+++ /dev/null
-;;; nnir.el --- search mail with various search engines
-;; Copyright (C) 1998 Kai Großjohann
-;; $Id: nnir.el,v 2001/09/04 10:32:55 tsuchiya Exp $
-;; Author: Kai Großjohann <grossjohann@ls6.cs.uni-dortmund.de>
-;; Keywords: news, mail, searching, ir, glimpse, wais, Namazu
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
-;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; The most recent version of this can always be fetched from the
-;; following FTP site:
-;; ls6-ftp.cs.uni-dortmund.de:/pub/src/emacs
-;; This code is still in the development stage but I'd like other
-;; people to have a look at it. Please do not hesitate to contact me
-;; with your ideas.
-;; What does it do? Well, it allows you to index your mail using some
-;; search engine (freeWAIS-sf and Glimpse are currently supported),
-;; then type `G G' in the Group buffer and issue a query to the search
-;; engine. You will then get a buffer which shows all articles
-;; matching the query, sorted by Retrieval Status Value (score).
-;; When looking at the retrieval result (in the Summary buffer) you
-;; can type `G T' (aka M-x gnus-summary-nnir-goto-thread RET) on an
-;; article. You will be teleported into the group this article came
-;; from, showing the thread this article is part of. (See below for
-;; restrictions.)
-;; The Lisp installation is simple: just put this file on your
-;; load-path, byte-compile it, and load it from ~/.gnus or something.
-;; This will install a new command `G G' in your Group buffer for
-;; searching your mail. Note that you also need to configure a number
-;; of variables, as described below.
-;; Restrictions:
-;; * Currently, this expects that you use nnml or another
-;; one-file-per-message backend.
-;; * It can only search one mail backend.
-;; * There are restrictions to the Glimpse setup.
-;; * There are restrictions to the Wais setup.
-;; * gnus-summary-nnir-goto-thread: Fetches whole group first, before
-;; limiting to the right articles. This is much too slow, of
-;; course. May issue a query for number of articles to fetch; you
-;; must accept the default of all articles at this point or things
-;; may break.
-;; The Lisp setup involves setting a few variables and setting up the
-;; search engine. The first variable to set is `nnir-mail-backend'.
-;; For me, `gnus-secondary-select-methods' contains just one select
-;; method, and this is also what I put in `nnir-mail-backend'. Type
-;; `C-h v nnir-mail-backend RET' for more information -- the variable
-;; documentation includes more details and a few examples. The second
-;; variable to set is `nnir-search-engine'. Choose one of the engines
-;; listed in `nnir-engines'. (Actually `nnir-engines' is an alist,
-;; type `C-h v nnir-engines RET' for more information; this includes
-;; examples for setting `nnir-search-engine', too.)
-;; You must also set up a search engine. I'll tell you about the two
-;; search engines currently supported:
-;; 1. freeWAIS-sf
-;; As always with freeWAIS-sf, you need a so-called `format file'. I
-;; use the following file:
-;; ,-----
-;; | # Kai's format file for freeWAIS-sf for indexing mails.
-;; | # Each mail is in a file, much like the MH format.
-;; |
-;; | # Document separator should never match -- each file is a document.
-;; | record-sep: /^@this regex should never match@$/
-;; |
-;; | # Searchable fields specification.
-;; |
-;; | region: /^[sS]ubject:/ /^[sS]ubject: */
-;; | subject "Subject header" stemming TEXT BOTH
-;; | end: /^[^ \t]/
-;; |
-;; | region: /^([tT][oO]|[cC][cC]):/ /^([tT][oO]|[cC][cC]): */
-;; | to "To and Cc headers" SOUNDEX BOTH
-;; | end: /^[^ \t]/
-;; |
-;; | region: /^[fF][rR][oO][mM]:/ /^[fF][rR][oO][mM]: */
-;; | from "From header" SOUNDEX BOTH
-;; | end: /^[^ \t]/
-;; |
-;; | region: /^$/
-;; | stemming TEXT GLOBAL
-;; | end: /^@this regex should never match@$/
-;; `-----
-;; 1998-07-22: waisindex would dump core on me for large articles with
-;; the above settings. I used /^$/ as the end regex for the global
-;; field. That seemed to work okay.
-;; There is a Perl module called `WAIS.pm' which is available from
-;; CPAN as well as ls6-ftp.cs.uni-dortmund.de:/pub/wais/Perl. This
-;; module comes with a nifty tool called `makedb', which I use for
-;; indexing. Here's my `makedb.conf':
-;; ,-----
-;; | # Config file for makedb
-;; |
-;; | # Global options
-;; | waisindex = /usr/local/bin/waisindex
-;; | wais_opt = -stem -t fields
-;; | # `-stem' option necessary when `stemming' is specified for the
-;; | # global field in the *.fmt file
-;; |
-;; | # Own variables
-;; | homedir = /home/kai
-;; |
-;; | # The mail database.
-;; | database = mail
-;; | files = `find $homedir/Mail -name \*[0-9] -print`
-;; | dbdir = $homedir/.wais
-;; | limit = 100
-;; `-----
-;; The Lisp setup involves the `nnir-wais-*' variables. The most
-;; difficult to understand variable is probably
-;; `nnir-wais-remove-prefix'. Here's what it does: the output of
-;; `waissearch' basically contains the file name and the (full)
-;; directory name. As Gnus works with group names rather than
-;; directory names, the directory name is transformed into a group
-;; name as follows: first, a prefix is removed from the (full)
-;; directory name, then all `/' are replaced with `.'. The variable
-;; `nnir-wais-remove-prefix' should contain a regex matching exactly
-;; this prefix. It defaults to `$HOME/Mail/' (note the trailing
-;; slash).
-;; 2. Glimpse
-;; The code expects you to have one Glimpse index which contains all
-;; your mail files. The Lisp setup involves setting the
-;; `nnir-glimpse-*' variables. The most difficult to understand
-;; variable is probably `nnir-glimpse-remove-prefix', it corresponds
-;; to `nnir-wais-remove-prefix', see above. The `nnir-glimpse-home'
-;; variable should be set to the value of the `-H' option which allows
-;; one to search this Glimpse index. I have indexed my whole home
-;; directory with Glimpse, so I assume a default of `$HOME'.
-;; 3. Namazu
-;; The Namazu backend requires you to have one directory containing all
-;; index files, this is controlled by the `nnir-namazu-index-directory'
-;; variable. To function the `nnir-namazu-remove-prefix' variable must
-;; also be correct, see the documentation for `nnir-wais-remove-prefix'
-;; above.
-;; It is particularly important not to pass any any switches to namazu
-;; that will change the output format. Good switches to use include
-;; `--sort', `--ascending', `--early' and `--late'. Refer to the Namazu
-;; documentation for further information on valid switches.
-;; To index my mail with the `mknmz' program I use the following
-;; configuration file:
-;; ,----
-;; | package conf; # Don't remove this line!
-;; |
-;; | # Paths which will not be indexed. Don't use `^' or `$' anchors.
-;; | $EXCLUDE_PATH = "spam|sent";
-;; |
-;; | # Header fields which should be searchable. case-insensitive
-;; | $REMAIN_HEADER = "from|date|message-id|subject";
-;; |
-;; | # Searchable fields. case-insensitive
-;; | $SEARCH_FIELD = "from|date|message-id|subject";
-;; |
-;; | # The max length of a word.
-;; | $WORD_LENG_MAX = 128;
-;; |
-;; | # The max length of a field.
-;; | $MAX_FIELD_LENGTH = 256;
-;; `----
-;; My mail is stored in the directories ~/Mail/mail/, ~/Mail/lists/ and
-;; ~/Mail/archive/, so to index them I go to the directory set in
-;; `nnir-namazu-index-directory' and issue the following command.
-;; mknmz --mailnews ~/Mail/archive/ ~/Mail/mail/ ~/Mail/lists/
-;; For maximum searching efficiency I have a cron job set to run this
-;; command every four hours.
-;; 3. Namazu
-;; Developer information:
-;; I have tried to make the code expandable. Basically, it is divided
-;; into two layers. The upper layer is somewhat like the `nnvirtual'
-;; or `nnkiboze' backends: given a specification of what articles to
-;; show from another backend, it creates a group containing exactly
-;; those articles. The lower layer issues a query to a search engine
-;; and produces such a specification of what articles to show from the
-;; other backend.
-;; The interface between the two layers consists of the single
-;; function `nnir-run-query', which just selects the appropriate
-;; function for the search engine one is using. The input to
-;; `nnir-run-query' is a string, representing the query as input by
-;; the user. The output of `nnir-run-query' is supposed to be a
-;; vector, each element of which should in turn be a three-element
-;; vector. The first element should be group name of the article, the
-;; second element should be the article number, and the third element
-;; should be the Retrieval Status Value (RSV) as returned from the
-;; search engine. An RSV is the score assigned to the document by the
-;; search engine. For Boolean search engines like Glimpse, the RSV is
-;; always 1000 (or 1 or 100, or whatever you like).
-;; The sorting order of the articles in the summary buffer created by
-;; nnir is based on the order of the articles in the above mentioned
-;; vector, so that's where you can do the sorting you'd like. Maybe
-;; it would be nice to have a way of displaying the search result
-;; sorted differently?
-;; So what do you need to do when you want to add another search
-;; engine? You write a function that executes the query. Temporary
-;; data from the search engine can be put in `nnir-tmp-buffer'. This
-;; function should return the list of articles as a vector, as
-;; described above. Then, you need to register this backend in
-;; `nnir-engines'. Then, users can choose the backend by setting
-;; `nnir-search-engine'.
-;; Todo, or future ideas:
-;; * Make it so that Glimpse can also be called without `-F'.
-;; * It should be possible to restrict search to certain groups.
-;; * There is currently no error checking.
-;; * The summary buffer display is currently really ugly, with all the
-;; added information in the subjects. How could I make this
-;; prettier?
-;; * A function which can be called from an nnir summary buffer which
-;; teleports you into the group the current article came from and
-;; shows you the whole thread this article is part of.
-;; Implementation suggestions?
-;; (1998-07-24: There is now a preliminary implementation, but
-;; it is much too slow and quite fragile.)
-;; * Support other mail backends. In particular, probably quite a few
-;; people use nnfolder. How would one go about searching nnfolders
-;; and producing the right data needed? The group name and the RSV
-;; are simple, but what about the article number?
-;; * Support compressed mail files. Probably, just stripping off the
-;; `.gz' or `.Z' file name extension is sufficient.
-;; * Support a find/grep combination.
-;; * At least for imap, the query is performed twice.
-;; * Support multiple mail backends. The information that is needed
-;; by nnir could be put in the server parameters. (Use sensible
-;; default values, though: include the name of the backend in the
-;; default value such that people do not have to mess with the
-;; server parameters if they don't want to.) It is not clear how to
-;; do the user interface, though. Hm. Maybe offer the user a
-;; completable list of backends to search? Or use the
-;; process-marked groups to find out which backends to search? Or
-;; always search all backends?
-;; Have you got other ideas?
-;;; Setup Code:
-(defconst nnir-version "$Id: nnir.el,v 2001/09/04 10:32:55 tsuchiya Exp $"
- "Version of NNIR.")
-(require 'cl)
-(require 'nnoo)
-(require 'gnus-group)
-(require 'gnus-sum)
- (require 'gnus-util))
-(nnoo-declare nnir)
-(nnoo-define-basics nnir)
-(gnus-declare-backend "nnir" 'mail)
-;;; Developer Extension Variable:
-(defvar nnir-engines
- '((glimpse nnir-run-glimpse
- ((group . "Group spec: ")))
- (namazu nnir-run-namazu
- ((group . "Group spec: ")))
- (wais nnir-run-waissearch
- ())
- (excite nnir-run-excite-search
- ())
- (imap nnir-run-imap
- ())
- (swish++ nnir-run-swish++
- ((group . "Group spec: ")))
- (swish-e nnir-run-swish-e
- ((group . "Group spec: ")))
- (namazu nnir-run-namazu
- ()))
-"Alist of supported search engines.
-Each element in the alist is a three-element list (ENGINE FUNCTION ARGS).
-ENGINE is a symbol designating the searching engine. FUNCTION is also
-a symbol, giving the function that does the search. The third element
-ARGS is a list of cons pairs (PARAM . PROMPT). When issuing a query,
-the FUNCTION will issue a query for each of the PARAMs, using PROMPT.
-The value of `nnir-search-engine' must be one of the ENGINE symbols.
-For example, use the following line for searching using freeWAIS-sf:
- (setq nnir-search-engine 'wais)
-Use the following line if you read your mail via IMAP and your IMAP
-server supports searching:
- (setq nnir-search-engine 'imap)
-Note that you have to set additional variables for most backends. For
-example, the `wais' backend needs the variables `nnir-wais-program',
-`nnir-wais-database' and `nnir-wais-remove-prefix'.
-Add an entry here when adding a new search engine.")
-;;; User Customizable Variables:
-(defgroup nnir nil
- "Search nnmh and nnml groups in Gnus with Glimpse, freeWAIS-sf, Namazu,
-or EWS.")
-;; Mail backend.
-;; TODO:
-;; If `nil', use server parameters to find out which server to search. CCC
-(defcustom nnir-mail-backend '(nnml "")
- "*Specifies which backend should be searched.
-More precisely, this is used to determine from which backend to fetch the
-messages found.
-This must be equal to an existing server, so maybe it is best to use
-something like the following:
- (setq nnir-mail-backend (nth 0 gnus-secondary-select-methods))
-The above line works fine if the mail backend you want to search is
-the first element of gnus-secondary-select-methods (`nth' starts counting
-at zero)."
- :type '(sexp)
- :group 'nnir)
-;; Search engine to use.
-(defcustom nnir-search-engine 'wais
- "*The search engine to use. Must be a symbol.
-See `nnir-engines' for a list of supported engines, and for example
-settings of `nnir-search-engine'."
- :type '(sexp)
- :group 'nnir)
-;; Glimpse engine.
-(defcustom nnir-glimpse-program "glimpse"
- "*Name of Glimpse executable."
- :type '(string)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-glimpse-home (getenv "HOME")
- "*Value of `-H' glimpse option.
-`~' and environment variables must be expanded, see the functions
-`expand-file-name' and `substitute-in-file-name'."
- :type '(directory)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-glimpse-remove-prefix (concat (getenv "HOME") "/Mail/")
- "*The prefix to remove from each file name returned by Glimpse
-in order to get a group name (albeit with / instead of .). This is a
-regular expression.
-For example, suppose that Glimpse returns file names such as
-\"/home/john/Mail/mail/misc/42\". For this example, use the following
-setting: (setq nnir-glimpse-remove-prefix \"/home/john/Mail/\")
-Note the trailing slash. Removing this prefix gives \"mail/misc/42\".
-`nnir' knows to remove the \"/42\" and to replace \"/\" with \".\" to
-arrive at the correct group name, \"mail.misc\"."
- :type '(regexp)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-glimpse-additional-switches '("-i")
- "*A list of strings, to be given as additional arguments to glimpse.
-The switches `-H', `-W', `-l' and `-y' are always used -- calling
-glimpse without them does not make sense in our situation.
-Suggested elements to put here are `-i' and `-w'.
-Note that this should be a list. Ie, do NOT use the following:
- (setq nnir-glimpse-additional-switches \"-i -w\") ; wrong!
-Instead, use this:
- (setq nnir-glimpse-additional-switches '(\"-i\" \"-w\"))"
- :type '(repeat (string))
- :group 'nnir)
-;; Namazu engine.
-(defcustom nnir-namazu-program "namazu"
- "*Name of Namazu executable."
- :type '(string)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-namazu-index (expand-file-name "Namazu/" (getenv "HOME"))
- "*Namazu index directory"
- :type '(directory)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-namazu-remove-prefix (concat (getenv "HOME") "/Mail/")
- "*The prefix to remove from each file name returned by Namazu
-in order to get a group name (albeit with / instead of .)."
- :type '(directory)
- :group 'nnir)
-;; freeWAIS-sf.
-(defcustom nnir-wais-program "waissearch"
- "*Name of waissearch executable."
- :type '(string)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-wais-database (expand-file-name "~/.wais/mail")
- "*Name of Wais database containing the mail.
-Note that this should be a file name without extension. For example,
-if you have a file /home/john/.wais/mail.fmt, use this:
- (setq nnir-wais-database \"/home/john/.wais/mail\")
-The string given here is passed to `waissearch -d' as-is."
- :type '(file)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-wais-remove-prefix (concat (getenv "HOME") "/Mail/")
- "*The prefix to remove from each directory name returned by waissearch
-in order to get a group name (albeit with / instead of .). This is a
-regular expression.
-This variable is similar to `nnir-glimpse-remove-prefix', only for Wais,
-not Glimpse."
- :type '(regexp)
- :group 'nnir)
-;; EWS (Excite for Web Servers) engine.
-(defcustom nnir-excite-aquery-program "aquery.pl"
- "*Name of the EWS query program. Should be `aquery.pl' or a path to same."
- :type '(string)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-excite-collection "Mail"
- "*Name of the EWS collection to search."
- :type '(string)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-excite-remove-prefix (concat (getenv "HOME") "/Mail/")
- "*The prefix to remove from each file name returned by EWS
-in order to get a group name (albeit with / instead of .). This is a
-regular expression.
-This variable is very similar to `nnir-glimpse-remove-prefix', except
-that it is for EWS, not Glimpse."
- :type '(regexp)
- :group 'nnir)
-;; Swish++. Next three variables Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Christoph
-;; Conrad <christoph.conrad@gmx.de>.
-;; Swish++ home page: http://homepage.mac.com/pauljlucas/software/swish/
-(defcustom nnir-swish++-configuration-file
- (expand-file-name "~/Mail/swish++.conf")
- "*Configuration file for swish++."
- :type '(file)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-swish++-program "search"
- "*Name of swish++ search executable."
- :type '(string)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-swish++-additional-switches '()
- "*A list of strings, to be given as additional arguments to swish++.
-Note that this should be a list. Ie, do NOT use the following:
- (setq nnir-swish++-additional-switches \"-i -w\") ; wrong
-Instead, use this:
- (setq nnir-swish++-additional-switches '(\"-i\" \"-w\"))"
- :type '(repeat (string))
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-swish++-remove-prefix (concat (getenv "HOME") "/Mail/")
- "*The prefix to remove from each file name returned by swish++
-in order to get a group name (albeit with / instead of .). This is a
-regular expression.
-This variable is very similar to `nnir-glimpse-remove-prefix', except
-that it is for swish++, not Glimpse."
- :type '(regexp)
- :group 'nnir)
-;; Swish-E. Next three variables Copyright (C) 2000 Christoph Conrad
-;; <christoph.conrad@gmx.de>.
-;; URL: http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/SWISH-E/
-;; New version: http://www.boe.es/swish-e
-(defcustom nnir-swish-e-index-file
- (expand-file-name "~/Mail/index.swish-e")
- "*Index file for swish-e."
- :type '(file)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-swish-e-program "swish-e"
- "*Name of swish-e search executable."
- :type '(string)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-swish-e-additional-switches '()
- "*A list of strings, to be given as additional arguments to swish-e.
-Note that this should be a list. Ie, do NOT use the following:
- (setq nnir-swish-e-additional-switches \"-i -w\") ; wrong
-Instead, use this:
- (setq nnir-swish-e-additional-switches '(\"-i\" \"-w\"))"
- :type '(repeat (string))
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-swish-e-remove-prefix (concat (getenv "HOME") "/Mail/")
- "*The prefix to remove from each file name returned by swish-e
-in order to get a group name (albeit with / instead of .). This is a
-regular expression.
-This variable is very similar to `nnir-glimpse-remove-prefix', except
-that it is for swish-e, not Glimpse."
- :type '(regexp)
- :group 'nnir)
-;; Namazu engine, see <URL:http://ww.namazu.org/>
-(defcustom nnir-namazu-program "namazu"
- "*Name of Namazu search executable."
- :type '(string)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-namazu-index-directory (expand-file-name "~/Mail/namazu/")
- "*Index directory for Namazu."
- :type '(directory)
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-namazu-additional-switches '()
- "*A list of strings, to be given as additional arguments to namazu.
-The switches `-q', `-a', and `-s' are always used, very few other switches
-make any sense in this context.
-Note that this should be a list. Ie, do NOT use the following:
- (setq nnir-namazu-additional-switches \"-i -w\") ; wrong
-Instead, use this:
- (setq nnir-namazu-additional-switches '(\"-i\" \"-w\"))"
- :type '(repeat (string))
- :group 'nnir)
-(defcustom nnir-namazu-remove-prefix (concat (getenv "HOME") "/Mail/")
- "*The prefix to remove from each file name returned by Namazu
-in order to get a group name (albeit with / instead of .).
-This variable is very similar to `nnir-glimpse-remove-prefix', except
-that it is for Namazu, not Glimpse."
- :type '(directory)
- :group 'nnir)
-;;; Internal Variables:
-(defvar nnir-current-query nil
- "Internal: stores current query (= group name).")
-(defvar nnir-current-server nil
- "Internal: stores current server (does it ever change?).")
-(defvar nnir-current-group-marked nil
- "Internal: stores current list of process-marked groups.")
-(defvar nnir-artlist nil
- "Internal: stores search result.")
-(defvar nnir-tmp-buffer " *nnir*"
- "Internal: temporary buffer.")
-;;; Code:
-;; Gnus glue.
-(defun gnus-group-make-nnir-group (extra-parms query)
- "Create an nnir group. Asks for query."
- (interactive "P\nsQuery: ")
- (let ((parms nil))
- (if extra-parms
- (setq parms (nnir-read-parms query))
- (setq parms (list (cons 'query query))))
- (gnus-group-read-ephemeral-group
- (concat "nnir:" (prin1-to-string parms)) '(nnir "") t
- (cons (current-buffer)
- gnus-current-window-configuration)
- nil)))
-;; Emacs 19 compatibility?
-(or (fboundp 'kbd) (defalias 'kbd 'read-kbd-macro))
-(defun nnir-group-mode-hook ()
- (define-key gnus-group-mode-map
- (if (fboundp 'read-kbd-macro)
- (kbd "G G")
- "GG") ; XEmacs 19 compat
- 'gnus-group-make-nnir-group))
-(add-hook 'gnus-group-mode-hook 'nnir-group-mode-hook)
-;; Summary mode commands.
-(defun gnus-summary-nnir-goto-thread ()
- "Only applies to nnir groups. Go to group this article came from
-and show thread that contains this article."
- (interactive)
- (unless (eq 'nnir (car (gnus-find-method-for-group gnus-newsgroup-name)))
- (error "Can't execute this command unless in nnir group."))
- (let* ((cur (gnus-summary-article-number))
- (backend-group (nnir-artlist-artitem-group nnir-artlist cur))
- (backend-number (nnir-artlist-artitem-number nnir-artlist cur)))
- (gnus-group-read-ephemeral-group
- backend-group
- nnir-mail-backend
- t ; activate
- (cons (current-buffer)
- 'summary) ; window config
- nil
- (list backend-number))
- (gnus-summary-limit (list backend-number))
- (gnus-summary-refer-thread)))
-(if (fboundp 'eval-after-load)
- (eval-after-load "gnus-sum"
- '(define-key gnus-summary-goto-map
- "T" 'gnus-summary-nnir-goto-thread))
- (add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook
- (function (lambda ()
- (define-key gnus-summary-goto-map
- "T" 'gnus-summary-nnir-goto-thread)))))
-;; Gnus backend interface functions.
-(deffoo nnir-open-server (server &optional definitions)
- ;; Just set the server variables appropriately.
- (nnoo-change-server 'nnir server definitions))
-(deffoo nnir-request-group (group &optional server fast)
- "GROUP is the query string."
- (nnir-possibly-change-server server)
- ;; Check for cache and return that if appropriate.
- (if (and (equal group nnir-current-query)
- (equal gnus-group-marked nnir-current-group-marked)
- (or (null server)
- (equal server nnir-current-server)))
- nnir-artlist
- ;; Cache miss.
- (setq nnir-artlist (nnir-run-query group))
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
- (if (zerop (length nnir-artlist))
- (progn
- (setq nnir-current-query nil
- nnir-current-server nil
- nnir-current-group-marked nil
- nnir-artlist nil)
- (nnheader-report 'nnir "Search produced empty results."))
- ;; Remember data for cache.
- (setq nnir-current-query group)
- (when server (setq nnir-current-server server))
- (setq nnir-current-group-marked gnus-group-marked)
- (nnheader-insert "211 %d %d %d %s\n"
- (nnir-artlist-length nnir-artlist) ; total #
- 1 ; first #
- (nnir-artlist-length nnir-artlist) ; last #
- group))))) ; group name
-(deffoo nnir-retrieve-headers (articles &optional group server fetch-old)
- (save-excursion
- (let ((artlist (copy-sequence articles))
- (idx 1)
- (art nil)
- (artitem nil)
- (artgroup nil) (artno nil)
- (artrsv nil)
- (artfullgroup nil)
- (novitem nil)
- (novdata nil)
- (foo nil))
- (while (not (null artlist))
- (setq art (car artlist))
- (or (numberp art)
- (nnheader-report
- 'nnir
- "nnir-retrieve-headers doesn't grok message ids: %s"
- art))
- (setq artitem (nnir-artlist-article nnir-artlist art))
- (setq artrsv (nnir-artitem-rsv artitem))
- (setq artgroup (nnir-artitem-group artitem))
- (setq artno (nnir-artitem-number artitem))
- (setq artfullgroup (nnir-group-full-name artgroup))
- ;; retrieve NOV or HEAD data for this article, transform into
- ;; NOV data and prepend to `novdata'
- (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
- (case (setq foo (gnus-retrieve-headers (list artno) artfullgroup nil))
- (nov
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (setq novitem (nnheader-parse-nov))
- (unless novitem
- (pop-to-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
- (error
- "nnheader-parse-nov returned nil for article %s in group %s"
- artno artfullgroup)))
- (headers
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (setq novitem (nnheader-parse-head))
- (unless novitem
- (pop-to-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
- (error
- "nnheader-parse-head returned nil for article %s in group %s"
- artno artfullgroup)))
- (t (nnheader-report 'nnir "Don't support header type %s." foo)))
- ;; replace article number in original group with article number
- ;; in nnir group
- (mail-header-set-number novitem idx)
- (mail-header-set-from novitem
- (mail-header-from novitem))
- (mail-header-set-subject
- novitem
- (format "[%d: %s/%d] %s"
- artrsv artgroup artno
- (mail-header-subject novitem)))
- ;;-(mail-header-set-extra novitem nil)
- (push novitem novdata)
- (setq artlist (cdr artlist))
- (setq idx (1+ idx)))
- (setq novdata (nreverse novdata))
- (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer) (erase-buffer)
- (mapcar 'nnheader-insert-nov novdata)
- 'nov)))
-(deffoo nnir-request-article (article
- &optional group server to-buffer)
- (save-excursion
- (let* ((artitem (nnir-artlist-article nnir-artlist
- article))
- (artgroup (nnir-artitem-group artitem))
- (artno (nnir-artitem-number artitem))
- ;; Bug?
- ;; Why must we bind nntp-server-buffer here? It won't
- ;; work if `buf' is used, say. (Of course, the set-buffer
- ;; line below must then be updated, too.)
- (nntp-server-buffer (or to-buffer nntp-server-buffer)))
- (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
- (erase-buffer)
- (message "Requesting article %d from group %s"
- artno
- (nnir-group-full-name artgroup))
- (gnus-request-article artno (nnir-group-full-name artgroup)
- nntp-server-buffer)
- (cons artgroup artno))))
-(nnoo-define-skeleton nnir)
-;;; Search Engine Interfaces:
-;; Glimpse interface.
-(defun nnir-run-glimpse (query &optional group)
- "Run given query against glimpse. Returns a vector of (group name, file name)
-pairs (also vectors, actually)."
- (save-excursion
- (let ((artlist nil)
- (groupspec (cdr (assq 'group query)))
- (qstring (cdr (assq 'query query))))
- (when (and group groupspec)
- (error (concat "It does not make sense to use a group spec"
- " with process-marked groups.")))
- (when group
- (setq groupspec (gnus-group-real-name group)))
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create nnir-tmp-buffer))
- (erase-buffer)
- (if groupspec
- (message "Doing glimpse query %s on %s..." query groupspec)
- (message "Doing glimpse query %s..." query))
- (let* ((cp-list
- `( ,nnir-glimpse-program
- nil ; input from /dev/null
- t ; output
- nil ; don't redisplay
- "-H" ,nnir-glimpse-home ; search home dir
- "-W" ; match pattern in file
- "-l" "-y" ; misc options
- ,@nnir-glimpse-additional-switches
- "-F" ,nnir-glimpse-remove-prefix ; restrict output to mail
- ,qstring ; the query, in glimpse format
- ))
- (exitstatus
- (progn
- (message "%s args: %s" nnir-glimpse-program
- (mapconcat 'identity (cddddr cp-list) " "))
- (apply 'call-process cp-list))))
- (unless (or (null exitstatus)
- (zerop exitstatus))
- (nnheader-report 'nnir "Couldn't run glimpse: %s" exitstatus)
- ;; Glimpse failure reason is in this buffer, show it if
- ;; the user wants it.
- (when (> gnus-verbose 6)
- (display-buffer nnir-tmp-buffer))))
- (when groupspec
- (keep-lines groupspec))
- (if groupspec
- (message "Doing glimpse query %s on %s...done" query groupspec)
- (message "Doing glimpse query %s...done" query))
- (sit-for 0)
- ;; CCC: The following work of extracting group name and article
- ;; number from the Glimpse output can probably better be done by
- ;; just going through the buffer once, and plucking out the
- ;; right information from each line.
- ;; remove superfluous stuff from glimpse output
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (delete-non-matching-lines "/[0-9]+$")
- ;;(delete-matching-lines "\\.overview~?$")
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward (concat "^" nnir-glimpse-remove-prefix) nil t)
- (replace-match ""))
- ;; separate group name from article number with \t
- ;; XEmacs compatible version
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (while (re-search-backward "/[0-9]+$" nil t)
- (delete-char 1 nil)
- (insert-char ?\t 1))
-; Emacs compatible version
-; (goto-char (point-min))
-; (while (re-search-forward "\\(/\\)[0-9]+$" nil t)
-; (replace-match "\t" t t nil 1))
- ;; replace / with . in group names
- (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?/ ?. t)
- ;; massage buffer to contain some Lisp;
- ;; this depends on the artlist encoding internals
- ;; maybe this dependency should be removed?
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (not (eobp))
- (insert "[\"")
- (skip-chars-forward "^\t")
- (insert "\" ")
- (end-of-line)
- (insert " 1000 ]") ; 1000 = score
- (forward-line 1))
- (insert "])\n")
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (insert "(setq artlist [\n")
- (eval-buffer)
- (sort* artlist
- (function (lambda (x y)
- (if (string-lessp (nnir-artitem-group x)
- (nnir-artitem-group y))
- t
- (< (nnir-artitem-number x)
- (nnir-artitem-number y))))))
- )))
-;; Namazu interface
-(defun nnir-run-namazu (query &optional group)
- "Run given query against namazu. Returns a vector of (group name, file name)
-pairs (also vectors, actually)."
- (save-excursion
- (let ((artlist nil)
- (groupspec (cdr (assq 'group query)))
- (qstring (cdr (assq 'query query)))
- (coding-system-for-read 'euc-japan)
- (coding-system-for-write 'euc-japan))
- (when (and group groupspec)
- (error (concat "It does not make sense to use a group spec"
- " with process-marked groups.")))
