0002A1F7): Use "辥" instead of "⿰⿱屮𠂤辛".
0002A1FA): Use "⿸𪏯x" instead of "⿰黍⿱𠚣x".
0002A1FE): Use "䴡" instead of "⿸严⿱&CDP-88B4;比".
0002A200): Use "𠾧" instead of "⿱吅禺".
0002A208): Use "頼" instead of "⿰束頁".
0002A20E): Use "賴" instead of "⿰束⿱𠂊貝".
0002A211): Use "𩃮" instead of "⿱雨易".
0002A213): Use "𥱩" instead of "⿱竹⿰幸人".
0002A3EF): Use U-
000206A3 instead of BC-8DC9.
0002A4B8): Modify structure.
0002A4BA): Use "⿸𪏯x" instead of "⿰黍⿱𠚣x".
0002A4C1): Use ⿰x𡭊" instead of "⿲x⿱丵口寸".