;;; char-db-json.el --- Character Database utility -*- coding: utf-8-er; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007, ;; 2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016 MORIOKA Tomohiko. ;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Keywords: CHISE, Character Database, ISO/IEC 10646, UCS, Unicode, MULE. ;; This file is part of XEmacs CHISE. ;; XEmacs CHISE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; XEmacs CHISE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with XEmacs CHISE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Code: (require 'char-db-util) (require 'cwiki-format) (setq char-db-ignored-attributes '(ideographic-products composition ;; ->HNG *instance@ruimoku/bibliography/title *instance@morpheme-entry/zh-classical)) ;;; @ char-db formatters ;;; (defun char-db-json-insert-char-spec (char &optional readable column required-features) (unless column (setq column (current-column))) (let (char-spec temp-char) (setq char-spec (char-db-make-char-spec char)) (unless (or (characterp char) ; char (condition-case nil (setq char (find-char char-spec)) (error nil))) ;; define temporary character ;; Current implementation is dirty. (setq temp-char (define-char (cons '(ideograph-daikanwa . 0) char-spec))) (remove-char-attribute temp-char 'ideograph-daikanwa) (setq char temp-char)) (char-db-json-insert-char-features char readable (union (mapcar #'car char-spec) required-features) nil 'for-sub-node) (when temp-char ;; undefine temporary character ;; Current implementation is dirty. (setq char-spec (char-attribute-alist temp-char)) (while char-spec (remove-char-attribute temp-char (car (car char-spec))) (setq char-spec (cdr char-spec)))))) (defun char-db-json-insert-alist (alist &optional readable column) (unless column (setq column (current-column))) (let ((line-breaking (concat "\n" (make-string (1+ column) ?\ ))) name value ret al ; cal key lbs cell rest separator) (insert "(") (while alist (setq name (car (car alist)) value (cdr (car alist))) (cond ((eq name 'char) (insert "(char . ") (if (setq ret (condition-case nil (find-char value) (error nil))) (progn (setq al nil ;; cal nil ) (while value (setq key (car (car value))) ;; (if (find-charset key) ;; (setq cal (cons key cal)) (setq al (cons key al)) ;; ) (setq value (cdr value))) (insert-char-attributes ret readable (or al 'none) ; cal nil 'for-sub-node)) (insert (prin1-to-string value))) (insert ")") (insert line-breaking)) ((consp value) (insert (format "(%-18s " name)) (setq lbs (concat "\n" (make-string (current-column) ?\ ))) (while (consp value) (setq cell (car value)) (if (and (consp cell) (consp (car cell)) (setq ret (condition-case nil (find-char cell) (error nil))) ) (progn (setq rest cell al nil ;; cal nil ) (while rest (setq key (car (car rest))) ;; (if (find-charset key) ;; (setq cal (cons key cal)) (setq al (cons key al)) ;; ) (setq rest (cdr rest))) (if separator (insert lbs)) (insert-char-attributes ret readable al ; cal nil 'for-sub-node) (setq separator lbs)) (if separator (insert separator)) (insert (prin1-to-string cell)) (setq separator " ")) (setq value (cdr value))) (insert ")") (insert line-breaking)) (t (insert (format "(%-18s . %S)%s" name value line-breaking)))) (setq alist (cdr alist)))) (insert ")")) (defun char-db-json-insert-char-reference (plist &optional readable column) (unless column (setq column (current-column))) (let ((line-breaking (concat "\n" (make-string (1+ column) ?\ ))) (separator "") name value) (insert "{") (while plist (setq name (pop plist)) (setq value (pop plist)) (cond ((eq name :char) (insert separator) (insert "\"char\":\t") (cond ((numberp value) (setq value (decode-char '=ucs value))) ;; ((consp value) ;; (setq value (or (find-char value) ;; value))) ) (char-db-json-insert-char-spec value readable) (insert line-breaking) (setq separator "")) ((eq name :radical) (insert (format "%s%s\t%d, \"_comment\": \"%c\"%s" separator name value (ideographic-radical value) line-breaking)) (setq separator "")) (t (insert (format "%s%s\t%S" separator name value)) (setq separator line-breaking))) )) (insert " }")) (defun char-db-json-insert-ccs-feature (name value line-breaking) (cond ((integerp value) (insert (format (cond ((memq name '(=>iwds-1 ==shinjigen =shinjigen =shinjigen@1ed ==shinjigen@1ed =shinjigen@rev ==shinjigen@rev =shinjigen/+p@rev ==shinjigen/+p@rev ===daikanwa/ho ==daikanwa/ho =daikanwa/ho =>>daikanwa/ho =>daikanwa/ho)) " %-20s %4d,\t\"_comment\": \"%c") ((eq name '=shinjigen@1ed/24pr) " %-20s %4d,\t\"_comment\": \"%c") ((or (memq name '(===daikanwa ==daikanwa =daikanwa =>>daikanwa =>daikanwa =daikanwa@rev1 =daikanwa@rev2 =daikanwa/+p ==daikanwa/+p ===daikanwa/+p =>>daikanwa/+p =daikanwa/+2p =>>daikanwa/+2p =gt ==gt ===gt =>>gt =+>gt =>gt =gt-k ==gt-k ===gt-k =>>gt-k =>gt-k =adobe-japan1-0 ==adobe-japan1-0 ===adobe-japan1-0 =adobe-japan1-1 ==adobe-japan1-1 ===adobe-japan1-1 =adobe-japan1-2 ==adobe-japan1-2 ===adobe-japan1-2 =adobe-japan1-3 ==adobe-japan1-3 ===adobe-japan1-3 =adobe-japan1-4 ==adobe-japan1-4 ===adobe-japan1-4 =adobe-japan1-5 ==adobe-japan1-5 ===adobe-japan1-5 =adobe-japan1-6 ==adobe-japan1-6 ===adobe-japan1-6 =>>adobe-japan1-0 =+>adobe-japan1-0 =>>adobe-japan1-1 =+>adobe-japan1-1 =>>adobe-japan1-2 =+>adobe-japan1-2 =>>adobe-japan1-3 =+>adobe-japan1-3 =>>adobe-japan1-4 =+>adobe-japan1-4 =>>adobe-japan1-5 =+>adobe-japan1-5 =>>adobe-japan1-6 =+>adobe-japan1-6 =>cbeta =cbeta =>>cbeta ==cbeta ===cbeta =zinbun-oracle =>zinbun-oracle ===hng-jou ===hng-keg ===hng-dng ===hng-mam ===hng-drt ===hng-kgk ===hng-myz ===hng-kda ===hng-khi ===hng-khm ===hng-hok ===hng-kyd ===hng-sok ===hng-yhk ===hng-kak ===hng-kar ===hng-kae ===hng-sys ===hng-tsu ===hng-tzj ===hng-hos ===hng-nak ===hng-jhk ===hng-hod ===hng-gok ===hng-ink ===hng-nto ===hng-nkm ===hng-k24 ===hng-nkk ===hng-kcc ===hng-kcj ===hng-kbk ===hng-sik ===hng-skk ===hng-kyu ===hng-ksk ===hng-wan ===hng-okd ===hng-wad ===hng-kmi ===hng-zkd ===hng-doh ===hng-jyu ===hng-tzs ===hng-kss ===hng-kyo ===hng-smk)) ;; (string-match "^=adobe-" (symbol-name name)) ) " %-20s %5d,\t\"_comment\": \"%c") ((memq name '(=hanyo-denshi/ks ==hanyo-denshi/ks ===hanyo-denshi/ks =>>hanyo-denshi/ks =koseki ==koseki =mj ==mj ===mj =>>mj =>mj =zihai mojikyo)) " %-19s %6d,\t\"_comment\": \"%c") ((memq name '(=hanyo-denshi/tk ==hanyo-denshi/tk)) " %-20s %8d,\t\"_comment\": \"%c") ((>= (charset-dimension name) 2) " %-20s %5d,\t\"_comment\": \"%c") (t " %-20s %3d,\t\"_comment\": \"%c")) (format "\"%s\":" name) (if (= (charset-iso-graphic-plane name) 1) (logior value (cond ((= (charset-dimension name) 1) #x80) ((= (charset-dimension name) 2) #x8080) ((= (charset-dimension name) 3) #x808080) (t 0))) value) (char-db-decode-isolated-char name value))) (if (and (= (charset-chars name) 94) (= (charset-dimension name) 2)) (insert (format " [%02d-%02d]\"" (- (lsh value -8) 32) (- (logand value 255) 32))) (insert "\"")) ) (t (insert (format " %-20s %s" (format "\"%s\":" name) value)) )) ) (defun char-db-json-insert-relation-feature (char name value line-breaking ccss readable) (insert (format " %-20s [%s " (format "\"%s\":" name) line-breaking)) (let ((lbs (concat "\n" (make-string (current-column) ?\ ))) separator cell sources required-features ret) (if (characterp value) (setq value (list value))) (while (consp value) (setq cell (car value)) (if (integerp cell) (setq cell (decode-char '=ucs cell))) (cond ((eq name '->subsumptive) (when (or (not (some (lambda (atr) (get-char-attribute cell atr)) char-db-ignored-attributes)) (some (lambda (ccs) (encode-char cell ccs 'defined-only)) ccss)) (if separator (insert separator) (setq separator (format ",%s" lbs))) (let ((char-db-ignored-attributes (cons '<-subsumptive char-db-ignored-attributes))) (char-db-json-insert-char-features cell readable nil nil 'for-sub-node)) ) ) ((characterp cell) (setq sources (get-char-attribute char (intern (format "%s*sources" name)))) (setq required-features nil) (dolist (source sources) (cond ((memq source '(JP JP/Jouyou shinjigen shinjigen@1ed shinjigen@rev)) (setq required-features (union required-features '(=jis-x0208 =jis-x0208@1990 =jis-x0213-1@2000 =jis-x0213-1@2004 =jis-x0213-2 =jis-x0212 =jis-x0208@1983 =jis-x0208@1978 =shinjigen =shinjigen@1ed =shinjigen@rev =shinjigen/+p@rev)))) ((eq source 'CN) (setq required-features (union required-features '(=gb2312 =gb12345 =iso-ir165))))) (cond ((find-charset (setq ret (intern (format "=%s" source)))) (setq