using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
-using M17N;
using M17N.Core;
public class Test
- public static void Main ()
+ const int LENGTH = 10;
+ const int DEPTH = 10;
+ static MText mt = new MText ("0123456789");
+ static MSymbol key = new MSymbol ("k");
+ static MSymbol val0 = new MSymbol ("0");
+ static MSymbol val1 = new MSymbol ("1");
+ static MSymbol val2 = new MSymbol ("2");
+ static MTextProperty prop0 = new MTextProperty (key, val0);
+ static MTextProperty prop1 = new MTextProperty (key, val1);
+ static MTextProperty prop2 = new MTextProperty (key, val2);
+ static int[] nvals = new int[10];
+ static MSymbol[,] valtable = new MSymbol[LENGTH, DEPTH + 1];
+ static void TestPushProp (int from, int to, MSymbol key, MSymbol val)
+ {
+ for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
+ if (nvals[i] == DEPTH)
+ return;
+ for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
+ {
+ valtable[i, nvals[i]] = val;
+ nvals[i]++;
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine ("from {0}, to {1}, {2}.\n", from, to, val);
+ mt.PushProp (from, to, key, val);
+ }
+ static void TestPushProp (int from, int to, MTextProperty prop)
+ {
+ for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
+ if (nvals[i] == DEPTH)
+ return;
+ for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
+ {
+ valtable[i, nvals[i]] = (MSymbol) prop.Val;
+ nvals[i]++;
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine ("from {0}, to {1}, {2}.\n", from, to, prop);
+ mt.PushProp (from, to, prop);
+ }
+ static void TestPopProp (int from, int to, MSymbol key)
- String str = "0123456789";
- MText mt = new MText (str);
- MSymbol sym = new MSymbol ("key");
- MTextProperty prop1 = new MTextProperty (sym, "val0");
- MTextProperty prop2 = new MTextProperty (sym, "val1");
- M17N.M17N.debug = true;
- mt.PushProp (1, 3, prop1);
- mt.PushProp (0, 1, prop1);
- mt.PushProp (0, 1, prop2);
- mt.PushProp (3, 5, prop1);
- mt.PushProp (3, 5, prop2);
- mt.PushProp (7, 8, prop2);
- mt.PushProp (5, 7, prop2);
- mt.PushProp (5, 7, prop1);
- mt.PushProp (8, 10, prop1);
- mt.PopProp (8, 9, sym);
- mt.DumpPropNested ();
- mt.PopProp (5, 9, sym);
- mt.DumpPropNested ();
- mt = new MText (str);
- mt.PushProp (2, 5, prop1);
- mt.DumpProp ();
- mt.PushProp (3, 6, prop2);
- mt.DumpProp ();
- mt.Del (4, 9);
- mt.DumpProp ();
- mt.Ins (5, new MText ("45678"));
- mt.DumpProp ();
- mt.Dup ().DumpProp ();
- mt.PopProp (0, 3, sym);
- mt.DumpProp ();
- mt.PopProp (2, 8, sym);
- mt.DumpProp ();
+ for (int i = from; i < to; i++)
+ if (nvals[i] > 0)
+ {
+ valtable[i, nvals[i] - 1] = null;
+ nvals[i]--;
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine ("from {0}, to {1}, pop.\n", from, to);
+ mt.PopProp (from, to, key);
+ }
+ static bool Compare ()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++)
+ {
+ MTextProperty[] array;
+ object val = mt.GetProp (i, key, out array);
+ if (array == null)
+ {
+ if (nvals[i] != 0)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine ("nvals[{0}] is {1}, array.Length is null.\n",
+ i, nvals[i]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (nvals[i] != array.Length)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine ("nvals[{0}] is {1}, array.Length is {2}.\n",
+ i, nvals[i], array.Length);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < nvals[i]; j++)
+ if (valtable[i, nvals[i] - 1 - j] != array[j].Val)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine ("valtable[{0}, {1}] is {2}, array[{1}] is {3}.\n",
+ i, j, valtable[i, j], array[j]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (val == null)
+ {
+ if (nvals[i] != 0)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine ("GetProp returned null for index {0}.\n",
+ i);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (nvals[i] == 0)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine ("GetProp returned {0} for index {1}.\n",
+ val, i);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (valtable[i, nvals[i] - 1] == null)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine ("GetProp returned {0} for index {1}.\n",
+ val, i);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if ((MSymbol) val != valtable[i, nvals[i] - 1])
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine ("GetProp returned {0} for index {1}.\n",
+ val, i);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static void Dump ()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++)
+ {
+ Console.Write (i + " ");
+ for (int j = nvals[i] - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+ Console.Write (valtable[i,j] + " ");
+ Console.WriteLine (":");
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine ("");
+ }
+ public static void Main (string[] args)
+ {
+ Random r = new Random (int.Parse (args[0]));
+ for (int loop = 0; loop < 10000; loop++)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine ("--- loop = {0} ---\n", loop);
+ mt.DumpPropNested ();
+ Dump ();
+ int from = r.Next (LENGTH);
+ int to = r.Next (LENGTH + 1);
+ if (from > to)
+ {
+ int tmp = from;
+ from = to;
+ to = tmp;
+ }
+ MSymbol val;
+ //MSymbol val = r.Next (2) == 0 ? val0 : val1;
+ switch (r.Next (3))
+ {
+ case 0:
+ val = val0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ val = val1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ val = val2;
+ break;
+ }
+ MTextProperty prop;
+ //MTextProperty prop = r.Next (2) == 0 ? prop0 : prop1;
+ switch (r.Next (3))
+ {
+ case 0:
+ prop = prop0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ prop = prop1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ prop = prop2;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (r.Next (3))
+ {
+ case 0:
+ TestPushProp (from, to, key, val);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ TestPushProp (from, to, prop);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ TestPopProp (from, to, key);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Compare () == false)
+ {
+ mt.DumpPropNested ();
+ Console.WriteLine ("");
+ Dump ();
+ Console.WriteLine ("Failed.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }