+++ /dev/null
-\81¡Ruby/CHISE ext version (pre-alpha)
-\82±\82ê\82ð\89ð\93\80\82µ\81Achise.h, chise.c\82ð\83R\83s\81[\82µ\82Ü\82·\81B
-( % ./getlibchise \82Æ\82µ\82Ä\83R\83s\81[\82Å\82«\82é\8fê\8d\87\82à\82 \82é\82©\82à\81B)
- % ruby extconf.rb
- % make
- % make install
-BDB\82ª\8eg\82¦\82é\8fó\91Ô\82Å\82 \82é\82±\82Æ\82ª\95K\97v\82Å\82·\81B
-\8c»\8dÝ\82ÍCygwin\82¾\82¯\82Åinstall\82ð\8am\94F\82µ\82Ä\82 \82è\82Ü\82·\81B
- % ruby test.rb
-\81¡contact, Kouichirou Eto <2004 at>
--- /dev/null
+Ruby/CHISE Extention README
+ Ruby/CHISE\82ª\8eg\97p\82·\82é\81Alibchise\82ð\97p\82¢\82½Extention\82Å\82·\81B
+ * ruby 1.8
+ * Berkeley DB
+ libchise\82ª\95K\97v\82Å\82·\81B
+ \82±\82ê\82ð\89ð\93\80\82µ\81A\92\86\82É\82 \82é\89º\8bL\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\83R\83s\81[\82µ\82Ü\82·\81B
+ chise.h chise.c chise-name.h name.c sysdep.h
+ $ ruby extconf.rb
+ $ make
+ # make install
+ \8c»\8dÝ\82ÍCygwin\82¾\82¯\82Åinstall\82ð\8am\94F\82µ\82Ä\82 \82è\82Ü\82·\81B
+ $ ruby test.rb
+ $ ruby sample.rb
+ \8dÅ\90V\82Ì\8fî\95ñ\82Í \82ð\82²\82ç\82ñ\89º\82³\82¢\81B
+ GPL\82Å\82·\81BCOPYING\82ð\82²\82ç\82ñ\82\82¾\82³\82¢\81B
+Kouichirou Eto <>
--- /dev/null
+rm chise.h chise.c chise-name.h name.c sysdep.h
+rm config.h
+rm *~
require "mkmf"
if have_library("db", "db_create") and have_header("db.h")
- create_makefile("chise")
+ open("config.h", "wb"){|f|
+ f.print <<"EOT"
+#ifndef CONFIG_H
+#define CONFIG_H
+#define CHISE_DB_DIR "/cygdrive/c/chise/chise-db"
+#define CHISE_SI_DB_DIR "/cygdrive/c/chise/chise-db"
+ }
+ $defs << "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H"
+ $defs << "-DHAVE_STRNLEN"
+ create_makefile("libchise_c")
cp ../../libchise/chise.h .
cp ../../libchise/chise.c .
+cp ../../libchise/chise-name.h .
+cp ../../libchise/name.c .
+cp ../../libchise/sysdep.h .
--- /dev/null
+/* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of the Ruby/CHISE Extension.
+ This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with the CHISE Library; if not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307 USA. */
+#include "ruby.h"
+#include "chise.h"
+typedef struct {
+ CHISE_DS *ds;
+typedef struct {
+ CHISE_Feature_Table *feature;
+typedef struct {
+ CHISE_CCS_Table *ccs;
+typedef struct {
+ CHISE_Value value;
+static VALUE fds_new(VALUE klass, VALUE type, VALUE location, VALUE dbtype, VALUE mode){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ VALUE tdata = Data_Make_Struct(klass, RB_CHISE_DS, 0, free, rds);
+ rds->ds = CHISE_DS_open((CHISE_DS_Type)NUM2INT(type), RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(location))->ptr, NUM2INT(dbtype), NUM2INT(mode));
+ if (rds->ds == NULL){
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ return tdata;
+static VALUE fds_close(VALUE obj){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
+ CHISE_DS_close(rds->ds);
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE fds_get_feature(VALUE obj, VALUE feature){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ RB_CHISE_FEATURE *rfeature;
+ VALUE vfeature;
+ int status;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
+ vfeature = Data_Make_Struct(cFEATURE, RB_CHISE_FEATURE, 0, free, rfeature);
+ rfeature->feature = chise_ds_get_feature(rds->ds, RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(feature))->ptr);
+ return vfeature;
+static VALUE fds_get_ccs(VALUE obj, VALUE ccs){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ RB_CHISE_CCS *rccs;
+ VALUE vccs;
+ int status;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
+ vccs = Data_Make_Struct(cCCS, RB_CHISE_CCS, 0, free, rccs);
+ rccs->ccs = chise_ds_get_ccs(rds->ds, RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(ccs))->ptr);
+ if (rccs->ccs == NULL){
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ return vccs;
+static VALUE fds_decode_char(VALUE obj, VALUE ccs, VALUE code_point){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ CHISE_Char_ID char_id;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
+ char_id = chise_ds_decode_char(rds->ds, RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(ccs))->ptr, NUM2INT(code_point));
+ return INT2NUM(char_id);
+static int name_map_func(CHISE_DS *ds, unsigned char *name){
+ rb_yield(rb_str_new2(name));
+ return 0; // important
+static VALUE fds_each_feature_name(VALUE obj){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
+ chise_ds_foreach_char_feature_name(rds->ds, &name_map_func);
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE ffeature_get_value(VALUE obj, VALUE char_id){
+ RB_CHISE_FEATURE *rfeature;
+ RB_CHISE_VALUE *rvalue;
+ VALUE vvalue;
+ int status;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_FEATURE, rfeature);
+ vvalue = Data_Make_Struct(cVALUE, RB_CHISE_VALUE, 0, free, rvalue);
+ status = chise_char_load_feature_value((CHISE_Char_ID)NUM2INT(char_id), rfeature->feature, &rvalue->value);
+ if (status)
+ return Qnil;
+ return vvalue;
+static int feature_map_func(CHISE_Char_ID cid, CHISE_Feature_Table *db, CHISE_Value *valdatum){
+ RB_CHISE_VALUE *rvalue;
+ VALUE vvalue;
+ VALUE var;
+ vvalue = Data_Make_Struct(cVALUE, RB_CHISE_VALUE, 0, free, rvalue);
+ memcpy(&rvalue->value, valdatum, sizeof(CHISE_Value));
+ var = rb_ary_new3(2, INT2NUM(cid), vvalue);
+ rb_yield(var);
+ return 0;
+static VALUE ffeature_each_char(VALUE obj){
+ RB_CHISE_FEATURE *rfeature;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_FEATURE, rfeature);
+ chise_feature_foreach_char_with_value(rfeature->feature, &feature_map_func);
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE fccs_decode(VALUE obj, VALUE code_point){
+ RB_CHISE_CCS *rccs;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_CCS, rccs);
+ CHISE_Char_ID char_id;
+ char_id = chise_ccs_decode(rccs->ccs, NUM2INT(code_point));
+ return INT2NUM(char_id);
+static VALUE fvalue_to_s(VALUE obj){
+ RB_CHISE_VALUE *rvalue;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_VALUE, rvalue);
+ return rb_str_new(chise_value_to_c_string(&rvalue->value), chise_value_size(&rvalue->value));
+void Init_libchise_c(){
+ mCHISE = rb_define_module("CHISE");
+ rb_define_const(mCHISE, "DB_DIR", rb_str_new2(chise_system_db_dir));
+ cDS = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "DataSource", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cDS, "new", fds_new, 4);
+ rb_define_method(cDS, "close", fds_close, 0);
+ rb_define_const(cDS, "NONE", INT2FIX(CHISE_DS_NONE));
+ rb_define_const(cDS, "Berkeley_DB", INT2FIX(CHISE_DS_Berkeley_DB));
+ rb_define_method(cDS, "get_feature", fds_get_feature, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cDS, "get_ccs", fds_get_ccs, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cDS, "decode_char", fds_decode_char, 2);
+ rb_define_method(cDS, "each_feature_name", fds_each_feature_name, 0);
+ cFEATURE = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "Feature", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_method(cFEATURE, "get_value", ffeature_get_value, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cFEATURE, "each_char", ffeature_each_char, 0);
+ cCCS = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "CCS", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_method(cCCS, "decode", fccs_decode, 1);
+ cVALUE = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "Value", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_method(cVALUE, "to_s", fvalue_to_s, 0);
+++ /dev/null
-Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved.
-Ruby/CHISE ext by eto 2003-0308
-#include "ruby.h"
-#include "chise.h"
-static VALUE mCHISE, cDS, cDT, cFT, cVALUE;
-typedef struct {
- CHISE_DS ds;
-typedef struct {
- CHISE_Decoding_Table *dt;
-typedef struct {
- CHISE_Feature_Table *ft;
-typedef struct {
- CHISE_Value value;
-static VALUE fds_new(VALUE klass, VALUE type, VALUE location){
- RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
- VALUE tdata = Data_Make_Struct(klass, RB_CHISE_DS, 0, free, rds);
- chise_open_data_source (&rds->ds, (CHISE_DS_Type)NUM2INT(type), RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(location))->ptr);
- return tdata;
-static VALUE fds_close(VALUE obj){
- RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
- Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
- chise_close_data_source (&rds->ds);
- return Qnil;
-static VALUE fds_open_dt(VALUE obj, VALUE ccs){
- RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
- RB_CHISE_DT *rdt;
- VALUE vdt;
- int status;
- Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
- vdt = Data_Make_Struct(cDT, RB_CHISE_DT, 0, free, rdt);
- status = chise_open_decoding_table (&rdt->dt, &rds->ds, RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(ccs))->ptr, DB_HASH, DB_RDONLY, 0755);
- if (status){
- chise_close_decoding_table (rdt->dt);
- chise_close_data_source (&rds->ds);
- return Qnil;
- }
- return vdt;
-static VALUE fds_open_ft(VALUE obj, VALUE feature){
- RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
- RB_CHISE_FT *rft;
- VALUE vft;
- int status;
- Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
- vft = Data_Make_Struct(cFT, RB_CHISE_FT, 0, free, rft);
- status = chise_open_feature_table (&rft->ft, &rds->ds, RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(feature))->ptr, DB_HASH, DB_RDONLY, 0755);
- if (status){
- chise_close_feature_table (rft->ft);
- chise_close_data_source (&rds->ds);
- return Qnil;
- }
- return vft;
-static VALUE fdt_get_char(VALUE obj, VALUE code_point){
- RB_CHISE_DT *rdt;
- Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DT, rdt);
- CHISE_Char_ID char_id;
- char_id = chise_dt_get_char (rdt->dt, NUM2INT(code_point));
- return INT2NUM(char_id);
-static VALUE fdt_close(VALUE obj){
- RB_CHISE_DT *rdt;
- Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DT, rdt);
- chise_close_decoding_table (rdt->dt);
- return Qnil;
-static VALUE fft_get_value(VALUE obj, VALUE char_id){
- RB_CHISE_FT *rft;
- RB_CHISE_VALUE *rvalue;
- VALUE vvalue;
- int status;
- Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_FT, rft);
- vvalue = Data_Make_Struct(cVALUE, RB_CHISE_VALUE, 0, free, rvalue);
- status = chise_ft_get_value (rft->ft, (CHISE_Char_ID)NUM2INT(char_id), &rvalue->value);
- return vvalue;
-static VALUE fft_close(VALUE obj){
- RB_CHISE_FT *rft;
- Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_FT, rft);
- chise_close_feature_table (rft->ft);
- return Qnil;
-static VALUE fvalue_to_s(VALUE obj){
- RB_CHISE_VALUE *rvalue;
- Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_VALUE, rvalue);
- return rb_str_new(chise_value_to_c_string(&rvalue->value), chise_value_size(&rvalue->value));
-void Init_chise(){
- mCHISE = rb_define_module("CHISE");
- cDS = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "DataSource", rb_cObject);
- rb_define_singleton_method(cDS, "new", fds_new, 2);
- rb_define_method(cDS, "close", fds_close, 0);
- rb_define_const(cDS, "NONE", INT2FIX(CHISE_DS_NONE));
- rb_define_const(cDS, "Berkeley_DB", INT2FIX(CHISE_DS_Berkeley_DB));
- rb_define_method(cDS, "open_decoding_table", fds_open_dt, 1);
- rb_define_method(cDS, "open_feature_table", fds_open_ft, 1);
- cDT = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "DecodingTable", rb_cObject);
- rb_define_method(cDT, "get_char", fdt_get_char, 1);
- rb_define_method(cDT, "close", fdt_close, 0);
- cFT = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "FeatureTable", rb_cObject);
- rb_define_method(cFT, "get_value", fft_get_value, 1);
- rb_define_method(cFT, "close", fft_close, 0);
- cVALUE = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "Value", rb_cObject);
- rb_define_method(cVALUE, "to_s", fvalue_to_s, 0);
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved.
