;; vi-viqr.mim -- Input method for Vietnames with VIQR key sequence ;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 ;; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) ;; Registration Number H15PRO112 ;; This file is part of the m17n database; a sub-part of the m17n ;; library. ;; The m17n library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; The m17n library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;; License along with the m17n library; if not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. (input-method vi viqr) (description "Vietnames input method using the VIQR key sequence. ") (title "ắ") (map (map ("a('" "ắ") ("a(`" "ằ") ("a(." "ặ") ("a^'" "ấ") ("a^`" "ầ") ("a^?" "ẩ") ("a^." "ậ") ("e~" "ẽ") ("e." "ẹ") ("e^'" "ế") ("e^`" "ề") ("e^?" "ể") ("e^~" "ễ") ("e^." "ệ") ("o^'" "ố") ("o^`" "ồ") ("o^?" "ổ") ("o^~" "ỗ") ("o^." "ộ") ("o+`" "ờ") ("o+?" "ở") ("i." "ị") ("o+" "ơ") ("o+'" "ớ") ("a(?" "ẳ") ("a(~" "ẵ") ("y`" "ỳ") ("u+'" "ứ") ("a." "ạ") ("y?" "ỷ") ("u+`" "ừ") ("u+?" "ử") ("y~" "ỹ") ("y." "ỵ") ("o+~" "ỡ") ("u+" "ư") ("a`" "à") ("a'" "á") ("a^" "â") ("a~" "ã") ("a?" "ả") ("a(" "ă") ("u+~" "ữ") ("a^~" "ẫ") ("e`" "è") ("e'" "é") ("e^" "ê") ("e?" "ẻ") ("i`" "ì") ("i'" "í") ("i~" "ĩ") ("i?" "ỉ") ("dd" "đ") ("u+." "ự") ("o`" "ò") ("o'" "ó") ("o^" "ô") ("o~" "õ") ("o?" "ỏ") ("o." "ọ") ("u." "ụ") ("u`" "ù") ("u'" "ú") ("u~" "ũ") ("u?" "ủ") ("y'" "ý") ("o+." "ợ") ("A('" "Ắ") ("A(`" "Ằ") ("A(." "Ặ") ("A^'" "Ấ") ("A^`" "Ầ") ("A^?" "Ẩ") ("A^." "Ậ") ("E~" "Ẽ") ("E." "Ẹ") ("E^'" "Ế") ("E^`" "Ề") ("E^?" "Ể") ("E^~" "Ễ") ("E^." "Ệ") ("O^'" "Ố") ("O^`" "Ồ") ("O^?" "Ổ") ("O^~" "Ỗ") ("O^." "Ộ") ("O+`" "Ờ") ("O+?" "Ở") ("I." "Ị") ("O+" "Ơ") ("O+'" "Ớ") ("A(?" "Ẳ") ("A(~" "Ẵ") ("Y`" "Ỳ") ("U+'" "Ứ") ("A." "Ạ") ("Y?" "Ỷ") ("U+`" "Ừ") ("U+?" "Ử") ("Y~" "Ỹ") ("Y." "Ỵ") ("O+~" "Ỡ") ("U+" "Ư") ("A`" "À") ("A'" "Á") ("A^" "Â") ("A~" "Ã") ("A?" "Ả") ("A(" "Ă") ("U+~" "Ữ") ("A^~" "Ẫ") ("E`" "È") ("E'" "É") ("E^" "Ê") ("E?" "Ẻ") ("I`" "Ì") ("I'" "Í") ("I~" "Ĩ") ("I?" "Ỉ") ("DD" "Đ") ("dD" "Đ") ("Dd" "Đ") ("U+." "Ự") ("O`" "Ò") ("O'" "Ó") ("O^" "Ô") ("O~" "Õ") ("O?" "Ỏ") ("O." "Ọ") ("U." "Ụ") ("U`" "Ù") ("U'" "Ú") ("U~" "Ũ") ("U?" "Ủ") ("Y'" "Ý") ("O+." "Ợ") ("\\(" "(") ("\\^" "^") ("\\+" "+") ("\\'" "'") ("\\`" "`") ("\\?" "?") ("\\~" "~") ("\\." ".") ("\\d" "d") ("\\\\" "\\"))) (state (init (map))) ;; Local Variables: ;; coding: utf-8 ;; mode: lisp ;; End: