;;; its/thai.el --- Inputting Thai characters in Egg Input Method Architecture ;; Copyright (C) 1999,2000 PFU LIMITED ;; Author: KATAYAMA Yoshio ;; Maintainer: TOMURA Satoru ;; Keywords: mule, multilingual, input method ;; This file is part of EGG. ;; EGG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; EGG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'its) (require 'cl)) (eval-when (compile) (defconst its-compaction-enable t)) (eval-when-compile (defmacro define-its-thai-keymap (&rest rule) (let (input output type list) (while rule (setq input (car (car rule)) output (nth 1 (car rule)) type (nth 2 (car rule)) rule (cdr rule) list (cons `(its-defrule ,input ,output) list)) (if type (setq list (cons `(setq ,type (cons (cons ,input ,output) ,type)) list)))) `(let (consonant vowel tone) ,@list (its-thai-composit consonant vowel tone)))) (defun its-thai-composit (consonant vowel tone) (let (keyseq output) (while consonant (setq keyseq (car (car consonant)) output (cdr (car consonant)) consonant (cdr consonant)) (its-thai-add-vowel keyseq output vowel tone) (its-thai-add-tone keyseq output tone)))) (defun its-thai-add-vowel (keyseq output vowel tone) (let (next-keyseq next-output) (while vowel (setq next-keyseq (concat keyseq (car (car vowel))) next-output (concat output (cdr (car vowel))) vowel (cdr vowel)) (its-defrule next-keyseq `(eval compose-string ,next-output)) (its-thai-add-tone next-keyseq next-output tone)))) (defun its-thai-add-tone (keyseq output tone) (let (next-keyseq next-output) (while tone (setq next-keyseq (concat keyseq (car (car tone))) next-output (concat output (cdr (car tone))) tone (cdr tone)) (its-defrule next-keyseq `(eval compose-string ,next-output)))))) ;; Thai Kesmanee keyboard support. (define-its-state-machine its-thai-kesmanee-map "kesmanee" ",T!!(B" Thai "Map for Thai Kesmanee input method with TIS620 keyboard. (Thai)" (define-its-thai-keymap ("1" ",TE(B" consonant) ("!" "#") ("2" "/") ("@" ",Tq(B") ("3" "_") ("#" ",Tr(B") ("4" ",T@(B" consonant) ("$" ",Ts(B") ("5" ",T6(B" consonant) ("%" ",Tt(B") ("6" ",TX(B" vowel) ("^" ",TY(B" vowel) ("7" ",TV(B" vowel) ("&" "0,TQi1(B" vowel) ("8" ",T$(B" consonant) ("*" ",Tu(B") ("9" ",T5(B" consonant) ("(" ",Tv(B") ("0" ",T((B" consonant) (")" ",Tw(B") ("-" ",T"(B" consonant) ("_" ",Tx(B") ("=" ",T*(B" consonant) ("+" ",Ty(B") ("\\" ",T_(B") ("|" ",To(B") ("`" ",T#(B" consonant) ("~" ",T%(B" consonant) ("q" ",Tf(B") ("Q" ",Tp(B") ("w" ",Td(B") ("W" "\"") ("e" ",TS(B") ("E" ",T.(B" consonant) ("r" ",T>(B" consonant) ("R" ",T1(B" consonant) ("T" ",T8(B" consonant) ("t" ",TP(B") ("y" ",TQ(B" vowel) ("Y" ",Tm(B" tone) ("u" ",TU(B" vowel) ("U" ",Tj(B" tone) ("i" ",TC(B" consonant) ("I" ",T3(B" consonant) ("o" ",T9(B" consonant) ("O" ",TO(B") ("p" ",TB(B" consonant) ("P" ",T-(B" consonant) ("[" ",T:(B" consonant) ("{" ",T0(B" consonant) ("]" ",TE(B" consonant) ("}" ",") ("a" ",T?(B" consonant) ("A" ",TD(B") ("s" ",TK(B" consonant) ("S" ",T&(B" consonant) ("d" ",T!(B" consonant) ("D" ",T/(B" consonant) ("f" ",T4(B" consonant) ("F" ",Tb(B") ("g" ",T`(B") ("G" ",T,(B" consonant) ("h" ",Ti(B" tone) ("H" ",Tg(B" vowel) ("j" ",Th(B" tone) ("J" ",Tk(B" tone) ("k" ",TR(B") ("K" ",TI(B" consonant) ("l" ",TJ(B" consonant) ("L" ",TH(B" consonant) (";" ",TG(B" consonant) (":" ",T+(B" consonant) ("'" ",T'(B" consonant) ("\"" ",TF(B") ("z" ",T<(B" consonant) ("Z" "(") ("x" ",T;(B" consonant) ("X" ")") ("c" ",Ta(B") ("C" ",T)(B" consonant) ("v" ",TM(B" consonant) ("V" ",TN(B" consonant) ("b" ",TT(B" vowel) ("B" ",TZ(B" vowel) ("n" ",TW(B" vowel) ("N" ",Tl(B" tone) ("m" ",T7(B" consonant) ("M" ",Tn(B" vowel) ("," ",TA(B" consonant) ("<" ",T2(B" consonant) ("." ",Tc(B") (">" ",TL(B" consonant) ("/" ",T=(B" consonant) ("?" "?"))) (define-its-state-machine-append its-thai-kesmanee-map) (provide 'its/thai) ;;; its/thai.el ends here