-(a) Edit Makefile
+(a) Edit Makefile, WL-CFG
Edit EMACS, LISPDIR, and so on in Makefile.
If LISPDIR is not specified (or NONE by default), it is automatically
+ Edit WL-CFG if you need. You can specify language for INFO, etc.
(b) Bytecompile and Install
Please do following.
packages. After installation as a XEmacs package, you do not need
configurations of autoload, icon path in your own .emacs file.
-(a) Edit Makefile
+(a) Edit Makefile, WL-CFG
Edit XEMACS, PACKAGEDIR, and so on in Makefile.
If PACKAGEDIR is not specified (NONE by default) and the SEMI
modules have been installed, it is automatically detected.
+ Edit WL-CFG if you need. You can specify language for INFO, etc.
(b) Bytecompile and Install
Please do following.
-(a)Makefile \e$B$NJT=8\e(B
+(a)Makefile, WL-CFG \e$B$NJT=8\e(B
Makefile \e$B$O!"\e(BEMACS, LISPDIR \e$B$NItJ,$rJT=8$7$F$/$@$5$$!#\e(B
LISPDIR \e$B$OFC$K;XDj$7$J$/$F$b\e(B (NONE \e$B$N$^$^$G$b\e(B) \e$B<+F0E*$K%$%s%9%H!<%k\e(B
+ \e$BI,MW$J$i\e(B WL-CFG \e$B$rJT=8$7$F$/$@$5$$!#\e(B INFO \e$B$N8@8l$N;XDj$J$I$,$G$-$^$9!#\e(B
\e$B$N@_Dj!"%"%$%3%s$N%Q%9@_Dj$r8D?M$N\e(B .emacs \e$B$K5-=R$7$J$/$F$b\e(B
Wanderlust \e$B$r@5>o$K5/F0$G$-$k$h$&$K$J$j$^$9!#\e(B
-(a)Makefile \e$B$NJT=8\e(B
+(a)Makefile, WL-CFG \e$B$NJT=8\e(B
Makefile \e$B$O!"\e(BXEMACS, PACKAGEDIR \e$B$NItJ,$rJT=8$7$F$/$@$5$$!#\e(B
PACKAGEDIR \e$B$OFC$K;XDj$7$J$/$F$b\e(B (NONE \e$B$N$^$^$G$b\e(B)\e$B!"\e(BSEMI \e$B$,%$%s%9%H!<\e(B
+ \e$BI,MW$J$i\e(B WL-CFG \e$B$rJT=8$7$F$/$@$5$$!#\e(B INFO \e$B$N8@8l$N;XDj$J$I$,$G$-$^$9!#\e(B