PACKAGE = semi
API = 1.13
TAR = tar
RM = /bin/rm -f
Current interface is:
- mime-play-entity (entity &optional situation mode
- ignore-examples ignored-method)
+ mime-play-entity (entity &optional situation ignored-method)
+Please use `situation' if you would like to specify `mode' and
** Now acting-method must not expect to run in raw-buffer
19.14. SEMI also does not support Emacs 19.29 to 19.34, XEmacs
19.15 or XEmacs 20.2 without mule, but SEMI may work with them.
- SEMI requires APEL (9.11 or later) and FLIM (1.12.0 or later)
+ SEMI requires APEL (9.11 or later) and FLIM (1.12.4 or later)
package. Please install them before installing it. APEL package is
available at:
PGP/MIME and application/pgp require mailcrypt or tiny-pgp package.
- The package enriched.el is required to compose text/enriched, so if
- you use Emacs anything 19.28 or older (including official version of
- MULE 2.3), WYSIWYG composing for text/enriched is not available.
+++ /dev/null
-[SEMI \e$B$N3K%Q%C%1!<%8$N\e(B README (\e$BF|K\8lHG\e(B)]
-SEMI \e$B$H$O!)\e(B
- SEMI \e$B$O\e(B GNU Emacs \e$B$K\e(B MIME \e$B5!G=$rDs6!$9$k%i%$%V%i%j!<$G$9!#\e(BMIME \e$B$O%a%C\e(B
- \e$B%;!<%8$K\e(B (ASCII) plain text \e$B0J30$NFbMF$d%X%C%@!<$r4^$a$i$l$k$h$&$K$9\e(B
- \e$B$k$?$a$KDs0F$5$l$F$$$k\e(B internet standard \e$B$G$9!#\e(B
- RFC 2045 : Internet Message Bodies
- RFC 2046 : Media Types
- RFC 2047 : Message Header Extensions
- RFC 2048 : MIME Registration Procedures
- RFC 2049 : MIME Conformance
- SEMI \e$B$O0J2<$N5!G=$,$"$j$^$9!#\e(B
- - MIME \e$B%a%C%;!<%81\Mw\e(B (mime-view-mode) (RFC 2045 .. 2049)
- - MIME \e$B%a%C%;!<%8:n@.\e(B (mime-edit-mode) (RFC 2045 .. 2049)
- MIME \e$B%a%C%;!<%81\Mw$H:n@.$O0J2<$N5!G=$bDs6!$7$F$$$^$9\e(B:
- - Content-Disposition \e$B%U%#!<%k%I$K$h$k%U%!%$%kL>$N07$$\e(B (RFC
- - 1806)
- - PGP/MIME \e$B0BA4$J\e(B Multipart (RFC 2015)
- - application/pgp (draft-kazu-pgp-mime-00.txt; obsolete)
- - text/richtext (RFC 1521; obsolete; \e$B1\Mw$N$_\e(B)
- - text/enriched (RFC 1896)
- - mailcap \e$B$K$h$k30ItJ}K!@_Dj\e(B (RFC 1524)
- \e$B$3$N%Q%C%1!<%8$O\e(B MUA \e$B$N$?$a$N\e(B MIME \e$B3HD%$r4^$s$G$$$J$$$3$H$KCm0U$7$F\e(B
- \e$B$/$@$5$$!#$=$l$i$OJL$N%Q%C%1!<%8$H$7$F%j%j!<%9$5$l$^$9!#\e(B
- SEMI \e$B$O\e(B mule \e$B5!G=$D$-$N\e(B XEmacs 20.2 \e$B0J9_$H\e(B Emacs 20 \e$B$r%5%]!<%H$7$^$9!#\e(B
- SEMI \e$B$O\e(B Emacs 19.28 \e$B$d\e(B XEmacs 19.14 \e$B0JA0$O%5%]!<%H$7$^$;$s!#\e(BSEMI \e$B$O\e(B
- Emacs 19.29 \e$B$+$i\e(B Emacs 19.34\e$B!"\e(BXEmacs 19.15 \e$B$+$i\e(B mule \e$B5!G=$N$J$$\e(B
- XEmacs 20.2 \e$B$^$G$O%5%]!<%H$7$^$;$s$,!"\e(BSEMI \e$B$O$=$l$i$GF0:n$9$k$+$b$7\e(B
- \e$B$l$^$;$s!#\e(B
- SEMI \e$B$O\e(B APEL (9.11 \e$B0J9_\e(B) \e$B$H\e(B FLIM (1.12.0 \e$B0J9_\e(B) \e$B$rI,MW$H$7$^$9!#\e(BSEMI
- \e$B$r%$%s%9%H!<%k$9$kA0$K$^$:$=$l$i$r%$%s%9%H!<%k$7$F$/$@$5$$!#\e(BAPEL \e$B%Q%C\e(B
- \e$B%1!<%8$O0J2<$N$H$3$m$G<hF@2DG=$G$9\e(B:
- FLIM \e$B%Q%C%1!<%8$O0J2<$N$H$3$m$G<hF@2DG=$G$9!#\e(B
- PGP/MIME \e$B$H\e(B application/pgp \e$B$O\e(B mailcrypt \e$B$+\e(B tiny-pgp \e$B%Q%C%1!<%8$rI,\e(B
- \e$BMW$H$7$^$9!#\e(B
- \e$B%Q%C%1!<%8\e(B enriched.el \e$B$O\e(B text/enriched \e$B$r:n@.$9$k$?$a$KI,MW$G$9$N$G!"\e(B
- Emacs 19.28 \e$B0JA0\e(B (\e$B8x<0HG$N\e(B MULE 2.3 \e$B$r4^$`\e(B) \e$B$G$O!"\e(Btext/enriched \e$B$N\e(B
- WYSIWYG \e$B:n@.$O;HMQ$G$-$^$;$s!#\e(B
-(a) \e$BE83+$7$?>l=j$G<B9T\e(B
- \e$BB>$N%G%#%l%/%H%j!<$K%$%s%9%H!<%k$7$?$/$J$$$J$i!"0J2<$N$3$H$@$1$r$d$C\e(B
- \e$B$F$/$@$5$$\e(B:
- % make
- emacs \e$B$N%3%^%s%IL>$r;XDj$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!#Nc$($P!"\e(B
- % make EMACS=xemacs
- `EMACS=...' \e$B$,>JN,$5$l$k$H!"\e(BEmacs=emacs \e$B$,;H$o$l$^$9!#\e(B
-(b) make install
- \e$BB>$N%G%#%l%/%H%j!<$K%$%s%9%H!<%k$7$?$$$J$i!"0J2<$N$3$H$r$7$F$/$@$5$$\e(B:
- % make install
- emacs \e$B$N%3%^%s%IL>$r;XDj$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!#Nc$($P!"\e(B
- % make install EMACS=xemacs
- `EMACS=...' \e$B$,>JN,$5$l$k$H!"\e(BEmacs=emacs \e$B$,;H$o$l$^$9!#\e(B
- Emacs Lisp \e$B%W%m%0%i%`$H%7%'%k%9%/%j%W%H$N$?$a$N%G%#%l%/%H%j!<LZ$N@\\e(B
- \e$BF,<-\e(B (prefix) \e$B$r;XDj$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!#Nc$($P!"\e(B
- % make install PREFIX=~/
- `PREFIX=...' \e$B$,>JN,$5$l$k$H!";XDj$5$l$?\e(B emacs \e$B%3%^%s%I$N%G%#%l%/%H%j!<\e(B
- \e$BLZ$N@\F,<-$,;HMQ$5$l$^$9\e(B (\e$B$*$=$i$/\e(B /usr/local \e$B$G$9\e(B)\e$B!#\e(B
- \e$BNc$($P!"\e(BPREFIX=/usr/local \e$B$H\e(B Emacs 19.34 \e$B$,;XDj$5$l$l$P!"0J2<$N%G%#\e(B
- \e$B%l%/%H%j!<LZ$,:n@.$5$l$^$9!#\e(B
- /usr/local/share/emacs/20.2/site-lisp/ --- emu
- /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/apel/ --- APEL
- /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/flim/ --- FLIM
- /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/semi/ --- SEMI
- site-lisp \e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j!<$r;XDj$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!#Nc$($P!"\e(B:
- % make install LISPDIR=~/share/emacs/lisp
- `LISPDIR=...' \e$B$,>JN,$5$l$k$H!";XDj$5$l$?\e(B emacs \e$B$N%3%^%s%I$N\e(B
- site-lisp \e$B%G%#%l%/%H%j!<$,;H$o$l$^$9\e(B (\e$B$*$=$i$/\e(B
- /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp \e$B$+\e(B /usr/local/lib/xemacs/site-lisp)
- \e$B$G$9!#\e(B
- emu \e$B%b%8%e!<%k\e(B (APEL \e$B%Q%C%1!<%8$KF~$C$F$$$^$9\e(B) \e$B$,I8=`$G$J$$%G%#%l%/\e(B
- \e$B%H%j!<$K%$%s%9%H!<%k$5$l$F$$$k>l9g$O!"$=$l$i$N$"$k>l=j$r;XDj$9$kI,MW\e(B
- \e$B$,$"$j$^$9!#Nc$($P!"\e(B:
- % make install VERSION_SPECIFIC_LISPDIR=~/elisp
-(c) XEmacs \e$B$N%Q%C%1!<%8$H$7$F%$%s%9%H!<%k$9$k\e(B
- XEmacs \e$B$N%Q%C%1!<%8%G%#%l%/%H%j!<$K%$%s%9%H!<%k$9$k>l9g$O!"0J2<$N$3\e(B
- \e$B$H$r$7$F$/$@$5$$\e(B:
- % make install-package
- emacs \e$B$N%3%^%s%IL>$r;XDj$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!#Nc$($P!"\e(B
- % make install-package XEMACS=xemacs-21
- `XEMACS=...' \e$B$,>JN,$5$l$k$H!"\e(BXEMACS=xemacs \e$B$,;HMQ$5$l$^$9!#\e(B
- \e$B%Q%C%1!<%8$N%G%#%l%/%H%j!<$r;XDj$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!#Nc$($P\e(B:
- % make install PACKAGEDIR=~/.xemacs
- `PACKAGEDIR=...' \e$B$,>JN,$5$l$k$H!"B8:_$9$k%Q%C%1!<%8%G%#%l%/%H%j!<$N\e(B
- \e$B:G=i$N$b$N$,;H$o$l$^$9!#\e(B
- XEmacs \e$B$N%Q%C%1!<%8%7%9%F%`$O\e(B XEmacs 21.0 \e$B$+$=$l0J9_$rMW5a$9$k$3$H$K\e(B
- \e$BCm0U$7$F$/$@$5$$!#\e(B
- \e$BB>$N>JN,2DG=$J@_Dj$r%U%!%$%k\e(B ${archive}/SEMI-CFG \e$B$rJT=8$9$k$3$H$G;X\e(B
- \e$BDj$G$-$^$9!#\e(B${archive}/README.ja \e$B$H\e(B ${archive}/SEMI/CFG \e$B$N%3%a%s%H$r\e(B
- \e$BFI$s$G$/$@$5$$!#\e(B
-(a) load-path
- Emacs \e$B$+\e(B Mule \e$B$r;H$C$F$$$k$J$i!"\e(BFLIM \e$B$N%G%#%l%/%H%j!<$r\e(B
- load-path \e$B$KDI2C$7$F$/$@$5$$!#=i4|@_Dj$G%$%s%9%H!<%k$7$?$J$i!"<!$N$h\e(B
- \e$B$&$K\e(B subdirs.el \e$B$r=q$/$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!#Nc\e(B:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- (normal-top-level-add-to-load-path
- '("apel" "flim" "semi"))
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- XEmacs \e$B$r;H$C$F$$$k$J$i!"\e(Bload-path \e$B$r@_Dj$9$kI,MW$O$"$j$^$;$s!#\e(B
-(b) mime-setup
- \e$B0J2<$N$b$N$r\e(B ~/.emacs \e$B$KF~$l$F$/$@$5$$!#\e(B
- (load "mime-setup")
- \e$B=i$a$K!"\e(B${archive}/README.en \e$B$rFI$s$G$/$@$5$$!#\e(B
- RFC 822, 1524, 1806, 1847, 1896, 2015, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049
- \e$B$O\e(B anonymous ftp \e$B$G0J2<$N$H$3$m$+$i<hF@2DG=$G$9!#\e(B
