# Makefile for Microsoft NMAKE # Copyright (C) 1995 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. # Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 2000 Ben Wing. # Copyright (C) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of XEmacs. # # XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any # later version. # # XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Synched up with: Not in FSF. # TARGETOS=BOTH APPVER=4.0 !include "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Include\win32.mak" default: all # APA: Since there seems to be no way to determine the directory where # xemacs.mak is located (from within nmake) we just insist on the user # to invoke nmake in the directory where xemacs.mak is. !if !exist("$(MAKEDIR)\setup.mak") !error Please run nmake from the directory of this makefile (xemacs\netinstall). !endif XEMACS=$(MAKEDIR)\.. # Define a variable for the 'del' command to use DEL=-del # Configuration from nt subdirectory if needed !include "$(XEMACS)\nt\config.inc" OUTDIR = obj # # Compiler command echo control. Define VERBOSECC=1 to get verbose compilation. # !if !defined(VERBOSECC) VERBOSECC=0 !endif !if $(VERBOSECC) cc=$(cc) !else cc=@$(cc) !endif !if $(DEBUG_XEMACS) cdebug=-Od -Gr -Zi -Zp8 !else cdebug=-Oxsb2 -Oy- -G5rFs -Zi -Zp8 !endif defines = -DWIN32_NATIVE -I$(ZLIBDIR) $(ZLIB_FLAGS) # # Object files # OBJS = \ $(OUTDIR)\choose.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\concat.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\desktop.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\dialog.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\diskfull.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\download.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\find.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\fromcwd.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\geturl.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\hash.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\ini.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\inilex.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\iniparse.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\install.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\localdir.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\log.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\main.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\mkdir.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\mklink2.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\regedit.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\msg.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\net.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\netio.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\nio-ie5.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\nio-file.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\nio-ftp.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\nio-http.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\other.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\postinstall.obj \ # $(OUTDIR)\res.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\root.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\simpsock.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\site.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\source.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\splash.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\state.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\tar.obj \ $(OUTDIR)\version.obj # # Libraries # LIBS = libcmt.lib $(olelibsmt) \ kernel32.lib shell32.lib \ wsock32.lib netapi32.lib \ wininet.lib $(zlib) # Rules .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .c .cc .obj .texi .info # nmake rule .cc{$(OUTDIR)}.obj: $(cc) /TP $(cflags) $(cdebug) $(cvarsmt) $(defines) -Fo$@ $< .c{$(OUTDIR)}.obj: $(cc) $(cflags) $(cdebug) $(cvarsmt) $(defines) -Fo$@ $< # # Main target # all: setup.exe # # Link target. setargv.obj is provided in the compiler library directory. # setup.exe: $(OUTDIR) $(OBJS) res.res $(link) /OUT:$@ $(ldebug) $(guilflags) $(OBJS) res.res $(LIBS) iniparse.c iniparse.h : iniparse.y bison -d -o iniparse.c $(srcdir)/iniparse.y $(OUTDIR)\inilex.obj: iniparse.h inilex.c : inilex.l iniparse.h flex -t $(srcdir)/inilex.l | sed "/^extern int isatty YY/d" > inilex.c version.c : $(srcdir)/ChangeLog version.pl perl version.pl < ChangeLog > version.c res.res: res.rc $(rc) $(rcvars) $(rcflags) /fo$@ $** $(OUTDIR): -@mkdir $(OUTDIR) install:: all clean:: $(DEL) $(OUTDIR)\*.obj *.pdb *.aps res.res lex.yy.c distclean:: clean $(DEL) *~ setup.exe # DO NOT DELETE $(OUTDIR)/autoload.obj: autoload.c win32.h $(OUTDIR)/inilex.obj: inilex.c win32.h ini.h iniparse.h \ $(OUTDIR)/iniparse.obj: iniparse.c ini.h iniparse.h port.h $(OUTDIR)/inilex.obj: inilex.c win32.h ini.h iniparse.h $(OUTDIR)/mklink2.obj: mklink2.c win32.h $(OUTDIR)/choose.obj: choose.cc win32.h dialog.h resource.h \ state.h ini.h concat.h msg.h log.h find.h reginfo.h $(OUTDIR)/concat.obj: concat.cc win32.h $(OUTDIR)/desktop.obj: desktop.cc win32.h \ resource.h ini.h msg.h state.h \ concat.h mkdir.h dialog.h version.h reginfo.h regedit.h port.h $(OUTDIR)/dialog.obj: dialog.cc win32.h dialog.h msg.h log.h \ win32.h $(OUTDIR)/diskfull.obj: diskfull.cc diskfull.h $(OUTDIR)/download.obj: download.cc win32.h resource.h msg.h \ ini.h dialog.h concat.h geturl.h state.h mkdir.h log.h $(OUTDIR)/find.obj: find.cc win32.h port.h $(OUTDIR)/fromcwd.obj: fromcwd.cc win32.h \ ini.h resource.h concat.h \ state.h dialog.h msg.h find.h version.h port.h $(OUTDIR)/geturl.obj: geturl.cc win32.h dialog.h geturl.h \ resource.h netio.h msg.h log.h $(OUTDIR)/hash.obj: hash.cc win32.h hash.h $(OUTDIR)/ini.obj: ini.cc win32.h ini.h resource.h concat.h \ state.h geturl.h dialog.h msg.h mkdir.h log.h reginfo.h version.h $(OUTDIR)/install.obj: install.cc win32.h \ $(ZLIBDIR)/zlib.h $(ZLIBDIR)/zconf.h \ resource.h ini.h dialog.h concat.h geturl.h mkdir.h state.h tar.h \ diskfull.h msg.h regedit.h reginfo.h log.h hash.h port.h $(OUTDIR)/localdir.obj: localdir.cc win32.h dialog.h resource.h \ state.h msg.h concat.h log.h $(OUTDIR)/log.obj: log.cc win32.h resource.h msg.h log.h dialog.h \ state.h concat.h mkdir.h $(OUTDIR)/main.obj: main.cc win32.h resource.h dialog.h state.h \ msg.h netio.h find.h log.h port.h $(OUTDIR)/mkdir.obj: mkdir.cc win32.h mkdir.h $(OUTDIR)/msg.obj: msg.cc win32.h dialog.h log.h $(OUTDIR)/net.obj: net.cc win32.h dialog.h resource.h state.h \ msg.h log.h $(OUTDIR)/netio.obj: netio.cc win32.h resource.h state.h msg.h \ netio.h nio-file.h nio-ie5.h nio-http.h nio-ftp.h dialog.h log.h port.h \ win32.h $(OUTDIR)/nio-file.obj: nio-file.cc netio.h nio-file.h resource.h \ msg.h $(OUTDIR)/nio-ftp.obj: nio-ftp.cc win32.h resource.h state.h \ simpsock.h log.h netio.h nio-ftp.h $(OUTDIR)/nio-http.obj: nio-http.cc win32.h resource.h state.h \ simpsock.h msg.h netio.h nio-http.h $(OUTDIR)/nio-ie5.obj: nio-ie5.cc win32.h resource.h state.h \ dialog.h msg.h netio.h nio-ie5.h $(OUTDIR)/other.obj: other.cc win32.h dialog.h resource.h state.h \ msg.h log.h $(OUTDIR)/postinstall.obj: postinstall.cc win32.h \ state.h dialog.h find.h \ concat.h regedit.h reginfo.h resource.h port.h $(OUTDIR)/regedit.obj: regedit.cc win32.h reginfo.h regedit.h \ msg.h resource.h dialog.h $(OUTDIR)/root.obj: root.cc win32.h dialog.h resource.h state.h \ msg.h regedit.h reginfo.h concat.h log.h $(OUTDIR)/simpsock.obj: simpsock.cc win32.h simpsock.h msg.h \ win32.h $(OUTDIR)/site.obj: site.cc dialog.h resource.h state.h geturl.h \ msg.h concat.h regedit.h reginfo.h log.h port.h $(OUTDIR)/source.obj: source.cc win32.h dialog.h resource.h \ state.h msg.h log.h $(OUTDIR)/splash.obj: splash.cc win32.h dialog.h resource.h msg.h \ version.h $(OUTDIR)/state.obj: state.cc state.h $(OUTDIR)/tar.obj: tar.cc win32.h \ $(ZLIBDIR)/zlib.h $(ZLIBDIR)/zconf.h \ tar.h mkdir.h log.h port.h # # Local Variables: # mode: makefile # End: