cd ..; tar czvf ruby-chise.tar.gz ruby; cd ruby
- cd docs; scp *
+ cd doc; scp index.html.ja index.html.en style.css
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
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-<a href="">Ruby/CHISE</a>
-<div class="day">
-<h2><a href="#about" name="about">■</a>Ruby/CHISEとは</h2>
-<div class="body">
-<div class="section">
-<p>Ruby/CHISEは,XEmacs CHISEにおけるChaon実装をRubyへ移植することを試みたモジュールです.
-<div class="day">
-<h2><a href="#download" name="download">■</a>download</h2>
-<div class="body">
-<div class="section">
-<li><a href="">ruby-chise-0.2.tar.gz</a>
-文字データベースはXEmacs CHISEと一緒に配付されてますが,
-<li>2003-11-04 : <a href="" class="s">char-db.tar.gz</a> Windows用<br>
-LinuxでXEmacs CHISEをinstallし,付属のmkdbtarball.rbを使った作成した.tar.gzにしたもの.
-<li>2003-11-04 : <a href="" class="s">char-db-linux.tar.bz2</a> Linux用<br>
-<h3>CVS access</h3>
-<li><a href="">CVS access</a>
-<div class="day">
-<h2><a href="#install" name="install">■</a>install</h2>
-<div class="body">
-<div class="section">
-# mv chise /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8
-% ruby extconf.rb
-% make
-# make install
-<p><em>DB_DIR = '/usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.4.10/i686-pc-linux/char-db'</em><br>
-<p><em>IDS_DB_DIR = '/home/eto/work/chise/ids/''</em><br>
-<li><a href="">db3-3.2.9</a>以上
-<li><a href="">bdb-0.5.0</a>以上
-<li><a href="">ruby 1.8.1</a>以上
-<a href=""><em>RAA</em></a>を使って探すことができます.
-<p>WindowsでUnicodeを使えるエディターとして,Meadow + Mule-UCSが使えます.
-<p>フリーのUnicode対応エディターとして「<a href="">サクラエディタ</a>」が使えます.
-<div class="day">
-<h2><a href="#howto" name="howto">■</a>使い方</h2>
-<div class="body">
-<div class="section">
-require "chise"
-str = "字" # Stringを拡張している.UTF8で与える.
-p str.ucs # その文字のucsの値が表示される.
-p str.total_strokes # 画数が表示される.
-p str.gb2312 # などなど.
-str.each_feature {|f, v| # 全素性を表示する.
- print f, ": ", v, "\n"
-<div class="day">
-<h2><a href="#ids" name="ids">■</a>字形分解・合成</h2>
-<div class="body">
-<div class="section">
-<p>字形分解・合成は,現在はUnicodeにおけるIDS(Ideographic Description Structure)という仕様に準拠しています.
-U+2FF0〜U+2FFBで表わされるIDC(Ideographic Description Characters)によって合成方法を指定し,これに続く二文字から三文字の文字を合成して表示します.
-<pre><small>% cd ~/work/chise (このディレクトリーは適宜変更する)
-% cvs -d login
-password: (何も入れずにただもう一度return)
-% cvs -d co -d ids ids
-<em>IDS_DB_DIR = '/home/eto/work/chise/ids/''</em><br>
-<p>Stringに,decompose, decompose_allという二つのメソッドがあります.
-p "字".decompose
-p "字".decompose_all
-p "榊".decompose
-p "榊".decompose_all
-p "終了".decompose
-p "終了".decompose_all
-p "鬱".decompose
-p "鬱".decompose_all
-p "⿰木木".compose
-p "日雲".find
-<div class="day">
-<h2><a href="#usage" name="usage">■</a>説明</h2>
-<div class="body">
-<div class="section">
-<p>現時点では,test caseを見たほうが使い方はわかりやすいです.
-class String
- char 先頭の文字をCharacterに変換したものを返す
-class Character
- [] ある素性をgetします.
- []= ある素性をputします.
-<li><em>define-kanji-meaning.rb</em> : 漢字の意味による分解を行うための情報を素性として定義します.
