;; Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Hrvoje Niksic ;; Maintainer: Hrvoje Niksic ;; Created: 1999 ;; Keywords: tests ;; This file is part of XEmacs. ;; XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA ;; 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF. ;;; Commentary: ;; Test symbols operations. ;; See test-harness.el for instructions on how to run these tests. (eval-when-compile (condition-case nil (require 'test-harness) (file-error (push "." load-path) (when (and (boundp 'load-file-name) (stringp load-file-name)) (push (file-name-directory load-file-name) load-path)) (require 'test-harness)))) (defun ts-fresh-symbol-name (name) "Return a variant of NAME (a string) that is not interned." (when (intern-soft name) (let ((count 1) (orig name)) (while (progn (setq name (format "%s-%d" orig count)) (intern-soft name)) (incf count)))) name) ;;----------------------------------------------------- ;; Creating, reading, and printing symbols ;;----------------------------------------------------- (dolist (name '("foo" "bar" "" "something with space in it" "a string with \0 in the middle." "100" "10.0" "#<>[]]]];'\\';" "!@#$%^^&*(()__")) (let ((interned (intern name)) (uninterned (make-symbol name))) (Assert (symbolp interned)) (Assert (symbolp uninterned)) (Assert (equal (symbol-name interned) name)) (Assert (equal (symbol-name uninterned) name)) (Assert (not (eq interned uninterned))) (Assert (not (equal interned uninterned))))) (flet ((check-weak-list-unique (weak-list &optional reversep) "Check that elements of WEAK-LIST are referenced only there." (let ((len (length (weak-list-list weak-list)))) (Assert (not (zerop len))) (garbage-collect) (Assert (eq (length (weak-list-list weak-list)) (if (not reversep) 0 len)))))) (let ((weak-list (make-weak-list)) (gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)) ;; Symbols created with `make-symbol' and `gensym' should be fresh ;; and not referenced anywhere else. We check that no other ;; references are available using a weak list. (eval ;; This statement must not be run byte-compiled, or the values ;; remain referenced on the bytecode interpreter stack. '(set-weak-list-list weak-list (list (make-symbol "foo") (gensym "foo")))) (check-weak-list-unique weak-list) ;; Equivalent test for `intern' and `gentemp'. (eval '(set-weak-list-list weak-list (list (intern (ts-fresh-symbol-name "foo")) (gentemp (ts-fresh-symbol-name "bar"))))) (check-weak-list-unique weak-list 'not))) (Assert (not (intern-soft (make-symbol "foo")))) (Assert (not (intern-soft (gensym "foo")))) (Assert (intern-soft (intern (ts-fresh-symbol-name "foo")))) (Assert (intern-soft (gentemp (ts-fresh-symbol-name "bar")))) ;; Reading a symbol should intern it automatically, unless the symbol ;; is marked specially. (dolist (string (mapcar #'ts-fresh-symbol-name '("foo" "bar" "\\\0\\\1"))) (setq symbol (read string) string (read (concat "\"" string "\""))) (Assert (intern-soft string)) (Assert (intern-soft symbol)) (Assert (eq (intern-soft string) (intern-soft symbol)))) (let ((fresh (read (concat "#:" (ts-fresh-symbol-name "foo"))))) (Assert (not (intern-soft fresh)))) ;; Check #N=OBJECT and #N# read syntax. (let* ((list (read "(#1=#:foo #1# #2=#:bar #2# #1# #2#)")) (foo (nth 0 list)) (foo2 (nth 1 list)) (bar (nth 2 list)) (bar2 (nth 3 list)) (foo3 (nth 4 list)) (bar3 (nth 5 list))) (Assert (symbolp foo)) (Assert (not (intern-soft foo))) (Assert (equal (symbol-name foo) "foo")) (Assert (symbolp bar)) (Assert (not (intern-soft bar))) (Assert (equal (symbol-name bar) "bar")) (Assert (eq foo foo2)) (Assert (eq foo2 foo3)) (Assert (eq bar bar2)) (Assert (eq bar2 bar3))) ;; Check #N=OBJECT and #N# print syntax. (let* ((foo (make-symbol "foo")) (bar (make-symbol "bar")) (list (list foo foo bar bar foo bar))) (let* ((print-gensym nil) (printed-list (prin1-to-string list))) (Assert (equal printed-list "(foo foo bar bar foo bar)"))) (let* ((print-gensym t) (printed-list (prin1-to-string list))) (Assert (equal printed-list "(#1=#:foo #1# #2=#:bar #2# #1# #2#)")))) ;;----------------------------------------------------- ;; Read-only symbols ;;----------------------------------------------------- (Check-Error setting-constant (set nil nil)) (Check-Error setting-constant (set t