--- /dev/null
+# ver.0.2
+use strict;
+use vars qw($omegadb_path
+ $opt_protrude $opt_order
+ $opt_in_cs $opt_out_cs
+ $opt_help $usage
+ $in_cs $out_cs $i @chars
+ @order %order
+ $char $char_id $out_char
+ $ids $ids_argc %ids $idsdb
+ $idsdata_file $ids_start $font_start
+ $inotp $perl56 $perl58
+ );
+use Getopt::Long;
+use utf8;
+use Fcntl ':flock';
+use Chise_utils ':all';
+my $omegadb_path="/usr/local/lib/chise/omega";
+### Options ###
+$opt_protrude=0;# 1=true, 0=false.
+my $strictly_forbidden_after = '「【『[(〈“‘‘(〔{《{\[\(\x{3016}{「';
+# \x{3016} | # white 【
+my $forbidden_after = "\x{0000}";
+# ¥¥$$〒♯##¢¢££@@§
+my $slightly_forbidden_after = '¥¥$$〒♯##¢¢££@@§';
+# $strictly_forbidden_before
+# All these characters are allowed to protrude
+# in the right margin
+my $strictly_forbidden_before=
+ '!,.:;?、。!,.:;?。\)#}’”〉》」』】〕\x{3017})]}}」\]';
+### \x{3017} | # white 】
+my $forbidden_before
+ = 'ー々ぁぃぅぇぉゃゅょっゎァィゥェォャュョッヮヵヶ';
+my $slightly_forbidden_before
+ = '\x{000a}\#\-‐−‰′″℃゛゜ゝゞヽヾ"%-゙゚';
+my $asian = '\x{1100}-\x{11FF}\x{2E80}-\x{D7AF}\x{F900}-\x{FAFF}\x{FE30}-\x{FE4F}\x{FF00}-';
+my $space = '\x{0020}\x{0009}\x{000A}\x{000C}\x{000D}';
+if($^V and $^V ge v5.8){
+ $perl58=1;
+}elsif($^V and $^V ge v5.6){
+ $perl56=1;
+ print STDERR "This versin is not supported.";
+ exit 1;
+ eval "use Encode";
+ binmode(STDIN, ':encoding(utf8)');
+ binmode(STDOUT, ':encoding(utf8)');
+ "out=s"=>\$opt_out_cs,
+ "help",\$opt_help);
+Usage: $0 -i <input coding system> -o <cmap encoding>
+ input coding system:
+ Utf8mcs, Utf8cns, Utf8gb, Utf8jis, Utf8ks
+ cmap encoding:
+ UniCNS, UniGB, UniJIS, UniKS, UniMulti
+if($opt_in_cs or $opt_out_cs){
+ $in_cs=$opt_in_cs;
+ $out_cs=$opt_out_cs;
+ ($in_cs,$out_cs)=($0=~/(Utf8.+)To(\w+)/);
+ $inotp=1;
+# $in_cs:
+# Utf8mcs,Utf8cns,Utf8gb,Utf8jis,Utf8ks,
+# $out_cs:
+# UniCNS,UniGB,UniJIS,UniKS,UniMulti
+ or not defined($in_cs)
+ or not defined($out_cs)){
+ print $usage;
+ exit 1;
+if(-e $idsdata_file){
+ open(IDSDATA,"+<$idsdata_file") or die;
+ seek(IDSDATA,0,0);
+ while(<IDSDATA>){
+ eval $_;
+ }
+ seek(IDSDATA,0,0);
+# require $idsdata_file;
+ open(IDSDATA,">$idsdata_file") or die;
+ seek(IDSDATA,0,0);
+ "=gt-pj-1","=gt-pj-2","=gt-pj-3","=gt-pj-4","=gt-pj-5","=gt-pj-6","=gt-pj-7","=gt-pj-8","=gt-pj-9","=gt-pj-10","=gt-pj-11"
+ #,"=gt-pj-k1","=gt-pj-k2"
+ );
+ 'g'=>'UniGB',
+ 'j'=>'UniJIS',
+ 'k'=>'UniKS',
+ 't'=>'GT',
+ 'h'=>'HZK',
+ 'd'=>'CDP',
+ );
+ if($opt_order=~/^[cgjkthd]*$/){
+ @order=split(//,$opt_order);
+ @order=map {$order{$_}} @order;
+ }else{
+ print STDERR "Invalid order!\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ if($perl56){
+ # for perl 5.6
+ if($inotp){
+ s/(.)/pack("c",&get_char_id(unpack("U",$1),$in_cs))/ge;
+ }else{
+ s/(.)/pack("U",&get_char_id(unpack("U",$1),$in_cs))/ge;
+ }
+ }elsif($perl58){
+ # for perl 5.8.
+ $_=decode('utf8', $_);
+ s/(.)/pack("U",&get_char_id(unpack("U",$1),$in_cs))/ge;
+ }
+ s/(amp.+?;)/&de_er($1)/ge;
+# s/(&.+?;)/&de_er($1)/ge;
+ @chars=split(//);
+ for($i=0;$i<=$#chars;$i++){
+ $char=$chars[$i];
+ $char_id=unpack("U",$char);
+ if($char_id<=0x20){
+ print $chars[$i];
+ next;
+ }elsif($char_id>0x20 and $char_id<=0x02af){
+ # Basic Latin
+ # Latin-1 Supplement
+ # Latin Extended-A
+ # Latin Extended-B
+ # IPA Extensions
+ print &latin_parse();
+ next;
+ }elsif($char_id>=0x2ff0 and $char_id<=0x2fff){
+ # Ideographic Description Characters
+ print &ids_parse();
+ next;
+ }else{
+ if(($out_char=&get_output_char($char_id,$out_cs))){
+ print $out_char,&add_break($i);
+ }elsif($char_id >= 0x20000 && $char_id <=0x2a6df){
+ # CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
+ if(not defined($ids{$char}) and $ids{$char}[1]>=0){
+ $ids{$char}[0]=$font_start;
+ $ids{$char}[1]=$ids_start;
+ $ids_start++;
+ if($ids_start>255){
+ $ids_start=0;
+ $font_start++;
+ }
+ }
+ print "{\\fontencoding{OT1}\\fontfamily{" .
+ sprintf("chise%03d",$ids{$char}[0]) .
+ "}\\selectfont\\char$ids{$char}[1]}",&add_break($i);
+ next;
+ }else{
+ if($ids=&get_ids($char)){
+ print &get_macro_for_ids($ids),&add_break($i);
+ }else{
+ print '\rule{1ex}{1ex}',&add_break($i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+print IDSDATA 'use utf8;',"\n";
+foreach $ids (keys %ids){
+ print IDSDATA '$ids{\'',$ids,'\'}=[',join ",",@{$ids{$ids}},"];\n" if($perl56);
+ print IDSDATA '$ids{\'',encode('utf8',$ids),'\'}=[',join ",",@{$ids{$ids}},"];\n" if($perl58);
+print IDSDATA '$font_start=',$font_start,";\n";
+print IDSDATA '$ids_start=',$ids_start,";\n";
+print IDSDATA "1;";
+exit 0;
+sub add_break{
+ my($i)=@_;
+ if($i<($#chars-1)){
+ if(($chars[$i+1]=~m/[$strictly_forbidden_before]/o)
+ and($chars[$i+2]=~m/[$strictly_forbidden_before]/o)){
+ return "\\CJKunbreakablekernone ";
+ }elsif($opt_protrude){
+ if(($chars[$i+1]=~m/[$strictly_forbidden_before]/o)
+ and($chars[$i+2]=~m/[^$strictly_forbidden_before]/o)){
+ return "\\CJKunbreakablekernone \\CJKprotrude ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(($i<$#chars)
+ and($chars[$i+1]=~m/[$strictly_forbidden_before]/o)){
+ return "\\CJKunbreakablekernone ";
+ }
+ if($chars[$i]=~m/[$strictly_forbidden_after]/o){
+ return "\\CJKunbreakablekernone ";
+ }
+ if(($i<$#chars)
+ and($chars[$i+1]=~m/[$forbidden_before]/o)){
+ return "\\CJKunbreakablekerntwo ";
+ }
+ if($chars[$i]=~m/[$forbidden_after]/o){
+ return "\\CJKunbreakablekerntwo ";
+ }
+ if(($i<$#chars)
+ and($chars[$i+1]=~m/[$slightly_forbidden_before]/o)){
+ return "\\CJKunbreakablekernthree ";
+ }
+ if($chars[$i]=~m/[$slightly_forbidden_after]/o){
+ return "\\CJKunbreakablekernthree ";
+ }
+ if($chars[$i]=~m/[$asian]/o){
+ return "\\CJKbreakablekern ";
+ }
+ if(($i<$#chars)and($chars[$i+1]=~m/[$asian]/o)){
+ return "\\CJKbreakablekern ";
+ }
+sub latin_parse{
+ # arguments: none
+ # return: string for output with TeX macro.
+ my($char_id);
+ my $out_str=$chars[$i];
+ $i++;
+ while($i<=$#chars){
+ $char_id=unpack("U",$chars[$i]);
+ if($char_id>0x20 and $char_id<=0x02af){
+ $out_str.=pack("U",$char_id);
+ }else{
+ $i--;
+ last;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return '{\normalfont {'.$out_str.'}}';
+sub ids_parse{
+ # arguments: none
+ # return: character for output,
+ # TeX macro for ids,
+ # or GETA character if ids is invalid.
+ my($ids,$ids_argc)=&ids_rest("",0,$chars[$i]);
+ while($ids_argc>0){
+ # We are in IDS.
+ $i++;
+ if($i>$#chars){
+ print STDERR "IDS parse error: $ids\n";
+# return pack("U",0xfffd);
+ return pack("U",0x3013);
+ }
+ ($ids,$ids_argc)=&ids_rest($ids,$ids_argc,$chars[$i]);
+ if($ids_argc==0){
+ if(($char_id=&get_char_id_for_ids($ids))
+ and($out_char=&get_output_char($char_id,$out_cs))){
+ return $out_char;
+ }else{
+ return &get_macro_for_ids($ids) if($perl56);
+ return encode('utf8', &get_macro_for_ids($ids)) if($perl58);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub ids_rest{
+ # arguments: <ids>, <rest number of arguments for ids>, <character>
+ # return: ids and rest number of arguments for ids.
+ my($ids,$ids_argc,$char)=@_;
+ my($argc);
+ $argc=&ids_argc($char);
+ if($argc){
+ $ids_argc+= $ids_argc==0 ? $argc : $argc-1;
+ }else{
+ $ids_argc--;
+ }
+ $ids.=$char if($perl56);
+ $ids.=encode('utf8',$char) if($perl58);
+ return ($ids,$ids_argc);
+sub get_macro_for_ids{
+ # argument: <ids>
+ # return: TeX macro for ids
+ # or GETA character if ids is invalid for KAGE.
+ my($ids)=@_;
+ $ids=&normalize_ids($ids,"UniJIS");
+# return pack("U",0xfffd) if(($ids!~/[$idc]/)
+ return pack("U",0x3013) if(($ids!~/[$idc]/)
+ or($ids=~/[\x{10000}-]/));
+ #irregular for KAGE.
+ if(not defined($ids{$ids}) and $ids{$ids}[1]>=0){
+ $ids{$ids}[0]=$font_start;
+ $ids{$ids}[1]=$ids_start;
+ $ids_start++;
+ }
+ if($ids_start>255){
+ $ids_start=0;
+ $font_start++;
+ }
+ return "{\\fontencoding{OT1}\\fontfamily{"
+ .sprintf("chise%03d",$ids{$ids}[0])
+ ."}\\selectfont\\char$ids{$ids}[1]}";
+sub normalize_ids{
+ # argument: <ids>, <output coding system>
+ # return: ids or GETA character if ids is invalid for KAGE.
+ my($ids,$out_cs)=@_;
+ $ids = decode('utf8', $ids) if $perl58;
+ $out_cs=~s/Uni(.+)/'ucs@'.lc($1)/e;
+ my $output_ids="";
+ my($char,$char_id,$output_char_id);
+ while($ids=~m/(.)/g){
+ $char=$1;
+ $char_id=unpack("U",$char);
+ if($char=~/[$idc]/){
+ $output_ids.=$char;
+ }elsif($output_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,"=$out_cs")){
+ $output_ids.=pack("U",$output_char_id);
+ }elsif($output_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,"=ucs")){
+ $output_ids.=pack("U",$output_char_id);
+ }else{
+# return pack("U",0xfffd);
+ return pack("U",0x3013);
+ }
+ }
+ return $output_ids;
+sub get_output_char{
+ # argument: <char-id>
+ # return: character in output coding system or TeX macro.
+ my($char_id,$out_cs)=@_;
+ my($char,$out_char_id,$suffix);
+ my($gt,$hzk,$cdp);
+ $char=pack('U',$char_id);
+ if($out_cs eq 'UniJIS'
+ and &get_char_attribute($char,"vnd-adobe-cid-unijis-utf16-h")){
+ if($out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs@jis')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs@jis')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs')
+ ){
+ return pack("U",$out_char_id);
+ }
+ }elsif($out_cs eq 'UniGB'
+ and &get_char_attribute($char,"vnd-adobe-cid-unigb-ucs2-h")){
+ if($out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs@gb')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs@gb')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs')
+ ){
+ return pack("U",$out_char_id);
+ }
+ }elsif($out_cs eq 'UniCNS'
+ and &get_char_attribute($char,"vnd-adobe-cid-unicns-ucs2-h")){
+ if($out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs@cns')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs@cns')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs')
+ ){
+ return pack("U",$out_char_id);
+ }
+ }elsif($out_cs eq 'UniKS'
+ and &get_char_attribute($char,"vnd-adobe-cid-uniks-ucs2-h")){
+ if($out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs@ks')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs@ks')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs')
+ ){
+ return pack("U",$out_char_id);
+ }
+ }elsif($out_cs eq 'UniMulti'){
+ foreach $out_cs (@order){
+ if($out_cs eq 'UniJIS'
+ and &get_char_attribute($char,"vnd-adobe-cid-unijis-utf16-h")){
+ if($out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs@jis')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs@jis')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs')
+ ){
+ return '{\selectjisfont\char'.$out_char_id.'}';
+ }
+ }elsif($out_cs eq 'UniGB'
+ and &get_char_attribute($char,"vnd-adobe-cid-unigb-ucs2-h")){
+ if($out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs@gb')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs@gb')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs')
+ ){
+ return '{\selectgbsfont\char'.$out_char_id.'}';
+ }
+ }elsif($out_cs eq 'UniCNS'
+ and &get_char_attribute($char,"vnd-adobe-cid-unicns-ucs2-h")){
+ if($out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs@cns')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs@cns')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs')
+ ){
+ return '{\selectcnsfont\char'.$out_char_id.'}';
+ }
+ }elsif($out_cs eq 'UniKS'
+ and &get_char_attribute($char,"vnd-adobe-cid-uniks-ucs2-h")){
+ if($out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs@ks')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=ucs')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs@ks')
+ or $out_char_id=&get_char_attribute($char,'=>ucs')
+ ){
+ return '{\selectksxfont\char'.$out_char_id.'}';
+ }
+ }elsif($out_cs eq 'GT'){
+ return $gt if($gt=&get_macro_for_GT($char_id));
+ }elsif($out_cs eq 'HZK'){
+ return $hzk if($hzk=&get_macro_for_HZK($char_id));
+ }elsif($out_cs eq 'CDP'){
+ return $cdp if($cdp=&get_macro_for_CDP($char_id));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub get_ids{
+ # argument: <character>
+ # return: ids
+ my($char)=@_;
+ my $ids="";
+ $ids=&get_char_attribute($char,"ids-aggregated")
+ or $ids=&get_char_attribute($char,"ids");
+# or $ids=&get_char_attribute($char,"ideographic-structure");
+ $ids=decode('utf8', $ids) if($perl58);
+# $ids=~s/[? ()]//g;
+ return $ids;
+sub get_char_id_for_ids{
+ # argument: <ideographic description sequence>
+ # return: char-id
+ my($ids)=@_;
+ my($output_char);
+ $ids=decode('utf8', $ids) if($perl58);
+ if(($output_char)=&get_chars_matching("ids",$ids)){
+ return unpack("U",$output_char);
+ }else{
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub get_char_id{
+ # argument: <char-id>, <input coding system>
+ # return: char-id.
+ my($char_id,$in_cs)=@_;
+ my($output_char);
+ return $char_id if($in_cs eq 'ucs@mcs');
+ if(($output_char)=&get_chars_matching("=$in_cs",$char_id)){
+ return unpack("U",$output_char);
+ }else{
+ return $char_id;
+ }
+sub get_macro_for_GT{
+ # argument: <char-id>
+ # return: TeX macro for GT fonts.
+ my($char_id)=@_;
+ my($char,$gt,$GT);
+ $char=pack("U",$char_id);
+ foreach (@GT){
+ if($gt=&get_char_attribute($char,$_)){
+ m/gt\-pj\-(\d+)/ and $GT=$1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if($gt){
+ return "{\\fontencoding{OT1}\\fontfamily{"
+ .sprintf("gt%02d",$GT)
+ ."}\\selectfont\\char".($gt|0x8080)."}";
+ }else{
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub get_macro_for_HZK{
+ my($char_id)=@_;
+ my($char,$hzk,$HZK);
+ $char=pack("U",$char_id);
+ foreach (@HZK){
+ if($hzk=&get_char_attribute($char,$_)){
+ m/hanziku\-(\d+)/ and $HZK=$1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if($hzk){
+ return "{\\fontencoding{OT1}\\fontfamily{".sprintf("hzk%02d",$HZK)."}\\selectfont\\char".$hzk."}";
+ }else{
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub get_macro_for_CDP{
+ my($char_id)=@_;
+ my($char,$cdp,$ucs);
+ $char=pack("U",$char_id);
+ foreach (@CDP){
+ if($cdp=&get_char_attribute($char,$_)){
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if($cdp){
+ $ucs=&get_char_attribute(&get_chars_matching("=big5-pua",$cdp),"=ucs");
+ if($ucs){
+ return "{\\fontencoding{OT1}\\fontfamily{cdp}\\selectfont\\char"
+ .$ucs.
+ "}";
+ }else{
+ print STDERR "This hould not happen.\n";
+ print STDERR "ucs code point of CDP: $cdp not found.\n";
+ }
+ }else{
+ return undef;
+ }