This is ../info/, produced by makeinfo version 4.6 from lispref/lispref.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION XEmacs Editor START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Lispref: (lispref). XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Edition History: GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual Second Edition (v2.01), May 1993 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual Further Revised (v2.02), August 1993 Lucid Emacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.10) First Edition, March 1994 XEmacs Lisp Programmer's Manual (for 19.12) Second Edition, April 1995 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual v2.4, June 1995 XEmacs Lisp Programmer's Manual (for 19.13) Third Edition, July 1995 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.14 and 20.0) v3.1, March 1996 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 19.15 and 20.1, 20.2, 20.3) v3.2, April, May, November 1997 XEmacs Lisp Reference Manual (for 21.0) v3.3, April 1998 Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Ben Wing. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" is included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the section entitled "GNU General Public License" may be included in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: Create/Delete Dirs, Next: Magic File Names, Prev: Contents of Directories, Up: Files Creating and Deleting Directories ================================= Most XEmacs Lisp file-manipulation functions get errors when used on files that are directories. For example, you cannot delete a directory with `delete-file'. These special functions exist to create and delete directories. - Command: make-directory dirname &optional parents This function creates a directory named DIRNAME. Interactively, the default choice of directory to create is the current default directory for file names. That is useful when you have visited a file in a nonexistent directory. Non-interactively, optional argument PARENTS says whether to create parent directories if they don't exist. (Interactively, this always happens.) - Command: delete-directory dirname This function deletes the directory named DIRNAME. The function `delete-file' does not work for files that are directories; you must use `delete-directory' in that case.  File:, Node: Magic File Names, Next: Partial Files, Prev: Create/Delete Dirs, Up: Files Making Certain File Names "Magic" ================================= You can implement special handling for certain file names. This is called making those names "magic". You must supply a regular expression to define the class of names (all those that match the regular expression), plus a handler that implements all the primitive XEmacs file operations for file names that do match. The variable `file-name-handler-alist' holds a list of handlers, together with regular expressions that determine when to apply each handler. Each element has this form: (REGEXP . HANDLER) All the XEmacs primitives for file access and file name transformation check the given file name against `file-name-handler-alist'. If the file name matches REGEXP, the primitives handle that file by calling HANDLER. The first argument given to HANDLER is the name of the primitive; the remaining arguments are the arguments that were passed to that operation. (The first of these arguments is typically the file name itself.) For example, if you do this: (file-exists-p FILENAME) and FILENAME has handler HANDLER, then HANDLER is called like this: (funcall HANDLER 'file-exists-p FILENAME) Here are the operations that a magic file name handler gets to handle: `add-name-to-file', `copy-file', `delete-directory', `delete-file', `diff-latest-backup-file', `directory-file-name', `directory-files', `dired-compress-file', `dired-uncache', `expand-file-name', `file-accessible-directory-p', `file-attributes', `file-directory-p', `file-executable-p', `file-exists-p', `file-local-copy', `file-modes', `file-name-all-completions', `file-name-as-directory', `file-name-completion', `file-name-directory', `file-name-nondirectory', `file-name-sans-versions', `file-newer-than-file-p', `file-readable-p', `file-regular-p', `file-symlink-p', `file-truename', `file-writable-p', `get-file-buffer', `insert-directory', `insert-file-contents', `load', `make-directory', `make-symbolic-link', `rename-file', `set-file-modes', `set-visited-file-modtime', `unhandled-file-name-directory', `verify-visited-file-modtime', `write-region'. Handlers for `insert-file-contents' typically need to clear the buffer's modified flag, with `(set-buffer-modified-p nil)', if the VISIT argument is non-`nil'. This also has the effect of unlocking the buffer if it is locked. The handler function must handle all of the above operations, and possibly others to be added in the future. It need not implement all these operations itself--when it has nothing special to do for a certain operation, it can reinvoke the primitive, to handle the operation "in the usual way". It should always reinvoke the primitive for an operation it does not recognize. Here's one way to do this: (defun my-file-handler (operation &rest args) ;; First check for the specific operations ;; that we have special handling for. (cond ((eq operation 'insert-file-contents) ...) ((eq operation 'write-region) ...) ... ;; Handle any operation we don't know about. (t (let ((inhibit-file-name-handlers (cons 'my-file-handler (and (eq inhibit-file-name-operation operation) inhibit-file-name-handlers))) (inhibit-file-name-operation operation)) (apply operation args))))) When a handler function decides to call the ordinary Emacs primitive for the operation at hand, it needs to prevent the primitive from calling the same handler once again, thus leading to an infinite recursion. The example above shows how to do this, with the variables `inhibit-file-name-handlers' and `inhibit-file-name-operation'. Be careful to use them exactly as shown above; the details are crucial for proper behavior in the case of multiple handlers, and for operations that have two file names that may each have handlers. - Variable: inhibit-file-name-handlers This variable holds a list of handlers whose use is presently inhibited for a certain operation. - Variable: inhibit-file-name-operation The operation for which certain handlers are presently inhibited. - Function: find-file-name-handler filename &optional operation This function returns the handler function for file name FILENAME, or `nil' if there is none. The argument OPERATION should be the operation to be performed on the file--the value you will pass to the handler as its first argument when you call it. The operation is needed for comparison with `inhibit-file-name-operation'. - Function: file-local-copy filename This function copies file FILENAME to an ordinary non-magic file, if it isn't one already. If FILENAME specifies a "magic" file name, which programs outside Emacs cannot directly read or write, this copies the contents to an ordinary file and returns that file's name. If FILENAME is an ordinary file name, not magic, then this function does nothing and returns `nil'. - Function: unhandled-file-name-directory filename This function returns the name of a directory that is not magic. It uses the directory part of FILENAME if that is not magic. Otherwise, it asks the handler what to do. This is useful for running a subprocess; every subprocess must have a non-magic directory to serve as its current directory, and this function is a good way to come up with one.  File:, Node: Partial Files, Next: Format Conversion, Prev: Magic File Names, Up: Files Partial Files ============= * Menu: * Intro to Partial Files:: * Creating a Partial File:: * Detached Partial Files::  File:, Node: Intro to Partial Files, Next: Creating a Partial File, Up: Partial Files Intro to Partial Files ---------------------- A "partial file" is a section of a buffer (called the "master buffer") that is placed in its own buffer and treated as its own file. Changes made to the partial file are not reflected in the master buffer until the partial file is "saved" using the standard buffer save commands. Partial files can be "reverted" (from the master buffer) just like normal files. When a file part is active on a master buffer, that section of the master buffer is marked as read-only. Two file parts on the same master buffer are not allowed to overlap. Partial file buffers are indicated by the words `File Part' in the modeline. The master buffer knows about all the partial files that are active on it, and thus killing or reverting the master buffer will be handled properly. When the master buffer is saved, if there are any unsaved partial files active on it then the user will be given the opportunity to first save these files. When a partial file buffer is first modified, the master buffer is automatically marked as modified so that saving the master buffer will work correctly.  File:, Node: Creating a Partial File, Next: Detached Partial Files, Prev: Intro to Partial Files, Up: Partial Files Creating a Partial File ----------------------- - Command: make-file-part &optional start end name buffer Make a file part on buffer BUFFER out of the region. Call it NAME. This command creates a new buffer containing the contents of the region and marks the buffer as referring to the specified buffer, called the "master buffer". When the file-part buffer is saved, its changes are integrated back into the master buffer. When the master buffer is deleted, all file parts are deleted with it. When called from a function, expects four arguments, START, END, NAME, and BUFFER, all of which are optional and default to the beginning of BUFFER, the end of BUFFER, a name generated from BUFFER's name, and the current buffer, respectively.  File:, Node: Detached Partial Files, Prev: Creating a Partial File, Up: Partial Files Detached Partial Files ---------------------- Every partial file has an extent in the master buffer associated with it (called the "master extent"), marking where in the master buffer the partial file begins and ends. If the text in master buffer that is contained by the extent is deleted, then the extent becomes "detached", meaning that it no longer refers to a specific region of the master buffer. This can happen either when the text is deleted directly or when the master buffer is reverted. Neither of these should happen in normal usage because the master buffer should generally not be edited directly. Before doing any operation that references a partial file's master extent, XEmacs checks to make sure that the extent is not detached. If this is the case, XEmacs warns the user of this and the master extent is deleted out of the master buffer, disconnecting the file part. The file part's filename is cleared and thus must be explicitly specified if the detached file part is to be saved.  File:, Node: Format Conversion, Next: Files and MS-DOS, Prev: Partial Files, Up: Files File Format Conversion ====================== The variable `format-alist' defines a list of "file formats", which describe textual representations used in files for the data (text, text-properties, and possibly other information) in an Emacs buffer. Emacs performs format conversion if appropriate when reading and writing files. - Variable: format-alist This list contains one format definition for each defined file format. Each format definition is a list of this form: (NAME DOC-STRING REGEXP FROM-FN TO-FN MODIFY MODE-FN) Here is what the elements in a format definition mean: NAME The name of this format. DOC-STRING A documentation string for the format. REGEXP A regular expression which is used to recognize files represented in this format. FROM-FN A function to call to decode data in this format (to convert file data into the usual Emacs data representation). The FROM-FN is called with two args, BEGIN and END, which specify the part of the buffer it should convert. It should convert the text by editing it in place. Since this can change the length of the text, FROM-FN should return the modified end position. One responsibility of FROM-FN is to make sure that the beginning of the file no longer matches REGEXP. Otherwise it is likely to get called again. TO-FN A function to call to encode data in this format (to convert the usual Emacs data representation into this format). The TO-FN is called with two args, BEGIN and END, which specify the part of the buffer it should convert. There are two ways it can do the conversion: * By editing the buffer in place. In this case, TO-FN should return the end-position of the range of text, as modified. * By returning a list of annotations. This is a list of elements of the form `(POSITION . STRING)', where POSITION is an integer specifying the relative position in the text to be written, and STRING is the annotation to add there. The list must be sorted in order of position when TO-FN returns it. When `write-region' actually writes the text from the buffer to the file, it intermixes the specified annotations at the corresponding positions. All this takes place without modifying the buffer. MODIFY A flag, `t' if the encoding function modifies the buffer, and `nil' if it works by returning a list of annotations. MODE A mode function to call after visiting a file converted from this format. The function `insert-file-contents' automatically recognizes file formats when it reads the specified file. It checks the text of the beginning of the file against the regular expressions of the format definitions, and if it finds a match, it calls the decoding function for that format. Then it checks all the known formats over again. It keeps checking them until none of them is applicable. Visiting a file, with `find-file-noselect' or the commands that use it, performs conversion likewise (because it calls `insert-file-contents'); it also calls the mode function for each format that it decodes. It stores a list of the format names in the buffer-local variable `buffer-file-format'. - Variable: buffer-file-format This variable states the format of the visited file. More precisely, this is a list of the file format names that were decoded in the course of visiting the current buffer's file. It is always local in all buffers. When `write-region' writes data into a file, it first calls the encoding functions for the formats listed in `buffer-file-format', in the order of appearance in the list. - Command: format-write-file file format This command writes the current buffer contents into the file FILE in format FORMAT, and makes that format the default for future saves of the buffer. The argument FORMAT is a list of format names. - Command: format-find-file file format This command finds the file FILE, converting it according to format FORMAT. It also makes FORMAT the default if the buffer is saved later. The argument FORMAT is a list of format names. If FORMAT is `nil', no conversion takes place. Interactively, typing just for FORMAT specifies `nil'. - Command: format-insert-file file format &optional start end This command inserts the contents of file FILE, converting it according to format FORMAT. If START and END are non-`nil', they specify which part of the file to read, as in `insert-file-contents' (*note Reading from Files::). The return value is like what `insert-file-contents' returns: a list of the absolute file name and the length of the data inserted (after conversion). The argument FORMAT is a list of format names. If FORMAT is `nil', no conversion takes place. Interactively, typing just for FORMAT specifies `nil'. - Variable: auto-save-file-format This variable specifies the format to use for auto-saving. Its value is a list of format names, just like the value of `buffer-file-format'; but it is used instead of `buffer-file-format' for writing auto-save files. This variable is always local in all buffers.  File:, Node: Files and MS-DOS, Prev: Format Conversion, Up: Files Files and MS-DOS ================ Emacs on MS-DOS makes a distinction between text files and binary files. This is necessary because ordinary text files on MS-DOS use a two character sequence between lines: carriage-return and linefeed (CRLF). Emacs expects just a newline character (a linefeed) between lines. When Emacs reads or writes a text file on MS-DOS, it needs to convert the line separators. This means it needs to know which files are text files and which are binary. It makes this decision when visiting a file, and records the decision in the variable `buffer-file-type' for use when the file is saved. *Note MS-DOS Subprocesses::, for a related feature for subprocesses. - Variable: buffer-file-type This variable, automatically local in each buffer, records the file type of the buffer's visited file. The value is `nil' for text, `t' for binary. - Function: find-buffer-file-type filename This function determines whether file FILENAME is a text file or a binary file. It returns `nil' for text, `t' for binary. - User Option: file-name-buffer-file-type-alist This variable holds an alist for distinguishing text files from binary files. Each element has the form (REGEXP . TYPE), where REGEXP is matched against the file name, and TYPE may be is `nil' for text, `t' for binary, or a function to call to compute which. If it is a function, then it is called with a single argument (the file name) and should return `t' or `nil'. - User Option: default-buffer-file-type This variable specifies the default file type for files whose names don't indicate anything in particular. Its value should be `nil' for text, or `t' for binary. - Command: find-file-text filename Like `find-file', but treat the file as text regardless of its name. - Command: find-file-binary filename Like `find-file', but treat the file as binary regardless of its name.  File:, Node: Backups and Auto-Saving, Next: Buffers, Prev: Files, Up: Top Backups and Auto-Saving *********************** Backup files and auto-save files are two methods by which XEmacs tries to protect the user from the consequences of crashes or of the user's own errors. Auto-saving preserves the text from earlier in the current editing session; backup files preserve file contents prior to the current session. * Menu: * Backup Files:: How backup files are made; how their names are chosen. * Auto-Saving:: How auto-save files are made; how their names are chosen. * Reverting:: `revert-buffer', and how to customize what it does.  File:, Node: Backup Files, Next: Auto-Saving, Up: Backups and Auto-Saving Backup Files ============ A "backup file" is a copy of the old contents of a file you are editing. XEmacs makes a backup file the first time you save a buffer into its visited file. Normally, this means that the backup file contains the contents of the file as it was before the current editing session. The contents of the backup file normally remain unchanged once it exists. Backups are usually made by renaming the visited file to a new name. Optionally, you can specify that backup files should be made by copying the visited file. This choice makes a difference for files with multiple names; it also can affect whether the edited file remains owned by the original owner or becomes owned by the user editing it. By default, XEmacs makes a single backup file for each file edited. You can alternatively request numbered backups; then each new backup file gets a new name. You can delete old numbered backups when you don't want them any more, or XEmacs can delete them automatically. * Menu: * Making Backups:: How XEmacs makes backup files, and when. * Rename or Copy:: Two alternatives: renaming the old file or copying it. * Numbered Backups:: Keeping multiple backups for each source file. * Backup Names:: How backup file names are computed; customization.  File:, Node: Making Backups, Next: Rename or Copy, Up: Backup Files Making Backup Files ------------------- - Function: backup-buffer This function makes a backup of the file visited by the current buffer, if appropriate. It is called by `save-buffer' before saving the buffer the first time. - Variable: buffer-backed-up This buffer-local variable indicates whether this buffer's file has been backed up on account of this buffer. If it is non-`nil', then the backup file has been written. Otherwise, the file should be backed up when it is next saved (if backups are enabled). This is a permanent local; `kill-local-variables' does not alter it. - User Option: make-backup-files This variable determines whether or not to make backup files. If it is non-`nil', then XEmacs creates a backup of each file when it is saved for the first time--provided that `backup-inhibited' is `nil' (see below). The following example shows how to change the `make-backup-files' variable only in the `RMAIL' buffer and not elsewhere. Setting it `nil' stops XEmacs from making backups of the `RMAIL' file, which may save disk space. (You would put this code in your `.emacs' file.) (add-hook 'rmail-mode-hook (function (lambda () (make-local-variable 'make-backup-files) (setq make-backup-files nil)))) - Variable: backup-enable-predicate This variable's value is a function to be called on certain occasions to decide whether a file should have backup files. The function receives one argument, a file name to consider. If the function returns `nil', backups are disabled for that file. Otherwise, the other variables in this section say whether and how to make backups. The default value is this: (lambda (name) (or (< (length name) 5) (not (string-equal "/tmp/" (substring name 0 5))))) - Variable: backup-inhibited If this variable is non-`nil', backups are inhibited. It records the result of testing `backup-enable-predicate' on the visited file name. It can also coherently be used by other mechanisms that inhibit backups based on which file is visited. For example, VC sets this variable non-`nil' to prevent making backups for files managed with a version control system. This is a permanent local, so that changing the major mode does not lose its value. Major modes should not set this variable--they should set `make-backup-files' instead.  File:, Node: Rename or Copy, Next: Numbered Backups, Prev: Making Backups, Up: Backup Files Backup by Renaming or by Copying? --------------------------------- There are two ways that XEmacs can make a backup file: * XEmacs can rename the original file so that it becomes a backup file, and then write the buffer being saved into a new file. After this procedure, any other names (i.e., hard links) of the original file now refer to the backup file. The new file is owned by the user doing the editing, and its group is the default for new files written by the user in that directory. * XEmacs can copy the original file into a backup file, and then overwrite the original file with new contents. After this procedure, any other names (i.e., hard links) of the original file still refer to the current version of the file. The file's owner and group will be unchanged. The first method, renaming, is the default. The variable `backup-by-copying', if non-`nil', says to use the second method, which is to copy the original file and overwrite it with the new buffer contents. The variable `file-precious-flag', if non-`nil', also has this effect (as a sideline of its main significance). *Note Saving Buffers::. - Variable: backup-by-copying If this variable is non-`nil', XEmacs always makes backup files by copying. The following two variables, when non-`nil', cause the second method to be used in certain special cases. They have no effect on the treatment of files that don't fall into the special cases. - Variable: backup-by-copying-when-linked If this variable is non-`nil', XEmacs makes backups by copying for files with multiple names (hard links). This variable is significant only if `backup-by-copying' is `nil', since copying is always used when that variable is non-`nil'. - Variable: backup-by-copying-when-mismatch If this variable is non-`nil', XEmacs makes backups by copying in cases where renaming would change either the owner or the group of the file. The value has no effect when renaming would not alter the owner or group of the file; that is, for files which are owned by the user and whose group matches the default for a new file created there by the user. This variable is significant only if `backup-by-copying' is `nil', since copying is always used when that variable is non-`nil'.  File:, Node: Numbered Backups, Next: Backup Names, Prev: Rename or Copy, Up: Backup Files Making and Deleting Numbered Backup Files ----------------------------------------- If a file's name is `foo', the names of its numbered backup versions are `foo.~V~', for various integers V, like this: `foo.~1~', `foo.~2~', `foo.~3~', ..., `foo.~259~', and so on. - User Option: version-control This variable controls whether to make a single non-numbered backup file or multiple numbered backups. `nil' Make numbered backups if the visited file already has numbered backups; otherwise, do not. `never' Do not make numbered backups. ANYTHING ELSE Make numbered backups. The use of numbered backups ultimately leads to a large number of backup versions, which must then be deleted. XEmacs can do this automatically or it can ask the user whether to delete them. - User Option: kept-new-versions The value of this variable is the number of newest versions to keep when a new numbered backup is made. The newly made backup is included in the count. The default value is 2. - User Option: kept-old-versions The value of this variable is the number of oldest versions to keep when a new numbered backup is made. The default value is 2. If there are backups numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7, and both of these variables have the value 2, then the backups numbered 1 and 2 are kept as old versions and those numbered 5 and 7 are kept as new versions; backup version 3 is excess. The function `find-backup-file-name' (*note Backup Names::) is responsible for determining which backup versions to delete, but does not delete them itself. - User Option: delete-old-versions If this variable is non-`nil', then saving a file deletes excess backup versions silently. Otherwise, it asks the user whether to delete them. - User Option: dired-kept-versions This variable specifies how many of the newest backup versions to keep in the Dired command `.' (`dired-clean-directory'). That's the same thing `kept-new-versions' specifies when you make a new backup file. The default value is 2.  File:, Node: Backup Names, Prev: Numbered Backups, Up: Backup Files Naming Backup Files ------------------- The functions in this section are documented mainly because you can customize the naming conventions for backup files by redefining them. If you change one, you probably need to change the rest. - Function: backup-file-name-p filename This function returns a non-`nil' value if FILENAME is a possible name for a backup file. A file with the name FILENAME need not exist; the function just checks the name. (backup-file-name-p "foo") => nil (backup-file-name-p "foo~") => 3 The standard definition of this function is as follows: (defun backup-file-name-p (file) "Return non-nil if FILE is a backup file \ name (numeric or not)..." (string-match "~$" file)) Thus, the function returns a non-`nil' value if the file name ends with a `~'. (We use a backslash to split the documentation string's first line into two lines in the text, but produce just one line in the string itself.) This simple expression is placed in a separate function to make it easy to redefine for customization. - Function: make-backup-file-name filename This function returns a string that is the name to use for a non-numbered backup file for file FILENAME. On Unix, this is just FILENAME with a tilde appended. The standard definition of this function is as follows: (defun make-backup-file-name (file) "Create the non-numeric backup file name for FILE. ..." (concat file "~")) You can change the backup-file naming convention by redefining this function. The following example redefines `make-backup-file-name' to prepend a `.' in addition to appending a tilde: (defun make-backup-file-name (filename) (concat "." filename "~")) (make-backup-file-name "backups.texi") => ".backups.texi~" - Function: find-backup-file-name filename This function computes the file name for a new backup file for FILENAME. It may also propose certain existing backup files for deletion. `find-backup-file-name' returns a list whose CAR is the name for the new backup file and whose CDR is a list of backup files whose deletion is proposed. Two variables, `kept-old-versions' and `kept-new-versions', determine which backup versions should be kept. This function keeps those versions by excluding them from the CDR of the value. *Note Numbered Backups::. In this example, the value says that `~rms/foo.~5~' is the name to use for the new backup file, and `~rms/foo.~3~' is an "excess" version that the caller should consider deleting now. (find-backup-file-name "~rms/foo") => ("~rms/foo.~5~" "~rms/foo.~3~") - Function: file-newest-backup filename This function returns the name of the most recent backup file for FILENAME, or `nil' if that file has no backup files. Some file comparison commands use this function so that they can automatically compare a file with its most recent backup.  File:, Node: Auto-Saving, Next: Reverting, Prev: Backup Files, Up: Backups and Auto-Saving Auto-Saving =========== XEmacs periodically saves all files that you are visiting; this is called "auto-saving". Auto-saving prevents you from losing more than a limited amount of work if the system crashes. By default, auto-saves happen every 300 keystrokes, or after around 30 seconds of idle time. *Note Auto-Save: (xemacs)Auto Save, for information on auto-save for users. Here we describe the functions used to implement auto-saving and the variables that control them. - Variable: buffer-auto-save-file-name This buffer-local variable is the name of the file used for auto-saving the current buffer. It is `nil' if the buffer should not be auto-saved. buffer-auto-save-file-name => "/xcssun/users/rms/lewis/#files.texi#" - Command: auto-save-mode arg When used interactively without an argument, this command is a toggle switch: it turns on auto-saving of the current buffer if it is off, and vice-versa. With an argument ARG, the command turns auto-saving on if the value of ARG is `t', a nonempty list, or a positive integer. Otherwise, it turns auto-saving off. - Function: auto-save-file-name-p filename This function returns a non-`nil' value if FILENAME is a string that could be the name of an auto-save file. It works based on knowledge of the naming convention for auto-save files: a name that begins and ends with hash marks (`#') is a possible auto-save file name. The argument FILENAME should not contain a directory part. (make-auto-save-file-name) => "/xcssun/users/rms/lewis/#files.texi#" (auto-save-file-name-p "#files.texi#") => 0 (auto-save-file-name-p "files.texi") => nil The standard definition of this function is as follows: (defun auto-save-file-name-p (filename) "Return non-nil if FILENAME can be yielded by..." (string-match "^#.*#$" filename)) This function exists so that you can customize it if you wish to change the naming convention for auto-save files. If you redefine it, be sure to redefine the function `make-auto-save-file-name' correspondingly. - Function: make-auto-save-file-name &optional filename This function returns the file name to use for auto-saving the current buffer. This is just the file name with hash marks (`#') appended and prepended to it. This function does not look at the variable `auto-save-visited-file-name' (described below); you should check that before calling this function. (make-auto-save-file-name) => "/xcssun/users/rms/lewis/#backup.texi#" The standard definition of this function is as follows: (defun make-auto-save-file-name () "Return file name to use for auto-saves \ of current buffer. ..." (if buffer-file-name (concat (file-name-directory buffer-file-name) "#" (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) "#") (expand-file-name (concat "#%" (buffer-name) "#")))) This exists as a separate function so that you can redefine it to customize the naming convention for auto-save files. Be sure to change `auto-save-file-name-p' in a corresponding way. - Variable: auto-save-visited-file-name If this variable is non-`nil', XEmacs auto-saves buffers in the files they are visiting. That is, the auto-save is done in the same file that you are editing. Normally, this variable is `nil', so auto-save files have distinct names that are created by `make-auto-save-file-name'. When you change the value of this variable, the value does not take effect until the next time auto-save mode is reenabled in any given buffer. If auto-save mode is already enabled, auto-saves continue to go in the same file name until `auto-save-mode' is called again. - Function: recent-auto-save-p This function returns `t' if the current buffer has been auto-saved since the last time it was read in or saved. - Function: set-buffer-auto-saved This function marks the current buffer as auto-saved. The buffer will not be auto-saved again until the buffer text is changed again. The function returns `nil'. - User Option: auto-save-interval The value of this variable is the number of characters that XEmacs reads from the keyboard between auto-saves. Each time this many more characters are read, auto-saving is done for all buffers in which it is enabled. - User Option: auto-save-timeout The value of this variable is the number of seconds of idle time that should cause auto-saving. Each time the user pauses for this long, XEmacs auto-saves any buffers that need it. (Actually, the specified timeout is multiplied by a factor depending on the size of the current buffer.) - Variable: auto-save-hook This normal hook is run whenever an auto-save is about to happen. - User Option: auto-save-default If this variable is non-`nil', buffers that are visiting files have auto-saving enabled by default. Otherwise, they do not. - Command: do-auto-save &optional no-message current-only This function auto-saves all buffers that need to be auto-saved. It saves all buffers for which auto-saving is enabled and that have been changed since the previous auto-save. Normally, if any buffers are auto-saved, a message that says `Auto-saving...' is displayed in the echo area while auto-saving is going on. However, if NO-MESSAGE is non-`nil', the message is inhibited. If CURRENT-ONLY is non-`nil', only the current buffer is auto-saved. - Function: delete-auto-save-file-if-necessary This function deletes the current buffer's auto-save file if `delete-auto-save-files' is non-`nil'. It is called every time a buffer is saved. - Variable: delete-auto-save-files This variable is used by the function `delete-auto-save-file-if-necessary'. If it is non-`nil', Emacs deletes auto-save files when a true save is done (in the visited file). This saves disk space and unclutters your directory. - Function: rename-auto-save-file This function adjusts the current buffer's auto-save file name if the visited file name has changed. It also renames an existing auto-save file. If the visited file name has not changed, this function does nothing. - Variable: buffer-saved-size The value of this buffer-local variable is the length of the current buffer as of the last time it was read in, saved, or auto-saved. This is used to detect a substantial decrease in size, and turn off auto-saving in response. If it is -1, that means auto-saving is temporarily shut off in this buffer due to a substantial deletion. Explicitly saving the buffer stores a positive value in this variable, thus reenabling auto-saving. Turning auto-save mode off or on also alters this variable. - Variable: auto-save-list-file-name This variable (if non-`nil') specifies a file for recording the names of all the auto-save files. Each time XEmacs does auto-saving, it writes two lines into this file for each buffer that has auto-saving enabled. The first line gives the name of the visited file (it's empty if the buffer has none), and the second gives the name of the auto-save file. If XEmacs exits normally, it deletes this file. If XEmacs crashes, you can look in the file to find all the auto-save files that might contain work that was otherwise lost. The `recover-session' command uses these files. The default name for this file is in your home directory and starts with `.saves-'. It also contains the XEmacs process ID and the host name.  File:, Node: Reverting, Prev: Auto-Saving, Up: Backups and Auto-Saving Reverting ========= If you have made extensive changes to a file and then change your mind about them, you can get rid of them by reading in the previous version of the file with the `revert-buffer' command. *Note Reverting a Buffer: (xemacs)Reverting. - Command: revert-buffer &optional check-auto-save noconfirm preserve-modes This command replaces the buffer text with the text of the visited file on disk. This action undoes all changes since the file was visited or saved. If the argument CHECK-AUTO-SAVE is non-`nil', and the latest auto-save file is more recent than the visited file, `revert-buffer' asks the user whether to use that instead. Otherwise, it always uses the text of the visited file itself. Interactively, CHECK-AUTO-SAVE is set if there is a numeric prefix argument. Normally, `revert-buffer' asks for confirmation before it changes the buffer; but if the argument NOCONFIRM is non-`nil', `revert-buffer' does not ask for confirmation. Optional third argument PRESERVE-MODES non-`nil' means don't alter the files modes. Normally we reinitialize them using `normal-mode'. Reverting tries to preserve marker positions in the buffer by using the replacement feature of `insert-file-contents'. If the buffer contents and the file contents are identical before the revert operation, reverting preserves all the markers. If they are not identical, reverting does change the buffer; then it preserves the markers in the unchanged text (if any) at the beginning and end of the buffer. Preserving any additional markers would be problematical. You can customize how `revert-buffer' does its work by setting these variables--typically, as buffer-local variables. - Variable: revert-buffer-function The value of this variable is the function to use to revert this buffer. If non-`nil', it is called as a function with no arguments to do the work of reverting. If the value is `nil', reverting works the usual way. Modes such as Dired mode, in which the text being edited does not consist of a file's contents but can be regenerated in some other fashion, give this variable a buffer-local value that is a function to regenerate the contents. - Variable: revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function The value of this variable, if non-`nil', is the function to use to insert the updated contents when reverting this buffer. The function receives two arguments: first the file name to use; second, `t' if the user has asked to read the auto-save file. - Variable: before-revert-hook This normal hook is run by `revert-buffer' before actually inserting the modified contents--but only if `revert-buffer-function' is `nil'. Font Lock mode uses this hook to record that the buffer contents are no longer fontified. - Variable: after-revert-hook This normal hook is run by `revert-buffer' after actually inserting the modified contents--but only if `revert-buffer-function' is `nil'. Font Lock mode uses this hook to recompute the fonts for the updated buffer contents.  File:, Node: Buffers, Next: Windows, Prev: Backups and Auto-Saving, Up: Top Buffers ******* A "buffer" is a Lisp object containing text to be edited. Buffers are used to hold the contents of files that are being visited; there may also be buffers that are not visiting files. While several buffers may exist at one time, exactly one buffer is designated the "current buffer" at any time. Most editing commands act on the contents of the current buffer. Each buffer, including the current buffer, may or may not be displayed in any window. * Menu: * Buffer Basics:: What is a buffer? * Current Buffer:: Designating a buffer as current so primitives will access its contents. * Buffer Names:: Accessing and changing buffer names. * Buffer File Name:: The buffer file name indicates which file is visited. * Buffer Modification:: A buffer is "modified" if it needs to be saved. * Modification Time:: Determining whether the visited file was changed ``behind XEmacs's back''. * Read Only Buffers:: Modifying text is not allowed in a read-only buffer. * The Buffer List:: How to look at all the existing buffers. * Creating Buffers:: Functions that create buffers. * Killing Buffers:: Buffers exist until explicitly killed. * Indirect Buffers:: An indirect buffer shares text with some other buffer.  File:, Node: Buffer Basics, Next: Current Buffer, Up: Buffers Buffer Basics ============= A "buffer" is a Lisp object containing text to be edited. Buffers are used to hold the contents of files that are being visited; there may also be buffers that are not visiting files. While several buffers may exist at one time, exactly one buffer is designated the "current buffer" at any time. Most editing commands act on the contents of the current buffer. Each buffer, including the current buffer, may or may not be displayed in any windows. Buffers in Emacs editing are objects that have distinct names and hold text that can be edited. Buffers appear to Lisp programs as a special data type. You can think of the contents of a buffer as an extendible string; insertions and deletions may occur in any part of the buffer. *Note Text::. A Lisp buffer object contains numerous pieces of information. Some of this information is directly accessible to the programmer through variables, while other information is accessible only through special-purpose functions. For example, the visited file name is directly accessible through a variable, while the value of point is accessible only through a primitive function. Buffer-specific information that is directly accessible is stored in "buffer-local" variable bindings, which are variable values that are effective only in a particular buffer. This feature allows each buffer to override the values of certain variables. Most major modes override variables such as `fill-column' or `comment-column' in this way. For more information about buffer-local variables and functions related to them, see *Note Buffer-Local Variables::. For functions and variables related to visiting files in buffers, see *Note Visiting Files:: and *Note Saving Buffers::. For functions and variables related to the display of buffers in windows, see *Note Buffers and Windows::. - Function: bufferp object This function returns `t' if OBJECT is a buffer, `nil' otherwise.  File:, Node: Current Buffer, Next: Buffer Names, Prev: Buffer Basics, Up: Buffers The Current Buffer ================== There are, in general, many buffers in an Emacs session. At any time, one of them is designated as the "current buffer". This is the buffer in which most editing takes place, because most of the primitives for examining or changing text in a buffer operate implicitly on the current buffer (*note Text::). Normally the buffer that is displayed on the screen in the selected window is the current buffer, but this is not always so: a Lisp program can designate any buffer as current temporarily in order to operate on its contents, without changing what is displayed on the screen. The way to designate a current buffer in a Lisp program is by calling `set-buffer'. The specified buffer remains current until a new one is designated. When an editing command returns to the editor command loop, the command loop designates the buffer displayed in the selected window as current, to prevent confusion: the buffer that the cursor is in when Emacs reads a command is the buffer that the command will apply to. (*Note Command Loop::.) Therefore, `set-buffer' is not the way to switch visibly to a different buffer so that the user can edit it. For this, you must use the functions described in *Note Displaying Buffers::. However, Lisp functions that change to a different current buffer should not depend on the command loop to set it back afterwards. Editing commands written in XEmacs Lisp can be called from other programs as well as from the command loop. It is convenient for the caller if the subroutine does not change which buffer is current (unless, of course, that is the subroutine's purpose). Therefore, you should normally use `set-buffer' within a `save-excursion' that will restore the current buffer when your function is done (*note Excursions::). Here is an example, the code for the command `append-to-buffer' (with the documentation string abridged): (defun append-to-buffer (buffer start end) "Append to specified buffer the text of the region. ..." (interactive "BAppend to buffer: \nr") (let ((oldbuf (current-buffer))) (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer)) (insert-buffer-substring oldbuf start end)))) This function binds a local variable to the current buffer, and then `save-excursion' records the values of point, the mark, and the original buffer. Next, `set-buffer' makes another buffer current. Finally, `insert-buffer-substring' copies the string from the original current buffer to the new current buffer. If the buffer appended to happens to be displayed in some window, the next redisplay will show how its text has changed. Otherwise, you will not see the change immediately on the screen. The buffer becomes current temporarily during the execution of the command, but this does not cause it to be displayed. If you make local bindings (with `let' or function arguments) for a variable that may also have buffer-local bindings, make sure that the same buffer is current at the beginning and at the end of the local binding's scope. Otherwise you might bind it in one buffer and unbind it in another! There are two ways to do this. In simple cases, you may see that nothing ever changes the current buffer within the scope of the binding. Otherwise, use `save-excursion' to make sure that the buffer current at the beginning is current again whenever the variable is unbound. It is not reliable to change the current buffer back with `set-buffer', because that won't do the job if a quit happens while the wrong buffer is current. Here is what _not_ to do: (let (buffer-read-only (obuf (current-buffer))) (set-buffer ...) ... (set-buffer obuf)) Using `save-excursion', as shown below, handles quitting, errors, and `throw', as well as ordinary evaluation. (let (buffer-read-only) (save-excursion (set-buffer ...) ...)) - Function: current-buffer This function returns the current buffer. (current-buffer) => # - Function: set-buffer buffer-or-name This function makes BUFFER-OR-NAME the current buffer. It does not display the buffer in the currently selected window or in any other window, so the user cannot necessarily see the buffer. But Lisp programs can in any case work on it. BUFFER-OR-NAME must be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer-else an error is signaled. This function returns the buffer identified by BUFFER-OR-NAME.  File:, Node: Buffer Names, Next: Buffer File Name, Prev: Current Buffer, Up: Buffers Buffer Names ============ Each buffer has a unique name, which is a string. Many of the functions that work on buffers accept either a buffer or a buffer name as an argument. Any argument called BUFFER-OR-NAME is of this sort, and an error is signaled if it is neither a string nor a buffer. Any argument called BUFFER must be an actual buffer object, not a name. Buffers that are ephemeral and generally uninteresting to the user have names starting with a space, so that the `list-buffers' and `buffer-menu' commands don't mention them. A name starting with space also initially disables recording undo information; see *Note Undo::. - Function: buffer-name &optional buffer This function returns the name of BUFFER as a string. If BUFFER is not supplied, it defaults to the current buffer. If `buffer-name' returns `nil', it means that BUFFER has been killed. *Note Killing Buffers::. (buffer-name) => "buffers.texi" (setq foo (get-buffer "temp")) => # (kill-buffer foo) => nil (buffer-name foo) => nil foo => # - Command: rename-buffer newname &optional unique This function renames the current buffer to NEWNAME. An error is signaled if NEWNAME is not a string, or if there is already a buffer with that name. The function returns `nil'. Ordinarily, `rename-buffer' signals an error if NEWNAME is already in use. However, if UNIQUE is non-`nil', it modifies NEWNAME to make a name that is not in use. Interactively, you can make UNIQUE non-`nil' with a numeric prefix argument. One application of this command is to rename the `*shell*' buffer to some other name, thus making it possible to create a second shell buffer under the name `*shell*'. - Function: get-buffer buffer-or-name This function returns the buffer named BUFFER-OR-NAME. If BUFFER-OR-NAME is a string and there is no buffer with that name, the value is `nil'. If BUFFER-OR-NAME is actually a buffer, it is returned as given. (That is not very useful, so the argument is usually a name.) For example: (setq b (get-buffer "lewis")) => # (get-buffer b) => # (get-buffer "Frazzle-nots") => nil See also the function `get-buffer-create' in *Note Creating Buffers::. - Function: generate-new-buffer-name starting-name &optional ignore This function returns a name that would be unique for a new buffer--but does not create the buffer. It starts with STARTING-NAME, and produces a name not currently in use for any buffer by appending a number inside of `<...>'. If IGNORE is given, it specifies a name that is okay to use (if it is in the sequence to be tried), even if a buffer with that name exists. See the related function `generate-new-buffer' in *Note Creating Buffers::.  File:, Node: Buffer File Name, Next: Buffer Modification, Prev: Buffer Names, Up: Buffers Buffer File Name ================ The "buffer file name" is the name of the file that is visited in that buffer. When a buffer is not visiting a file, its buffer file name is `nil'. Most of the time, the buffer name is the same as the nondirectory part of the buffer file name, but the buffer file name and the buffer name are distinct and can be set independently. *Note Visiting Files::. - Function: buffer-file-name &optional buffer This function returns the absolute file name of the file that BUFFER is visiting. If BUFFER is not visiting any file, `buffer-file-name' returns `nil'. If BUFFER is not supplied, it defaults to the current buffer. (buffer-file-name (other-buffer)) => "/usr/user/lewis/manual/files.texi" - Variable: buffer-file-name This buffer-local variable contains the name of the file being visited in the current buffer, or `nil' if it is not visiting a file. It is a permanent local, unaffected by `kill-local-variables'. buffer-file-name => "/usr/user/lewis/manual/buffers.texi" It is risky to change this variable's value without doing various other things. See the definition of `set-visited-file-name' in `files.el'; some of the things done there, such as changing the buffer name, are not strictly necessary, but others are essential to avoid confusing XEmacs. - Variable: buffer-file-truename This buffer-local variable holds the truename of the file visited in the current buffer, or `nil' if no file is visited. It is a permanent local, unaffected by `kill-local-variables'. *Note Truenames::. - Variable: buffer-file-number This buffer-local variable holds the file number and directory device number of the file visited in the current buffer, or `nil' if no file or a nonexistent file is visited. It is a permanent local, unaffected by `kill-local-variables'. *Note Truenames::. The value is normally a list of the form `(FILENUM DEVNUM)'. This pair of numbers uniquely identifies the file among all files accessible on the system. See the function `file-attributes', in *Note File Attributes::, for more information about them. - Function: get-file-buffer filename This function returns the buffer visiting file FILENAME. If there is no such buffer, it returns `nil'. The argument FILENAME, which must be a string, is expanded (*note File Name Expansion::), then compared against the visited file names of all live buffers. (get-file-buffer "buffers.texi") => # In unusual circumstances, there can be more than one buffer visiting the same file name. In such cases, this function returns the first such buffer in the buffer list. - Command: set-visited-file-name filename If FILENAME is a non-empty string, this function changes the name of the file visited in current buffer to FILENAME. (If the buffer had no visited file, this gives it one.) The _next time_ the buffer is saved it will go in the newly-specified file. This command marks the buffer as modified, since it does not (as far as XEmacs knows) match the contents of FILENAME, even if it matched the former visited file. If FILENAME is `nil' or the empty string, that stands for "no visited file". In this case, `set-visited-file-name' marks the buffer as having no visited file. When the function `set-visited-file-name' is called interactively, it prompts for FILENAME in the minibuffer. See also `clear-visited-file-modtime' and `verify-visited-file-modtime' in *Note Buffer Modification::. - Variable: list-buffers-directory This buffer-local variable records a string to display in a buffer listing in place of the visited file name, for buffers that don't have a visited file name. Dired buffers use this variable.  File:, Node: Buffer Modification, Next: Modification Time, Prev: Buffer File Name, Up: Buffers Buffer Modification =================== XEmacs keeps a flag called the "modified flag" for each buffer, to record whether you have changed the text of the buffer. This flag is set to `t' whenever you alter the contents of the buffer, and cleared to `nil' when you save it. Thus, the flag shows whether there are unsaved changes. The flag value is normally shown in the modeline (*note Modeline Variables::), and controls saving (*note Saving Buffers::) and auto-saving (*note Auto-Saving::). Some Lisp programs set the flag explicitly. For example, the function `set-visited-file-name' sets the flag to `t', because the text does not match the newly-visited file, even if it is unchanged from the file formerly visited. The functions that modify the contents of buffers are described in *Note Text::. - Function: buffer-modified-p &optional buffer This function returns `t' if the buffer BUFFER has been modified since it was last read in from a file or saved, or `nil' otherwise. If BUFFER is not supplied, the current buffer is tested. - Function: set-buffer-modified-p flag &optional buffer This function marks BUFFER as modified if FLAG is non-`nil', or as unmodified if the flag is `nil'. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer. Another effect of calling this function is to cause unconditional redisplay of the modeline for the current buffer. In fact, the function `redraw-modeline' works by doing this: (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p)) - Command: not-modified &optional arg This command marks the current buffer as unmodified, and not needing to be saved. (If ARG is non-`nil', the buffer is instead marked as modified.) Don't use this function in programs, since it prints a message in the echo area; use `set-buffer-modified-p' (above) instead. - Function: buffer-modified-tick &optional buffer This function returns BUFFER`s modification-count. This is a counter that increments every time the buffer is modified. If BUFFER is `nil' (or omitted), the current buffer is used.  File:, Node: Modification Time, Next: Read Only Buffers, Prev: Buffer Modification, Up: Buffers Comparison of Modification Time =============================== Suppose that you visit a file and make changes in its buffer, and meanwhile the file itself is changed on disk. At this point, saving the buffer would overwrite the changes in the file. Occasionally this may be what you want, but usually it would lose valuable information. XEmacs therefore checks the file's modification time using the functions described below before saving the file. - Function: verify-visited-file-modtime buffer This function compares what BUFFER has recorded for the modification time of its visited file against the actual modification time of the file as recorded by the operating system. The two should be the same unless some other process has written the file since XEmacs visited or saved it. The function returns `t' if the last actual modification time and XEmacs's recorded modification time are the same, `nil' otherwise. - Function: clear-visited-file-modtime This function clears out the record of the last modification time of the file being visited by the current buffer. As a result, the next attempt to save this buffer will not complain of a discrepancy in file modification times. This function is called in `set-visited-file-name' and other exceptional places where the usual test to avoid overwriting a changed file should not be done. - Function: visited-file-modtime This function returns the buffer's recorded last file modification time, as a list of the form `(HIGH . LOW)'. (This is the same format that `file-attributes' uses to return time values; see *Note File Attributes::.) - Function: set-visited-file-modtime &optional time This function updates the buffer's record of the last modification time of the visited file, to the value specified by TIME if TIME is not `nil', and otherwise to the last modification time of the visited file. If TIME is not `nil', it should have the form `(HIGH . LOW)' or `(HIGH LOW)', in either case containing two integers, each of which holds 16 bits of the time. This function is useful if the buffer was not read from the file normally, or if the file itself has been changed for some known benign reason. - Function: ask-user-about-supersession-threat filename This function is used to ask a user how to proceed after an attempt to modify an obsolete buffer visiting file FILENAME. An "obsolete buffer" is an unmodified buffer for which the associated file on disk is newer than the last save-time of the buffer. This means some other program has probably altered the file. Depending on the user's answer, the function may return normally, in which case the modification of the buffer proceeds, or it may signal a `file-supersession' error with data `(FILENAME)', in which case the proposed buffer modification is not allowed. This function is called automatically by XEmacs on the proper occasions. It exists so you can customize XEmacs by redefining it. See the file `userlock.el' for the standard definition. See also the file locking mechanism in *Note File Locks::.  File:, Node: Read Only Buffers, Next: The Buffer List, Prev: Modification Time, Up: Buffers Read-Only Buffers ================= If a buffer is "read-only", then you cannot change its contents, although you may change your view of the contents by scrolling and narrowing. Read-only buffers are used in two kinds of situations: * A buffer visiting a write-protected file is normally read-only. Here, the purpose is to show the user that editing the buffer with the aim of saving it in the file may be futile or undesirable. The user who wants to change the buffer text despite this can do so after clearing the read-only flag with `C-x C-q'. * Modes such as Dired and Rmail make buffers read-only when altering the contents with the usual editing commands is probably a mistake. The special commands of these modes bind `buffer-read-only' to `nil' (with `let') or bind `inhibit-read-only' to `t' around the places where they change the text. - Variable: buffer-read-only This buffer-local variable specifies whether the buffer is read-only. The buffer is read-only if this variable is non-`nil'. - Variable: inhibit-read-only If this variable is non-`nil', then read-only buffers and read-only characters may be modified. Read-only characters in a buffer are those that have non-`nil' `read-only' properties (either text properties or extent properties). *Note Extent Properties::, for more information about text properties and extent properties. If `inhibit-read-only' is `t', all `read-only' character properties have no effect. If `inhibit-read-only' is a list, then `read-only' character properties have no effect if they are members of the list (comparison is done with `eq'). - Command: toggle-read-only &optional arg This command changes whether the current buffer is read-only. Interactively, if a prefix arg ARG is supplied, set the current buffer read only if and only if ARG is positive. This command is intended for interactive use only; don't use it in programs. At any given point in a program, you should know whether you want the read-only flag on or off; so you can set `buffer-read-only' explicitly to the proper value, `t' or `nil'. - Function: barf-if-buffer-read-only &optional buffer start end This function signals a `buffer-read-only' error if BUFFER is read-only. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer. *Note Interactive Call::, for another way to signal an error if the current buffer is read-only. If optional argument START is non-`nil', all extents in the buffer which overlap that part of the buffer are checked to ensure none has a `read-only' property. (Extents that lie completely within the range, however, are not checked.) END defaults to the value of START. If START and END are equal, the range checked is [START, END] (i.e. closed on both ends); otherwise, the range checked is (START, END) \(open on both ends), except that extents that lie completely within [START, END] are not checked. See `extent-in-region-p' for a fuller discussion.  File:, Node: The Buffer List, Next: Creating Buffers, Prev: Read Only Buffers, Up: Buffers The Buffer List =============== The "buffer list" is a list of all live buffers. Creating a buffer adds it to this list, and killing a buffer deletes it. The order of the buffers in the list is based primarily on how recently each buffer has been displayed in the selected window. Buffers move to the front of the list when they are selected and to the end when they are buried. Several functions, notably `other-buffer', use this ordering. A buffer list displayed for the user also follows this order. Every frame has its own order for the buffer list. Switching to a new buffer inside of a particular frame changes the buffer list order for that frame, but does not affect the buffer list order of any other frames. In addition, there is a global, non-frame buffer list order that is independent of the buffer list orders for any particular frame. Note that the different buffer lists all contain the same elements. It is only the order of those elements that is different. - Function: buffer-list &optional frame This function returns a list of all buffers, including those whose names begin with a space. The elements are actual buffers, not their names. The order of the list is specific to FRAME, which defaults to the current frame. If FRAME is `t', the global, non-frame ordering is returned instead. (buffer-list) => (# # # # #) ;; Note that the name of the minibuffer ;; begins with a space! (mapcar (function buffer-name) (buffer-list)) => ("buffers.texi" " *Minibuf-1*" "buffer.c" "*Help*" "TAGS") Buffers appear earlier in the list if they were current more recently. This list is a copy of a list used inside XEmacs; modifying it has no effect on the buffers. - Function: other-buffer &optional buffer-or-name frame visible-ok This function returns the first buffer in the buffer list other than BUFFER-OR-NAME, in FRAME's ordering for the buffer list. (FRAME defaults to the current frame. If FRAME is `t', then the global, non-frame ordering is used.) Usually this is the buffer most recently shown in the selected window, aside from BUFFER-OR-NAME. Buffers are moved to the front of the list when they are selected and to the end when they are buried. Buffers whose names start with a space are not considered. If BUFFER-OR-NAME is not supplied (or if it is not a buffer), then `other-buffer' returns the first buffer on the buffer list that is not visible in any window in a visible frame. If the selected frame has a non-`nil' `buffer-predicate' property, then `other-buffer' uses that predicate to decide which buffers to consider. It calls the predicate once for each buffer, and if the value is `nil', that buffer is ignored. *Note X Frame Properties::. If VISIBLE-OK is `nil', `other-buffer' avoids returning a buffer visible in any window on any visible frame, except as a last resort. If VISIBLE-OK is non-`nil', then it does not matter whether a buffer is displayed somewhere or not. If no suitable buffer exists, the buffer `*scratch*' is returned (and created, if necessary). Note that in FSF Emacs 19, there is no FRAME argument, and VISIBLE-OK is the second argument instead of the third. - Command: list-buffers &optional files-only This function displays a listing of the names of existing buffers. It clears the buffer `*Buffer List*', then inserts the listing into that buffer and displays it in a window. `list-buffers' is intended for interactive use, and is described fully in `The XEmacs Reference Manual'. It returns `nil'. - Command: bury-buffer &optional buffer-or-name before This function puts BUFFER-OR-NAME at the end of the buffer list without changing the order of any of the other buffers on the list. This buffer therefore becomes the least desirable candidate for `other-buffer' to return. If BUFFER-OR-NAME is `nil' or omitted, this means to bury the current buffer. In addition, if the buffer is displayed in the selected window, this switches to some other buffer (obtained using `other-buffer') in the selected window. But if the buffer is displayed in some other window, it remains displayed there. If you wish to replace a buffer in all the windows that display it, use `replace-buffer-in-windows'. *Note Buffers and Windows::.  File:, Node: Creating Buffers, Next: Killing Buffers, Prev: The Buffer List, Up: Buffers Creating Buffers ================ This section describes the two primitives for creating buffers. `get-buffer-create' creates a buffer if it finds no existing buffer with the specified name; `generate-new-buffer' always creates a new buffer and gives it a unique name. Other functions you can use to create buffers include `with-output-to-temp-buffer' (*note Temporary Displays::) and `create-file-buffer' (*note Visiting Files::). Starting a subprocess can also create a buffer (*note Processes::). - Function: get-buffer-create name This function returns a buffer named NAME. It returns an existing buffer with that name, if one exists; otherwise, it creates a new buffer. The buffer does not become the current buffer--this function does not change which buffer is current. An error is signaled if NAME is not a string. (get-buffer-create "foo") => # The major mode for the new buffer is set to Fundamental mode. The variable `default-major-mode' is handled at a higher level. *Note Auto Major Mode::. - Function: generate-new-buffer name This function returns a newly created, empty buffer, but does not make it current. If there is no buffer named NAME, then that is the name of the new buffer. If that name is in use, this function adds suffixes of the form `' to NAME, where N is an integer. It tries successive integers starting with 2 until it finds an available name. An error is signaled if NAME is not a string. (generate-new-buffer "bar") => # (generate-new-buffer "bar") => #> (generate-new-buffer "bar") => #> The major mode for the new buffer is set to Fundamental mode. The variable `default-major-mode' is handled at a higher level. *Note Auto Major Mode::. See the related function `generate-new-buffer-name' in *Note Buffer Names::.  