This is ../info/, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from lispref/lispref.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION XEmacs Editor START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Lispref: (lispref). XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Edition History: GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual Second Edition (v2.01), May 1993 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual Further Revised (v2.02), August 1993 Lucid Emacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.10) First Edition, March 1994 XEmacs Lisp Programmer's Manual (for 19.12) Second Edition, April 1995 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual v2.4, June 1995 XEmacs Lisp Programmer's Manual (for 19.13) Third Edition, July 1995 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.14 and 20.0) v3.1, March 1996 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.15 and 20.1, 20.2, 20.3) v3.2, April, May, November 1997 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 21.0) v3.3, April 1998 Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Ben Wing. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: Internationalization Terminology, Next: Charsets, Up: MULE Internationalization Terminology ================================ In internationalization terminology, a string of text is divided up into "characters", which are the printable units that make up the text. A single character is (for example) a capital `A', the number `2', a Katakana character, a Hangul character, a Kanji ideograph (an "ideograph" is a "picture" character, such as is used in Japanese Kanji, Chinese Hanzi, and Korean Hanja; typically there are thousands of such ideographs in each language), etc. The basic property of a character is that it is the smallest unit of text with semantic significance in text processing. Human beings normally process text visually, so to a first approximation a character may be identified with its shape. Note that the same character may be drawn by two different people (or in two different fonts) in slightly different ways, although the "basic shape" will be the same. But consider the works of Scott Kim; human beings can recognize hugely variant shapes as the "same" character. Sometimes, especially where characters are extremely complicated to write, completely different shapes may be defined as the "same" character in national standards. The Taiwanese variant of Hanzi is generally the most complicated; over the centuries, the Japanese, Koreans, and the People's Republic of China have adopted simplifications of the shape, but the line of descent from the original shape is recorded, and the meanings and pronunciation of different forms of the same character are considered to be identical within each language. (Of course, it may take a specialist to recognize the related form; the point is that the relations are standardized, despite the differing shapes.) In some cases, the differences will be significant enough that it is actually possible to identify two or more distinct shapes that both represent the same character. For example, the lowercase letters `a' and `g' each have two distinct possible shapes--the `a' can optionally have a curved tail projecting off the top, and the `g' can be formed either of two loops, or of one loop and a tail hanging off the bottom. Such distinct possible shapes of a character are called "glyphs". The important characteristic of two glyphs making up the same character is that the choice between one or the other is purely stylistic and has no linguistic effect on a word (this is the reason why a capital `A' and lowercase `a' are different characters rather than different glyphs--e.g. `Aspen' is a city while `aspen' is a kind of tree). Note that "character" and "glyph" are used differently here than elsewhere in XEmacs. A "character set" is essentially a set of related characters. ASCII, for example, is a set of 94 characters (or 128, if you count non-printing characters). Other character sets are ISO8859-1 (ASCII plus various accented characters and other international symbols), JIS X 0201 (ASCII, more or less, plus half-width Katakana), JIS X 0208 (Japanese Kanji), JIS X 0212 (a second set of less-used Japanese Kanji), GB2312 (Mainland Chinese Hanzi), etc. The definition of a character set will implicitly or explicitly give it an "ordering", a way of assigning a number to each character in the set. For many character sets, there is a natural ordering, for example the "ABC" ordering of the Roman letters. But it is not clear whether digits should come before or after the letters, and in fact different European languages treat the ordering of accented characters differently. It is useful to use the natural order where available, of course. The number assigned to any particular character is called the character's "code point". (Within a given character set, each character has a unique code point. Thus the word "set" is ill-chosen; different orderings of the same characters are different character sets. Identifying characters is simple enough for alphabetic character sets, but the difference in ordering can cause great headaches when the same thousands of characters are used by different cultures as in the Hanzi.) A code point may be broken into a number of "position codes". The number of position codes required to index a particular character in a character set is called the "dimension" of the character set. For practical purposes, a position code may be thought of as a byte-sized index. The printing characters of ASCII, being a relatively small character set, is of dimension one, and each character in the set is indexed using a single position code, in the range 1 through 94. Use of this unusual range, rather than the familiar 33 through 126, is an intentional abstraction; to understand the programming issues you must break the equation between character sets and encodings. JIS X 0208, i.e. Japanese Kanji, has thousands of characters, and is of dimension two - every character is indexed by two position codes, each in the range 1 through 94. (This number "94" is not a coincidence; we shall see that the JIS position codes were chosen so that JIS kanji could be encoded without using codes that in ASCII are associated with device control functions.) Note that the choice of the range here is somewhat arbitrary. You could just as easily index the printing characters in ASCII using numbers in the range 0 through 93, 2 through 95, 3 through 96, etc. In fact, the standardized _encoding_ for the ASCII _character set_ uses the range 33 through 126. An "encoding" is a way of numerically representing characters from one or more character sets into a stream of like-sized numerical values called "words"; typically these are 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit quantities. If an encoding encompasses only one character set, then the position codes for the characters in that character set could be used directly. (This is the case with the trivial cipher used by children, assigning 1 to `A', 2 to `B', and so on.) However, even with ASCII, other considerations intrude. For example, why are the upper- and lowercase alphabets separated by 8 characters? Why do the digits start with `0' being assigned the code 48? In both cases because semantically interesting operations (case conversion and numerical value extraction) become convenient masking operations. Other artificial aspects (the control characters being assigned to codes 0-31 and 127) are historical accidents. (The use of 127 for `DEL' is an artifact of the "punch once" nature of paper tape, for example.) Naive use of the position code is not possible, however, if more than one character set is to be used in the encoding. For example, printed Japanese text typically requires characters from multiple character sets - ASCII, JIS X 0208, and JIS X 0212, to be specific. Each of these is indexed using one or more position codes in the range 1 through 94, so the position codes could not be used directly or there would be no way to tell which character was meant. Different Japanese encodings handle this differently - JIS uses special escape characters to denote different character sets; EUC sets the high bit of the position codes for JIS X 0208 and JIS X 0212, and puts a special extra byte before each JIS X 0212 character; etc. (JIS, EUC, and most of the other encodings you will encounter in files are 7-bit or 8-bit encodings. There is one common 16-bit encoding, which is Unicode; this strives to represent all the world's characters in a single large character set. 32-bit encodings are often used internally in programs, such as XEmacs with MULE support, to simplify the code that manipulates them; however, they are not used externally because they are not very space-efficient.) A general method of handling text using multiple character sets (whether for multilingual text, or simply text in an extremely complicated single language like Japanese) is defined in the international standard ISO 2022. ISO 2022 will be discussed in more detail later (*note ISO 2022::), but for now suffice it to say that text needs control functions (at least spacing), and if escape sequences are to be used, an escape sequence introducer. It was decided to make all text streams compatible with ASCII in the sense that the codes 0-31 (and 128-159) would always be control codes, never graphic characters, and where defined by the character set the `SPC' character would be assigned code 32, and `DEL' would be assigned 127. Thus there are 94 code points remaining if 7 bits are used. This is the reason that most character sets are defined using position codes in the range 1 through 94. Then ISO 2022 compatible encodings are produced by shifting the position codes 1 to 94 into character codes 33 to 126, or (if 8 bit codes are available) into character codes 161 to 254. Encodings are classified as either "modal" or "non-modal". In a "modal encoding", there are multiple states that the encoding can be in, and the interpretation of the values in the stream depends on the current global state of the encoding. Special values in the encoding, called "escape sequences", are used to change the global state. JIS, for example, is a modal encoding. The bytes `ESC $ B' indicate that, from then on, bytes are to be interpreted as position codes for JIS X 0208, rather than as ASCII. This effect is cancelled using the bytes `ESC ( B', which mean "switch from whatever the current state is to ASCII". To switch to JIS X 0212, the escape sequence `ESC $ ( D'. (Note that here, as is common, the escape sequences do in fact begin with `ESC'. This is not necessarily the case, however. Some encodings use control characters called "locking shifts" (effect persists until cancelled) to switch character sets.) A "non-modal encoding" has no global state that extends past the character currently being interpreted. EUC, for example, is a non-modal encoding. Characters in JIS X 0208 are encoded by setting the high bit of the position codes, and characters in JIS X 0212 are encoded by doing the same but also prefixing the character with the byte 0x8F. The advantage of a modal encoding is that it is generally more space-efficient, and is easily extendible because there are essentially an arbitrary number of escape sequences that can be created. The disadvantage, however, is that it is much more difficult to work with if it is not being processed in a sequential manner. In the non-modal EUC encoding, for example, the byte 0x41 always refers to the letter `A'; whereas in JIS, it could either be the letter `A', or one of the two position codes in a JIS X 0208 character, or one of the two position codes in a JIS X 0212 character. Determining exactly which one is meant could be difficult and time-consuming if the previous bytes in the string have not already been processed, or impossible if they are drawn from an external stream that cannot be rewound. Non-modal encodings are further divided into "fixed-width" and "variable-width" formats. A fixed-width encoding always uses the same number of words per character, whereas a variable-width encoding does not. EUC is a good example of a variable-width encoding: one to three bytes are used per character, depending on the character set. 16-bit and 32-bit encodings are nearly always fixed-width, and this is in fact one of the main reasons for using an encoding with a larger word size. The advantages of fixed-width encodings should be obvious. The advantages of variable-width encodings are that they are generally more space-efficient and allow for compatibility with existing 8-bit encodings such as ASCII. (For example, in Unicode ASCII characters are simply promoted to a 16-bit representation. That means that every ASCII character contains a `NUL' byte; evidently all of the standard string manipulation functions will lose badly in a fixed-width Unicode environment.) The bytes in an 8-bit encoding are often referred to as "octets" rather than simply as bytes. This terminology dates back to the days before 8-bit bytes were universal, when some computers had 9-bit bytes, others had 10-bit bytes, etc.  File:, Node: Charsets, Next: MULE Characters, Prev: Internationalization Terminology, Up: MULE Charsets ======== A "charset" in MULE is an object that encapsulates a particular character set as well as an ordering of those characters. Charsets are permanent objects and are named using symbols, like faces. - Function: charsetp object This function returns non-`nil' if OBJECT is a charset. * Menu: * Charset Properties:: Properties of a charset. * Basic Charset Functions:: Functions for working with charsets. * Charset Property Functions:: Functions for accessing charset properties. * Predefined Charsets:: Predefined charset objects.  File:, Node: Charset Properties, Next: Basic Charset Functions, Up: Charsets Charset Properties ------------------ Charsets have the following properties: `name' A symbol naming the charset. Every charset must have a different name; this allows a charset to be referred to using its name rather than the actual charset object. `doc-string' A documentation string describing the charset. `registry' A regular expression matching the font registry field for this character set. For example, both the `ascii' and `latin-iso8859-1' charsets use the registry `"ISO8859-1"'. This field is used to choose an appropriate font when the user gives a general font specification such as `-*-courier-medium-r-*-140-*', i.e. a 14-point upright medium-weight Courier font. `dimension' Number of position codes used to index a character in the character set. XEmacs/MULE can only handle character sets of dimension 1 or 2. This property defaults to 1. `chars' Number of characters in each dimension. In XEmacs/MULE, the only allowed values are 94 or 96. (There are a couple of pre-defined character sets, such as ASCII, that do not follow this, but you cannot define new ones like this.) Defaults to 94. Note that if the dimension is 2, the character set thus described is 94x94 or 96x96. `columns' Number of columns used to display a character in this charset. Only used in TTY mode. (Under X, the actual width of a character can be derived from the font used to display the characters.) If unspecified, defaults to the dimension. (This is almost always the correct value, because character sets with dimension 2 are usually ideograph character sets, which need two columns to display the intricate ideographs.) `direction' A symbol, either `l2r' (left-to-right) or `r2l' (right-to-left). Defaults to `l2r'. This specifies the direction that the text should be displayed in, and will be left-to-right for most charsets but right-to-left for Hebrew and Arabic. (Right-to-left display is not currently implemented.) `final' Final byte of the standard ISO 2022 escape sequence designating this charset. Must be supplied. Each combination of (DIMENSION, CHARS) defines a separate namespace for final bytes, and each charset within a particular namespace must have a different final byte. Note that ISO 2022 restricts the final byte to the range 0x30 - 0x7E if dimension == 1, and 0x30 - 0x5F if dimension == 2. Note also that final bytes in the range 0x30 - 0x3F are reserved for user-defined (not official) character sets. For more information on ISO 2022, see *Note Coding Systems::. `graphic' 0 (use left half of font on output) or 1 (use right half of font on output). Defaults to 0. This specifies how to convert the position codes that index a character in a character set into an index into the font used to display the character set. With `graphic' set to 0, position codes 33 through 126 map to font indices 33 through 126; with it set to 1, position codes 33 through 126 map to font indices 161 through 254 (i.e. the same number but with the high bit set). For example, for a font whose registry is ISO8859-1, the left half of the font (octets 0x20 - 0x7F) is the `ascii' charset, while the right half (octets 0xA0 - 0xFF) is the `latin-iso8859-1' charset. `ccl-program' A compiled CCL program used to convert a character in this charset into an index into the font. This is in addition to the `graphic' property. If a CCL program is defined, the position codes of a character will first be processed according to `graphic' and then passed through the CCL program, with the resulting values used to index the font. This is used, for example, in the Big5 character set (used in Taiwan). This character set is not ISO-2022-compliant, and its size (94x157) does not fit within the maximum 96x96 size of ISO-2022-compliant character sets. As a result, XEmacs/MULE splits it (in a rather complex fashion, so as to group the most commonly used characters together) into two charset objects (`big5-1' and `big5-2'), each of size 94x94, and each charset object uses a CCL program to convert the modified position codes back into standard Big5 indices to retrieve a character from a Big5 font. Most of the above properties can only be set when the charset is initialized, and cannot be changed later. *Note Charset Property Functions::.  File:, Node: Basic Charset Functions, Next: Charset Property Functions, Prev: Charset Properties, Up: Charsets Basic Charset Functions ----------------------- - Function: find-charset charset-or-name This function retrieves the charset of the given name. If CHARSET-OR-NAME is a charset object, it is simply returned. Otherwise, CHARSET-OR-NAME should be a symbol. If there is no such charset, `nil' is returned. Otherwise the associated charset object is returned. - Function: get-charset name This function retrieves the charset of the given name. Same as `find-charset' except an error is signalled if there is no such charset instead of returning `nil'. - Function: charset-list This function returns a list of the names of all defined charsets. - Function: make-charset name doc-string props This function defines a new character set. This function is for use with MULE support. NAME is a symbol, the name by which the character set is normally referred. DOC-STRING is a string describing the character set. PROPS is a property list, describing the specific nature of the character set. The recognized properties are `registry', `dimension', `columns', `chars', `final', `graphic', `direction', and `ccl-program', as previously described. - Function: make-reverse-direction-charset charset new-name This function makes a charset equivalent to CHARSET but which goes in the opposite direction. NEW-NAME is the name of the new charset. The new charset is returned. - Function: charset-from-attributes dimension chars final &optional direction This function returns a charset with the given DIMENSION, CHARS, FINAL, and DIRECTION. If DIRECTION is omitted, both directions will be checked (left-to-right will be returned if character sets exist for both directions). - Function: charset-reverse-direction-charset charset This function returns the charset (if any) with the same dimension, number of characters, and final byte as CHARSET, but which is displayed in the opposite direction.  File:, Node: Charset Property Functions, Next: Predefined Charsets, Prev: Basic Charset Functions, Up: Charsets Charset Property Functions -------------------------- All of these functions accept either a charset name or charset object. - Function: charset-property charset prop This function returns property PROP of CHARSET. *Note Charset Properties::. Convenience functions are also provided for retrieving individual properties of a charset. - Function: charset-name charset This function returns the name of CHARSET. This will be a symbol. - Function: charset-description charset This function returns the documentation string of CHARSET. - Function: charset-registry charset This function returns the registry of CHARSET. - Function: charset-dimension charset This function returns the dimension of CHARSET. - Function: charset-chars charset This function returns the number of characters per dimension of CHARSET. - Function: charset-width charset This function returns the number of display columns per character (in TTY mode) of CHARSET. - Function: charset-direction charset This function returns the display direction of CHARSET--either `l2r' or `r2l'. - Function: charset-iso-final-char charset This function returns the final byte of the ISO 2022 escape sequence designating CHARSET. - Function: charset-iso-graphic-plane charset This function returns either 0 or 1, depending on whether the position codes of characters in CHARSET map to the left or right half of their font, respectively. - Function: charset-ccl-program charset This function returns the CCL program, if any, for converting position codes of characters in CHARSET into font indices. The only property of a charset that can currently be set after the charset has been created is the CCL program. - Function: set-charset-ccl-program charset ccl-program This function sets the `ccl-program' property of CHARSET to CCL-PROGRAM.  File:, Node: Predefined Charsets, Prev: Charset Property Functions, Up: Charsets Predefined Charsets ------------------- The following charsets are predefined in the C code. Name Type Fi Gr Dir Registry -------------------------------------------------------------- ascii 94 B 0 l2r ISO8859-1 control-1 94 0 l2r --- latin-iso8859-1 94 A 1 l2r ISO8859-1 latin-iso8859-2 96 B 1 l2r ISO8859-2 latin-iso8859-3 96 C 1 l2r ISO8859-3 latin-iso8859-4 96 D 1 l2r ISO8859-4 cyrillic-iso8859-5 96 L 1 l2r ISO8859-5 arabic-iso8859-6 96 G 1 r2l ISO8859-6 greek-iso8859-7 96 F 1 l2r ISO8859-7 hebrew-iso8859-8 96 H 1 r2l ISO8859-8 latin-iso8859-9 96 M 1 l2r ISO8859-9 thai-tis620 96 T 1 l2r TIS620 katakana-jisx0201 94 I 1 l2r JISX0201.1976 latin-jisx0201 94 J 0 l2r JISX0201.1976 japanese-jisx0208-1978 94x94 @ 0 l2r JISX0208.1978 japanese-jisx0208 94x94 B 0 l2r JISX0208.19(83|90) japanese-jisx0212 94x94 D 0 l2r JISX0212 chinese-gb2312 94x94 A 0 l2r GB2312 chinese-cns11643-1 94x94 G 0 l2r CNS11643.1 chinese-cns11643-2 94x94 H 0 l2r CNS11643.2 chinese-big5-1 94x94 0 0 l2r Big5 chinese-big5-2 94x94 1 0 l2r Big5 korean-ksc5601 94x94 C 0 l2r KSC5601 composite 96x96 0 l2r --- The following charsets are predefined in the Lisp code. Name Type Fi Gr Dir Registry -------------------------------------------------------------- arabic-digit 94 2 0 l2r MuleArabic-0 arabic-1-column 94 3 0 r2l MuleArabic-1 arabic-2-column 94 4 0 r2l MuleArabic-2 sisheng 94 0 0 l2r sisheng_cwnn\|OMRON_UDC_ZH chinese-cns11643-3 94x94 I 0 l2r CNS11643.1 chinese-cns11643-4 94x94 J 0 l2r CNS11643.1 chinese-cns11643-5 94x94 K 0 l2r CNS11643.1 chinese-cns11643-6 94x94 L 0 l2r CNS11643.1 chinese-cns11643-7 94x94 M 0 l2r CNS11643.1 ethiopic 94x94 2 0 l2r Ethio ascii-r2l 94 B 0 r2l ISO8859-1 ipa 96 0 1 l2r MuleIPA vietnamese-lower 96 1 1 l2r VISCII1.1 vietnamese-upper 96 2 1 l2r VISCII1.1 For all of the above charsets, the dimension and number of columns are the same. Note that ASCII, Control-1, and Composite are handled specially. This is why some of the fields are blank; and some of the filled-in fields (e.g. the type) are not really accurate.  File:, Node: MULE Characters, Next: Composite Characters, Prev: Charsets, Up: MULE MULE Characters =============== - Function: make-char charset arg1 &optional arg2 This function makes a multi-byte character from CHARSET and octets ARG1 and ARG2. - Function: char-charset character This function returns the character set of char CHARACTER. - Function: char-octet character &optional n This function returns the octet (i.e. position code) numbered N (should be 0 or 1) of char CHARACTER. N defaults to 0 if omitted. - Function: find-charset-region start end &optional buffer This function returns a list of the charsets in the region between START and END. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. - Function: find-charset-string string This function returns a list of the charsets in STRING.  File:, Node: Composite Characters, Next: Coding Systems, Prev: MULE Characters, Up: MULE Composite Characters ==================== Composite characters are not yet completely implemented. - Function: make-composite-char string This function converts a string into a single composite character. The character is the result of overstriking all the characters in the string. - Function: composite-char-string character This function returns a string of the characters comprising a composite character. - Function: compose-region start end &optional buffer This function composes the characters in the region from START to END in BUFFER into one composite character. The composite character replaces the composed characters. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. - Function: decompose-region start end &optional buffer This function decomposes any composite characters in the region from START to END in BUFFER. This converts each composite character into one or more characters, the individual characters out of which the composite character was formed. Non-composite characters are left as-is. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted.  File:, Node: Coding Systems, Next: CCL, Prev: Composite Characters, Up: MULE Coding Systems ============== A coding system is an object that defines how text containing multiple character sets is encoded into a stream of (typically 8-bit) bytes. The coding system is used to decode the stream into a series of characters (which may be from multiple charsets) when the text is read from a file or process, and is used to encode the text back into the same format when it is written out to a file or process. For example, many ISO-2022-compliant coding systems (such as Compound Text, which is used for inter-client data under the X Window System) use escape sequences to switch between different charsets - Japanese Kanji, for example, is invoked with `ESC $ ( B'; ASCII is invoked with `ESC ( B'; and Cyrillic is invoked with `ESC - L'. See `make-coding-system' for more information. Coding systems are normally identified using a symbol, and the symbol is accepted in place of the actual coding system object whenever a coding system is called for. (This is similar to how faces and charsets work.) - Function: coding-system-p object This function returns non-`nil' if OBJECT is a coding system. * Menu: * Coding System Types:: Classifying coding systems. * ISO 2022:: An international standard for charsets and encodings. * EOL Conversion:: Dealing with different ways of denoting the end of a line. * Coding System Properties:: Properties of a coding system. * Basic Coding System Functions:: Working with coding systems. * Coding System Property Functions:: Retrieving a coding system's properties. * Encoding and Decoding Text:: Encoding and decoding text. * Detection of Textual Encoding:: Determining how text is encoded. * Big5 and Shift-JIS Functions:: Special functions for these non-standard encodings. * Predefined Coding Systems:: Coding systems implemented by MULE.  File:, Node: Coding System Types, Next: ISO 2022, Up: Coding Systems Coding System Types ------------------- The coding system type determines the basic algorithm XEmacs will use to decode or encode a data stream. Character encodings will be converted to the MULE encoding, escape sequences processed, and newline sequences converted to XEmacs's internal representation. There are three basic classes of coding system type: no-conversion, ISO-2022, and special. No conversion allows you to look at the file's internal representation. Since XEmacs is basically a text editor, "no conversion" does convert newline conventions by default. (Use the 'binary coding-system if this is not desired.) ISO 2022 (*note ISO 2022::) is the basic international standard regulating use of "coded character sets for the exchange of data", ie, text streams. ISO 2022 contains functions that make it possible to encode text streams to comply with restrictions of the Internet mail system and de facto restrictions of most file systems (eg, use of the separator character in file names). Coding systems which are not ISO 2022 conformant can be difficult to handle. Perhaps more important, they are not adaptable to multilingual information interchange, with the obvious exception of ISO 10646 (Unicode). (Unicode is partially supported by XEmacs with the addition of the Lisp package ucs-conv.) The special class of coding systems includes automatic detection, CCL (a "little language" embedded as an interpreter, useful for translating between variants of a single character set), non-ISO-2022-conformant encodings like Unicode, Shift JIS, and Big5, and MULE internal coding. (NB: this list is based on XEmacs 21.2. Terminology may vary slightly for other versions of XEmacs and for GNU Emacs 20.) `no-conversion' No conversion, for binary files, and a few special cases of non-ISO-2022 coding systems where conversion is done by hook functions (usually implemented in CCL). On output, graphic characters that are not in ASCII or Latin-1 will be replaced by a `?'. (For a no-conversion-encoded buffer, these characters will only be present if you explicitly insert them.) `iso2022' Any ISO-2022-compliant encoding. Among others, this includes JIS (the Japanese encoding commonly used for e-mail), national variants of EUC (the standard Unix encoding for Japanese and other languages), and Compound Text (an encoding used in X11). You can specify more specific information about the conversion with the FLAGS argument. `ucs-4' ISO 10646 UCS-4 encoding. A 31-bit fixed-width superset of Unicode. `utf-8' ISO 10646 UTF-8 encoding. A "file system safe" transformation format that can be used with both UCS-4 and Unicode. `undecided' Automatic conversion. XEmacs attempts to detect the coding system used in the file. `shift-jis' Shift-JIS (a Japanese encoding commonly used in PC operating systems). `big5' Big5 (the encoding commonly used for Taiwanese). `ccl' The conversion is performed using a user-written pseudo-code program. CCL (Code Conversion Language) is the name of this pseudo-code. For example, CCL is used to map KOI8-R characters (an encoding for Russian Cyrillic) to ISO8859-5 (the form used internally by MULE). `internal' Write out or read in the raw contents of the memory representing the buffer's text. This is primarily useful for debugging purposes, and is only enabled when XEmacs has been compiled with `DEBUG_XEMACS' set (the `--debug' configure option). *Warning*: Reading in a file using `internal' conversion can result in an internal inconsistency in the memory representing a buffer's text, which will produce unpredictable results and may cause XEmacs to crash. Under normal circumstances you should never use `internal' conversion.  File:, Node: ISO 2022, Next: EOL Conversion, Prev: Coding System Types, Up: Coding Systems ISO 2022 ======== This section briefly describes the ISO 2022 encoding standard. A more thorough treatment is available in the original document of ISO 2022 as well as various national standards (such as JIS X 0202). Character sets ("charsets") are classified into the following four categories, according to the number of characters in the charset: 94-charset, 96-charset, 94x94-charset, and 96x96-charset. This means that although an ISO 2022 coding system may have variable width characters, each charset used is fixed-width (in contrast to the MULE character set and UTF-8, for example). ISO 2022 provides for switching between character sets via escape sequences. This switching is somewhat complicated, because ISO 2022 provides for both legacy applications like Internet mail that accept only 7 significant bits in some contexts (RFC 822 headers, for example), and more modern "8-bit clean" applications. It also provides for compact and transparent representation of languages like Japanese which mix ASCII and a national script (even outside of computer programs). First, ISO 2022 codified prevailing practice by dividing the code space into "control" and "graphic" regions. The code points 0x00-0x1F and 0x80-0x9F are reserved for "control characters", while "graphic characters" must be assigned to code points in the regions 0x20-0x7F and 0xA0-0xFF. The positions 0x20 and 0x7F are special, and under some circumstances must be assigned the graphic character "ASCII SPACE" and the control character "ASCII DEL" respectively. The various regions are given the name C0 (0x00-0x1F), GL (0x20-0x7F), C1 (0x80-0x9F), and GR (0xA0-0xFF). GL and GR stand for "graphic left" and "graphic right", respectively, because of the standard method of displaying graphic character sets in tables with the high byte indexing columns and the low byte indexing rows. I don't find it very intuitive, but these are called "registers". An ISO 2022-conformant encoding for a graphic character set must use a fixed number of bytes per character, and the values must fit into a single register; that is, each byte must range over either 0x20-0x7F, or 0xA0-0xFF. It is not allowed to extend the range of the repertoire of a character set by using both ranges at the same. This is why a standard character set such as ISO 8859-1 is actually considered by ISO 2022 to be an aggregation of two character sets, ASCII and LATIN-1, and why it is technically incorrect to refer to ISO 8859-1 as "Latin 1". Also, a single character's bytes must all be drawn from the same register; this is why Shift JIS (for Japanese) and Big 5 (for Chinese) are not ISO 2022-compatible encodings. The reason for this restriction becomes clear when you attempt to define an efficient, robust encoding for a language like Japanese. Like ISO 8859, Japanese encodings are aggregations of several character sets. In practice, the vast majority of characters are drawn from the "JIS Roman" character set (a derivative of ASCII; it won't hurt to think of it as ASCII) and the JIS X 0208 standard "basic Japanese" character set including not only ideographic characters ("kanji") but syllabic Japanese characters ("kana"), a wide variety of symbols, and many alphabetic characters (Roman, Greek, and Cyrillic) as well. Although JIS X 0208 includes the whole Roman alphabet, as a 2-byte code it is not suited to programming; thus the inclusion of ASCII in the standard Japanese encodings. For normal Japanese text such as in newspapers, a broad repertoire of approximately 3000 characters is used. Evidently this won't fit into one byte; two must be used. But much of the text processed by Japanese computers is computer source code, nearly all of which is ASCII. A not insignificant portion of ordinary text is English (as such or as borrowed Japanese vocabulary) or other languages which can represented at least approximately in ASCII, as well. It seems reasonable then to represent ASCII in one byte, and JIS X 0208 in two. And this is exactly what the Extended Unix Code for Japanese (EUC-JP) does. ASCII is invoked to the GL register, and JIS X 0208 is invoked to the GR register. Thus, each byte can be tested for its character set by looking at the high bit; if set, it is Japanese, if clear, it is ASCII. Furthermore, since control characters like newline can never be part of a graphic character, even in the case of corruption in transmission the stream will be resynchronized at every line break, on the order of 60-80 bytes. This coding system requires no escape sequences or special control codes to represent 99.9% of all Japanese text. Note carefully the distinction between the character sets (ASCII and JIS X 0208), the encoding (EUC-JP), and the coding system (ISO 2022). The JIS X 0208 character set is used in three different encodings for Japanese, but in ISO-2022-JP it is invoked into GL (so the high bit is always clear), in EUC-JP it is invoked into GR (setting the high bit in the process), and in Shift JIS the high bit may be set or reset, and the significant bits are shifted within the 16-bit character so that the two main character sets can coexist with a third (the "halfwidth katakana" of JIS X 0201). As the name implies, the ISO-2022-JP encoding is also a version of the ISO-2022 coding system. In order to systematically treat subsidiary character sets (like the "halfwidth katakana" already mentioned, and the "supplementary kanji" of JIS X 0212), four further registers are defined: G0, G1, G2, and G3. Unlike GL and GR, they are not logically distinguished by internal format. Instead, the process of "invocation" mentioned earlier is broken into two steps: first, a character set is "designated" to one of the registers G0-G3 by use of an "escape sequence" of the form: ESC [I] I F where I is an intermediate character or characters in the range 0x20 - 0x3F, and F, from the range 0x30-0x7Fm is the final character identifying this charset. (Final characters in the range 0x30-0x3F are reserved for private use and will never have a publicly registered meaning.) Then that register is "invoked" to either GL or GR, either automatically (designations to G0 normally involve invocation to GL as well), or by use of shifting (affecting only the following character in the data stream) or locking (effective until the next designation or locking) control sequences. An encoding conformant to ISO 2022 is typically defined by designating the initial contents of the G0-G3 registers, specifying an 7 or 8 bit environment, and specifying whether further designations will be recognized. Some examples of character sets and the registered final characters F used to designate them: 94-charset ASCII (B), left (J) and right (I) half of JIS X 0201, ... 96-charset Latin-1 (A), Latin-2 (B), Latin-3 (C), ... 94x94-charset GB2312 (A), JIS X 0208 (B), KSC5601 (C), ... 96x96-charset none for the moment The meanings of the various characters in these sequences, where not specified by the ISO 2022 standard (such as the ESC character), are assigned by "ECMA", the European Computer Manufacturers Association. The meaning of intermediate characters are: $ [0x24]: indicate charset of dimension 2 (94x94 or 96x96). ( [0x28]: designate to G0 a 94-charset whose final byte is F. ) [0x29]: designate to G1 a 94-charset whose final byte is F. * [0x2A]: designate to G2 a 94-charset whose final byte is F. + [0x2B]: designate to G3 a 94-charset whose final byte is F. , [0x2C]: designate to G0 a 96-charset whose final byte is F. - [0x2D]: designate to G1 a 96-charset whose final byte is F. . [0x2E]: designate to G2 a 96-charset whose final byte is F. / [0x2F]: designate to G3 a 96-charset whose final byte is F. The comma may be used in files read and written only by MULE, as a MULE extension, but this is illegal in ISO 2022. (The reason is that in ISO 2022 G0 must be a 94-member character set, with 0x20 assigned the value SPACE, and 0x7F assigned the value DEL.) Here are examples of designations: ESC ( B : designate to G0 ASCII ESC - A : designate to G1 Latin-1 ESC $ ( A or ESC $ A : designate to G0 GB2312 ESC $ ( B or ESC $ B : designate to G0 JISX0208 ESC $ ) C : designate to G1 KSC5601 (The short forms used to designate GB2312 and JIS X 0208 are for backwards compatibility; the long forms are preferred.) To use a charset designated to G2 or G3, and to use a charset designated to G1 in a 7-bit environment, you must explicitly invoke G1, G2, or G3 into GL. There are two types of invocation, Locking Shift (forever) and Single Shift (one character only). Locking Shift is done as follows: LS0 or SI (0x0F): invoke G0 into GL LS1 or SO (0x0E): invoke G1 into GL LS2: invoke G2 into GL LS3: invoke G3 into GL LS1R: invoke G1 into GR LS2R: invoke G2 into GR LS3R: invoke G3 into GR Single Shift is done as follows: SS2 or ESC N: invoke G2 into GL SS3 or ESC O: invoke G3 into GL The shift functions (such as LS1R and SS3) are represented by control characters (from C1) in 8 bit environments and by escape sequences in 7 bit environments. (#### Ben says: I think the above is slightly incorrect. It appears that SS2 invokes G2 into GR and SS3 invokes G3 into GR, whereas ESC N and ESC O behave as indicated. The above definitions will not parse EUC-encoded text correctly, and it looks like the code in mule-coding.c has similar problems.) Evidently there are a lot of ISO-2022-compliant ways of encoding multilingual text. Now, in the world, there exist many coding systems such as X11's Compound Text, Japanese JUNET code, and so-called EUC (Extended UNIX Code); all of these are variants of ISO 2022. In MULE, we characterize a version of ISO 2022 by the following attributes: 1. The character sets initially designated to G0 thru G3. 2. Whether short form designations are allowed for Japanese and Chinese. 3. Whether ASCII should be designated to G0 before control characters. 4. Whether ASCII should be designated to G0 at the end of line. 5. 7-bit environment or 8-bit environment. 6. Whether Locking Shifts are used or not. 7. Whether to use ASCII or the variant JIS X 0201-1976-Roman. 8. Whether to use JIS X 0208-1983 or the older version JIS X 0208-1976. (The last two are only for Japanese.) By specifying these attributes, you can create any variant of ISO 2022. Here are several examples: ISO-2022-JP -- Coding system used in Japanese email (RFC 1463 #### check). 1. G0 <- ASCII, G1..3 <- never used 2. Yes. 3. Yes. 4. Yes. 5. 7-bit environment 6. No. 7. Use ASCII 8. Use JIS X 0208-1983 ctext -- X11 Compound Text 1. G0 <- ASCII, G1 <- Latin-1, G2,3 <- never used. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Yes. 5. 8-bit environment. 6. No. 7. Use ASCII. 8. Use JIS X 0208-1983. euc-china -- Chinese EUC. Often called the "GB encoding", but that is technically incorrect. 1. G0 <- ASCII, G1 <- GB 2312, G2,3 <- never used. 2. No. 3. Yes. 4. Yes. 5. 8-bit environment. 6. No. 7. Use ASCII. 8. Use JIS X 0208-1983. ISO-2022-KR -- Coding system used in Korean email. 1. G0 <- ASCII, G1 <- KSC 5601, G2,3 <- never used. 2. No. 3. Yes. 4. Yes. 5. 7-bit environment. 6. Yes. 7. Use ASCII. 8. Use JIS X 0208-1983. MULE creates all of these coding systems by default.  File:, Node: EOL Conversion, Next: Coding System Properties, Prev: ISO 2022, Up: Coding Systems EOL Conversion -------------- `nil' Automatically detect the end-of-line type (LF, CRLF, or CR). Also generate subsidiary coding systems named `NAME-unix', `NAME-dos', and `NAME-mac', that are identical to this coding system but have an EOL-TYPE value of `lf', `crlf', and `cr', respectively. `lf' The end of a line is marked externally using ASCII LF. Since this is also the way that XEmacs represents an end-of-line internally, specifying this option results in no end-of-line conversion. This is the standard format for Unix text files. `crlf' The end of a line is marked externally using ASCII CRLF. This is the standard format for MS-DOS text files. `cr' The end of a line is marked externally using ASCII CR. This is the standard format for Macintosh text files. `t' Automatically detect the end-of-line type but do not generate subsidiary coding systems. (This value is converted to `nil' when stored internally, and `coding-system-property' will return `nil'.)