line in the 'flag folder (you can control the behavior by
+** Now you can put arbitrary user defined flag on message.
+ You can specify its flag by "F" in the summary mode.
** New mark, 'A' and '&' is added for answered messages.
Now answered messages have its own mark in the summary mode.
'A' is displayed for uncached messages and '&' is for cached messages.
help-echo \e$B$H$7$FI=<($9$k$h$&$K$J$j$^$7$?\e(B(\e$B$3$l$N$U$k$^$$$O\e(B
wl-highlight-summary-line-help-echo-alist \e$B$G@)8f$G$-$^$9\e(B)\e$B!%\e(B
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** \e$BJV?.:Q$_%^!<%/\e(B A,& \e$B$,DI2C$5$l$^$7$?!#\e(B
\e$B%5%^%j$K$*$$$F!$JV?.$7$?%a%C%;!<%8$K\e(B A \e$B%^!<%/\e(B(\e$B%-%c%C%7%e$J$7$N>l9g\e(B)
\e$B$b$7$/$O\e(B & \e$B%^!<%/\e(B(\e$B%-%c%C%7%e$"$j$N>l9g\e(B) \e$B$,I=<($5$l$^$9!#\e(B