;;; msw-glyphs.el --- Support for glyphs in ms windows ;; Copyright (C) 1994, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Copyright (C) 2002 Ben Wing. ;; Author: Kirill M. Katsnelson ;; Maintainer: XEmacs Development Team ;; Keywords: extensions, internal, dumped ;; This file is part of XEmacs. ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF. ;;; Commentary: ;; Initialization code for MS Windows glyphs. ;; This file is dumped with XEmacs (when MS Windows support is ;; compiled in). Make sure this is the first of msw-*.el files ;; dumped. ;;; Code: (defun msgdi-device-p (&optional device) "Return non-nil if DEVICE is a GDI device, that is 'mswindows or 'msprinter. MS GDI devices are mutuially WYSIWIG-compatible, so that many common glyph, color and font properties apply to them equally. This function is also a predicate for 'msgdi device tag, matching this device class." (memq (device-type device) '(mswindows msprinter))) (progn (define-specifier-tag 'msgdi (function msgdi-device-p)) (set-console-type-image-conversion-list 'mswindows `(("\\.bmp\\'" [bmp :file nil] 2) ("\\`BM" [bmp :data nil] 2) ,@(if (featurep 'xpm) '(("\\.xpm\\'" [xpm :file nil] 2))) ("\\.xbm\\'" [xbm :file nil] 2) ,@(if (featurep 'xpm) '(("\\`/\\* XPM \\*/" [xpm :data nil] 2))) ,@(if (featurep 'gif) '(("\\.gif\\'" [gif :file nil] 2) ("\\`GIF8[79]" [gif :data nil] 2))) ,@(if (featurep 'jpeg) '(("\\.jpe?g\\'" [jpeg :file nil] 2))) ;; all of the JFIF-format JPEG's that I've seen begin with ;; the following. I have no idea if this is standard. ,@(if (featurep 'jpeg) '(("\\`\377\330\377\340\000\020JFIF" [jpeg :data nil] 2))) ,@(if (featurep 'png) '(("\\.png\\'" [png :file nil] 2))) ,@(if (featurep 'png) '(("\\`\211PNG" [png :data nil] 2))) ,@(if (featurep 'tiff) '(("\\.tif?f\\'" [tiff :file nil] 2))) ("\\`X-Face:" [string :data "[xface]"]) ("\\`/\\* XPM \\*/" [string :data "[xpm]"]) ("" [string :data nil] 2) ;; this last one is here for pointers and icons and such -- ;; strings are not allowed so they will be ignored. ("" [nothing]))) (set-console-type-image-conversion-list 'msprinter (console-type-image-conversion-list 'mswindows)) (set-face-font 'border-glyph "WingDings:Regular:11::Symbol" 'global 'msgdi) (set-glyph-image continuation-glyph "\xC3" 'global 'msgdi) (set-glyph-image truncation-glyph "\xF0" 'global 'msgdi) (set-glyph-image hscroll-glyph "\xEF" 'global 'msgdi) (set-glyph-contrib-p continuation-glyph nil) (set-glyph-contrib-p truncation-glyph nil) (set-glyph-contrib-p hscroll-glyph nil) (set-glyph-image octal-escape-glyph "\\") (set-glyph-image control-arrow-glyph "^") (set-glyph-image invisible-text-glyph " ...") (cond ((featurep 'xpm) (set-glyph-image frame-icon-glyph (concat "../etc/" "xemacs-icon3.xpm") 'global 'mswindows) (set-glyph-image xemacs-logo (concat "../etc/" (if emacs-beta-version "xemacs-beta.xpm" "xemacs.xpm")) 'global 'msgdi)) (t (set-glyph-image xemacs-logo "XEmacs " 'global 'msgdi))) ) ;;; msw-glyphs.el ends here