold is exhausted, but only the next time the Lisp evaluator is called. The initial threshold value is 500,000. If you specify a larger value, garbage collection will happen less often. This reduces the amount of time spent garbage collecting, but increases total memory use. You may want to do this when running a program that creates lots of Lisp data. You can make collections more frequent by specifying a smaller value, down to 10,000. A value less than 10,000 will remain in effect only until the subsequent garbage collection, at which time `garbage-collect' will set the threshold back to 10,000. (This does not apply if XEmacs was configured with `--debug'. Therefore, be careful when setting `gc-cons-threshold' in that case!) - Function: memory-limit This function returns the address of the last byte XEmacs has allocated, divided by 1024. We divide the value by 1024 to make sure it fits in a Lisp integer. You can use this to get a general idea of how your actions affect the memory usage. - Variable: pre-gc-hook This is a normal hook to be run just before each garbage collection. Interrupts, garbage collection, and errors are inhibited while this hook runs, so be extremely careful in what you add here. In particular, avoid consing, and do not interact with the user. - Variable: post-gc-hook This is a normal hook to be run just after each garbage collection. Interrupts, garbage collection, and errors are inhibited while this hook runs, so be extremely careful in what you add here. In particular, avoid consing, and do not interact with the user. - Variable: gc-message This is a string to print to indicate that a garbage collection is in progress. This is printed in the echo area. If the selected frame is on a window system and `gc-pointer-glyph' specifies a value (i.e. a pointer image instance) in the domain of the selected frame, the mouse cursor will change instead of this message being printed. - Glyph: gc-pointer-glyph This holds the pointer glyph used to indicate that a garbage collection is in progress. If the selected window is on a window system and this glyph specifies a value (i.e. a pointer image instance) in the domain of the selected window, the cursor will be changed as specified during garbage collection. Otherwise, a message will be printed in the echo area, as controlled by `gc-message'. *Note Glyphs::. If XEmacs was configured with `--debug', you can set the following two variables to get direct information about all the allocation that is happening in a segment of Lisp code. - Variable: debug-allocation If non-zero, print out information to stderr about all objects allocated. - Variable: debug-allocation-backtrace Length (in stack frames) of short backtrace printed out by `debug-allocation'.  File:, Node: Standard Errors, Next: Standard Buffer-Local Variables, Prev: Building XEmacs and Object Allocation, Up: Top Standard Errors *************** Here is the complete list of the error symbols in standard Emacs, grouped by concept. The list includes each symbol's message (on the `error-message' property of the symbol) and a cross reference to a description of how the error can occur. Each error symbol has an `error-conditions' property that is a list of symbols. Normally this list includes the error symbol itself and the symbol `error'. Occasionally it includes additional symbols, which are intermediate classifications, narrower than `error' but broader than a single error symbol. For example, all the errors in accessing files have the condition `file-error'. As a special exception, the error symbol `quit' does not have the condition `error', because quitting is not considered an error. *Note Errors::, for an explanation of how errors are generated and handled. `SYMBOL' STRING; REFERENCE. `error' `"error"' *Note Errors::. `quit' `"Quit"' *Note Quitting::. `args-out-of-range' `"Args out of range"' *Note Sequences Arrays