;;; chinese.el --- Support for Chinese ;; Copyright (C) 1995 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN. ;; Licensed to the Free Software Foundation. ;; Copyright (C) 1997 MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Keywords: multilingual, Chinese ;; This file is part of XEmacs. ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA ;; 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; For Chinese, three character sets GB2312, BIG5, and CNS11643 are ;; supported. ;;; Code: ;; Syntax of Chinese characters. (modify-syntax-entry 'chinese-gb2312 "w") (loop for row in '(33 34 41) do (modify-syntax-entry `[chinese-gb2312 ,row] ".")) ;;(loop for row from 35 to 40 ;; do (modify-syntax-entry `[chinese-gb2312 ,row] "w")) ;;(loop for row from 42 to 126 ;; do (modify-syntax-entry `[chinese-gb2312 ,row] "w")) (modify-syntax-entry 'chinese-cns11643-1 "w") (modify-syntax-entry 'chinese-cns11643-2 "w") (modify-syntax-entry 'chinese-big5-1 "w") (modify-syntax-entry 'chinese-big5-2 "w") ;; CNS11643 Plane3 thru Plane7 ;; These represent more and more obscure Chinese characters. ;; By the time you get to Plane 7, we're talking about characters ;; that appear once in some ancient manuscript and whose meaning ;; is unknown. (flet ((make-chinese-cns11643-charset (name plane final) (make-charset name (concat "CNS 11643 Plane " plane " (Chinese traditional)") `(registry ,(concat "CNS11643[.-]\\(.*[.-]\\)?" plane "$") dimension 2 chars 94 final ,final graphic 0)) (modify-syntax-entry name "w") (modify-category-entry name ?t) )) (make-chinese-cns11643-charset 'chinese-cns11643-3 "3" ?I) (make-chinese-cns11643-charset 'chinese-cns11643-4 "4" ?J) (make-chinese-cns11643-charset 'chinese-cns11643-5 "5" ?K) (make-chinese-cns11643-charset 'chinese-cns11643-6 "6" ?L) (make-chinese-cns11643-charset 'chinese-cns11643-7 "7" ?M) ) ;; ISO-IR-165 (CCITT Extended GB) ;; It is based on CCITT Recommendation T.101, includes GB 2312-80 + ;; GB 8565-88 table A4 + 293 characters. (make-charset 'chinese-isoir165 "ISO-IR-165 (CCITT Extended GB; Chinese simplified)" `(registry "isoir165" dimension 2 chars 94 final ?E graphic 0)) ;; PinYin-ZhuYin (make-charset 'sisheng "PinYin-ZhuYin" '(registry "sisheng_cwnn\\|OMRON_UDC_ZH" dimension 1 chars 94 final ?0 graphic 0 )) ;; If you prefer QUAIL to EGG, please modify below as you wish. ;;(when (and (featurep 'egg) (featurep 'wnn)) ;; (setq wnn-server-type 'cserver) ;; (load "pinyin") ;; (setq its:*standard-modes* ;; (cons (its:get-mode-map "PinYin") its:*standard-modes*))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Chinese (general) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; (make-coding-system ;; 'chinese-iso-7bit 2 ?C ;; "ISO 2022 based 7bit encoding for Chinese GB and CNS (MIME:ISO-2022-CN)" ;; '(ascii ;; (nil chinese-gb2312 chinese-cns11643-1) ;; (nil chinese-cns11643-2) ;; (nil chinese-cns11643-3 chinese-cns11643-4 chinese-cns11643-5 ;; chinese-cns11643-6 chinese-cns11643-7) ;; nil ascii-eol ascii-cntl seven locking-shift single-shift nil nil nil ;; init-bol)) ;; (define-coding-system-alias 'iso-2022-cn 'chinese-iso-7bit) ;; (define-coding-system-alias 'iso-2022-cn-ext 'chinese-iso-7bit) ;; (define-prefix-command 'describe-chinese-environment-map) ;; (define-key-after describe-language-environment-map [Chinese] ;; '("Chinese" . describe-chinese-environment-map) ;; t) ;; (define-prefix-command 'setup-chinese-environment-map) ;; (define-key-after setup-language-environment-map [Chinese] ;; '("Chinese" . setup-chinese-environment-map) ;; t) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Chinese GB2312 (simplified) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; (make-coding-system ;; 'chinese-iso-8bit 2 ?c ;; "ISO 2022 based EUC encoding for Chinese GB2312 (MIME:CN-GB-2312)" ;; '((ascii t) chinese-gb2312 chinese-sisheng nil ;; nil ascii-eol ascii-cntl nil nil single-shift nil)) (make-coding-system 'cn-gb-2312 'iso2022 "Coding-system of Chinese EUC (Extended Unix Code)." '(charset-g0 ascii charset-g1 chinese-gb2312 charset-g2 sisheng charset-g3 t mnemonic "Zh-GB/EUC" )) ;; (define-coding-system-alias 'cn-gb-2312 'chinese-iso-8bit) ;; (define-coding-system-alias 'euc-china 'chinese-iso-8bit) (copy-coding-system 'cn-gb-2312 'gb2312) (copy-coding-system 'cn-gb-2312 'chinese-euc) ;; (make-coding-system ;; 'chinese-hz 0 ?z ;; "Hz/ZW 7-bit encoding for Chinese GB2312 (MIME:HZ-GB-2312)" ;; nil) ;; (put 'chinese-hz 'post-read-conversion 'post-read-decode-hz) ;; (put 'chinese-hz 'pre-write-conversion 'pre-write-encode-hz) (make-coding-system 'hz-gb-2312 'no-conversion "Coding-system of Hz/ZW used for Chinese." '(mnemonic "Zh-GB/Hz" eol-type lf post-read-conversion post-read-decode-hz pre-write-conversion pre-write-encode-hz)) ;; (define-coding-system-alias 'hz-gb-2312 'chinese-hz) ;; (define-coding-system-alias 'hz 'chinese-hz) (copy-coding-system 'hz-gb-2312 'hz) (copy-coding-system 'hz-gb-2312 'chinese-hz) (defun post-read-decode-hz (len) (let ((pos (point))) (decode-hz-region pos (+ pos len)))) (defun pre-write-encode-hz (from to) (let ((buf (current-buffer)) (work (get-buffer-create " *pre-write-encoding-work*"))) (set-buffer work) (erase-buffer) (if (stringp from) (insert from) (insert-buffer-substring buf from to)) (encode-hz-region 1 (point-max)) nil)) (set-language-info-alist "Chinese-GB" '((setup-function . (setup-chinese-gb-environment . setup-chinese-environment-map)) (charset . (chinese-gb2312 sisheng)) (coding-system . (cn-gb-2312 iso-2022-7bit hz-gb-2312)) (sample-text . "Chinese ($AVPND(B,$AFUM(;0(B,$A::So(B) $ADc:C(B") (documentation . ("Support for Chinese GB2312 character set." . describe-chinese-environment-map)) )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Chinese BIG5 (traditional) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; (make-coding-system ;; 'chinese-big5 3 ?B "BIG5 8-bit encoding for Chinese (MIME:CN-BIG5)") (make-coding-system 'big5 'big5 "Coding-system of BIG5." '(mnemonic "Zh/Big5")) ;; (define-coding-system-alias 'big5 'chinese-big5) ;; (define-coding-system-alias 'cn-big5 'chinese-big5) (copy-coding-system 'big5 'cn-big5) (copy-coding-system 'big5 'chinese-big5) ;; Big5 font requires special encoding. (define-ccl-program ccl-encode-big5-font `(0 ;; In: R0:chinese-big5-1 or chinese-big5-2 ;; R1:position code 1 ;; R2:position code 2 ;; Out: R1:font code point 1 ;; R2:font code point 2 ((r2 = ((((r1 - ?\x21) * 94) + r2) - ?\x21)) (if (r0 == ,(charset-id 'chinese-big5-2)) (r2 += 6280)) (r1 = ((r2 / 157) + ?\xA1)) (r2 %= 157) (if (r2 < ?\x3F) (r2 += ?\x40) (r2 += ?\x62)))) "CCL program to encode a Big5 code to code point of Big5 font.") ;; (setq font-ccl-encoder-alist ;; (cons (cons "big5" ccl-encode-big5-font) font-ccl-encoder-alist)) (set-charset-ccl-program 'chinese-big5-1 ccl-encode-big5-font) (set-charset-ccl-program 'chinese-big5-2 ccl-encode-big5-font) (set-language-info-alist "Chinese-BIG5" '((setup-function . (setup-chinese-big5-environment . setup-chinese-environment-map)) (charset . (chinese-big5-1 chinese-big5-2)) (coding-system . (big5 iso-2022-7bit)) (sample-text . "Cantonese ($(0GnM$(B,$(0N]0*Hd(B) $(0*/=((B, $(0+$)p(B") (documentation . ("Support for Chinese Big5 character set." . describe-chinese-environment-map)) )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Chinese CNS11643 (traditional) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; (set-language-info-alist ;; "Chinese-CNS" '((setup-function . (setup-chinese-cns-environment ;; . setup-chinese-environment-map)) ;; (charset . (chinese-cns11643-1 chinese-cns11643-2 ;; chinese-cns11643-3 chinese-cns11643-4 ;; chinese-cns11643-5 chinese-cns11643-6 ;; chinese-cns11643-7)) ;; (coding-system . (chinese-iso-7bit)) ;; (documentation . ("Support for Chinese CNS character sets." ;; . describe-chinese-environment-map)) ;; )) ;;; chinese.el ends here