;;; build-report.el --- Automatically formatted build reports for XEmacs ;; Copyright (C) 1997 Adrian Aichner ;; Author: Adrian Aichner, Teradyne GmbH Munich ;; Date: Sun., Apr. 20, 1997. ;; Version: 1.35 ;; Keywords: internal ;; This file is part of XEmacs. ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA ;; 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Synched up with: Not synched. ;;; Commentary: ;; The Idea: ;; Let XEmacs report interesting aspects of how it was built. ;; The Concept: ;; User creates an XEmacs Build Report by just calling ;; M-x build-report ;; which will initialize a mail buffer with relevant information ;; derived from the XEmacs build process. Point is left at the ;; beginning of the report for user to input some personal notes and ;; send the report. ;; The Status: ;; This is the first `Proof of Concept'. ;; The Author: ;; Adrian Aichner, Teradyne GmbH Munich, Sun., Apr. 20, 1997. ;;; Code: (require 'config) (provide 'build-report) ;; Due to recommendation by developers on xemacs-beta@xemacs.org, ;; release versions are to be checked out using `co -u -kv ...'. (defconst build-report-version "1.35" "Version number of build-report.") (defgroup build-report nil "Package automating the process of sending XEmacs Build Reports." :group 'build) (defcustom build-report-destination "xemacs-build-reports@xemacs.org" "The mail address XEmacs Build Reports should go to." :type 'string :group 'build-report) (defcustom build-report-keep-regexp (list "make\\[" "error" "warn" "pure.*\\(space\\|size\\)" "hides\\b" "strange" "shadowings" "^Compilation" "not\\s-+found") "Regexp of make process output lines to keep in the report." :type '(repeat regexp) :group 'build-report) (defcustom build-report-delete-regexp (list "confl.*with.*auto-inlining" (concat (regexp-quote (gethash 'blddir (config-value-hash-table))) "/lisp/[^ \t\n]+ hides ")) "Regexp of make process output lines to delete from the report." :type '(repeat regexp) :group 'build-report) (defcustom build-report-make-output-file (concat (gethash 'blddir (config-value-hash-table)) "/beta.err") "Filename where stdout and stderr of XEmacs make process have been stored. mk.err will not be created automatically. You'll have to run make with output redirection. I use an alias alias mk 'make \!* >>&\! \!$.err &' for that, so that I get beta.err went I run `mk beta'." :type 'file :group 'build-report) (defcustom build-report-installation-file (concat (gethash 'blddir (config-value-hash-table)) "/Installation") "Installation file produced by XEmacs configure process." :type 'file :group 'build-report) (defcustom build-report-installation-insert-all nil "Tell build-report to insert the whole Installation file instead of just the last report." :type 'boolean :group 'build-report) (defcustom build-report-subject (concat "[%s] " emacs-version " on " system-configuration) "XEmacs Build Report Subject Line. %s-sequences will be substituted with user input through `build-report' according to `build-report-prompts' using `format'." :type 'string :group 'build-report) (defcustom build-report-prompts '(("Status?: " "Success" "Failure")) "XEmacs Build Report Prompt(s). This is a list of prompt-string lists used by `build-report' in conjunction with `build-report-subject'. Each list consists of a prompt string followed by any number of strings which can be chosen via the history mechanism." :group 'build-report) (defcustom build-report-file-encoding "7bit" "XEmacs Build Report File Encoding to be used when MIME support is available." :group 'build-report) ;; Symbol Name mappings from TM to SEMI serving as Compatibility ;; Bandaid (when (featurep 'mime-setup) ;; No (defvaralias ...) so far. Thanks to "Didier Verna" ;; for reporting my incorrect defvaraliasing of ;; `mime-editor/insert-tag'. ;; Thanks to Jens-Ulrik Holger Petersen ;; for suggesting the conditional ;; aliasing of SEMI functions. (unless (fboundp 'mime-edit-content-beginning) (defalias 'mime-edit-content-beginning 'mime-editor/content-beginning)) (unless (fboundp 'mime-edit-insert-tag) (defalias 