- (when group
- (setq groupspec (gnus-group-real-name group)))
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create nnir-tmp-buffer))
- (erase-buffer)
- (if groupspec
- (message "Doing namazu query %s on %s..." query groupspec)
- (message "Doing namazu query %s..." query))
- (let* ((cp-list
- `( ,nnir-namazu-program
- nil ; input from /dev/null
- t ; output
- nil ; don't redisplay
- "--all" "--list" "--early"
- ,(if groupspec
- (format "+uri:%s %s" groupspec qstring)
- (format "%s" qstring))
- ,nnir-namazu-index ; index
- ))
- (exitstatus
- (progn
- (message "%s args: %s" nnir-namazu-program
- (mapconcat 'identity (cddddr cp-list) " "))
- (apply 'call-process cp-list))))
- (unless (or (null exitstatus)
- (zerop exitstatus))
- (nnheader-report "Couldn't run namazu: %s" exitstatus)
- ;; Namazu failure reason is in this buffer, show it if
- ;; the user wants it.
- (when (> gnus-verbose 6)
- (display-buffer nnir-tmp-buffer))))
- (if groupspec
- (message "Doing namazu query %s on %s..." query groupspec)
- (message "Doing namazu query %s...done" query))
- (sit-for 0)
- ;; CCC: The following work of extracting group name and article
- ;; number from the Namazu output can probably better be done by
- ;; just going through the buffer once, and plucking out the
- ;; right information from each line.
- ;; remove superfluous stuff from namazu output
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (delete-non-matching-lines "/[0-9]+$")
- ;;(delete-matching-lines "\\.overview~?$")
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward (concat "^" nnir-namazu-remove-prefix) nil t)
- (replace-match ""))
- ;; separate group name from article number with \t
- ;; XEmacs compatible version
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (while (re-search-backward "/[0-9]+$" nil t)
- (delete-char 1 nil)
- (insert-char ?\t 1))
-; Emacs compatible version
-; (goto-char (point-min))
-; (while (re-search-forward "\\(/\\)[0-9]+$" nil t)
-; (replace-match "\t" t t nil 1))
- ;; replace / with . in group names
- (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?/ ?. t)
- ;; massage buffer to contain some Lisp;
- ;; this depends on the artlist encoding internals
- ;; maybe this dependency should be removed?
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (not (eobp))
- (insert "(\"")
- (skip-chars-forward "^\t")
- (insert "\" ")
- (end-of-line)
- (insert " 1000 )") ; 1000 = score
- (forward-line 1))
- (insert "))\n")
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (insert "(setq artlist '(\n")
- (eval-buffer)
- artlist
- )))
-;; freeWAIS-sf interface.
-(defun nnir-run-waissearch (query &optional group)
- "Run given query agains waissearch. Returns vector of (group name, file name)
-pairs (also vectors, actually)."
- (when group
- (error "The freeWAIS-sf backend cannot search specific groups."))
- (save-excursion
- (let ((qstring (cdr (assq 'query query)))
- (artlist nil)
- (score nil) (artno nil) (dirnam nil) (group nil))
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create nnir-tmp-buffer))
- (erase-buffer)
- (message "Doing WAIS query %s..." query)
- (call-process nnir-wais-program
- nil ; input from /dev/null
- t ; output to current buffer
- nil ; don't redisplay
- "-d" nnir-wais-database ; database to search
- qstring)
- (message "Massaging waissearch output...")
- ;; remove superfluous lines
- (keep-lines "Score:")
- ;; extract data from result lines
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "Score: +\\([0-9]+\\).*'\\([0-9]+\\) +\\([^']+\\)/'" nil t)
- (setq score (match-string 1)
- artno (match-string 2)
- dirnam (match-string 3))
- (unless (string-match nnir-wais-remove-prefix dirnam)
- (nnheader-report 'nnir "Dir name %s doesn't contain prefix %s"
- dirnam nnir-wais-remove-prefix))
- (setq group (substitute ?. ?/ (replace-match "" t t dirnam)))
- (push (vector group
- (string-to-int artno)
- (string-to-int score))
- artlist))
- (message "Massaging waissearch output...done")
- (apply 'vector
- (sort* artlist
- (function (lambda (x y)
- (> (nnir-artitem-rsv x)
- (nnir-artitem-rsv y)))))))))
-;; EWS (Excite for Web Servers) interface
-(defun nnir-run-excite-search (query &optional group)
- "Run a given query against EWS. Returns vector of (group name, file name)
-pairs (also vectors, actually)."
- (when group
- (error "Searching specific groups not implemented for EWS."))
- (save-excursion
- (let ((qstring (cdr (assq 'query query)))
- artlist group article-num article)
- (setq nnir-current-query query)
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create nnir-tmp-buffer))
- (erase-buffer)
- (message "Doing EWS query %s..." qstring)
- (call-process nnir-excite-aquery-program
- nil ; input from /dev/null
- t ; output to current buffer
- nil ; don't redisplay
- nnir-excite-collection
- (if (string= (substring qstring 0 1) "(")
- qstring
- (format "(concept %s)" qstring)))
- (message "Gathering query output...")
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "^[0-9]+\\s-[0-9]+\\s-[0-9]+\\s-\\(\\S-*\\)" nil t)
- (setq article (match-string 1))
- (unless (string-match
- (concat "^" (regexp-quote nnir-excite-remove-prefix)
- "\\(.*\\)/\\([0-9]+\\)") article)
- (nnheader-report 'nnir "Dir name %s doesn't contain prefix %s"
- article nnir-excite-remove-prefix))
- (setq group (substitute ?. ?/ (match-string 1 article)))
- (setq article-num (match-string 2 article))
- (setq artlist (vconcat artlist (vector (vector group
- (string-to-int article-num)
- 1000)))))
- (message "Gathering query output...done")
- artlist)))
-;; IMAP interface. The following function is Copyright (C) 1998 Simon
-;; Josefsson <jas@pdc.kth.se>.
-;; todo:
-;; nnir invokes this two (2) times???!
-;; we should not use nnimap at all but open our own server connection
-;; we should not LIST * but use nnimap-list-pattern from defs
-;; send queries as literals
-;; handle errors
-(defun nnir-run-imap (query &optional group)
- (require 'imap)
- (require 'nnimap)
- (unless group
- (error "Must specify groups for IMAP searching."))
- (save-excursion
- (let ((qstring (cdr (assq 'query query)))
- (server (cadr nnir-mail-backend))
- (defs (caddr nnir-mail-backend))
- artlist buf)
- (message "Opening server %s" server)
- (condition-case ()
- (when (nnimap-open-server server defs) ;; xxx
- (setq buf nnimap-server-buffer) ;; xxx
- (message "Searching %s..." group)
- (let ((arts 0)
- (mbx (gnus-group-real-name group)))
- (when (imap-mailbox-select mbx nil buf)
- (mapcar
- (lambda (artnum)
- (push (vector mbx artnum 1) artlist)
- (setq arts (1+ arts)))
- (imap-search (concat "TEXT \"" qstring "\"") buf))
- (message "Searching %s... %d matches" mbx arts)))
- (message "Searching %s...done" group))
- (quit nil))
- (reverse artlist))))
-;; Swish++ interface. The following function is Copyright (C) 2000,
-;; 2001 Christoph Conrad <christoph.conrad@gmx.de>.
-;; -cc- Todo
-;; Search by
-;; - group
-;; Sort by
-;; - rank (default)
-;; - article number
-;; - file size
-;; - group
-(defun nnir-run-swish++ (query &optional group)
- "Run given query against swish++.
-Returns a vector of (group name, file name) pairs (also vectors,
-Tested with swish++ 4.7 on GNU/Linux and with with swish++ 5.0b2 on
-Windows NT 4.0."
- (when group
- (error "The swish++ backend cannot search specific groups."))
- (save-excursion
- (let ( (qstring (cdr (assq 'query query)))
- (groupspec (cdr (assq 'group query)))
- (artlist nil)
- (score nil) (artno nil) (dirnam nil) (group nil) )
- (when (equal "" qstring)
- (error "swish++: You didn't enter anything."))
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create nnir-tmp-buffer))
- (erase-buffer)
- (if groupspec
- (message "Doing swish++ query %s on %s..." qstring groupspec)
- (message "Doing swish++ query %s..." qstring))
- (let* ((cp-list `( ,nnir-swish++-program
- nil ; input from /dev/null
- t ; output
- nil ; don't redisplay
- "--config-file" ,nnir-swish++-configuration-file
- ,@nnir-swish++-additional-switches
- ,qstring ; the query, in swish++ format
- ))
- (exitstatus
- (progn
- (message "%s args: %s" nnir-swish++-program
- (mapconcat 'identity (cddddr cp-list) " "));; ???
- (apply 'call-process cp-list))))
- (unless (or (null exitstatus)
- (zerop exitstatus))
- (nnheader-report 'nnir "Couldn't run swish++: %s" exitstatus)
- ;; swish++ failure reason is in this buffer, show it if
- ;; the user wants it.
- (when (> gnus-verbose 6)
- (display-buffer nnir-tmp-buffer))))
- ;; The results are output in the format of:
- ;; V 4.7 Linux
- ;; rank relative-path-name file-size file-title
- ;; V 5.0b2:
- ;; rank relative-path-name file-size topic??
- ;; where rank is an integer from 1 to 100.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "\\(^[0-9]+\\) \\([^ ]+\\) [0-9]+ \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
- (setq score (match-string 1)
- artno (file-name-nondirectory (match-string 2))
- dirnam (file-name-directory (match-string 2)))
- ;; don't match directories
- (when (string-match "^[0-9]+$" artno)
- (when (not (null dirnam))
- ; maybe limit results to matching groups.
- (when (or (not groupspec)
- (string-match groupspec dirnam))
- ;; remove nnir-swish++-remove-prefix from beginning of dirname
- (when (string-match (concat "^" nnir-swish++-remove-prefix)
- dirnam)
- (setq dirnam (replace-match "" t t dirnam)))
- (setq dirnam (substring dirnam 0 -1))
- ;; eliminate all ".", "/", "\" from beginning. Always matches.
- (string-match "^[./\\]*\\(.*\\)$" dirnam)
- ;; "/" -> "."
- (setq group (substitute ?. ?/ (match-string 1 dirnam)))
- ;; "\\" -> "."
- (setq group (substitute ?. ?\\ group))
- (push (vector group
- (string-to-int artno)
- (string-to-int score))
- artlist)))))
- (message "Massaging swish++ output...done")
- ;; Sort by score
- (apply 'vector
- (sort* artlist
- (function (lambda (x y)
- (> (nnir-artitem-rsv x)
- (nnir-artitem-rsv y)))))))))
-;; Swish-E interface. The following function is Copyright (C) 2000,
-;; 2001 by Christoph Conrad <christoph.conrad@gmx.de>.
-(defun nnir-run-swish-e (query &optional group)
- "Run given query against swish-e.
-Returns a vector of (group name, file name) pairs (also vectors,
-Tested with swish-e-2.0.1 on Windows NT 4.0."
- ;; swish-e crashes with empty parameter to "-w" on commandline...
- (when group
- (error "The swish-e backend cannot search specific groups."))
- (save-excursion
- (let ( (qstring (cdr (assq 'query query)))
- (artlist nil)
- (score nil) (artno nil) (dirnam nil) (group nil) )
- (when (equal "" qstring)
- (error "swish-e: You didn't enter anything."))
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create nnir-tmp-buffer))
- (erase-buffer)
- (message "Doing swish-e query %s..." query)
- (let* ((cp-list `( ,nnir-swish-e-program
- nil ; input from /dev/null
- t ; output
- nil ; don't redisplay
- "-f" ,nnir-swish-e-index-file
- ,@nnir-swish-e-additional-switches
- "-w"
- ,qstring ; the query, in swish-e format
- ))
- (exitstatus
- (progn
- (message "%s args: %s" nnir-swish-e-program
- (mapconcat 'identity (cddddr cp-list) " "))
- (apply 'call-process cp-list))))
- (unless (or (null exitstatus)
- (zerop exitstatus))
- (nnheader-report 'nnir "Couldn't run swish-e: %s" exitstatus)
- ;; swish-e failure reason is in this buffer, show it if
- ;; the user wants it.
- (when (> gnus-verbose 6)
- (display-buffer nnir-tmp-buffer))))
- ;; The results are output in the format of:
- ;; rank path-name file-title file-size
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "\\(^[0-9]+\\) \\([^ ]+\\) \"\\([^\"]+\\)\" [0-9]+$" nil t)
- (setq score (match-string 1)
- artno (match-string 3)
- dirnam (file-name-directory (match-string 2)))
- ;; don't match directories
- (when (string-match "^[0-9]+$" artno)
- (when (not (null dirnam))
- ;; remove nnir-swish-e-remove-prefix from beginning of dirname
- (when (string-match (concat "^" nnir-swish-e-remove-prefix)
- dirnam)
- (setq dirnam (replace-match "" t t dirnam)))
- (setq dirnam (substring dirnam 0 -1))
- ;; eliminate all ".", "/", "\" from beginning. Always matches.
