;;; dialog.el --- Dialog-box support for XEmacs ;; Copyright (C) 1991-4, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Copyright (C) 2000 Ben Wing. ;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team ;; Keywords: extensions, internal, dumped ;; This file is part of XEmacs. ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF. ;;; Commentary: ;; This file is dumped with XEmacs (when dialog boxes are compiled in). ;; Dialog boxes are non-modal at the C level, but made modal at the ;; Lisp level via hacks in functions such as yes-or-no-p-dialog-box ;; below. Perhaps there should be truly modal dialog boxes ;; implemented at the C level for safety. All code using dialog boxes ;; should be careful to assume that the environment, for example the ;; current buffer, might be completely different after returning from ;; yes-or-no-p-dialog-box, but such code is difficult to write and test. ;;; Code: (defun yes-or-no-p-dialog-box (prompt) "Ask user a yes-or-no question with a popup dialog box. Return t if the answer is \"yes\", nil if \"no\". Takes one argument, the question string to display." (save-selected-frame (make-dialog-box 'question :question prompt :modal t :buttons '(["Yes" (dialog-box-finish t)] ["No" (dialog-box-finish nil)] nil ["Cancel" (dialog-box-cancel)])))) ;; FSF has a similar function `x-popup-dialog'. (defun get-dialog-box-response (position contents) "Pop up a dialog box and return user's selection. POSITION specifies which frame to use. This is normally an event or a window or frame. If POSITION is t or nil, it means to use the frame the mouse is on. The dialog box appears in the middle of the specified frame. CONTENTS specifies the alternatives to display in the dialog box. It is a list of the form (TITLE ITEM1 ITEM2...). Each ITEM is a cons cell (STRING . VALUE). The return value is VALUE from the chosen item. An ITEM may also be just a string--that makes a nonselectable item. An ITEM may also be nil--that means to put all preceding items on the left of the dialog box and all following items on the right." (cond ((eventp position) (select-frame (event-frame position))) ((framep position) (select-frame position)) ((windowp position) (select-window position))) (make-dialog-box 'question :question (car contents) :modal t :buttons (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cond ((null x) nil) ((stringp x) ;;this will never get selected `[,x 'ignore nil]) (t `[,(car x) (dialog-box-finish ',(cdr x)) t]))) (cdr contents)))) (defun message-box (fmt &rest args) "Display a message, in a dialog box if possible. If the selected device has no dialog-box support, use the echo area. The arguments are the same as to `format'. If the only argument is nil, clear any existing message; let the minibuffer contents show." (if (and (null fmt) (null args)) (progn (clear-message nil) nil) (let ((str (apply 'format fmt args))) (if (device-on-window-system-p) (get-dialog-box-response nil (list str (cons "%_OK" t))) (display-message 'message str)) str))) (defun message-or-box (fmt &rest args) "Display a message in a dialog box or in the echo area. If this command was invoked with the mouse, use a dialog box. Otherwise, use the echo area. The arguments are the same as to `format'. If the only argument is nil, clear any existing message; let the minibuffer contents show." (if (should-use-dialog-box-p) (apply 'message-box fmt args) (apply 'message fmt args))) (defun make-dialog-box (type &rest cl-keys) "Pop up a dialog box. TYPE is a symbol, the type of dialog box. Remaining arguments are keyword-value pairs, specifying the particular characteristics of the dialog box. The allowed keywords are particular to each type, but some standard keywords are common to many types: :title The title of the dialog box's window. :modal If true, indicates that XEmacs will wait until the user is \"done\" with the dialog box (usually, this means that a response has been given). Typically, the response is returned. NOTE: Some dialog boxes are always modal. If the dialog box is modal, `make-dialog-box' returns immediately. The return value will be either nil or a dialog box handle of some sort, e.g. a frame for type `general'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recognized types are general A dialog box consisting of an XEmacs glyph, typically a `layout' widget specifying a dialog box arrangement. This is the most general and powerful dialog box type, but requires more work than the other types below. question A simple dialog