nil)) ;;----------------------------------------------------- ;; Variable indirections ;;----------------------------------------------------- (let ((foo 0) (bar 1)) (defvaralias 'foo 'bar) (Assert (eq foo bar)) (Assert (eq foo 1)) (Assert (eq (variable-alias 'foo) 'bar)) (defvaralias 'bar 'foo) (Check-Error cyclic-variable-indirection (symbol-value 'foo)) (Check-Error cyclic-variable-indirection (symbol-value 'bar)) (defvaralias 'foo nil) (Assert (eq foo 0)) (defvaralias 'bar nil) (Assert (eq bar 1))) ;;----------------------------------------------------- ;; Keywords ;;----------------------------------------------------- ;;; Reading keywords ;; In Elisp, a keyword is by definition a symbol beginning with `:' ;; that is interned in the global obarray. ;; In Elisp, a keyword is interned as any other symbol. (Assert (eq (read ":foo") (intern ":foo"))) ;; A keyword is self-quoting and evaluates to itself. (Assert (eq (eval (intern ":foo")) :foo)) ;; Keywords are recognized as such only if interned in the global ;; obarray, and `keywordp' is aware of that. (Assert (keywordp :foo)) (Assert (not (keywordp (intern ":foo" [0])))) ;; Keywords used to be initialized at read-time, which resulted in ;; (symbol-value (intern ":some-new-keyword")) signaling an error. ;; Now we handle keywords at the time when the symbol is interned, so ;; that (intern ":something) and (read ":something) will be ;; equivalent. These tests check various operations on symbols that ;; are guaranteed to be freshly interned. ;; Interning a fresh keyword string should produce a regular ;; keyword. (let* ((fresh-keyword-name (ts-fresh-symbol-name ":foo")) (fresh-keyword (intern fresh-keyword-name))) (Assert (eq (symbol-value fresh-keyword) fresh-keyword)) (Assert (keywordp fresh-keyword))) ;; Likewise, reading a fresh keyword string should produce a regular ;; keyword. (let* ((fresh-keyword-name (ts-fresh-symbol-name ":foo")) (fresh-keyword (read fresh-keyword-name))) (Assert (eq (symbol-value fresh-keyword) fresh-keyword)) (Assert (keywordp fresh-keyword))) ;;; Assigning to keywords ;; You shouldn't be able to set its value to something bogus. (Check-Error setting-constant (set :foo 5)) ;; But, for backward compatibility, setting to the same value is OK. (Assert (eq (set :foo :foo) :foo)) ;; Playing games with `intern' shouldn't fool us. (Check-Error setting-constant (set (intern ":foo" obarray) 5)) (Assert (eq (set (intern ":foo" obarray) :foo) :foo)) ;; But symbols not interned in the global obarray are not real ;; keywords (in elisp): (Assert (eq (set (intern ":foo" [0]) 5) 5)) ;;; Printing keywords (let ((print-gensym t)) (Assert (equal (prin1-to-string :foo) ":foo")) (Assert (equal (prin1-to-string (intern ":foo")) ":foo")) (Assert (equal (prin1-to-string (intern ":foo" [0])) "#::foo"))) (let ((print-gensym nil)) (Assert (equal (prin1-to-string :foo) ":foo")) (Assert (equal (prin1-to-string (intern ":foo")) ":foo")) (Assert (equal (prin1-to-string (intern ":foo" [0])) ":foo"))) ;; #### Add many more tests for printing and reading symbols, as well ;; as print-gensym and print-gensym-alist! ;;----------------------------------------------------- ;; Magic symbols ;;----------------------------------------------------- ;; Magic symbols are almost totally unimplemented. However, a ;; rudimentary subset of the functionality is being used to implement ;; backward compatibility or clearer error messages for new features ;; such as specifiers and glyphs. These tests try to test that ;; working subset. (let ((mysym (make-symbol "test-symbol"))) (dontusethis-set-symbol-value-handler mysym 'set-value (lambda (&rest args) (throw 'test-tag args))) (Assert (equal (catch 'test-tag (set mysym 'foo)) `(,mysym (foo) set nil nil)))) ;; #### These two make XEmacs crash! ;(let ((mysym (make-symbol "test-symbol"))) ; (dontusethis-set-symbol-value-handler ; mysym ; 'make-unbound ; (lambda (&rest args) ; (throw 'test-tag args))) ; (Assert (equal (catch 'test-tag ; (set mysym 'foo)) ; `(,mysym (foo) set nil nil)))) ;(let ((mysym (make-symbol "test-symbol"))) ; (dontusethis-set-symbol-value-handler ; mysym ; 'make-local ; (lambda (&rest args) ; (throw 'test-tag args))) ; (Assert (equal (catch 'test-tag ; (set mysym 'foo)) ; `(,mysym (foo) set nil nil))))