-<li><em>dump-database.rb</em> : 文字データベースをテキストとしてダンプします.
-<li><em>make-chisedb-tarball.rb</em> : XEmacs CHISEの文字データベースを,一つのtarballにまとめます.Windowsでは使えないファイル名を適宜変更します.UNIX上で使います.Windowsでtar.gzを展開するには,<a href="">eo</a>がおすすめです.
-<li><em>make-ids-database.rb</em> : IDSのテキストファイル群を読みこみ,素性として使えるようにします.
-<li><em>move-obsolete-files.rb</em> : すでにobsoleteになった素性のBDBファイルをobsolete directoryに移動させます.
-<li><em>rename-files.rb</em> : 古い構造の文字データベースのディレクトリ構造を,新しいディレクトリ構造に直します.
-<li><em>trim_bom.rb</em> : Unicodeファイルを作ったときの先頭についてくるBOM(byte order mark)を削除します.
-<div class="day">
-<h2><a href="#description" name="description">■</a>付属libraryの説明</h2>
-<div class="body">
-<div class="section">
-<li>network.rb, makegraph.rb, graphviz.rb, defkanji.rb, kanjilist.rb<br>
-ruby makegraph.rb
-ruby defkanji.rb
-<li>stroke.rb, kage.rb, kageserver.rb, csf.rb<br>
-上地宏一氏によるKAGE System, 坂直純氏によるCSFという二つのStrokeFontが使えます.
-<tt>csf.rb</tt>中の<tt>CSF_FONT_DIR = 'd:/work/chise/csf/'</tt>を適切に設定してください.
-ruby stroke.rb
-<li><a href="">漢字フォント自動生成技術フォーラム</a>
-<li><a href="">KAGEモデル</a>
-<li><a href="">KST32ZX</a>, 篆文風(Zhuanwen-Like),漢字StrokeFont(KST)
-<li><a href="">KST32A</a>, 極めてコンパクトなJIS第一水準漢字(非漢字)ストローク・テーブル
-<div class="day">
-<h2><a href="#discussion" name="discussion">■</a>discussion</h2>
-<div class="body">
-<div class="section">
-<li><a href="">M17N/I18N for Ruby</a>
-<li><a href="">Matz によるI18Nに関するコメント(2000/05/16) </a>
-<li><a href="">高橋征義氏による,Ruby M17Nの解説</a>
-<li><a href="">Ruby/M17N</a>
-<p>ソースコード中のm17n.c, m17n.hが該当個所.
-<div class="day">
-<h2><a href="#links" name="links">■</a>links</h2>
-<div class="body">
-<div class="section">
-<h3>CHISE project</h3>
-<li><a href="">CHISE project</a>
-(<a href="">kyoto-u</a>,
-<a href="">mousai</a>)
-<li><a href="">Ruby/CHISE</a>
-<li><a href="">Ruby/CHISE page at CHISE project</a>
-<li><a href="">師茂樹氏 Perl/CHISE →</a>
-<li><a href="">Ruby</a>
-<li><a href="">akr氏によるRuby/CHISE仕様案</a>
-<li><a href="">Ruby/BDB</a>
-<li><a href="">eban氏によるコンパイル済みの拡張ライブラリー</a>
-<div class="day">
-<h2><a href="#history" name="history">■</a>history</h2>
-<div class="body">
-<div class="section">
-<li>2003-0110 : テスト公開
-<li>2003-0112 : XString追加
-<li>2003-0115 : IDSの読み込み機能β版
-<li>2003-0116 : IDSの読み込み機能1.0
-<li>2003-0117 : XStringを廃止し,Stringに一本化.IDSの読み込み機能を強化.
-<li>2003-0120 : IDS_Treeの読み込み機能を追加.木構造の整合性checkを追加.
-<li>2003-0130 : IDSの逆変換機能などを追加.
-<li>2003-0213 : <a href="" class="s">ruby-chise-20030213.tar.bz2</a><br>
-<li>2003-0312 : <a href="" class="s">ruby-chise-20030312.tar.bz2</a><br>
-<li>2003-1004 : <a href="" class="s">ruby-chise-20031004.tar.bz2</a><br>
-新しい素性名に対応した.Copyright noticeをいれた.
-<li>2003-10-31 : <a href="">LC2003</a>にて発表.
-<li>2003-1110 : <a href="" class="s">ruby-chise-20031110.tar.bz2</a><br>
-<div class="sidebar">
-<li><a href="#about">about</a>
-<li><a href="#download">download</a>
-<li><a href="#install">install</a>
-<li><a href="#howto">howto</a>
-<li><a href="#ids">ids</a>
-<li><a href="#usage">usage</a>
-<li><a href="#description">description</a>
-<li><a href="#discussion">discussion</a>
-<li><a href="#links">links</a>
-<li><a href="#history">history</a>
-<div class="footer">
-<address>author: <a href="">Kouichirou Eto</a></address>
--- /dev/null
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+<div class="adminmenu">
+<a href="index.html.ja">Japanese</a>/<a href="index.html.en">English</a>
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#about" name="about">■</a>What's Ruby/CHISE?</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<p>Ruby/CHISE is a implementation of Chaon model.
+<h3>What's Chaon model?</h3>
+<p>Chan model means a model that uses a character as a bundle of
+features not code point.
+<p>Ruby/CHISE extend the model and use a character as a object.
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#download" name="download">■</a>download</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<li><a href="">ruby-chise-0.2.tar.gz</a>
+<h3>CHISE Character database</h3>
+<p>You should have CHISE Character database to use Ruby/CHISE.
+The CHISE Character database is distributed with XEmacs CHISE.
+For your convenience, I provide a CHISE Chacater database tarball.
+<li>2003-11-04 : <a href="">char-db.tar.gz</a> for Windows<br>
+Build XEmacs CHISE on GNU/Linux, use "make-chisedb-tarball.rb" to make tarball.
+<li>2003-11-04 : <a href="">char-db-linux.tar.bz2</a> for Linux<br>
+make a tarball under "/usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.4.12/i686-pc-linux/char-db"
+<h3>CVS access</h3>
+<p>You can access the CVS tree.
+<li><a href="">CVS access</a>
+<p>This software is released under GPL.See COPYING.</p>
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#install" name="install">■</a>install</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<p>move the direcotory "chise" to somewhere.<br>
+# mv chise /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8
+<p>Usually,it'll be on <em>/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/</em>.
+<p>Cd to "ext", input like this.
+% ruby extconf.rb
+% make
+# make install
+<p>Ruby/CHISE fully functional without C extention.
+If you have it, it works faster.
+<p>In <em>chise/config.rb</em> and <em>ext/config.h</em>,
+<p><em>DB_DIR = '/usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.4.10/i686-pc-linux/char-db'</em><br>
+change these lines.
+<p><em>IDS_DB_DIR = '/home/eto/work/chise/ids/''</em><br>
+Store IDS Text database files here. (see below "ids" section.)
+<p>You need followings.
+<li><a href="">db3-3.2.9</a> or higher.
+<li><a href="">bdb-0.5.0</a> or higher.
+<li><a href="">ruby 1.8.1</a> or higher.
+<p>You can find Ruby package by <a href=""><em>RAA</em></a>.
+<p>Currentle, you should use utf-8 as a charset when using Ruby/CHISE.
+<p>You can use a editor "Meadow + Mule-UCS" to use Unicode on Windows.
+<p>There are some other free editor.
+<li><a href="">Sakura editor</a>
+<li>IE (to see)
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#howto" name="howto">■</a>How to</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+require "chise"
+str = "字" # extends String. use UTF-8 as charset.
+p str.ucs # show the code_point in UCS.
+p str.total_strokes # show the total strokes.
+p str.gb2312 # etc.
+str.each_feature {|f, v| # show the all features.
+ print f, ": ", v, "\n"
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#ids" name="ids">■</a>Ideographics Structure</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<p>I designed Ruby/CHISE for use ideographic structure of Kanji character.