-require ""
-$KCODE = "u"
+require "libchise_c"
+require "chise/qp"
-db_dir = "/cygdrive/c/chise/char-db"
-ds =, db_dir)
+def die(msg)
+ puts msg
+ @ds.close unless @ds.nil?
+ exit 1
-dt = ds.open_decoding_table("=daikanwa")
-char_id = dt.get_char(364) # get a character by Daikanwa number 364.
+def main
+ db_dir = CHISE::DB_DIR
+ @ds =, db_dir, 0, 0755)
+ die "Can't open data source" if @ds.nil?
-ft = ds.open_feature_table("ideographic-structure")
-value = ft.get_value(char_id)
-printf("#x%X => %s\n", char_id, value.to_s)
+ # get a character by Daikanwa number 364.
+ if true
+ char_id = @ds.decode_char("=daikanwa", 364)
+ else
+ ccs = @ds.get_ccs("=daikanwa")
+ die "Can't open CCS =daikanwa" if ccs.nil?
+ char_id = ccs.decode(364)
+ end
+ puts char_id
+ ft = @ds.get_feature("ideographic-structure")
+ value = ft.get_value(char_id)
+ printf("#x%X => %s\n", char_id, value.to_s)
+ @ds.each_feature_name {|name|
+ #puts "rb_feature : "+name
+ }
+ ft = @ds.get_feature("numeric-value")
+ ft.each_char {|cid, valdatum|
+ printf("#x%08X ", cid)
+ ucs = @ds.get_feature("=ucs").get_value(cid)
+ if ucs
+ printf("[U-%08X]", ucs.to_s.to_i)
+ else
+ ucs = @ds.get_feature("=>ucs").get_value(cid)
+ if ucs
+ printf("(U-%08X)", ucs.to_s.to_i)
+ else
+ printf(" ")
+ end
+ end
+ printf(" %s", @ds.get_feature("name").get_value(cid))
+ printf(" %s\n", valdatum.to_s)
+ }
+ @ds.close
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved.
-require "chise"
-$KCODE = "u"
+$VERBOSE = true
+require "test/unit"
+require "libchise_c"
+require "chise/qp"
-#dir = "/usr/local/lib/chise/char-db"
-dir = "/cygdrive/c/chise/char-db"
-ds =, dir)
-p ds
+class TestLibChise < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_libchise
+ db_dir = CHISE::DB_DIR
+ assert_equal("/cygdrive/c/chise/chise-db", db_dir)
-dt = ds.open_decoding_table("ideograph-daikanwa")
-char_id = dt.get_char(364) # 大漢和番号364の文字を持ってくる
+ @ds =, db_dir, 0, 0755)
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::DataSource, @ds)
-ft = ds.open_feature_table("ideographic-structure")
-value = ft.get_value(char_id)
-printf("#x%X => %s\n", char_id, value.to_s)
+ char_id = @ds.decode_char("=daikanwa", 364)
+ assert_equal(0x4ECF, char_id)
+ ccs = @ds.get_ccs("=daikanwa")
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::CCS, ccs)
+ char_id = ccs.decode(364)
+ assert_equal(0x4ECF, char_id)
+ feature = @ds.get_feature("ideographic-structure")
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Feature, feature)
+ value = feature.get_value(char_id)
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Value, value)
+ assert_equal("(?\342\277\260 ?\344\272\273 ?\345\216\266)", value.to_s)
+ @ds.each_feature_name {|name|
+ assert_instance_of(String, name)
+ }
+ feature = @ds.get_feature("numeric-value")
+ feature.each_char {|cid, valdatum|
+ assert_kind_of(Numeric, cid)
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Value, valdatum)
+ ucs = @ds.get_feature("=ucs").get_value(cid)
+ if ucs
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Value, ucs)
+ else
+ ucs = @ds.get_feature("=>ucs").get_value(cid)
+ if ucs
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Value, ucs)
+ end
+ end
+ name = @ds.get_feature("name").get_value(cid)
+ if name
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Value, name)
+ end
+ }
+ @ds.close
+ end
- * ruby 1.6
- * Ruby/BDB
+ * ruby 1.8
* Berkeley DB
This software is distributed under the GPL2. See COPYING.
