;;; ids-dump.el --- Dump utility of IDS-* files ;; Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2004,2005,2009,2011,2019,2022 MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Keywords: IDS, IDC, Ideographs, UCS, Unicode ;; This file is a part of IDS. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Code: (require 'ids) (defun ids-dump-format-list (ids-list) (if ids-list (let (ucs) (mapconcat (lambda (c) (char-to-string (if (setq ucs (unless (encode-char c '=ucs 'defined-only) (or (get-char-attribute c '=ucs@unicode) (get-char-attribute c '=ucs@iso)))) (decode-char '=ucs ucs) c))) (ids-format-list ids-list) "")))) (defun ids-dump-insert-line (ccs line-spec code) (let ((chr (decode-char ccs code)) id-list) (when chr (setq id-list (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure)) (insert (format line-spec code (decode-builtin-char ccs code) (if id-list (ids-dump-format-list id-list) (char-to-string chr))))))) (defun ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges (ccs line-spec &rest ranges) (let (range code max-code) (while ranges (setq range (car ranges)) (cond ((consp range) (setq code (car range) max-code (cdr range)) (while (<= code max-code) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec code) (setq code (1+ code)))) ((integerp range) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec range)) (t (error 'wrong-type-argument range))) (setq ranges (cdr ranges))))) (defun ids-dump-insert-94x94-ccs-ranges (ccs line-spec &rest ranges) (let (range code max-code l) (while ranges (setq range (car ranges)) (cond ((consp range) (setq code (car range) max-code (cdr range)) (while (<= code max-code) (setq l (logand code 255)) (if (and (<= #x21 l)(<= l #x7E)) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec code)) (setq code (1+ code)))) ((integerp range) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec range)) (t (error 'wrong-type-argument range))) (setq ranges (cdr ranges))))) (defun ids-dump-insert-daikanwa (start end) (let ((i start) mdh-alist chr sal) (map-char-attribute (lambda (key val) (when (= (length val) 2) (set-alist 'mdh-alist (car val) (put-alist (nth 1 val) key (cdr (assq (car val) mdh-alist))))) nil) 'morohashi-daikanwa) (while (<= i end) (when (setq chr (decode-char 'ideograph-daikanwa i)) (insert (format "M-%05d \t%c\t%s\n" i (decode-builtin-char 'ideograph-daikanwa i) (or (ids-dump-format-list (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure)) "")))) (when (setq sal (assq i mdh-alist)) (setq sal (cdr sal)) (when (setq chr (assq 1 sal)) (setq chr (cdr chr)) (insert (format "M-%05d'\t%c\t%s\n" i chr (or (ids-dump-format-list (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure)) "")))) (when (setq chr (assq 2 sal)) (setq chr (cdr chr)) (insert (format "M-%05d\"\t%c\t%s\n" i chr (ids-dump-format-list (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure))))) ) (setq i (1+ i))))) (defun ids-dump-insert-daikanwa-hokan () (let (chr sal) (map-char-attribute (lambda (key val) (when (and (eq (car val) 'ho) (null (nthcdr 2 val))) (setq sal (cons (cons (nth 1 val) key) sal))) nil) 'morohashi-daikanwa) (setq sal (sort sal (lambda (a b) (< (car a)(car b))))) (dolist (cell sal) (setq chr (cdr cell)) (insert (format "MH-%04d \t%c\t%s\n" (car cell) chr (or (ids-dump-format-list (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure)) "")))))) (defun ids-dump-insert-jis-x0208-1990 () (let ((row 16) cell h l code chr) (while (<= row 83) (setq h (+ row 32)) (setq cell 1) (while (<= cell 94) (setq l (+ cell 32)) (setq chr (make-char 'japanese-jisx0208-1990 h l)) (insert (format "J90-%02X%02X\t%c\t%s\n" h l (decode-builtin-char 'japanese-jisx0208-1990 (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (or (ideographic-structure-to-ids (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure)) ""))) (setq cell (1+ cell))) (setq row (1+ row))) (setq h (+ row 32)) (setq cell 1) (while (<= cell 6) (setq l (+ cell 32)) (setq chr (make-char 'japanese-jisx0208-1990 h l)) (insert (format "J90-%02X%02X\t%c\t%s\n" h l (decode-builtin-char 'japanese-jisx0208-1990 (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (or (ideographic-structure-to-ids (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure)) ""))) (setq cell (1+ cell))))) (defun ids-dump-insert-big5 (ccs prefix) (let ((h #x81) l code chr structure) (while (<= h #xFE) (setq l #x40) (while (<= l #x7E) (setq chr (make-char ccs h l)) (setq structure nil) (when (setq structure (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure)) (insert (format "%s%02X%02X\t%c\t%s\n" prefix h l (decode-builtin-char ccs (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (or (ids-format-list (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure)) "")))) (setq l (1+ l))) (setq l #xA1) (while (<= l #xFE) (setq chr (make-char ccs h l)) (setq structure nil) (when (setq structure (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure)) (insert (format "%s%02X%02X\t%c\t%s\n" prefix h l (decode-builtin-char ccs (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (or (ids-format-list (get-char-attribute chr 'ideographic-structure)) "")))) (setq l (1+ l))) (setq h (1+ h))))) (defun ids-dump-insert-big5-pua (ccs prefix) (let ((line-spec (concat prefix "%04X\t%c\t%s\n")) (h #x81) l) (while (<= h #xA0) (setq l #x40) (while (<= l #x7E) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (setq l (1+ l))) (setq l #xA1) (while (<= l #xFE) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (setq l (1+ l))) (setq h (1+ h))) (setq h #xC6) (setq l #xDE) (while (<= l #xFE) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (setq l (1+ l))) (setq h #xC7) (while (<= h #xC8) (setq l #x40) (while (<= l #x7E) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (setq l (1+ l))) (setq l #xA1) (while (<= l #xFE) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (setq l (1+ l))) (setq h (1+ h))) (setq h #xFA) (while (<= h #xFE) (setq l #x40) (while (<= l #x7E) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (setq l (1+ l))) (setq l #xA1) (while (<= l #xFE) (ids-dump-insert-line ccs line-spec (logior (lsh h 8) l)) (setq l (1+ l))) (setq h (1+ h))))) (defun ids-dump-range (file path func &rest args) (with-temp-buffer (let* ((coding-system-for-write 'utf-8-mcs-er)) (if (file-directory-p path) (setq path (expand-file-name file path))) (insert ";; -*- coding: utf-8-mcs-er -*-\n") (apply func args) (write-region (point-min)(point-max) path)))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-basic (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Basic : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Basic.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U+%04X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x4E00 . #x9FEA))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-basic@unicode (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Basic : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Basic_u.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges '=ucs@unicode "UU+%04X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x4E00 . #x9FA5))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-ext-a (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Ext-A : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Ext-A.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U+%04X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x3400 . #x4DB5) #xFA1F #xFA23)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-compat (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Compat : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Compat.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U+%04X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#xF900 . #xFA1E) '(#xFA20 . #xFA22) '(#xFA24 . #xFA2D))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-ext-b-1 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Ext-B-1 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Ext-B-1.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U-%08X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x20000 . #x21FFF))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-ext-b-2 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Ext-B-2 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Ext-B-2.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U-%08X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x22000 . #x23FFF))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-ext-b-3 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Ext-B-3 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Ext-B-3.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U-%08X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x24000 . #x25FFF))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-ext-b-4 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Ext-B-4 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Ext-B-4.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U-%08X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x26000 . #x27FFF))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-ext-b-5 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Ext-B-5 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Ext-B-5.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U-%08X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x28000 . #x29FFF))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-ext-b-6 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Ext-B-6 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Ext-B-6.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U-%08X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x2A000 . #x2A6D6))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-compat-supplement (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Compat-Supplement : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Compat-Supplement.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U-%08X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x2F800 . #x2FA1D))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-ucs-ext-h (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-UCS-Ext-H : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-UCS-Ext-H.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ucs "U+%04X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x31350 . #x323AF))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-cns11643-1 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-CNS-1 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-CNS-1.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-94x94-ccs-ranges 'chinese-cns11643-1 "C1-%04X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x4421 . #x7D4B))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-cns11643-2 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-CNS-2 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-CNS-2.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-94x94-ccs-ranges 'chinese-cns11643-2 "C2-%04X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x2121 . #x7244))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-cns11643-3 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-CNS-3 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-CNS-3.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-94x94-ccs-ranges 'chinese-cns11643-3 "C3-%04X\t%c\t%s\n" '(#x2121 . #x6246))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-01 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-01 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-01.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 00001 01449)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-02 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-02 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-02.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 01450 04674)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-03 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-03 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-03.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 04675 07410)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-04 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-04 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-04.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 07411 11529)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-05 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-05 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-05.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 11530 14414)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-06 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-06 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-06.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 14415 17574)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-07 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-07 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-07.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 17575 22677)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-08 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-08 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-08.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 22678 28107)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-09 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-09 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-09.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 28108 32803)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-10 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-10 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-10.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 32804 38699)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-11 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-11 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-11.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 38700 42209)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-12 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-12 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-12.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 42210 48902)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-index (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-dx : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-dx.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa 48903 49964)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-daikanwa-hokan (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-Daikanwa-ho : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-Daikanwa-ho.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-daikanwa-hokan)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-cbeta (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-CBETA : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-CBETA.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-ccs-ranges 'ideograph-cbeta "CB%05d\t%c\t%s\n" '(1 . 13363))) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-jis-x0208-1990 (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-JIS-X0208-1990 : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-JIS-X0208-1990.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-jis-x0208-1990)) ;;;###autoload (defun ids-dump-big5-cdp (filename) (interactive "Fdump IDS-CDP : ") (ids-dump-range "IDS-CDP.txt" filename #'ids-dump-insert-big5-pua '=big5-cdp "CDP-")) ;;; @ End. ;;; (provide 'ids-dump) ;;; ids-dump.el ends here