+<p>Ruby/CHISE uses IDS (Ideographic Description Structure) to describe
+the ideographics structure. This is a specification in Unicode.
+Start sequence with IDC(Ideographic Description Characters) (U+2FF0 to
+U+2FFB) that specify the connection of the parts. Followin two or
+three characters are composed.
+<h3>preparation to use IDS</h3>
+<p>get IDS Text database by following,
+<pre><small>% cd ~/work/chise (change as your environment)
+% cvs -d login
+password: (just hit return again)
+% cvs -d co -d ids ids
+<p>Then, change the line in <em>chise/config.rb</em>.
+<em>IDS_DB_DIR = '/home/eto/work/chise/ids/''</em><br>
+Input the direcoty here.
+After setting <em>IDS_DB_DIR</em>, run this line.
+<em>./tools/idsdbdumpall.rb</em> (takes time a lot.)
+Then, you'll have a feature like ids.
+<p>There are two methods String#decompose, String#decompose_all.
+String#decompose decmopose one level.
+String#decompose_all decompose recursively.
+p "字".decompose
+p "字".decompose_all
+p "榊".decompose
+p "榊".decompose_all
+p "終了".decompose
+p "終了".decompose_all
+p "鬱".decompose
+p "鬱".decompose_all
+<p>The result is a IDS.
+Many environment can not show IDC correctly.
+You can see it with IE.
+<p>Use String#compose.
+p "⿰木木".compose # 林
+<p>You can find characters by using String#find method.
+p "日雲".find
+<p>Output is a string of characters that contains "日" and "雲".
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#usage" name="usage">■</a>usage</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<p>Please see test case to usage.
+class String
+ char convert it as Characgter.
+class Character
+ [] get a feature.
+ return nil if there is no such features.
+ []= set a feature.
+<dd>add new features about the meaning of Kanji Character in IDS.
+<dd>This tool dumps all data of the database to text files. You can see the inside of the database.
+Usage: make-chisedb-tarball.rb <directory of XEmacs CHISE> <tmp dir>
+ % ./make-chisedb-tarball.rb /usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.4.14/i686-pc-linux
+This makes a tarball (chise-db.tar.gz) of the Chise Character DataBase
+files. Set a directory that contains "chise-db" directory to the
+first argument. You can input the temp directory to the second arg.
+(default value: /var/tmp)
+This tools also rename the characters that contains Windows forbidden
+Please use <a href="">eo</a> to
+extract the tarball on Windows.
+<dd>This tool read all of the IDS Text database, and store them as features.
+This tool take time a lot.
+<dd>There are some obsolete features. This tool moves the obsolete files
+to anothre directory.
+<dd>Currently, the directory tree of XEmacs CHISE and the requirement of
+libchise is not same. This tool renames the old files trees to the
+new file trees.
+<dd>This tool remove a BOM (Byte Order Mark) in the head of file.
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#description" name="description">■</a>description of each library</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+Extension using libchise by C.
+<li>network.rb, makegraph.rb, graphviz.rb, defkanji.rb, kanjilist.rb<br>
+Calculate the network of Kanji characters.
+Make a graph by Graphiviz.
+ruby makegraph.rb
+<p>You need Graphviz. Output is "min.svg".
+ruby defkanji.rb
+<p>define the meaning under ideographics of Kanji characters.
+<li>stroke.rb, kage.rb, kageserver.rb, csf.rb<br>
+Libraries to use StrokeFont.
+You can use two system, KAGE by Koichi Kamichi and CSF by Saka Naozumi.
+You need fonr files.<br>
+change the line in <tt>csf.rb</tt>, <tt>CSF_FONT_DIR = 'd:/work/chise/csf/'</tt>.
+<p>You need sgl (my own graphic library) to use this. sgl is not published yet.
+ruby stroke.rb
+<p>Show a code table and you can see the character.
+<li><a href=""></a>
+<li><a href="">KAGE model</a>
+<li><a href="">KST32ZX</a>, Zhuanwen-Like Kanji StrokeFont(KST)
+<li><a href="">KST32A</a>, Very compact JIS X 0208 Kanji (with no-Kanji) Stroke Table.
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#discussion" name="discussion">■</a>discussion</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<h3>compatibility with Ruby/M17N</h3>
+<p>How to make it compatible with Ruby/M17N.
+<li><a href="">M17N/I18N for Ruby</a>
+<li><a href="">a comment for I18N by Matz (2000/05/16)</a>
+<li><a href="">description about Ruby M17N by Masayoshi Takahashi.</a>
+<li><a href="">Ruby/M17N</a>
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#links" name="links">■</a>links</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<h3>CHISE project</h3>
+<li><a href="">CHISE project</a>
+(<a href="">kyoto-u</a>,
+<a href="">mousai</a>)
+<li><a href="">Ruby/CHISE</a>
+<li><a href="">Ruby/CHISE page at CHISE project</a>
+<li><a href="">Perl/CHISE by Moro Shigeki</a>
+<li><a href="">Ruby</a>
+<li><a href="">a proposal of Ruby/UTF-2000 by akr</a>
+<li><a href="">Ruby/BDB</a>
+<li><a href="">Extension libraried compiled by eban</a>
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#history" name="history">■</a>history</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<li>2003-0110 : Test
+<li>2003-0112 : add XString
+<li>2003-0115 : add reading IDS Text DB
+<li>2003-0116 : IDS Text DB 1.0
+<li>2003-0117 : remove XString, move the methods to String. read more IDS Text DB.
+<li>2003-0120 : add IDS_Tree. check integrity of IDS Tree structure.
+<li>2003-0130 : add reverse translation of IDS.
+<li>2003-0213 : <a href="">ruby-chise-20030213.tar.bz2</a><br>
+change the name to Ruby/CHISE from Ruby/UTF-2000.
+<li>2003-0312 : <a href="">ruby-chise-20030312.tar.bz2</a><br>
+add some libraries.
+<li>2003-1004 : <a href="">ruby-chise-20031004.tar.bz2</a><br>
+change feature names. add Copyright notice.
+<li>2003-10-31 : presentation at <a href="">LC2003</a>.
+<li>2003-1110 : <a href="">ruby-chise-20031110.tar.bz2</a><br>
+change directory structure to "chise/*.rb". add installer.
+<li>2004-07-08 : <a href="">ruby-chise-0.2.targz</a><br>
+add libchise extension. make many changes.
+<div class="sidebar">
+<li><a href="#about">about</a>
+<li><a href="#download">download</a>
+<li><a href="#install">install</a>
+<li><a href="#howto">howto</a>
+<li><a href="#ids">ids</a>
+<li><a href="#usage">usage</a>
+<li><a href="#description">description</a>
+<li><a href="#discussion">discussion</a>
+<li><a href="#links">links</a>
+<li><a href="#history">history</a>
+<div class="footer">
+<address>author: <a href="">Kouichirou Eto</a></address>
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+<div class="adminmenu">
+<a href="index.html.ja">Japanese</a>/<a href="index.html.en">English</a>
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#about" name="about">■</a>Ruby/CHISEとは</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<p>Ruby/CHISEは,XEmacs CHISEにおけるChaon実装をRubyへ移植することを試みたモジュールです.
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#download" name="download">■</a>download</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<li><a href="">ruby-chise-0.2.tar.gz</a>
+文字データベースはXEmacs CHISEと一緒に配付されてますが,
+<li>2003-11-04 : <a href="">char-db.tar.gz</a> Windows用<br>
+LinuxでXEmacs CHISEをinstallし,付属のmkdbtarball.rbを使った作成した.tar.gzにしたもの.