-Kouichirou Eto <>
+Kouichirou Eto <>
- * ruby 1.6
- * Ruby/BDB
+ * ruby 1.8
* Berkeley DB
-Kouichirou Eto <>
+Kouichirou Eto <>
def caller_msg(ca)
file, linenum, msg = ca.first.split(/:([0-9]+):/)
msg = $1 if msg =~ /^in `(.+)'$/
- File.basename(file)+":"+linenum+":"+msg
+ File.basename(file)+":"+linenum+":"+msg.to_s
def ar_inspect(ar)
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+Ruby/CHISE Extention README
+ Ruby/CHISE\82ª\8eg\97p\82·\82é\81Alibchise\82ð\97p\82¢\82½Extention\82Å\82·\81B
+ * ruby 1.8
+ * Berkeley DB
+ libchise\82ª\95K\97v\82Å\82·\81B
+ \82±\82ê\82ð\89ð\93\80\82µ\81A\92\86\82É\82 \82é\89º\8bL\83t\83@\83C\83\8b\82ð\83R\83s\81[\82µ\82Ü\82·\81B
+ chise.h chise.c chise-name.h name.c sysdep.h
+ $ ruby extconf.rb
+ $ make
+ # make install
+ \8c»\8dÝ\82ÍCygwin\82¾\82¯\82Åinstall\82ð\8am\94F\82µ\82Ä\82 \82è\82Ü\82·\81B
+ $ ruby test.rb
+ $ ruby sample.rb
+ \8dÅ\90V\82Ì\8fî\95ñ\82Í \82ð\82²\82ç\82ñ\89º\82³\82¢\81B
+ GPL\82Å\82·\81BCOPYING\82ð\82²\82ç\82ñ\82\82¾\82³\82¢\81B
+Kouichirou Eto <>
--- /dev/null
+rm chise.h chise.c chise-name.h name.c sysdep.h
+rm config.h
+rm *~
--- /dev/null
+require "mkmf"
+if have_library("db", "db_create") and have_header("db.h")
+ open("config.h", "wb"){|f|
+ f.print <<"EOT"
+#ifndef CONFIG_H
+#define CONFIG_H
+#define CHISE_DB_DIR "/cygdrive/c/chise/chise-db"
+#define CHISE_SI_DB_DIR "/cygdrive/c/chise/chise-db"
+ }
+ $defs << "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H"
+ $defs << "-DHAVE_STRNLEN"
+ create_makefile("libchise_c")
--- /dev/null
+cp ../../libchise/chise.h .
+cp ../../libchise/chise.c .
+cp ../../libchise/chise-name.h .
+cp ../../libchise/name.c .
+cp ../../libchise/sysdep.h .
--- /dev/null
+/* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of the Ruby/CHISE Extension.
