Wanderlust NEWS -- User-visible changes in Wanderlust.
+** You can alter the format of summary lines.
+ Specify format by wl-summary-line-format. If you want to change ones
+ according to folder names, use wl-folder-summary-line-format-alist.
** Save format for the draft folder has been changed. Messages are encoded
before saved by wl-draft-save.
for setting the recipients in draft by the return value of it.
** The interface of the function wl-draft has been changed.
+ The initial set of headers are handed as an association list.
** The uses of wl-generate-mailer-string-function has been changed.
Specify a function which returns some string to appear in User-Agent header.
Wanderlust NEWS (\e$BF|K\8lHG\e(B) -- User-visible changes in Wanderlust.
+** \e$B%5%^%j9T$NI=<(7A<0$rJQ99$G$-$k$h$&$K$J$j$^$7$?!#\e(B
+ wl-summary-line-format \e$B$G=q<0$r@_Dj$G$-$^$9!#%U%)%k%@Kh$K=q<0$rJQ$($?$$\e(B
+ \e$B>l9g$O\e(B wl-folder-summary-line-format-alist \e$B$rMQ$$$F2<$5$$!#\e(B
** \e$B%I%i%U%H%U%)%k%@$X$NJ]B87A<0$,JQ99$5$l$^$7$?!#\e(Bwl-draft-save \e$B$N:]$K$O\e(B
** \e$B4X?t\e(B wl-draft \e$B$N%$%s%?!<%U%'!<%9$,JQ99$5$l$^$7$?!#\e(B
+ \e$B:G=i$KMQ0U$9$k%X%C%@$r4XO"%j%9%H$N7A$GEO$9$h$&$K$J$j$^$7$?!#\e(B
** wl-generate-mailer-string-function \e$B$N;HMQK!$,JQ99$K$J$j$^$7$?!#\e(B
User-Agent \e$B%U%#!<%k%I$KF~$kJ8;zNs$rJV$94X?t$r;XDj$7$F2<$5$$!#\e(B