- \e$B%P%0Js9p$d2~A1$NDs0F$r=q$$$?$H$-$O!"@'Hs\e(B tm \e$B%a!<%j%s%0%j%9%H$KAw$C$F\e(B
- \e$B$/$@$5$$\e(B:
- (\e$B1Q8l\e(B)
- (\e$BF|K\8l\e(B)
- tm ML \e$B$rDL$7$F!"\e(BSEMI\e$B$N%P%0$rJs9p$7$?$j!"\e(BSEMI \e$B$N:G?7$N%j%j!<%9$r<hF@\e(B
- \e$B$7$?$j!"\e(BSEMI \e$B$N>-Mh$N3HD%$N5DO@$r$7$?$j$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$^$9!#\e(Btm ML \e$B$K\e(B
- \e$B;22C$9$k$K$O!"6u$NEE;R%a!<%k$r\e(B
- (\e$B1Q8l\e(B)
- (\e$BF|K\8l\e(B)
- \e$B$KAw$C$F$/$@$5$$!#\e(B
- \e$B$N$h$&$J!":n<T$KD>@\%a!<%k$rAw$i$J$$$h$&$KCm0U$7\e(B
- \e$B$F$/$@$5$$!#$=$l$O!"H/@8$7$?LdBj$OB>$N4D6-$G$b5/$3$C$F$$$k$O$:$@$+$i\e(B
- \e$B$G$9\e(B (\e$B$b$7$=$&$G$J$1$l$P!"$=$l$O@_Dj$NLdBj$G!"\e(BSEMI \e$B$N%P%0$G$O$"$j$^\e(B
- \e$B$;$s\e(B)\e$B!#\e(B tm \e$B%a!<%j%s%0%j%9%H$G5DO@$9$Y$-$G$9!#$H$K$+$/!":n<T$X$ND>@\\e(B
- \e$B$N%a!<%k$OH?1~$,$J$$$+$b$7$l$^$;$s!#%a!<%k$O\e(B tm \e$B%a!<%j%s%0%j%9%H$XAw$C\e(B
- \e$B$F$/$@$5$$!#\e(B
-CVS \e$B$K$h$k3+H/\e(B
- CVS \e$B$K$h$k3+H/$K;22C$7$?$$$H$-$O!"%"%+%&%s%HL>$H\e(B UNIX \e$BMM<0$G0E9f2=$5\e(B
- \e$B$l$?%Q%9%o!<%I$r\e(B
- \e$B$KAw$C$F$/$@$5$$!#3+H/$K;22C$5$l$k$3$H$r4|BT$7$F$$$^$9!#\e(B
- MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
- (the author of mime-view and various parts of SEMI)
- UMEDA Masanobu <>
- (the author of mime.el of emacs-mime-tools. mime.el is the
- origin of mime-edit.el of SEMI)
- Shuhei KOBAYASHI <>
- (a major author of signature.el and a lot of codes)
- MASUTANI Yasuhiro <>
- (anonymous ftp codes of mime-play.el)
- OKABE Yasuo <>
- (a major author of mime-partial.el and signature.el)
- Steinar Bang <>
- Steven L. Baur <>
- Kevin Broadey <>
- Alastair Burt <>
- Eric Ding <>
- Thierry Emery <>
- Simon Josefsson <>
- Jens Lautenbacher <>
- Carsten Leonhardt <>
- Pekka Marjola <>
- Hisashi Miyashita <>
- Kazuhiro Ohta <>
- Alexandre Oliva <>
- Fran\e,Ag\e(Bois Pinard <>
- Artur Pioro <>
- Dan Rich <>
- (contribute to evolve mime-image.el with XEmacs)
- Katsumi Yamaoka <>
** dynamic configuration for 'mime-preview-condition
-** multipart/related support
+** Don't expect raw-buffer
-** Don't use filter-model
- tomo (major developer of SEMI) and akr (major developer of
-FLIM-FLAM) discussed about Emacs 20.3 problem related with SEMI and
-FLIM. They found essential problem with Emacs 20.3 are:
- - Emacs 20.3 separates string-type to unibyte-string and
- multibyte-string. Emacs 20.3 has enough APIs to treat them.
- - Buffer has mode about interpretation of contents. Each mode is
- designed to save semantics as characters. Namely buffer contains
- unibyte-characters or multibyte-characters. One buffer can not
- contain both representations.
- - {decode|encode}-coding-{region|string} run in byte world. So it
- is not harmonized with other API.
- - It seems easy to write code in one mode or one world
- (unibyte-string or multibyte-string). However it seems not easy
- to write inter-mode program, such as SEMI.
- - Byte <-> byte conversion, such as base64, quoted-printable, must
- be run only with unibyte-mode.
- - Byte <-> character conversion, such as
- {decode|encode}-coding-region, should not be defined in single
- buffer. Instead of them, decoder should read from unibyte buffer
- and output to multibyte buffer. Similarly, encoder should read
- from multibyte buffer and output to unibyte buffer.
- `insert-buffer-substring' like API may be suitable. Anyway Emacs
- introduces multiple representations, so it should be redesigned
- based on multiple representation world model.
- Anyway FLIM should introduce new APIs based on inter-representation
-world model. Conventional APIs should be implemented based on new
- SEMI should abolish filter model and introduce new methods to
-display inline data. These methods should use new FLIM APIs based on
-inter-representation world model.
+** lazy generating of situations from mime-entity information
* MIME-Edit
1.12.0 Nishi-Kanazawa \e$(B@>6bBt\e(B ; <=> \e$(BKLN&E4F;\e(B \e$(B?7@>6bBt\e(B
1.12.1 [JR] Nonoichi [JR] \e$(BLn!9;T\e(B
1.13.0 Matt\e-Dò\e-A \e$(B>>G$\e(B
+1.13.1 Kaga-Kasama \e$(B2C2l3^4V\e(B
+------ Mikawa \e$(BH~@n\e(B
+------ Komaiko \e$(B>.Iq;R\e(B
+------ Terai \e$(B;{0f\e(B
+------ Meih\e-Dò\e-A \e$(BL@Jv\e(B
+------ Komatsu \e$(B>.>>\e(B
: : :
------- Tsuruga \e$(BFX2l\e(B ; = JR \e$(B>.IM@~\e(B
------- Shin-Hikida \e$(B?7I%ED\e(B
1.12.0 Shimizu \e$(B@6?e\e(B
1.12.1 Kusanagi \e$(BApFe\e(B
1.13.0 Shizuoka \e$(B@E2,\e(B
------- Abekawa \e$(B0BG\@n\e(B
+1.13.1 Abekawa \e$(B0BG\@n\e(B
------ Mochimune \e$(BMQ=!\e(B
------ Yaizu \e$(B>FDE\e(B
------ Nishi-Yaizu \e$(B@>>FDE\e(B
;;; mime-edit.el --- Simple MIME Composer for GNU Emacs
-;; Copyright (C) 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1993,94,95,96,97,98,99 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: UMEDA Masanobu <>
;; MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
(defconst mime-edit-version
- (eval-when-compile
- (concat
- (mime-product-name mime-user-interface-product) " "
- (mapconcat #'number-to-string
- (mime-product-version mime-user-interface-product) ".")
- " - \"" (mime-product-code-name mime-user-interface-product) "\"")))
- )
+ (concat
+ (mime-product-name mime-user-interface-product) " "
+ (mapconcat #'number-to-string
+ (mime-product-version mime-user-interface-product) ".")
+ " - \"" (mime-product-code-name mime-user-interface-product) "\"")))
;;; @ variables
"Internal method to verify multipart/signed."
