--- /dev/null
+;; MYANMAR-ZEDI.flt -- Font Layout Table for Myanmar (Zedi font)
+;; Copyright (C) 2004
+;; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
+;; Registration Number H15PRO112
+;; This file is part of the m17n database; a sub-part of the m17n
+;; library.
+;; The m17n library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; The m17n library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License along with the m17n library; if not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;; 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; <li> MYANMAR-ZEDI.flt
+;;; For the Myanmar Zedi family fonts to draw Myanmar script.
+;;; <ul>
+;;; <li> infopage: http://www.myazedi.com/downloads/MyaZedi_M17N.ttf
+;;; </ul>
+;; 1st stage
+;; Extract syllable while detecting Kinzi, substituting subscripts,
+;; and removing Halants.
+ (0x1000 0x107F ?O) ; other
+ (0x1000 0x1021 ?C) ; consonant except for c and K
+ (0x1000 0x1003 ?c) ; consonant that has subscript form
+ (0x1004 ?K) ; consonant NGA
+ (0x1005 0x1007 ?c)
+ (0x100B 0x100C ?c)
+ (0x100F 0x1019 ?c)
+ (0x1014 ?n) ; consonant NA
+ (0x101C ?c)
+<<<<<<< MYANMAR-ZEDI.flt
+ (0x101A ?M) ; cosonant that may be used as Medial
+ (0x101B ?r) ; Medial Ra
+ (0x101A ?M) ; cosonant that may be used as Medial
+ (0x101B ?r)
+>>>>>>> 1.6
+ (0x101D ?M)
+ (0x101F ?M)
+ (0x1021 0x102A ?I) ; independent vowel
+ (0x102C 0x1032 ?V) ; dependent Vowel
+ (0x1036 ?A) ; sign ANUSVARA
+ (0x1037 0x1038 ?S) ; other sign
+ (0x1039 ?H) ; HALANT (VIRAMA)
+ (0x200C ?N) ; ZWNJ (Zero Width Non Joiner)
+ )
+ (0
+ (cond
+<<<<<<< MYANMAR-ZEDI.flt
+ ;; Special case for Medial Ra: don't use Kinzi for this pattern.
+ ("K(Hr(HM)*)(V*A?H?)N?(S*)"
+ | (1 remove-halant) (3 = *) (4 = *) |)
+ ;; Special pattern to prefer Medial Ra to Kinzi.
+ ("(K)(Hr(HM)*)(V*A?H?)N?(S*)"
+ | (1 =) (2 remove-halant *) (4 = *) (5 = *) |)
+>>>>>>> 1.6
+ ;; The following regular expression matches a syllable pattern
+ ;; described in Table 10-3 of the Unicode Standard 4.0 .
+ ;;<1-> <--------2--------><--4--><--6---> <7->
+ ;; <---3---> <5->
+<<<<<<< MYANMAR-ZEDI.flt
+ ("(KH)?([CcnKMr](H[CcnK])?)((HMr)*)(V*A?H?)N?(S*)"
+ ("(KH)?([CcnKMr](H[CcnK])?)((H[Mr])*)(V*A?H?)N?(S*)"
+>>>>>>> 1.6
+ | < (1 0xE390) (2 consonant) (4 remove-halant *) (6 = *) (7 = *) > |)
+ ;; Fixme: I'm not sure about the syllable pattern for an
+ ;; independent vowel.
+ ("IV*[AS]*"
+ | < = * > |)
+ ;; Treat anything else as a single character.
+ ("."
+ [ = ]))
+ *)
+ (consonant
+ (cond
+ ((0x100B 0x1039 0x100C) 0xE10C)
+ ((0x100D 0x1039 0x100D) 0xE00D)
+ ((0x100E 0x1039 0x100D) 0xE10D)
+ ((0x100F 0x1039 0x100D) 0xE20D)
+ ((0x101E 0x1039 0x101E) 0xE01E)
+ ("(n)H([cn])" 0xE140 (2 subscript))
+ ("(.)H([cn])" (1 =) (2 subscript))
+ ("(.)H(.)" (1 =) (2 =))
+ ("." =)))
+ (subscript
+ (cond ((range 0x1000 0x101c) 0xE000)))
+ (remove-halant
+ (cond
+ ((0x1039))
+ ("." =))))
+;; 2nd stage
+;; Handle medials.
+ (0x1000 0x107F ?O) ; other
+ (0x1000 0x1021 ?W) ; wide consonant
+ (0x1001 0x1002 ?S) ; single-width consonant
+ (0x1004 0x1005 ?S)
+ (0x1007 0x1008 ?S)
+ (0x100B 0x100E ?S)
+ (0x1012 0x1017 ?S)
+ (0x1019 ?S)
+ (0x101A ?a) ; medial Ya
+ (0x101B ?b) ; medial Ra
+ (0x101D ?d) ; medial Wa
+ (0x101F ?f) ; medial Ha
+ (0x1020 ?S)
+ (0x102D 0x102E ?V) ; dependent vowel (upper)
+ (0x1032 ?V)
+ (0x200C ?N) ; ZWNJ
+ (0xE000 0xE3FF ?O)
+ (0xE000 0xE01E ?w) ; wide subscript
+ (0xE001 0xE002 ?s) ; single-width subscript
+ (0xE005 ?s)
+ (0xE007 ?s)
+ (0xE00B ?s)
+ (0xE012 0xE017 ?s)
+ (0xE019 ?s)
+ (0xE10C 0xE10D ?s)
+ (0xE140 ?s)
+ (0xE20D ?w)
+ (0xE390 ?K) ; Kinzi
+ )
+ (0
+ (cond
+ (" (K)?([WSabdfws][WSKws]?[abdf][abdf]*[^ ]*) "
+ | (1 =) (2 medial = *) |)
+ (" ([^ ]*) "
+ = *)
+ ("."
+ =))
+ *)
+ (medial
+ (cond
+ ;; Medial Ya (U+101A)
+ ("(..?)adf" (1 = *) 0xE1A2)
+ ("(..?)ad" (1 = *) 0xE1A4)
+ ("(..?)af" (1 = *) 0xE1A3)
+ ("(..?)a" (1 = *) 0xE1A1)
+ ;; Medial Ra (U+101B)
+ ("([Waf]|.[Ww])bdf" 0xE1BA (1 = *))
+ ("(..?)bdf" 0xE1B9 (1 = *))
+ ("([Waf]|.[Ww])bd" 0xE1B8 (1 = *))
+ ("(..?)bd" 0xE1B7 (1 = *))
+ ("([Waf]|.[Ww])b(V)" 0xE1B6 (1 = *) (2 =))
+ ("(..?)b(V)" 0xE1B5 (1 = *) (2 =))
+ ;; Case of Single-width consonant + a wide subscript + Medial Ra.
+ ;; To use glyph E1B4, we must shift the single-width consonant to
+ ;; the right.
+ ("([Sd][Ww])b" 0xE1B4 Br>32Bl (1 = *))
+ ("([Waf].|.[Ww])b" 0xE1B4 (1 = *))
+ ("(s|..)b" 0xE1B3 (1 = *))
+ ("([Waf])b" 0xE1B2 (1 = *))
+ ("(.)b" 0xE1B1 (1 = *))
+ ;; Medial Wa (U+101D)
+ ("(..?)df" (1 = *) 0xE1D1)
+ ("(..?)d" (1 = *) 0xE01D)
+ ;; Medial Ha (U+101F)
+ ((0x100A 0x101F) 0x100A 0xE1F3)
+ ("(..?)f" (1 = *) 0xE1F1))))
+;; 3rd stage
+;; Reorder Kinzi and Vowel E. Handle Kinzi-vowel combination.
+ (0x1000 0x107F ?O)
+ (0x1000 0x1021 ?C)
+ (0x1001 0x1002 ?c)
+ (0x1004 ?c)
+ (0x1013 ?c)
+ (0x1015 ?c)
+ (0x101D ?c)
+ (0x1008 ?b)
+ (0x100A 0x100D ?b)
+ (0x1020 ?b)
+ (0x1025 ?b)
+ (0x102C ?A) ; Vowel AA
+ (0x102D ?i) ; Vowel I
+ (0x102E ?I) ; Vowel II
+ (0x102F ?u) ; Vowel U
+ (0x1030 ?U) ; Vowel UU
+ (0x1031 ?e) ; Vowel E
+ (0x1032 ?V) ; Vowel AI
+ (0x1036 0x1038 ?D)
+ (0x1039 ?H)
+ (0x200C ?N)
+ (0xE000 0xE3FF ?O)
+ (0xE000 0xE01D ?b)
+ (0xE1A1 0xE1B8 ?b)
+ (0xE390 ?K) ; Kinzi
+ (0
+ (cond
+ (" K([Ccb]*)(e)([^ ]*) "
+ | (2 =) (1 = *) (3 kinzi-vowel = *) |)
+ (" K([Ccb]*)([^ ]*) "
+ | (1 = *) (2 kinzi-vowel = *) |)
+ (" ([Ccb]*)(e)([^ ]*) "
+ | (2 =) (1 = *) (3 = *) |)
+ (" ([^ ]*) "
+ = *)
+ ("."
+ =))
+ *)
+ (kinzi-vowel
+ (cond
+ ((0x102D) 0xE391)
+ ((0x102E) 0xE391)
+ ((0x1036) 0xE393)
+ 0xE390)))
+;; 4th stage
+;; Various glyph substitions.
+ (0
+ (cond
+ (" ([^ ]*) "
+ (1
+ (cond
+ ;; Consonant substituion.
+ ((0x1009 0x1039) 0xE009 0x1039)
+ ((0x1009 0xE005) 0xE109 0xE005)
+ ((0x101B 0x102F) 0xE01B 0x102F)
+ ;; Sign substituion.
+ ((0x1014 0x1037) 0x1014 0xE037)
+ ((0x101B 0x1037) 0x101B 0xE137)
+ ;; Vowel substituion.
+ ("(c)AH" (1 =) 0xE02D)
+ ("(c)A" (1 =) 0xE02C)
+ ((0x102D 0x1036) 0xE2D1)
+ ("(b)u" (1 =) 0xE2F1)
+ ("(b)U" (1 =) 0xE2F2)
+ ("." =))
+ *))
+ ("."
+ =))
+ *))
+;; Local Variables:
+;; mode: lisp
+;; coding: utf-8
+;; End: