;;; emu.el --- Emulation module for each Emacs variants ;; Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: MORIOKA Tomohiko ;; Keywords: emulation, compatibility, Nemacs, MULE, Emacs/mule, XEmacs ;; This file is part of emu. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Code: (require 'poe) (defvar running-emacs-18 (<= emacs-major-version 18)) (defvar running-xemacs (featurep 'xemacs)) (defvar running-mule-merged-emacs (and (not (boundp 'MULE)) (not running-xemacs) (featurep 'mule))) (defvar running-xemacs-with-mule (and running-xemacs (featurep 'mule))) (defvar running-emacs-19 (and (not running-xemacs) (= emacs-major-version 19))) (defvar running-emacs-19_29-or-later (or (and running-emacs-19 (>= emacs-minor-version 29)) (and (not running-xemacs)(>= emacs-major-version 20)))) (defvar running-xemacs-19 (and running-xemacs (= emacs-major-version 19))) (defvar running-xemacs-20-or-later (and running-xemacs (>= emacs-major-version 20))) (defvar running-xemacs-19_14-or-later (or (and running-xemacs-19 (>= emacs-minor-version 14)) running-xemacs-20-or-later)) (cond (running-xemacs ;; for XEmacs (defvar mouse-button-1 'button1) (defvar mouse-button-2 'button2) (defvar mouse-button-3 'button3) ) ((>= emacs-major-version 19) ;; mouse (defvar mouse-button-1 [mouse-1]) (defvar mouse-button-2 [mouse-2]) (defvar mouse-button-3 [down-mouse-3]) ) (t ;; mouse (defvar mouse-button-1 nil) (defvar mouse-button-2 nil) (defvar mouse-button-3 nil) )) ;; for tm-7.106 (unless (fboundp 'tl:make-overlay) (defalias 'tl:make-overlay 'make-overlay) (make-obsolete 'tl:make-overlay 'make-overlay) ) (unless (fboundp 'tl:overlay-put) (defalias 'tl:overlay-put 'overlay-put) (make-obsolete 'tl:overlay-put 'overlay-put) ) (unless (fboundp 'tl:overlay-buffer) (defalias 'tl:overlay-buffer 'overlay-buffer) (make-obsolete 'tl:overlay-buffer 'overlay-buffer) ) (require 'poem) (require 'mcharset) (require 'invisible) (defsubst char-list-to-string (char-list) "Convert list of character CHAR-LIST to string." (apply (function string) char-list)) (cond ((featurep 'mule) (cond ((featurep 'xemacs) ; for XEmacs with MULE ;; old Mule emulating aliases ;;(defalias 'char-leading-char 'char-charset) (defun char-category (character) "Return string of category mnemonics for CHAR in TABLE. CHAR can be any multilingual character TABLE defaults to the current buffer's category table." (mapconcat (lambda (chr) (if (integerp chr) (char-to-string (int-char chr)) (char-to-string chr))) ;; `char-category-list' returns a list of ;; characters in XEmacs 21.2.25 and later, ;; otherwise integers. (char-category-list character) "")) ) ((>= emacs-major-version 20) ; for Emacs 20 (defalias 'insert-binary-file-contents-literally 'insert-file-contents-literally) ;; old Mule emulating aliases (defun char-category (character) "Return string of category mnemonics for CHAR in TABLE. CHAR can be any multilingual character TABLE defaults to the current buffer's category table." (category-set-mnemonics (char-category-set character))) ) (t ; for MULE 1.* and 2.* (require 'emu-mule) )) ) ((boundp 'NEMACS) ;; for Nemacs and Nepoch ;; old MULE emulation (defconst *noconv* 0) (defconst *sjis* 1) (defconst *junet* 2) (defconst *ctext* 2) (defconst *internal* 3) (defconst *euc-japan* 3) (defun code-convert-string (str ic oc) "Convert code in STRING from SOURCE code to TARGET code, On successful conversion, returns the result string, else returns nil." (if (not (eq ic oc)) (convert-string-kanji-code str ic oc) str)) (defun code-convert-region (beg end ic oc) "Convert code of the text between BEGIN and END from SOURCE to TARGET. On successful conversion returns t, else returns nil." (if (/= ic oc) (save-excursion (save-restriction (narrow-to-region beg end) (convert-region-kanji-code beg end ic oc))) )) ) (t ;; for Emacs 19 and XEmacs without MULE ;; old MULE emulation (defconst *internal* nil) (defconst *ctext* nil) (defconst *noconv* nil) (defun code-convert-string (str ic oc) "Convert code in STRING from SOURCE code to TARGET code, On successful conversion, returns the result string, else returns nil. [emu-latin1.el; old MULE emulating function]" str) (defun code-convert-region (beg end ic oc) "Convert code of the text between BEGIN and END from SOURCE to TARGET. On successful conversion returns t, else returns nil. [emu-latin1.el; old MULE emulating function]" t) )) ;;; @ Mule emulating aliases ;;; ;;; You should not use it. (or (boundp '*noconv*) (defconst *noconv* 'binary "Coding-system for binary. This constant is defined to emulate old MULE anything older than MULE 2.3. It is obsolete, so don't use it.")) ;;; @ without code-conversion ;;; (defalias 'insert-binary-file-contents 'insert-file-contents-as-binary) (make-obsolete 'insert-binary-file-contents 'insert-file-contents-as-binary) (defun-maybe insert-binary-file-contents-literally (filename &optional visit beg end replace) "Like `insert-file-contents-literally', q.v., but don't code conversion. A buffer may be modified in several ways after reading into the buffer due to advanced Emacs features, such as file-name-handlers, format decoding, find-file-hooks, etc. This function ensures that none of these modifications will take place." (as-binary-input-file ;; Returns list absolute file name and length of data inserted. (insert-file-contents-literally filename visit beg end replace))) ;;; @ for text/richtext and text/enriched ;;; (cond ((fboundp 'richtext-decode) ;; have richtext.el ) ((or running-emacs-19_29-or-later running-xemacs-19_14-or-later) ;; have enriched.el (autoload 'richtext-decode "richtext") (or (assq 'text/richtext format-alist) (setq format-alist (cons (cons 'text/richtext '("Extended MIME text/richtext format." "Content-[Tt]ype:[ \t]*text/richtext" richtext-decode richtext-encode t enriched-mode)) format-alist))) ) (t ;; don't have enriched.el (autoload 'richtext-decode "tinyrich") (autoload 'enriched-decode "tinyrich") )) (if (or (and (eq emacs-major-version 19) (>= emacs-minor-version (if (featurep 'xemacs) 14 29))) (and (eq emacs-major-version 20) (< emacs-minor-version (if (featurep 'xemacs) 3 1)))) (eval-after-load "enriched" '(if (fboundp 'si:enriched-encode) nil (fset 'si:enriched-encode (symbol-function 'enriched-encode)) (defun enriched-encode (from to &optional orig-buf) (let* ((si:enriched-initial-annotation enriched-initial-annotation) (enriched-initial-annotation (if (stringp si:enriched-initial-annotation) si:enriched-initial-annotation (function (lambda () (save-excursion ;; Eval this in the buffer we are annotating. This ;; fixes a bug which was saving incorrect File-Width ;; information, since we were looking at local ;; variables in the wrong buffer. (if orig-buf (set-buffer orig-buf)) (funcall si:enriched-initial-annotation))))))) (si::enriched-encode from to)))))) ;;; @ end ;;; (require 'product) (product-provide (provide 'emu) (require 'apel-ver)) ;;; emu.el ends here