Vectors::. `arith-error' `"Arithmetic error"' See `/' and `%' in *Note Numbers::. `beginning-of-buffer' `"Beginning of buffer"' *Note Motion::. `buffer-read-only' `"Buffer is read-only"' *Note Read Only Buffers::. `cyclic-function-indirection' `"Symbol's chain of function indirections contains a loop"' *Note Function Indirection::. `domain-error' `"Arithmetic domain error"' `end-of-buffer' `"End of buffer"' *Note Motion::. `end-of-file' `"End of file during parsing"' This is not a `file-error'. *Note Input Functions::. `file-error' This error and its subcategories do not have error-strings, because the error message is constructed from the data items alone when the error condition `file-error' is present. *Note Files::. `file-locked' This is a `file-error'. *Note File Locks::. `file-already-exists' This is a `file-error'. *Note Writing to Files::. `file-supersession' This is a `file-error'. *Note Modification Time::. `invalid-byte-code' `"Invalid byte code"' *Note Byte Compilation::. `invalid-function' `"Invalid function"' *Note Classifying Lists::. `invalid-read-syntax' `"Invalid read syntax"' *Note Input Functions::. `invalid-regexp' `"Invalid regexp"' *Note Regular Expressions::. `mark-inactive' `"The mark is not active now"' `no-catch' `"No catch for tag"' *Note Catch and Throw::. `overflow-error' `"Arithmetic overflow error"' `protected-field' `"Attempt to modify a protected field"' `range-error' `"Arithmetic range error"' `search-failed' `"Search failed"' *Note Searching and Matching::. `setting-constant' `"Attempt to set a constant symbol"' *Note Variables that Never Change: Constant Variables. `singularity-error' `"Arithmetic singularity error"' `tooltalk-error' `"ToolTalk error"' *Note ToolTalk Support::. `undefined-keystroke-sequence' `"Undefined keystroke sequence"' `void-function' `"Symbol's function definition is void"' *Note Function Cells::. `void-variable' `"Symbol's value as variable is void"' *Note Accessing Variables::. `wrong-number-of-arguments' `"Wrong number of arguments"' *Note Classifying Lists::. `wrong-type-argument' `"Wrong type argument"' *Note Type Predicates::. These error types, which are all classified as special cases of `arith-error', can occur on certain systems for invalid use of mathematical functions. `domain-error' `"Arithmetic domain error"' *Note Math Functions::. `overflow-error' `"Arithmetic overflow error"' *Note Math Functions::. `range-error' `"Arithmetic range error"' *Note Math Functions::. `singularity-error' `"Arithmetic singularity error"' *Note Math Functions::. `underflow-error' `"Arithmetic underflow error"' *Note Math Functions::.  File:, Node: Standard Buffer-Local Variables, Next: Standard Keymaps, Prev: Standard Errors, Up: Top Buffer-Local Variables ********************** The table below lists the general-purpose Emacs variables that are automatically local (when set) in each buffer. Many Lisp packages define such variables for their internal use; we don't list them here. `abbrev-mode' *note Abbrevs:: `auto-fill-function' *note Auto Filling:: `buffer-auto-save-file-name' *note Auto-Saving:: `buffer-backed-up' *note Backup Files:: `buffer-display-table' *note Display Tables:: `buffer-file-format' *note Format Conversion:: `buffer-file-name' *note Buffer File Name:: `buffer-file-number' *note Buffer File Name:: `buffer-file-truename' *note Buffer File Name:: `buffer-file-type' *note Files and MS-DOS:: `buffer-invisibility-spec' *note Invisible Text:: `buffer-offer-save' *note Saving Buffers:: `buffer-read-only' *note Read Only Buffers:: `buffer-saved-size' *note Point:: `buffer-undo-list' *note Undo:: `cache-long-line-scans' *note Text Lines:: `case-fold-search' *note Searching and Case:: `ctl-arrow' *note Usual Display:: `comment-column' *note Comments: (emacs)Comments. `default-directory' *note System Environment:: `defun-prompt-regexp' *note List Motion:: `fill-column' *note