'mime-edit-insert-tag 'mime-editor/insert-tag)) (unless (fboundp 'mime-edit-insert-binary-file) (defalias 'mime-edit-insert-binary-file 'mime-editor/insert-binary-file))) (defun build-report (&rest args) "Initializes a fresh mail composition buffer using `compose-mail' with the contents of XEmacs Installation file and excerpts from XEmacs make output and errors and leaves point at the beginning of the mail text. See also `compose-mail', `mail-user-agent', `build-report-destination', `build-report-keep-regexp', `build-report-delete-regexp', `build-report-make-output-file' and `build-report-installation-file'." (interactive (let (prompt hist arg (prompts build-report-prompts)) (progn (while prompts (setq prompt (caar prompts)) (setq hist (cdar prompts)) (setq prompts (cdr prompts)) (setq arg (cons (read-string prompt "" 'hist) arg))) arg))) (save-excursion (compose-mail build-report-destination (apply 'format build-report-subject args) nil nil nil nil nil) (let ((report-begin (point))) (insert (build-report-insert-make-output report-begin)) (insert (build-report-insert-installation-file report-begin build-report-installation-insert-all)) (insert (build-report-insert-header report-begin)) (goto-char report-begin)))) (defun build-report-insert-header (where) "Inserts the build-report-header at the point specified by `where'." (goto-char where) (with-temp-buffer (insert "\n> XEmacs Build Report as generated\n> by" " build-report-version " build-report-version " follows:\n\n") (buffer-string))) (defun build-report-insert-make-output (where) "Inserts the output of the XEmacs Beta make run. The make process output must have been saved in `build-report-make-output-file' during the XEmacs Beta building." (goto-char where) (with-temp-buffer (if (file-exists-p build-report-make-output-file) (progn (if (featurep 'mime-setup) (progn (mime-edit-insert-tag "text" "plain" (concat "\nContent-Disposition: attachment;" " filename=\"" (file-name-nondirectory build-report-make-output-file) "\"")) (mime-edit-insert-binary-file build-report-make-output-file build-report-file-encoding)) (insert-file-contents build-report-make-output-file)) (goto-char (point-min)) (delete-non-matching-lines (build-report-keep)) (goto-char (point-min)) (delete-matching-lines (build-report-delete)) (goto-char (point-min)) (insert "> Contents of " build-report-make-output-file "\n> keeping lines matching\n> \"" (build-report-keep) "\"\n> and then deleting lines matching\n> \"" (build-report-delete) "\"\n\n")) (insert "> " build-report-make-output-file " does not exist!\n\n")) (buffer-string))) (defun build-report-insert-installation-file (where all) "Inserts the contents of the `build-report-installation-file' created by the XEmacs Beta configure process." (goto-char where) (with-temp-buffer (if (file-exists-p build-report-installation-file) (let (file-begin last-configure) (insert "> Contents of " build-report-installation-file ":\n") (insert (format "> (Output from %s of ./configure)\n\n" (if all "all runs" "most recent run"))) (if (featurep 'mime-setup) (progn (mime-edit-insert-tag "text" "plain" (concat "\nContent-Disposition: attachment;" " filename=\"" (file-name-nondirectory build-report-installation-file) "\"")) (mime-edit-insert-binary-file build-report-installation-file build-report-file-encoding) (setq file-begin (mime-edit-content-beginning))) (setq file-begin (point)) (insert-file-contents build-report-installation-file)) (unless all (setq last-configure (search-backward-regexp "^\\(uname.*\\|osversion\\):\\s-+" file-begin t)) (if (and file-begin last-configure) (delete-region file-begin last-configure)))) (insert "> " build-report-installation-file " does not exist!\n\n")) (buffer-string))) (defun build-report-keep () "build-report-internal function of no general value." (mapconcat '(lambda (item) item) (cons "^--\\[\\[\\|\\]\\]$" build-report-keep-regexp) "\\|")) (defun build-report-delete () "build-report-internal function of no general value." (mapconcat '(lambda (item) item) build-report-delete-regexp "\\|")) ;;; build-report.el ends here