;;; communicate with Anthy. For more detail about Anthy, see the page
;;; http://sourceforge.jp/projects/anthy/.
+ "Japanese input method using Anthy as a background conversion program"
+ "Typed roma-ji is at first converted to Hiragana,
+and Space key converts the Hiragana sequences
+to Kanji-Hiragana mixed sequence.")
+ (input-mode
+ ("Hiragana or Katakana" "Select Hiragana or Katakana")
+ hiragana
+ hiragana katakana)
+ (zen-han ("Zenkaku or Hankaku")
+ zenkaku
+ hankaku))
+ (henkan
+ "Convert" "Convert Hiragana to Kanji"
+ (\ )
+ (Henkan)))
(title "aあ")