File:, Node: Killing Buffers, Next: Indirect Buffers, Prev: Creating Buffers, Up: Buffers Killing Buffers =============== "Killing a buffer" makes its name unknown to XEmacs and makes its text space available for other use. The buffer object for the buffer that has been killed remains in existence as long as anything refers to it, but it is specially marked so that you cannot make it current or display it. Killed buffers retain their identity, however; two distinct buffers, when killed, remain distinct according to `eq'. If you kill a buffer that is current or displayed in a window, XEmacs automatically selects or displays some other buffer instead. This means that killing a buffer can in general change the current buffer. Therefore, when you kill a buffer, you should also take the precautions associated with changing the current buffer (unless you happen to know that the buffer being killed isn't current). *Note Current Buffer::. If you kill a buffer that is the base buffer of one or more indirect buffers, the indirect buffers are automatically killed as well. The `buffer-name' of a killed buffer is `nil'. To test whether a buffer has been killed, you can either use this feature or the function `buffer-live-p'. - Function: buffer-live-p object This function returns `t' if OBJECT is an editor buffer that has not been deleted, `nil' otherwise. - Command: kill-buffer buffer-or-name This function kills the buffer BUFFER-OR-NAME, freeing all its memory for use as space for other buffers. (Emacs version 18 and older was unable to return the memory to the operating system.) It returns `nil'. The argument BUFFER-OR-NAME may be a buffer or the name of one. Any processes that have this buffer as the `process-buffer' are sent the `SIGHUP' signal, which normally causes them to terminate. (The basic meaning of `SIGHUP' is that a dialup line has been disconnected.) *Note Deleting Processes::. If the buffer is visiting a file and contains unsaved changes, `kill-buffer' asks the user to confirm before the buffer is killed. It does this even if not called interactively. To prevent the request for confirmation, clear the modified flag before calling `kill-buffer'. *Note Buffer Modification::. Killing a buffer that is already dead has no effect. (kill-buffer "foo.unchanged") => nil (kill-buffer "foo.changed") ---------- Buffer: Minibuffer ---------- Buffer foo.changed modified; kill anyway? (yes or no) yes ---------- Buffer: Minibuffer ---------- => nil - Variable: kill-buffer-query-functions After confirming unsaved changes, `kill-buffer' calls the functions in the list `kill-buffer-query-functions', in order of appearance, with no arguments. The buffer being killed is the current buffer when they are called. The idea is that these functions ask for confirmation from the user for various nonstandard reasons. If any of them returns `nil', `kill-buffer' spares the buffer's life. - Variable: kill-buffer-hook This is a normal hook run by `kill-buffer' after asking all the questions it is going to ask, just before actually killing the buffer. The buffer to be killed is current when the hook functions run. *Note Hooks::. - Variable: buffer-offer-save This variable, if non-`nil' in a particular buffer, tells `save-buffers-kill-emacs' and `save-some-buffers' to offer to save that buffer, just as they offer to save file-visiting buffers. The variable `buffer-offer-save' automatically becomes buffer-local when set for any reason. *Note Buffer-Local Variables::.  File:, Node: Indirect Buffers, Prev: Killing Buffers, Up: Buffers Indirect Buffers ================ An "indirect buffer" shares the text of some other buffer, which is called the "base buffer" of the indirect buffer. In some ways it is the analogue, for buffers, of a symbolic link among files. The base buffer may not itself be an indirect buffer. One base buffer may have several "indirect children". The text of the indirect buffer is always identical to the text of its base buffer; changes made by editing either one are visible immediately in the other. But in all other respects, the indirect buffer and its base buffer are completely separate. They have different names, different values of point and mark, different narrowing, different markers and extents (though inserting or deleting text in either buffer relocates the markers and extents for both), different major modes, and different local variables. Unlike in FSF Emacs, XEmacs indirect buffers do not automatically share text properties among themselves and their base buffer. An indirect buffer cannot visit a file, but its base buffer can. If you try to save the indirect buffer, that actually works by saving the base buffer. Killing an indirect buffer has no effect on its base buffer. Killing the base buffer kills all its indirect children. - Command: make-indirect-buffer base-buffer name This creates an indirect buffer named NAME whose base buffer is BASE-BUFFER. The argument BASE-BUFFER may be a buffer or a string. If BASE-BUFFER is an indirect buffer, its base buffer is used as the base for the new buffer. (make-indirect-buffer "*scratch*" "indirect") => # - Function: buffer-base-buffer &optional buffer This function returns the base buffer of BUFFER. If BUFFER is not indirect, the value is `nil'. Otherwise, the value is another buffer, which is never an indirect buffer. If BUFFER is not supplied, it defaults to the current buffer. (buffer-base-buffer (get-buffer "indirect")) => # - Function: buffer-indirect-children &optional buffer This function returns a list of all indirect buffers whose base buffer is BUFFER. If BUFFER is indirect, the return value will always be `nil'; see `make-indirect-buffer'. If BUFFER is not supplied, it defaults to the current buffer. (buffer-indirect-children (get-buffer "*scratch*")) => (#)  File:, Node: Windows, Next: Frames, Prev: Buffers, Up: Top Windows ******* This chapter describes most of the functions and variables related to Emacs windows. See *Note Display::, for information on how text is displayed in windows. * Menu: * Basic Windows:: Basic information on using windows. * Splitting Windows:: Splitting one window into two windows. * Deleting Windows:: Deleting a window gives its space to other windows. * Selecting Windows:: The selected window is the one that you edit in. * Cyclic Window Ordering:: Moving around the existing windows. * Buffers and Windows:: Each window displays the contents of a buffer. * Displaying Buffers:: Higher-lever functions for displaying a buffer and choosing a window for it. * Choosing Window:: How to choose a window for displaying a buffer. * Window Point:: Each window has its own location of point. * Window Start:: The display-start position controls which text is on-screen in the window. * Vertical Scrolling:: Moving text up and down in the window. * Horizontal Scrolling:: Moving text sideways on the window. * Size of Window:: Accessing the size of a window. * Position of Window:: Accessing the position of a window. * Resizing Windows:: Changing the size of a window. * Window Configurations:: Saving and restoring the state of the screen.  File:, Node: Basic Windows, Next: Splitting Windows, Up: Windows Basic Concepts of Emacs Windows =============================== A "window" in XEmacs is the physical area of the screen in which a buffer is displayed. The term is also used to refer to a Lisp object that represents that screen area in XEmacs Lisp. It should be clear from the context which is meant. XEmacs groups windows into frames. A frame represents an area of screen available for XEmacs to use. Each frame always contains at least one window, but you can subdivide it vertically or horizontally into multiple nonoverlapping Emacs windows. In each frame, at any time, one and only one window is designated as "selected within the frame". The frame's cursor appears in that window. At ant time, one frame is the selected frame; and the window selected within that frame is "the selected window". The selected window's buffer is usually the current buffer (except when `set-buffer' has been used). *Note Current Buffer::. For practical purposes, a window exists only while it is displayed in a frame. Once removed from the frame, the window is effectively deleted and should not be used, _even though there may still be references to it_ from other Lisp objects. Restoring a saved window configuration is the only way for a window no longer on the screen to come back to life. (*Note Deleting Windows::.) Each window has the following attributes: * containing frame * window height * window width * window edges with respect to the frame or screen * the buffer it displays * position within the buffer at the upper left of the window * amount of horizontal scrolling, in columns * point * the mark * how recently the window was selected Users create multiple windows so they can look at several buffers at once. Lisp libraries use multiple windows for a variety of reasons, but most often to display related information. In Rmail, for example, you can move through a summary buffer in one window while the other window shows messages one at a time as they are reached. The meaning of "window" in XEmacs is similar to what it means in the context of general-purpose window systems such as X, but not identical. The X Window System places X windows on the screen; XEmacs uses one or more X windows as frames, and subdivides them into Emacs windows. When you use XEmacs on a character-only terminal, XEmacs treats the whole terminal screen as one frame. Most window systems support arbitrarily located overlapping windows. In contrast, Emacs windows are "tiled"; they never overlap, and together they fill the whole screen or frame. Because of the way in which XEmacs creates new windows and resizes them, you can't create every conceivable tiling of windows on an Emacs frame. *Note Splitting Windows::, and *Note Size of Window::. *Note Display::, for information on how the contents of the window's buffer are displayed in the window. - Function: windowp object This function returns `t' if OBJECT is a window.  File:, Node: Splitting Windows, Next: Deleting Windows, Prev: Basic Windows, Up: Windows Splitting Windows ================= The functions described here are the primitives used to split a window into two windows. Two higher level functions sometimes split a window, but not always: `pop-to-buffer' and `display-buffer' (*note Displaying Buffers::). The functions described here do not accept a buffer as an argument. The two "halves" of the split window initially display the same buffer previously visible in the window that was split. - Function: one-window-p &optional nomini which-frames which-devices This function returns non-`nil' if there is only one window. The argument NOMINI, if non-`nil', means don't count the minibuffer even if it is active; otherwise, the minibuffer window is included, if active, in the total number of windows which is compared against one. The remaining arguments controls which set of windows are counted, as with `next-window'. - Command: split-window &optional window size horizontal This function splits WINDOW into two windows. The original window WINDOW remains the selected window, but occupies only part of its former screen area. The rest is occupied by a newly created window which is returned as the value of this function. If HORIZONTAL is non-`nil', then WINDOW splits into two side by side windows. The original window WINDOW keeps the leftmost SIZE columns, and gives the rest of the columns to the new window. Otherwise, it splits into windows one above the other, and WINDOW keeps the upper SIZE lines and gives the rest of the lines to the new window. The original window is therefore the left-hand or upper of the two, and the new window is the right-hand or lower. If WINDOW is omitted or `nil', then the selected window is split. If SIZE is omitted or `nil', then WINDOW is divided evenly into two parts. (If there is an odd line, it is allocated to the new window.) When `split-window' is called interactively, all its arguments are `nil'. The following example starts with one window on a frame that is 50 lines high by 80 columns wide; then the window is split. (setq w (selected-window)) => # (window-edges) ; Edges in order: => (0 0 80 50) ; left-top-right-bottom ;; Returns window created (setq w2 (split-window w 15)) => # (window-edges w2) => (0 15 80 50) ; Bottom window; ; top is line 15 (window-edges w) => (0 0 80 15) ; Top window The frame looks like this: __________ | | line 0 | w | |__________| | | line 15 | w2 | |__________| line 50 column 0 column 80 Next, the top window is split horizontally: (setq w3 (split-window w 35 t)) => # (window-edges w3) => (35 0 80 15) ; Left edge at column 35 (window-edges w) => (0 0 35 15) ; Right edge at column 35 (window-edges w2) => (0 15 80 50) ; Bottom window unchanged Now, the screen looks like this: column 35 __________ | | | line 0 | w | w3 | |___|______| | | line 15 | w2 | |__________| line 50 column 0 column 80 Normally, Emacs indicates the border between two side-by-side windows with a scroll bar (*note Scroll Bars: X Frame Properties.) or `|' characters. The display table can specify alternative border characters; see *Note Display Tables::. - Command: split-window-vertically &optional size This function splits the selected window into two windows, one above the other, leaving the selected window with SIZE lines. This function is simply an interface to `split-window'. Here is the complete function definition for it: (defun split-window-vertically (&optional arg) "Split current window into two windows, one above the other." (interactive "P") (split-window nil (and arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)))) - Command: split-window-horizontally &optional size This function splits the selected window into two windows side-by-side, leaving the selected window with SIZE columns. This function is simply an interface to `split-window'. Here is the complete definition for `split-window-horizontally' (except for part of the documentation string): (defun split-window-horizontally (&optional arg) "Split selected window into two windows, side by side..." (interactive "P") (split-window nil (and arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)) t))  File:, Node: Deleting Windows, Next: Selecting Windows, Prev: Splitting Windows, Up: Windows Deleting Windows ================ A window remains visible on its frame unless you "delete" it by calling certain functions that delete windows. A deleted window cannot appear on the screen, but continues to exist as a Lisp object until there are no references to it. There is no way to cancel the deletion of a window aside from restoring a saved window configuration (*note Window Configurations::). Restoring a window configuration also deletes any windows that aren't part of that configuration. When you delete a window, the space it took up is given to one adjacent sibling. (In Emacs version 18, the space was divided evenly among all the siblings.) - Function: window-live-p window This function returns `nil' if WINDOW is deleted, and `t' otherwise. *Warning:* Erroneous information or fatal errors may result from using a deleted window as if it were live. - Command: delete-window &optional window force This function removes WINDOW from the display. If WINDOW is omitted, then the selected window is deleted. If window is the only one on its frame, the frame is deleted as well. Normally, you cannot delete the last non-minibuffer-only frame (you must use `save-buffers-kill-emacs' or `kill-emacs'); an error is signaled instead. However, if optional second argument FORCE is non-`nil', you can delete the last frame. (This will automatically call `save-buffers-kill-emacs'.) This function returns `nil'. When `delete-window' is called interactively, the selected window is deleted. - Command: delete-other-windows &optional window This function makes WINDOW the only window on its frame, by deleting the other windows in that frame. If WINDOW is omitted or `nil', then the selected window is used by default. The result is `nil'. - Command: delete-windows-on buffer &optional which-frames which-devices This function deletes all windows showing BUFFER. If there are no windows showing BUFFER, it does nothing. `delete-windows-on' operates frame by frame. If a frame has several windows showing different buffers, then those showing BUFFER are removed, and the others expand to fill the space. If all windows in some frame are showing BUFFER (including the case where there is only one window), then the frame reverts to having a single window showing another buffer chosen with `other-buffer'. *Note The Buffer List::. The argument WHICH-FRAMES controls which frames to operate on: `nil' Delete all windows showing BUFFER in any frame. `t' Delete only windows showing BUFFER in the selected frame. `visible' Delete all windows showing BUFFER in any visible frame. `0' Delete all windows showing BUFFER in any visible frame. FRAME If it is a frame, delete all windows showing BUFFER in that frame. *Warning:* This is similar to, but not identical to, the meaning of the WHICH-FRAMES argument to `next-window'; the meanings of `nil' and `t' are reversed. The optional argument WHICH-DEVICES further clarifies on which devices to search for frames as specified by WHICH-FRAMES. This value is only meaningful if WHICH-FRAMES is not `t'. `nil' Consider all devices on the selected console. DEVICE Consider only the one device DEVICE. CONSOLE Consider all devices on CONSOLE. DEVICE-TYPE Consider all devices with device type DEVICE-TYPE. `window-system' Consider all devices on window system consoles. anything else Consider all devices without restriction. This function always returns `nil'.  File:, Node: Selecting Windows, Next: Cyclic Window Ordering, Prev: Deleting Windows, Up: Windows Selecting Windows ================= When a window is selected, the buffer in the window becomes the current buffer, and the cursor will appear in it. - Function: selected-window &optional device This function returns the selected window. This is the window in which the cursor appears and to which many commands apply. Each separate device can have its own selected window, which is remembered as focus changes from device to device. Optional argument DEVICE specifies which device to return the selected window for, and defaults to the selected device. - Function: select-window window &optional norecord This function makes WINDOW the selected window. The cursor then appears in WINDOW (on redisplay). The buffer being displayed in WINDOW is immediately designated the current buffer. If optional argument NORECORD is non-`nil' then the global and per-frame buffer orderings are not modified, as by the function `record-buffer'. The return value is WINDOW. (setq w (next-window)) (select-window w) => # - Special Form: save-selected-window forms... This special form records the selected window, executes FORMS in sequence, then restores the earlier selected window. It does not save or restore anything about the sizes, arrangement or contents of windows; therefore, if the FORMS change them, the changes are permanent. The following functions choose one of the windows on the screen, offering various criteria for the choice. - Function: get-lru-window &optional which-frames which-devices This function returns the window least recently "used" (that is, selected). The selected window is always the most recently used window. The selected window can be the least recently used window if it is the only window. A newly created window becomes the least recently used window until it is selected. A minibuffer window is never a candidate. By default, only the windows in the selected frame are considered. The optional argument WHICH-FRAMES changes this behavior. Here are the possible values and their meanings: `nil' Consider all the windows in the selected windows's frame, plus the minibuffer used by that frame even if it lies in some other frame. `t' Consider all windows in all existing frames. `visible' Consider all windows in all visible frames. (To get useful results, you must ensure WINDOW is in a visible frame.) `0' Consider all windows in all visible or iconified frames. FRAME Consider all windows on frame FRAME. anything else Consider precisely the windows in the selected window's frame, and no others. The optional argument WHICH-DEVICES further clarifies on which devices to search for frames as specified by WHICH-FRAMES. This value is only meaningful if WHICH-FRAMES is non-`nil'. `nil' Consider all devices on the selected console. DEVICE Consider only the one device DEVICE. CONSOLE Consider all devices on CONSOLE. DEVICE-TYPE Consider all devices with device type DEVICE-TYPE. `window-system' Consider all devices on window system consoles. anything else Consider all devices without restriction. - Function: get-largest-window &optional which-frames which-devices This function returns the window with the largest area (height times width). If there are no side-by-side windows, then this is the window with the most lines. A minibuffer window is never a candidate. If there are two windows of the same size, then the function returns the window that is first in the cyclic ordering of windows (see following section), starting from the selected window. The remaining arguments control which set of windows are considered. See `next-window', above.  File:, Node: Cyclic Window Ordering, Next: Buffers and Windows, Prev: Selecting Windows, Up: Windows Cyclic Ordering of Windows ========================== When you use the command `C-x o' (`other-window') to select the next window, it moves through all the windows on the screen in a specific cyclic order. For any given configuration of windows, this order never varies. It is called the "cyclic ordering of windows". This ordering generally goes from top to bottom, and from left to right. But it may go down first or go right first, depending on the order in which the windows were split. If the first split was vertical (into windows one above each other), and then the subwindows were split horizontally, then the ordering is left to right in the top of the frame, and then left to right in the next lower part of the frame, and so on. If the first split was horizontal, the ordering is top to bottom in the left part, and so on. In general, within each set of siblings at any level in the window tree, the order is left to right, or top to bottom. - Function: next-window &optional window minibuf which-frames which-devices This function returns the window following WINDOW in the cyclic ordering of windows. This is the window that `C-x o' would select if typed when WINDOW is selected. If WINDOW is the only window visible, then this function returns WINDOW. If omitted, WINDOW defaults to the selected window. The value of the argument MINIBUF determines whether the minibuffer is included in the window order. Normally, when MINIBUF is `nil', the minibuffer is included if it is currently active; this is the behavior of `C-x o'. (The minibuffer window is active while the minibuffer is in use. *Note Minibuffers::.) If MINIBUF is `t', then the cyclic ordering includes the minibuffer window even if it is not active. If MINIBUF is neither `t' nor `nil', then the minibuffer window is not included even if it is active. By default, only the windows in the selected frame are considered. The optional argument WHICH-FRAMES changes this behavior. Here are the possible values and their meanings: `nil' Consider all the windows in WINDOW's frame, plus the minibuffer used by that frame even if it lies in some other frame. `t' Consider all windows in all existing frames. `visible' Consider all windows in all visible frames. (To get useful results, you must ensure WINDOW is in a visible frame.) `0' Consider all windows in all visible or iconified frames. FRAME Consider all windows on frame FRAME. anything else Consider precisely the windows in WINDOW's frame, and no others. The optional argument WHICH-DEVICES further clarifies on which devices to search for frames as specified by WHICH-FRAMES. This value is only meaningful if WHICH-FRAMES is non-`nil'. `nil' Consider all devices on the selected console. DEVICE Consider only the one device DEVICE. CONSOLE Consider all devices on CONSOLE. DEVICE-TYPE Consider all devices with device type DEVICE-TYPE. `window-system' Consider all devices on window system consoles. anything else Consider all devices without restriction. If you use consistent values for MINIBUF, WHICH-FRAMES, and WHICH-DEVICES, you can use `next-window' to iterate through the entire cycle of acceptable windows, eventually ending up back at the window you started with. `previous-window' traverses the same cycle, in the reverse order. This example assumes there are two windows, both displaying the buffer `windows.texi': (selected-window) => # (next-window (selected-window)) => # (next-window (next-window (selected-window))) => # - Function: previous-window &optional window minibuf which-frames which-devices This function returns the window preceding WINDOW in the cyclic ordering of windows. The other arguments specify which windows to include in the cycle, as in `next-window'. - Command: other-window count &optional which-frames which-devices This function selects the COUNTth following window in the cyclic order. If COUNT is negative, then it selects the -COUNTth preceding window. It returns `nil'. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument. The other arguments specify which windows to include in the cycle, as in `next-window'. - Function: walk-windows function &optional minibuf which-frames which-devices This function cycles through all windows, calling `function' once for each window with the window as its sole argument. The other arguments specify which windows to cycle through, as in `next-window'.  File:, Node: Buffers and Windows, Next: Displaying Buffers, Prev: Cyclic Window Ordering, Up: Windows Buffers and Windows =================== This section describes low-level functions to examine windows or to display buffers in windows in a precisely controlled fashion. *Note Displaying Buffers::, for related functions that find a window to use and specify a buffer for it. The functions described there are easier to use than these, but they employ heuristics in choosing or creating a window; use these functions when you need complete control. - Function: set-window-buffer window buffer-or-name &optional norecord This function makes WINDOW display BUFFER-OR-NAME as its contents. BUFFER-OR-NAME can be a buffer or a buffer name. With non-`nil' optional argument NORECORD, do not modify the global or per-frame buffer ordering. This function returns `nil'. (set-window-buffer (selected-window) "foo") => nil - Function: window-buffer &optional window This function returns the buffer that WINDOW is displaying. If WINDOW is omitted, this function returns the buffer for the selected window. (window-buffer) => # - Function: get-buffer-window buffer-or-name &optional which-frames which-devices This function returns a window currently displaying BUFFER-OR-NAME, or `nil' if there is none. If there are several such windows, then the function returns the first one in the cyclic ordering of windows, starting from the selected window. *Note Cyclic Window Ordering::. The remaining arguments control which windows to consider. They have the same meaning as for `next-window'.  File:, Node: Displaying Buffers, Next: Choosing Window, Prev: Buffers and Windows, Up: Windows Displaying Buffers in Windows ============================= In this section we describe convenient functions that choose a window automatically and use it to display a specified buffer. These functions can also split an existing window in certain circumstances. We also describe variables that parameterize the heuristics used for choosing a window. *Note Buffers and Windows::, for low-level functions that give you more precise control. Do not use the functions in this section in order to make a buffer current so that a Lisp program can access or modify it; they are too drastic for that purpose, since they change the display of buffers in windows, which is gratuitous and will surprise the user. Instead, use `set-buffer' (*note Current Buffer::) and `save-excursion' (*note Excursions::), which designate buffers as current for programmed access without affecting the display of buffers in windows. - Command: switch-to-buffer buffer-or-name &optional norecord This function makes BUFFER-OR-NAME the current buffer, and also displays the buffer in the selected window. This means that a human can see the buffer and subsequent keyboard commands will apply to it. Contrast this with `set-buffer', which makes BUFFER-OR-NAME the current buffer but does not display it in the selected window. *Note Current Buffer::. If BUFFER-OR-NAME does not identify an existing buffer, then a new buffer by that name is created. The major mode for the new buffer is set according to the variable `default-major-mode'. *Note Auto Major Mode::. Normally the specified buffer is put at the front of the buffer list. This affects the operation of `other-buffer'. However, if NORECORD is non-`nil', this is not done. *Note The Buffer List::. The `switch-to-buffer' function is often used interactively, as the binding of `C-x b'. It is also used frequently in programs. It always returns `nil'. - Command: switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer-or-name This function makes BUFFER-OR-NAME the current buffer and displays it in a window not currently selected. It then selects that window. The handling of the buffer is the same as in `switch-to-buffer'. The currently selected window is absolutely never used to do the job. If it is the only window, then it is split to make a distinct window for this purpose. If the selected window is already displaying the buffer, then it continues to do so, but another window is nonetheless found to display it in as well. - Function: pop-to-buffer buffer-or-name &optional other-window on-frame This function makes BUFFER-OR-NAME the current buffer and switches to it in some window, preferably not the window previously selected. The "popped-to" window becomes the selected window within its frame. If the variable `pop-up-frames' is non-`nil', `pop-to-buffer' looks for a window in any visible frame already displaying the buffer; if there is one, it returns that window and makes it be selected within its frame. If there is none, it creates a new frame and displays the buffer in it. If `pop-up-frames' is `nil', then `pop-to-buffer' operates entirely within the selected frame. (If the selected frame has just a minibuffer, `pop-to-buffer' operates within the most recently selected frame that was not just a minibuffer.) If the variable `pop-up-windows' is non-`nil', windows may be split to create a new window that is different from the original window. For details, see *Note Choosing Window::. If OTHER-WINDOW is non-`nil', `pop-to-buffer' finds or creates another window even if BUFFER-OR-NAME is already visible in the selected window. Thus BUFFER-OR-NAME could end up displayed in two windows. On the other hand, if BUFFER-OR-NAME is already displayed in the selected window and OTHER-WINDOW is `nil', then the selected window is considered sufficient display for BUFFER-OR-NAME, so that nothing needs to be done. All the variables that affect `display-buffer' affect `pop-to-buffer' as well. *Note Choosing Window::. If BUFFER-OR-NAME is a string that does not name an existing buffer, a buffer by that name is created. The major mode for the new buffer is set according to the variable `default-major-mode'. *Note Auto Major Mode::. If ON-FRAME is non-`nil', it is the frame to pop to this buffer on. An example use of this function is found at the end of *Note Filter Functions::. - Command: replace-buffer-in-windows buffer &optional which-frames which-devices This function replaces BUFFER with some other buffer in all windows displaying it. The other buffer used is chosen with `other-buffer'. In the usual applications of this function, you don't care which other buffer is used; you just want to make sure that BUFFER is no longer displayed. The optional arguments WHICH-FRAMES and WHICH-DEVICES have the same meaning as with `delete-windows-on'. This function returns `nil'.  File:, Node: Choosing Window, Next: Window Point, Prev: Displaying Buffers, Up: Windows Choosing a Window for Display ============================= This section describes the basic facility that chooses a window to display a buffer in--`display-buffer'. All the higher-level functions and commands use this subroutine. Here we describe how to use `display-buffer' and how to customize it. - Command: display-buffer buffer-or-name &optional not-this-window override-frame This command makes BUFFER-OR-NAME appear in some window, like `pop-to-buffer', but it does not select that window and does not make the buffer current. The identity of the selected window is unaltered by this function. BUFFER-OR-NAME can be a buffer or the name of one. If NOT-THIS-WINDOW is non-`nil', it means to display the specified buffer in a window other than the selected one, even if it is already on display in the selected window. This can cause the buffer to appear in two windows at once. Otherwise, if BUFFER-OR-NAME is already being displayed in any window, that is good enough, so this function does nothing. If OVERRIDE-FRAME is non-`nil', display on that frame instead of the current frame (or the dedicated frame). `display-buffer' returns the window chosen to display BUFFER-OR-NAME. Precisely how `display-buffer' finds or creates a window depends on the variables described below. A window can be marked as "dedicated" to a particular buffer. Then XEmacs will not automatically change which buffer appears in the window, such as `display-buffer' might normally do. - Function: window-dedicated-p window This function returns WINDOW's dedicated object, usually `t' or `nil'. - Function: set-window-buffer-dedicated window buffer This function makes WINDOW display BUFFER and be dedicated to that buffer. Then XEmacs will not automatically change which buffer appears in WINDOW. If BUFFER is `nil', this function makes WINDOW not be dedicated (but doesn't change which buffer appears in it currently). - User Option: pop-up-windows This variable controls whether `display-buffer' makes new windows. If it is non-`nil' and there is only one window, then that window is split. If it is `nil', then `display-buffer' does not split the single window, but uses it whole. - User Option: split-height-threshold This variable determines when `display-buffer' may split a window, if there are multiple windows. `display-buffer' always splits the largest window if it has at least this many lines. If the largest window is not this tall, it is split only if it is the sole window and `pop-up-windows' is non-`nil'. - User Option: pop-up-frames This variable controls whether `display-buffer' makes new frames. If it is non-`nil', `display-buffer' looks for an existing window already displaying the desired buffer, on any visible frame. If it finds one, it returns that window. Otherwise it makes a new frame. The variables `pop-up-windows' and `split-height-threshold' do not matter if `pop-up-frames' is non-`nil'. If `pop-up-frames' is `nil', then `display-buffer' either splits a window or reuses one. *Note Frames::, for more information. - Variable: pop-up-frame-function This variable specifies how to make a new frame if `pop-up-frames' is non-`nil'. Its value should be a function of no arguments. When `display-buffer' makes a new frame, it does so by calling that function, which should return a frame. The default value of the variable is a function that creates a frame using properties from `pop-up-frame-plist'. - Variable: pop-up-frame-plist This variable holds a plist specifying frame properties used when `display-buffer' makes a new frame. *Note Frame Properties::, for more information about frame properties. - Variable: special-display-buffer-names A list of buffer names for buffers that should be displayed specially. If the buffer's name is in this list, `display-buffer' handles the buffer specially. By default, special display means to give the buffer a dedicated frame. If an element is a list, instead of a string, then the CAR of the list is the buffer name, and the rest of the list says how to create the frame. There are two possibilities for the rest of the list. It can be a plist, specifying frame properties, or it can contain a function and arguments to give to it. (The function's first argument is always the buffer to be displayed; the arguments from the list come after that.) - Variable: special-display-regexps A list of regular expressions that specify buffers that should be displayed specially. If the buffer's name matches any of the regular expressions in this list, `display-buffer' handles the buffer specially. By default, special display means to give the buffer a dedicated frame. If an element is a list, instead of a string, then the CAR of the list is the regular expression, and the rest of the list says how to create the frame. See above, under `special-display-buffer-names'. - Variable: special-display-function This variable holds the function to call to display a buffer specially. It receives the buffer as an argument, and should return the window in which it is displayed. The default value of this variable is `special-display-popup-frame'. - Function: special-display-popup-frame buffer This function makes BUFFER visible in a frame of its own. If BUFFER is already displayed in a window in some frame, it makes the frame visible and raises it, to use that window. Otherwise, it creates a frame that will be dedicated to BUFFER. This function uses an existing window displaying BUFFER whether or not it is in a frame of its own; but if you set up the above variables in your init file, before BUFFER was created, then presumably the window was previously made by this function. - User Option: special-display-frame-plist This variable holds frame properties for `special-display-popup-frame' to use when it creates a frame. - Variable: same-window-buffer-names A list of buffer names for buffers that should be displayed in the selected window. If the buffer's name is in this list, `display-buffer' handles the buffer by switching to it in the selected window. - Variable: same-window-regexps A list of regular expressions that specify buffers that should be displayed in the selected window. If the buffer's name matches any of the regular expressions in this list, `display-buffer' handles the buffer by switching to it in the selected window. - Variable: display-buffer-function This variable is the most flexible way to customize the behavior of `display-buffer'. If it is non-`nil', it should be a function that `display-buffer' calls to do the work. The function should accept two arguments, the same two arguments that `display-buffer' received. It should choose or create a window, display the specified buffer, and then return the window. This hook takes precedence over all the other options and hooks described above. A window can be marked as "dedicated" to its buffer. Then `display-buffer' does not try to use that window. - Function: window-dedicated-p window This function returns `t' if WINDOW is marked as dedicated; otherwise `nil'. - Function: set-window-dedicated-p window flag This function marks WINDOW as dedicated if FLAG is non-`nil', and nondedicated otherwise.  File:, Node: Window Point, Next: Window Start, Prev: Choosing Window, Up: Windows Windows and Point ================= Each window has its own value of point, independent of the value of point in other windows displaying the same buffer. This makes it useful to have multiple windows showing one buffer. * The window point is established when a window is first created; it is initialized from the buffer's point, or from the window point of another window opened on the buffer if such a window exists. * Selecting a window sets the value of point in its buffer to the window's value of point. Conversely, deselecting a window sets the window's value of point from that of the buffer. Thus, when you switch between windows that display a given buffer, the point value for the selected window is in effect in the buffer, while the point values for the other windows are stored in those windows. * As long as the selected window displays the current buffer, the window's point and the buffer's point always move together; they remain equal. * *Note Positions::, for more details on buffer positions. As far as the user is concerned, point is where the cursor is, and when the user switches to another buffer, the cursor jumps to the position of point in that buffer. - Function: window-point &optional window This function returns the current position of point in WINDOW. For a non-selected window, this is the value point would have (in that window's buffer) if that window were selected. When WINDOW is the selected window and its buffer is also the current buffer, the value returned is the same as the value of point in that buffer. Strictly speaking, it would be more correct to return the "top-level" value of point, outside of any `save-excursion' forms. But that value is hard to find. - Function: set-window-point window position This function positions point in WINDOW at position POSITION in WINDOW's buffer.  File:, Node: Window Start, Next: Vertical Scrolling, Prev: Window Point, Up: Windows The Window Start Position ========================= Each window contains a marker used to keep track of a buffer position that specifies where in the buffer display should start. This position is called the "display-start" position of the window (or just the "start"). The character after this position is the one that appears at the upper left corner of the window. It is usually, but not inevitably, at the beginning of a text line. - Function: window-start &optional window This function returns the display-start position of window WINDOW. If WINDOW is `nil', the selected window is used. For example, (window-start) => 7058 When you create a window, or display a different buffer in it, the display-start position is set to a display-start position recently used for the same buffer, or 1 if the buffer doesn't have any. For a realistic example, see the description of `count-lines' in *Note Text Lines::. - Function: window-end &optional window guarantee This function returns the position of the end of the display in window WINDOW. If WINDOW is `nil', the selected window is used. Simply changing the buffer text or setting `window-start' does not update the value that `window-end' returns. The value is updated only when Emacs redisplays and redisplay actually finishes. If the last redisplay of WINDOW was preempted, and did not finish, Emacs does not know the position of the end of display in that window. In that case, this function returns a value that is not correct. In a future version, `window-end' will return `nil' in that case. If optional arg GUARANTEE is non-`nil', the return value is guaranteed to be the same as `window-end' would return at the end of the next full redisplay assuming nothing else changes in the meantime. This function is potentially much slower with this flag set. - Function: set-window-start window position &optional noforce This function sets the display-start position of WINDOW to POSITION in WINDOW's buffer. It returns POSITION. The display routines insist that the position of point be visible when a buffer is displayed. Normally, they change the display-start position (that is, scroll the window) whenever necessary to make point visible. However, if you specify the start position with this function using `nil' for NOFORCE, it means you want display to start at POSITION even if that would put the location of point off the screen. If this does place point off screen, the display routines move point to the left margin on the middle line in the window. For example, if point is 1 and you set the start of the window to 2, then point would be "above" the top of the window. The display routines will automatically move point if it is still 1 when redisplay occurs. Here is an example: ;; Here is what `foo' looks like before executing ;; the `set-window-start' expression. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- -!-This is the contents of buffer foo. 2 3 4 5 6 ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (set-window-start (selected-window) (1+ (window-start))) => 2 ;; Here is what `foo' looks like after executing ;; the `set-window-start' expression. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- his is the contents of buffer foo. 2 3 -!-4 5 6 ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- If NOFORCE is non-`nil', and POSITION would place point off screen at the next redisplay, then redisplay computes a new window-start position that works well with point, and thus POSITION is not used. - Function: pos-visible-in-window-p &optional position window This function returns `t' if POSITION is within the range of text currently visible on the screen in WINDOW. It returns `nil' if POSITION is scrolled vertically out of view. The argument POSITION defaults to the current position of point; WINDOW, to the selected window. Here is an example: (or (pos-visible-in-window-p (point) (selected-window)) (recenter 0)) The `pos-visible-in-window-p' function considers only vertical scrolling. If POSITION is out of view only because WINDOW has been scrolled horizontally, `pos-visible-in-window-p' returns `t'. *Note Horizontal Scrolling::.  File:, Node: Vertical Scrolling, Next: Horizontal Scrolling, Prev: Window Start, Up: Windows Vertical Scrolling ================== Vertical scrolling means moving the text up or down in a window. It works by changing the value of the window's display-start location. It may also change the value of `window-point' to keep it on the screen. In the commands `scroll-up' and `scroll-down', the directions "up" and "down" refer to the motion of the text in the buffer at which you are looking through the window. Imagine that the text is written on a long roll of paper and that the scrolling commands move the paper up and down. Thus, if you are looking at text in the middle of a buffer and repeatedly call `scroll-down', you will eventually see the beginning of the buffer. Some people have urged that the opposite convention be used: they imagine that the window moves over text that remains in place. Then "down" commands would take you to the end of the buffer. This view is more consistent with the actual relationship between windows and the text in the buffer, but it is less like what the user sees. The position of a window on the terminal does not move, and short scrolling commands clearly move the text up or down on the screen. We have chosen names that fit the user's point of view. The scrolling functions (aside from `scroll-other-window') have unpredictable results if the current buffer is different from the buffer that is displayed in the selected window. *Note Current Buffer::. - Command: scroll-up &optional lines This function scrolls the text in the selected window upward LINES lines. If LINES is negative, scrolling is actually downward. If LINES is `nil' (or omitted), then the length of scroll is `next-screen-context-lines' lines less than the usable height of the window (not counting its modeline). `scroll-up' returns `nil'. - Command: scroll-down &optional lines This function scrolls the text in the selected window downward LINES lines. If LINES is negative, scrolling is actually upward. If LINES is omitted or `nil', then the length of the scroll is `next-screen-context-lines' lines less than the usable height of the window (not counting its mode line). `scroll-down' returns `nil'. - Command: scroll-other-window &optional lines This function scrolls the text in another window upward LINES lines. Negative values of LINES, or `nil', are handled as in `scroll-up'. You can specify a buffer to scroll with the variable `other-window-scroll-buffer'. When the selected window is the minibuffer, the next window is normally the one at the top left corner. You can specify a different window to scroll with the variable `minibuffer-scroll-window'. This variable has no effect when any other window is selected. *Note Minibuffer Misc::. When the minibuffer is active, it is the next window if the selected window is the one at the bottom right corner. In this case, `scroll-other-window' attempts to scroll the minibuffer. If the minibuffer contains just one line, it has nowhere to scroll to, so the line reappears after the echo area momentarily displays the message "Beginning of buffer". - Variable: other-window-scroll-buffer If this variable is non-`nil', it tells `scroll-other-window' which buffer to scroll. - User Option: scroll-step This variable controls how scrolling is done automatically when point moves off the screen. If the value is zero, then redisplay scrolls the text to center point vertically in the window. If the value is a positive integer N, then redisplay brings point back on screen by scrolling N lines in either direction, if possible; otherwise, it centers point. The default value is zero. - User Option: scroll-conservatively This variable controls how many lines Emacs tries to scroll before recentering. If you set it to a small number, then when you move point a short distance off the screen, XEmacs will scroll the screen just far enough to bring point back on screen, provided that does not exceed `scroll-conservatively' lines. This variable overrides the redisplay preemption. - User Option: next-screen-context-lines The value of this variable is the number of lines of continuity to retain when scrolling by full screens. For example, `scroll-up' with an argument of `nil' scrolls so that this many lines at the bottom of the window appear instead at the top. The default value is `2'. - Command: recenter &optional location window This function scrolls WINDOW (which defaults to the selected window) to put the text where point is located at a specified vertical position within the window. If LOCATION is a nonnegative number, it puts the line containing point LOCATION lines down from the top of the window. If LOCATION is a negative number, then it counts upward from the bottom of the window, so that -1 stands for the last usable line in the window. If LOCATION is a non-`nil' list, then it stands for the line in the middle of the window. If LOCATION is `nil', `recenter' puts the line containing point in the middle of the window, then clears and redisplays the entire selected frame. When `recenter' is called interactively, LOCATION is the raw prefix argument. Thus, typing `C-u' as the prefix sets the LOCATION to a non-`nil' list, while typing `C-u 4' sets LOCATION to 4, which positions the current line four lines from the top. With an argument of zero, `recenter' positions the current line at the top of the window. This action is so handy that some people make a separate key binding to do this. For example, (defun line-to-top-of-window () "Scroll current line to top of window. Replaces three keystroke sequence C-u 0 C-l." (interactive) (recenter 0)) (global-set-key [kp-multiply] 'line-to-top-of-window)  File:, Node: Horizontal Scrolling, Next: Size of Window, Prev: Vertical Scrolling, Up: Windows Horizontal Scrolling ==================== Because we read English first from top to bottom and second from left to right, horizontal scrolling is not like vertical scrolling. Vertical scrolling involves selection of a contiguous portion of text to display. Horizontal scrolling causes part of each line to go off screen. The amount of horizontal scrolling is therefore specified as a number of columns rather than as a position in the buffer. It has nothing to do with the display-start position returned by `window-start'. Usually, no horizontal scrolling is in effect; then the leftmost column is at the left edge of the window. In this state, scrolling to the right is meaningless, since there is no data to the left of the screen to be revealed by it; so this is not allowed. Scrolling to the left is allowed; it scrolls the first columns of text off the edge of the window and can reveal additional columns on the right that were truncated before. Once a window has a nonzero amount of leftward horizontal scrolling, you can scroll it back to the right, but only so far as to reduce the net horizontal scroll to zero. There is no limit to how far left you can scroll, but eventually all the text will disappear off the left edge. - Command: scroll-left &optional count This function scrolls the selected window COUNT columns to the left (or to the right if COUNT is negative). The return value is the total amount of leftward horizontal scrolling in effect after the change--just like the value returned by `window-hscroll' (below). - Command: scroll-right &optional count This function scrolls the selected window COUNT columns to the right (or to the left if COUNT is negative). The return value is the total amount of leftward horizontal scrolling in effect after the change--just like the value returned by `window-hscroll' (below). Once you scroll a window as far right as it can go, back to its normal position where the total leftward scrolling is zero, attempts to scroll any farther right have no effect. - Function: window-hscroll &optional window This function returns the total leftward horizontal scrolling of WINDOW--the number of columns by which the text in WINDOW is scrolled left past the left margin. The value is never negative. It is zero when no horizontal scrolling has been done in WINDOW (which is usually the case). If WINDOW is `nil', the selected window is used. (window-hscroll) => 0 (scroll-left 5) => 5 (window-hscroll) => 5 - Function: set-window-hscroll window columns This function sets the number of columns from the left margin that WINDOW is scrolled to the value of COLUMNS. The argument COLUMNS should be zero or positive; if not, it is taken as zero. The value returned is COLUMNS. (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) 10) => 10 Here is how you can determine whether a given position POSITION is off the screen due to horizontal scrolling: (defun hscroll-on-screen (window position) (save-excursion (goto-char position) (and (>= (- (current-column) (window-hscroll window)) 0) (< (- (current-column) (window-hscroll window)) (window-width window)))))  File:, Node: Size of Window, Next: Position of Window, Prev: Horizontal Scrolling, Up: Windows The Size of a Window ==================== An Emacs window is rectangular, and its size information consists of the height (in lines or pixels) and the width (in character positions or pixels). The modeline is included in the height. The pixel width and height values include scrollbars and margins, while the line/character-position values do not. Note that the height in lines, and the width in characters, are determined by dividing the corresponding pixel value by the height or width of the default font in that window (if this is a variable-width font, the average width is used). The resulting values may or may not represent the actual number of lines in the window, or the actual number of character positions in any particular line, esp. if there are pixmaps or various different fonts in the window. The following functions return size information about a window: - Function: window-height &optional window This function returns the number of lines in WINDOW, including its modeline but not including the horizontal scrollbar, if any (this is different from `window-pixel-height'). If WINDOW is `nil', the function uses the selected window. (window-height) => 40 (split-window-vertically) => # (window-height) => 20 - Function: window-width &optional window This function returns the number of columns in WINDOW, not including any left margin, right margin, or vertical scrollbar (this is different from `window-pixel-width'). If WINDOW is `nil', the function uses the selected window. (window-width) => 80 (window-height) => 40 (split-window-horizontally) => # (window-width) => 39 Note that after splitting the window into two side-by-side windows, the width of each window is less the half the width of the original window because a vertical scrollbar appeared between the windows, occupying two columns worth of space. Also, the height shrunk by one because horizontal scrollbars appeared that weren't there before. (Horizontal scrollbars appear only when lines are truncated, not when they wrap. This is usually the case for horizontally split windows but not for full-frame windows. You can change this using the variables `truncate-lines' and `truncate-partial-width-windows'.) - Function: window-pixel-height &optional window This function returns the height of WINDOW in pixels, including its modeline and horizontal scrollbar, if any. If WINDOW is `nil', the function uses the selected window. (window-pixel-height) => 600 (split-window-vertically) => # (window-pixel-height) => 300 - Function: window-pixel-width &optional window This function returns the width of WINDOW in pixels, including any left margin, right margin, or vertical scrollbar that may be displayed alongside it. If WINDOW is `nil', the function uses the selected window. (window-pixel-width) => 735 (window-pixel-height) => 600 (split-window-horizontally) => # (window-pixel-width) => 367 (window-pixel-height) => 600 - Function: window-text-area-pixel-height &optional window This function returns the height in pixels of the text displaying portion of WINDOW, which defaults to the selected window. Unlike `window-pixel-height', the space occupied by the modeline and horizontal scrollbar, if any, is not counted. - Function: window-text-area-pixel-width &optional window This function returns the width in pixels of the text displaying portion of WINDOW, which defaults to the selected window. Unlike `window-pixel-width', the space occupied by the vertical scrollbar and divider, if any, is not counted. - Function: window-displayed-text-pixel-height &optional window noclipped This function returns the height in pixels of the text displayed in WINDOW, which defaults to the selected window. Unlike `window-text-area-pixel-height', any blank space below the end of the buffer is not included. If optional argument NOCLIPPED is non-`nil', any space occupied by clipped lines will not be included.  File:, Node: Position of Window, Next: Resizing Windows, Prev: Size of Window, Up: Windows The Position of a Window ======================== XEmacs provides functions to determine the absolute location of windows within a frame, and the relative location of a window in comparison to other windows in the same frame. - Function: window-pixel-edges &optional window This function returns a list of the pixel edge coordinates of WINDOW. If WINDOW is `nil', the selected window is used. The order of the list is `(LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM)', all elements relative to 0, 0 at the top left corner of WINDOW's frame. The element RIGHT of the value is one more than the rightmost pixel used by WINDOW (including any left margin, right margin, or vertical scrollbar displayed alongside it), and BOTTOM is one more than the bottommost pixel used by WINDOW (including any modeline or horizontal scrollbar displayed above or below it). The frame area does not include any frame menubars, toolbars, or gutters that may be displayed; thus, for example, if there is only one window on the frame, the values for LEFT and TOP will always be 0. If WINDOW is at the upper left corner of its frame, RIGHT and BOTTOM are the same as the values returned by `(window-pixel-width)' and `(window-pixel-height)' respectively, and LEFT and TOP are zero. There is no longer a function `window-edges' because it does not make sense in a world with variable-width and variable-height lines, as are allowed in XEmacs. - Function: window-highest-p window This function returns non-`nil' if WINDOW is along the top of its frame. - Function: window-lowest-p window This function returns non-`nil' if WINDOW is along the bottom of its frame. - Function: window-text-area-pixel-edges &optional window This function allows one to determine the location of the text-displaying portion of WINDOW, which defaults to the selected window, with respect to the top left corner of the window. It returns a list of integer pixel positions `(left top right bottom)', all relative to `(0,0)' at the top left corner of the window.  File:, Node: Resizing Windows, Next: Window Configurations, Prev: Position of Window, Up: Windows Changing the Size of a Window ============================= The window size functions fall into two classes: high-level commands that change the size of windows and low-level functions that access window size. XEmacs does not permit overlapping windows or gaps between windows, so resizing one window affects other windows. - Command: enlarge-window count &optional horizontal window This function makes the selected window COUNT lines taller, stealing lines from neighboring windows. It takes the lines from one window at a time until that window is used up, then takes from another. If a window from which lines are stolen shrinks below `window-min-height' lines, that window disappears. If HORIZONTAL is non-`nil', this function makes WINDOW wider by COUNT columns, stealing columns instead of lines. If a window from which columns are stolen shrinks below `window-min-width' columns, that window disappears. If the requested size would exceed that of the window's frame, then the function makes the window occupy the entire height (or width) of the frame. If COUNT is negative, this function shrinks the window by -COUNT lines or columns. If that makes the window smaller than the minimum size (`window-min-height' and `window-min-width'), `enlarge-window' deletes the window. If WINDOW is non-`nil', it specifies a window to change instead of the selected window. `enlarge-window' returns `nil'. - Command: enlarge-window-horizontally columns This function makes the selected window COLUMNS wider. It could be defined as follows: (defun enlarge-window-horizontally (columns) (enlarge-window columns t)) - Command: enlarge-window-pixels count &optional side window This function makes the selected window COUNT pixels larger. When called from Lisp, optional second argument SIDE non-`nil' means to grow sideways COUNT pixels, and optional third argument WINDOW specifies the window to change instead of the selected window. - Command: shrink-window count &optional horizontal window This function is like `enlarge-window' but negates the argument COUNT, making the selected window smaller by giving lines (or columns) to the other windows. If the window shrinks below `window-min-height' or `window-min-width', then it disappears. If COUNT is negative, the window is enlarged by -COUNT lines or columns. If WINDOW is non-`nil', it specifies a window to change instead of the selected window. - Command: shrink-window-horizontally columns This function makes the selected window COLUMNS narrower. It could be defined as follows: (defun shrink-window-horizontally (columns) (shrink-window columns t)) - Command: shrink-window-pixels count &optional side window This function makes the selected window COUNT pixels smaller. When called from Lisp, optional second argument SIDE non-`nil' means to shrink sideways COUNT pixels, and optional third argument WINDOW specifies the window to change instead of the selected window. The following two variables constrain the window-size-changing functions to a minimum height and width. - User Option: window-min-height The value of this variable determines how short a window may become before it is automatically deleted. Making a window smaller than `window-min-height' automatically deletes it, and no window may be created shorter than this. The absolute minimum height is two (allowing one line for the mode line, and one line for the buffer display). Actions that change window sizes reset this variable to two if it is less than two. The default value is 4. - User Option: window-min-width The value of this variable determines how narrow a window may become before it automatically deleted. Making a window smaller than `window-min-width' automatically deletes it, and no window may be created narrower than this. The absolute minimum width is one; any value below that is ignored. The default value is 10. - Variable: window-size-change-functions This variable holds a list of functions to be called if the size of any window changes for any reason. The functions are called just once per redisplay, and just once for each frame on which size changes have occurred. Each function receives the frame as its sole argument. There is no direct way to find out which windows changed size, or precisely how; however, if your size-change function keeps track, after each change, of the windows that interest you, you can figure out what has changed by comparing the old size data with the new. Creating or deleting windows counts as a size change, and therefore causes these functions to be called. Changing the frame size also counts, because it changes the sizes of the existing windows. It is not a good idea to use `save-window-excursion' in these functions, because that always counts as a size change, and it would cause these functions to be called over and over. In most cases, `save-selected-window' is what you need here.  File:, Node: Window Configurations, Prev: Resizing Windows, Up: Windows Window Configurations ===================== A "window configuration" records the entire layout of a frame--all windows, their sizes, which buffers they contain, what part of each buffer is displayed, and the values of point and the mark. You can bring back an entire previous layout by restoring a window configuration previously saved. If you want to record all frames instead of just one, use a frame configuration instead of a window configuration. *Note Frame Configurations::. - Function: current-window-configuration &optional frame This function returns a new object representing the current window configuration of FRAME, namely the number of windows, their sizes and current buffers, which window is the selected window, and for each window the displayed buffer, the display-start position, and the positions of point and the mark. An exception is made for point in the current buffer, whose value is not saved. FRAME defaults to the selected frame. - Function: set-window-configuration configuration This function restores the configuration of XEmacs's windows and buffers to the state specified by CONFIGURATION. The argument CONFIGURATION must be a value that was previously returned by `current-window-configuration'. This function always counts as a window size change and triggers execution of the `window-size-change-functions'. (It doesn't know how to tell whether the new configuration actually differs from the old one.) Here is a way of using this function to get the same effect as `save-window-excursion': (let ((config (current-window-configuration))) (unwind-protect (progn (split-window-vertically nil) ...) (set-window-configuration config))) - Special Form: save-window-excursion forms... This special form records the window configuration, executes FORMS in sequence, then restores the earlier window configuration. The window configuration includes the value of point and the portion of the buffer that is visible. It also includes the choice of selected window. However, it does not include the value of point in the current buffer; use `save-excursion' if you wish to preserve that. Don't use this construct when `save-selected-window' is all you need. Exit from `save-window-excursion' always triggers execution of the `window-size-change-functions'. (It doesn't know how to tell whether the restored configuration actually differs from the one in effect at the end of the FORMS.) The return value is the value of the final form in FORMS. For example: (split-window) => # (setq w (selected-window)) => # (save-window-excursion (delete-other-windows w) (switch-to-buffer "foo") 'do-something) => do-something ;; The frame is now split again. - Function: window-configuration-p object This function returns `t' if OBJECT is a window configuration. Primitives to look inside of window configurations would make sense, but none are implemented. It is not clear they are useful enough to be worth implementing.  File:, Node: Frames, Next: Consoles and Devices, Prev: Windows, Up: Top Frames ****** A FRAME is a rectangle on the screen that contains one or more XEmacs windows (*note Windows::). A frame initially contains a single main window (plus perhaps an echo area), which you can subdivide vertically or horizontally into smaller windows. Each window is associated with a modeline (*note Modeline Format::), and optionally two scrollbars (*note Scrollbars::). By default the vertical scrollbar is on, the horizontal scrollbar is off. The frame may also contain menubars (*note Menubar::), toolbars (*note Toolbar Intro::), and gutters (*note Gutter Intro::). By default there is one of each at the top of the frame, with menubar topmost, toolbar next, and gutter lowest, immediately above the windows. (Warning: the gutter is a new, experimental, and unstable feature of XEmacs version 21.2.) When XEmacs runs on a text-only terminal, it starts with one "TTY frame". If you create additional ones, XEmacs displays one and only one at any given time--on the terminal screen, of course. When XEmacs communicates directly with an X server, it does not have a TTY frame; instead, it starts with a single "X window frame". It can display multiple X window frames at the same time, each in its own X window. - Function: framep object This predicate returns `t' if OBJECT is a frame, and `nil' otherwise. * Menu: * Creating Frames:: Creating additional frames. * Frame Properties:: Controlling frame size, position, font, etc. * Frame Titles:: Automatic updating of frame titles. * Deleting Frames:: Frames last until explicitly deleted. * Finding All Frames:: How to examine all existing frames. * Frames and Windows:: A frame contains windows; display of text always works through windows. * Minibuffers and Frames:: How a frame finds the minibuffer to use. * Input Focus:: Specifying the selected frame. * Visibility of Frames:: Frames may be visible or invisible, or icons. * Raising and Lowering:: Raising a frame makes it hide other X windows; lowering it makes the others hide them. * Frame Configurations:: Saving the state of all frames. * Frame Hooks:: Hooks for customizing frame behavior. *Note Display::, for related information.  File:, Node: Creating Frames, Next: Frame Properties, Up: Frames Creating Frames =============== To create a new frame, call the function `make-frame'. - Command: make-frame &optional props device This function creates a new frame on DEVICE, if DEVICE permits creation of frames. (An X server does; an ordinary terminal does not (yet).) DEVICE defaults to the selected device if omitted. *Note Consoles and Devices::. The argument PROPS is a property list (a list of alternating keyword-value specifications) of properties for the new frame. (An alist is accepted for backward compatibility but should not be passed in.) Any properties not mentioned in PROPS default according to the value of the variable `default-frame-plist'. For X devices, properties not specified in `default-frame-plist' default in turn from `default-x-frame-plist' and, if not specified there, from the X resources. For TTY devices, `default-tty-frame-plist' is consulted as well as `default-frame-plist'. The set of possible properties depends in principle on what kind of window system XEmacs uses to display its frames. *Note X Frame Properties::, for documentation of individual properties you can specify when creating an X window frame.  File:, Node: Frame Properties, Next: Frame Titles, Prev: Creating Frames, Up: Frames Frame Properties ================ A frame has many properties that control its appearance and behavior. Just what properties a frame has depends on which display mechanism it uses. Frame properties exist for the sake of window systems. A terminal frame has few properties, mostly for compatibility's sake; only the height, width and `buffer-predicate' properties really do something. * Menu: * Property Access:: How to change a frame's properties. * Initial Properties:: Specifying frame properties when you make a frame. * X Frame Properties:: List of frame properties. * Size and Position:: Changing the size and position of a frame. * Frame Name:: The name of a frame (as opposed to its title).  File:, Node: Property Access, Next: Initial Properties, Up: Frame Properties Access to Frame Properties -------------------------- These functions let you read and change the properties of a frame. - Function: frame-properties &optional frame This function returns a plist listing all the properties of FRAME and their values. - Function: frame-property frame property &optional default This function returns FRAME's value for the property PROPERTY, or DEFAULT if there is no such property. - Function: set-frame-properties frame plist This function alters the properties of frame FRAME based on the elements of property list PLIST. If you don't mention a property in PLIST, its value doesn't change. - Function: set-frame-property frame property value This function sets the property PROPERTY of frame FRAME to the value VALUE.  File:, Node: Initial Properties, Next: X Frame Properties, Prev: Property Access, Up: Frame Properties Initial Frame Properties ------------------------ You can specify the properties for the initial startup frame by setting `initial-frame-plist' in your `.emacs' file. - Variable: initial-frame-plist This variable's value is a plist of alternating property-value pairs used when creating the initial X window frame. XEmacs creates the initial frame before it reads your `~/.emacs' file. After reading that file, XEmacs checks `initial-frame-plist', and applies the property settings in the altered value to the already created initial frame. If these settings affect the frame geometry and appearance, you'll see the frame appear with the wrong ones and then change to the specified ones. If that bothers you, you can specify the same geometry and appearance with X resources; those do take affect before the frame is created. *Note X Resources: (xemacs)Resources X. X resource settings typically apply to all frames. If you want to specify some X resources solely for the sake of the initial frame, and you don't want them to apply to subsequent frames, here's how to achieve this: specify properties in `default-frame-plist' to override the X resources for subsequent frames; then, to prevent these from affecting the initial frame, specify the same properties in `initial-frame-plist' with values that match the X resources. If these properties specify a separate minibuffer-only frame via a `minibuffer' property of `nil', and you have not yet created one, XEmacs creates one for you. - Variable: minibuffer-frame-plist This variable's value is a plist of properties used when creating an initial minibuffer-only frame--if such a frame is needed, according to the properties for the main initial frame. - Variable: default-frame-plist This is a plist specifying default values of frame properties for subsequent XEmacs frames (not the initial ones). See also `special-display-frame-plist', in *Note Choosing Window::. If you use options that specify window appearance when you invoke XEmacs, they take effect by adding elements to `default-frame-plist'. One exception is `-geometry', which adds the specified position to `initial-frame-plist' instead. *Note Command Arguments: (xemacs)Command Arguments.  File:, Node: X Frame Properties, Next: Size and Position, Prev: Initial Properties, Up: Frame Properties X Window Frame Properties ------------------------- Just what properties a frame has depends on what display mechanism it uses. Here is a table of the properties of an X window frame; of these, `name', `height', `width', and `buffer-predicate' provide meaningful information in non-X frames. `name' The name of the frame. Most window managers display the frame's name in the frame's border, at the top of the frame. If you don't specify a name, and you have more than one frame, XEmacs sets the frame name based on the buffer displayed in the frame's selected window. If you specify the frame name explicitly when you create the frame, the name is also used (instead of the name of the XEmacs executable) when looking up X resources for the frame. `display' The display on which to open this frame. It should be a string of the form `"HOST:DPY.SCREEN"', just like the `DISPLAY' environment variable. `left' The screen position of the left edge, in pixels, with respect to the left edge of the screen. The value may be a positive number POS, or a list of the form `(+ POS)' which permits specifying a negative POS value. A negative number -POS, or a list of the form `(- POS)', actually specifies the position of the right edge of the window with respect to the right edge of the screen. A positive value of POS counts toward the left. If the property is a negative integer -POS then POS is positive! `top' The screen position of the top edge, in pixels, with respect to the top edge of the screen. The value may be a positive number POS, or a list of the form `(+ POS)' which permits specifying a negative POS value. A negative number -POS, or a list of the form `(- POS)', actually specifies the position of the bottom edge of the window with respect to the bottom edge of the screen. A positive value of POS counts toward the top. If the property is a negative integer -POS then POS is positive! `icon-left' The screen position of the left edge _of the frame's icon_, in pixels, counting from the left edge of the screen. This takes effect if and when the frame is iconified. `icon-top' The screen position of the top edge _of the frame's icon_, in pixels, counting from the top edge of the screen. This takes effect if and when the frame is iconified. `user-position' Non-`nil' if the screen position of the frame was explicitly requested by the user (for example, with the `-geometry' option). Nothing automatically makes this property non-`nil'; it is up to Lisp programs that call `make-frame' to specify this property as well as specifying the `left' and `top' properties. `height' The height of the frame contents, in characters. (To get the height in pixels, call `frame-pixel-height'; see *Note Size and Position::.) `width' The width of the frame contents, in characters. (To get the height in pixels, call `frame-pixel-width'; see *Note Size and Position::.) `window-id' The number of the X window for the frame. `minibuffer' Whether this frame has its own minibuffer. The value `t' means yes, `nil' means no, `only' means this frame is just a minibuffer. If the value is a minibuffer window (in some other frame), the new frame uses that minibuffer. (Minibuffer-only and minibuffer-less frames are not yet implemented in XEmacs.) `buffer-predicate' The buffer-predicate function for this frame. The function `other-buffer' uses this predicate (from the selected frame) to decide which buffers it should consider, if the predicate is not `nil'. It calls the predicate with one arg, a buffer, once for each buffer; if the predicate returns a non-`nil' value, it considers that buffer. `scroll-bar-width' The width of the vertical scroll bar, in pixels. `cursor-color' The color for the cursor that shows point. `border-color' The color for the border of the frame. `border-width' The width in pixels of the window border. `internal-border-width' The distance in pixels between text and border. `unsplittable' If non-`nil', this frame's window is never split automatically. `inter-line-space' The space in pixels between adjacent lines of text. (Not currently implemented.) `modeline' Whether the frame has a modeline.  File:, Node: Size and Position, Next: Frame Name, Prev: X Frame Properties, Up: Frame Properties Frame Size And Position ----------------------- You can read or change the size and position of a frame using the frame properties `left', `top', `height', and `width'. Whatever geometry properties you don't specify are chosen by the window manager in its usual fashion. Here are some special features for working with sizes and positions: - Function: set-frame-position frame left top This function sets the position of the top left corner of FRAME to LEFT and TOP. These arguments are measured in pixels, and count from the top left corner of the screen. Negative property values count up or rightward from the top left corner of the screen. - Function: frame-height &optional frame - Function: frame-width &optional frame These functions return the height and width of FRAME, measured in lines and columns. If you don't supply FRAME, they use the selected frame. - Function: frame-pixel-height &optional frame - Function: frame-pixel-width &optional frame These functions return the height and width of FRAME, measured in pixels. If you don't supply FRAME, they use the selected frame. - Function: set-frame-size frame cols rows &optional pretend This function sets the size of FRAME, measured in characters; COLS and ROWS specify the new width and height. (If PRETEND is non-`nil', it means that redisplay should act as if the frame's size is COLS by ROWS, but the actual size of the frame should not be changed. You should not normally use this option.) You can also use the functions `set-frame-height' and `set-frame-width' to set the height and width individually. The frame is the first argument and the size (in rows or columns) is the second. (There is an optional third argument, PRETEND, which has the same purpose as the corresponding argument in `set-frame-size'.)  File:, Node: Frame Name, Prev: Size and Position, Up: Frame Properties The Name of a Frame (As Opposed to Its Title) --------------------------------------------- Under X, every frame has a name, which is not the same as the title of the frame. A frame's name is used to look up its resources and does not normally change over the lifetime of a frame. It is perfectly allowable, and quite common, for multiple frames to have the same name. - Function: frame-name &optional frame This function returns the name of FRAME, which defaults to the selected frame if not specified. The name of a frame can also be obtained from the frame's properties. *Note Frame Properties::. - Variable: default-frame-name This variable holds the default name to assign to newly-created frames. This can be overridden by arguments to `make-frame'. This must be a string.  File:, Node: Frame Titles, Next: Deleting Frames, Prev: Frame Properties, Up: Frames Frame Titles ============ Every frame has a title; most window managers display the frame title at the top of the frame. You can specify an explicit title with the `name' frame property. But normally you don't specify this explicitly, and XEmacs computes the title automatically. XEmacs computes the frame title based on a template stored in the variable `frame-title-format'. - Variable: frame-title-format This variable specifies how to compute a title for a frame when you have not explicitly specified one. The variable's value is actually a modeline construct, just like `modeline-format'. *Note Modeline Data::. - Variable: frame-icon-title-format This variable specifies how to compute the title for an iconified frame, when you have not explicitly specified the frame title. This title appears in the icon itself. - Function: x-set-frame-icon-pixmap frame pixmap &optional mask This function sets the icon of the given frame to the given image instance, which should be an image instance object (as returned by `make-image-instance'), a glyph object (as returned by `make-glyph'), or `nil'. If a glyph object is given, the glyph will be instantiated on the frame to produce an image instance object. If the given image instance has a mask, that will be used as the icon mask; however, not all window managers support this. The window manager is also not required to support color pixmaps, only bitmaps (one plane deep). If the image instance does not have a mask, then the optional third argument may be the image instance to use as the mask (it must be one plane deep). *Note Glyphs::.  File:, Node: Deleting Frames, Next: Finding All Frames, Prev: Frame Titles, Up: Frames Deleting Frames =============== Frames remain potentially visible until you explicitly "delete" them. A deleted frame cannot appear on the screen, but continues to exist as a Lisp object until there are no references to it. - Command: delete-frame &optional frame force This function deletes the frame FRAME. By default, FRAME is the selected frame. A frame may not be deleted if its minibuffer is used by other frames. Normally, you cannot delete the last non-minibuffer-only frame (you must use `save-buffers-kill-emacs' or `kill-emacs'). However, if optional second argument FORCE is non-`nil', you can delete the last frame. (This will automatically call `save-buffers-kill-emacs'.) - Function: frame-live-p frame The function `frame-live-p' returns non-`nil' if the frame FRAME has not been deleted.  File:, Node: Finding All Frames, Next: Frames and Windows, Prev: Deleting Frames, Up: Frames Finding All Frames ================== - Function: frame-list The function `frame-list' returns a list of all the frames that have not been deleted. It is analogous to `buffer-list' for buffers. The list that you get is newly created, so modifying the list doesn't have any effect on the internals of XEmacs. - Function: device-frame-list &optional device This function returns a list of all frames on DEVICE. If DEVICE is `nil', the selected device will be used. - Function: visible-frame-list &optional device This function returns a list of just the currently visible frames. If DEVICE is specified only frames on that device will be returned. *Note Visibility of Frames::. (TTY frames always count as "visible", even though only the selected one is actually displayed.) - Function: next-frame &optional frame which-frames which-devices The function `next-frame' lets you cycle conveniently through all the frames from an arbitrary starting point. It returns the "next" frame after FRAME in the cycle. If FRAME defaults to the selected frame. The second argument, WHICH-FRAMES, says which frames to consider: `visible' Consider only frames that are visible. `iconic' Consider only frames that are iconic. `invisible' Consider only frames that are invisible (this is different from iconic). `visible-iconic' Consider frames that are visible or iconic. `invisible-iconic' Consider frames that are invisible or iconic. `nomini' Consider all frames except minibuffer-only ones. `visible-nomini' Like `visible' but omits minibuffer-only frames. `iconic-nomini' Like `iconic' but omits minibuffer-only frames. `invisible-nomini' Like `invisible' but omits minibuffer-only frames. `visible-iconic-nomini' Like `visible-iconic' but omits minibuffer-only frames. `invisible-iconic-nomini' Like `invisible-iconic' but omits minibuffer-only frames. `nil' Identical to `nomini'. WINDOW Consider only the window WINDOW's frame and any frame now using WINDOW as the minibuffer. any other value Consider all frames. The optional argument WHICH-DEVICES further clarifies on which devices to search for frames as specified by WHICH-FRAMES. `nil' Consider all devices on the selected console. DEVICE Consider only the one device DEVICE. CONSOLE Consider all devices on CONSOLE. DEVICE-TYPE Consider all devices with device type DEVICE-TYPE. `window-system' Consider all devices on window system consoles. anything else Consider all devices without restriction. - Function: previous-frame &optional frame which-frames which-devices Like `next-frame', but cycles through all frames in the opposite direction. See also `next-window' and `previous-window', in *Note Cyclic Window Ordering::.  File:, Node: Frames and Windows, Next: Minibuffers and Frames, Prev: Finding All Frames, Up: Frames Frames and Windows ================== Each window is part of one and only one frame; you can get the frame with `window-frame'. - Function: frame-root-window &optional frame This returns the root window of frame FRAME. FRAME defaults to the selected frame if not specified. - Function: window-frame &optional window This function returns the frame that WINDOW is on. WINDOW defaults to the selected window if omitted. All the non-minibuffer windows in a frame are arranged in a cyclic order. The order runs from the frame's top window, which is at the upper left corner, down and to the right, until it reaches the window at the lower right corner (always the minibuffer window, if the frame has one), and then it moves back to the top. - Function: frame-highest-window &optional frame position This function returns the topmost, leftmost window of frame FRAME at position POSITION. If omitted, FRAME defaults to the currently selected frame. POSITION is used to distinguish between multiple windows that abut the top of the frame: 0 means the leftmost window abutting the top of the frame, 1 the next-leftmost, etc. POSITION can also be less than zero: -1 means the rightmost window abutting the top of the frame, -2 the next-rightmost, etc. If omitted, POSITION defaults to 0, i.e. the leftmost highest window. If there is no window at the given POSITION, `nil' is returned. The following three functions work similarly. - Function: frame-lowest-window &optional frame position This function returns the lowest window on FRAME which is at POSITION. - Function: frame-leftmost-window &optional frame position This function returns the leftmost window on FRAME which is at POSITION. - Function: frame-rightmost-window &optional frame position This function returns the rightmost window on FRAME which is at POSITION. At any time, exactly one window on any frame is "selected within the frame". The significance of this designation is that selecting the frame also selects this window. You can get the frame's current selected window with `frame-selected-window'. - Function: frame-selected-window &optional frame This function returns the window on FRAME that is selected within FRAME. FRAME defaults to the selected frame if not specified. Conversely, selecting a window for XEmacs with `select-window' also makes that window selected within its frame. *Note Selecting Windows::. Another function that (usually) returns one of the windows in a frame is `minibuffer-window'. *Note Minibuffer Misc::.  File:, Node: Minibuffers and Frames, Next: Input Focus, Prev: Frames and Windows, Up: Frames Minibuffers and Frames ====================== Normally, each frame has its own minibuffer window at the bottom, which is used whenever that frame is selected. If the frame has a minibuffer, you can get it with `minibuffer-window' (*note Minibuffer Misc::). However, you can also create a frame with no minibuffer. Such a frame must use the minibuffer window of some other frame. When you create the frame, you can specify explicitly the minibuffer window to use (in some other frame). If you don't, then the minibuffer is found in the frame which is the value of the variable `default-minibuffer-frame'. Its value should be a frame which does have a minibuffer. - Variable: default-minibuffer-frame This variable specifies the frame to use for the minibuffer window, by default.  File:, Node: Input Focus, Next: Visibility of Frames, Prev: Minibuffers and Frames, Up: Frames Input Focus =========== At any time, one frame in XEmacs is the "selected frame". The selected window always resides on the selected frame. As the focus moves from device to device, the selected frame on each device is remembered and restored when the focus moves back to that device. - Function: selected-frame &optional device This function returns the selected frame on DEVICE. If DEVICE is not specified, the selected device will be used. If no frames exist on the device, `nil' is returned. The X server normally directs keyboard input to the X window that the mouse is in. Some window managers use mouse clicks or keyboard events to "shift the focus" to various X windows, overriding the normal behavior of the server. Lisp programs can switch frames "temporarily" by calling the function `select-frame'. This does not override the window manager; rather, it escapes from the window manager's control until that control is somehow reasserted. When using a text-only terminal, there is no window manager; therefore, `select-frame' is the only way to switch frames, and the effect lasts until overridden by a subsequent call to `select-frame'. Only the selected terminal frame is actually displayed on the terminal. Each terminal screen except for the initial one has a number, and the number of the selected frame appears in the mode line after the word `XEmacs' (*note Modeline Variables::). - Function: select-frame frame This function selects frame FRAME, temporarily disregarding the focus of the X server if any. The selection of FRAME lasts until the next time the user does something to select a different frame, or until the next time this function is called. Note that `select-frame' does not actually cause the window-system focus to be set to this frame, or the `select-frame-hook' or `deselect-frame-hook' to be run, until the next time that XEmacs is waiting for an event. Also note that when the variable `focus-follows-mouse' is non-`nil', the frame selection is temporary and is reverted when the current command terminates, much like the buffer selected by `set-buffer'. In order to effect a permanent focus change use `focus-frame'. - Function: focus-frame frame This function selects FRAME and gives it the window system focus. The operation of `focus-frame' is not affected by the value of `focus-follows-mouse'. - Special Form: save-selected-frame forms... This special form records the selected frame, executes FORMS in sequence, then restores the earlier selected frame. The value returned is the value of the last form. - Special Form: with-selected-frame frame forms... This special form records the selected frame, then selects FRAME and executes FORMS in sequence. After the last form is finished, the earlier selected frame is restored. The value returned is the value of the last form.  File:, Node: Visibility of Frames, Next: Raising and Lowering, Prev: Input Focus, Up: Frames Visibility of Frames ==================== An frame on a window system may be "visible", "invisible", or "iconified". If it is visible, you can see its contents. If it is iconified, the frame's contents do not appear on the screen, but an icon does. If the frame is invisible, it doesn't show on the screen, not even as an icon. Visibility is meaningless for TTY frames, since only the selected one is actually displayed in any case. - Function: make-frame-visible &optional frame This function makes frame FRAME visible. If you omit FRAME, it makes the selected frame visible. - Function: make-frame-invisible &optional frame force This function makes frame FRAME invisible. - Command: iconify-frame &optional frame This function iconifies frame FRAME. - Function: Command deiconify-frame &optional frame This function de-iconifies frame FRAME. Under a window system, this is equivalent to `make-frame-visible'. - Function: frame-visible-p &optional frame This returns whether FRAME is currently "visible" (actually in use for display). A frame that is not visible is not updated, and, if it works through a window system, may not show at all. - Function: frame-iconified-p &optional frame This returns whether FRAME is iconified. Not all window managers use icons; some merely unmap the window, so this function is not the inverse of `frame-visible-p'. It is possible for a frame to not be visible and not be iconified either. However, if the frame is iconified, it will not be visible. (Under FSF Emacs, the functionality of this function is obtained through `frame-visible-p'.) - Function: frame-totally-visible-p &optional frame This returns whether FRAME is not obscured by any other X windows. On TTY frames, this is the same as `frame-visible-p'.  File:, Node: Raising and Lowering, Next: Frame Configurations, Prev: Visibility of Frames, Up: Frames Raising and Lowering Frames =========================== The X Window System uses a desktop metaphor. Part of this metaphor is the idea that windows are stacked in a notional third dimension perpendicular to the screen surface, and thus ordered from "highest" to "lowest". Where two windows overlap, the one higher up covers the one underneath. Even a window at the bottom of the stack can be seen if no other window overlaps it. A window's place in this ordering is not fixed; in fact, users tend to change the order frequently. "Raising" a window means moving it "up", to the top of the stack. "Lowering" a window means moving it to the bottom of the stack. This motion is in the notional third dimension only, and does not change the position of the window on the screen. You can raise and lower XEmacs's X windows with these functions: - Command: raise-frame &optional frame This function raises frame FRAME. - Command: lower-frame &optional frame This function lowers frame FRAME. You can also specify auto-raise (raising automatically when a frame is selected) or auto-lower (lowering automatically when it is deselected). Under X, most ICCCM-compliant window managers will have an option to do this for you, but the following variables are provided in case you're using a broken WM. (Under FSF Emacs, the same functionality is provided through the `auto-raise' and `auto-lower' frame properties.) - Variable: auto-raise-frame This variable's value is `t' if frames will be raised to the top when selected. - Variable: auto-lower-frame This variable's value is `t' if frames will be lowered to the bottom when no longer selected. Auto-raising and auto-lowering is implemented through functions attached to `select-frame-hook' and `deselect-frame-hook' (*note Frame Hooks::). Under normal circumstances, you should not call these functions directly. - Function: default-select-frame-hook This hook function implements the `auto-raise-frame' variable; it is for use as the value of `select-frame-hook'. - Function: default-deselect-frame-hook This hook function implements the `auto-lower-frame' variable; it is for use as the value of `deselect-frame-hook'.  File:, Node: Frame Configurations, Next: Frame Hooks, Prev: Raising and Lowering, Up: Frames Frame Configurations ==================== A "frame configuration" records the current arrangement of frames, all their properties, and the window configuration of each one. - Function: current-frame-configuration This function returns a frame configuration list that describes the current arrangement of frames and their contents. - Function: set-frame-configuration configuration &optional nodelete This function restores the state of frames described by CONFIGURATION, which should be the return value from a previous call to `current-frame-configuration'. Each frame listed in CONFIGURATION has its position, size, window configuration, and other properties set as specified in CONFIGURATION. Ordinarily, this function deletes all existing frames not listed in CONFIGURATION. But if optional second argument NODELETE is non-`nil', the unwanted frames are iconified instead.  File:, Node: Frame Hooks, Prev: Frame Configurations, Up: Frames Hooks for Customizing Frame Behavior ==================================== XEmacs provides many hooks that are called at various times during a frame's lifetime. *Note Hooks::. - Variable: create-frame-hook This hook is called each time a frame is created. The functions are called with one argument, the newly-created frame. - Variable: delete-frame-hook This hook is called each time a frame is deleted. The functions are called with one argument, the about-to-be-deleted frame. - Variable: select-frame-hook This is a normal hook that is run just after a frame is selected. The function `default-select-frame-hook', which implements auto-raising (*note Raising and Lowering::), is normally attached to this hook. Note that calling `select-frame' does not necessarily set the focus: The actual window-system focus will not be changed until the next time that XEmacs is waiting for an event, and even then, the window manager may refuse the focus-change request. - Variable: deselect-frame-hook This is a normal hook that is run just before a frame is deselected (and another frame is selected). The function `default-deselect-frame-hook', which implements auto-lowering (*note Raising and Lowering::), is normally attached to this hook. - Variable: map-frame-hook This hook is called each time a frame is mapped (i.e. made visible). The functions are called with one argument, the newly mapped frame. - Variable: unmap-frame-hook This hook is called each time a frame is unmapped (i.e. made invisible or iconified). The functions are called with one argument, the newly unmapped frame.  File:, Node: Consoles and Devices, Next: Positions, Prev: Frames, Up: Top Consoles and Devices ******************** A "console" is an object representing a single input connection to XEmacs, such as an X display or a TTY connection. It is possible for XEmacs to have frames on multiple consoles at once (even on heterogeneous types--you can simultaneously have a frame on an X display and a TTY connection). Normally, there is only one console in existence. A "device" is an object representing a single output device, such as a particular screen on an X display. (Usually there is exactly one device per X console connection, but there may be more than one if you have a multi-headed X display. For TTY connections, there is always exactly one device per console.) Each device has one or more "frames" in which text can be displayed. For X displays and the like, a frame corresponds to the normal window-system concept of a window. Frames can overlap, be displayed at various locations within the display, be resized, etc. For TTY, only one frame can be displayed at a time, and it occupies the entire TTY display area. However, you can still define multiple frames and switch between them. Their contents are entirely separate from each other. These sorts of frames resemble the "virtual console" capability provided under Linux or the multiple screens provided by the multiplexing program `screen' under Unix. When you start up XEmacs, an initial console and device are created to receive input and display frames on. This will either be an X display or a TTY connection, depending on what mode you started XEmacs in (this is determined by the `DISPLAY' environment variable, the `-nw', `-t' and `-display' command-line options, etc.). You can connect to other X displays and TTY connections by creating new console objects, and to other X screens on an existing display by creating new device objects, as described below. Many functions (for example the frame-creation functions) take an optional device argument specifying which device the function pertains to. If the argument is omitted, it defaults to the selected device (see below). - Function: consolep object This returns non-`nil' if OBJECT is a console. - Function: devicep object This returns non-`nil' if OBJECT is a device. * Menu: * Basic Console Functions:: Functions for working with consoles. * Basic Device Functions:: Functions for working with devices. * Console Types and Device Classes:: I/O and color characteristics. * Connecting to a Console or Device:: * The Selected Console and Device:: * Console and Device I/O:: Controlling input and output.  File:, Node: Basic Console Functions, Next: Basic Device Functions, Up: Consoles and Devices Basic Console Functions ======================= - Function: console-list This function returns a list of all existing consoles. - Function: console-device-list &optional console This function returns a list of all devices on CONSOLE. If CONSOLE is `nil', the selected console will be used.  File:, Node: Basic Device Functions, Next: Console Types and Device Classes, Prev: Basic Console Functions, Up: Consoles and Devices Basic Device Functions ====================== - Function: device-list This function returns a list of all existing devices. - Function: device-or-frame-p object This function returns non-`nil' if OBJECT is a device or frame. This function is useful because devices and frames are similar in many respects and many functions can operate on either one. - Function: device-frame-list &optional device This function returns a list of all frames on DEVICE. DEVICE defaults to the currently selected device. - Function: frame-device &optional frame This function returns the device that FRAME is on. FRAME defaults to the currently selected frame.  File:, Node: Console Types and Device Classes, Next: Connecting to a Console or Device, Prev: Basic Device Functions, Up: Consoles and Devices Console Types and Device Classes ================================ Every device is of a particular "type", which describes how the connection to that device is made and how the device operates, and a particular "class", which describes other characteristics of the device (currently, the color capabilities of the device). The currently-defined device types are `x' A connection to an X display (such as `willow:0'). `tty' A connection to a tty (such as `/dev/ttyp3'). `stream' A stdio connection. This describes a device for which input and output is only possible in a stream-like fashion, such as when XEmacs in running in batch mode. The very first device created by XEmacs is a terminal device and is used to print out messages of various sorts (for example, the help message when you use the `-help' command-line option). The currently-defined device classes are `color' A color device. `grayscale' A grayscale device (a device that can display multiple shades of gray, but no color). `mono' A device that can only display two colors (e.g. black and white). - Function: device-type &optional device This function returns the type of DEVICE. This is a symbol whose name is one of the device types mentioned above. DEVICE defaults to the selected device. - Function: device-or-frame-type device-or-frame This function returns the type of DEVICE-OR-FRAME. - Function: device-class &optional device This function returns the class (color behavior) of DEVICE. This is a symbol whose name is one of the device classes mentioned above. - Function: valid-device-type-p device-type This function returns whether DEVICE-TYPE (which should be a symbol) specifies a valid device type. - Function: valid-device-class-p device-class This function returns whether DEVICE-CLASS (which should be a symbol) specifies a valid device class. - Variable: terminal-device This variable holds the initial terminal device object, which represents XEmacs's stdout.  File:, Node: Connecting to a Console or Device, Next: The Selected Console and Device, Prev: Console Types and Device Classes, Up: Consoles and Devices Connecting to a Console or Device ================================= - Function: make-device type connection &optional props This function creates a new device. The following two functions create devices of specific types and are written in terms of `make-device'. - Function: make-tty-device &optional tty terminal-type This function creates a new tty device on TTY. This also creates the tty's first frame. TTY should be a string giving the name of a tty device file (e.g. `/dev/ttyp3' under SunOS et al.), as returned by the `tty' command issued from the Unix shell. A value of `nil' means use the stdin and stdout as passed to XEmacs from the shell. If TERMINAL-TYPE is non-`nil', it should be a string specifying the type of the terminal attached to the specified tty. If it is `nil', the terminal type will be inferred from the `TERM' environment variable. - Function: make-x-device &optional display argv-list This function creates a new device connected to DISPLAY. Optional argument ARGV-LIST is a list of strings describing command line options. - Function: delete-device device &optional force This function deletes DEVICE, permanently eliminating it from use. This disconnects XEmacs's connection to the device. - Variable: create-device-hook This variable, if non-`nil', should contain a list of functions, which are called when a device is created. - Variable: delete-device-hook This variable, if non-`nil', should contain a list of functions, which are called when a device is deleted. - Function: console-live-p object This function returns non-`nil' if OBJECT is a console that has not been deleted. - Function: device-live-p object This function returns non-`nil' if OBJECT is a device that has not been deleted. - Function: device-x-display device This function returns the X display which DEVICE is connected to, if DEVICE is an X device.  File:, Node: The Selected Console and Device, Next: Console and Device I/O, Prev: Connecting to a Console or Device, Up: Consoles and Devices The Selected Console and Device =============================== - Function: select-console console This function selects the console CONSOLE. Subsequent editing commands apply to its selected device, selected frame, and selected window. The selection of CONSOLE lasts until the next time the user does something to select a different console, or until the next time this function is called. - Function: selected-console This function returns the console which is currently active. - Function: select-device device This function selects the device DEVICE. - Function: selected-device &optional console This function returns the device which is currently active. If optional CONSOLE is non-`nil', this function returns the device that would be currently active if CONSOLE were the selected console.  File:, Node: Console and Device I/O, Prev: The Selected Console and Device, Up: Consoles and Devices Console and Device I/O ====================== - Function: console-disable-input console This function disables input on console CONSOLE. - Function: console-enable-input console This function enables input on console CONSOLE. Each device has a "baud rate" value associated with it. On most systems, changing this value will affect the amount of padding and other strategic decisions made during redisplay. - Function: device-baud-rate &optional device This function returns the output baud rate of DEVICE. - Function: set-device-baud-rate device rate This function sets the output baud rate of DEVICE to RATE.  File:, Node: Positions, Next: Markers, Prev: Consoles and Devices, Up: Top Positions ********* A "position" is the index of a character in the text of a buffer. More precisely, a position identifies the place between two characters (or before the first character, or after the last character), so we can speak of the character before or after a given position. However, we often speak of the character "at" a position, meaning the character after that position. Positions are usually represented as integers starting from 1, but can also be represented as "markers"--special objects that relocate automatically when text is inserted or deleted so they stay with the surrounding characters. *Note Markers::. * Menu: * Point:: The special position where editing takes place. * Motion:: Changing point. * Excursions:: Temporary motion and buffer changes. * Narrowing:: Restricting editing to a portion of the buffer.  File:, Node: Point, Next: Motion, Up: Positions Point ===== "Point" is a special buffer position used by many editing commands, including the self-inserting typed characters and text insertion functions. Other commands move point through the text to allow editing and insertion at different places. Like other positions, point designates a place between two characters (or before the first character, or after the last character), rather than a particular character. Usually terminals display the cursor over the character that immediately follows point; point is actually before the character on which the cursor sits. The value of point is a number between 1 and the buffer size plus 1. If narrowing is in effect (*note Narrowing::), then point is constrained to fall within the accessible portion of the buffer (possibly at one end of it). Each buffer has its own value of point, which is independent of the value of point in other buffers. Each window also has a value of point, which is independent of the value of point in other windows on the same buffer. This is why point can have different values in various windows that display the same buffer. When a buffer appears in only one window, the buffer's point and the window's point normally have the same value, so the distinction is rarely important. *Note Window Point::, for more details. - Function: point &optional buffer This function returns the value of point in BUFFER, as an integer. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. (point) => 175 - Function: point-min &optional buffer This function returns the minimum accessible value of point in BUFFER. This is normally 1, but if narrowing is in effect, it is the position of the start of the region that you narrowed to. (*Note Narrowing::.) BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. - Function: point-max &optional buffer This function returns the maximum accessible value of point in BUFFER. This is `(1+ (buffer-size buffer))', unless narrowing is in effect, in which case it is the position of the end of the region that you narrowed to. (*note Narrowing::). BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. - Function: buffer-end flag &optional buffer This function returns `(point-min buffer)' if FLAG is less than 1, `(point-max buffer)' otherwise. The argument FLAG must be a number. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. - Function: buffer-size &optional buffer This function returns the total number of characters in BUFFER. In the absence of any narrowing (*note Narrowing::), `point-max' returns a value one larger than this. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. (buffer-size) => 35 (point-max) => 36 - Variable: buffer-saved-size The value of this buffer-local variable is the former length of the current buffer, as of the last time it was read in, saved or auto-saved.  File:, Node: Motion, Next: Excursions, Prev: Point, Up: Positions Motion ====== Motion functions change the value of point, either relative to the current value of point, relative to the beginning or end of the buffer, or relative to the edges of the selected window. *Note Point::. * Menu: * Character Motion:: Moving in terms of characters. * Word Motion:: Moving in terms of words. * Buffer End Motion:: Moving to the beginning or end of the buffer. * Text Lines:: Moving in terms of lines of text. * Screen Lines:: Moving in terms of lines as displayed. * List Motion:: Moving by parsing lists and sexps. * Skipping Characters:: Skipping characters belonging to a certain set.  File:, Node: Character Motion, Next: Word Motion, Up: Motion Motion by Characters -------------------- These functions move point based on a count of characters. `goto-char' is the fundamental primitive; the other functions use that. - Command: goto-char position &optional buffer This function sets point in `buffer' to the value POSITION. If POSITION is less than 1, it moves point to the beginning of the buffer. If POSITION is greater than the length of the buffer, it moves point to the end. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. If narrowing is in effect, POSITION still counts from the beginning of the buffer, but point cannot go outside the accessible portion. If POSITION is out of range, `goto-char' moves point to the beginning or the end of the accessible portion. When this function is called interactively, POSITION is the numeric prefix argument, if provided; otherwise it is read from the minibuffer. `goto-char' returns POSITION. - Command: forward-char &optional count buffer This function moves point COUNT characters forward, towards the end of the buffer (or backward, towards the beginning of the buffer, if COUNT is negative). If the function attempts to move point past the beginning or end of the buffer (or the limits of the accessible portion, when narrowing is in effect), an error is signaled with error code `beginning-of-buffer' or `end-of-buffer'. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument. - Command: backward-char &optional count buffer This function moves point COUNT characters backward, towards the beginning of the buffer (or forward, towards the end of the buffer, if COUNT is negative). If the function attempts to move point past the beginning or end of the buffer (or the limits of the accessible portion, when narrowing is in effect), an error is signaled with error code `beginning-of-buffer' or `end-of-buffer'. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument.  File:, Node: Word Motion, Next: Buffer End Motion, Prev: Character Motion, Up: Motion Motion by Words --------------- These functions for parsing words use the syntax table to decide whether a given character is part of a word. *Note Syntax Tables::. - Command: forward-word &optional count buffer This function moves point forward COUNT words (or backward if COUNT is negative). Normally it returns `t'. If this motion encounters the beginning or end of the buffer, or the limits of the accessible portion when narrowing is in effect, point stops there and the value is `nil'. COUNT defaults to `1' and BUFFER defaults to the current buffer. In an interactive call, COUNT is set to the numeric prefix argument. - Command: backward-word &optional count buffer This function is just like `forward-word', except that it moves backward until encountering the front of a word, rather than forward. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. In an interactive call, COUNT is set to the numeric prefix argument. - Variable: words-include-escapes This variable affects the behavior of `forward-word' and everything that uses it. If it is non-`nil', then characters in the "escape" and "character quote" syntax classes count as part of words. Otherwise, they do not.  File:, Node: Buffer End Motion, Next: Text Lines, Prev: Word Motion, Up: Motion Motion to an End of the Buffer ------------------------------ To move point to the beginning of the buffer, write: (goto-char (point-min)) Likewise, to move to the end of the buffer, use: (goto-char (point-max)) Here are two commands that users use to do these things. They are documented here to warn you not to use them in Lisp programs, because they set the mark and display messages in the echo area. - Command: beginning-of-buffer &optional count This function moves point to the beginning of the buffer (or the limits of the accessible portion, when narrowing is in effect), setting the mark at the previous position. If COUNT is non-`nil', then it puts point COUNT tenths of the way from the beginning of the buffer. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument, if provided; otherwise COUNT defaults to `nil'. Don't use this function in Lisp programs! - Command: end-of-buffer &optional count This function moves point to the end of the buffer (or the limits of the accessible portion, when narrowing is in effect), setting the mark at the previous position. If COUNT is non-`nil', then it puts point COUNT tenths of the way from the end of the buffer. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument, if provided; otherwise COUNT defaults to `nil'. Don't use this function in Lisp programs!  File:, Node: Text Lines, Next: Screen Lines, Prev: Buffer End Motion, Up: Motion Motion by Text Lines -------------------- Text lines are portions of the buffer delimited by newline characters, which are regarded as part of the previous line. The first text line begins at the beginning of the buffer, and the last text line ends at the end of the buffer whether or not the last character is a newline. The division of the buffer into text lines is not affected by the width of the window, by line continuation in display, or by how tabs and control characters are displayed. - Command: goto-line line This function moves point to the front of the LINEth line, counting from line 1 at beginning of the buffer. If LINE is less than 1, it moves point to the beginning of the buffer. If LINE is greater than the number of lines in the buffer, it moves point to the end of the buffer--that is, the _end of the last line_ of the buffer. This is the only case in which `goto-line' does not necessarily move to the beginning of a line. If narrowing is in effect, then LINE still counts from the beginning of the buffer, but point cannot go outside the accessible portion. So `goto-line' moves point to the beginning or end of the accessible portion, if the line number specifies an inaccessible position. The return value of `goto-line' is the difference between LINE and the line number of the line to which point actually was able to move (in the full buffer, before taking account of narrowing). Thus, the value is positive if the scan encounters the real end of the buffer. The value is zero if scan encounters the end of the accessible portion but not the real end of the buffer. In an interactive call, LINE is the numeric prefix argument if one has been provided. Otherwise LINE is read in the minibuffer. - Command: beginning-of-line &optional count buffer This function moves point to the beginning of the current line. With an argument COUNT not `nil' or 1, it moves forward COUNT-1 lines and then to the beginning of the line. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. If this function reaches the end of the buffer (or of the accessible portion, if narrowing is in effect), it positions point there. No error is signaled. - Command: end-of-line &optional count buffer This function moves point to the end of the current line. With an argument COUNT not `nil' or 1, it moves forward COUNT-1 lines and then to the end of the line. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. If this function reaches the end of the buffer (or of the accessible portion, if narrowing is in effect), it positions point there. No error is signaled. - Command: forward-line &optional count buffer This function moves point forward COUNT lines, to the beginning of the line. If COUNT is negative, it moves point -COUNT lines backward, to the beginning of a line. If COUNT is zero, it moves point to the beginning of the current line. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. If `forward-line' encounters the beginning or end of the buffer (or of the accessible portion) before finding that many lines, it sets point there. No error is signaled. `forward-line' returns the difference between COUNT and the number of lines actually moved. If you attempt to move down five lines from the beginning of a buffer that has only three lines, point stops at the end of the last line, and the value will be 2. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument. - Function: count-lines start end &optional ignore-invisible-lines-flag This function returns the number of lines between the positions START and END in the current buffer. If START and END are equal, then it returns 0. Otherwise it returns at least 1, even if START and END are on the same line. This is because the text between them, considered in isolation, must contain at least one line unless it is empty. With optional IGNORE-INVISIBLE-LINES-FLAG non-`nil', lines collapsed with selective-display are excluded from the line count. *Note:* The expression to return the current line number is not obvious: (1+ (count-lines 1 (point-at-bol))) Here is an example of using `count-lines': (defun current-line () "Return the vertical position of point..." (+ (count-lines (window-start) (point)) (if (= (current-column) 0) 1 0) -1)) Also see the functions `bolp' and `eolp' in *Note Near Point::. These functions do not move point, but test whether it is already at the beginning or end of a line.  File:, Node: Screen Lines, Next: List Motion, Prev: Text Lines, Up: Motion Motion by Screen Lines ---------------------- The line functions in the previous section count text lines, delimited only by newline characters. By contrast, these functions count screen lines, which are defined by the way the text appears on the screen. A text line is a single screen line if it is short enough to fit the width of the selected window, but otherwise it may occupy several screen lines. In some cases, text lines are truncated on the screen rather than continued onto additional screen lines. In these cases, `vertical-motion' moves point much like `forward-line'. *Note Truncation::. Because the width of a given string depends on the flags that control the appearance of certain characters, `vertical-motion' behaves differently, for a given piece of text, depending on the buffer it is in, and even on the selected window (because the width, the truncation flag, and display table may vary between windows). *Note Usual Display::. These functions scan text to determine where screen lines break, and thus take time proportional to the distance scanned. If you intend to use them heavily, Emacs provides caches which may improve the performance of your code. *Note cache-long-line-scans: Text Lines. - Function: vertical-motion count &optional window pixels This function moves point to the start of the frame line COUNT frame lines down from the frame line containing point. If COUNT is negative, it moves up instead. The optional second argument WINDOW may be used to specify a window other than the selected window in which to perform the motion. Normally, `vertical-motion' returns the number of lines moved. The value may be less in absolute value than COUNT if the beginning or end of the buffer was reached. If the optional third argument, PIXELS is non-`nil', the vertical pixel height of the motion which took place is returned instead of the actual number of lines moved. A motion of zero lines returns the height of the current line. Note that `vertical-motion' sets WINDOW's buffer's point, not WINDOW's point. (This differs from FSF Emacs, which buggily always sets current buffer's point, regardless of WINDOW.) - Function: vertical-motion-pixels count &optional window how This function moves point to the start of the frame line PIXELS vertical pixels down from the frame line containing point, or up if PIXELS is negative. The optional second argument WINDOW is the window to move in, and defaults to the selected window. The optional third argument HOW specifies the stopping condition. A negative integer indicates that the motion should be no more than PIXELS. A positive value indicates that the motion should be at least PIXELS. Any other value indicates that the motion should be as close as possible to PIXELS. - Command: move-to-window-line count &optional window This function moves point with respect to the text currently displayed in WINDOW, which defaults to the selected window. It moves point to the beginning of the screen line COUNT screen lines from the top of the window. If COUNT is negative, that specifies a position -COUNT lines from the bottom (or the last line of the buffer, if the buffer ends above the specified screen position). If COUNT is `nil', then point moves to the beginning of the line in the middle of the window. If the absolute value of COUNT is greater than the size of the window, then point moves to the place that would appear on that screen line if the window were tall enough. This will probably cause the next redisplay to scroll to bring that location onto the screen. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument. The value returned is the window line number point has moved to, with the top line in the window numbered 0.  File:, Node: List Motion, Next: Skipping Characters, Prev: Screen Lines, Up: Motion Moving over Balanced Expressions -------------------------------- Here are several functions concerned with balanced-parenthesis expressions (also called "sexps" in connection with moving across them in XEmacs). The syntax table controls how these functions interpret various characters; see *Note Syntax Tables::. *Note Parsing Expressions::, for lower-level primitives for scanning sexps or parts of sexps. For user-level commands, see *Note Lists and Sexps: (xemacs)Lists and Sexps. - Command: forward-list &optional arg This function moves forward across ARG balanced groups of parentheses. (Other syntactic entities such as words or paired string quotes are ignored.) ARG defaults to 1 if omitted. If ARG is negative, move backward across that many groups of parentheses. - Command: backward-list &optional count This function moves backward across COUNT balanced groups of parentheses. (Other syntactic entities such as words or paired string quotes are ignored.) COUNT defaults to 1 if omitted. If COUNT is negative, move forward across that many groups of parentheses. - Command: up-list &optional count This function moves forward out of COUNT levels of parentheses. A negative argument means move backward but still to a less deep spot. - Command: down-list &optional count This function moves forward into COUNT levels of parentheses. A negative argument means move backward but still go deeper in parentheses (-COUNT levels). - Command: forward-sexp &optional count This function moves forward across COUNT balanced expressions. Balanced expressions include both those delimited by parentheses and other kinds, such as words and string constants. COUNT defaults to 1 if omitted. If COUNT is negative, move backward across that many balanced expressions. For example, ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (concat-!- "foo " (car x) y z) ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (forward-sexp 3) => nil ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (concat "foo " (car x) y-!- z) ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- - Command: backward-sexp &optional count This function moves backward across COUNT balanced expressions. COUNT defaults to 1 if omitted. If COUNT is negative, move forward across that many balanced expressions. - Command: beginning-of-defun &optional count This function moves back to the COUNTth beginning of a defun. If COUNT is negative, this actually moves forward, but it still moves to the beginning of a defun, not to the end of one. COUNT defaults to 1 if omitted. - Command: end-of-defun &optional count This function moves forward to the COUNTth end of a defun. If COUNT is negative, this actually moves backward, but it still moves to the end of a defun, not to the beginning of one. COUNT defaults to 1 if omitted. - User Option: defun-prompt-regexp If non-`nil', this variable holds a regular expression that specifies what text can appear before the open-parenthesis that starts a defun. That is to say, a defun begins on a line that starts with a match for this regular expression, followed by a character with open-parenthesis syntax.  File:, Node: Skipping Characters, Prev: List Motion, Up: Motion Skipping Characters ------------------- The following two functions move point over a specified set of characters. For example, they are often used to skip whitespace. For related functions, see *Note Motion and Syntax::. - Function: skip-chars-forward character-set &optional limit buffer This function moves point in BUFFER forward, skipping over a given set of characters. It examines the character following point, then advances point if the character matches CHARACTER-SET. This continues until it reaches a character that does not match. The function returns `nil'. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. The argument CHARACTER-SET is like the inside of a `[...]' in a regular expression except that `]' is never special and `\' quotes `^', `-' or `\'. Thus, `"a-zA-Z"' skips over all letters, stopping before the first non-letter, and `"^a-zA-Z'" skips non-letters stopping before the first letter. *Note Regular Expressions::. If LIMIT is supplied (it must be a number or a marker), it specifies the maximum position in the buffer that point can be skipped to. Point will stop at or before LIMIT. In the following example, point is initially located directly before the `T'. After the form is evaluated, point is located at the end of that line (between the `t' of `hat' and the newline). The function skips all letters and spaces, but not newlines. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- I read "-!-The cat in the hat comes back" twice. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (skip-chars-forward "a-zA-Z ") => nil ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- I read "The cat in the hat-!- comes back" twice. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- - Function: skip-chars-backward character-set &optional limit buffer This function moves point backward, skipping characters that match CHARACTER-SET, until LIMIT. It just like `skip-chars-forward' except for the direction of motion.  File:, Node: Excursions, Next: Narrowing, Prev: Motion, Up: Positions Excursions ========== It is often useful to move point "temporarily" within a localized portion of the program, or to switch buffers temporarily. This is called an "excursion", and it is done with the `save-excursion' special form. This construct saves the current buffer and its values of point and the mark so they can be restored after the completion of the excursion. The forms for saving and restoring the configuration of windows are described elsewhere (see *Note Window Configurations:: and *note Frame Configurations::). - Special Form: save-excursion forms... The `save-excursion' special form saves the identity of the current buffer and the values of point and the mark in it, evaluates FORMS, and finally restores the buffer and its saved values of point and the mark. All three saved values are restored even in case of an abnormal exit via `throw' or error (*note Nonlocal Exits::). The `save-excursion' special form is the standard way to switch buffers or move point within one part of a program and avoid affecting the rest of the program. It is used more than 500 times in the Lisp sources of XEmacs. `save-excursion' does not save the values of point and the mark for other buffers, so changes in other buffers remain in effect after `save-excursion' exits. Likewise, `save-excursion' does not restore window-buffer correspondences altered by functions such as `switch-to-buffer'. One way to restore these correspondences, and the selected window, is to use `save-window-excursion' inside `save-excursion' (*note Window Configurations::). The value returned by `save-excursion' is the result of the last of FORMS, or `nil' if no FORMS are given. (save-excursion FORMS) == (let ((old-buf (current-buffer)) (old-pnt (point-marker)) (old-mark (copy-marker (mark-marker)))) (unwind-protect (progn FORMS) (set-buffer old-buf) (goto-char old-pnt) (set-marker (mark-marker) old-mark))) - Special Form: save-current-buffer forms... This special form is similar to `save-excursion' but it only saves and restores the current buffer. Beginning with XEmacs 20.3, `save-current-buffer' is a primitive. - Special Form: with-current-buffer buffer forms... This special form evaluates FORMS with BUFFER as the current buffer. It returns the value of the last form. - Special Form: with-temp-file filename forms... This special form creates a new buffer, evaluates FORMS there, and writes the buffer to FILENAME. It returns the value of the last form evaluated. - Special Form: save-selected-window forms... This special form is similar to `save-excursion' but it saves and restores the selected window and nothing else.  File:, Node: Narrowing, Prev: Excursions, Up: Positions Narrowing ========= "Narrowing" means limiting the text addressable by XEmacs editing commands to a limited range of characters in a buffer. The text that remains addressable is called the "accessible portion" of the buffer. Narrowing is specified with two buffer positions which become the beginning and end of the accessible portion. For most editing commands and most Emacs primitives, these positions replace the values of the beginning and end of the buffer. While narrowing is in effect, no text outside the accessible portion is displayed, and point cannot move outside the accessible portion. Values such as positions or line numbers, which usually count from the beginning of the buffer, do so despite narrowing, but the functions which use them refuse to operate on text that is inaccessible. The commands for saving buffers are unaffected by narrowing; they save the entire buffer regardless of any narrowing. - Command: narrow-to-region start end &optional buffer This function sets the accessible portion of BUFFER to start at START and end at END. Both arguments should be character positions. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. In an interactive call, START and END are set to the bounds of the current region (point and the mark, with the smallest first). - Command: narrow-to-page &optional move-count This function sets the accessible portion of the current buffer to include just the current page. An optional first argument MOVE-COUNT non-`nil' means to move forward or backward by MOVE-COUNT pages and then narrow. The variable `page-delimiter' specifies where pages start and end (*note Standard Regexps::). In an interactive call, MOVE-COUNT is set to the numeric prefix argument. - Command: widen &optional buffer This function cancels any narrowing in BUFFER, so that the entire contents are accessible. This is called "widening". It is equivalent to the following expression: (narrow-to-region 1 (1+ (buffer-size))) BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. - Special Form: save-restriction body... This special form saves the current bounds of the accessible portion, evaluates the BODY forms, and finally restores the saved bounds, thus restoring the same state of narrowing (or absence thereof) formerly in effect. The state of narrowing is restored even in the event of an abnormal exit via `throw' or error (*note Nonlocal Exits::). Therefore, this construct is a clean way to narrow a buffer temporarily. The value returned by `save-restriction' is that returned by the last form in BODY, or `nil' if no body forms were given. *Caution:* it is easy to make a mistake when using the `save-restriction' construct. Read the entire description here before you try it. If BODY changes the current buffer, `save-restriction' still restores the restrictions on the original buffer (the buffer whose restrictions it saved from), but it does not restore the identity of the current buffer. `save-restriction' does _not_ restore point and the mark; use `save-excursion' for that. If you use both `save-restriction' and `save-excursion' together, `save-excursion' should come first (on the outside). Otherwise, the old point value would be restored with temporary narrowing still in effect. If the old point value were outside the limits of the temporary narrowing, this would fail to restore it accurately. The `save-restriction' special form records the values of the beginning and end of the accessible portion as distances from the beginning and end of the buffer. In other words, it records the amount of inaccessible text before and after the accessible portion. This method yields correct results if BODY does further narrowing. However, `save-restriction' can become confused if the body widens and then make changes outside the range of the saved narrowing. When this is what you want to do, `save-restriction' is not the right tool for the job. Here is what you must use instead: (let ((start (point-min-marker)) (end (point-max-marker))) (unwind-protect (progn BODY) (save-excursion (set-buffer (marker-buffer start)) (narrow-to-region start end)))) Here is a simple example of correct use of `save-restriction': ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- This is the contents of foo This is the contents of foo This is the contents of foo-!- ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (save-excursion (save-restriction (goto-char 1) (forward-line 2) (narrow-to-region 1 (point)) (goto-char (point-min)) (replace-string "foo" "bar"))) ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- This is the contents of bar This is the contents of bar This is the contents of foo-!- ---------- Buffer: foo ----------  File:, Node: Markers, Next: Text, Prev: Positions, Up: Top Markers ******* A "marker" is a Lisp object used to specify a position in a buffer relative to the surrounding text. A marker changes its offset from the beginning of the buffer automatically whenever text is inserted or deleted, so that it stays with the two characters on either side of it. * Menu: * Overview of Markers:: The components of a marker, and how it relocates. * Predicates on Markers:: Testing whether an object is a marker. * Creating Markers:: Making empty markers or markers at certain places. * Information from Markers:: Finding the marker's buffer or character position. * Changing Markers:: Moving the marker to a new buffer or position. * The Mark:: How ``the mark'' is implemented with a marker. * The Region:: How to access ``the region''.  File:, Node: Overview of Markers, Next: Predicates on Markers, Up: Markers Overview of Markers =================== A marker specifies a buffer and a position in that buffer. The marker can be used to represent a position in the functions that require one, just as an integer could be used. *Note Positions::, for a complete description of positions. A marker has two attributes: the marker position, and the marker buffer. The marker position is an integer that is equivalent (at a given time) to the marker as a position in that buffer. But the marker's position value can change often during the life of the marker. Insertion and deletion of text in the buffer relocate the marker. The idea is that a marker positioned between two characters remains between those two characters despite insertion and deletion elsewhere in the buffer. Relocation changes the integer equivalent of the marker. Deleting text around a marker's position leaves the marker between the characters immediately before and after the deleted text. Inserting text at the position of a marker normally leaves the marker in front of the new text--unless it is inserted with `insert-before-markers' (*note Insertion::). Insertion and deletion in a buffer must check all the markers and relocate them if necessary. This slows processing in a buffer with a large number of markers. For this reason, it is a good idea to make a marker point nowhere if you are sure you don't need it any more. Unreferenced markers are garbage collected eventually, but until then will continue to use time if they do point somewhere. Because it is common to perform arithmetic operations on a marker position, most of the arithmetic operations (including `+' and `-') accept markers as arguments. In such cases, the marker stands for its current position. Note that you can use extents to achieve the same functionality, and more, as markers. (Markers were defined before extents, which is why they both continue to exist.) A zero-length extent with the `detachable' property removed is almost identical to a marker. (*Note Extent Endpoints::, for more information on zero-length extents.) In particular: * In order to get marker-like behavior in a zero-length extent, the `detachable' property must be removed (otherwise, the extent will disappear when text near it is deleted) and exactly one endpoint must be closed (if both endpoints are closed, the extent will expand to contain text inserted where it is located). * If a zero-length extent has the `end-open' property but not the `start-open' property (this is the default), text inserted at the extent's location causes the extent to move forward, just like a marker. * If a zero-length extent has the `start-open' property but not the `end-open' property, text inserted at the extent's location causes the extent to remain before the text, like what happens to markers when `insert-before-markers' is used. * Markers end up after or before inserted text depending on whether `insert' or `insert-before-markers' was called. These functions do not affect zero-length extents differently; instead, the presence or absence of the `start-open' and `end-open' extent properties determines this, as just described. * Markers are automatically removed from a buffer when they are no longer in use. Extents remain around until explicitly removed from a buffer. * Many functions are provided for listing the extents in a buffer or in a region of a buffer. No such functions exist for markers. Here are examples of creating markers, setting markers, and moving point to markers: ;; Make a new marker that initially does not point anywhere: (setq m1 (make-marker)) => # ;; Set `m1' to point between the 99th and 100th characters ;; in the current buffer: (set-marker m1 100) => # ;; Now insert one character at the beginning of the buffer: (goto-char (point-min)) => 1 (insert "Q") => nil ;; `m1' is updated appropriately. m1 => # ;; Two markers that point to the same position ;; are not `eq', but they are `equal'. (setq m2 (copy-marker m1)) => # (eq m1 m2) => nil (equal m1 m2) => t ;; When you are finished using a marker, make it point nowhere. (set-marker m1 nil) => #  File:, Node: Predicates on Markers, Next: Creating Markers, Prev: Overview of Markers, Up: Markers Predicates on Markers ===================== You can test an object to see whether it is a marker, or whether it is either an integer or a marker or either an integer, a character, or a marker. The latter tests are useful in connection with the arithmetic functions that work with any of markers, integers, or characters. - Function: markerp object This function returns `t' if OBJECT is a marker, `nil' otherwise. Note that integers are not markers, even though many functions will accept either a marker or an integer. - Function: integer-or-marker-p object This function returns `t' if OBJECT is an integer or a marker, `nil' otherwise. - Function: integer-char-or-marker-p object This function returns `t' if OBJECT is an integer, a character, or a marker, `nil' otherwise. - Function: number-or-marker-p object This function returns `t' if OBJECT is a number (either kind) or a marker, `nil' otherwise. - Function: number-char-or-marker-p object This function returns `t' if OBJECT is a number (either kind), a character, or a marker, `nil' otherwise.  File:, Node: Creating Markers, Next: Information from Markers, Prev: Predicates on Markers, Up: Markers Functions That Create Markers ============================= When you create a new marker, you can make it point nowhere, or point to the present position of point, or to the beginning or end of the accessible portion of the buffer, or to the same place as another given marker. - Function: make-marker This functions returns a newly created marker that does not point anywhere. (make-marker) => # - Function: point-marker &optional dont-copy-p buffer This function returns a marker that points to the present position of point in BUFFER, which defaults to the current buffer. *Note Point::. For an example, see `copy-marker', below. Internally, a marker corresponding to point is always maintained. Normally the marker returned by `point-marker' is a copy; you may modify it with reckless abandon. However, if optional argument DONT-COPY-P is non-`nil', then the real point-marker is returned; modifying the position of this marker will move point. It is illegal to change the buffer of it, or make it point nowhere. - Function: point-min-marker &optional buffer This function returns a new marker that points to the beginning of the accessible portion of BUFFER, which defaults to the current buffer. This will be the beginning of the buffer unless narrowing is in effect. *Note Narrowing::. - Function: point-max-marker &optional buffer This function returns a new marker that points to the end of the accessible portion of BUFFER, which defaults to the current buffer. This will be the end of the buffer unless narrowing is in effect. *Note Narrowing::. Here are examples of this function and `point-min-marker', shown in a buffer containing a version of the source file for the text of this chapter. (point-min-marker) => # (point-max-marker) => # (narrow-to-region 100 200) => nil (point-min-marker) => # (point-max-marker) => # - Function: copy-marker marker-or-integer &optional marker-type If passed a marker as its argument, `copy-marker' returns a new marker that points to the same place and the same buffer as does MARKER-OR-INTEGER. If passed an integer as its argument, `copy-marker' returns a new marker that points to position MARKER-OR-INTEGER in the current buffer. If passed an integer argument less than 1, `copy-marker' returns a new marker that points to the beginning of the current buffer. If passed an integer argument greater than the length of the buffer, `copy-marker' returns a new marker that points to the end of the buffer. An error is signaled if MARKER-OR-INTEGER is neither a marker nor an integer. Optional second argument MARKER-TYPE specifies the insertion type of the new marker; see `marker-insertion-type'. (setq p (point-marker)) => # (setq q (copy-marker p)) => # (eq p q) => nil (equal p q) => t (point) => 2139 (set-marker p 3000) => # (point) => 2139 (setq p (point-marker t)) => # (set-marker p 3000) => # (point) => 3000 (copy-marker 0) => # (copy-marker 20000) => #  File:, Node: Information from Markers, Next: Changing Markers, Prev: Creating Markers, Up: Markers Information from Markers ======================== This section describes the functions for accessing the components of a marker object. - Function: marker-position marker This function returns the position that MARKER points to, or `nil' if it points nowhere. - Function: marker-buffer marker This function returns the buffer that MARKER points into, or `nil' if it points nowhere. (setq m (make-marker)) => # (marker-position m) => nil (marker-buffer m) => nil (set-marker m 3770 (current-buffer)) => # (marker-buffer m) => # (marker-position m) => 3770 Two distinct markers are considered `equal' (even though not `eq') to each other if they have the same position and buffer, or if they both point nowhere.  File:, Node: Changing Markers, Next: The Mark, Prev: Information from Markers, Up: Markers Changing Marker Positions ========================= This section describes how to change the position of an existing marker. When you do this, be sure you know whether the marker is used outside of your program, and, if so, what effects will result from moving it--otherwise, confusing things may happen in other parts of Emacs. - Function: set-marker marker position &optional buffer This function moves MARKER to POSITION in BUFFER. If BUFFER is not provided, it defaults to the current buffer. POSITION can be a marker, an integer or `nil'. If POSITION is an integer, `set-marker' moves MARKER to point before the POSITIONth character in BUFFER. If POSITION is `nil', MARKER is made to point nowhere. Then it no longer slows down editing in any buffer. If POSITION is less than 1, MARKER is moved to the beginning of BUFFER. If POSITION is greater than the size of BUFFER, MARKER is moved to the end of BUFFER. The value returned is MARKER. (setq m (point-marker)) => # (set-marker m 55) => # (setq b (get-buffer "foo")) => # (set-marker m 0 b) => # - Function: move-marker marker position &optional buffer This is another name for `set-marker'.  File:, Node: The Mark, Next: The Region, Prev: Changing Markers, Up: Markers The Mark ======== One special marker in each buffer is designated "the mark". It records a position for the user for the sake of commands such as `C-w' and `C-x '. Lisp programs should set the mark only to values that have a potential use to the user, and never for their own internal purposes. For example, the `replace-regexp' command sets the mark to the value of point before doing any replacements, because this enables the user to move back there conveniently after the replace is finished. Once the mark "exists" in a buffer, it normally never ceases to exist. However, it may become "inactive", and usually does so after each command (other than simple motion commands and some commands that explicitly activate the mark). When the mark is active, the region between point and the mark is called the "active region" and is highlighted specially. Many commands are designed so that when called interactively they operate on the text between point and the mark. Such commands work only when an active region exists, i.e. when the mark is active. (The reason for this is to prevent you from accidentally deleting or changing large chunks of your text.) If you are writing such a command, don't examine the mark directly; instead, use `interactive' with the `r' specification. This provides the values of point and the mark as arguments to the command in an interactive call, but permits other Lisp programs to specify arguments explicitly, and automatically signals an error if the command is called interactively when no active region exists. *Note Interactive Codes::. Each buffer has its own value of the mark that is independent of the value of the mark in other buffers. (When a buffer is created, the mark exists but does not point anywhere. We consider this state as "the absence of a mark in that buffer.") However, only one active region can exist at a time. Activating the mark in one buffer automatically deactivates an active mark in any other buffer. Note that the user can explicitly activate a mark at any time by using the command `activate-region' (normally bound to `M-C-z') or by using the command `exchange-point-and-mark' (normally bound to `C-x C-x'), which has the side effect of activating the mark. Some people do not like active regions, so they disable this behavior by setting the variable `zmacs-regions' to `nil'. This makes the mark always active (except when a buffer is just created and the mark points nowhere), and turns off the highlighting of the region between point and the mark. Commands that explicitly retrieve the value of the mark should make sure that they behave correctly and consistently irrespective of the setting of `zmacs-regions'; some primitives are provided to ensure this behavior. In addition to the mark, each buffer has a "mark ring" which is a list of markers containing previous values of the mark. When editing commands change the mark, they should normally save the old value of the mark on the mark ring. The variable `mark-ring-max' specifies the maximum number of entries in the mark ring; once the list becomes this long, adding a new element deletes the last element. - Function: mark &optional force buffer This function returns BUFFER's mark position as an integer. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. If the mark is inactive, `mark' normally returns `nil'. However, if FORCE is non-`nil', then `mark' returns the mark position anyway--or `nil', if the mark is not yet set for the buffer. (Remember that if `zmacs-regions' is `nil', the mark is always active as long as it exists, and the FORCE argument will have no effect.) If you are using this in an editing command, you are most likely making a mistake; see the documentation of `set-mark' below. - Function: mark-marker &optional force buffer This function returns BUFFER's mark. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. This is the very marker that records the mark location inside XEmacs, not a copy. Therefore, changing this marker's position will directly affect the position of the mark. Don't do it unless that is the effect you want. If the mark is inactive, `mark-marker' normally returns `nil'. However, if FORCE is non-`nil', then `mark-marker' returns the mark anyway. (setq m (mark-marker)) => # (set-marker m 100) => # (mark-marker) => # Like any marker, this marker can be set to point at any buffer you like. We don't recommend that you make it point at any buffer other than the one of which it is the mark. If you do, it will yield perfectly consistent, but rather odd, results. - Function: set-mark position &optional buffer This function sets `buffer''s mark to POSITION, and activates the mark. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. The old value of the mark is _not_ pushed onto the mark ring. *Please note:* Use this function only if you want the user to see that the mark has moved, and you want the previous mark position to be lost. Normally, when a new mark is set, the old one should go on the `mark-ring'. For this reason, most applications should use `push-mark' and `pop-mark', not `set-mark'. Novice XEmacs Lisp programmers often try to use the mark for the wrong purposes. The mark saves a location for the user's convenience. An editing command should not alter the mark unless altering the mark is part of the user-level functionality of the command. (And, in that case, this effect should be documented.) To remember a location for internal use in the Lisp program, store it in a Lisp variable. For example: (let ((start (point))) (forward-line 1) (delete-region start (point))). - Command: exchange-point-and-mark &optional dont-activate-region This function exchanges the positions of point and the mark. It is intended for interactive use. The mark is also activated unless DONT-ACTIVATE-REGION is non-`nil'. - Function: push-mark &optional position nomsg activate buffer This function sets BUFFER's mark to POSITION, and pushes a copy of the previous mark onto `mark-ring'. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. If POSITION is `nil', then the value of point is used. `push-mark' returns `nil'. If the last global mark pushed was not in BUFFER, also push POSITION on the global mark ring (see below). The function `push-mark' normally _does not_ activate the mark. To do that, specify `t' for the argument ACTIVATE. A `Mark set' message is displayed unless NOMSG is non-`nil'. - Function: pop-mark This function pops off the top element of `mark-ring' and makes that mark become the buffer's actual mark. This does not move point in the buffer, and it does nothing if `mark-ring' is empty. It deactivates the mark. The return value is not meaningful. - Variable: mark-ring The value of this buffer-local variable is the list of saved former marks of the current buffer, most recent first. mark-ring => (# # ...) - User Option: mark-ring-max The value of this variable is the maximum size of `mark-ring'. If more marks than this are pushed onto the `mark-ring', `push-mark' discards an old mark when it adds a new one. In additional to a per-buffer mark ring, there is a "global mark ring". Marks are pushed onto the global mark ring the first time you set a mark after switching buffers. - Variable: global-mark-ring The value of this variable is the list of saved former global marks, most recent first. - User Option: mark-ring-max The value of this variable is the maximum size of `global-mark-ring'. If more marks than this are pushed onto the `global-mark-ring', `push-mark' discards an old mark when it adds a new one. - Command: pop-global-mark This function pops a mark off the global mark ring and jumps to that location.  File:, Node: The Region, Prev: The Mark, Up: Markers The Region ========== The text between point and the mark is known as "the region". Various functions operate on text delimited by point and the mark, but only those functions specifically related to the region itself are described here. When `zmacs-regions' is non-`nil' (this is the default), the concept of an "active region" exists. The region is active when the corresponding mark is active. Note that only one active region at a time can exist--i.e. only one buffer's region is active at a time. *Note The Mark::, for more information about active regions. - User Option: zmacs-regions If non-`nil' (the default), active regions are used. *Note The Mark::, for a detailed explanation of what this means. A number of functions are provided for explicitly determining the bounds of the region and whether it is active. Few programs need to use these functions, however. A command designed to operate on a region should normally use `interactive' with the `r' specification to find the beginning and end of the region. This lets other Lisp programs specify the bounds explicitly as arguments and automatically respects the user's setting for `zmacs-regions'. (*Note Interactive Codes::.) - Function: region-beginning &optional buffer This function returns the position of the beginning of BUFFER's region (as an integer). This is the position of either point or the mark, whichever is smaller. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. If the mark does not point anywhere, an error is signaled. Note that this function ignores whether the region is active. - Function: region-end &optional buffer This function returns the position of the end of BUFFER's region (as an integer). This is the position of either point or the mark, whichever is larger. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. If the mark does not point anywhere, an error is signaled. Note that this function ignores whether the region is active. - Function: region-exists-p This function is non-`nil' if the region exists. If active regions are in use (i.e. `zmacs-regions' is true), this means that the region is active. Otherwise, this means that the user has pushed a mark in this buffer at some point in the past. If this function returns `nil', a function that uses the `r' interactive specification will cause an error when called interactively. - Function: region-active-p If `zmacs-regions' is true, this is equivalent to `region-exists-p'. Otherwise, this function always returns false. This function is used by commands such as `fill-paragraph-or-region' and `capitalize-region-or-word', which operate either on the active region or on something else (e.g. the word or paragraph at point). - Variable: zmacs-region-stays If a command sets this variable to true, the currently active region will remain activated when the command finishes. (Normally the region is deactivated when each command terminates.) If `zmacs-regions' is false, however, this has no effect. Under normal circumstances, you do not need to set this; use the interactive specification `_' instead, if you want the region to remain active. - Function: zmacs-activate-region This function activates the region in the current buffer (this is equivalent to activating the current buffer's mark). This will normally also highlight the text in the active region and set `zmacs-region-stays' to `t'. (If `zmacs-regions' is false, however, this function has no effect.) - Function: zmacs-deactivate-region This function deactivates the region in the current buffer (this is equivalent to deactivating the current buffer's mark). This will normally also unhighlight the text in the active region and set `zmacs-region-stays' to `nil'. (If `zmacs-regions' is false, however, this function has no effect.) - Function: zmacs-update-region This function updates the active region, if it's currently active. (If there is no active region, this function does nothing.) This has the effect of updating the highlighting on the text in the region; but you should never need to call this except under rather strange circumstances. The command loop automatically calls it when appropriate. Calling this function will call the hook `zmacs-update-region-hook', if the region is active. - Variable: zmacs-activate-region-hook This normal hook is called when a region becomes active. (Usually this happens as a result of a command that activates the region, such as `set-mark-command', `activate-region', or `exchange-point-and-mark'.) Note that calling `zmacs-activate-region' will call this hook, even if the region is already active. If `zmacs-regions' is false, however, this hook will never get called under any circumstances. - Variable: zmacs-deactivate-region-hook This normal hook is called when an active region becomes inactive. (Calling `zmacs-deactivate-region' when the region is inactive will _not_ cause this hook to be called.) If `zmacs-regions' is false, this hook will never get called. - Variable: zmacs-update-region-hook This normal hook is called when an active region is "updated" by `zmacs-update-region'. This normally gets called at the end of each command that sets `zmacs-region-stays' to `t', indicating that the region should remain activated. The motion commands do this.  File:, Node: Text, Next: Searching and Matching, Prev: Markers, Up: Top Text **** This chapter describes the functions that deal with the text in a buffer. Most examine, insert, or delete text in the current buffer, often in the vicinity of point. Many are interactive. All the functions that change the text provide for undoing the changes (*note Undo::). Many text-related functions operate on a region of text defined by two buffer positions passed in arguments named START and END. These arguments should be either markers (*note Markers::) or numeric character positions (*note Positions::). The order of these arguments does not matter; it is all right for START to be the end of the region and END the beginning. For example, `(delete-region 1 10)' and `(delete-region 10 1)' are equivalent. An `args-out-of-range' error is signaled if either START or END is outside the accessible portion of the buffer. In an interactive call, point and the mark are used for these arguments. Throughout this chapter, "text" refers to the characters in the buffer, together with their properties (when relevant). * Menu: * Near Point:: Examining text in the vicinity of point. * Buffer Contents:: Examining text in a general fashion. * Comparing Text:: Comparing substrings of buffers. * Insertion:: Adding new text to a buffer. * Commands for Insertion:: User-level commands to insert text. * Deletion:: Removing text from a buffer. * User-Level Deletion:: User-level commands to delete text. * The Kill Ring:: Where removed text sometimes is saved for later use. * Undo:: Undoing changes to the text of a buffer. * Maintaining Undo:: How to enable and disable undo information. How to control how much information is kept. * Filling:: Functions for explicit filling. * Margins:: How to specify margins for filling commands. * Auto Filling:: How auto-fill mode is implemented to break lines. * Sorting:: Functions for sorting parts of the buffer. * Columns:: Computing horizontal positions, and using them. * Indentation:: Functions to insert or adjust indentation. * Case Changes:: Case conversion of parts of the buffer. * Text Properties:: Assigning Lisp property lists to text characters. * Substitution:: Replacing a given character wherever it appears. * Registers:: How registers are implemented. Accessing the text or position stored in a register. * Transposition:: Swapping two portions of a buffer. * Change Hooks:: Supplying functions to be run when text is changed. * Transformations:: MD5 and base64 support.  File:, Node: Near Point, Next: Buffer Contents, Up: Text Examining Text Near Point ========================= Many functions are provided to look at the characters around point. Several simple functions are described here. See also `looking-at' in *Note Regexp Search::. Many of these functions take an optional BUFFER argument. In all such cases, the current buffer will be used if this argument is omitted. (In FSF Emacs, and earlier versions of XEmacs, these functions usually did not have these optional BUFFER arguments and always operated on the current buffer.) - Function: char-after &optional position buffer This function returns the character in the buffer at (i.e., immediately after) position POSITION. If POSITION is out of range for this purpose, either before the beginning of the buffer, or at or beyond the end, then the value is `nil'. The default for POSITION is point. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. In the following example, assume that the first character in the buffer is `@': (char-to-string (char-after 1)) => "@" - Function: char-before &optional position buffer This function returns the character in the current buffer immediately before position POSITION. If POSITION is out of range for this purpose, either at or before the beginning of the buffer, or beyond the end, then the value is `nil'. The default for POSITION is point. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. - Function: following-char &optional buffer This function returns the character following point in the buffer. This is similar to `(char-after (point))'. However, if point is at the end of the buffer, then the result of `following-char' is 0. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. Remember that point is always between characters, and the terminal cursor normally appears over the character following point. Therefore, the character returned by `following-char' is the character the cursor is over. In this example, point is between the `a' and the `c'. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- Gentlemen may cry ``Pea-!-ce! Peace!,'' but there is no peace. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (char-to-string (preceding-char)) => "a" (char-to-string (following-char)) => "c" - Function: preceding-char &optional buffer This function returns the character preceding point in the buffer. See above, under `following-char', for an example. If point is at the beginning of the buffer, `preceding-char' returns 0. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. - Function: bobp &optional buffer This function returns `t' if point is at the beginning of the buffer. If narrowing is in effect, this means the beginning of the accessible portion of the text. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. See also `point-min' in *Note Point::. - Function: eobp &optional buffer This function returns `t' if point is at the end of the buffer. If narrowing is in effect, this means the end of accessible portion of the text. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. See also `point-max' in *Note Point::. - Function: bolp &optional buffer This function returns `t' if point is at the beginning of a line. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. *Note Text Lines::. The beginning of the buffer (or its accessible portion) always counts as the beginning of a line. - Function: eolp &optional buffer This function returns `t' if point is at the end of a line. The end of the buffer is always considered the end of a line. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. The end of the buffer (or of its accessible portion) is always considered the end of a line.  File:, Node: Buffer Contents, Next: Comparing Text, Prev: Near Point, Up: Text Examining Buffer Contents ========================= This section describes two functions that allow a Lisp program to convert any portion of the text in the buffer into a string. - Function: buffer-substring start end &optional buffer - Function: buffer-string start end &optional buffer These functions are equivalent and return a string containing a copy of the text of the region defined by positions START and END in the buffer. If the arguments are not positions in the accessible portion of the buffer, `buffer-substring' signals an `args-out-of-range' error. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. If the region delineated by START and END contains duplicable extents, they will be remembered in the string. *Note Duplicable Extents::. It is not necessary for START to be less than END; the arguments can be given in either order. But most often the smaller argument is written first. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- This is the contents of buffer foo ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (buffer-substring 1 10) => "This is t" (buffer-substring (point-max) 10) => "he contents of buffer foo "  File:, Node: Comparing Text, Next: Insertion, Prev: Buffer Contents, Up: Text Comparing Text ============== This function lets you compare portions of the text in a buffer, without copying them into strings first. - Function: compare-buffer-substrings buffer1 start1 end1 buffer2 start2 end2 This function lets you compare two substrings of the same buffer or two different buffers. The first three arguments specify one substring, giving a buffer and two positions within the buffer. The last three arguments specify the other substring in the same way. You can use `nil' for BUFFER1, BUFFER2, or both to stand for the current buffer. The value is negative if the first substring is less, positive if the first is greater, and zero if they are equal. The absolute value of the result is one plus the index of the first differing characters within the substrings. This function ignores case when comparing characters if `case-fold-search' is non-`nil'. It always ignores text properties. Suppose the current buffer contains the text `foobarbar haha!rara!'; then in this example the two substrings are `rbar ' and `rara!'. The value is 2 because the first substring is greater at the second character. (compare-buffer-substring nil 6 11 nil 16 21) => 2  File:, Node: Insertion, Next: Commands for Insertion, Prev: Comparing Text, Up: Text Inserting Text ============== "Insertion" means adding new text to a buffer. The inserted text goes at point--between the character before point and the character after point. Insertion relocates markers that point at positions after the insertion point, so that they stay with the surrounding text (*note Markers::). When a marker points at the place of insertion, insertion normally doesn't relocate the marker, so that it points to the beginning of the inserted text; however, certain special functions such as `insert-before-markers' relocate such markers to point after the inserted text. Some insertion functions leave point before the inserted text, while other functions leave it after. We call the former insertion "after point" and the latter insertion "before point". If a string with non-`nil' extent data is inserted, the remembered extents will also be inserted. *Note Duplicable Extents::. Insertion functions signal an error if the current buffer is read-only. These functions copy text characters from strings and buffers along with their properties. The inserted characters have exactly the same properties as the characters they were copied from. By contrast, characters specified as separate arguments, not part of a string or buffer, inherit their text properties from the neighboring text. - Function: insert &rest args This function inserts the strings and/or characters ARGS into the current buffer, at point, moving point forward. In other words, it inserts the text before point. An error is signaled unless all ARGS are either strings or characters. The value is `nil'. - Function: insert-before-markers &rest args This function inserts the strings and/or characters ARGS into the current buffer, at point, moving point forward. An error is signaled unless all ARGS are either strings or characters. The value is `nil'. This function is unlike the other insertion functions in that it relocates markers initially pointing at the insertion point, to point after the inserted text. - Function: insert-string string &optional buffer This function inserts STRING into BUFFER before point. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. This function is chiefly useful if you want to insert a string in a buffer other than the current one (otherwise you could just use `insert'). - Function: insert-char character &optional count ignored buffer This function inserts COUNT instances of CHARACTER into BUFFER before point. COUNT must be a number, and CHARACTER must be a character. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. (In FSF Emacs, the third argument is called INHERIT and refers to text properties. In XEmacs, it is always ignored.) This function always returns `nil'. - Function: insert-buffer-substring from-buffer-or-name &optional start end This function inserts a portion of buffer FROM-BUFFER-OR-NAME (which must already exist) into the current buffer before point. The text inserted is the region from START and END. (These arguments default to the beginning and end of the accessible portion of that buffer.) This function returns `nil'. In this example, the form is executed with buffer `bar' as the current buffer. We assume that buffer `bar' is initially empty. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (insert-buffer-substring "foo" 1 20) => nil ---------- Buffer: bar ---------- We hold these truth-!- ---------- Buffer: bar ----------  File:, Node: Commands for Insertion, Next: Deletion, Prev: Insertion, Up: Text User-Level Insertion Commands ============================= This section describes higher-level commands for inserting text, commands intended primarily for the user but useful also in Lisp programs. - Command: insert-buffer from-buffer-or-name This command inserts the entire contents of FROM-BUFFER-OR-NAME (which must exist) into the current buffer after point. It leaves the mark after the inserted text. The value is `nil'. - Command: self-insert-command count This command inserts the last character typed; it does so COUNT times, before point, and returns `nil'. Most printing characters are bound to this command. In routine use, `self-insert-command' is the most frequently called function in XEmacs, but programs rarely use it except to install it on a keymap. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument. This command calls `auto-fill-function' whenever that is non-`nil' and the character inserted is a space or a newline (*note Auto Filling::). This command performs abbrev expansion if Abbrev mode is enabled and the inserted character does not have word-constituent syntax. (*Note Abbrevs::, and *Note Syntax Class Table::.) This is also responsible for calling `blink-paren-function' when the inserted character has close parenthesis syntax (*note Blinking::). - Command: newline &optional count This command inserts newlines into the current buffer before point. If COUNT is supplied, that many newline characters are inserted. This function calls `auto-fill-function' if the current column number is greater than the value of `fill-column' and COUNT is `nil'. Typically what `auto-fill-function' does is insert a newline; thus, the overall result in this case is to insert two newlines at different places: one at point, and another earlier in the line. `newline' does not auto-fill if COUNT is non-`nil'. This command indents to the left margin if that is not zero. *Note Margins::. The value returned is `nil'. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument. - Command: split-line This command splits the current line, moving the portion of the line after point down vertically so that it is on the next line directly below where it was before. Whitespace is inserted as needed at the beginning of the lower line, using the `indent-to' function. `split-line' returns the position of point. Programs hardly ever use this function. - Variable: overwrite-mode This variable controls whether overwrite mode is in effect: a non-`nil' value enables the mode. It is automatically made buffer-local when set in any fashion.  File:, Node: Deletion, Next: User-Level Deletion, Prev: Commands for Insertion, Up: Text Deleting Text ============= Deletion means removing part of the text in a buffer, without saving it in the kill ring (*note The Kill Ring::). Deleted text can't be yanked, but can be reinserted using the undo mechanism (*note Undo::). Some deletion functions do save text in the kill ring in some special cases. All of the deletion functions operate on the current buffer, and all return a value of `nil'. - Command: erase-buffer &optional buffer This function deletes the entire text of BUFFER, leaving it empty. If the buffer is read-only, it signals a `buffer-read-only' error. Otherwise, it deletes the text without asking for any confirmation. It returns `nil'. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer if omitted. Normally, deleting a large amount of text from a buffer inhibits further auto-saving of that buffer "because it has shrunk". However, `erase-buffer' does not do this, the idea being that the future text is not really related to the former text, and its size should not be compared with that of the former text. - Command: delete-region start end &optional buffer This command deletes the text in BUFFER in the region defined by START and END. The value is `nil'. If optional argument BUFFER is `nil', the current buffer is assumed. - Command: delete-char &optional count killp This command deletes COUNT characters directly after point, or before point if COUNT is negative. COUNT defaults to `1'. If KILLP is non-`nil', then it saves the deleted characters in the kill ring. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument, and KILLP is the unprocessed prefix argument. Therefore, if a prefix argument is supplied, the text is saved in the kill ring. If no prefix argument is supplied, then one character is deleted, but not saved in the kill ring. The value returned is always `nil'. - Command: delete-backward-char &optional count killp This command deletes COUNT characters directly before point, or after point if COUNT is negative. COUNT defaults to 1. If KILLP is non-`nil', then it saves the deleted characters in the kill ring. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument, and KILLP is the unprocessed prefix argument. Therefore, if a prefix argument is supplied, the text is saved in the kill ring. If no prefix argument is supplied, then one character is deleted, but not saved in the kill ring. The value returned is always `nil'. - Command: backward-delete-char-untabify count &optional killp This command deletes COUNT characters backward, changing tabs into spaces. When the next character to be deleted is a tab, it is first replaced with the proper number of spaces to preserve alignment and then one of those spaces is deleted instead of the tab. If KILLP is non-`nil', then the command saves the deleted characters in the kill ring. Conversion of tabs to spaces happens only if COUNT is positive. If it is negative, exactly -COUNT characters after point are deleted. In an interactive call, COUNT is the numeric prefix argument, and KILLP is the unprocessed prefix argument. Therefore, if a prefix argument is supplied, the text is saved in the kill ring. If no prefix argument is supplied, then one character is deleted, but not saved in the kill ring. The value returned is always `nil'.  File:, Node: User-Level Deletion, Next: The Kill Ring, Prev: Deletion, Up: Text User-Level Deletion Commands ============================ This section describes higher-level commands for deleting text, commands intended primarily for the user but useful also in Lisp programs. - Command: delete-horizontal-space This function deletes all spaces and tabs around point. It returns `nil'. In the following examples, we call `delete-horizontal-space' four times, once on each line, with point between the second and third characters on the line each time. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- I -!-thought I -!- thought We-!- thought Yo-!-u thought ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (delete-horizontal-space) ; Four times. => nil ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- Ithought Ithought Wethought You thought ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- - Command: delete-indentation &optional join-following-p This function joins the line point is on to the previous line, deleting any whitespace at the join and in some cases replacing it with one space. If JOIN-FOLLOWING-P is non-`nil', `delete-indentation' joins this line to the following line instead. The value is `nil'. If there is a fill prefix, and the second of the lines being joined starts with the prefix, then `delete-indentation' deletes the fill prefix before joining the lines. *Note Margins::. In the example below, point is located on the line starting `events', and it makes no difference if there are trailing spaces in the preceding line. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- When in the course of human -!- events, it becomes necessary ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (delete-indentation) => nil ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- When in the course of human-!- events, it becomes necessary ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- After the lines are joined, the function `fixup-whitespace' is responsible for deciding whether to leave a space at the junction. - Command: fixup-whitespace This function replaces all the white space surrounding point with either one space or no space, according to the context. It returns `nil'. At the beginning or end of a line, the appropriate amount of space is none. Before a character with close parenthesis syntax, or after a character with open parenthesis or expression-prefix syntax, no space is also appropriate. Otherwise, one space is appropriate. *Note Syntax Class Table::. In the example below, `fixup-whitespace' is called the first time with point before the word `spaces' in the first line. For the second invocation, point is directly after the `('. ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- This has too many -!-spaces This has too many spaces at the start of (-!- this list) ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- (fixup-whitespace) => nil (fixup-whitespace) => nil ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- This has too many spaces This has too many spaces at the start of (this list) ---------- Buffer: foo ---------- - Command: just-one-space This command replaces any spaces and tabs around point with a single space. It returns `nil'. - Command: delete-blank-lines This function deletes blank lines surrounding point. If point is on a blank line with one or more blank lines before or after it, then all but one of them are deleted. If point is on an isolated blank line, then it is deleted. If point is on a nonblank line, the command deletes all blank lines following it. A blank line is defined as a line containing only tabs and spaces. `delete-blank-lines' returns `nil'.  File:, Node: The Kill Ring, Next: Undo, Prev: User-Level Deletion, Up: Text The Kill Ring ============= "Kill" functions delete text like the deletion functions, but save it so that the user can reinsert it by "yanking". Most of these functions have `kill-' in their name. By contrast, the functions whose names start with `delete-' normally do not save text for yanking (though they can still be undone); these are "deletion" functions. Most of the kill commands are primarily for interactive use, and are not described here. What we do describe are the functions provided for use in writing such commands. You can use these functions to write commands for killing text. When you need to delete text for internal purposes within a Lisp function, you should normally use deletion functions, so as not to disturb the kill ring contents. *Note Deletion::. Killed text is saved for later yanking in the "kill ring". This is a list that holds a number of recent kills, not just the last text kill. We call this a "ring" because yanking treats it as having elements in a cyclic order. The list is kept in the variable `kill-ring', and can be operated on with the usual functions for lists; there are also specialized functions, described in this section, that treat it as a ring. Some people think this use of the word "kill" is unfortunate, since it refers to operations that specifically _do not_ destroy the entities "killed". This is in sharp contrast to ordinary life, in which death is permanent and "killed" entities do not come back to life. Therefore, other metaphors have been proposed. For example, the term "cut ring" makes sense to people who, in pre-computer days, used scissors and paste to cut up and rearrange manuscripts. However, it would be difficult to change the terminology now. * Menu: * Kill Ring Concepts:: What text looks like in the kill ring. * Kill Functions:: Functions that kill text. * Yank Commands:: Commands that access the kill ring. * Low-Level Kill Ring:: Functions and variables for kill ring access. * Internals of Kill Ring:: Variables that hold kill-ring data.  File:, Node: Kill Ring Concepts, Next: Kill Functions, Up: The Kill Ring Kill Ring Concepts ------------------ The kill ring records killed text as strings in a list, most recent first. A short kill ring, for example, might look like this: ("some text" "a different piece of text" "even older text") When the list reaches `kill-ring-max' entries in length, adding a new entry automatically deletes the last entry. When kill commands are interwoven with other commands, each kill command makes a new entry in the kill ring. Multiple kill commands in succession build up a single entry in the kill ring, which would be yanked as a unit; the second and subsequent consecutive kill commands add text to the entry made by the first one. For yanking, one entry in the kill ring is designated the "front" of the ring. Some yank commands "rotate" the ring by designating a different element as the "front." But this virtual rotation doesn't change the list itself--the most recent entry always comes first in the list.  File:, Node: Kill Functions, Next: Yank Commands, Prev: Kill Ring Concepts, Up: The Kill Ring Functions for Killing --------------------- `kill-region' is the usual subroutine for killing text. Any command that calls this function is a "kill command" (and should probably have `kill' in its name). `kill-region' puts the newly killed text in a new element at the beginning of the kill ring or adds it to the most recent element. It uses the `last-command' variable to determine whether the previous command was a kill command, and if so appends the killed text to the most recent entry. - Command: kill-region start end &optional verbose This function kills the text in the region defined by START and END. The text is deleted but saved in the kill ring, along with its text properties. The value is always `nil'. In an interactive call, START and END are point and the mark. If the buffer is read-only, `kill-region' modifies the kill ring just the same, then signals an error without modifying the buffer. This is convenient because it lets the user use all the kill commands to copy text into the kill ring from a read-only buffer. - Command: copy-region-as-kill start end This command saves the region defined by START and END on the kill ring (including text properties), but does not delete the text from the buffer. It returns `nil'. It also indicates the extent of the text copied by moving the cursor momentarily, or by displaying a message in the echo area. The command does not set `this-command' to `kill-region', so a subsequent kill command does not append to the same kill ring entry. Don't call `copy-region-as-kill' in Lisp programs unless you aim to support Emacs 18. For Emacs 19, it is better to use `kill-new' or `kill-append' instead. *Note Low-Level Kill Ring::.  File:, Node: Yank Commands, Next: Low-Level Kill Ring, Prev: Kill Functions, Up: The Kill Ring Functions for Yanking --------------------- "Yanking" means reinserting an entry of previously killed text from the kill ring. The text properties are copied too. - Command: yank &optional arg This command inserts before point the text in the first entry in the kill ring. It positions the mark at the beginning of that text, and point at the end. If ARG is a list (which occurs interactively when the user types `C-u' with no digits), then `yank' inserts the text as described above, but puts point before the yanked text and puts the mark after it. If ARG is a number, then `yank' inserts the ARGth most recently killed text--the ARGth element of the kill ring list. `yank' does not alter the contents of the kill ring or rotate it. It returns `nil'. - Command: yank-pop arg This command replaces the just-yanked entry from the kill ring with a different entry from the kill ring. This is allowed only immediately after a `yank' or another `yank-pop'. At such a time, the region contains text that was just inserted by yanking. `yank-pop' deletes that text and inserts in its place a different piece of killed text. It does not add the deleted text to the kill ring, since it is already in the kill ring somewhere. If ARG is `nil', then the replacement text is the previous element of the kill ring. If ARG is numeric, the replacement is the ARGth previous kill. If ARG is negative, a more recent kill is the replacement. The sequence of kills in the kill ring wraps around, so that after the oldest one comes the newest one, and before the newest one goes the oldest. The value is always `nil'.  File:, Node: Low-Level Kill Ring, Next: Internals of Kill Ring, Prev: Yank Commands, Up: The Kill Ring Low-Level Kill Ring ------------------- These functions and variables provide access to the kill ring at a lower level, but still convenient for use in Lisp programs. They take care of interaction with X Window selections. They do not exist in Emacs version 18. - Function: current-kill count &optional do-not-move The function `current-kill' rotates the yanking pointer which designates the "front" of the kill ring by COUNT places (from newer kills to older ones), and returns the text at that place in the ring. If the optional second argument DO-NOT-MOVE is non-`nil', then `current-kill' doesn't alter the yanking pointer; it just returns the COUNTth kill, counting from the current yanking pointer. If COUNT is zero, indicating a request for the latest kill, `current-kill' calls the value of `interprogram-paste-function' (documented below) before consulting the kill ring. - Function: kill-new string &optional replace This function makes the text STRING the latest entry in the kill ring, and sets `kill-ring-yank-pointer' to point to it. Normally, STRING is added to the front of the kill ring as a new entry. However, if optional argument REPLACE is non-`nil', the entry previously at the front of the kill ring is discarded, and STRING replaces it. This function runs the functions on `kill-hooks', and also invokes the value of `interprogram-cut-function' (see below). - Function: kill-append string before-p This function appends the text STRING to the first entry in the kill ring. Normally STRING goes at the end of the entry, but if BEFORE-P is non-`nil', it goes at the beginning. This function also invokes the value of `interprogram-cut-function' (see below). - Variable: interprogram-paste-function This variable provides a way of transferring killed text from other programs, when you are using a window system. Its value should be `nil' or a function of no arguments. If the value is a function, `current-kill' calls it to get the "most recent kill". If the function returns a non-`nil' value, then that value is used as the "most recent kill". If it returns `nil', then the first element of `kill-ring' is used. The normal use of this hook is to get the X server's primary selection as the most recent kill, even if the selection belongs to another X client. *Note X Selections::. - Variable: interprogram-cut-function This variable provides a way of communicating killed text to other programs, when you are using a window system. Its value should be `nil' or a function of one argument. If the value is a function, `kill-new' and `kill-append' call it with the new first element of the kill ring as an argument. The normal use of this hook is to set the X server's primary selection to the newly killed text.  File:, Node: Internals of Kill Ring, Prev: Low-Level Kill Ring, Up: The Kill Ring Internals of the Kill Ring -------------------------- The variable `kill-ring' holds the kill ring contents, in the form of a list of strings. The most recent kill is always at the front of the list. The `kill-ring-yank-pointer' variable points to a link in the kill ring list, whose CAR is the text to yank next. We say it identifies the "front" of the ring. Moving `kill-ring-yank-pointer' to a different link is called "rotating the kill ring". We call the kill ring a "ring" because the functions that move the yank pointer wrap around from the end of the list to the beginning, or vice-versa. Rotation of the kill ring is virtual; it does not change the value of `kill-ring'. Both `kill-ring' and `kill-ring-yank-pointer' are Lisp variables whose values are normally lists. The word "pointer" in the name of the `kill-ring-yank-pointer' indicates that the variable's purpose is to identify one element of the list for use by the next yank command. The value of `kill-ring-yank-pointer' is always `eq' to one of the links in the kill ring list. The element it identifies is the CAR of that link. Kill commands, which change the kill ring, also set this variable to the value of `kill-ring'. The effect is to rotate the ring so that the newly killed text is at the front. Here is a diagram that shows the variable `kill-ring-yank-pointer' pointing to the second entry in the kill ring `("some text" "a different piece of text" "yet older text")'. kill-ring kill-ring-yank-pointer | | | ___ ___ ---> ___ ___ ___ ___ --> |___|___|------> |___|___|--> |___|___|--> nil | | | | | | | | -->"yet older text" | | | --> "a different piece of text" | --> "some text" This state of affairs might occur after `C-y' (`yank') immediately followed by `M-y' (`yank-pop'). - Variable: kill-ring This variable holds the list of killed text sequences, most recently killed first. - Variable: kill-ring-yank-pointer This variable's value indicates which element of the kill ring is at the "front" of the ring for yanking. More precisely, the value is a tail of the value of `kill-ring', and its CAR is the kill string that `C-y' should yank. - User Option: kill-ring-max The value of this variable is the maximum length to which the kill ring can grow, before elements are thrown away at the end. The default value for `kill-ring-max' is 30.  File:, Node: Undo, Next: Maintaining Undo, Prev: The Kill Ring, Up: Text Undo ==== Most buffers have an "undo list", which records all changes made to the buffer's text so that they can be undone. (The buffers that don't have one are usually special-purpose buffers for which XEmacs assumes that undoing is not useful.) All the primitives that modify the text in the buffer automatically add elements to the front of the undo list, which is in the variable `buffer-undo-list'. - Variable: buffer-undo-list This variable's value is the undo list of the current buffer. A value of `t' disables the recording of undo information. Here are the kinds of elements an undo list can have: `INTEGER' This kind of element records a previous value of point. Ordinary cursor motion does not get any sort of undo record, but deletion commands use these entries to record where point was before the command. `(START . END)' This kind of element indicates how to delete text that was inserted. Upon insertion, the text occupied the range START-END in the buffer. `(TEXT . POSITION)' This kind of element indicates how to reinsert text that was deleted. The deleted text itself is the string TEXT. The place to reinsert it is `(abs POSITION)'. `(t HIGH . LOW)' This kind of element indicates that an unmodified buffer became modified. The elements HIGH and LOW are two integers, each recording 16 bits of the visited file's modification time as of when it was previously visited or saved. `primitive-undo' uses those values to determine whether to mark the buffer as unmodified once again; it does so only if the file's modification time matches those numbers. `(nil PROPERTY VALUE START . END)' This kind of element records a change in a text property. Here's how you might undo the change: (put-text-property START END PROPERTY VALUE) `POSITION' This element indicates where point was at an earlier time. Undoing this element sets point to POSITION. Deletion normally creates an element of this kind as well as a reinsertion element. `nil' This element is a boundary. The elements between two boundaries are called a "change group"; normally, each change group corresponds to one keyboard command, and undo commands normally undo an entire group as a unit. - Function: undo-boundary This function places a boundary element in the undo list. The undo command stops at such a boundary, and successive undo commands undo to earlier and earlier boundaries. This function returns `nil'. The editor command loop automatically creates an undo boundary before each key sequence is executed. Thus, each undo normally undoes the effects of one command. Self-inserting input characters are an exception. The command loop makes a boundary for the first such character; the next 19 consecutive self-inserting input characters do not make boundaries, and then the 20th does, and so on as long as self-inserting characters continue. All buffer modifications add a boundary whenever the previous undoable change was made in some other buffer. This way, a command that modifies several buffers makes a boundary in each buffer it changes. Calling this function explicitly is useful for splitting the effects of a command into more than one unit. For example, `query-replace' calls `undo-boundary' after each replacement, so that the user can undo individual replacements one by one. - Function: primitive-undo count list This is the basic function for undoing elements of an undo list. It undoes the first COUNT elements of LIST, returning the rest of LIST. You could write this function in Lisp, but it is convenient to have it in C. `primitive-undo' adds elements to the buffer's undo list when it changes the buffer. Undo commands avoid confusion by saving the undo list value at the beginning of a sequence of undo operations. Then the undo operations use and update the saved value. The new elements added by undoing are not part of this saved value, so they don't interfere with continuing to undo.