required-features (cons ret required-features))) (t (setq required-features (cons source required-features))))) (cond ((string-match "@JP" (symbol-name name)) (setq required-features (union required-features '(=jis-x0208 =jis-x0208@1990 =jis-x0213-1-2000 =jis-x0213-2-2000 =jis-x0212 =jis-x0208@1983 =jis-x0208@1978)))) ((string-match "@CN" (symbol-name name)) (setq required-features (union required-features '(=gb2312 =gb12345 =iso-ir165))))) (if separator (insert separator) (setq separator (format ",%s" lbs))) ;; (if readable ;; (insert (format "%S" cell)) ;; (char-db-json-insert-char-spec cell readable ;; nil ;; required-features)) (char-db-json-insert-char-spec cell readable nil required-features) ) ((consp cell) (if separator (insert separator) (setq separator (format ",%s" lbs))) (if (consp (car cell)) (char-db-json-insert-char-spec cell readable) (char-db-json-insert-char-reference cell readable)) ) (t (if separator (insert separator) ) (insert (prin1-to-string cell)) (setq separator " "))) (setq value (cdr value))) (insert " ]"))) (defun char-db-json-insert-char-features (char &optional readable attributes column for-sub-node) (unless column (setq column (current-column))) (let ((est-view-url-prefix "http://chise.org/est/view") id obj-id type name value ; has-long-ccs-name rest radical strokes (line-breaking (concat "\n" (make-string (1+ column) ?\ ))) line-separator lbs cell separator ret key al cal dest-ccss ; sources required-features ccss) (let (atr-d) (setq attributes (sort (if attributes (if (consp attributes) (progn (dolist (name attributes) (unless (memq name char-db-ignored-attributes) (if (find-charset name) (push name ccss)) (push name atr-d))) atr-d)) (dolist (name (char-attribute-list)) (unless (memq name char-db-ignored-attributes) (if (find-charset name) (push name ccss)) (push name atr-d))) atr-d) #'char-attribute-name<))) (insert (format "{ \"@context\": \"%s/genre/character/context.json\"" est-view-url-prefix)) (setq line-separator (format ",%s" line-breaking)) (setq id (www-uri-make-object-url char)) (insert (format "%s \"@id\": \"%s\"" line-separator id)) (setq obj-id (file-name-nondirectory id)) (setq type (cond ((string-match "^a2\\." obj-id) "chise:super-abstract-character") ((string-match "^a\\." obj-id) "chise:abstract-character") ((string-match "^o\\." obj-id) "chise:unified-glyph") ((string-match "^rep\\." obj-id) "chise:abstract-glyph") ((string-match "^g\\." obj-id) "chise:detailed-glyph") ((string-match "^g2\\." obj-id) "chise:abstract-glyph-form") ((string-match "^gi\\." obj-id) "chise:abstract-glyph-form") ((string-match "^repi\\." obj-id) "chise:glyph-image") (t "chise:character") )) (insert (format "%s \"@type\": \"%s\"" line-separator type)) (when (memq '<-subsumptive attributes) (when (or readable (not for-sub-node)) (when (setq value (get-char-attribute char '<-subsumptive)) (insert line-separator) (char-db-json-insert-relation-feature char '<-subsumptive value line-breaking ccss readable) )) (setq attributes (delq '<-subsumptive attributes)) ) (when (and (memq '<-denotational attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char '<-denotational))) (insert line-separator) (char-db-json-insert-relation-feature char '<-denotational value line-breaking ccss readable) (setq attributes (delq '<-denotational attributes))) (when (and (memq '<-denotational@component attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char '<-denotational@component))) (insert line-separator) (char-db-json-insert-relation-feature char '<-denotational@component value line-breaking ccss readable) (setq attributes (delq '<-denotational@component attributes))) (when (and (memq 'name attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'name))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format (if (> (+ (current-column) (length value)) 48) " \"name\": %S" " \"name\": %S") value)) (setq attributes (delq 'name attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'name* attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'name*))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format (if (> (+ (current-column) (length value)) 48) " \"name*\": %S" " \"name*\": %S") value)) (setq attributes (delq 'name* attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'script attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'script))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"script\":\t\t %s" (mapconcat (function prin1-to-string) value " "))) (setq attributes (delq 'script attributes)) ) (dolist (name '(=>ucs =>ucs*)) (when (and (memq name attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char name))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"%-20s\": #x%04X,\t\"_comment\": \"%c\"" name value (decode-char '=ucs value))) (setq attributes (delq name attributes)))) (dolist (name '(=>ucs@gb =>ucs@big5)) (when (and (memq name attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char name))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"%-20s\": #x%04X,\t\"_comment\": \"%c\"%s" name value (decode-char (intern (concat "=" (substring (symbol-name name) 2))) value) line-breaking)) (setq attributes (delq name attributes)) )) (when (and (memq 'general-category attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'general-category))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"general-category\":\t [ %s ], \"_comment\": \"%s\"" (mapconcat (lambda (cell) (format "%S" cell)) value " ") (cond ((rassoc value unidata-normative-category-alist) "Normative Category") ((rassoc value unidata-informative-category-alist) "Informative Category") (t "Unknown Category")) )) (setq attributes (delq 'general-category attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'bidi-category attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'bidi-category))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"bidi-category\":\t %S" value)) (setq attributes (delq 'bidi-category attributes)) ) (unless (or (not (memq 'mirrored attributes)) (eq (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'mirrored 'empty)) 'empty)) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"mirrored\":\t\t %S" value)) (setq attributes (delq 'mirrored attributes)) ) (cond ((and (memq 'decimal-digit-value attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'decimal-digit-value))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"decimal-digit-value\": %S" value)) (setq attributes (delq 'decimal-digit-value attributes)) (when (and (memq 'digit-value attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'digit-value))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"digit-value\":\t %S" value)) (setq attributes (delq 'digit-value attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'numeric-value attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'numeric-value))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"numeric-value\":\t %S" value)) (setq attributes (delq 'numeric-value attributes)) ) ) (t (when (and (memq 'digit-value attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'digit-value))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"digit-value\":\t %S" value)) (setq attributes (delq 'digit-value attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'numeric-value attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'numeric-value))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"numeric-value\":\t %S" value)) (setq attributes (delq 'numeric-value attributes)) ))) (when (and (memq 'iso-10646-comment attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'iso-10646-comment))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format "{\"iso-10646-comment\":\t %S}%s" value line-breaking)) (setq attributes (delq 'iso-10646-comment attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'morohashi-daikanwa attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'morohashi-daikanwa))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format "{\"morohashi-daikanwa\":\t%s}%s" (mapconcat (function prin1-to-string) value " ") line-breaking)) (setq attributes (delq 'morohashi-daikanwa attributes)) ) (setq radical nil strokes nil) (when (and (memq 'ideographic-radical attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'ideographic-radical))) (setq radical value) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"ideographic-radical\": %S,\t\"_comment\": \"%c\"" radical (ideographic-radical radical) )) (setq attributes (delq 'ideographic-radical attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'shuowen-radical attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'shuowen-radical))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"shuowen-radical\":\t %S,\t\"_comment\": \"%c\"" value (shuowen-radical value))) (setq attributes (delq 'shuowen-radical attributes)) ) (let (key) (dolist (domain (append char-db-feature-domains (let (dest domain) (dolist (feature (char-attribute-list)) (setq feature (symbol-name feature)) (when (string-match "\\(radical\\|strokes\\)@\\([^@*]+\\)\\(\\*\\|$\\)" feature) (setq domain (intern (match-string 2 feature))) (unless (memq domain dest) (setq dest (cons domain dest))))) (sort dest #'string<)))) (setq key (intern (format "%s@%s" 'ideographic-radical domain))) (when (and (memq key attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char key))) (setq radical value) (insert line-separator) (insert (format "{\"%s\": %S},\t\"_comment\": \"%c\"%s" key radical (ideographic-radical radical) line-breaking)) (setq attributes (delq key attributes)) ) (setq key (intern (format "%s@%s" 'ideographic-strokes domain))) (when (and (memq key attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char key))) (setq strokes value) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"%s\": %S" key strokes)) (setq attributes (delq key attributes)) ) (setq key (intern (format "%s@%s" 'total-strokes domain))) (when (and (memq key attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char key))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"%s\": %S" key value )) (setq attributes (delq key attributes)) ) (dolist (feature '(ideographic-radical ideographic-strokes total-strokes)) (setq key (intern (format "%s@%s*sources" feature domain))) (when (and (memq key attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char key))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"%s\":%s" key line-breaking)) (dolist (cell value) (insert (format " %s" cell))) (setq attributes (delq key attributes)) )) )) (when (and (memq 'ideographic-strokes attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'ideographic-strokes))) (setq strokes value) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"ideographic-strokes\": %S" strokes )) (setq attributes (delq 'ideographic-strokes attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'kangxi-radical attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'kangxi-radical))) (unless (eq value radical) (insert line-separator) (insert (format "{\"kangxi-radical\":\t%S},\t\"_comment\": \"%c\"%s" value (ideographic-radical value) line-breaking)) (or radical (setq radical value))) (setq attributes (delq 'kangxi-radical attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'kangxi-strokes attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'kangxi-strokes))) (unless (eq value strokes) (insert line-separator) (insert (format "{\"kangxi-strokes\":\t%S}%s" value line-breaking)) (or strokes (setq strokes value))) (setq attributes (delq 'kangxi-strokes attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'japanese-strokes attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'japanese-strokes))) (unless (eq value strokes) (insert line-separator) (insert (format "{\"japanese-strokes\":\t%S}%s" value line-breaking)) (or strokes (setq strokes value))) (setq attributes (delq 'japanese-strokes attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'cns-radical attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'cns-radical))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format "{\"cns-radical\":\t%S},\t\"_comment\": \"%c\"%s" value (ideographic-radical value) line-breaking)) (setq attributes (delq 'cns-radical attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'cns-strokes attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'cns-strokes))) (unless (eq value strokes) (insert line-separator) (insert (format "{\"cns-strokes\":\t%S}%s" value line-breaking)) (or strokes (setq strokes value))) (setq attributes (delq 'cns-strokes attributes)) ) (when (and (memq 'total-strokes attributes) (setq value (get-char-attribute char 'total-strokes))) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " \"total-strokes\": %S" value )) (setq attributes (delq 'total-strokes attributes)) ) (if (equal (get-char-attribute char '->titlecase) (get-char-attribute char '->uppercase)) (setq attributes (delq '->titlecase attributes))) (unless readable (dolist (ignored '(composition ->denotational <-subsumptive ->ucs-unified ->ideographic-component-forms)) (setq attributes (delq ignored attributes)))) (while attributes (setq name (car attributes)) (unless (eq (setq value (get-char-attribute char name 'value-is-empty)) 'value-is-empty) (cond ((setq ret (find-charset name)) (setq name (charset-name ret)) (when (not (memq name dest-ccss)) (setq dest-ccss (cons name dest-ccss)) (insert line-separator) (char-db-json-insert-ccs-feature name value line-breaking)) ) ((string-match "^=>ucs@" (symbol-name name)) (insert line-separator) (insert (format "{\"%-20s\": #x%04X},\t\"_comment\": \"%c\"%s" name value (decode-char '=ucs value) line-breaking)) ) ((eq name 'jisx0208-1978/4X) (insert line-separator) (insert (format "{\"%-20s\": #x%04X}%s" name value line-breaking)) ) ((and (not readable) (not (eq name '->subsumptive)) (not (eq name '->uppercase)) (not (eq name '->lowercase)) (not (eq name '->titlecase)) (not (eq name '->canonical)) (not (eq name '->Bopomofo)) (not (eq name '->mistakable)) (not (eq name '->ideographic-variants)) (null (get-char-attribute char (intern (format "%s*sources" name)))) (not (string-match "\\*sources$" (symbol-name name))) (null (get-char-attribute char (intern (format "%s*note" name)))) (not (string-match "\\*note$" (symbol-name name))) (or (eq name '<-identical) (eq name '<-uppercase) (eq name '<-lowercase) (eq name '<-titlecase) (eq name '<-canonical) (eq name '<-ideographic-variants) ;; (eq name '<-synonyms) (string-match "^<-synonyms" (symbol-name name)) (eq name '<-mistakable) (when (string-match "^->" (symbol-name name)) (cond ((string-match "^->fullwidth" (symbol-name name)) (not (and (consp value) (characterp (car value)) (encode-char (car value) '=ucs 'defined-only))) ) (t))) )) ) ((or (eq name 'ideographic-structure) (eq name 'ideographic-combination) ;; (eq name 'ideographic-) (eq name '=decomposition) (char-feature-base-name= '=decomposition name) (char-feature-base-name= '=>decomposition name) ;; (string-match "^=>*decomposition\\(@[^*]+\\)?$" ;; (symbol-name name)) (string-match "^\\(->\\|<-\\)[^*]*$" (symbol-name name)) (string-match "^\\(->\\|<-\\)[^*]*\\*sources$" (symbol-name name)) ) (insert line-separator) (char-db-json-insert-relation-feature char name value line-breaking ccss readable)) ((consp value) (insert line-separator) (insert (format " %-20s [ " (format "\"%s\":" name))) (setq lbs (concat "\n" (make-string (current-column) ?\ )) separator nil) (while (consp value) (setq cell (car value)) (if (and (consp cell) (consp (car cell)) (setq ret (condition-case nil (find-char cell) (error nil)))) (progn (setq rest cell al nil cal nil) (while rest (setq key (car (car rest))) (if (find-charset key) (setq cal (cons key cal)) (setq al (cons key al))) (setq rest (cdr rest))) (if separator (insert lbs)) (char-db-json-insert-char-features ret readable al nil 'for-sub-node) (setq separator lbs)) (setq ret (prin1-to-string cell)) (if separator (if (< (+ (current-column) (length ret) (length separator)) 76) (insert separator) (insert lbs))) (insert ret) (setq separator " ")) (setq value (cdr value))) (insert " ]") ) (t (insert line-separator) (insert (format " %-20s " (format "\"%s\":" name))) (setq ret (prin1-to-string value)) (unless (< (+ (current-column) (length ret) 3) 76) (insert line-breaking)) (insert ret) ) )) (setq attributes (cdr attributes))) (insert "\n" (make-string column ?\ ) "}"))) (defun char-db-json-char-data (char &optional readable attributes column) (unless column (setq column (current-column))) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region (point)(point)) (char-db-json-insert-char-features char readable attributes column) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "[ \t]+$" nil t) (replace-match "")) ;; from tabify. (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "[ \t][ \t][ \t]*" nil t) (let ((column (current-column)) (indent-tabs-mode t)) (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (point)) (indent-to column))) (goto-char (point-max)) ;; (tabify (point-min)(point-max)) )) (defun char-db-json-char-data-with-variant (char &optional printable no-ucs-unified script excluded-script) (insert "[ ") (char-db-json-char-data char printable) (let ((variants (char-variants char)) rest variant vs ret ) (setq variants (sort variants #'<)) (setq rest variants) (setq variants (cons char variants)) (while rest (setq variant (car rest)) (unless (get-char-attribute variant '<-subsumptive) (if (and (or (null script) (null (setq vs (get-char-attribute variant 'script))) (memq script vs)) (or (null excluded-script) (null (setq vs (get-char-attribute variant 'script))) (not (memq excluded-script vs)))) (unless (and no-ucs-unified (get-char-attribute variant '=ucs)) (insert ",\n ") (char-db-json-char-data variant printable) (if (setq ret (char-variants variant)) (while ret (or (memq (car ret) variants) ;; (get-char-attribute (car ret) '<-subsumptive) (setq rest (nconc rest (list (car ret))))) (setq ret (cdr ret))))))) (setq rest (cdr rest))) (insert "\n]\n"))) (defun char-db-json-insert-char-range-data (min max &optional script excluded-script) (let ((code min) char) (while (<= code max) (setq char (decode-char '=ucs code)) (if (encode-char char '=ucs 'defined-only) (char-db-json-char-data-with-variant char nil 'no-ucs-unified script excluded-script)) (setq code (1+ code))))) (defun write-char-range-data-to-json-file (min max file &optional script excluded-script) (let ((coding-system-for-write char-db-file-coding-system)) (with-temp-buffer (insert (format "// -*- coding: %s -*-\n" char-db-file-coding-system)) (char-db-json-insert-char-range-data min max script excluded-script) (write-region (point-min)(point-max) file)))) ;;;###autoload (defun what-char-definition-json (char) (interactive (list (char-after))) (let ((est-hide-cgi-mode t) (buf (get-buffer-create "*Character Description*")) (the-buf (current-buffer)) (win-conf (current-window-configuration))) (pop-to-buffer buf) (make-local-variable 'what-character-original-window-configuration) (setq what-character-original-window-configuration win-conf) (setq buffer-read-only nil) (erase-buffer) (condition-case err (progn (char-db-json-char-data-with-variant char 'printable) (unless (char-attribute-alist char) (insert (format "// = %c\n" (let* ((rest (split-char char)) (ccs (pop rest)) (code (pop rest))) (while rest (setq code (logior (lsh code 8) (pop rest)))) (decode-char ccs code))))) ;; (char-db-update-comment) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (view-mode the-buf (lambda (buf) (set-window-configuration what-character-original-window-configuration) )) (goto-char (point-min))) (error (progn (set-window-configuration what-character-original-window-configuration) (signal (car err) (cdr err))))))) (defun char-db-json-batch-view () (setq terminal-coding-system 'binary) (condition-case err (let* ((target (pop command-line-args-left)) ret genre object) (princ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 ") (cond ((stringp target) (when (string-match "^char=\\(&[^&;]+;\\)" target) (setq ret (match-end 0)) (setq target (concat "char=" (www-uri-encode-object (www-uri-decode-object 'character (match-string 1 target))) (substring target ret)))) (setq target (mapcar (lambda (cell) (if (string-match "=" cell) (progn (setq genre (substring cell 0 (match-beginning 0)) ret (substring cell (match-end 0))) (cons (intern (decode-uri-string genre 'utf-8-mcs-er)) ret)) (list (decode-uri-string cell 'utf-8-mcs-er)))) (split-string target "&"))) (setq ret (car target)) (cond ((eq (car ret) 'char) (setq object (www-uri-decode-object (car ret)(cdr ret))) (when (characterp object) (with-temp-buffer (char-db-json-char-data object) (encode-coding-region (point-min)(point-max) char-db-file-coding-system) (princ (buffer-string)) )) ) ((eq (car ret) 'character) (setq object (www-uri-decode-object (car ret)(cdr ret))) (when (characterp object) (with-temp-buffer (char-db-json-char-data object) (encode-coding-region (point-min)(point-max) char-db-file-coding-system) (princ (buffer-string)) )) )) )) ) (error nil (princ (format "%S" err))) )) ;;; @ end ;;; (provide 'char-db-json) ;;; char-db-json.el ends here