\e$B$=$N%a%C%;!<%8$K$O\e(B @samp{$} \e$B%^!<%/$,IU$1$i$l$^$9!#\e(B
+(\e$B8=:_!"\e(B@samp{'mark} \e$B%U%)%k%@$+$i$O\e(B IMAP \e$B%5!<%P>e$N%^!<%/$r>C$;$^$;$s!#\e(B
+IMAP \e$B%U%)%k%@$GD>@\>C$7$?>l9g$@$1%5!<%P>e$N%^!<%/$,>C$($^$9!#\e(B)
@samp{'cache/00} \e$B!A\e(B @samp{'cache/1F} \e$B$O%M%C%H%o!<%/7PM3$GFI$s$@%a%C%;!<\e(B
\e$B%8$N%-%c%C%7%e$K%"%/%;%9$9$k$?$a$N%U%)%k%@$G$9!#\e(B00 \e$B!A\e(B 1F \e$B$K$O!"%-%c%C%7%e\e(B
\e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j\e(B (@file{~/.elmo/cache})\e$B$N%5%V%G%#%l%/%H%jL>$r;XDj$7$^$9!#\e(B
the message is removed. If you append messages to this folder, the
message will have @samp{$} mark.
+(Can't remove important mark @samp{$} on IMAP server from @samp{'mark}
+folder. If you want IMAP folder's message remove from @{'mark} folder,
+remove important mark at IMAP Folder.)
You can access to the cached messages fetched via network by accessing
to the folders named @samp{'cache/00} - @samp{'cache/1F}. 00 - 1F are
the name of the subdirectories of the cache directory