You have to re-install Wanderlust if you upgraded APEL, FLIM, or SEMI.
- Do following, running environment test included APEL, FLIM, and SEMI
- version check. You can specify the emacs command name.
+Check Environment
+ Before going to the next step, we recommend you to run tests by
% make check
+ or
% make EMACS=xemacs check
+ to check running environment including the version of APEL, FLIM, and
+ SEMI. (Note that even if you have installed new APEL/FLIM/SEMI, old
+ ones in load-path may cause trouble.)
APEL, FLIM, SEMI \e$B$N%P!<%8%g%s%"%C%W$r9T$C$?>l9g$O!"\e(BWanderlust \e$B$r%$%s%9\e(B
- \e$B0J2<$r<B9T$9$k$3$H$K$h$j!"\e(BAPEL, FLIM, SEMI \e$B$N%A%'%C%/$r4^$s$@4D6-%F%9\e(B
- \e$B%H$,9T$($^$9!#\e(BEMACS \e$B$G\e(B emacs \e$B$N%3%^%s%IL>$r;XDj$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!#\e(B
+ Wanderlust \e$B$N%$%s%9%H!<%k$NA0$K4D6-$N3NG'$r$9$k$3$H$r?d>)$7$^$9!#\e(B
% make check
+ \e$B$^$?$O\e(B
% make EMACS=xemacs check
+ \e$B$G\e(B APEL, FLIM, SEMI \e$B$N%A%'%C%/$r4^$s$@4D6-%F%9%H$,9T$($^$9!#\e(B
+ \e$B?7$7$$\e(B APEL, FLIM, SEMI \e$B$,%$%s%9%H!<%k$5$l$F$$$F$b!"\e(Bload-path \e$B>e$K8E$$\e(B
+ \e$B$b$N$,;D$C$F$$$k>l9g$K$O%H%i%V%k$N860x$H$J$j$^$9!#\e(Bload-path \e$B>e$G=EJ#$7\e(B
+ \e$B$?%U%!%$%k$rC5$9$K$O\e(B M-x list-load-path-shadows \e$B$,JXMx$G$9!#\e(B