box that displays a question and contains one or more user-defined buttons to specify possible responses. (This is compatible with the old built-in dialog boxes formerly specified using `popup-dialog-box'.) file A file dialog box, of the type typically used in the window system XEmacs is running on. color A color picker. find A find dialog box. font A font chooser. print A dialog box used when printing (e.g. number of pages, printer). page-setup A dialog box for setting page options (e.g. margins) for printing. replace A find/replace dialog box. mswindows-message An MS Windows-specific standard dialog box type similar to `question'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For type `general': This type creates a frame and puts the specified widget layout in it. \(Currently this is done by eliminating all areas but the gutter and placing the layout there; but this is an implementation detail and may change.) The keywords allowed for `general' are :spec The widget spec -- anything that can be passed to `make-glyph'. :title The title of the frame. :parent The frame is made a child of this frame (defaults to the selected frame). :properties Additional properties of the frame, as well as `dialog-frame-plist'. :autosize If t the frame is sized to exactly fit the widgets given by :spec. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For type `question': The keywords allowed are :modal t or nil. When t, the dialog box callback should exit the dialog box using the functions `dialog-box-finish' or `dialog-box-cancel'. :title The title of the frame. :question A string, the question. :buttons A list, describing the buttons below the question. Each of these is a vector, the syntax of which is essentially the same as that of popup menu items. They may have any of the following forms: [ \"name\" callback ] [ \"name\" callback \"suffix\" ] [ \"name\" callback : : ... ] The name is the string to display on the button; it is filtered through the resource database, so it is possible for resources to override what string is actually displayed. Accelerators can be indicated in the string by putting the sequence \"%_\" before the character corresponding to the key that will invoke the button. Uppercase and lowercase accelerators are equivalent. The sequence \"%%\" is also special, and is translated into a single %. If the `callback' of a button is a symbol, then it must name a command. It will be invoked with `call-interactively'. If it is a list, then it is evaluated with `eval'. One (and only one) of the buttons may be `nil'. This marker means that all following buttons should be flushright instead of flushleft. Though the keyword/value syntax is supported for dialog boxes just as in popup menus, the only keyword which is both meaningful and fully implemented for dialog box buttons is `:active'. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For type `file': The keywords allowed are :initial-filename The initial filename to be placed in the dialog box (defaults to nothing). :initial-directory The initial directory to be selected in the dialog box (defaults to the current buffer's `default-directory). :filter-list A list of (filter-desc filter ...) :title The title of the dialog box (defaults to \"Open\"). :allow-multi-select t or nil :create-prompt-on-nonexistent t or nil :overwrite-prompt t or nil :file-must-exist t or nil :no-network-button t or nil :no-read-only-return t or nil --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For type `directory': The keywords allowed are :initial-directory The initial directory to be selected in the dialog box (defaults to the current buffer's `default-directory). :title The title of the dialog box (defaults to \"Open\"). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For type `print': This invokes the Windows standard Print dialog. This dialog is usually invoked when the user selects the Print command. After the user presses OK, the program should start actual printout. The keywords allowed are :device An 'msprinter device. :print-settings A printer settings object. :allow-selection t or nil -- whether the \"Selection\" button is enabled (defaults to nil). :allow-pages t or nil -- whether the \"Pages\" button and associated edit controls are enabled (defaults to t). :selected-page-button `all', `selection', or `pages' -- which page button is initially selected. Exactly one of :device and :print-settings must be given. The function brings up the Print dialog, where the user can