+ This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with the CHISE Library; if not, write to the Free
+ Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307 USA. */
+#include "ruby.h"
+#include "chise.h"
+typedef struct {
+ CHISE_DS *ds;
+typedef struct {
+ CHISE_Feature_Table *feature;
+typedef struct {
+ CHISE_CCS_Table *ccs;
+typedef struct {
+ CHISE_Value value;
+static VALUE fds_new(VALUE klass, VALUE type, VALUE location, VALUE dbtype, VALUE mode){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ VALUE tdata = Data_Make_Struct(klass, RB_CHISE_DS, 0, free, rds);
+ rds->ds = CHISE_DS_open((CHISE_DS_Type)NUM2INT(type), RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(location))->ptr, NUM2INT(dbtype), NUM2INT(mode));
+ if (rds->ds == NULL){
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ return tdata;
+static VALUE fds_close(VALUE obj){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
+ CHISE_DS_close(rds->ds);
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE fds_get_feature(VALUE obj, VALUE feature){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ RB_CHISE_FEATURE *rfeature;
+ VALUE vfeature;
+ int status;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
+ vfeature = Data_Make_Struct(cFEATURE, RB_CHISE_FEATURE, 0, free, rfeature);
+ rfeature->feature = chise_ds_get_feature(rds->ds, RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(feature))->ptr);
+ return vfeature;
+static VALUE fds_get_ccs(VALUE obj, VALUE ccs){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ RB_CHISE_CCS *rccs;
+ VALUE vccs;
+ int status;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
+ vccs = Data_Make_Struct(cCCS, RB_CHISE_CCS, 0, free, rccs);
+ rccs->ccs = chise_ds_get_ccs(rds->ds, RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(ccs))->ptr);
+ if (rccs->ccs == NULL){
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ return vccs;
+static VALUE fds_decode_char(VALUE obj, VALUE ccs, VALUE code_point){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ CHISE_Char_ID char_id;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
+ char_id = chise_ds_decode_char(rds->ds, RSTRING(rb_str_to_str(ccs))->ptr, NUM2INT(code_point));
+ return INT2NUM(char_id);
+static int name_map_func(CHISE_DS *ds, unsigned char *name){
+ rb_yield(rb_str_new2(name));
+ return 0; // important
+static VALUE fds_each_feature_name(VALUE obj){
+ RB_CHISE_DS *rds;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_DS, rds);
+ chise_ds_foreach_char_feature_name(rds->ds, &name_map_func);
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE ffeature_get_value(VALUE obj, VALUE char_id){
+ RB_CHISE_FEATURE *rfeature;
+ RB_CHISE_VALUE *rvalue;
+ VALUE vvalue;
+ int status;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_FEATURE, rfeature);
+ vvalue = Data_Make_Struct(cVALUE, RB_CHISE_VALUE, 0, free, rvalue);
+ status = chise_char_load_feature_value((CHISE_Char_ID)NUM2INT(char_id), rfeature->feature, &rvalue->value);
+ if (status)
+ return Qnil;
+ return vvalue;
+static int feature_map_func(CHISE_Char_ID cid, CHISE_Feature_Table *db, CHISE_Value *valdatum){
+ RB_CHISE_VALUE *rvalue;
+ VALUE vvalue;
+ VALUE var;
+ vvalue = Data_Make_Struct(cVALUE, RB_CHISE_VALUE, 0, free, rvalue);
+ memcpy(&rvalue->value, valdatum, sizeof(CHISE_Value));
+ var = rb_ary_new3(2, INT2NUM(cid), vvalue);
+ rb_yield(var);
+ return 0;
+static VALUE ffeature_each_char(VALUE obj){
+ RB_CHISE_FEATURE *rfeature;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_FEATURE, rfeature);
+ chise_feature_foreach_char_with_value(rfeature->feature, &feature_map_func);
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE fccs_decode(VALUE obj, VALUE code_point){
+ RB_CHISE_CCS *rccs;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_CCS, rccs);
+ CHISE_Char_ID char_id;
+ char_id = chise_ccs_decode(rccs->ccs, NUM2INT(code_point));
+ return INT2NUM(char_id);
+static VALUE fvalue_to_s(VALUE obj){
+ RB_CHISE_VALUE *rvalue;
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, RB_CHISE_VALUE, rvalue);
+ return rb_str_new(chise_value_to_c_string(&rvalue->value), chise_value_size(&rvalue->value));
+void Init_libchise_c(){
+ mCHISE = rb_define_module("CHISE");
+ rb_define_const(mCHISE, "DB_DIR", rb_str_new2(chise_system_db_dir));
+ cDS = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "DataSource", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cDS, "new", fds_new, 4);
+ rb_define_method(cDS, "close", fds_close, 0);
+ rb_define_const(cDS, "NONE", INT2FIX(CHISE_DS_NONE));
+ rb_define_const(cDS, "Berkeley_DB", INT2FIX(CHISE_DS_Berkeley_DB));
+ rb_define_method(cDS, "get_feature", fds_get_feature, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cDS, "get_ccs", fds_get_ccs, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cDS, "decode_char", fds_decode_char, 2);
+ rb_define_method(cDS, "each_feature_name", fds_each_feature_name, 0);
+ cFEATURE = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "Feature", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_method(cFEATURE, "get_value", ffeature_get_value, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cFEATURE, "each_char", ffeature_each_char, 0);
+ cCCS = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "CCS", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_method(cCCS, "decode", fccs_decode, 1);
+ cVALUE = rb_define_class_under(mCHISE, "Value", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_method(cVALUE, "to_s", fvalue_to_s, 0);
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved.
+require "libchise_c"
+require "chise/qp"
+def die(msg)
+ puts msg
+ @ds.close unless @ds.nil?
+ exit 1
+def main
+ db_dir = CHISE::DB_DIR
+ @ds =, db_dir, 0, 0755)
+ die "Can't open data source" if @ds.nil?
+ # get a character by Daikanwa number 364.
+ if true
+ char_id = @ds.decode_char("=daikanwa", 364)
+ else
+ ccs = @ds.get_ccs("=daikanwa")
+ die "Can't open CCS =daikanwa" if ccs.nil?
+ char_id = ccs.decode(364)
+ end
+ puts char_id
+ ft = @ds.get_feature("ideographic-structure")
+ value = ft.get_value(char_id)
+ printf("#x%X => %s\n", char_id, value.to_s)
+ @ds.each_feature_name {|name|
+ #puts "rb_feature : "+name
+ }
+ ft = @ds.get_feature("numeric-value")
+ ft.each_char {|cid, valdatum|
+ printf("#x%08X ", cid)
+ ucs = @ds.get_feature("=ucs").get_value(cid)
+ if ucs
+ printf("[U-%08X]", ucs.to_s.to_i)
+ else
+ ucs = @ds.get_feature("=>ucs").get_value(cid)
+ if ucs
+ printf("(U-%08X)", ucs.to_s.to_i)
+ else
+ printf(" ")
+ end
+ end
+ printf(" %s", @ds.get_feature("name").get_value(cid))
+ printf(" %s\n", valdatum.to_s)
+ }
+ @ds.close
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved.
+$VERBOSE = true
+require "test/unit"
+require "libchise_c"
+require "chise/qp"
+class TestLibChise < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_libchise
+ db_dir = CHISE::DB_DIR
+ assert_equal("/cygdrive/c/chise/chise-db", db_dir)
+ @ds =, db_dir, 0, 0755)
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::DataSource, @ds)
+ char_id = @ds.decode_char("=daikanwa", 364)
+ assert_equal(0x4ECF, char_id)
+ ccs = @ds.get_ccs("=daikanwa")
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::CCS, ccs)
+ char_id = ccs.decode(364)
+ assert_equal(0x4ECF, char_id)
+ feature = @ds.get_feature("ideographic-structure")
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Feature, feature)
+ value = feature.get_value(char_id)
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Value, value)
+ assert_equal("(?\342\277\260 ?\344\272\273 ?\345\216\266)", value.to_s)
+ @ds.each_feature_name {|name|
+ assert_instance_of(String, name)
+ }
+ feature = @ds.get_feature("numeric-value")
+ feature.each_char {|cid, valdatum|
+ assert_kind_of(Numeric, cid)
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Value, valdatum)
+ ucs = @ds.get_feature("=ucs").get_value(cid)
+ if ucs
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Value, ucs)
+ else
+ ucs = @ds.get_feature("=>ucs").get_value(cid)
+ if ucs
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Value, ucs)
+ end
+ end
+ name = @ds.get_feature("name").get_value(cid)
+ if name
+ assert_instance_of(CHISE::Value, name)
+ end
+ }
+ @ds.close
+ end
#man.make_by_ids_db # 29.572 seconds.
#man.store_ids_aggregated # 66.609 seconds.
#man.store_ids_subparts # 1638.966 seconds.
- man.store_ids_contained #
+ #man.store_ids_contained #
db = IDS_DB.instance