Auto Filling:: `goal-column' *note Moving Point: (emacs)Moving Point. `left-margin' *note Indentation:: `local-abbrev-table' *note Abbrevs:: `local-write-file-hooks' *note Saving Buffers:: `major-mode' *note Mode Help:: `mark-active' *note The Mark:: `mark-ring' *note The Mark:: `minor-modes' *note Minor Modes:: `modeline-format' *note Modeline Data:: `modeline-buffer-identification' *note Modeline Variables:: `modeline-format' *note Modeline Data:: `modeline-modified' *note Modeline Variables:: `modeline-process' *note Modeline Variables:: `mode-name' *note Modeline Variables:: `overwrite-mode' *note Insertion:: `paragraph-separate' *note Standard Regexps:: `paragraph-start' *note Standard Regexps:: `point-before-scroll' Used for communication between mouse commands and scroll-bar commands. `require-final-newline' *note Insertion:: `selective-display' *note Selective Display:: `selective-display-ellipses' *note Selective Display:: `tab-width' *note Usual Display:: `truncate-lines' *note Truncation:: `vc-mode' *note Modeline Variables::  File:, Node: Standard Keymaps, Next: Standard Hooks, Prev: Standard Buffer-Local Variables, Up: Top Standard Keymaps **************** The following symbols are used as the names for various keymaps. Some of these exist when XEmacs is first started, others are loaded only when their respective mode is used. This is not an exhaustive list. Almost all of these maps are used as local maps. Indeed, of the modes that presently exist, only Vip mode and Terminal mode ever change the global keymap. `bookmark-map' A keymap containing bindings to bookmark functions. `Buffer-menu-mode-map' A keymap used by Buffer Menu mode. `c++-mode-map' A keymap used by C++ mode. `c-mode-map' A keymap used by C mode. A sparse keymap used by C mode. `command-history-map' A keymap used by Command History mode. `ctl-x-4-map' A keymap for subcommands of the prefix `C-x 4'. `ctl-x-5-map' A keymap for subcommands of the prefix `C-x 5'. `ctl-x-map' A keymap for `C-x' commands. `debugger-mode-map' A keymap used by Debugger mode. `dired-mode-map' A keymap for `dired-mode' buffers. `edit-abbrevs-map' A keymap used in `edit-abbrevs'. `edit-tab-stops-map' A keymap used in `edit-tab-stops'. `electric-buffer-menu-mode-map' A keymap used by Electric Buffer Menu mode. `electric-history-map' A keymap used by Electric Command History mode. `emacs-lisp-mode-map' A keymap used by Emacs Lisp mode. `help-map' A keymap for characters following the Help key. `Helper-help-map' A keymap used by the help utility package. It has the same keymap in its value cell and in its function cell. `Info-edit-map' A keymap used by the `e' command of Info. `Info-mode-map' A keymap containing Info commands. `isearch-mode-map' A keymap that defines the characters you can type within incremental search. `itimer-edit-map' A keymap used when in Itimer Edit mode. `lisp-interaction-mode-map' A keymap used by Lisp mode. `lisp-mode-map' A keymap used by Lisp mode. A keymap for minibuffer input with completion. `minibuffer-local-isearch-map' A keymap for editing isearch strings in the minibuffer. `minibuffer-local-map' Default keymap to use when reading from the minibuffer. `minibuffer-local-must-match-map' A keymap for minibuffer input with completion, for exact match. `mode-specific-map' The keymap for characters following `C-c'. Note, this is in the global map. This map is not actually mode specific: its name was chosen to be informative for the user in `C-h b' (`display-bindings'), where it describes the main use of the `C-c' prefix key. `modeline-map' The keymap consulted for mouse-clicks on the modeline of a window. `objc-mode-map' A keymap used in Objective C mode as a local map. `occur-mode-map' A local keymap used by Occur mode. `overriding-local-map' A keymap that overrides all other local keymaps. `query-replace-map' A local keymap used for responses in `query-replace' and related commands; also for `y-or-n-p' and `map-y-or-n-p'. The functions that use this map do not support prefix keys; they look up one event at a time. `read-expression-map' The minibuffer keymap used for reading Lisp expressions. `read-shell-command-map' The minibuffer keymap used by shell-command and related commands. `shared-lisp-mode-map' A keymap for commands shared by all sorts of Lisp modes. `text-mode-map' A keymap used by Text mode. `toolbar-map' The keymap consulted for mouse-clicks over a toolbar. `view-mode-map' A keymap used by View mode.  