select a different printer and/or change printer options. Connection name can change as a result of selecting a different printer device. If a device is specified, then changes are stored into the settings object currently selected into that printer. If a settings object is supplied, then changes are recorded into it, and, it is selected into a printer, then changes are propagated to that printer too. Return value is nil if the user has canceled the dialog. Otherwise, it is a new plist, with the following properties: name Printer device name, even if unchanged by the user. from-page First page to print, 1-based. Returned if `selected-page-button' is `pages'. user, then this value is not included in the plist. to-page Last page to print, inclusive, 1-based. Returned if `selected-page-button' is `pages'. copies Number of copies to print. Always returned. selected-page-button Which page button was selected (`all', `selection', or `pages'). The DEVICE is destroyed and an error is signaled in case of initialization problem with the new printer. See also the `page-setup' dialog box type. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For type `page-setup': This invokes the Windows standard Page Setup dialog. This dialog is usually invoked in response to the Page Setup command, and used to choose such parameters as page orientation, print margins etc. Note that this dialog contains the \"Printer\" button, which invokes the Printer Setup dialog so that the user can update the printer options or even select a different printer as well. The keywords allowed are :device An 'msprinter device. :print-settings A printer settings object. :properties A plist of job properties. Exactly one of these keywords must be given. The function brings up the Page Setup dialog, where the user can select a different printer and/or change printer options. Connection name can change as a result of selecting a different printer device. If a device is specified, then changes are stored into the settings object currently selected into that printer. If a settings object is supplied, then changes are recorded into it, and, it is selected into a printer, then changes are propagated to that printer too. :properties specifies a plist of job properties; see `default-msprinter-frame-plist' for the complete list. The plist is used to initialize the dialog. Return value is nil if the user has canceled the dialog. Otherwise, it is a new plist, containing the new list of properties. NOTE: The margin properties (returned by this function) are *NOT* stored into the print-settings or device object. The DEVICE is destroyed and an error is signaled in case of initialization problem with the new printer. See also the `print' dialog box type. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For type `mswindows-message': The keywords allowed are :title The title of the dialog box. :message The string to display. :flags A symbol or list of symbols: -- To specify the buttons in the message box: abortretryignore The message box contains three push buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore. ok The message box contains one push button: OK. This is the default. okcancel The message box contains two push buttons: OK and Cancel. retrycancel The message box contains two push buttons: Retry and Cancel. yesno The message box contains two push buttons: Yes and No. yesnocancel The message box contains three push buttons: Yes, No, and Cancel. -- To display an icon in the message box: iconexclamation, iconwarning An exclamation-point icon appears in the message box. iconinformation, iconasterisk An icon consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle appears in the message box. iconquestion A question-mark icon appears in the message box. iconstop, iconerror, iconhand A stop-sign icon appears in the message box. -- To indicate the default button: defbutton1 The first button is the default button. This is the default. defbutton2 The second button is the default button. defbutton3 The third button is the default button. defbutton4 The fourth button is the default button. -- To indicate the modality of the dialog box: applmodal The user must respond to the message box before continuing work in the window identified by the hWnd parameter. However, the user can move to the windows of other applications and work in those windows. Depending on the hierarchy of windows in the application, the user may be able to move to other windows within the application. All child windows of the parent of the message box are automatically disabled, but popup windows are not. This is the default. systemmodal Same as applmodal except that the message box has the WS_EX_TOPMOST style. Use system-modal message boxes to notify the user of serious, potentially damaging errors that require immediate attention (for example, running out of memory). This flag has no effect on the user's ability to interact with windows other than those associated with hWnd. taskmodal Same as applmodal except that all the top-level windows belonging to the current task are disabled if the hWnd parameter is NULL. Use this flag when the calling application or library does not have a window handle available but still needs to prevent input to other windows in the current application without suspending other applications. In addition, you can specify the following flags: default-desktop-only The desktop currently receiving input must be a default desktop; otherwise, the function fails. A default desktop is one an application runs on after the user has logged on. help Adds a Help button to the message box. Choosing the Help button or pressing F1 generates a Help event. right The text is right-justified. rtlreading Displays message and caption text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew and Arabic systems. setforeground The message box becomes the foreground window. Internally, Windows calls the SetForegroundWindow function for the message box. topmost The message box is created with the WS_EX_TOPMOST window style. service-notification Windows NT only: The caller is a service notifying the user of an event. The function displays a message box on the current active desktop, even if there is no user logged on to the computer. If this flag is set, the hWnd parameter must be NULL. This is so the message box can appear on a desktop other than the desktop corresponding to the hWnd. The return value is one of the following menu-item values returned by the dialog box: abort Abort button was selected. cancel Cancel button was selected. ignore Ignore button was selected. no No button was selected. ok OK button was selected. retry Retry button was selected. yes Yes button was selected. If a message box has a Cancel button, the function returns the `cancel' value if either the ESC key is pressed or the Cancel button is selected. If the message box has no Cancel button, pressing ESC has no effect." (flet ((dialog-box-modal-loop (thunk) (let* ((frames (frame-list)) (result ;; ok, this is extremely tricky. normally a modal ;; dialog will pop itself down using (dialog-box-finish) ;; or (dialog-box-cancel), which throws back to this ;; catch. but question dialog boxes pop down themselves ;; regardless, so a badly written question dialog box ;; that does not use (dialog-box-finish) could seriously ;; wedge us. furthermore, we disable all other frames ;; in order to implement modality; we need to restore ;; them before the dialog box is destroyed, because ;; otherwise windows at least will notice that no top- ;; level window can have the focus and will shift the ;; focus to a different app, raising it and obscuring us. ;; so we create `delete-dialog-box-hook', which is ;; called right *before* the dialog box gets destroyed. ;; here, we put a hook on it, and when it's our dialog ;; box and not someone else's that's being destroyed, ;; we reenable all the frames and remove the hook. ;; BUT ... we still have to deal with exiting the ;; modal loop in case it doesn't happen before us. ;; we can't do this until after the callbacks for this ;; dialog box get executed, and that doesn't happen until ;; after the dialog box is destroyed. so to keep things ;; synchronous, we enqueue an eval event, which goes into ;; the same queue as the misc-user events encapsulating ;; the dialog callbacks and will go after it (because ;; destroying the dialog box happens after processing ;; its selection). if the dialog boxes are written ;; properly, we don't see this eval event, because we've ;; already exited our modal loop. (Thus, we make sure the ;; function given in this eval event is actually defined ;; and does nothing.) If we do see it, though, we know ;; that we encountered a badly written dialog box and ;; need to exit now. Currently we just return nil, but ;; maybe we should signal an error or issue a warning. (catch 'internal-dialog-box-finish (let ((id (eval thunk)) (sym (gensym))) (fset sym `(lambda (did) (when (eq ',id did) (mapc 'enable-frame ',frames) (enqueue-eval-event 'internal-make-dialog-box-exit did) (remove-hook 'delete-dialog-box-hook ',sym)))) (if (framep id) (add-hook 'delete-frame-hook sym) (add-hook 'delete-dialog-box-hook sym)) (mapc 'disable-frame frames) (block nil (while t (let ((event (next-event))) (if (and (eval-event-p event) (eq (event-function event) 'internal-make-dialog-box-exit) (eq (event-object event) id)) (return '(nil)) (dispatch-event event))))))))) (if (listp result) (car result) (signal 'quit nil))))) (case type (general (cl-parsing-keywords ((:title "XEmacs") (:parent (selected-frame)) :modal :properties :autosize :spec) () (flet ((create-dialog-box-frame () (let* ((ftop (frame-property cl-parent 'top)) (fleft (frame-property cl-parent 'left)) (fwidth (frame-pixel-width cl-parent)) (fheight (frame-pixel-height cl-parent)) (fonth (font-height (face-font 'default))) (fontw (font-width (face-font 'default))) (cl-properties (append cl-properties dialog-frame-plist)) (dfheight (plist-get cl-properties 'height)) (dfwidth (plist-get cl-properties 'width)) (unmapped (plist-get cl-properties 'initially-unmapped)) (gutter-spec cl-spec) (name (or (plist-get cl-properties 'name) "XEmacs")) (frame nil)) (plist-remprop cl-properties 'initially-unmapped) ;; allow the user to just provide a glyph (or (glyphp cl-spec) (setq cl-spec (make-glyph cl-spec))) (setq gutter-spec (copy-sequence "\n")) (set-extent-begin-glyph (make-extent 0 1 gutter-spec) cl-spec) ;; under FVWM at least, if I don't specify the ;; initial position, it ends up always at (0, 0). ;; xwininfo doesn't tell me that there are any ;; program-specified position hints, so it must be ;; an FVWM bug. So just be smashing and position in ;; the center of the selected frame. (setq frame (make-frame (append cl-properties `(popup ,cl-parent initially-unmapped t menubar-visible-p nil has-modeline-p nil default-toolbar-visible-p nil top-gutter-visible-p t top-gutter-height , (* dfheight fonth) top-gutter ,gutter-spec minibuffer none name ,name modeline-shadow-thickness 0 vertical-scrollbar-visible-p nil horizontal-scrollbar-visible-p nil unsplittable t internal-border-width 8 left ,(+ fleft (- (/ fwidth 2) (/ (* dfwidth fontw) 2))) top ,(+ ftop (- (/ fheight 2) (/ (* dfheight fonth) 2))))))) (set-face-foreground 'modeline [default foreground] frame) (set-face-background 'modeline [default background] frame) ;; resize before mapping (when cl-autosize (set-frame-pixel-size frame (image-instance-width (glyph-image-instance cl-spec (frame-selected-window frame))) (image-instance-height (glyph-image-instance cl-spec (frame-selected-window frame))))) ;; somehow, even though the resizing is supposed ;; to be while the frame is not visible, a ;; visible resize is perceptible (unless unmapped (make-frame-visible frame)) (let ((newbuf (generate-new-buffer " *dialog box*"))) (set-buffer-dedicated-frame newbuf frame) (set-frame-property frame 'dialog-box-buffer newbuf) (set-window-buffer (frame-root-window frame) newbuf) (with-current-buffer newbuf (set (make-local-variable 'frame-title-format) cl-title) (add-local-hook 'delete-frame-hook #'(lambda (frame) (kill-buffer (frame-property frame 'dialog-box-buffer)))))) frame))) (if cl-modal (dialog-box-modal-loop '(create-dialog-box-frame)) (create-dialog-box-frame))))) (question (cl-parsing-keywords ((:modal nil)) t (remf cl-keys :modal) (if cl-modal (dialog-box-modal-loop `(make-dialog-box-internal ',type ',cl-keys)) (make-dialog-box-internal type cl-keys)))) (t (make-dialog-box-internal type cl-keys))))) (defun dialog-box-finish (result) "Exit a modal dialog box, returning RESULT. This is meant to be executed from a dialog box callback function." (throw 'internal-dialog-box-finish (list result))) (defun dialog-box-cancel () "Cancel a modal dialog box. This is meant to be executed from a dialog box callback function." (throw 'internal-dialog-box-finish 'cancel)) ;; an eval event, used as a trigger inside of the dialog modal loop. (defun internal-make-dialog-box-exit (did) nil) (make-obsolete 'popup-dialog-box 'make-dialog-box) (defun popup-dialog-box (desc) "Obsolete equivalent of (make-dialog-box 'question ...). \(popup-dialog-box (QUESTION BUTTONS ...) is equivalent to \(make-dialog-box 'question :question QUESTION :buttons BUTTONS)" (check-argument-type 'stringp (car desc)) (or (consp (cdr desc)) (error 'syntax-error "Dialog descriptor must supply at least one button" desc)) (make-dialog-box 'question :question (car desc) :buttons (cdr desc))) ;;; dialog.el ends here