(nth 1 (mime-entity-children entity)) ; entity-info of signature
- nil
- (cdr (assq 'mode situation)) ; play-mode
+ (list (assq 'mode situation)) ; play-mode
;;; It is based on draft-kazu-pgp-mime-00.txt (PGP-kazu).
(defun mime-view-application/pgp (entity situation)
- (let* ((p-win (or (get-buffer-window mime-preview-buffer)
+ (let* ((p-win (or (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))
(format "%s-%s" (buffer-name) (mime-entity-number entity)))
- (mother mime-preview-buffer)
+ (mother (current-buffer))
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create new-name))
- (insert-buffer-substring (mime-entity-buffer entity)
- (mime-entity-point-min entity)
- (mime-entity-point-max entity))
+ (mime-insert-entity entity)
(cond ((progn
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward "^-+BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-+$" nil t))
(interactive "P")
(let ((entity (get-text-property (point) 'mime-view-entity)))
(if entity
- (mime-play-entity entity nil (or mode "play") ignore-examples)
- )))
+ (let ((situation (list (cons 'mode (or mode "play")))))
+ (if ignore-examples
+ (setq situation
+ (cons (cons 'ignore-examples ignore-examples)
+ situation)))
+ (mime-play-entity entity situation)
+ ))))
(defun mime-sort-situation (situation)
(sort situation
(cons match example)
-(defun mime-play-entity (entity &optional situation mode
- ignore-examples ignored-method)
+(defun mime-play-entity (entity &optional situation ignored-method)
"Play entity specified by ENTITY.
It decodes the entity to call internal or external method. The method
is selected from variable `mime-acting-condition'. If MODE is
specified, play as it. Default MODE is \"play\"."
(let (method ret)
- (or situation
- (setq situation (mime-entity-situation entity)))
- (if mode
- (setq situation (cons (cons 'mode mode) situation))
- )
- (if ignore-examples
- (or (assq 'ignore-examples situation)
- (setq situation
- (cons (cons 'ignore-examples ignore-examples) situation)))
- )
(setq ret
- (ctree-find-calist mime-acting-condition situation
+ (ctree-find-calist mime-acting-condition
+ (mime-entity-situation entity situation)
'method ignored-method))
- (or ignore-examples
+ (or (assq 'ignore-examples situation)
(if (cdr ret)
(let ((rest ret)
(max-score 0)
(put-alist 'subtype subtype
(del-alist 'method
(copy-alist situation))))
- nil
- (cdr (assq 'ignore-examples situation))
(children (car (mime-entity-children entity))))
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create new-name))
- (insert-buffer-substring (mime-entity-buffer children)
- (mime-entity-point-min children)
- (mime-entity-point-max children))
+ (mime-insert-entity children)
(setq mime-message-structure children)
(setq major-mode 'mime-show-message-mode)
(mime-view-buffer (current-buffer) nil mother
(defconst mime-view-version
- (eval-when-compile
- (concat (mime-product-name mime-user-interface-product) " MIME-View "
- (mapconcat #'number-to-string
- (mime-product-version mime-user-interface-product) ".")
- " (" (mime-product-code-name mime-user-interface-product) ")")))
+ (concat (mime-product-name mime-user-interface-product) " MIME-View "
+ (mapconcat #'number-to-string
+ (mime-product-version mime-user-interface-product) ".")
+ " (" (mime-product-code-name mime-user-interface-product) ")"))
;;; @ variables
;;; @ entity information
-(defun mime-entity-situation (entity)
+(defun mime-entity-situation (entity &optional situation)
"Return situation of ENTITY."
- (append (or (mime-entity-content-type entity)
- (make-mime-content-type 'text 'plain))
- (let ((d (mime-entity-content-disposition entity)))
- (cons (cons 'disposition-type
- (mime-content-disposition-type d))
- (mapcar (function
- (lambda (param)
- (let ((name (car param)))
- (cons (cond ((string= name "filename")
- 'filename)
- ((string= name "creation-date")
- 'creation-date)
- ((string= name "modification-date")
- 'modification-date)
- ((string= name "read-date")
- 'read-date)
- ((string= name "size")
- 'size)
- (t (cons 'disposition (car param))))
- (cdr param)))))
- (mime-content-disposition-parameters d))
- ))
- (list (cons 'encoding (mime-entity-encoding entity))
- (cons 'major-mode
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer (mime-entity-buffer entity))
- major-mode)))
- ))
+ (let (rest param name)
+ ;; Content-Type
+ (unless (assq 'type situation)
+ (setq rest (or (mime-entity-content-type entity)
+ (make-mime-content-type 'text 'plain))
+ situation (cons (car rest) situation)
+ rest (cdr rest))
+ )
+ (unless (assq 'subtype situation)
+ (or rest
+ (setq rest (or (cdr (mime-entity-content-type entity))
+ '((subtype . plain)))))
+ (setq situation (cons (car rest) situation)
+ rest (cdr rest))
+ )
+ (while rest
+ (setq param (car rest))
+ (or (assoc (car param) situation)
+ (setq situation (cons param situation)))
+ (setq rest (cdr rest)))
+ ;; Content-Disposition
+ (setq rest nil)
+ (unless (assq 'disposition-type situation)
+ (setq rest (mime-entity-content-disposition entity))
+ (if rest
+ (setq situation (cons (cons 'disposition-type
+ (mime-content-disposition-type rest))
+ situation)
+ rest (mime-content-disposition-parameters rest))
+ ))
+ (while rest
+ (setq param (car rest)
+ name (car param))
+ (if (cond ((string= name "filename")
+ (if (assq 'filename situation)
+ nil
+ (setq name 'filename)))
+ ((string= name "creation-date")
+ (if (assq 'creation-date situation)
+ nil
+ (setq name 'creation-date)))
+ ((string= name "modification-date")
+ (if (assq 'modification-date situation)
+ nil
+ (setq name 'modification-date)))
+ ((string= name "read-date")
+ (if (assq 'read-date situation)
+ nil
+ (setq name 'read-date)))
+ ((string= name "size")
+ (if (assq 'size situation)
+ nil
+ (setq name 'size)))
+ (t (setq name (cons 'disposition name))
+ (if (assoc name situation)
+ nil
+ name)))
+ (setq situation
+ (cons (cons name (cdr param))
+ situation)))
+ (setq rest (cdr rest)))
+ ;; Content-Transfer-Encoding
+ (or (assq 'encoding situation)
+ (setq situation
+ (cons (cons 'encoding (or (mime-entity-encoding entity)
+ "7bit"))
+ situation)))
+ ;; major-mode
+ (or (assq 'major-mode situation)
+ (setq situation
+ (cons (cons 'major-mode
+ (with-current-buffer (mime-entity-buffer entity)
+ major-mode))
+ situation)))
+ situation))
(defun mime-view-entity-title (entity)
(or (mime-read-field 'Content-Description entity)
;;; mime-w3.el --- mime-view content filter for text
-;; Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko <>
;; Keywords: HTML, MIME, multimedia, mail, news
(cons 'progn body)))
+(defvar mime-w3-message-structure nil)
(defun mime-preview-text/html (entity situation)
+ (setq mime-w3-message-structure
+ (with-current-buffer (mime-entity-buffer entity)
+ mime-message-structure))
(goto-char (point-max))
(let ((p (point)))
(insert "\n")
(mime-put-keymap-region p (point-max) w3-mode-map)
+(defun url-cid (url &optional proxy-info)
+ (let ((entity
+ (mime-find-entity-from-content-id (mime-uri-parse-cid url)
+ mime-w3-message-structure)))
+ (when entity
+ (mime-insert-entity-content entity)
+ (setq url-current-mime-type (mime-entity-type/subtype entity))
+ )))
+(url-register-protocol "cid"
+ 'url-cid
+ 'url-identity-expander)
;;; @ end
(require 'custom)
-(defconst mime-user-interface-product ["SEMI" (1 13 0) "Matt\e.D\8eò"]\e*I
+(defconst mime-user-interface-product ["SEMI" (1 13 1) "Kaga-Kasama"]
"Product name, version number and code name of MIME-kernel package.")
(autoload 'mule-caesar-region "mule-caesar"