;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko <tomo@kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
;; Keywords: Kanji, Ideographs, search, IDS, CHISE, UCS, Unicode
-;; This file is a part of CHISE IDS.
+;; This file is a part of CHISE-IDS.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
(view-buffer ids-find-result-buffer))
+(defun ideographic-structure-merge-components-alist (ca1 ca2)
+ (let ((dest-alist ca1)
+ ret)
+ (dolist (cell ca2)
+ (if (setq ret (assq (car cell) dest-alist))
+ (setcdr ret (+ (cdr ret)(cdr cell)))
+ (setq dest-alist (cons cell dest-alist))))
+ dest-alist))
+(defun ideographic-structure-to-components-alist (structure)
+ (apply #'ideographic-structure-to-components-alist* structure))
+(defun ideographic-structure-to-components-alist* (operator component1 component2
+ &optional component3
+ &rest opts)
+ (let (dest-alist ret)
+ (setq dest-alist
+ (cond ((characterp component1)
+ (unless (encode-char component1 'ascii)
+ (list (cons component1 1)))
+ )
+ ((setq ret (assq 'ideographic-structure component1))
+ (ideographic-structure-to-components-alist (cdr ret))
+ )
+ ((setq ret (find-char component1))
+ (list (cons ret 1))
+ )))
+ (setq dest-alist
+ (ideographic-structure-merge-components-alist
+ dest-alist
+ (cond ((characterp component2)
+ (unless (encode-char component2 'ascii)
+ (list (cons component2 1)))
+ )
+ ((setq ret (assq 'ideographic-structure component2))
+ (ideographic-structure-to-components-alist (cdr ret))
+ )
+ ((setq ret (find-char component2))
+ (list (cons ret 1))
+ ))))
+ (if (memq operator '(?\u2FF2 ?\u2FF3))
+ (ideographic-structure-merge-components-alist
+ dest-alist
+ (cond ((characterp component3)
+ (unless (encode-char component3 'ascii)
+ (list (cons component3 1)))
+ )
+ ((setq ret (assq 'ideographic-structure component3))
+ (ideographic-structure-to-components-alist (cdr ret))
+ )
+ ((setq ret (find-char component3))
+ (list (cons ret 1))
+ )))
+ dest-alist)))
+(defun ideographic-structure-equal (structure1 structure2)
+ (and (eq (car structure1)(car structure2))
+ (ideographic-structure-character= (nth 1 structure1)(nth 1 structure2))
+ (ideographic-structure-character= (nth 2 structure1)(nth 2 structure2))
+ (if (memq (car structure1) '(?\u2FF2 ?\u2FF3))
+ (ideographic-structure-character= (nth 3 structure1)(nth 3 structure2))
+ t)))
+(defun ideographic-structure-character= (c1 c2)
+ (let (ret ret2)
+ (cond ((characterp c1)
+ (cond ((encode-char c1 'ascii)
+ )
+ ((characterp c2)
+ (or (eq c1 c2)
+ (encode-char c2 'ascii))
+ )
+ ((setq ret2 (find-char c2))
+ (eq c1 ret2)
+ )
+ ((setq ret2 (assq 'ideographic-structure c2))
+ (and (setq ret (get-char-attribute c1 'ideographic-structure))
+ (ideographic-structure-equal ret (cdr ret2)))
+ ))
+ )
+ ((setq ret (assq 'ideographic-structure c1))
+ (cond ((characterp c2)
+ (or (encode-char c2 'ascii)
+ (and (setq ret2 (get-char-attribute c2 'ideographic-structure))
+ (ideographic-structure-equal (cdr ret) ret2)))
+ )
+ ((setq ret2 (find-char c2))
+ (and (setq ret2 (get-char-attribute c2 'ideographic-structure))
+ (ideographic-structure-equal (cdr ret) ret2))
+ )
+ ((setq ret2 (assq 'ideographic-structure c2))
+ (ideographic-structure-equal (cdr ret)(cdr ret2))
+ ))
+ )
+ ((setq ret (find-char c1))
+ (cond ((characterp c2)
+ (or (eq ret c2)
+ (encode-char c2 'ascii))
+ )
+ ((setq ret2 (find-char c2))
+ (eq ret ret2)
+ )
+ ((setq ret2 (assq 'ideographic-structure c2))
+ (and (setq ret (get-char-attribute c1 'ideographic-structure))
+ (ideographic-structure-equal ret (cdr ret2))
+ )))))))
+(defun ideographic-structure-find-chars (structure)
+ (apply #'ideographic-structure-find-chars* structure))
+(defun ideographic-structure-find-chars* (operator component1 component2
+ &optional component3)
+ (let ((comp-alist (ideographic-structure-to-components-alist*
+ operator component1 component2 component3))
+ c1 c2 c3
+ ret pl str)
+ (dolist (pc (caar
+ (sort (mapcar (lambda (cell)
+ (if (setq ret (get-char-attribute
+ (car cell) 'ideographic-products))
+ (cons ret (length ret))
+ (cons nil 0)))
+ comp-alist)
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (< (cdr a)(cdr b))))))
+ (when (and (setq str (get-char-attribute pc 'ideographic-structure))
+ (eq (car str) operator)
+ (setq c1 (nth 1 str))
+ (ideographic-structure-character= c1 component1)
+ (setq c2 (nth 2 str))
+ (ideographic-structure-character= c2 component2)
+ (cond ((memq (car str) '(?\u2FF2 ?\u2FF3))
+ (setq c3 (nth 3 str))
+ (ideographic-structure-character= c3 component3)
+ )
+ (t)))
+ (setq pl (cons pc pl))
+ ))
+ pl))
+(defun ideographic-char-count-components (char component)
+ (let ((dest 0)
+ structure)
+ (cond ((eq char component)
+ 1)
+ ((setq structure (get-char-attribute char 'ideographic-structure))
+ (dolist (cell (ideographic-structure-to-components-alist structure))
+ (setq dest
+ (+ dest
+ (if (eq (car cell) char)
+ (cdr cell)
+ (* (ideographic-char-count-components (car cell) component)
+ (cdr cell))))))
+ dest)
+ (t
+ 0))))
;;; @ End.