By C-u g, the sticky summary is destroyed as well as C-u q. In summary or
folder mode, G opens the sticky summary.
+** You can go round summary buffers by C-cC-n and C-cC-p.
** Members of the list wl-folder-hierarchy-access-folders is now some REGEXP
for access group names instead of exact group names.
** You can specify some function in wl-draft-reply-with-argument-list etc.
for setting the recipients in draft by the return value of it.
+** The interface of the function wl-draft has been changed.
+** The uses of wl-generate-mailer-string-function has been changed.
+ Specify a function which returns some string to appear in User-Agent header.
* Changes in 2.8.0 from 2.6.1
** Nemacs, Mule 2.3 based on Emacs 19.28 are not supported any longer.
\e$B%5%^%j$G\e(B C-u g \e$B$9$k$H\e(B C-u q \e$B$HF1MM$K%5%^%j$rGK4~$7$^$9!#%5%^%j$d%U%)%k%@\e(B
\e$B%b!<%I$+$i\e(B G \e$B$G%5%^%j$K0\F0$9$k$H!"?75,%5%^%j$,%9%F%#%C%-!<$K$J$j$^$9!#\e(B
+** C-cC-n \e$B$d\e(B C-cC-p \e$B$G%5%^%j%P%C%U%!C#$r=d2s$G$-$^$9!#\e(B
** \e$B%j%9%H\e(B wl-folder-hierarchy-access-folders \e$B$N3FMWAG$O!"%"%/%;%9%0%k!<%W$K\e(B
** \e$BJQ?t\e(B wl-draft-reply-with-argument-list \e$BEy$G!"4X?t$NJV$jCM$+$i08@h$r\e(B
+** \e$B4X?t\e(B wl-draft \e$B$N%$%s%?!<%U%'!<%9$,JQ99$5$l$^$7$?!#\e(B
+** wl-generate-mailer-string-function \e$B$N;HMQK!$,JQ99$K$J$j$^$7$?!#\e(B
+ User-Agent \e$B%U%#!<%k%I$KF~$kJ8;zNs$rJV$94X?t$r;XDj$7$F2<$5$$!#\e(B
* 2.6.1 \e$B$+$i\e(B 2.8.0 \e$B$X$NJQ99E@\e(B
** Nemacs, Mule 2.3 based on Emacs 19.28 \e$B$O%5%]!<%H$5$l$J$/$J$j$^$7$?!#\e(B