File:, Node: Standard Hooks, Next: Index, Prev: Standard Keymaps, Up: Top Standard Hooks ************** The following is a list of hook variables that let you provide functions to be called from within Emacs on suitable occasions. Most of these variables have names ending with `-hook'. They are "normal hooks", run by means of `run-hooks'. The value of such a hook is a list of functions. The recommended way to put a new function on such a hook is to call `add-hook'. *Note Hooks::, for more information about using hooks. The variables whose names end in `-function' have single functions as their values. Usually there is a specific reason why the variable is not a normal hook, such as the need to pass arguments to the function. (In older Emacs versions, some of these variables had names ending in `-hook' even though they were not normal hooks.) The variables whose names end in `-hooks' or `-functions' have lists of functions as their values, but these functions are called in a special way (they are passed arguments, or else their values are used). `activate-menubar-hook' `activate-popup-menu-hook' `ad-definition-hooks' `adaptive-fill-function' `add-log-current-defun-function' `after-change-functions' `after-delete-annotation-hook' `after-init-hook' `after-insert-file-functions' `after-revert-hook' `after-save-hook' `after-set-visited-file-name-hooks' `after-write-file-hooks' `auto-fill-function' `auto-save-hook' `before-change-functions' `before-delete-annotation-hook' `before-init-hook' `before-revert-hook' `blink-paren-function' `buffers-menu-switch-to-buffer-function' `c++-mode-hook' `c-delete-function' `c-mode-common-hook' `c-mode-hook' `c-special-indent-hook' `calendar-load-hook' `change-major-mode-hook' `command-history-hook' `comment-indent-function' `compilation-buffer-name-function' `compilation-exit-message-function' `compilation-finish-function' `compilation-parse-errors-function' `compilation-mode-hook' `create-console-hook' `create-device-hook' `create-frame-hook' `dabbrev-friend-buffer-function' `dabbrev-select-buffers-function' `delete-console-hook' `delete-device-hook' `delete-frame-hook' `deselect-frame-hook' `diary-display-hook' `diary-hook' `dired-after-readin-hook' `dired-before-readin-hook' `dired-load-hook' `dired-mode-hook' `disabled-command-hook' `display-buffer-function' `ediff-after-setup-control-frame-hook' `ediff-after-setup-windows-hook' `ediff-before-setup-control-frame-hook' `ediff-before-setup-windows-hook' `ediff-brief-help-message-function' `ediff-cleanup-hook' `ediff-control-frame-position-function' `ediff-display-help-hook' `ediff-focus-on-regexp-matches-function' `ediff-forward-word-function' `ediff-hide-regexp-matches-function' `ediff-keymap-setup-hook' `ediff-load-hook' `ediff-long-help-message-function' `ediff-make-wide-display-function' `ediff-merge-split-window-function' `ediff-meta-action-function' `ediff-meta-redraw-function' `ediff-mode-hook' `ediff-prepare-buffer-hook' `ediff-quit-hook' `ediff-registry-setup-hook' `ediff-select-hook' `ediff-session-action-function' `ediff-session-group-setup-hook' `ediff-setup-diff-regions-function' `ediff-show-registry-hook' `ediff-show-session-group-hook' `ediff-skip-diff-region-function' `ediff-split-window-function' `ediff-startup-hook' `ediff-suspend-hook' `ediff-toggle-read-only-function' `ediff-unselect-hook' `ediff-window-setup-function' `edit-picture-hook' `electric-buffer-menu-mode-hook' `electric-command-history-hook' `electric-help-mode-hook' `emacs-lisp-mode-hook' `fill-paragraph-function' `find-file-hooks' `find-file-not-found-hooks' `first-change-hook' `font-lock-after-fontify-buffer-hook' `font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function' `font-lock-mode-hook' `fume-found-function-hook' `fume-list-mode-hook' `fume-rescan-buffer-hook' `fume-sort-function' `gnus-startup-hook' `hack-local-variables-hook' `highlight-headers-follow-url-function' `hyper-apropos-mode-hook' `indent-line-function' `indent-mim-hook' `indent-region-function' `initial-calendar-window-hook' `isearch-mode-end-hook' `isearch-mode-hook' `java-mode-hook' `kill-buffer-hook' `kill-buffer-query-functions' `kill-emacs-hook' `kill-emacs-query-functions' `kill-hooks' `LaTeX-mode-hook' `latex-mode-hook' `ledit-mode-hook' `lisp-indent-function' `lisp-interaction-mode-hook' `lisp-mode-hook' `list-diary-entries-hook' `load-read-function' `log-message-filter-function' `m2-mode-hook' `mail-citation-hook' `mail-mode-hook' `mail-setup-hook' `make-annotation-hook' `makefile-mode-hook' `map-frame-hook' `mark-diary-entries-hook' `medit-mode-hook' `menu-no-selection-hook' `mh-compose-letter-hook' `mh-folder-mode-hook' `mh-letter-mode-hook' `mim-mode-hook' `minibuffer-exit-hook' `minibuffer-setup-hook' `mode-motion-hook' `mouse-enter-frame-hook' `mouse-leave-frame-hook' `mouse-track-cleanup-hook' `mouse-track-click-hook' `mouse-track-down-hook' `mouse-track-drag-hook' `mouse-track-drag-up-hook' `mouse-track-up-hook' `mouse-yank-function' `news-mode-hook' `news-reply-mode-hook' `news-setup-hook' `nongregorian-diary-listing-hook' `nongregorian-diary-marking-hook' `nroff-mode-hook' `objc-mode-hook' `outline-mode-hook' `perl-mode-hook' `plain-TeX-mode-hook' `post-command-hook' `post-gc-hook' `pre-abbrev-expand-hook' `pre-command-hook' `pre-display-buffer-function' `pre-gc-hook' `pre-idle-hook' `print-diary-entries-hook' `prolog-mode-hook' `protect-innocence-hook' `remove-message-hook' `revert-buffer-function' `revert-buffer-insert-contents-function' `rmail-edit-mode-hook' `rmail-mode-hook' `rmail-retry-setup-hook' `rmail-summary-mode-hook' `scheme-indent-hook' `scheme-mode-hook' `scribe-mode-hook' `select-frame-hook' `send-mail-function' `shell-mode-hook' `shell-set-directory-error-hook' `special-display-function' `suspend-hook' `suspend-resume-hook' `temp-buffer-show-function' `term-setup-hook' `terminal-mode-hook' `terminal-mode-break-hook' `TeX-mode-hook' `tex-mode-hook' `text-mode-hook' `today-visible-calendar-hook' `today-invisible-calendar-hook' `tooltalk-message-handler-hook' `tooltalk-pattern-handler-hook' `tooltalk-unprocessed-message-hook' `unmap-frame-hook' `vc-checkin-hook' `vc-checkout-writable-buffer-hook' `vc-log-after-operation-hook' `vc-make-buffer-writable-hook' `view-hook' `vm-arrived-message-hook' `vm-arrived-messages-hook' `vm-chop-full-name-function' `vm-display-buffer-hook' `vm-edit-message-hook' `vm-forward-message-hook' `vm-iconify-frame-hook' `vm-inhibit-write-file-hook' `vm-key-functions' `vm-mail-hook' `vm-mail-mode-hook' `vm-menu-setup-hook' `vm-mode-hook' `vm-quit-hook' `vm-rename-current-buffer-function' `vm-reply-hook' `vm-resend-bounced-message-hook' `vm-resend-message-hook' `vm-retrieved-spooled-mail-hook' `vm-select-message-hook' `vm-select-new-message-hook' `vm-select-unread-message-hook' `vm-send-digest-hook' `vm-summary-mode-hook' `vm-summary-pointer-update-hook' `vm-summary-redo-hook' `vm-summary-update-hook' `vm-undisplay-buffer-hook' `vm-visit-folder-hook' `window-setup-hook' `write-contents-hooks' `write-file-data-hooks' `write-file-hooks' `write-region-annotate-functions' `x-lost-selection-hooks' `x-sent-selection-hooks' `zmacs-activate-region-hook' `zmacs-deactivate-region-hook' `zmacs-update-region-hook'