("oo" ("ôốồổỗộ")) ("OO" ("ÔỐỒỔỖỘ")) ("Oo" ("ÔỐỒỔỖỘ"))
("ow" ("ơớờởỡợ")) ("OW" ("ƠỚỜỞỠỢ")) ("Ow" ("ƠỚỜỞỠỢ"))
("uw" ("ưứừửữự")) ("UW" ("ƯỨỪỬỮỰ")) ("Uw" ("ƯỨỪỬỮỰ"))
- ("w" ("ưứừửữự")) ("W" ("ƯỨỪỬỮỰ"))
+ ("w" (cond ((= V-1 0) ("ưứừửữự")) (1 "w"))) ; Works when it's the
+ ("W" (cond ((= V-1 0) ("ƯỨỪỬỮỰ")) (1 "W"))) ; first vowel (not seư)
("ooo" ("oóòỏõọ") ("oóòỏõọ") (set V-2 V-1) (set V-1 ?o))
("OOO" ("OÓÒỎÕỌ") ("OÓÒỎÕỌ") (set V-2 V-1) (set V-1 ?O))
("Ooo" ("OÓÒỎÕỌ") ("oóòỏõọ") (set V-2 V-1) (set V-1 ?O)))
- ("dd" ?đ) ("DD" ?Đ) ("Dd" ?Đ))
+ ("dd" (cond ((= C-AFTER-V 0) "dd") (1 ?đ))) ; Works when
+ ("DD" (cond ((= C-AFTER-V 0) "DD") (1 ?Đ))) ; it is the first
+ ("Dd" (cond ((= C-AFTER-V 0) "Dd") (1 ?Đ)))) ; letter (not ađ)
("z" (set SELECT 0) ?z) ("Z" (set SELECT 0) ?Z)
(consonant (set C @-1))
(consonant-ext (set C @-1))
- (consonant-or-tone-mark (set C @-1))
+ (consonant-or-tone-mark
+ (cond ((| (= @-1 ?f) (= @-1 ?j) (= @-1 ?z) ; Invalid beginning consonants
+ (= @-1 ?F) (= @-1 ?J) (= @-1 ?Z)) (shift temporary-escape))
+ (1 (set C @-1))))
;; Mark M remembers the preedit position after the last vowel.
(vowel (mark M) (set V-2 V-1) (set V-1 @-1) (shift after-v))
;; The state shifted to when a vowel is typed.
- (consonant (shift after-vc))
- (consonant-ext (shift after-vc))
+ (ending-1st-consonant (handle-mark) (shift after-vc)) ; toans/toasn->toán
(vowel (mark M) (set V-3 V-2) (set V-2 V-1) (set V-1 @-1)
(move T) (select 0) (handle-mark) (move M))
(vowel-ext (mark M) (set V-3 V-2) (set V-2 V-1) (set V-1 @-1)
;; The state shifted to when a consonant is typed after a vowel.
(t (set C-AFTER-V 1))
- (consonant (add C-AFTER-V 1))
- (consonant-ext (add C-AFTER-V 1))
+ (ending-2nd-consonant
+ (cond ((| (= @-2 ?n) (= @-2 ?c) ; 1st ending consonant must be n/c
+ (= @-2 ?N) (= @-2 ?C)) (add C-AFTER-V 1))
+ (1 (shift temporary-escape))))
(consonant-or-tone-mark (delete @-) (pushback 1) (shift after-t))
+ (vowel (shift temporary-escape)) ; There can only be one
+ (vowel-ext (shift temporary-escape)) ; main vowel in a word
(backspace (delete @-)
(sub C-AFTER-V 1)