;;; cus-dep.el --- Find customization dependencies. ;; ;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; Author: Per Abrahamsen , then ;; Richard Stallman , then ;; Hrvoje Niksic (rewritten for XEmacs) ;; Maintainer: Hrvoje Niksic ;; Keywords: internal ;; This file is part of XEmacs. ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Synched up with: Not synched with FSF. ;;; Commentary: ;; This file generates the custom-load files, loaded by cus-load.el. ;; The only entry point is `Custom-make-dependencies'. ;; It works by scanning all the `.el' files in a directory, and ;; evaluates any `defcustom', `defgroup', or `defface' expression that ;; it finds. The symbol changed by this expression is stored to a ;; hash table as the hash key, file name being the value. ;; After all the files have been examined, custom-loads.el is ;; generated by mapping all the atoms, and seeing if any of them ;; contains a `custom-group' property. This property is a list whose ;; each element's car is the "child" group symbol. If that property ;; is in the hash-table, the file name will be looked up from the ;; hash-table, and added to cusload-file. Because the hash-table is ;; cleared whenever we process a new directory, we cannot get confused ;; by custom-loads from another directory, or from a previous ;; installation. This is also why it is perfectly safe to have old ;; custom-loads around, and have them loaded by `cus-load.el' (as ;; invoked by `cus-edit.el'). ;; A trivial, but useful optimization is that if cusload-file exists, ;; and no .el files in the directory are newer than cusload-file, it ;; will not be generated. This means that the directories where ;; nothing has changed will be skipped. ;; The `custom-add-loads' function, used by files generated by ;; `Custom-make-dependencies', updates the symbol's `custom-loads' ;; property (a list of strings) with a new list of strings, ;; eliminating the duplicates. Additionally, it adds the symbol to ;; `custom-group-hash-table'. It is defined in `cus-load.el'. ;; Example: ;; (custom-add-loads 'foo 'custom-loads '("bar" "baz")) ;; (get 'foo 'custom-loads) ;; => ("bar" "baz") ;; ;; (custom-add-loads 'foo 'custom-loads '("hmph" "baz" "quz")) ;; (get 'foo 'custom-loads) ;; => ("bar" "baz" "hmph" "qux") ;; Obviously, this allows correct incremental loading of custom-load ;; files. This is not necessary under FSF (they simply use `put'), ;; since they have only one file with custom dependencies. With the ;; advent of packages, we cannot afford the same luxury. ;;; Code: (require 'cl) (require 'widget) (require 'cus-face) ;; Don't change this, unless you plan to change the code in ;; cus-start.el, too. (defconst cusload-base-file "custom-load.el") ;; Be very careful when changing this function. It looks easy to ;; understand, but is in fact very easy to break. Be sure to read and ;; understand the commentary above! ;;;###autoload (defun Custom-make-dependencies (&optional subdirs) "Extract custom dependencies from .el files in SUBDIRS. SUBDIRS is a list of directories. If it is nil, the command-line arguments are used. If it is a string, only that directory is processed. This function is especially useful in batch mode. Batch usage: xemacs -batch -l cus-dep.el -f Custom-make-dependencies DIRS" (interactive "DDirectory: ") (and (stringp subdirs) (setq subdirs (list subdirs))) (or subdirs ;; Usurp the command-line-args (setq subdirs command-line-args-left command-line-args-left nil)) (setq subdirs (mapcar #'expand-file-name subdirs)) (with-temp-buffer (let ((enable-local-eval nil) (hash (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (dolist (dir subdirs) (princ (format "Processing %s\n" dir)) (let ((cusload-file (expand-file-name cusload-base-file dir)) (files (directory-files dir t "\\`[^=].*\\.el\\'"))) ;; A trivial optimization: if no file in the directory is ;; newer than custom-load.el, no need to do anything! (if (and (file-exists-p cusload-file) (dolist (file files t) (when (file-newer-than-file-p file cusload-file) (return nil)))) (princ "(No changes need to be written)\n") ;; Process directory (dolist (file files) (when (file-exists-p file) (erase-buffer) (insert-file-contents file) (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((name (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory file)))) ;; Search for defcustom/defface/defgroup ;; expressions, and evaluate them. (while (re-search-forward "^(defcustom\\|^(defface\\|^(defgroup" nil t) (beginning-of-line) (let ((expr (read (current-buffer)))) ;; We need to ignore errors here, so that ;; defcustoms with :set don't bug out. Of ;; course, their values will not be assigned in ;; case of errors, but their `custom-group' ;; properties will by that time be in place, and ;; that's all we care about. (ignore-errors (eval expr)) ;; Hash the file of the affected symbol. (setf (gethash (nth 1 expr) hash) name)))))) (cond ((zerop (hash-table-count hash)) (princ "(No customization dependencies") (when (file-exists-p cusload-file) (princ (format ", deleting %s" cusload-file)) (delete-file cusload-file)) (princ ")\n")) (t (princ (format "Generating %s...\n" cusload-base-file)) (with-temp-file cusload-file (insert ";;; " cusload-base-file " --- automatically extracted custom dependencies\n" "\n;;; Code:\n\n") (mapatoms (lambda (sym) (let ((members (get sym 'custom-group)) item where found) (when members (while members (setq item (car (car members)) members (cdr members) where (gethash item hash)) (unless (or (null where) (member where found)) (if found (insert " ") (insert "(custom-add-loads '" (symbol-name sym) " '(")) (prin1 where (current-buffer)) (push where found))) (when found (insert "))\n")))))) (insert "\n;;; custom-load.el ends here\n")) (clrhash hash))))))))) (provide 'cus-dep) ;;; cus-dep.el ends here