;;; Input method for Latin script with postfix modifiers.
;;; @image html latin-post.png
-;;; @image latex latin-post.eps width=\narrowwidth
+;;; @image latex latin-post.eps "Examples" width=\narrowwidth
;; | mark | postfix | examples
;; |------------+---------+----------
;;; Input method for Russian simulating the keyboard layout based on
;;; Roman transcription by phonetic resemblance.
;;; @image html ru-yawerty.png "Keyboard Layout"
+;;; @image latex ru-yawerty.eps "Keyboard Layout" width=\narrowwidth
;; 1! 2ё 3ъ 4Ё 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ чЧ юЮ
;; яЯ вВ еЕ рР тТ ыЫ уУ иИ оО пП шШ щЩ
;; аА сС дД фФ гГ хХ йЙ кК лЛ ;: '" эЭ
;;; When preceded by a '/', the second and the third rows (number key
;;; row) change as follows.
;;; @image html ru-yawerty2.png
-;;; @image latex ru-yawerty2.eps width=\narrowwidth
+;;; @image latex ru-yawerty2.eps "Extra Keys" width=\narrowwidth
;; keytop | Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D
;; -------+---------------------------------------
;;; You can also input more characters by the following key sequences:
;;; @image html sk-kbd2.png
-;;; @image latex sk-kbd2.eps width=\narrowwidth
+;;; @image latex sk-kbd2.eps "Extra Keys" width=\narrowwidth
;; key char key char key char key char key char key char
;; --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ----