Wanderlust NEWS -- User-visible changes in Wanderlust.
+** Show contents of NEWS(.ja) when you start Wanderlust newer than the
+ one you used previously.
** Default values of wl-draft-reply-*-list are changed.
See samples/en/dot.wl for old values.
You can choose keep, full or split as values of wl-draft-buffer-style
and wl-draft-reply-buffer-style.
+** Commands to verify/decrypt non-MIME PGP message are added.
+ C-c:v, C-c:d in message buffer to verify or decrypt respectively.
* Changes in 2.10.0 from 2.8.1
** You can alter the format of summary lines.
Wanderlust NEWS (\e$BF|K\8lHG\e(B) -- User-visible changes in Wanderlust.
+** \e$BA0$K;H$C$F$$$?$b$N$h$j?7$7$$\e(B Wanderlust \e$B$r5/F0$9$k$H\e(B NEWS(.ja) \e$B$NFbMF$r\e(B
+ \e$BI=<($7$^$9!#\e(B
** wl-draft-reply-*-list \e$B$N=i4|CM$,JQ99$5$l$^$7$?!#\e(B
\e$B0JA0$N@_Dj$O!"\e(Bsamples/ja/dot.wl \e$B$r;2>H$7$F2<$5$$!#\e(B
wl-draft-buffer-style \e$B$H\e(B wl-draft-reply-buffer-style \e$B$K\e(B keep,full,split
+** non-MIME PGP \e$B%a%C%;!<%8$N8!>Z!"I|9f2=$N$?$a$N%3%^%s%I$,DI2C$5$l$^$7$?!#\e(B
+ \e$B%a%C%;!<%8%P%C%U%!$K$*$$$F\e(B C-c:v, C-c:d \e$B$G$=$l$>$l8!>Z!"I|9f2=$7$^$9!#\e(B
* 2.8.1 \e$B$+$i\e(B 2.10.0 \e$B$X$NJQ99E@\e(B
** \e$B%5%^%j9T$NI=<(7A<0$rJQ99$G$-$k$h$&$K$J$j$^$7$?!#\e(B