+<li>2003-11-04 : <a href="">char-db-linux.tar.bz2</a> Linux用<br>
+<h3>CVS access</h3>
+<li><a href="">CVS access</a>
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#install" name="install">■</a>install</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+# mv chise /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8
+% ruby extconf.rb
+% make
+# make install
+<p><em>DB_DIR = '/usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.4.10/i686-pc-linux/char-db'</em><br>
+<p><em>IDS_DB_DIR = '/home/eto/work/chise/ids/''</em><br>
+<li><a href="">db3-3.2.9</a>以上
+<li><a href="">bdb-0.5.0</a>以上
+<li><a href="">ruby 1.8.1</a>以上
+<a href=""><em>RAA</em></a>を使って探すことができます.
+<p>WindowsでUnicodeを使えるエディターとして,Meadow + Mule-UCSが使えます.
+<p>フリーのUnicode対応エディターとして「<a href="">サクラエディタ</a>」が使えます.
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#howto" name="howto">■</a>使い方</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+require "chise"
+str = "字" # Stringを拡張している.UTF8で与える.
+p str.ucs # その文字のucsの値が表示される.
+p str.total_strokes # 画数が表示される.
+p str.gb2312 # などなど.
+str.each_feature {|f, v| # 全素性を表示する.
+ print f, ": ", v, "\n"
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#ids" name="ids">■</a>字形分解・合成</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<p>字形分解・合成は,現在はUnicodeにおけるIDS(Ideographic Description Structure)という仕様に準拠しています.
+U+2FF0〜U+2FFBで表わされるIDC(Ideographic Description Characters)によって合成方法を指定し,これに続く二文字から三文字の文字を合成して表示します.
+<pre><small>% cd ~/work/chise (このディレクトリーは適宜変更する)
+% cvs -d login
+password: (何も入れずにただもう一度return)
+% cvs -d co -d ids ids
+<em>IDS_DB_DIR = '/home/eto/work/chise/ids/''</em><br>
+<p>Stringに,decompose, decompose_allという二つのメソッドがあります.
+p "字".decompose
+p "字".decompose_all
+p "榊".decompose
+p "榊".decompose_all
+p "終了".decompose
+p "終了".decompose_all
+p "鬱".decompose
+p "鬱".decompose_all
+p "⿰木木".compose
+p "日雲".find
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#usage" name="usage">■</a>説明</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<p>現時点では,test caseを見たほうが使い方はわかりやすいです.
+class String
+ char 先頭の文字をCharacterに変換したものを返す
+class Character
+ [] ある素性をgetします.
+ 存在しない素性を参照したときは,nilが返えってきます.
+ []= ある素性をputします.
+Usage: make-chisedb-tarball.rb <directory of XEmacs CHISE> <tmp dir>
+ % ./make-chisedb-tarball.rb /usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.4.14/i686-pc-linux
+XEmacs CHISEの文字データベースを,一つのtarballにまとめます.Windowsで
+<a href="">eo</a>がおすすめです.
+<dd>すでにobsoleteになった素性のBDBファイルをobsolete directoryに移動させます.
+<dd>Unicodeファイルを作ったときの先頭についてくるBOM(byte order mark)を削除します.
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#description" name="description">■</a>付属libraryの説明</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<li>network.rb, makegraph.rb, graphviz.rb, defkanji.rb, kanjilist.rb<br>
+ruby makegraph.rb
+ruby defkanji.rb
+<li>stroke.rb, kage.rb, kageserver.rb, csf.rb<br>
+上地宏一氏によるKAGE System, 坂直純氏によるCSFという二つのStrokeFontが使えます.
+<tt>csf.rb</tt>中の<tt>CSF_FONT_DIR = 'd:/work/chise/csf/'</tt>を適切に設定してください.
+ruby stroke.rb
+<li><a href="">漢字フォント自動生成技術フォーラム</a>
+<li><a href="">KAGEモデル</a>
+<li><a href="">KST32ZX</a>, 篆文風(Zhuanwen-Like),漢字StrokeFont(KST)
+<li><a href="">KST32A</a>, 極めてコンパクトなJIS第一水準漢字(非漢字)ストローク・テーブル
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#discussion" name="discussion">■</a>discussion</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<li><a href="">M17N/I18N for Ruby</a>
+<li><a href="">Matz によるI18Nに関するコメント(2000/05/16) </a>
+<li><a href="">高橋征義氏による,Ruby M17Nの解説</a>
+<li><a href="">Ruby/M17N</a>
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#links" name="links">■</a>links</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<h3>CHISE project</h3>
+<li><a href="">CHISE project</a>
+(<a href="">kyoto-u</a>,
+<a href="">mousai</a>)
+<li><a href="">Ruby/CHISE</a>
+<li><a href="">Ruby/CHISE page at CHISE project</a>
+<li><a href="">師茂樹氏 Perl/CHISE →</a>
+<li><a href="">Ruby</a>
+<li><a href="">akr氏によるRuby/CHISE仕様案</a>
+<li><a href="">Ruby/BDB</a>
+<li><a href="">eban氏によるコンパイル済みの拡張ライブラリー</a>
+<div class="day">
+<h2><a href="#history" name="history">■</a>history</h2>
+<div class="body">
+<div class="section">
+<li>2003-0110 : テスト公開
+<li>2003-0112 : XString追加
+<li>2003-0115 : IDSの読み込み機能β版
+<li>2003-0116 : IDSの読み込み機能1.0
+<li>2003-0117 : XStringを廃止し,Stringに一本化.IDSの読み込み機能を強化.
+<li>2003-0120 : IDS_Treeの読み込み機能を追加.木構造の整合性checkを追加.
+<li>2003-0130 : IDSの逆変換機能などを追加.
+<li>2003-0213 : <a href="">ruby-chise-20030213.tar.bz2</a><br>
+<li>2003-0312 : <a href="">ruby-chise-20030312.tar.bz2</a><br>
+<li>2003-1004 : <a href="">ruby-chise-20031004.tar.bz2</a><br>
+新しい素性名に対応した.Copyright noticeをいれた.
+<li>2003-10-31 : <a href="">LC2003</a>にて発表.
+<li>2003-1110 : <a href="">ruby-chise-20031110.tar.bz2</a><br>
+<li>2004-07-08 : <a href="">ruby-chise-0.2.targz</a><br>
+<div class="sidebar">
+<li><a href="#about">about</a>
+<li><a href="#download">download</a>
+<li><a href="#install">install</a>
+<li><a href="#howto">howto</a>
+<li><a href="#ids">ids</a>
+<li><a href="#usage">usage</a>
+<li><a href="#description">description</a>
+<li><a href="#discussion">discussion</a>
+<li><a href="#links">links</a>
+<li><a href="#history">history</a>
+<div class="footer">
+<address>author: <a href="">Kouichirou Eto</a></address>
-* tools for Chise Character DataBase management
-** define-kanji-meaning.rb
-add new features about the meaning of Kanji Character in IDS.
-** dump-database.rb
-This tool dumps all data of the database to text files.
-You can see the inside of the database. It's convenient.
-** make-chisedb-tarball.rb
- Usage: make-chisedb-tarball.rb <directory of XEmacs CHISE> <tmp dir>
- % ./make-chisedb-tarball.rb /usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.4.14/i686-pc-linux
-This makes a tarball (chise-db.tar.gz) of the Chise Character DataBase
-files. Set a directory that contains "chise-db" directory to the
-first argument. You can input the temp directory to the second arg.
-(default value: /var/tmp)
-This tools also rename the characters that contains Windows forbidden
- < > * ? \81¨ ( ) + !
-** make-ids-database.rb
-This tool read the all of IDS test files, parse them and store them to
-BDB files. Then, you can use some ids features as normal features.
-It's very slow. It takes time almost 1 hour.
-** move-obsolete-files.rb
-There are some obsolete features. This tool moves the obsolete files
-to a directory.
-** rename-files.rb
-Currently, the directory tree of XEmacs CHISE and the requirement of
-libchise is not same. This tool renames the old files trees to the
-new file trees.
-** trim_bom.rb
-This tool remove a BOM (Byte Order Mark) in the head of file.
-Kouichirou Eto,