#Mfoundry, #Mfamily, #Mweight, #Mstyle, #Mstretch, #Madstyle,
#Msize, #Mfontset, #Mratio, #Mhook_func, #Mhook_arg
- "The face property that belongs to face F and whose key is @c xxx"
- may be shortened to "the xxx property of F".
+ The notation "xxx property of F" means the face property that
+ belongs to face F and whose key is @c Mxxx.
The M-text drawing functions first search an M-text for the text
property whose key is the symbol #Mface, then draw the M-text
When the key of a font property is @c Msize or @c Mresolution, its
value is an integer. Otherwise the value is a symbol.
- "The font property that belongs to font F and whose key is @c
- Mxxx" may be shortened to "the xxx property of F".
+ The notation "xxx property of F" means the font property that
+ belongs to font F and whose key is @c Mxxx.
The value of a foundry property is a symbol representing font
foundry information, e.g. adobe, misc, etc.