- (string-match "^[./\\]*\\(.*\\)$" dirnam)
- ;; "/" -> "."
- (setq group (substitute ?. ?/ (match-string 1 dirnam)))
- ;; Windows "\\" -> "."
- (setq group (substitute ?. ?\\ group))
- (push (vector group
- (string-to-int artno)
- (string-to-int score))
- artlist))))
- (message "Massaging swish-e output...done")
- ;; Sort by score
- (apply 'vector
- (sort* artlist
- (function (lambda (x y)
- (> (nnir-artitem-rsv x)
- (nnir-artitem-rsv y)))))))))
-;; Namazu interface
-(defun nnir-run-namazu (query &optional group)
- "Run given query against Namazu. Returns a vector of (group name, file name)
-pairs (also vectors, actually).
-Tested with Namazu 2.0.6 on a GNU/Linux system."
- (when group
- (error "The Namazu backend cannot search specific groups"))
- (save-excursion
- (let (
- (artlist nil)
- (qstring (cdr (assq 'query query)))
- (score nil)
- (group nil)
- (article nil)
- )
- (set-buffer (get-buffer-create nnir-tmp-buffer))
- (erase-buffer)
- (let* ((cp-list
- `( ,nnir-namazu-program
- nil ; input from /dev/null
- t ; output
- nil ; don't redisplay
- "-q" ; don't be verbose
- "-a" ; show all matches
- "-s" ; use short format
- ,@nnir-namazu-additional-switches
- ,qstring ; the query, in namazu format
- ,nnir-namazu-index-directory ; index directory
- ))
- (exitstatus
- (progn
- (message "%s args: %s" nnir-namazu-program
- (mapconcat 'identity (cddddr cp-list) " "))
- (apply 'call-process cp-list))))
- (unless (or (null exitstatus)
- (zerop exitstatus))
- (nnheader-report 'nnir "Couldn't run namazu: %s" exitstatus)
- ;; Namazu failure reason is in this buffer, show it if
- ;; the user wants it.
- (when (> gnus-verbose 6)
- (display-buffer nnir-tmp-buffer))))
- ;; Namazu output looks something like this:
- ;; 2. Re: Gnus agent expire broken (score: 55)
- ;; /home/henrik/Mail/mail/sent/1310 (4,138 bytes)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "^\\([0-9]+\\.\\).*\\((score: \\([0-9]+\\)\\))\n\\([^ ]+\\)"
- nil t)
- (setq score (match-string 3)
- group (file-name-directory (match-string 4))
- article (file-name-nondirectory (match-string 4)))
- ;; make sure article and group is sane
- (when (and (string-match "^[0-9]+$" article)
- (not (null group)))
- (when (string-match (concat "^" nnir-namazu-remove-prefix) group)
- (setq group (replace-match "" t t group)))
- ;; remove trailing slash from groupname
- (setq group (substring group 0 -1))
- ;; stuff results into artlist vector
- (push (vector (substitute ?. ?/ group)
- (string-to-int article)
- (string-to-int score)) artlist)))
- ;; sort artlist by score
- (apply 'vector
- (sort* artlist
- (function (lambda (x y)
- (> (nnir-artitem-rsv x)
- (nnir-artitem-rsv y)))))))))
-;;; Util Code:
-(defun nnir-read-parms (query)
- "Reads additional search parameters according to `nnir-engines'."
- (let ((parmspec (caddr (assoc nnir-search-engine nnir-engines))))
- (cons (cons 'query query)
- (mapcar 'nnir-read-parm parmspec))))
-(defun nnir-read-parm (parmspec)
- "Reads a single search parameter.
-`parmspec' is a cons cell, the car is a symbol, the cdr is a prompt."
- (let ((sym (car parmspec))
- (prompt (cdr parmspec)))
- (cons sym (read-string prompt))))
-(defun nnir-run-query (query)
- "Invoke appropriate search engine function (see `nnir-engines').
-If some groups were process-marked, run the query for each of the groups
-and concat the results."
- (let ((search-func (cadr (assoc nnir-search-engine nnir-engines)))
- (q (car (read-from-string query))))
- (if gnus-group-marked
- (apply 'append
- (mapcar (lambda (x)
- (funcall search-func q x))
- gnus-group-marked))
- (funcall search-func q nil))))
-(defun nnir-group-full-name (shortname)
- "For the given group name, return a full Gnus group name.
-The Gnus backend/server information is added."
- (gnus-group-prefixed-name shortname nnir-mail-backend))
-(defun nnir-possibly-change-server (server)
- (unless (and server (nnir-server-opened server))
- (nnir-open-server server)))
-;; Data type article list.
-(defun nnir-artlist-length (artlist)
- "Returns number of articles in artlist."
- (length artlist))
-(defun nnir-artlist-article (artlist n)
- "Returns from ARTLIST the Nth artitem (counting starting at 1)."
- (elt artlist (1- n)))
-(defun nnir-artitem-group (artitem)
- "Returns the group from the ARTITEM."
- (elt artitem 0))
-(defun nnir-artlist-artitem-group (artlist n)
- "Returns from ARTLIST the group of the Nth artitem (counting from 1)."
- (nnir-artitem-group (nnir-artlist-article artlist n)))
-(defun nnir-artitem-number (artitem)
- "Returns the number from the ARTITEM."
- (elt artitem 1))
-(defun nnir-artlist-artitem-number (artlist n)
- "Returns from ARTLIST the number of the Nth artitem (counting from 1)."
- (nnir-artitem-number (nnir-artlist-article artlist n)))
-(defun nnir-artitem-rsv (artitem)
- "Returns the Retrieval Status Value (RSV, score) from the ARTITEM."
- (elt artitem 2))
-(defun nnir-artlist-artitem-rsv (artlist n)
- "Returns from ARTLIST the Retrieval Status Value of the Nth artitem
-(counting from 1)."
- (nnir-artitem-rsv (nnir-artlist-article artlist n)))
-;; unused?
-(defun nnir-artlist-groups (artlist)
- "Returns a list of all groups in the given ARTLIST."
- (let ((res nil)
- (with-dups nil))
- ;; from each artitem, extract group component
- (setq with-dups (mapcar 'nnir-artitem-group artlist))
- ;; remove duplicates from above
- (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (add-to-list 'res x)))
- with-dups)
- res))
-;; The end.
-(provide 'nnir)